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第一季 SPRING 2010 第四十六期 ISSUE 46 SPRING 2010 K.WAH NEWS ISSUE 46 Soaring high in Greater China with strengths of integration 貫徹綜合發展優勢 騰飛大中華

Transcript of 貫徹綜合發展優勢 騰飛大中華 - kwah.com 46.pdf · 提升酒店服務水平心得 •...

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第一季 SPRING 2010第四十六期 ISSUE 46


G 2010




S ISSUE 46 嘉

天下通訊 第四十六期


Color: 4C+Gold Hot-stamping

Soaring high in Greater China with strengths of integration

貫徹綜合發展優勢 騰飛大中華

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嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期



編輯委員會 Editorial Committee名譽總編輯 : 張嫚芸 ClaudiaCheung總編輯 : 謝淑芬 TeriChia編輯委員 : 鄭松雪 ShellyCheng 郭瑞儀 CarolKwok 鄺穎妍 VikkiKwong 李潔盈 ChristiLee 吳雪敏 ShelleyNg 杜國良 DerekTo 劉耀章 HughLau 黎嘉慧 TeresaLai 尹紫薇 QuinlyWan 甘家碧 CarrieKam 李天藍 TinaDiCicco 黃嘉寶 DaisyWong JoyceWeible 胡淑芬 VickyWu 鄒浩敏 BettyZou 沈珏 StephanieShen 葉建宇 AdoYip

嘉華集團K. Wah Group香港北角渣華道191號嘉華國際中心29樓29/F, K. Wah Centre, 191 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong

《嘉天下通訊》乃嘉華集團出版之刊物,如欲轉載或引用本刊內容,請註明出處。K. WAH NEWS is published by K. Wah Group. Reproduction of any contents of this publication requires proper acknowledgment.

編者的話Message from Editor









Time flies, Spring has come! The facelift of K. Wah News is also around the corner.

Thanks to everyone’s effort in the opinion survey, the quarterly newsletter is undergoing

refinements on content, design and layout that aims at fulfilling your expectation and

needs. Here I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude towards all of you!

2010 marks the 55th anniversary of K. Wah Group. While a series of celebrations and

branding events are on the go, we have interviewed the management of each division to

share the edges and prospects of the Group in Greater China.

Have a prosperous year of the Tiger!

謝淑芬Teri Chia

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K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46




06主席「嘉」書• 德、智、體、群、美 和諧幸福之基礎


• Upholding virtues of life as cornerstone of harmony and happiness

08嘉華頭條• 貫徹綜合發展優勢 騰飛大中華

K. WAH HEADLINES• Soaring high in Greater China with strengths of integration

08 16


• 資源增值 共譜新章 嘉華國際跨地域人才交流與融合• 「齊心一致 延續傳奇」 嘉華集團2009周年慶典• 廣州花都─嘉華集團泛珠三角 重點發展區域 全力支持廣州花都區懇親大會 暨投資環境推介會

K.WAH IN FOCUS• Leading through excellence K. Wah fosters cross regional communication• The Legend Continues K. Wah Group’s Annual Party 2009• Guangzhou Huadu: K. Wah

Group’s core developments in Pearl River Delta

Supporting Guangzhou Huadu Clansmen Convention and Seminar on Investment Environment

27傑出成就• 呂耀東榮膺廣州市榮譽市民• 嘉華國際年報再奪國際級獎項• 星際酒店星級服務設施屢獲殊榮


• Francis Lui selected as Guangzhou Honourable Citizen• KWIH’s annual report earns international awards again• StarWorld Hotel receives extensive


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K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46

4132 35

33新聞精點• 星海銀河之夜• 集團旗下美國酒店Sheraton Gateway 轉用Hilton品牌• 日式美食旋風登陸蘇豪東®

• 與阿虫於蘇豪東®「分享快樂」• 海景嘉福酒店與業界交流 提升酒店服務水平心得• 《魔笛》之盛宴

NEWS IN BRIEF• The Star and the Sea Galaxy Gala• The Group’s US hotel Sheraton

Gateway makes conversion to Hilton San Francisco Airport• Japanese fad at Soho East®

• Enjoy Ah Chung’s painting exhibition @ Soho East®

• ICGS participates in Global Re-engagement Day • A magical evening with The Magic Flute

40員工天地• 上海員工暢聚賀佳節• 嘉華員工樂聚海洋公園• 銀河才藝之星誕生!• 嘉華建材同樂會美食電影饗員工• 美國酒店回饋員工• 讀者意見調查結果

STAFF CORNER• Warm festive gatherings in Shanghai• A fun weekend at Ocean Park• Galaxy’s Got Talent!• Delicacies and fun brought by KWCM Social Club • A big THANK-YOU to US hotels’ staff • Results of Reader Opinion Survey




• 銀河娛樂集團六度冠名贊助 「澳門銀河娛樂國際馬拉松」• 銀河娛樂集團贊助澳門盃 —青少年國情知識競賽• 銀河娛樂集團連續五年贊助 「澳門銀河娛樂世界女排大獎賽」• 銀河娛樂集團致力推廣負責任博彩• 銀河娛樂集團上下一心  多元公益活動關愛社群• 嘉華建材與孩子探索「英語歷奇」


Entertainment International Marathon for six consecutive years

• GEG sponsors Teenager Civic Knowledge Competition – Macau Cup

• GEG sponsors Macau Galaxy Entertainment FIVB World Grand Prix for the 5th consecutive year

• GEG promotes responsible gaming• GEG spreads love to the community• KWCM explores the fun of English with kids

36商管智慧• 樓價起落.民生所依

BIZ WISDOM• People’s livelihood hinges on the ups and

downs of the property market

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嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期


Upholding virtues of life as cornerstone of harmony and happiness

Dear colleagues,

I cannot help but feeling amazed at how time really flies as we celebrate the 55th anniversary of K. Wah Group in 2010, for memorable moments of the past are now but chapters in history. While I have spent most of my time running this company, I prefer to focus on the present rather than to reminisce about the past, as people at my age tend to do. We should let bygones be bygones, and rejoice in doing another honest day’s work. As for the future, let us echo with that all-time classic which goes: “Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.”

Lately our community has seen the emergence of a group of activists dubbed “Post-80s.” As young, educated members of the society typically born after 1980, they were central to actions fighting for the preservation of the Star Ferry Pier and the Queen’s Pier and, more recently, against the construction of the high-speed rail. According to news reports, their discontent with current social system and government policies are partly stemmed from employment difficulties and other pressures in life. In this connection, I guess we all have had our share of social misfortune. As a “Post-80s” in the other sense, the fight for survival during wars has been the biggest ordeal in my life. When I was young, a small meal at a modest restaurant or a weekend movie was definitely a source of immense enjoyment and contentment for many. However, the rich-poor divide was unbelievably wide at that time, as illustrated in Lao She’s Camel Xiangzi, named after the main character whose single, simple hope is to become a rickshaw man and to earn enough perhaps for the day’s meal. So there is really no reason for an average Hongkonger to complain, given the opportunities in education and standard of living available.

Many would think that, as a founding Chairman, I am privileged having hundreds of staff at my disposal. The truth is, the boss is forever entangled in management issues that there is no way I can please everybody. In all fairness, I believe I have always treated everyone on an equal basis, but if we are thinking merely in terms of personal gains, there would always be the feeling that our interests are being compromised. In fact, while no one can whistle a symphony, people coming together nearly always ends up in rife of some sort. That is why I stressed the importance of moral education for the future of China in a recent conversation with a top-level official of the Central Government. As Chinese we are blessed with a rich heritage in the education of vir tues. Beginning with the works of Confucius and Mencius through traditional Chinese classics such as The Water Margin and The Legend of the Three Kingdoms, as well as the philosophies of traditional Buddhist and Taoist religions, all praised the noble vir tues of morality, wisdom, health, collectivity and asthetics, that are per tinent to interpersonal and social harmony.

You may wonder what have all these to do with business management. Well, I believe they form the cornerstone of a healthy business setup, as much as they do of a harmonious society. For this reason, I have made considerable effort during the past two years to foster a culture of harmony and team work at K. Wah, and my aspiration at its 55th anniversary is for this culture to sustain in many years to come.

May I wish you all a Happy Year of the Tiger.

Che-woo LuiChairman of K. Wah Group



近日社會出現了一群被稱為「八十後」的群眾,即生於八十年代後的年輕知識分子,從天星、皇后碼頭事件,到今天的反高鐵, 「八十後」都是當中的中堅份子。我曾經在傳媒上讀過一些關於這群年輕人的訪問,他們對政府的很多政策都不甚滿意,當中有部分因為經濟就業上遇到困難,面對生活壓力而引發對社會制度的種種不滿。其實,每個年代的人都面對不一樣的社會問題,像我這類「八十後」(此「八十後」不同彼「八十後」也!)當年面對的最大的生活壓力就是戰亂,當時到處都是貧病饑餓,生靈塗炭。記得在我小時候,上茶樓吃一碗揚州窩麵、一粒燒賣已感覺是了不起的享受;青年時代,若在週末到戲院看一場電影便是高享受娛樂,那個時代的年輕人生活很簡樸,亦很容易滿足,吃得飽穿得暖就幸福。反觀現在香港任何階層生活的人,溫飽是很容易達到的問題,且政府亦安排接受教育的機會,物質生活相信無甚憂慮問題。在從前,不同社會階層生活條件相差非常之遠,富有人家與貧苦大眾的生活是天與地之分別,我剛看了一部名叫「駱駝祥子」的老電影,敍述二十年代的北京,一個農村青年一生最大的希望,便是能當上一個三輪車伕,每天能掙得一個窩窩頭充飢而已,反映當時平民百姓生活的困苦,而現在一般的香港人,生活質素算是較為寬裕,祇要努力工作,無需怨天尤人。



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K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46



Upholding virtues of life as cornerstone of harmony and happiness

Dear colleagues,

I cannot help but feeling amazed at how time really flies as we celebrate the 55th anniversary of K. Wah Group in 2010, for memorable moments of the past are now but chapters in history. While I have spent most of my time running this company, I prefer to focus on the present rather than to reminisce about the past, as people at my age tend to do. We should let bygones be bygones, and rejoice in doing another honest day’s work. As for the future, let us echo with that all-time classic which goes: “Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.”

