~ECEIVED IN · .LP MARTIN \}. HAM LrN ( 1a-.com, frcr..·lovo}; 25. Sw,3J~. 7t9r\9 P

;.:. ' . ' - IN · fEB 17 2015

Transcript of ~ECEIVED IN · .LP MARTIN \}. HAM LrN ( 1a-.com, frcr..·lovo}; 25. Sw,3J~. 7t9r\9 P

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' . '

- ~ECEIVED IN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~C~~LA~~~

· fEB 17 2015

.... c·A\/SE ND. JljGS~)


2"J JUDICIAL 'DrSTf{.rcr


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Cov'(·r OF CHeRoKEE Courrry ~ RES9GN D 1\- HT '2

In -the COURt



_ f\£LATor.<.s Prrrrro1v Fott


~t;r sr ~ PP.Rrr E s _J"OD(,'( 6.ASCoM BENTL.E'f tu

01 £~ ttic.'t Arr DR ~ey 1 RA rna PArrarJ, rARrt . DtSTR.I'Cf CL£R\<yJf\IVErGAres1.PAI{rf

AT '~"35 S. MJ.-r-1.~i2rd, fl.~ ~VS~J)(J . '-157f!S

JeffR'/ L. WqrJ 1 ~etaior­

Wy()tte lJnH j Blo Avl1 S2 \ 14 t' Nr.SV.IU-fliX, 7734q

r~-~e . WR- 3e1 lJ:,Si-o1

In +oihe [OVRT oF CRrNtrJJAL APPEALsJCoW\~5 nDvl1 .1&frey l~ WARD} Re~ues\-in::r ih',s wj~rr Dt- MANJ>AIV\VS ·~oMwea­No. W'.R~-3~, 1og1i' Dl fRtJtl\ n-te. _2~ Ju-rorc.JAL Dj>tYacTCa7e'r cP

CA·erwKtE covrv't'y 1Tt:Y...AS.. _ .

. l.

TAeu:: OF CoN\EtJT"S

" NAJV'\£ OfAL.L JJAR.I'I~ .. ~,. • •·•• • •• '' •' .~..WJ .• •· •• ,.,,, ..... ·- 14 ~ .--.u • .1

p c>

TABu:. 0 r c Cf\'l TE. N Is .. - - . . . . . . ~ . . " . ' . . . .. -· ~ 4 • ,. d ~ U-F ( .,. a~ ~ rC l 11 D 6 4

USTCFA\miORITl€5 ........... __ ... -~ ............. ~ ... ,,,.u.-~··'" L.Ll.

STATEM£NT o~ niE.(Agf • -·Pa."i - ·~... • .. .. • • -. • ,,_ .... .., .. • • .. .., .. .. •• - ., ... ., .... """"' J ~ "', '

STATEM £Nr o F.JlJRIS OJLTton) . ___ . _ _ _ . _ ...... , , .; , •. , .;, •. u LPG· 2.

Tss-ut.S PRESENTED .. -······-·-·-_.·-_ ...... ... uu.i~--~_,~ ... .,.,,~ ...... ,,~ Pg,2,3 . STATE.MENT ot: FAcrs ~ .. _. _ .. __ ...... _ .. _ .... , ., ,. ... ", ~., d .,_, /,(~ fu.4


CERTI fiCA rr o lV __ . _ ... _. __ . __ ... __ . ____ ... _ • __________ ~ ~·-. . . . .. Pea. B

INMAT£~ DEC.LARAfroJ\J -----·········-·····-·· -·----------------·-· f><3,8 Aff £N D I'j._

t ' •

. ........ ·

:u ..

....... ~ .... : . ~ ............. .:.


