eCommerce Ppt Communication Services -RPSD, Ambrish

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    Ravinder Pal Singh Dhillon (09BM8039)

    Ambrish Mani tiwari(09BM8006)

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    What is Computer MediatedCommunication?

    y Computer-mediated communication (CMC) is definedas any communicative transaction that occurs through theuse of two or more networked computers.

    y CMC can be divided into synchronous and asynchronousmodes:

    y I nstant messaging (IM ) is a form of real-time direct text-basedcommunication between two or more people using personal

    computers or other devices, along with shared clients.y El ectronic mai l , commonly called emai l , e-mai l or e.mai l , is a

    method of exchanging digital messages from an author to one ormore recipients.

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    The Evolution of Internet Based Communicationy Ev o l ution of e M ai l

    y H ost-based mai l systems: T he original email systems allowed communication only between users who logged into the same host or "mainframe".

    y H omogeneous emai l networks: Many early peer-to-peer email networking only worked among computers running the same OS or program.

    y A ttempts at interoperabi l ity: ARPANET , the forerunner of today's Internet,defined the first protocols for dissimilar computers to exchange email

    y Ev o l ution of I nstant M essagingy I nstant messaging predates the Internet, first appearing on multi-user operating

    systems like C T SS and Multics in the 1960 sy As networks developed, the protocols spread with the networks. Some of these used

    a peer-to-peer protocol (e.g. talk, ntalk and ytalk), while others required peers toconnect to a server (see talker and IRC).

    y Common Protoca ll : Microsoft and Yahoo! , by the 3rd quarter of 2006 incorporatedSIP/SIMPLE followed, in December 2005, by the AOL and Google strategicpartnership deal after which Google T alk users were able to communicate with AIMand ICQ users provided they had an AIM account

    y IM From a Webpage : Gmail has instant messaging capacity in webpage itself, which can be used in a web browser without the need to download and install the IMclient. Later Yahoo and Hotmail also implemented it.

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    S ome Fun Facts about eMaily I f emai l was a country , its 1.8 billion users would make it the largest in the

    world. Bigger than China, bigger than the populations of the USA andEuropean Union combined.

    y 298 bi ll ion emai l s are sent each day. T hat s one email every 0.00000034seconds.

    y In the time it takes you to read this sentence, some 23 million emails entered

    cyberspace.y Ev ery second , the world s email users produce messages equivalent in size to

    over 18,000 copies of the Complete Works of Shakespeare (assuming a 30KBaverage email size).

    y 16 .4 bi ll ion : the number of direct marketing dollars forecast to go on email inthe US in 2009.

    y $6 23 bi ll ion : the return from that investment if you use DMA figures on emailmarketing ROI. T hat s four times the market value of Microsoft.

    y 181: the number of marketing emails it would take to produce enough revenueto buy one share in Microsoft.

    y 83, 6 89,738,832,3 6 7: the number of marketing emails it would take to produceenough revenue to pay the US National Debt.

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    Who are the Major Players


    MS Outlook

    Yahoo Mail



    Instant Messaging

    Windows Live

    Yahoo Messenger



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    H ow do they Earn?

    Charges a premium for additional storage space over the 7.5Gb freestorageMakes use of automated Email scanning and uses it to push relevant

    advertisements to your inbox displayAdwords and AdSense generate revenue through pageviews and per click/redirect.

    Allows making calls with the use of prepaid credit which is the primarysource of revenueSkype also uses advertising on the clients, thus generating a secondaryrevenue stream

    Has tieups with telecomm players and manufacturers

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    H ow do they Earn? (Continued )

    Has premium accounts that can be purchased for 19.99$ Uses advertisments as the main source of revenue.PC to Phone calling is availible with the use of prepaid credit, and also

    generates revenue for Yahoo!

    Offers Premium webmail services for 20$ with more storage and noadvertisments. Integration with Bing! and advertising allows for revenueIt is estimated that they generate about 1$ per user per year.

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    H ow do they Earn? (Continued )

    y Besides these, Outlook is a premium service, which is in use by most corporate, and they charge organizations for their setupdepending on the user bas that would use their service.

    y T here are other clients for chat, which allow users to log into various IM services from one location. T hese earn revenuesprimarily from advertisements on their websites/clients or

    through the installation of other applications/toolbars orthrough data gathering services which can chart usage patterns.