Lately our community has seen the emergence of a group of activists dubbed “Post-80s.” As young, educated members of the society typically born after 1980, they were central to actions fighting for the preservation of the Star Ferry Pier and the Queen’s Pier and, more recently, against the construction of the high-speed rail. According to news reports, their discontent with current social system and government policies are partly stemmed from employment difficulties and other pressures in life. In this connection, I guess we all have had our share of social misfortune. As a “Post-80s” in the other sense, the fight for survival during wars has been the biggest ordeal in my life. When I was young, a small meal at a modest restaurant or a weekend movie was definitely a source of immense enjoyment and contentment for many. However, the rich-poor divide was unbelievably wide at that time, as illustrated in Lao She’s Camel Xiangzi, named after the main character whose single, simple hope is to become a rickshaw man and to earn enough perhaps for the day’s meal. So there is really no reason for an average Hongkonger to complain, given the opportunities in education and standard of living available.

Many would think that, as a founding Chairman, I am privileged having hundreds of staff at my disposal. The truth is, the boss is forever entangled in management issues that there is no way I can please everybody. In all fairness, I believe I have always treated everyone on an equal basis, but if we are thinking merely in terms of personal gains, there would always be the feeling that our interests are being compromised. In fact, while no one can whistle a symphony, people coming together nearly always ends up in rife of some sort. That is why I stressed the importance of moral education for the future of China in a recent conversation with a top-level official of the Central Government. As Chinese we are blessed with a rich heritage in the education of vir tues. Beginning with the works of Confucius and Mencius through traditional Chinese classics such as The Water Margin and The Legend of the Three Kingdoms, as well as the philosophies of traditional Buddhist and Taoist religions, all praised the noble vir tues of morality, wisdom, health, collectivity and asthetics, that are per tinent to interpersonal and social harmony.

You may wonder what have all these to do with business management. Well, I believe they form the cornerstone of a healthy business setup, as much as they do of a harmonious society. For this reason, I have made considerable effort during the past two years to foster a culture of harmony and team work at K. Wah, and my aspiration at its 55th anniversary is for this culture to sustain in many years to come.

May I wish you all a Happy Year of the Tiger.

Che-woo LuiChairman of K. Wah Group



近日社會出現了一群被稱為「八十後」的群眾,即生於八十年代後的年輕知識分子,從天星、皇后碼頭事件,到今天的反高鐵, 「八十後」都是當中的中堅份子。我曾經在傳媒上讀過一些關於這群年輕人的訪問,他們對政府的很多政策都不甚滿意,當中有部分因為經濟就業上遇到困難,面對生活壓力而引發對社會制度的種種不滿。其實,每個年代的人都面對不一樣的社會問題,像我這類「八十後」(此「八十後」不同彼「八十後」也!)當年面對的最大的生活壓力就是戰亂,當時到處都是貧病饑餓,生靈塗炭。記得在我小時候,上茶樓吃一碗揚州窩麵、一粒燒賣已感覺是了不起的享受;青年時代,若在週末到戲院看一場電影便是高享受娛樂,那個時代的年輕人生活很簡樸,亦很容易滿足,吃得飽穿得暖就幸福。反觀現在香港任何階層生活的人,溫飽是很容易達到的問題,且政府亦安排接受教育的機會,物質生活相信無甚憂慮問題。在從前,不同社會階層生活條件相差非常之遠,富有人家與貧苦大眾的生活是天與地之分別,我剛看了一部名叫「駱駝祥子」的老電影,敍述二十年代的北京,一個農村青年一生最大的希望,便是能當上一個三輪車伕,每天能掙得一個窩窩頭充飢而已,反映當時平民百姓生活的困苦,而現在一般的香港人,生活質素算是較為寬裕,祇要努力工作,無需怨天尤人。



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貫徹綜合發展優勢騰飛大中華Soaring high in Greater China with strengths of integration

嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期



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K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46

2010 marks the 55th anniversary of K. Wah Group (“the Group”). In recent years, K. Wah Group continues to enhance its focus on the Greater China region, with integrated development as the renewed business strategy. Headquartered in Hong Kong, the Group has established strong foothold in major cities including Shanghai, Guangzhou and Macau, speeding up its business development in the Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta regions. Integrating the strengths of its core businesses, the Group develops large-scale projects comprising luxury residences, office towers, shopping malls, resort and hotels, playing a part in building community, setting standards of quality living as well as supporting tourism economy. The Group also contributes to the sustainable growth of the country, by providing high quality eco-friendly construction materials for many landmark projects.

2010 also marks the beginning of the second Jia Zi (a 60-year cycle) for the People’s Republic of China. Today’s China has become one of the key players in the world, with thriving economy, strengthening social systems and developing communities. Dr Che-woo Lui, Founder and Chairman of the Group, is proud of witnessing the country’s achievements today, “as a Chinese businessman, what motivates me to invest in China is not only its tremendous market potential, but a passion to participate in the making of the modern China drawing upon my years of business experiences all over the world.”

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嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期

塑造優質生活新標準Redefining standards of quality living


10hinterland. With the new Baiyun airport and Wuhan-Guangzhou High Speed Rail in place, Huadu enjoys vibrant development for its key economic drivers including automobile, logistics, jewellery and leather goods manufacturing. The residents’ growing needs of quality living also present enormous opportunities. “We aim to build Huadu into an integrated community entailing commercial, enter tainment, recreational and residential functions in Guangzhou as well as the larger region,” pointed out Alex.

“Currently, KWIH takes on an integrated approach in the three projects under development in Huadu, with a total area of about 2 million square metres. In 2010, the 5-star Guangzhou Huadu Crowne Plaza Hotel and an office tower in Phase I of the Huadu Airport CBD Project and the Jianshebei Road Project will be launched at such timing to leverage the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. The Huicheng Mega Integrated Project, comprising residences, hotels, serviced apartments, commercial and exhibition facilities under planning would drive district development,” added Alex.

Yangtze River Delta: ShanghaiIn Shanghai, as the host of 2010 World Expo, the city will draw spotlight from all over the world. Coincidentally, the Expo’s theme of ‘Better City, Better Life’ is echoed by KWIH’s vision of redefining the standards of quality living.

Tapping into such key occasion, KWIH will launch two prime projects in Xuhui and Jingan districts. David Ng, Director – Shanghai Operations of KWIH, said, “in these two projects located in the city centre, we set benchmarks beyond market expectation with design featuring innovation, prestige and uniqueness.”

In future, KWIH plans to operate serviced apar tments in the luxury development projects, leveraging the Group’s 30 years of experience in hospitality. Peter Pollmeier, Senior Vice President – Operation of Stanford Hotels International, the Group's hotel arm, said, “Applying hotel management practices in property management and architectural design, so that residents may enjoy the services of a hotel with the space and privacy of a home,”.

Another key project, Shanghai Westwood III, a large-scale residential development located in the Daning International Community of Zhabei district, will be launched in the same year. Riding on the success of the previous phases, Shanghai Westwood III will introduce the serviced apar tment block as well as a shopping arcade, making it a premium complex surrounded by green landscape.






On properties, the Group’s property arm, K. Wah International Holdings Limited (“KWIH”), in 2005, has re-established a position of a large-scale integrated property developer targeting the niche market with an aim “to redefine the standard of quality modern living”.

“By working in tandem with the government’s development objectives, we are not merely house builders but developers with a mission to enhancing quality living for the people,” emphasized Dr Lui.

KWIH has built up a brand name of quality and value creation, represented by many signature projects including The Great Hill and J Residence in Hong Kong. The coming launch of Shiu Fai Terrace project is expected to draw fur ther market attention. Alex Lui, Managing Director – Hong Kong Proper ties of KWIH, is well prepared for the Guangzhou market, “at KWIH, our proper ties have been well received in the market for its high quality and design. As the Mainland’s proper ty market is getting mature, domestic demand for upscale homes is growing everyday. Building on our track record and exper tise over the years, we believe that we have a definite edge of success in the Mainland.”

Pearl River Delta: Guangzhou Huadu “Guangzhou Huadu is KWIH’s core developments in the Pearl River Delta region,” said Alex. Huadu, situated in the north of Guangzhou, connects the region and the

在房地產方面,集團之地產業務旗艦嘉華國際集團有限公司 (「嘉華國際」)於2005年重新定位,專注開發高質素的大型綜合房地產項目,針對高端精品市場,致力「為優質現代生活定下標準」。




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K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46

嘉華國際專注在大中華區開發集住宅、酒店、服務式公寓、商場、會展設施等大型綜合項目KWIH focuses on integrated development, comprising residences, hotels, serviced apartments, commercial and exhibition facilities in the Greater China region

hinterland. With the new Baiyun airport and Wuhan-Guangzhou High Speed Rail in place, Huadu enjoys vibrant development for its key economic drivers including automobile, logistics, jewellery and leather goods manufacturing. The residents’ growing needs of quality living also present enormous opportunities. “We aim to build Huadu into an integrated community entailing commercial, enter tainment, recreational and residential functions in Guangzhou as well as the larger region,” pointed out Alex.

“Currently, KWIH takes on an integrated approach in the three projects under development in Huadu, with a total area of about 2 million square metres. In 2010, the 5-star Guangzhou Huadu Crowne Plaza Hotel and an office tower in Phase I of the Huadu Airport CBD Project and the Jianshebei Road Project will be launched at such timing to leverage the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. The Huicheng Mega Integrated Project, comprising residences, hotels, serviced apartments, commercial and exhibition facilities under planning would drive district development,” added Alex.

Yangtze River Delta: ShanghaiIn Shanghai, as the host of 2010 World Expo, the city will draw spotlight from all over the world. Coincidentally, the Expo’s theme of ‘Better City, Better Life’ is echoed by KWIH’s vision of redefining the standards of quality living.

Tapping into such key occasion, KWIH will launch two prime projects in Xuhui and Jingan districts. David Ng, Director – Shanghai Operations of KWIH, said, “in these two projects located in the city centre, we set benchmarks beyond market expectation with design featuring innovation, prestige and uniqueness.”

In future, KWIH plans to operate serviced apar tments in the luxury development projects, leveraging the Group’s 30 years of experience in hospitality. Peter Pollmeier, Senior Vice President – Operation of Stanford Hotels International, the Group's hotel arm, said, “Applying hotel management practices in property management and architectural design, so that residents may enjoy the services of a hotel with the space and privacy of a home,”.

Another key project, Shanghai Westwood III, a large-scale residential development located in the Daning International Community of Zhabei district, will be launched in the same year. Riding on the success of the previous phases, Shanghai Westwood III will introduce the serviced apar tment block as well as a shopping arcade, making it a premium complex surrounded by green landscape.