C.o DE oF APf.'t:LLAI£ PRocEt:bvRf: ~ B \JLE 31 '5 (9) 1Pc().1

c. onE o't: CRI/V\INAL PRoc.IXDu~E- ~- Arkc.\e II t51· P~/1

C.oDE OF CRIMINAL PRQEE.DvR.E. P ARriTL£ ll ~01 ~·3(J} P~-;2.

c.oo£. oF CRrMitJAL PRoillov~E ~ Rule BoA. A (5\ P<a· .s·

MARr-IN v. lY\RNa..L (Are ~7 orst. 19<17 ~9bo sw, 2J. B1s,P9.LP

MARTIN \}. HAM LrN ( 1a-.com, frcr..·lovo}; 25. Sw,3J~. 7t9r\9 P<jJ12.

SE.~ fDN V~ STATE (2ooo) ~ .51 Sw. 3d. 't?4 P<a .. (P

Ttt'f jjl:h /l\M'W\£1\JDM£Nf OFCoN.STt -~ .Dvf PRocess Pg~3;4

\JE I( N tJ N ANN (ODE oF CRrm • . J:Rnc. t Ar±lcl e II: az "5<d) P3 ·1t1.

\(TCA Go\IER. tJM EN!" CO.OE -- -,


< • I


The '1~tQtor Col\ tends +hqti:he ev\'cfe'*uqr-'t \')eqrfn~)fh:it­\.Jns den'veJ -ttomihe i"N-ict\ hctbeuS c_orp~1~1 q+crs qtfome.y

1Ale)( ,q.,J1

ertfered t6flto record .vl'o..s i"aTa Jl:.H ~r\d~,·, heon·t)s· Howe.ve~ th~':lkthe h(!Qf"tnj diJ prem.afurely e()~

1itJe eJJi</en ce h~ctrd Wets o+mo rv)ef\~

prep orf-ion ,L.n-f~vor cf relator 1wi+J., I'Yfvc.h mor~ favomhk C!Vt:de.nce

ov~~ 1lable atihatt-ifl'\~ hvf was nd- 9•vc:.11 at-1 erp~rlun;+r+o ~hea~. \here fo~ felc,tor \Aia5 e<are'j I.OL'S\ y h QJ'med by-Jhe· pre.m~ore

erld ''"<j, eve"' f\1e>~ S£1 harmed by-·-fhe W')t' S'Stl13"tRln.scr:i.p.{ o+ fhe hea.n'n<j 1aVlcJ 1ls nothe10!j avtt\1Ql1(e frr-rv\ihe D istrid- Cle.,-~.

Relato..-'s IQ,tf.omey-1 alle3 ed\y aba-ted re/crbrs Appeu\ t'n o.ffler

·rotr'lein( t'nlt.ot habeus. £~Vj.hrtl1e 4ppe:tl CCJo rts Jud~eMerrl­\,v'as rendered th.19qs:·fhe Y)C)rmatiwoyt!XlrS ~peck.-d'/.th~··nrhQ) ~h{:_Q$

. I .

5hovid bcwe b~en forwav-JeJ·+o+h~s Gvr+ iinrt.>~.C~~Iyvnof- heicl vn+~l 1q <i8· Cl+tY>9: (Y/ARrrN V· HAM L£N, (Tex .(n m., App .2!W ). 26 s w. 3d ·7t~~7 i9

The Ccde&COMi,rxxf Proceed vre S.pec.i fi'c·al ty s-h~a+ l:W\derane C.o>ver

Gl \ re~ve~eJ reconk,Tf'Qnscn'p+ lf1c/~~J l ctYe ·-b..bE' i' 1mmeJiq+e:ly

TVct.n.sM,"JteJ to~~ Cbvrl ot w·/Yl')l~aj 1/l)ff'ea.ls .. Cit.·~~: fe<kcl' co:niinal -,rC/ceed e Artfcle ti /lJ7 ?(~), Verno~ 4J(\ COde of Cr·(fr>.Att;~ti~D7 ~),

The Hcnoro..ble Yvck:J~ ~corn Ben-\\ey ID J1 .. -1-he-h--~1 in~ Cavse . .U<f'-5, and he~ ihepcu4t:(tf evidentvaty he<2n~pt1J s(isq\--Hie

J.l'\d Jvdltia( Dfsirid Covr+ o·f01erok;ee (~~ Rusf<1T~, arJ1who Y<.?la~;( E?Sipec·ts achon ~~ r~~;ruard' +C) re~ace1n5 "the mispfac<:rJ i-mf\Scr1j,J+.

