Economy and Society in Southeast Asia As an Out Look for E-Culture Activity Prof. Shigeo ARAI Mie...

Economy and Society in Southeast Asia As an Out Look for E-Culture Activ ity Prof. Shigeo ARAI Mie Univ. Japan

Transcript of Economy and Society in Southeast Asia As an Out Look for E-Culture Activity Prof. Shigeo ARAI Mie...

Economy and Society in Southeast Asia

As an Out Look for E-Culture Activity                  Prof. Shigeo ARAI           Mie Univ. Japan


1, Contribution to the Socio-Economic Development and Political Stability of Southeast Asian Region

2, China’s Increasing Presence and Stability of Southeast Asian Countries

3, Political Leadership of Indigenous People and the Role of Ethnic Chinese

4, Compare the Case Study of Malaysia and Indonesia

The image of increasing Chinese (left)and recovery of Ethnic Chinese cultural moveme

nt (right)

Chinese election campaign in Malaysia (left) and Chinese Assembly Hall a Symbolic building of Ethnic Chinese union in Malaysia

Coffee planter in Bali, the third generation (left) and the 6th generation of Chinese descendant in

Mount Kintamani Bali