On properties, the Group’s property arm, K. Wah International Holdings Limited (“KWIH”), in 2005, has re-established a position of a large-scale integrated property developer targeting the niche market with an aim “to redefine the standard of quality modern living”.

“By working in tandem with the government’s development objectives, we are not merely house builders but developers with a mission to enhancing quality living for the people,” emphasized Dr Lui.

KWIH has built up a brand name of quality and value creation, represented by many signature projects including The Great Hill and J Residence in Hong Kong. The coming launch of Shiu Fai Terrace project is expected to draw fur ther market attention. Alex Lui, Managing Director – Hong Kong Proper ties of KWIH, is well prepared for the Guangzhou market, “at KWIH, our proper ties have been well received in the market for its high quality and design. As the Mainland’s proper ty market is getting mature, domestic demand for upscale homes is growing everyday. Building on our track record and exper tise over the years, we believe that we have a definite edge of success in the Mainland.”

Pearl River Delta: Guangzhou Huadu “Guangzhou Huadu is KWIH’s core developments in the Pearl River Delta region,” said Alex. Huadu, situated in the north of Guangzhou, connects the region and the

在房地產方面,集團之地產業務旗艦嘉華國際集團有限公司 (「嘉華國際」)於2005年重新定位,專注開發高質素的大型綜合房地產項目,針對高端精品市場,致力「為優質現代生活定下標準」。




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嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期



綻放旅遊經濟生機Driving economy by unrivalled vacation experience



的公司,在中國人的地方,透徹認識本地文化和了解客戶需要,因此,我們明確地以滿足亞洲人對優質服務的需求為發展使命。」 而下一個焦點項目就是「澳門銀河」。銀河財務總監戴力弘指出:「佔地超過55萬平方米的『澳門銀河』,投資額逾港幣140億元,將成為銀河旗下物業的重要一環。」

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「澳門銀河」佔地超過55萬平方米,提供共2,200間豪華住宿,擁有逾52,000平方米的繁茂花園、白沙灘及瀑布,逾50間餐飲設施以及別具特色的購物商場,將會是全球及全亞洲最大型的綜合休閒度假設施之一Galaxy Macau will be one of the largest resorts in Asia and the world, with 550,000 sqm of GFA, including 2,200 luxury rooms, 52,000 square meters of lush gardens together with an expansive white beach, over 50 food and beverage outlets as well as prestigious shopping and leisure facilities

K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46

In line with the Central Government’s objective to develop Macau into a world-class enter tainment and vacation resor t centre, the Group enhances its strategy in enter tainment & leisure, exhibition and hospitality businesses. Meanwhile, Galaxy Enter tainment Group Limited (“GEG”) has achieved a strong performance for its flagship, StarWorld Hotel, and is planning for Galaxy Macau in Cotai, which will be one of the largest resor ts in Asia and the world, to open in the first quar ter of 2011.

Michael Mecca, President and Chief Operating Officer of GEG, pointed out, “Galaxy Macau is the first truly integrated Asian casino resort in Macau. GEG is a local, Chinese company, so we are in a better position to understand the local cultures and Asian customers’ tastes

and preferences. It is this unique focus that differentiates us and makes us stand out.”

The next landmark project, Galaxy Macau, is much anticipated. “We are investing over HK$14 billion in the 550,000-sqm-Galaxy Macau, which will be the next jewel in the Galaxy’s crown,” said Bob Drake, Group Chief Financial Officer of GEG.

Galaxy Macau includes 2,200 rooms, suites and villas offered through three signature premium and luxurious Asian hotel brands including Galaxy Hotel, Banyan Tree and Hotel Okura of Japan. Guests may swim in the world’s largest sky wave pool, stroll

through our 52,000 square meters of lush gardens together with an expansive white beach and waterfall, dine at over 50 food and beverage outlets as well as enjoy prestigious shopping and leisure facilities. Galaxy Macau will be one of Asia’s premier resor ts. “Macau’s long-term prospects are excellent, as there are 100 million potential guests within a 3-hour drive,” added Bob.

其中,由國際級酒店品牌悅榕(Banyan Tree)、日本Hotel Okura以及銀河經營的三座酒店,提供共2,200間豪華住宿。此外,設有全球最大規模的空中衝浪池,佔地逾52,000平方米的繁茂花園、白沙灘及瀑布,逾50間餐飲設施以及別具特色的購物商場,將締造成為亞洲娛樂休閒度假熱點。戴力弘補充:「可於三小時航程內抵達澳門的週邊居民人數高達1億,加上日後連接亞太區及遠至歐洲的主要國際航線,預期澳門的未來將更大放異彩。」

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嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期






As the founding business of the Group, construction materials business always plays the pioneering role into the Mainland. No one appreciates the idea of “construction for the betterment of the country” more than Joseph Chee, Managing Director of K. Wah Construction Materials Limited (“KWCM”) , who has worked for Dr Lui for nearly 30 years.

KWCM claims an extensive business presence in Mainland China, featuring operations in more than 10 major cities and partnerships with major state-owned steel enterprises, including Baosteel Group, Shougang Group, Maanshan Iron & Steel, Kunming Iron & Steel, Nanjing Iron & Steel and Guangdong Shaoguan Iron & Steel. Currently, KWCM is Shanghai’s largest foreign-invested concrete supplier.

“In adherence to the Central Government’s policies on energy conservation and waste discharge reduction, KWCM has been working as early as 2000 with major steel manufacturers to produce eco-friendly products such as slag concrete for reducing waste and energy consumption,” explained Joseph.

響應環保可持續發展Supporting eco-friendly and sustainable growth

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嘉華建材為內地多項大型建設提供原材料,如上海環球金融中心、浦東機場、磁懸浮、浦東中環線,以及地鐵、高架、立交橋、隧道等主要交通設施KWCM has provided advanced construction materials in several major projects in the Mainland, such as Shanghai World Finance Centre, Pudong International Airport, Shanghai Maglev Train, Pudong Mid-Ring Road, Metro Lines and other major infrastructures

K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46

徐應強指出,嘉華建材在內地長達20年的發展中,經歷了數個歷史性階段:第一階段是引進優質產品和管理技術;第二階段是推行管理人才本地化。 「現時,嘉華建材在內地正處於第三階段─資源性增值。近年,嘉華建材已由傳統垂直模式建材供應商,轉型為綜合的環保增值型產業。」



According to Joseph, KWCM’s development in China has been characterized by three phases. In the first stage the primary concern was to improve quality. Next came the training of people and localization. “Now we are in the third stage of value creation, through transformation into an integrated environment-friendly operator in building materials.”

In this connection, new products such as recycled bricks, eco-friendly asphalt and slag concrete have been developed by introducing latest technology from overseas and in collaboration with universities. These advanced construction materials have been used in several major projects in the Mainland, such as Shanghai World Finance Centre, Pudong International Airport, Shanghai Maglev Train, Pudong Mid-Ring Road, Metro Lines and other major infrastructures.

“Protecting the environment is the global trend and for the long term benefit of the country. Recycling for value is conducive to raising productivity, consistent with government policies and in line with the government’s objectives of sustainable development,” concluded Joseph.

Giving the utmost to the Greater China region “It is an immense honour for K. Wah, a Hong Kong-based company, to have played a part in contributing to the development of China,” shared Dr Lui. With innovation, quality, integrity, professionalism and synergy, K. Wah Group is committed to supporting the long term development of the country as it continues to grow from strength to strength.






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嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期



大中華概念的落實,對集團旗下的嘉華國際集團有限公司 (「嘉華國際」)既是機遇也是挑戰,踏進2010年,公司的發展規模與速度,正翻開新的一頁,邁向另一層次。




資源增值 共譜新章嘉華國際跨地域人才交流與融合

上下一心,共建溝通平台Team spirit is fostered by open communication


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17「嘉」國大事K. WAH IN FOCUS

善用資訊科技促進交流此外,集團善用資訊科技提升管理效益,去年底,一站式的 「項目監控系統」正式啟用,集中處理與項目相關的資料與數據,使財務管理和人員配備等更規範化。負責該系統開發的集團助理資訊科技經理袁艷君,更隨同相關的部門主管到上海推廣系統的操作與應用,她認為此行收獲甚豐,不僅達到推介系統的目的,更讓她更了解公司以及當地的發展。她說:「面對面的溝通與互動促進同事之間的了解,打破了電郵和視像會議的隔閡,工作起來也格外親切。此外,我看到公司在當地的地標式建築物,心裏感到很自豪。」


促進互相學習與進步來自上海的銷售部經理肖海平深有同感,她說:「這次行程的可貴之處,在於一個跨部門的團隊,作了一次跨地域的交流,比方說在考察項目的時候,大夥兒邊看邊學邊討論,眾人看到集團在香港的項目,無一不是頂級的精品,深刻地體會 『品精質優』的涵義,對集團的認同感進一步提升。」在她個人的專業領域而言,她表示獲益良多,香港的營銷策略、服務細節、樓盤包裝、物業管理等,都是值得借鏡的地方。







嚴肅討論、輕鬆交流,會議室內氣氛熱烈Meetings are filled with fun and laughter



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嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期

Once a lofty concept, Greater China is now becoming a reality that presents opportunities as much as challenges to K. Wah International Holdings Limited (“KWIH”), who is embracing development in enhanced scale and momentum as it greets the new year.

Management alignment and engagement“KWIH has been focusing on the integration and optimization of organization structure, work flows and approval systems, which represent some of the key issues for cross-regional management,” explained Claudia Cheung, Director of Corporate Affairs and Human Resources of K. Wah Group. With the support of top management and the collaboration of depar tment heads and project managers, the Human Resources Department (“HRD”) has established a mechanism to facilitate cross-depar tmental communications in project planning, design, progress, sales and marketing as well as tendering, approval process and human resources deployment.

Plan ahead for resources deploymentKWIH anticipates a busy year launching a number of high-end commercial / residential projects in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Guangzhou, including four Shanghai projects currently in advanced stages. David Ng, Director of Shanghai Operations, considers sound communications and strong team work fundamental to any success. “This is doubtlessly an important year for our Shanghai division,

which has received all the support it can get from the headquar ters,” he said. “We star ted planning together a year ahead and is now well-positioned to drive the projects in full speed,” explained David, adding that regular communications among regional offices and depar tments have resulted in immense efficiency enhancement.