~ ~c.::(Qfc.r1 hE.Jcre h{s-tll,·nJithis ~lri+d Wbndllm~diJ al+ernPf-' ~-~~-·"·~ Q Si'mipte M·uh'6nioihe· Otsfn'd-Cwu'rl-1-fct'i ib·e R:?plocemetrl-atk T tai'\S·cn ~ •. if:)ll,qi(eJ ~n_.tq.~e:ts. The ncm·-'rt:Spons~ is ~hl-cJ.a~ot ~


1he lexo.s Cov!t of' Cn.m1na l ,Appeols under avthon'ty ~ ihe "Texas Cor~Biitvt,·o() 1 has Ju-lsd(c+&on to issve finqnc:!bmv~

To O.r'\y lower .Crit'Y.l/n·at Covrt t'n Texas. ~elutors convid/ot) . (n 'Texds 2nd .JlJJieiCil Otrtrk.f Covrl; C'hero~ee ~Is J~~;c;Jk:t(on ..


'll,e mai., po,n t ···n ~vc:S"'h o~"'· ,·~er~ ,·sthetranscdpt':- +o . the parl-hll €videntvu''Y he<v-;".9' held byi+Je 2nd Jud'ic.la\ DiSI!tt'd­Covv-t o~ July l}lqq3

1 Ctttn~:. .lfpp€ndlx P3,(ij).

Why i~ there (~lran.sc.npt +o ad lt-fereY)+ heun ()9 1l'.f} 1-\)e

file fft>m Mo.y .l.lr.1'1 q3 hv"t hotthe +ra.r\Scn'pt ih~ve5.fi·o(.). See~ Jl.)~ppendix P<J'• LB), "'TheC'terhs ~"5Jerl•i1sLthe n.,Sfr.•'-1\ l+)torfle't; Shov)l d be. eon-h_~J in iregvard +cith.e ffC\nscn'pt-t·s noti'm.ere ,r, the fvles of proceedure,Retcr+or- ex pec:ts -the DISfi'il.'c+ Co~('ler~ 'to.fol )ow The $Q.n'}c CoCJe ot: Cg·t'wunQ\ ptl)ceec9vre h·e tY\a~es av.\)

effor+ +afof!ow See~ AppendiK P9' (~J ·-thefrtH1SCn'p+ tnos·+ ( erta.:ird¥ S~ould o-f beer') Sen++o the CotJrt ofCr,m;t)Q( Appeo\ s as then .ti- Wovk} be OiiCtilQb\ethrcJugh ·the Stq.+e la_..v Li brcir'-t··

Cif,~nj! /lrt. JJ; 0} C'ooE of Cr,~rn. fte>cv ia\so Verno" /lntl CoJe Sec."S<JJ.

lhe Covr+:S hQI+t'n9 the hean'"9 on Ju\1~1qq3C\tthern~ere vY)e;;\-{ont r\~ o-f Coerc (o0 Of\d QSSClvd-\- j'vSf-ot.ri:-st'de the G,vri-roc>~ doors cl un'r,3 ·the tnql /ef)J ed the hear~ ns .. rhe etff-t,'re recorel ~the hearl~ S'hOtli,J of ~een $(?1ft toflile C~rt&fCn~.~a(( ·Apfeals al-tf\ot·f,me 1 ()at hetJ ·-for-fl've yea~. Ci+i'Vl9'· JA'lqrf)·r1 v4. Hom/t'o 1 -J. 5 S vJ, 3d· 718r11 {T~. Code~ PJpp 2ooo.,._



.Relcth( presumes th~ evt'c/e,ltvca('y heariflj hetJ WQsonty

permitted for ti,e pufpo.se ~ hEann3 e.videt,cc ·ci- possib\e {or~nce

of f~\crrcf,~ Sfe.dt(.eal\y toheqr f\l,·e (C(QI~ifon of .labiha.8row.,O<Jf'7,Wi\o

