Economic Dispatch Lecture

Economic Dispatch & Optimization Techniques Dr R. N. Sharma EED, NIT Hamirpur

Transcript of Economic Dispatch Lecture

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Economic Dispatch & Optimization Techniques

Dr R. N. Sharma

EED, NIT Hamirpur

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Simple Economic Dispatch Problem

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Include power generator limits

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Generator limits included

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Generator limits included

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Generator limits included

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Network losses considered

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Network losses considered

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OptimizationUnconstrained Constrained

Continuous Discrete

Smooth Non-smooth

Search Based

Gradient Based Method

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Optimization (continued)


Gradient Based Tree-Based Stochastic Heuristic

Based on Decomposition



Gradient Based Tree-Based Stochastic Heuristic

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Min f(x)

f() continuous and differentiable scalar functionX real variable

Stationarity condition df/dx=0For min d2f/dx2>0

Global Min

Local Mindf/dx=0


Convex function has a unique global minimum

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Lambda-iteration method

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Lambda-iteration method

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Gradient method

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Gradient method (continued)

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Gradient method

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Newton’s method

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Gradient method Limitation

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Dynamic Programming

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Dynamic Programming (continued)

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DP Advantage

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Genetic Algorithm

• GAs work with a coding of the parameter set, not the parameters themselves.

• GAs search from a population of points, not a single point.

• GAs use payoff information, not derivatives or auxiliary knowldege.

• GAs use probablistic transition rules, not deterministic rules.

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• Gene – An single encoding of part of the solution space.

• Chromosome – A string of “Genes” that represents a solution.

• Population - The number of “Chromosomes” available to test.

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Simple Example• f(x) = {MAX(x2): 0 <= x <= 32 }• Encode Solution: Just use 5 bits (1 or 0).• Generate initial population.

• Evaluate each solution against objective.

A 0 1 1 0 1

B 1 1 0 0 0

C 0 1 0 0 0

D 1 0 0 1 1

Sol. String Fitness % of Total

A 01101 169 14.4

B 11000 576 49.2

C 01000 64 5.5

D 10011 361 30.9

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1. Select parents for the mating pool

(size of mating pool = population size)

2. Shuffle the mating pool

3. For each consecutive pair apply crossover with probability pc , otherwise copy parents

4. For each offspring apply mutation (bit-flip with probability pm independently for each bit)

5. Replace the whole population with the resulting offspring

SGA reproduction cycle

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Simple Example (cont.)• Create next generation of solutions

– Probability of “being a parent” depends on the fitness.

• Ways for parents to create next generation– Reproduction

• Use a string again unmodified.– Crossover

• Cut and paste portions of one string to another.– Mutation

• Randomly flip a bit.– COMBINATION of all of the above.

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GA operators: 1-point crossover• Choose a random point on the two parents• Split parents at this crossover point• Create children by exchanging tails• Pc typically in range (0.6, 0.9)

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N-point Crossover

• Choose n random crossover points

• Split along those points

• Glue parts, alternating between parents

• Generalisation of 1 point (still some positional bias)

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GA operators: mutation

• Alter each gene independently with a probability pm

• pm is called the mutation rate

– Typically between 1/pop_size and 1/ chromosome_length

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SGA operators: Selection

• Main idea: better individuals get higher chance– Chances proportional to fitness– Implementation: roulette wheel technique

» Assign to each individual a part of the roulette wheel» Spin the wheel n times to select n individuals


1/6 = 17%

3/6 = 50%


2/6 = 33%

fitness(A) = 3

fitness(B) = 1

fitness(C) = 2

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The Basic Genetic Algorithm

• [Start] Generate random population of n chromosomes (suitable solutions for the problem)

• [Fitness] Evaluate the fitness f(x) of each chromosome x in the population

• [New population] Create a new population by repeating following steps until the new population is complete

– [Selection] Select two parent chromosomes from a population according to their fitness (the better fitness, the bigger chance to be selected)

– [Crossover] With a crossover probability cross over the parents to form new offspring (children). If no crossover was performed, offspring is the exact copy of parents.

– [Mutation] With a mutation probability mutate new offspring at each locus (position in chromosome).

– [Accepting] Place new offspring in the new population

• [Replace] Use new generated population for a further run of the algorithm

• [Test] If the end condition is satisfied, stop, and return the best solution in current population

• [Loop] Go to step 2

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