Make the best use of information technologyThe Group also claims a strong track record in the effective use of information technology, such as the one-stop Project Control System commissioned last year, which centralizes the processing of project data and regulates financial management and staff deployment. Ady Yuen, Assistant IT Manager responsible for developing the system, went to Shanghai recently to brief local staff on the application of the system and believed that the trip had been very fruitful. “It’s nice talking with our Shanghai colleagues face to face,” she said. “And I am proud to see the landmark architectures in Shanghai built by our company,” she concluded.

Leading through excellence K. Wah fosters cross regional communication

K. Wah Group actively fosters its longstanding values of harmony and accord that stands at the heart of the K. Wah culture, and believes its long term sustainability also relies on the ability to assemble high-calibre people with diverse expertise and bring team-work synergies into full play by facilitating effective communications and cooperation.

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集團主席呂志和博士主持會議,與管理層共商對策Dr Lui, the Group Chairman, interacts with the management team as he presides over executive meetings


呂博士與著名室內設計師梁志天商討上海重點項目裝修設計Dr Lui discusses with CT Leung, renowned interior designer, on the interior fitting out of the signature projects in Shanghai


香港之行,行程豐富緊湊,人力資源部悉心安排的活動包括培訓、講座、參觀集團總部及項目Training sessions, talks and visits are specially arranged by the HRD in Hong Kong


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19「嘉」國大事K. WAH IN FOCUS

Strengthen training and developmentIt is the Group’s belief that staff unity and solidarity always drive dynamism and creativity. In this connection, the Group arranged 30 staff members from the Shanghai office to visit Hong Kong last December, attending the Group’s Annual Par ty and training sessions arranged by the HRD as well as paying visits to its hotels and property developments. The warm hospitality of their Hong Kong colleagues assures that they are par t of a great team for a great company.

Promote mutual learningXiao Haiping, Sales Manager at the Shanghai Office, cherished the experience: “We have been told about the quality of K. Wah’s projects, and now we are able to see them for ourselves, which makes us proud of being a member of this brand,” she said, adding that she had learned a lot from the Hong Kong operations, especially in areas relating to marketing.

With a view to passing on the legacy of its successful business ventures, the Group will be launching a new series of training programme shortly. “It’s a programme to facilitate learning through working and vice versa,” explained Claudia. “We enjoy the service of talents with diverse expertise. With systematic training, we hope to identify potential candidates among them who would inherit what the Group stands for and carry on our business in sustainable development,” she concluded.

Celebrating the 55th anniversary, the Group looks forward to creating value for both the individual staff and itself upon these platforms, on the back of its illustrious heritage and in the K. Wah spirit of solidarity, joint commitment and mutual sharing.





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嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期

嘉華集團(「集團」)2009周年慶典於2009年12月16日假香港會議展覽中心舉行,本年度慶典以 「齊心一致,延續傳奇」為主題,寓意集團位於不同地區的四大業務員工團結一致,與集團共同邁向55周年,再創高峰;誠如集團主席呂志和博士在慶典致詞時所言:「嘉華集團將會以《嘉.和.共.慶》四個字作為慶祝的主題,在此,我衷心祈望在『嘉』華這個大家庭裡面,我們以『和』為貴,『共慶』繁榮,作為立業55年的里程碑! 」

K. Wah Group (“the Group”) hosted the annual party at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 16 December 2009. This year’s theme “The Legend Continues” called for cross divisional and regional unity in celebration of the Group’s 55th anniversary and marching ahead for coming success. As Dr Che-woo Lui, Chairman of K. Wah Group, addressed the gathering, “《嘉.和.共.慶》(K. Wah in celebration with harmony

and collaboration) will be the theme of celebration. In the big family of K. Wah Group, we treasure harmony and celebrate together for the benefits of all. Let us join hands to achieve great things together!”

20「嘉」 國大事


K. Wah Group’s Annual Party 2009嘉華集團2009周年慶典

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21「嘉」國大事K. WAH IN FOCUS





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(左起)莊士機構國際有限公司主席莊紹綏、立法會議員譚耀宗、嘉華集團主席呂志和博士、立法會議員陳鑑林及葉國謙(From left) Alan Chuang, Chairman of Chuang’s Consortium International Ltd; the Honourable Tam Yiu Chung; Dr Che-woo Lui, Chairman of K. Wah Group; the Honourable Chan Kam Lam; the Honourable Ip Kwok Him


嘉華國際獨立非執行董事鍾逸傑爵士(左)、立法會議員霍震霆(右)Sir David Akers-Jones (left), Independent Non-executive Director of KWIH; the Honourable Timothy Fok (right)


香港經濟日報社長麥華章(左)、 黃乾亨黃英豪律師事務所首席合夥人黃英豪(右)Perry Mak (left), Publisher of Hong Kong Economic Times; Kennedy Wong (right), Managing Partner of Philip K H Wong, Kennedy Y H Wong & Co.


復旦大學前校長王生洪教授(左)、嘉華國際獨立非執行董事葉樹林博士(右)Professor Wang Shenghong (left), former President of Fudan University; Dr William Yip (right), Independent Non-executive Director of KWIH


香港理工大學酒店及旅遊業管理學院學院院長田桂成(右)Kaye Chon (right), Director of School of Hotel & Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


新達貿易有限公司主席孫秉樞(右)Samson Sun (right), Chairman of Sun International Trading


長江實業(集團)有限公司執行董事趙國雄(左)、全國政協委員藍鴻震(右)Justin Chiu (left), Executive Director of Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited; David Lan (right), National Committee Member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference of the PRC


銀河娛樂集團副主席呂耀東(左)、時任銀河娛樂集團非執行董事及Permira合夥人Guido Paolo Gamucci(右)Francis Lui (left), Deputy Chairman of GEG; Guido Paolo Gamucci (right), then Non-executive Director of GEG and Partner of Permira


呂志和博士(左)恭賀嘉華國際及銀河娛樂集團執行董事呂慧瑜(右)榮獲銅紫荊星章Dr Che-woo Lui (left) congratulates Paddy Lui (right), Executive Director of KWIH and GEG, on receiving the Bronze Bauhinia Star


嘉華國際香港地產董事總經理呂耀華(左)、佟達釗律師行律師佟達釗(右)Alex Lui (left), Managing Director of KWIH – Hong Kong Properties; Michael Tung (right), Principal of Tung & Co. Solicitors


利嘉閣地產管理層及嘉華國際營業及市場策劃董事陳玉成(左三)Senior management of Ricacorp Properties and Wilson Chan (third from left), Director – Sales & Marketing of KWIH


美聯物業管理層及陳玉成(左三)Senior management of Midland Realty and Wilson Chan (third from left)


步基證券有限公司執行董事孫淑明(左)、著名股評家陳永陸(右)Micky Suen (left), Executive Director of Po Kay Securities & Shares Co., Ltd; Chan Wing Luk (right), famous stock commentator


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23「嘉」國大事K. WAH IN FOCUS

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嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期

長期服務獎 Long Service Awards

十五年 15 Years

嘉華(中國)投資 K. WAH (CHINA) INVESTMENT蔡炯 Cai Jiong 潘其康 Pan Qi Kang

銀河娛樂集團 GEG歐中安 John Au黃保銀 Joanne Wong

黎錦雄 George Lai

嘉華建材(香港)KWCM (Hong Kong)陳訓明 Alvin Chan張志成 Cheung Chi Shing

嘉華建材(中國)KWCM (China)周樹義 Chow Shu Yee


嘉華材料 K. WAH MATERIALS蔣效榮 Chiang Hau Wing李惠豪 Lee Wai Ho

嘉華混凝土 KWC鄒鏡英 Chow King Ying何偉文 Ho Wai Man 陸金成 Clarence Luk鄧志凱 Tang Chi Hoi甘耀忠 Kum Yiu Chung高漢華 Ko Hon Wa吳錦添 Carly Ng

嘉華石礦 KWQ任嬌娣 Yam Kiu Tai

嘉安石礦 KWP李昌南 Li Cheong Nam 譚慧智 Tam Wai Chi

李齊剛 Li Qi Gang



24 25「嘉」國大事K. WAH IN FOCUS

三十年 30 Years

銀河娛樂集團 GEG呂耀東 Francis Lui

二十五年 25 Years

嘉華建築材料 K. WAH CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS劉玉成 Lau Yuk Sing 戴鳳懷 Tai Fung Wai

嘉華石礦 KWP陳素華 Chan So Wah

二十年 20 Years

嘉華國際 KWIH麥慶齡 Tracy Mak

銀河娛樂集團 GEG畢霞芬 Irene Pat陳麗潔 Kitty Chan

嘉華建材(香港)KWCM (Hong Kong)張永康 Cheung Wing Hong崔永全 Gary Chui高麗瓊 Jenny Kao

嘉華建材(中國)KWCM (China)譚鈞均 John Tam

嘉華建築材料 K. WAH CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS許乃善 Hui Nai Sin胡國樑 Wu Kwok Leung

嘉華混凝土 KWC何海倫 Helen Ho

銀河娛樂集團副主席呂耀東自畢業後服務嘉華集團已三十年。他早年協助主席呂志和博士拓展建材及地產業務,近年則主理澳門的娛樂休閒事業,見證著集團發展為跨國企業。他對於並肩作戰多年的同事們及於背後默默支持他的家人致以衷心謝意Francis Lui, Deputy Chairman of GEG, has been serving K. Wah Group for 30 years since his graduation. From assisting the Group’s Chairman Dr Che-woo Lui in business development of construction materials and properties to spearheading the entertainment & leisure business in Macau, Francis witnessed the Group’s evolvement into a multinational corporation and is grateful for the support of his colleagues and family

嘉華國際 KWIH何曉濤 Bernadette Ho蕭順嘉 Momoko Siu

嘉華(中國)投資 K. WAH (CHINA) INVESTMENT貢永華 Greg Gong任東棟 Freeman Ren

仕德福酒店 STANFORD HOTEL葉秀玲 Vicky Yip

仕德福山景酒店 STANFORD HILLVIEW HOTEL鍾國標 Chung Kwok Biu

海景嘉福酒店 ICGS袁妙芬 Josephine Yuen譚偉倫 Alan Tam

嘉華建築材料 K. WAH CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS徐小薇 Alice Tsui敖德明 Peter Ao

嘉華材料 K. WAH MATERIALS梁子昭 Stephen Leung

優秀員工獎 Staff Awards

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K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46


24 25「嘉」國大事K. WAH IN FOCUS

嘉華集團(「集團」)主席呂志和博士及集團代表於2009年10月10日出席五年一度的廣州花都區懇親大會暨投資項目推介會,會上呂博士獲委任為海外聯誼會名譽會長,以答謝其於建設花都之貢獻。此外,集團的地產業務旗艦嘉華國際集團有限公司 (「嘉華國際」)香港地產董事總經理呂耀華亦以外來投資企業代表身分,於投資環境推介會上致詞。集團同日向新華鎮街道辦捐贈300萬元人民幣,全力支持花都區社區發展。