Cc:M; .. e al\ -the ·'ulo.y -€~0\'Y\ GadsJei"iALa. Whefetabifhc. haJ tos=ei-he 1hefapt'st-+CJ t\el·p her regoin her OtbiHty iC) &pto~- CMecf+he··f{.-st ·tha'n~s slh.e ~id 1 c&fer re~Q/·f)t~ her Speech W'·as 1o ncr d~ lo \") "jotJ pleas-e taKe.tr)e back to Tex.as, 1-o-tl,e .C6t~t+ .:>or: en.,+ett·tkc= trvth 1a.VlJ -~,'the affldl)vt.+, 5 ee~ fl ff01Ji)((/1).a.nJ it.le heo.nhs iha+ i\i1e ttOtnort~bJe Jvdf)e jus+ dkl not see;~ +o warr.t-4-t> hc-Qf'·

It •'5 (e{ato(> undec:s-+anJ(.,3 ,ctnd Qccor.d/"9+CJJYtlc'ss~n•'s Bn:nvn

1 Tab.'thas s*p mom

1·ihert- Ta.bd·ha. went severa.\ ,..,..,c.trlhs

he-fore re~Q;vu·n9 her Speech cJter bo~i-h~et.\d 1 osSC<vHd all by ihe h')W\ ·fh ehcl of ihlc!' mather ( lt'nda Bi.~ha.m~ o9-the Ot\c?

~E'r aHe~eJ to be VICt.-Jm> o::f- frlctl . s~nrwtVlfck 'be.dQrcrh6h ...

ot Apr.end;x. ~ela+or fee(s ·t.h.at Due Prvces5 \Ja-s def\)eJ hi'"" a-t ·the pcu·-h'ol ~~eun0J -~A) ere witness.ts who Wene ,ye+ QS$0uttcJ1 or. Saw ·~e Cts'Sauif 1 bv+ Were hev.e·..- 9tven 'the eppertvni~'l

fo +es-\-!'fy. ·Th·e fV~an£-tt•Jpts fbt be1~9 ava,·lQble 1 and +he h~s being held 1 <?er.+.a,'¥J,~y i-s. t).o.+ QY\, e')(cep-4-d caseot-lbnst;t@a"a) W,efh~ol csY· .

~rhap.5 i' f ih e '-lorn oft\ b \e ~vJs e hc.J o!IC>W~J ·~'brfha. ofew mae vnomenis ·to s-pa::d<. S'he 1rno..y o+ e.xpooV~ded o~ 1he

effects she deri veJ ..Pr"~ ·-\he assc.tvf,+ by Clcv~ ~The" iheJiudje May of ~ainc.tJ, a MIIC~ CJ·f{~t:rter- ·teel,n3·ot -the l~portan<e of ~er ie~; rnony, This (sst~e Serves·tq \~J\.cQ-4-e ll1es1§l1i·tittn"e<:

O{ +he te'6vesfeJ ttctY.)s·cn ph See:tHfic\av,{1 6><n1bA A, /}~,~i><•



(1.) Th~ -tro t'\5C r ,\ pt fs net tt1·-\he Ct-er:11s -fl')e fv1"svan++v. Code--of Froceed.u .rc:: ~ See; Append1.X.· E"xt ~)

(2.·)The Tra,nsc.ript: iS no+cxvail~blc tore\crlor.s~~ Atpperdcx ~ >< • (\J) (F)

(3~ Evidence ln the tra.n.s·cn.p+ is . vr+a\ to relcrtors C(a"{O\S'

<:f ficlvet \ Inr1c:x.ence ~ fv,·d €ni i'n .record~ I

~~)Relator has -fi Jed a recen~ Mol{oY\ f~r rep\ac,tne~Tf-See; Append\x, £~{~)

(5) Het a_te1r h'as a n~ htto itlis evidence t'"n h',s-favov "f({V>m his own padlcd evldenf~A,.J heafJ"3 re!ct!f-or \hos a (o,f\s+itvf,ona I ·r·1 ~hi to '"fui5 ev,·de~.ce ,, ; 41Yl Amt\'\evJ_

