Economics review

Economics • The science that deals with production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services or material welfare of human kind.



Transcript of Economics review

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• The science that deals with production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services or material welfare of human kind.

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How do different economies answer the basic questions…

-What to produce?

-How to produce?

-For whom to produce?

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- an individual who accepts financial risks and undertakes new financial ventures

Bill Gates of Sam Walton of

Microsoft Wal-Mart

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Types of Systems

• Market Economy

• Command Economy

• Traditional Economy

• Mixed Economy

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Market Economy• – business owners and consumers decide

what to sell and buy

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Command Economy

• – government decides what is made and sold

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Traditional Economy

• – “same way we have always done it”

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Mixed Economy

• – a combination of two or three economy types

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Traditional (Same)

– “way we have always done it”

Market (Choice)– business owners and consumers decide what to sell and buy

Mixed(Two or More)

– a combination of two or three economy types


– government decides what is made and sold


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Most Countries have a Mixed Economy• U.S.A

– Mix of Market and Command Economy

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Most Countries have a Mixed Economy• Cuba

– Mix of Command with Traditional moving toward a Market Economy

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Who? What kind?


This government is called the People’s Republic of ….. But the people are just being to receive a voice. Free enterprise is just beginning to become real.

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Who? What kind?

- This country is a constitutional monarchy. It has very little natural resources. The education system is excellent. The country is know for it’s technical advances.


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Who? What kind?

• This country is a • developing

• country. The • government is• encouraging • farmers to use

• new technology instead of doing things the same old way. Entrepreneurs are investing in this country’s economy.

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Continuum: Pure Command to Pure Market

Place China, India and Japan on the continuum line.

• _____________________________________

Pure Pure

Command Market

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There is a lack of entrepreneurship in Asia.

• This greatly affects the developing economies of the region. List reasons why. Lack of: new businesses, new ideas, employment, developing leadership, new products

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• No country can produce everything it needs. • This is due to location, climate, natural

resources, technology.• Countries must “specialize”. • They produce what they can and then sell those

products to other countries and buy what they need.

• This increases the need for voluntary trade among countries. Two or more countries trade with each other, all sell their products and get items they need from the others.

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Trade Barriers

• Any government imposed restriction that interferes with one country trading with another

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• A tax placed on goods imported from another country

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• Limits the amount of a good imported

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• Any restriction by a government that stops the importing of a good from another country; ban

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Why is investment important to a nation’s economy?

• Create new products

• Develops new ideas

• Creates jobs

• Raises the standard of living (higher GDP per capita).

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Why do countries have currency?

• Currency allows people to trade (buy and sell) at an established rate. There is a standard to determine the worth of goods and services. Countries have exchange rates for other countries’ currencies depending on the value of that currency.

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1. Divide your cards into goods and services.

2. Then divide the goods into agriculture and products.

3. Total the numbers of each category. (3)

agriculture____ products_____services__