Guangzhou Huadu: K. Wah Group’s core developments in Pearl River Delta Supporting Guangzhou Huadu Clansmen Convention and Seminar on Investment Environment

嘉華國際香港地產董事總經理呂耀華(左五)於投資環境推介會上發言,並主持項目奠基儀式Alex Lui, Manager Director - Hong Kong Properties, KWIH, (fifth from left) speaking at the Seminar on Investment Environment and officiating the foundation laying ceremony

2. 嘉華集團主席呂志和博士(右)獲花都區委書記、區人大常委會主任潘瀟(左)頒發海外聯誼會名譽會長聘書Dr Che-woo Lui (right) accepting the appointment of Honourary Chairman of Guangzhou Huadu District Overseas Friendship Association from Pan Xiao (left), Huadu District Party Committee Secretary and Chairman of the Standing Committee of the District People’s Congress




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5嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期



Dr Che-woo Lui, Chairman of K. Wah Group (“the Group”), led a delegation to attend the quinquennial Guangzhou Huadu Clansmen Convention and Seminar on Investment Environment on 10 October 2009. In recognition of his contributions to Guangzhou’s development through the years, Dr Lui was appointed as the Honourary Chairman of Guangzhou Huadu District Overseas Friendship Association at the convention. On the same day, Alex Lui, Managing Director – Hong Kong Properties of K. Wah International Holdings Limited (“KWIH”), gave an address at the seminar as a key representative of investors in Guangzhou Huadu; and a ceremony was held to mark the Group’s donation of RMB3 million to the Subdistrict Office of Xinhua Town in support of the community development in Huadu.

Huadu, situated in the north of Guangzhou, is one of the key development zones in the Pearl River Delta Region where the Group began to establish large-scale integrated developments more than a decade ago. With automobile, logistics, jewellery and leather goods manufacturing as key economic drivers, and a strategic location embracing air and land transportations and connecting the Pearl River

Delta and the hinterland, Guangzhou Huadu has come of age today for development into a modern city suitable for commerce and residence, combining the beauty of hills, water and gardens. Investment opportunities are abundant amid enormous market potential as the Huadu District Government has spared no effor t in improving transportation infrastructures and the environment for industry, commerce and tourism. “As a keen supporter of Guangzhou Huadu, we are impressed by its thriving growth, under clear and target-oriented leadership of the government,” said Dr Lui.

Currently, KWIH has three projects under development in Guangzhou Huadu, all of which are located at prime sites, including the Mega Integrated Project (Photo 3), Jianshebei Road Project (Photo 4) and Huadu Airport CBD Project (Photo 5), with a total area of about 2 million square metres. Alex Lui stated in his speech that the Group is fully confident in the development of Huadu District and is committed to developing the district into a modern city that would generate lucrative earnings and coalesce with the surrounding Baiyun and Huadu residential areas into a new satellite city of Guangzhou.



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嘉華集團企業事務及人力資源董事張嫚芸表示: 「集團對再度獲得此國際殊榮深感榮幸,年報以『精心匠建 穩步向前』為主題,突顯集團的專業管理團隊以及優質物業組合。年報乃集團與投資者的重要溝通媒介,我們將繼續努力,把集團的發展情況及理念清晰呈現。」

ARC Awards為美國紐約MerComm, Inc.設立的國際年度大獎,乃全球最大型及權威之年報比賽,旨在表揚出色的年報,推廣優秀寫作及創新設計。獎項由各界專業人士組成的評審團評審,備受國際認可,並獲冠以 「年報奧斯卡」的稱號。

KWIH’s annual report earns international awards again

With distinctive design and effective communication strategies, KWIH’s 2008 annual report stands out among 1,800 entries and won the international awards for the third time. It received silver award for cover photo/design as well as honours award for interior design in the globally recognized 2009 Annual Report Competition (“ARC”).

Claudia Cheung, Director of Corporate Affairs and Human Resources of K. Wah Group said, “We are honoured to receive this international recognition once again. The theme ‘Brilliant Minds, Better Lives’ underscores the Group’s well-rounded professionals and unmatched property portfolio. As a key communication tool with the investment community, the report will further reinforce the philosophies and recent developments of the Group.”

The ARC Awards is the largest and most prestigious competition in the industry annually organized by New York-based MerComm, Inc. , honouring excellence in annual reports as well as promoting noteworthy writing and imaginative design. Conducted by a panel of judges comprising professionals from various sectors, the ARC Awards is considered as the “Academy Awards of Annual Reports”.



Francis Lui selected as Guangzhou Honourable Citizen

Francis Lui, Deputy Chairman of GEG, was selected as Guangzhou Honourable Citizen on 26 November 2009 in recognition of his meritorious public and community service. Starting from 1992, Francis has been active in social construction of Guangzhou, and donated tens of millions for transportation, sports and cultural development. Besides, he has also established scholarship in South China University of Technology in support of education development in the region.

Francis Lui is a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He was selected as the Honourable Citizens of Jiangmen and Shenzhen in 1995 and 1998 respectively.

銀河娛樂集團副主席呂耀東(中)獲廣州市人大常委會主任朱小丹(右)及廣州市市長張廣寧(左)頒發廣州市榮譽市民名銜Francis Lui, Deputy Chairman of GEG, receives honourable citizen from Zhu Xiaodan (right), Director of the Standing Committee of the Guangzhou People’s Congress and Zhang Guangning, Mayor of Guangzhou

K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46



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嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期

2009世界酒店五洲鑽石獎「十大新標誌建築酒店」Top Ten New Symbolic Architecture Hotels



StarWorld was honoured with the World Hotel’s Continental Diamond Award and named one of the Top Ten New Symbolic Architecture Hotels in recognition of its remarkable design, reputation, contributions to Macau’s tourism and wide array of modern facilities.

Charles So, Vice President of Hotel Operations of StarWorld Hotel & Casino, was delighted, “we are deeply honoured to have been recognized as the symbolic architecture in Macau. StarWorld will endeavour to create an unrivalled entertainment experience for our guests and become Asia’s premier hotel.”





2009中外酒店論壇白金獎「十大最受歡迎酒店」Top Ten Most Popular Hotels in China, Macau and Hong Kong


Striving to provide superb services for the guests, StarWorld was the only hotel in Macau garnering the Platinum Award and named one of the Top Ten Most Popular Hotels in China, Macau and Hong Kong by the International Hotel Forum Organization (“IHFO”). Jointly organized with The People’s Daily, Phoenix Satellite TV, the Travel Channel, and Sina Business Channel, IHFO awarded distinctive hotels based on evaluation by the judging panel and public votes.

     星級服務設施屢獲殊榮 星際酒店憑藉其星級服務及設施,開業以來短短三年間共贏得十三項榮譽,最近更於多個中外評選中獲取不同獎項,成為澳門酒店業的服務典範。

StarWorld Hotel receives extensive recognition

Being renowned for its ultimate service and state-of-the-art facilities, StarWorld Hotel (“StarWorld”) has earned 13 accolades since its opening in 2006 and become one of the leading 5-star hotels in Macau.

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K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46

星際酒店旗下餐飲熱點再度入選最新國際權威飲食刊物 《米芝蓮指南—香港 ·澳門2010》,獲得一星評級的蘇浙匯除了展示出江蘇與浙江菜的融滙結合,更打破傳統滬菜的濃油赤醬,以配合來自世界各地的旅客口味,備受各界名流的推祟。另獲選為米芝蓮精選食肆的丹桂軒,提供特色新派粵菜,更曾獲法國「藍帶美食獎」的榮譽。

Enjoy a Michelin star dining experience at StarWorld! Two restaurants were recently rated in the newly released Michelin Guide Hong Kong and Macau 2010. Serving a variety of authentic and mouth-watering Shanghai specialty dishes, Jade Garden not only won celebrities’ hearts but also a Michelin one star rating. Another restaurant Laurel, an award-winning restaurant of French Commanderie des Cordons Bleus de France serving quality Cantonese cuisine with contemporary oriental touches was also recommended in the guide.


蘇浙匯 Jade Garden地址 Address: 澳門友誼大馬路星際酒店6樓 6/F, StarWorld Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, Macau電話 Tel: (853) 8290 8638

丹桂軒 Laurel地址 Address: 澳門友誼大馬路星際酒店2樓 2/F, StarWorld Hotel, Avenida da Amizade, Macau電話 Tel: (853) 8290 8628

「蘇浙匯」及「丹桂軒」入選2010米芝蓮Laurel and Jade Garden listed in Michelin Guide 2010

星際酒店派出兩位調酒師參與「亞洲美食佳釀暨酒店及餐飲設備展」中的 「第三屆亞太區酒保雞尾酒錦標賽」,擊敗來自各地的參賽者奪取多個獎項。當中陳國連 (Declan)勇奪 「本地經典雞尾酒賽」冠軍;而Padua Mel Anthony Sol則榮獲 「本地花式調酒賽」冠軍及「國際花式調酒賽」季軍。

StarWorld bar tenders beat top international players and garnered various awards in the 3rd Asian Cocktail Championship of Wine & Gourmet Asia, in which Declan Chen, won the Local Classical Cocktail Competition and Padua Mel Anthony Sol was named champion of the Local Flair tending Cocktail Competition as well as second runner up in the International Flair tending Cocktail Competition.



調酒師勇奪 「亞太區酒保雞尾酒錦標賽」多項殊榮StarWorld’s Bartenders won Asian Cocktail Championship

星際酒店及娛樂場營運副總裁兼總經理蘇澤霖(右)獲中外酒店論壇始創人黃婷(左)頒發獎盃及證書Huangting (left), founder of IHFO Forum, presents the trophy and certificate to Charles So (right), Vice President, Hotel Operations, StarWorld Hotel & Casino


澳門星際酒店及娛樂場行政副經理山志賢代表領取五洲鑽石獎Patrick San, Executive Assistant Manager of StarWorld Hotel & Casino, receives the Continental Diamond Award on behalf of the hotel


3,4. 想一嚐Declan炮製的雞尾酒及欣賞Mel的表現﹖快來星際酒店品味吧!Come and enjoy the flairtending show and award-winning cocktail prepared by Declan and Mel at The Whisky Bar in StarWorld!