(<o.~ ~e\ o+o f bef i eves thctl eve11 th'ts Covr+ Wov(d ()~ i~ v 1€ w -ti1 e + run.Sc. r,· pt ·for fhe Courts dclerm • -~~n ot Q_ l-labeqs C.crpl.J5 ' Code 0~ C-'{I.'N\l~C<_( pR;~c, j (,'a7

(7·) A ~.o+or h Q s p k\ced herei't1 +?e Ap pef)d' tx ~ A ·pu3 e o~ ~I? Brret the Slctte presc:n+eJ m -Th.,. retcr\o~.s Afpe:tl. lhe_.P<l9e o,oljoc..e"-t- describes wha.+ +he rdq-\.gr CoV\elaet'.S t£?> befoJseness Th c · ). d. --t_ ·• · _n -+L + ~ . . , · I, e vtrnp -e pro uc n d)') ar

. ne fa.I'\S'crr ft W1!l't-eH the cort~d vers(oY) 6 ·

1\f'fevlcl i~ £1'\1i bi-t(c.)

Relqtors (ontenta'on is fhct+ he did not reo·cv<:: o. -t'vu QnJ ·foi(' ev)'den+u~('t .hecu··tn:~ 1 ~, 1 ~-"}1'19"3.,AnJ has ncv~• bee:n ~'ircn qr) opper+vn •'+y to pv rcnas<: the tlflAnscn'pt of the '">eun1;..3 ~-th ,

Years of at+~tn~pts.The TrR-lnscd p+ Coklvs--;'vekt prove's ·the hea..-; ..,3 Was f'\Df fv\\ or ·fairpYIJ will prove the +nal \.Vtts'Ao+ iit;r1a,.,J not- be,·'\9 ~~ie+opvrehq~·ethe evl'clen(e/t's no-t··f<:t·,r E>it·her.

-n-,etnal s+C\rt~Jw,'fh Tab;+hQ Brown a6the ve0ff,t4r.s+ ~~~·-+n-ess. She etierted th~ Courlra~-n ~··c.:\o)t'n9 ur\d 6Crelm~~ .. Her

&y ~·s- were kv fo'Hc:tl, be1~ li+-eruJ I~ d Yn<j<j eJ 'by h.:r Mcsther-j.,·\'he 'WI+ness stQvrl I The 14tbrney tor rd<\k 'I eti(ed C>t.i~ H\ :stnq \1 bv+ The Hovto(1'J{b\e Jud9e den;.eJ 'rt. Bas.) <:a\\ y

1la.h; th Q th-en bec.am.e

~ QVa il ab\e lil*-1 ea.sf 1Q((or-d,h9 to+:he S'ta~e. Howev~r·th~ s~ cwedod<eJ a cl ovse ofitlere n:Ae Bo4 '~5)'7wh;c.h 6to.testh.afq Wi-tt'\esS' is i~ UV\UVai\etb\e lf·fhere bee~ threqteJ'\ectTh·e $'hJe J\J

-\"\d- bother to it1~v\re oflObilbG\ w'hy She \.\.US So d.•s1-~ssed1 bvtc:AiJ a~l.owfhe tM~I)CAVi.1j Jvry'+o a-ssvme she UJaS ·terror{f\·~o{~e re\Q+or. .

1he <X+iont o~TabH-~,Q ot tna( }ui \y ,;rJ,ca-\e·-that-she w<Jts

Just' assau \ t~1C?onJ s en•o vs:~-x t1~ re<rleneJ Witt, JeG\\-h .:J"vsA- as

She s'kl*eJ other retat')tai-/on,.C6tnbl'ne~ wHh los/n,s herubrt'rl-1 to sped< anJ Seea.'n-.9 otherap,~+ af+erwavcls1 inJ,cutes·ihe Veruclty

