Economic Feasibility.docx

The proposed system has been built to ease the hassle of the tourists in gathering information about the places they would like to visit. Aside from that, it also lessens the expenses of the agency in providing reliable sources of information to the tourist to promote the province of Pampanga. If the local tourism agency agreed to implement the application, they will pay the development cost that the proponents had calculated. They will be benefited with this application because they will gain more feedback. The province of Pampanga will have more visitors and the famous places will earn more profit because of this application.



Transcript of Economic Feasibility.docx

The proposed system has been built to ease the hassle of the tourists in gathering information about the places they would like to visit. Aside from that, it also lessens the expenses of the agency in providing reliable sources of information to the tourist to promote the province of Pampanga. If the local tourism agency agreed to implement the application, they will pay the development cost that the proponents had calculated. They will be benefited with this application because they will gain more feedback. The province of Pampanga will have more visitors and the famous places will earn more profit because of this application.