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嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期



GEG sponsors Teenager Civic Knowledge Competition – Macau Cup

GEG sponsored the first Teenager Civic Knowledge Competition – Macau Cup, jointly organized by Wen Wei Po and the National Conditions Education Association of Macau. Over 2,500 high school and university students gained a more comprehensive understanding of the home country through the event, after which the award presentation ceremony was held at StarWorld Hotel on 20 November 2009.

銀河娛樂集團副主席呂耀東(後排左八)和董事程裕昇(後排左六)於典禮上與嘉賓及得獎同學合影Francis Lui (eighth from left, back row), Deputy Chairman of GEG, and Philip Cheng (sixth from left, back row), Director of GEG, present awards to students during the ceremony

銀河娛樂集團六度冠名贊助 「澳門銀河娛樂國際馬拉松」


GEG sponsors Macau Galaxy Entertainment International Marathon for six consecutive years

GEG led a team of 180 staff to participate in the 28th Macau Galaxy Entertainment International Marathon on 6 December 2009, during which the high-spirited team won the “Public and Private Entities Group Trophy” for the fifth time in a row. Two GEG staff also bagged the champion and the first runner-up in Category-B Female Mini-Marathon and Category-C Male Mini-Marathon respectively. Same as previous years, StarWorld Hotel hosted the marathon athletes from countries including China, Kenya, Poland and Por tugal with its delicate services.

銀河娛樂集團一眾員工穿上醒目運動服,參與體壇盛事A team of energetic GEG staff support the event

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銀河娛樂集團致力推廣負責任博彩銀河娛樂集團協助澳門博彩業健康之可持續發展,推行一系列相關活動,包括設立24小時服務的「負責任博彩熱線」,為員工提供個人輔導及支援服務,以助他們建立正確態度,同時特意設計 「負責任博彩標誌」,刊印於旗下五所娛樂場內派發的海報及宣傳小冊子,讓大眾查閱有關服務資料。

GEG promotes responsible gaming

With an aim to facilitate the sustainable growth of the industry, GEG launched a series of responsible gaming campaign which includes a 24-hour hotline in providing counselling service for staff, as well as a tailor-made responsible gaming logo that can be found in collaterals for the public to obtain more information on related services.

標誌以紅綠燈為喻,提醒顧客於享受娛樂之餘亦應收控自如Mimicking the concept of traffic light, the logo reminds customers the importance of responsible gaming

GEG sponsors Macau Galaxy Entertainment FIVB World Grand Prix for the 5th consecutive year

GEG gave another year of support to Macau Galaxy Enter tainment FIVB World Grand Prix. StarWorld Hotel also hosted the four national teams from China, Brazil, Poland and Thailand during the tournament. In 2009, GEG introduced “My Favourite Galaxy Star Player” award in an effor t to enhance public par ticipation in sports events.

1. 銀河娛樂集團管理層及員工迎接國家隊選手下榻星際酒店GEG management team and staff give a warm welcome to China national team

2. 銀河娛樂場股份有限公司董事程裕昇(左)向澳門體育發展局局長黃有力(右)移交支票Phillip Cheng (left), Director of Galaxy Casino, S.A. presents the cheque to Vong Iao Lak (right), President of Macau Sports Development Board

3. 中國隊王一梅(右)以高票當選「銀河娛樂之星我最喜愛球員」China’s national team player Wang Yimei (right) was named “My Favourite Galaxy Star Player”


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嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期



嘉華建材義工隊與信義會攜手合辦 「英語歷奇」活動,帶領小朋友走出班房,前往赤柱活學活用日常英語,與外籍人士溝通,從實際生活中改進英語之餘,亦舒展身心。

KWCM explores the fun of English with kids

KWCM and Evangelical Lutheran Church jointly organized a day trip to Stanley for children to practise their spoken English through interaction with foreigners, making language learning more interesting.



銀河娛樂集團上下一心 多元公益活動關愛社群銀河娛樂員工康樂會於2009年舉行捐血活動,集團管理層包括副主席呂耀東及一眾員工均身體力行,齊心支持。此外,康樂會亦特意為明愛轄下的兒童機構安排卡通電影欣賞會,為他們提供輕鬆有趣的集體活動。康樂會同時發起籌款活動,獲得過百名員工慷慨解囊,為學童送上文儀用品及益智玩具。

GEG spreads love to the community

GEG staff social club organized two activities in 2009 and received enthusiastic response from staff. The blood donation activity drew the support of senior management including Francis Lui, Deputy Chairman of GEG, and staff in helping local patients, whilst the car toon movie gala for children from Caritas provided holiday fun through group activity, in addition to a fund raising campaign in purchasing stationery and educational toys that received generous support from over 100 staff.

2-3. 銀河娛樂集團副主席呂耀東牽頭捐血,員工齊心響應Francis Lui, Deputy Chairman of GEG, takes the lead in encouraging staff participation

1. 員工與小朋友於電影欣賞會共度愉快時光An enjoyable day for children and GEG volunteers

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K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46


NEWS IN BRIEF星海銀河之夜為慶祝中華人民共和國成立六十周年和澳門回歸祖國十周年,一直致力推動澳門多元化發展的銀河娛樂集團於2009年12月7日隆重舉辦一場「銀河之夜」《星海》特別獻映,此大型電影乃描述中國偉大音樂家冼星海的少年時代。時任澳門行政長官何厚鏵、澳門中聯辦副主任徐澤、外交部特派員盧樹民、獻映贊助商銀河娛樂集團主席呂志和博士及副主席呂耀東等蒞臨主禮,多位港澳政商文化界名人亦出席支持,場面星光熠熠,熱鬧非常。

The Star and the Sea Galaxy Gala

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China and the 10th anniversary of Macau SAR, GEG organized a special screening for the movie The Star and the Sea on 7 December 2009, which depicts the childhood of the world famous composer, Xian Xinghai. Edmund Ho, then Chief Executive Officer of Macau SAR, Xu Ze, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Macau SAR, Lu Shumin, Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the Macau SAR, Dr Che-woo Lui, Chairman of GEG, and Francis Lui, Deputy Chairman of GEG, were all invited to the officiating ceremony. The atmosphere was spectacular, with lots of stunning celebrities from Hong Kong and Macau.

1. (左起)銀河娛樂集團副主席呂耀東、中國電影基金會主席李前寬、 時任澳門行政長官何厚鏵及銀河娛樂集團主席呂志和博士在「銀河之夜」《星海》特別獻映儀式上合照留念(From left) Francis Lui, Deputy Chairman of GEG, Li Qian Kuan, Chairman of China Film Association, Edmund Ho, then Chief Executive Officer of Macau SAR and Dr Che-woo Lui, Chairman of GEG at The Star and the Sea Galaxy Gala special screening ceremony

銀河娛樂集團管理層及一眾《星海》製作隊成員在「銀河之夜」《星海》特別獻映儀式後於銀河娛樂集團旗艦星際酒店出席慶祝會Senior executives of GEG and the production team of The Star and the Sea attend the post party at StarWorld Hotel, the flagship hotel of GEG


集團旗下美國酒店Sheraton Gateway轉用Hilton品牌集團位於三藩市國際機場附近的商務酒店成功轉以Hilton San Francisco Airport的品牌投入服務。酒店原班人馬於短短六星期內完成一系列培訓及採用新品牌規格。仕德福酒店集團總裁呂耀南表示:「我們很榮幸成為集團另一家加入Hilton國際品牌網絡的酒店,集團上下將致力發揮Hilton的世界級服務水平、設施及配套,加上客房的寬敞空間、迷人景緻和先進技術,為客人提供優質服務。」

The Group’s US hotel Sheraton Gateway makes conversion to Hilton San Francisco AirportThe hotel brand that invented the airport hotel landed at San Francisco with the conversion of the Hilton San Francisco Airport, formerly known as the Sheraton Gateway. The team pulled off all the training and changing brand standards in record time. “We are proud to be part of Hilton, the global hospitality leader,” said Lawrence Lui, President, Stanford Hotels Corporation. “The combination of Hilton’s world class service standards, products and amenities with large guestrooms, picturesque views and in room technology enable us to offer a premium experience.”



3Hilton San Francisco Airport在短時間內成功投入服務,展現出員工的團隊精神The transformation to Hilton San Francisco Airport in such a short time is a demonstration of team spirit


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嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期



Japanese fad at Soho East®

Two Japanese restaurants Te and Sapporo, are opened recently at Soho East®. Te serves its customers with premium spaghetti dishes in just a few minutes. The cooking process is expedited with the machine imported from Japan, which caters to hectic metropolitans in Hong Kong. Sapporo attracts many local Japanese with its delicate production and genuine ramen as well as fresh ingredients from Hokkaido. Experienced Japanese chefs are also invited as consultants to ensure the quality of the dishes. For more specialty choices, please visit the website at www.sohoeast.com.hk or simply start the journey into taste at Soho East®!




Enjoy Ah Chung’s painting exhibition @ Soho East®

Themed “Sharing Happiness”, the exhibition presented by famous local painter Ah Chung at Art Gallery@Soho East was held from 16 October to 27 November 2009. To promote the virtues of genuiness, kindness and innate beauty, up to 30 pieces of ink paintings featuring fraternity, endurance and forgiveness were displayed. A series of events were held on Saturdays to spread the positive messages to the society.

66. 阿虫的筆墨簡單淋漓,文字精闢,畫中有話,引人深思

Ah Chung’s paintings inspire the audience with incisive expressions 蘇豪東®將部份售畫收益捐贈苗圃行動,令活動培添意義As a token of care, part of the income generated from the activities will be donated to Sowers Action to aid education



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札幌元祖北海道拉麵,用料新鮮,串燒小食亦令人垂涎,Yummy!You can’t help yelling out “yummy” after you’ve tried the Hokkaido Ramen and other delicacies in Sapporo!

1-2. 各式美味意粉於短短數分鐘出爐,Te乃繁忙都市人的上佳選擇!Delicious spaghetti dishes are ready in just a few minutes; Te is definitely a good choice for metropolitans!


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K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46


海景嘉福酒店與業界交流提升酒店服務水平心得海景嘉福酒店總經理波里邁於2009年10月8日獲邀在Dale Carnegie’s Global Re-engagement Day的研討會中演講,與業界分享海景嘉福酒店如何在經濟放緩的市場環境下保持五星級酒店的服務水準。


ICGS participates in Global Re-engagement Day

Peter Pollmeier, General Manager of ICGS, shared his experiences in achieving good results and maintaining five-star service quality during the economic downturn at the Dale Carnegie Global Re-engagement Day on 8 October 2009.