of her +es+;mc,fly, .Tabifhq "totJ ·fetv>o\e ~ftc·er's ~e:tore-trtctl·+ha+ S~e.loveJ CJetf)r;elatT-or. Ofc·ovrse;-the S-Me vt(\\.Zed-#tl.s ti) avevy, hrAfm·fv\ wo.y-fhe bes+·fhey Could1 bu+·#.e+cvth has q way of-5hOVJ,'~3. itself)e1 ,1ib.;{h~, Wovld n:~ ~e feo.rf'vl of,relci~or j.{: ~he -1-vl\J officers she ,,CJV<td· hm·\',Q\so she wov'J ..,crl-ast(daJ.fc,bnljhe• bat~, -to !e.)(c6}6·1-i\e dreaded Covr-+1 1-\! 'f) be Was ~en ~J ~ relqt~


~ .1\L CLAR\< JR, Who Tab+ha S9-y5 S\affecll1e:raf~h"~rmoth~r-QC:.v"~5 there: ~aces1cu1cl-thre.q\-eneJ tol-f''' ihem is e'n pn5on torP).wt\~r;

Relator tJnd er.s-\at'\ds+hctt he \4J'cts COI"\V\<.4-d of- 10f?(2> Q\~o,aJ OO"er+er o.s Clav-·'< aVld l1fnS \)oWl Wer< tr'/ 1~~rtb ~-tort (elqtof" a+tiwne- c.~ h\s

arrest. They we'~ JemGind'ti9 mo."'ey-n:-n ... ·the·n·-to drop·-\"e-fQ)se

ChaifjC'S a.s reicttor tes+i·+~c-d cd-trtc.}, f3th'jhards daUJhterWho ·

Wasthe other alleged Vtctt:~ /n -{his C<iS<y9rewv,o ~~~;c~1 her rv)~I"Y\ Li i'\dq B ,.;9hcrm/l t'ed on:-the mnrnec~ e f I (:ence So she cou\J Cje+n'\Q{¥'; eJ 'to a {el'to'IO wh 0 h.c.J Jbst reiei\rcJ serfol%' mo'lley 1-+her1 teHs he~' n~.~ ~~vt~~ her hL1§barJ {s fQ(>•bs hetj So WD·v,J yov h~'n h;Mfor'M-e~ 'She­

. l5 ~ o pnso() Q,l~o.See ~· Sex±on v. 5~cftc, 51 SvJ;·3J, L,ol\(2.ooo);

Re\ator h~·tr,·d toi'nchc'O-kthe tMfo~nct> a\' his recelvin3 the -tro(\SC.ript ;Ond n~pe-.\?vt\y has .ShowYl ·fhqf -fhe Covrl- J~·J not ·fvll ft \ liheft: oEll~ a+i 0.'\ to ·fhe code cl fh, c_~edu re it-t mceny \JJO..~J.5' I

-The 1-es+ -for ddcnn; ruhg re l ct+ol.s E'f\-b'-tle 01 ent to· f'Y1anJatT\v5

re~ v·ires ~elu+or +o esW..hit~h (1J That she no.s t')l'J ad~ vcr\-t>

femf:.dy a+ l o:w,c~.nd 0..:) That She s~el):..s -to Con'Yif>el.\ 0.

,~tv)•'n;·s{·ericd oc.f. i ar-tho.l Covr-\- has cl;eo.tt y abused i:+s .

discre .. ~ro"' -~ c.rt-o;3 ·, Mod-io V, Darn d\,. 9 &P> sw. 2J,. 8"3«0( APt 7 Dtsh l997L 'VrcA Govemmplt Code~ 22,.22\ at4 \,.W\cu1d4MLJ45~


\1e\afot~'has WJad~ ev~ry attempt o+ er/ef:V le~t r-emedy .

