Economic Importance

Economic Importance of Plants

Transcript of Economic Importance

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Economic Importance of


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How or What makes the

Plants important?

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 Try and imagine a world without plants. It’s almost impossible to conceive. Although we

sometimes take them for granted, plants have made possible and shaped life on Earth while

making this a truly green planet.

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Plants Plants are extremely important in

the lives of people throughout the world.

People depend upon plants to satisfy such basic HUMAN NEEDS as FOOD, CLOTHING, SHELTER, AND HEALTH CARE.

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These needs are growing rapidly because of a growing world population, increasing incomes, and urbanization.

Plants also feed livestock that is then consumed itself.

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FOOD Growing plants for food is just one of

the ways in which we utilize them in the modern world.

Everything we eat comes directly or indirectly from plants. Throughout human history, approximately 7,000 different plant species have been used as food by people. 

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CLOTHING The fiber industry depends heavily on

the products of cotton.

WATER  Plants regulate the water cycle: they

help distribute and purify the planet's water. They also help move water from the soil to the atmosphere through a process called transpiration.

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MEDICINE One-quarter of all prescription drugs

come directly from or derivatives of plants. Additionally, four out of five people around the world today rely on plants for primary health care. 

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HABITAT  aside from human, plants make up the

backbone of all habitats. Other species of fish and wildlife also depend on plants for food and shelter.

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CLIMATE Plants store carbon, and have helped

keep much of the carbon dioxide produced from the burning of fossil fuels out of the atmosphere.

AIR Oxygen is brought to you by plants, as

a byproduct of photosynthesis

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Plants provide the raw materials for many TYPES OF PHARMACEUTICALS, as well as TOBACCO, COFFEE, ALCOHOL, AND OTHER DRUGS.

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Plants have shaped the worldwe now live in and are ultimately

responsiblefor creating the conditions for human

life to exist on Earth in the first place.

When the earliest land plants appeared on Earth about 450 million years ago,

they drastically changed the Earth’s

atmosphere; reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and increasing the level of oxygen. That

change allowed other organisms to evolve and

flourish – some of them, our evolutionary ancestors.

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Green plants are nature’s solar panels that have colonized much of

the planet. Through a powerful process called photosynthesis,

plants are capable of harnessing the vast energy radiating from the

Sun. They can then make that energy available to animals, which lack this amazing ability to gather energy from an extra-terrestrial source. The Sun is the ultimate source of all energy in our solar

system but we would have no way to access that energy without


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Rather than taking them for granted, the role plants

play in our lives needs to be recalled, We

should know the importance of it and

of what it can do for us, We should Recall the Love and

care for one of the Wonderful creation of God;