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    G oogle s services as an example:G mai l is a free, advertising-supported webmail, POP3, and IMAP service

    provided by Google.y It was launched as an invitation-only beta release on April 1, 2004 and

    became available to the general public on February 7, 2007, though stillin beta status at that time. T he service was upgraded from beta statuson July 7, 2009, along with the rest of the Google Apps suite. As of November 2010, it had 193.3 million users monthly.

    Spam fi l tery Gmail's spam filtering features a community-driven system: when any

    user marks an email as spam, this provides information to help thesystem identify similar future messages for all Gmail users. Users may tune the system to allow mail marked as spam to be handled inparticular ways.

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    G oogle s services as an example(cont )G mai l M obi l e is a version of Google's Gmail email service. Gmail Mobile

    was released on December 16, 2005y It is a free service, developed to provide access to Gmail from mobile

    devices such as cell phones, or smartphones. Gmail Mobile offers many of the features as Gmail delivered effectively to smaller, mobile screens.Users have the ability to compose, read, archive, reply, forward, markunread, add a star, add custom labels or trash email messages.

    y On September 22, 2009 Google brought Push Mail support to its Gmailservice using Google Sync for iPhone and iPod Touch platforms.

    y On April 3, 2010, Google announced a new two-pane layout designedspecifically for the iPad. It is delivered automatically to Gmail websiteusers who are signed in using the device's Safari browser.

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    G oogle s services as an example(cont )G oog l e Buzz

    y On February 9, 2010, Google commenced their new service, GoogleBuzz, which integrates with Gmail allowing users to share links andmedia, as well as status updates.

    y Buzz was launched with an automatic opt-in, causing an uproar in theGmail community which led Google to quickly undo its initial moves.

    G oog l e Voice in G mai l chaty In August 2010, Google implemented and released an integrated

    telephone service in Gmail's Google Chat interface. T he service allowspeople to make free calls from their Gmail account to U.S. and Canada,at least through the end of 2010.

    y T he Gmail service currently provides more than 7 GB of free storage.Users can rent additional storage (shared between Picasa Web Albums,Google Docs and Gmail) from 20 GB (US$5/year) to 16 T B(US$4096/year).

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    D igsby as an Example of an IM provider:I t supportsy IM services such as AOL Instant Messenger, Microsoft's .NE T Messenger

    Service, Yahoo! Messenger, Facebook Chat, MySpace IM, Google T alk andLiveJournal's IM.

    y e-mail notifications via POP, IMAP and webmail like AOL, Yahoo! andHotmail - including the ability to mark messages as read, as spam or delete

    them from the client itself.y supports alerts and newsfeeds from MySpace, Facebook, T witter and

    LinkedIn. A dditiona l features

    y customizable skins for the client and IM windowsy aggregated web search from within the client via multiple sitesy composing emails from IM windowsy combining friends from multiple clients into one contact listing

    L imitationsy IRC support is missingy Privacy concerns

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    Trends Analysis:

    Source: comScore

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    Trends Analysis:

    Source: comScore

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    Trends in eMail usage:

    Source: comScore

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    Trends in eMail:

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    Trends in IM Chat:

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    Shift in eMail usage patterns:

    The Key Points:While Yahoo still is at the top, Gmail has managed to usurpHotmail/Livemail as the number two free email provider Apples email service on the iPhone has not seen the phenomenal growthwhich was expected from it, due to the tight integration of yahoo mail andgmail in the mobile webspace

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    Shift in eMail usage patterns in India:

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    Porter Five force analysisy T hreat of new Entry y No technology protections.y Experience not a prerequisite. Also the trainings are readily available.y Existing applications can include communication services.y T hreat of Substitutiony Communication is no longer a stand alone service for a user.y T he entry of Mobiles and integration all around has had a major effect on


    Buyer Powery Peer group has high inf luence on the user.y Low switching cost.y Going for advanced technology and bundle of services at the same place.y Rapidly increasing suppliers to lure the existing and prospective buyers.

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    Porter Five force analysisSupplier Power

    y Easy availability of I T professionals.y Easy availability of the required infrastructure.y Can be started and carried on from any place. Location of the offices has little

    impact.y Competitive Rivalry

    Source: comScore

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    O pportunities :

    y Rapidly increasing customer base.y Customer inclination for changes.y Reducing cost of the required I T infrastructure.y Increasing importance of being connected for personal and professional

    aspirations.y Innovation in services can increase the market share rapidly.y Integration with various other web-applications.

    T hreats:

    y Low customer loyalty.y State of the art technology is essential.y Need for constant integration and innovation, or will be rendered obsolete.y Privacy concerns.

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    The Future:

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    T H ANK Y OU