-for o~·er :lo -y~:s )and hos n~ oJ~ucd-e revneCAyctf. )o..w'J3ecavse

~·the D,s4n'c.+s C\ erks n~o+·followlng ~ro·Ceedlvte's,.cu~·d f.)~o+ keef/Tlj

there reco~s ;fl·-fheQ:" p\ace1 ~r'J r"o+ f!ultf'HJ1nj ob\i,gatfcH'\-5 fc, the PV'l;J cee(}u(es dr.1d d •'rec-\-·t~f>s: o-t -thi;5, (au r.-+ I



C. It ( n:1 : Ar+,· cl e. \l: 511

(oq e o\. C n'm/nq\ Proceedvr'c..Als e

Ci+,·~"~:l: fk+ic.\e.- 3.1·. 5(g) CoJe a\= Aff?ellcdc: Pr.oceedvre, !tit~e (e.\ llt or had fJ.t't"f recordS I SO.ve an appeal bri et1 he rnn./ CoukJ

of Jone So J'V\\e-l-h~t ·.,,3 t e<jdl 't'/ to he l p hI :.,m Sel.f" t4o,welf':c:c fl-~91 . Covrt has· never Qr>5 we·("ecl a~':/ ot his Wla*-;ons (.:\~ .. the pa~

for ·r"'eCo~d.Sj0r hard lf ev.e·v.'\ to any hJQt\ a:~a~t.\: · ' ... "~---Retator has s+tt+ctd 'VY'Juny +h;ng.s herera1 th1s Wr~t,-thcrt-

Ct\ t t5 Svr-\nc e IY)o.y .§~iv.)~ UhV\~~~ssary t~f) 'Q W\unoh::~·M\1~ ·i'arw

a TrQ.Y\Sc rt'pt "the infol'FYP+toc-'1 f)erei n Shows q po-ss)La\ e lV\-fen+ ;tor-thetrat'\5Cr•'p{ ·to r>of be C\Vai.}.Qb.(~, /1-} (ea$rof)

-f~r -the h0ld.in:J ofihe pn;or. l-1fabeas; i'l'l Jqq3jand o reGlSof'\

for a h &f' ,r,9 nd to b~ ~vfl and· fct', r., S<:!e':· E~h:'bi+(t)(A~p~c\ix. . ~e~la4-of" Pra.ts th1 s Cour{ fo for:p·ve ~f5 llctc..K' ot '}e<jcd

S~lll 1a"'d tafry to tMder.s+a"'d his si.-tuqfi.or);.~nd R-ays-t~~·s-i4e>~orab)e Coo~ ,wiH. <jfQnt ·th;·s wr;+ 4o CefV)pell the 2nd

JuJ it iQJ 0' 1'str)c+ C our.'+ o-f Cherol~ee CevYI.+y le.><qs 1

·-ro prod ~e -the_ -im')scdp-i ,o~~e /;;id~fl~W'Y, t-IE?Qrt~~ o-P . Ju( y ,&>.!!~ 1 Jlqq3 1 attd proce t+ 11n ihe -~ le·fct· favse- fl)e;.~11Cf~S(L)~



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' .. . ' . . .

THE STATE OF /1Lttl28ma COUNTY OF ---=~=.uofo=llh=~.£.&tl...__ ___ _

* *

I, I '•


BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared TABITHA BROWN, who, being by me duiy sworn on oath deposes and says:

. J .

. 11 I, Tabitha Brown, hereby swear that twas never touched in my private area by Jeff Ward. He never did this to ine at any time. I oitly told that he did that (touching me ott my privates), becatise I was told by Linda Gail Bingham that she would hurt my mother. it I didn't say those things about Jeff at trtat. I knew it was wrong •. I said the things about Jeff the r.u-st time I was at the Courthouse becatise I was afraid Linda would hurt or kill my lttother.

I was afraid to tell anyone the truth after the nrst day I was at the Courthouse because I was afraid.

I have now told my Daddy abotit what happened, and I know he called Jeff's lawyer arid told him what 1 bad said.

1 ant telling the truth now arid I understand exactly what happened when the trial was going on".

WITNESS MY HAND this ~~ay of __ __.lfn'-"-. +",~ ...... · <t<"'---' 1993.

T [}_b/ l-lz0v .8re>wn TABITHA BROWN

SUBSCRIBED & SWORN TO before me by the said Tabitha Brown on this . .gj~ day of 'fYJ~ , 1993. . . · ..