ICGS market share in 2009 is one of the highest in recent years, while its guest satisfaction index is one of the top in the InterContinental Group. Pollmeier pointed out that open lines of communications, responding to employee concerns, developing people and showing appreciation are keys to a successful employee engagement. The hotel’s staff turnover rate was reduced and is one of the lowest in the industry. With an engaged and committed staff, ICGS is able to build customers’ loyalty and result in hotel’s long-term profitability.

《魔笛》之盛宴 為慶祝《魔笛》在港公演,海景嘉福酒店於2009年10月23日為香港歌劇院台前幕後的工作人員、贊助商及一眾歌劇愛好者籌備了一個隆重的晚宴。酒店旗下海風餐廳總廚Claudio Dieli精心炮製多款特色意大利菜式,加上精彩表演及優雅的環境,交織出圓滿的感官盛宴。

A magical evening with The Magic Flute

To celebrate the opening of the grand opera, The Magic Flute, ICGS brought the cast, sponsors and opera lovers an enchanting evening at the gala dinner on 23 October 2009. The culinary presentation of Chef Claudio Dieli from The Mistral, superb performance and pleasant environment created a feast for the senses.

嘉華國際暨銀河娛樂集團執行董事呂慧瑜(右三),以香港歌劇院主席的身份,與各成員於海景嘉福酒店慶祝《魔笛》在港演出成功Paddy Lui (third from right), Executive Director of KWIH and GEG, also the Chairman of Opera Hong Kong, celebrates with its members the success of the performance of The Magic Flute


香港歌劇院小演員投入表演,嬴得觀眾的高度讚許Performance from Opera Hong Kong’s young artists was highly applauded


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海景嘉福酒店總經理波里邁(左)於研討會中分享其凝聚員工以提升酒店服務的成功經驗Peter Pollmeier (left), General Manager of ICGS, shares his experience in building a successful employee engagement in the Global Re-engagement Day



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This article is extracted from Lasting Serenity – Che-woo Lui: Philosophy of an Ordinary Life. Edited by Claudia Cheung, Director – Corporate Affairs of K. Wah Group, the book covers a selection of quotation from the Group Chairman Dr Che-woo Lui’s philosophies of life, management insights and economic perspectives through his speeches, theses, public comments and submissions to the Government over the years, illustrating how the essential values of being an ordinary and modest person underlie a legendary story of personal success.

1997年金融風暴後,呂志和對後市充滿信心,率先向政府申請土地拍賣,陸續吸納多幅地皮,並秉持「品精質優」的宗旨,投資及發展多元化物業。圖為集團近年於香港發展的殿堂級豪宅嘉御山Despite the aftermath of the Financial Storm in 1997, Che-woo Lui made the first move in acquiring land plots through land auction, and developed integrated properties with premium quality in Hong Kong. Above is The Great Hill, an ultimate luxury residence developed by the Group in Hong Kong

嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期

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註二: 二零零三年呂志和曾自掏腰包請西九龍文化區建築設計比賽亞軍得主廖宜康,擬好計劃書向政府呈交,望將丟空多時的「港島地王」北角邨地皮發展成為中國文化








‧ 九七年香港的樓價升至萬多元一呎,當時我自己也持有很多物業,亦有地產項目出售,但憑良心說,我也不希望樓價不理性地升下去,因為這樣貴的物價會削弱香港的競爭力。

‧ 香港人買樓是他們努力工作換來的一種身份象徵,亦是一種長遠投資,樓價增值,是未來生活安定的保障,政府硬要將樓價打壓下來,這種無形的經濟結構被破壞了,香港人的信心便崩潰下來。

‧ 政府的責任是令貧窮的人有居所,而不是政策性要每一個香港人都置有自己的物業,所以公共房屋應加快興建,使有居住問題的人盡快上樓,一定要他們置業則沒有必要。

‧ 「八萬五」是否正確我不予評價,但香港一直賴以成功的是自由經濟,硬說每年要供應八萬五千個住宅單位,則給人計劃經濟的感覺,並不是自由市場的制度。我相信自由市場機制長遠才對香港經濟有利。

‧ 如果社會上的人相信,通過努力工作和儲蓄去置業,便可以改善生活環境,那麼很多人都會願意努力工作,間接鼓勵多勞多得的價值觀念;反之,若認為做與不做結果都一樣,便使人失去了奮鬥的目標,這就是福利社會的弊端。


‧ 香港政府一向推出拍賣的地皮面積都很大,所涉資金都是巨額,只有超級地產商才有足夠財力發展,中型發展商很難參與,導致近年市民在市場上的選擇不多。如果政府將地皮拆細,讓更多地產商參與本港地產發展,市場在較多的競爭下,會更加健康。

‧ 中型地產商由於財力所限,為了資金盡快回籠,貨如輪轉,一定會精心設計,招徠買家,市民便有更多的選擇。

‧ 政府推出大型地皮拍賣,是認為一個小區由同一發展商策劃,整體的配套設施都會做得好一些,但實際上如果政府能在城市規劃的要求和準則方面作出清晰的指引,就算將地皮拆細,環境及配套設施仍然可以做得同樣完美。

‧ 讓發展商在市場上公平競爭,他們自然會興建既便宜又優良的多元化私人樓宇,一定勝於現時設計一式一樣的居屋。

‧ 我做地產的作風較保守,會量入為出,不喜歡炒作,亦不會太高估自己的實力,所以市道旺時,不會發大達,但市道不景時,亦不會太差勁。

註一: 呂志和在香港回歸中國不到一個月,當所有人還沉醉於一片歌舞昇平的氣氛之中時,接受《廣角鏡》雜誌訪問談他對回歸後香港的經濟前途,他的回答在當時






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呂志和積極參與國家建設,其集團為首批進軍內地的香港企業之一,於上海、廣州等城市發展地產業務。圖為集團近年位處上海之大型住宅項目慧芝湖花園二期嘉寧薈Che-woo Lui proactively supported the development of Mainland China. K. Wah Group was one of the first enterprises in Hong Kong to enter the property markets in cities including Shanghai and Guangzhou. Above is Shanghai Westwood II, a large-scale residential project in Shanghai

嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期


“If people are convinced that working hard and saving money to buy flats can

improve their living standard, many citizens will then be willing to work hard.

This will indirectly promote the concept that one can earn more by working

harder. Conversely, if people resign to fatalism and become indifferent, they will

lose their sense of direction. This is the negative consequence of a welfare state.”

People’s livelihood hinges on the ups and downs of the property market

Dr Che-woo Lui star ted par ticipating in real estate projects in the 1960s and has observed the glorious takeoff in the sector at close range. To him, the real estate industry not only provides housing for the people of Hong Kong, it is also a way to save money and make a long-term investment. People may use their life-long savings for mortgages on their apar tments. Rises in property values mean financial security for them. In a meritocracy and free economy like Hong Kong, real estate has offered protection for citizens. This has emerged as Hong Kong’s unique economic structure.

Dr Lui has time and again expressed his views to both the government and the media. He asser ts that, “the government’s job is to ensure that the poor are sheltered, rather than coming up with a policy to turn all Hong Kongers into home owners. The public housing scheme should be accelerated so that those in need can move into a flat as soon as possible. It is, however, unnecessary for them to buy their own flats.” As a property developer, Dr Lui does not want to make exorbitant profits out of runaway property prices. What he would like to see is a steady rise in prices, as he is well aware of the many economic implications of a precarious property market.

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K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46


• PropertypricesinHongKongsoaredtoHK$10,000persquare foot in 1997 when I was holding many properties. Some of my property projects were on sale. However, deep in my heart, I did not want the property prices to continue to rise in such an irrational way. This was because such high prices could only undermine Hong Kong’s competitive edge.

• BuyingaflatisasymbolofstatusforHongKongersinrecognition of their hard work. It is also a long-term investment. Rises in property value represent a guarantee for future stability and protection. Nonetheless, the government was determined to suppress property prices. As a result, the invisible economic structure behind it collapsed, and so did the confidence of the people of Hong Kong.

• Thegovernment’sjobistoensurethatthepooraresheltered, rather than coming up with a policy to turn all Hong Kongers into home owners. The public housing scheme should be accelerated so that those in need canmoveintoaflatassoonaspossible.Itis,however,unnecessaryforthemtobuytheirownflats.

• Iamnotinapositiontojudgewhetherthepolicytolimitthesupplyofnewresidentialflatsto85,000unitsayearwas misguided. Yet, the mere fact that an artificial ceiling was imposed on the supposedly free economy has left an impression of a planned economy. That was hardly a free market system. I am positive that a free market system will benefit Hong Kong’s economy in the long term.

Note 1

• Ifpeopleareconvincedthatworkinghardandsavingmoneytobuyflatscanimprovetheirlivingstandard,manycitizens will then be willing to work hard. This will indirectly promote the concept that one can earn more by working harder. Conversely, if people resign to fatalism and become indifferent, they will lose their sense of direction. This is the negative consequence of a welfare state.

• Thegovernmentisusedtoputtinglargelandsiteson auction. Only the mega-developers can afford the considerable capital investments that the policy entails. Middle-sized developers have thus been excluded from the game. This has led to limited choices in the market for citizens. If the sites are divided into smaller lots to accommodate more developers, the market will become healthier as a result of greater competition.

• Middle-sizeddevelopershavelimitedfinancialcapabilities. In order to realize their capital investments as quickly as possible, they must come up with appealing designs to attract buyers, which in turn will give the public more choices.

• Thegovernmenthasputlargesitesupforauctionbecause officials think the overall facilities and infrastructure for a small district would be better if planned by a single developer. In reality, if the government can come up with clearer town planning guidelines, the supplementary facilities can be perfectly satisfactory even if the sites on offer are smaller.

• Onceallowedtocompeteonalevelplayingfield,developers will naturally come up with quality and diversified private residential blocks at reasonable prices. Such private blocks will of course be superior to the homogeneous and unimaginative Home Ownership Scheme projects.

• Iamaconservativepropertydeveloper.Ionlyspendwhat I can earn. I shun speculation and will not over-estimate my capabilities. As a result, I will not make a lot of profit even when the market is bullish. Yet, when the market turns weak, I will not be doing too badly either.

