ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD 2019 · The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and...


Transcript of ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD 2019 · The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and...

Page 1: ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD 2019 · The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and start-ups in the transport and distribution sector sector that bring economical and ecological



Page 2: ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD 2019 · The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and start-ups in the transport and distribution sector sector that bring economical and ecological

„Coherent sustainability conceptsare becoming increasingly important for differentiation in the market. We clearly notice this.“

Page 3: ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD 2019 · The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and start-ups in the transport and distribution sector sector that bring economical and ecological

Sustainability wins:the Eco Performance Award.

Future-oriented for the past twelve years.

The leading European award for sustainability in the transport and distribution sector enters its twelfth round. Here, industry pioneers show innovative as well asproven paths toward the future.

The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and start-ups in the transport and distributionsector sector that bring economical and ecological aspectsinto harmony.

In addition to the economic success and the dedication to environmental protection, the commitment of the company to its own employees and to society at largeis also honoured by the jury.

Convince us with your sustainability concept as well. Become a model for others and profi t from the positive effects of the award. Register today

Page 4: ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD 2019 · The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and start-ups in the transport and distribution sector sector that bring economical and ecological

Clear advantages for your company:Sustainability pays.

Profi t in multiple ways.

✓ Gain unique competitive advantages throughsustainability.

✓ Display your success via the exclusive EcoPerformance Seal of Approval, for exampleon your fl eet of vehicles.

✓ Take advantage of the award and strengthenyour image.

Page 5: ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD 2019 · The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and start-ups in the transport and distribution sector sector that bring economical and ecological

„The benefi ts are obvious: always be a step aheadof the competition and have a positive image.“

Page 6: ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD 2019 · The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and start-ups in the transport and distribution sector sector that bring economical and ecological


Effective products

and effi cient processes


Responsibility with

respect to employees

and society at large


Reduction of the

impact of the

economic activities

on the environment

A holistic approach pays:economically, ecologically and socially.

Innovative or down-to-earth.

Companies are prized that have outstanding levelsof Eco Performance. Both innovative measures(e.g. technologies and organizational solutions) and dependable, application-oriented holistic concepts are evaluated. Concepts and projects sent in must have been implemented in practice.

Page 7: ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD 2019 · The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and start-ups in the transport and distribution sector sector that bring economical and ecological

• Quality control and assurance

• Opening-up of new marketsegments

• Effi cient fl eet management

• Utilisation of telematics foroptimal route and tour planning

• Optimisation of cargo holdutilisation

• Reduction of CO2 emissions

• Measures for increasing energy effi ciency

• Utilisation of regenerativeenergies and fuels

• Utilisation of alternative drives

• Environmentally friendly fl eet

• Utilisation of fuel-saving tires

• Training and continuing education

• Education within the company

• Organisation of team events

• Family-friendly working hours

• Safe and health-appropriateworkspace design

• External social commitment

Examples of holistic commitment.

Page 8: ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD 2019 · The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and start-ups in the transport and distribution sector sector that bring economical and ecological

„As simple as it gets: the online application.“

Page 9: ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD 2019 · The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and start-ups in the transport and distribution sector sector that bring economical and ecological

Apply now

Register online. Following checking and authorisation, you are given the access data for your convenient online application.

Fill in the short application and send it in until17 February 2019.Ten applicants are nomi-nated for the complete application (step 3).

Fill out the full application online and send it in until17 March 2019.Three to fi ve applicantsare invited to personallypresent their concept.

Winners are given their awards as part ofthe celebratory prize.

Award ceremony

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Full applicationShort applicationRegistration


Page 10: ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD 2019 · The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and start-ups in the transport and distribution sector sector that bring economical and ecological

The initiators.

DKV Euro Service is Europe‘sleading mobility service provider for commercial freight and passenger transportation. DKV points the

way in terms of sustainability in close cooperation withemployees, customers and suppliers.

Strong partners for sustainability:the brains behind the Eco Performance Award.

The scientifi c support.

Due to its well-founded expertise, the cooperation with the Chair of Logistics Management at the University of St. Gallen provides the

know-how for independent verifi cation and analysis of the concepts submitted.

The premium partners.

The renowned companies Knorr-Bremse and PTV Group, as global players, provide valuable impulses to the Eco Performance Award and promote its establishment on an international level.

The specialist jury.

The careful checking of incoming concepts is carried out by an experienced specialist jury. Renowned branch experts from economy and science select the EcoPerformance Award winners in accordance with various evaluation criteria. Get to know the members of thejury at

Page 11: ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD 2019 · The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and start-ups in the transport and distribution sector sector that bring economical and ecological

„The Eco Performance Award leads the way. Economically, ecologically and socially.“

Page 12: ECO PERFORMANCE AWARD 2019 · The Eco Performance Award honours established compa-nies and start-ups in the transport and distribution sector sector that bring economical and ecological