Note 2

Note 1: Just a month after Hong Kong’s reunification with China,

Dr Che-woo Lui granted an interview for Wide Angle Magazine. Hong Kong people were then bathed in a jubilant mood of prosperity. When

asked to comment on Hong Kong’s economic future, Dr Lui replied, “The Hang SengIndexhasclimbedfrom6,000pointstothecurrentlevelof16,000.Property

priceshaverisenfromHK$3,000toHK$7,000persquarefoot.Idon’tconsiderthesetransactions to be an income for Hong Kong. They are, on the contrary, expenses for us. They cannot be counted as real foreign exchange earnings. Earnings from industry and the financial services sector are feeding Hong Kong. However, the stock and property markets have risen to such unreasonable levels that I am afraid we will create a bubble economy. It will be detrimental to Hong Kong’s economy in the long run.”

“I have arrived at a deeper understanding of the real estate market in Japan,” Dr Lui continued. “The best residential blocks there are only priced at a little


onlyabout4%.Incontrast,theinterestratesinHongKongareashighas8%to 9%. What I am driving at is that the economic bubble in Japan burst

about a decade ago. Domestic consumption has plummeted. It is my biggest worry that Hong Kong will make the same mistake

and follow in the footsteps of Japan.” Just two months after the interview was published, as Dr Lui predicted, Hong Kong’s

economic bubble burst amid the Asian financial crisis exactly as described in the magazine.

Note 2: Sponsored by Dr Che-woo Lui, Mr Philip Y K Liao drafted

a blueprint to redevelop the North Point Estate into a Chinese culturalandartscentrein2003.MrLiaowasthefirstrunner-upforthe

West Kowloon Reclamation Concept Plan Competition. He envisaged 14 permanent performance venues in the repackaged North Point being

completed in 12 stages with various Chinese ethnic cultural performing groups as resident companies. The scheme was supposed to be divided into 12 phases. Thesmallestcomponentwastobeanartsandculturalbuildingwithafloorareaof150,000sqft.Thebiggestonewastobearesidentialshoppingmallwithafloorareaof880,000sqft.Developersofdifferentsizescouldallcompeteforaslice of the project according to their own financial and technical resources. He had time and again reminded officials of the importance of fair

competition. Had the plan been adopted, he would like to have seen the site divided into smaller parts so that different developers would

have a chance to participate.

Quotations from Dr Che-woo Lui

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嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期





A fun weekend at Ocean ParkK. Wah Social Club organized a day trip to Ocean Park in October 2009. Star ted with a lunch at Middle Kingdom Restaurant inside the park, the trip brought the participants lots of fun and excitement in visiting various featured museums and taking thrilliing rides.

Warm festive gatherings in ShanghaiTo encourage interactive communication among colleagues, a series of leisure activities were organized in Shanghai. During Mid-autumn festival, a crab feast with karaoke competition and lucky draw was held, which attracted active par ticipation from staff and created an exuberant atmosphere. Besides, the Christmas gala dinner brought another delight. A nice Christmas tree was decorated with cards full of colleagues’ new year wishes. These initiatives have successfully created a pleasant working environment, facilitating a harmonious and cooperative relationship among staff and enhanced team spirit and cohesion.

上海員工陶醉於品蟹暨卡拉OK大賽中,歌聲、笑聲、掌聲、談話聲此起彼伏The crab feast is filled with songs, laughter and joy

1. 同事們踴躍於聖誕樹上懸掛新年祈願卡Colleagues decorate the Christmas tree with their wish cards




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K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46


Galaxy’s Got Talent!In support of work-life balance being promoted by GEG, Galaxy Staff Social Club organized the Galaxy’s Got Talent at StarWorld Hotel in September 2009. 16 teams from different departments competed in the finals after nearly 6-month preparation and several rounds of selection. Senior executives of GEG and showbiz celebrities were invited to be the judging panel which voted the Latin dance performed by StarWorld Hotel’s team as the champion.

得獎隊伍獲銀河娛樂集團總裁及首席營運總監萬卓祺(右四)頒贈獎品Michael Mecca (fourth from right), President and Chief Operating Officer of GEG, presents awards to the winners


星際市務部接待大使主任黃忠榮(下)及星際娛樂統籌部節目統籌主任蔡金鳳(上)憑著精湛的拉丁舞表演,獲得全場總冠軍Andrew Ng (bottom), Supervisor – Welcome Host of StarWorld Marketing and Elaine Chai (top), Show Supervisor of StarWorld Entertainment with their spectacular Latin dance win the championship


參賽同事一人分飾男女兩角的精采演出獲全場歡呼,獲選Best Audience Choice獎項A staff member who gives a man-woman performance wows his audienceandgarnerstheBestAudienceChoiceaward





Delicacies and fun brought by KWCM Social Club Great news to the KWCM gourmets! KWCM Social Club organized two sessions of workshop hosted by the cooking master, Luk Kam Sing (“Master Luk”), Production Manager of P&T Department, K. Wah Concrete Company Limited. Master Luk shared his recipes of blueberry cheese cake and chicken wings marinated with soy sauce with the par ticipants. The food lovers had an enjoyable evening filled with laughter and self-made delicacies. In the 3D animation G-Force appreciation, par ticipating children of the volunteer service programme co-organized by KWCM and Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service were also invited to share the excitement with KWCM staff.


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美國酒店回饋員工A big THANK-YOU to US hotels’ staff

嘉天下通訊 二零一零年第一季 第四十六期






北卡羅萊納州Hilton Charlotte Centre City

北卡羅萊納州Hilton Charlotte Centre City舉辦了一個以70年代為主題的員工派對,各同事皆以出位的70年代的士高造型出席,度過了一個集美食、遊戲和歡樂的晚上。Hilton Charlotte Centre City, North Carolina held a 70’s themed party for associates. Team members had a groovy time with great games, excellent food, and kooky outfits and hair.

加利福尼亞州Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova

加利福尼亞州Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova悉心安排一個慰勞宴予房務部員工,以感謝他們的努力和付出;當天早上邀請了大廚Jose親自下廚,炮製一頓豐富的早餐供各房務員享用。Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cordova, California hosted an appreciation breakfast to express their gratitude to the Housekeeping Department for their dedication, attention to detail and hard work. Thanks to Chef Jose’s preparation, the staff had a great morning started with a nice big breakfast.

新墨西哥州Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown

新墨西哥州Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown的管理層特設汽車清潔感謝祭,為員工清洗各車輛及船隻,以感謝員工過去一年來的努力,令酒店成為顧客的星級之選。是次活動非常成功,酒店希望今後每年舉辦一次同類活動以慰勞員工。Sheraton Albuquerque Uptown, New Mexico held an Associate Appreciation Car Wash in appreciation of their effor t on making the proper ty the best hotel destination in the city. The hotel’s Executive Committee washed the cars, trucks, a boat, etc. for their hard working associates. It was such a great success that they hope to continue the tradition to thank their associates every year.



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夏威夷檀香山Hilton Prince Kuhio Waikiki

夏威夷檀香山Hilton Prince Kuhio Waikiki嘉許73名服務了酒店10年以上的員工(個別員工已服務達29年!),當日除了安排傳統夏威夷歡迎儀式及午宴外,獲獎員工更得到由仕德福酒店集團總裁呂耀南發出的感謝函及紀念品。Hilton Prince Kuhio Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii honoured 73 associates who have been with the hotel for over 10 years (some for 29 years!). It was a special event with a lei greeting and luncheon. The awarded staff members were also presented with a letter of appreciation from Lawrence Lui, President of Stanford Hotels Corporation, and thank you favours.

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K.Wah News | Spring 2010 | Issue 46



讀者意見調查結果 Results of Reader Opinion Survey


Thanks for your active par ticipation in reader opinion survey and all the invaluable comments, the survey results are summarized as below:

為答謝讀者的參與,以下十位幸運兒均可獲贈百老匯禮蜜卡一套 (價值港幣150元)。得獎者將獲另行通知。As a token of appreciation, the following participants will be given Broadwaycinemagiftcard(value:HK$150),andnotified individually.

1. Dakki Kong (ICGS/Communications)2. Debby Wong (StarWorld/Marketing Communications)3. Doris Lam (ICGS/FO)4. Doris Siu (Stanford Hotel/HSKP)5. Jacky Yip (KWIH/GIT)6. Kenny Huang (KWCM/IT)7. Sherman Ngai (Stanford Hillview/Account)8. StephanieLau(KWCM/SRCM)9. Stephen Leung (KWML/D&T)10. XiaoLiYing,Carmen(ICGS/FO–ISC)

1 嘉華頭條 K. Wah Headlines

2 主席「嘉」書 Letter from Chairman

3 「嘉」國大事 K. Wah in Focus

最喜歡的欄目 Favourite columns

《嘉天下通訊》的分項評分 Attribute ratings of K.Wah News

題材 Topic

內容趣味性 Interest of contents

內容多元化 Diversity of contents

語文水平 Languagestandard

標題大小 Size of heading

內文大小 Size of body text

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方便閱讀程度 Readibility

圖片數量 Quantity of images

圖片質素 Quality of images

圖片大小 Size of images

整體設計美感 Overall aesthetics

刊物大小 Size of publication

刊物厚度 Overall thickness

封面設計 Cover design

封面印刷效果 Special effect (cover)

封面紙質 Paper quality (cover)

內頁設計 Interior design

內頁紙質 Paper quality (interior)

顏色運用 Use of colour

3.92 3.58 3.854.22

4.00 3.93 3.834.17

4.02 4.07 4.00 4.00 4.03 4.02 3.984.23

4.434.17 4.12














《嘉天下通訊》的整體評分 Overall ratings of K.Wah News

季刊加深我對嘉華集團的認識The publication enhances my understanding of K. Wah Group

季刊加強我對嘉華集團的歸屬感 The publication strengthens my sense of belonging to K. Wah Group

季刊突顯嘉華企業品牌的獨特形象 The publication defines a unique character of the K. Wah brand

季刊內容與我息息相關 Contents of the publication are relevant to me

我在季刊裏讀到我需要的資訊 The publication provides the information I need

季刊是我獲得公司資訊的主要渠道 The publication is the key source for me to acquire company information

季刊內容反映集團的發展方向 The contents reflect the truth of the company

我希望能投稿至 《嘉天下通訊》I want to contribute articles to K. Wah News








4.08 4.07 3.383.72



最喜歡的季刊封面 Favourite cover design

滿意程度 level of satisfaction重要程度 level of importance

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第一季 SPRING 2010第四十六期 ISSUE 46


G 2010




S ISSUE 46 嘉

天下通訊 第四十六期


Color: 4C+Gold Hot-stamping

Soaring high in Greater China with strengths of integration

貫徹綜合發展優勢 騰飛大中華