DATE: September 18, 2014



( ) Upon receipt of proper fees, the copies you requested will be prepared and mailed. At $1.00 per page, the cost will be

... ( )

( )

( )

( )

$ _____ _

We will-need a Court Orderto:prepare.the copies you request at no charge to you.

Contact the Court Reporter-listed below to request a copy of the statement of Facts and fees. NAME=------~~--~-------------------


Your Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus has been recieved and filed Article 11.07 of·~ t::he Texas Code of Criminal Procedure· affords the State 15 days to answer. After that 15 days, the Court has 20 days in ,which it may order a hearing. If no order h?S been entered 35 days from the above filing date, petition will be forwardedto the Court of Appeals for their consideration.

The following instrument has been filed in the above listed case:

A copy of this instrument is attached.

( ) This date, the transcript of your Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus has been f-orwarded to the Court of Appeals .

( ) This to acknowledge your ·Motciori for·-ShdcR ·probation, please., b~ advised the Court has GRANTED/DENIED same.

{X ) Other :the only transcript in your file is of a hearing held 05/11/1993 concerning the estate of George Gunter. I suggest you contact the District Attorney's office in regard to any transcript of an evidentiary hearing - also this office does not prepare nor retain any statement of facts

All further correspondence should indicate the number.

Janet Rusk,

Clerk e County, Texas

BY Deputy PA SON - DIST CLERK OFFICE 135 S. Main - 2nd Floor Rusk, Texas 75785

_ C 0 NCIRNI 1\JG THE. ADJ".ACfJJT PAGE OFT'tP£0 'TESTOYtoi\Ji : ,l"\1.ere\Yl -+he ·S~ates Bn·e+

'1~\otDr (oMpiO.ins o{ ·H1e <brr\entof t\le- ~<ffes eu}~ence on1he~o.tl}a.c~~+ .. __ pase, ne~it') -t{,\s ~ppe-Jix.TyfeJ tdfh~o)'ly, a\ {'aJe 1<- at fWe\\crlcs A~p~ ~ \ctq3,

l,~B_$, At the l~fl7rwtt ~ l4f¥Ea\s1Tylo~~. - . , . _·. :. I Relo-for f~nts -h7the flrst- ro.fQ~ f'Q ph, ,,~,e1 I \tlhev-e ·,t M-c/6 ikaf{~b~hQ 1estii\'ed -\-hcrl- ftlCL>4~ 6la ppecJ her onJ her ·mo-if!e-~ 111 t5 Csh- ve-,~et;r i.he Gtt'rij of 5Fw L\ t1.t:t8 Co.vH\crt 'be O>n'ec.~ ~ecouJ5e tQb~ o)')ly SC:Jt;·ci btet

~d he( Molher were.s\opped Otre1c[Me .-ftdo~ f\o-\-~\{e Spcj1.S -\-o So-y--\-M.a'l-ovre~~e,

· The fE'VI'\ai VI•;:, 3 ~c.11+ c\-t\ie Senten c.e ilal-eS- -\'her\-''d.· i-edly r~ <b<J\'lid l.t/1\,dkr Wikss-el:N6tTr"'1 +hev-e were !P olkev- wi\nesses; alih~ev;Je.i\vo.,y ha:.r1~-lhe pr~.rlor II? Qi(ds ;.f ~ -fheve wete .'II,\ Tl'tle. • I

; The prCJSecvtor ski"te.s ~so/ -thaf (e(a-bv offit letters ctnd pho~XJ i-nb;tbo ArJ ifY'DMt5ed ~~ne-\\t.,s, fu-S 0Sfa4 WQG ~rowl'l olA-m_r(;l<:J(+~>t J'~e 9as'-~~~e.,-\\~y' ;lll1 IV~ c.> fRtJ .41 letlersrQ.I'lc:l hE!QrJ IIH P~""''" ev<J et~ am:J -fe~unJ rJ" +a"" p€f'l;.,~ by

.· f€\o.+o,f/ At-1\0,This wo.s o\1 cle+erNh.,ed Q4 a heu~n3 {,.,.-\arn.perr~.Afcrk\\y · ~i-\lerem;t f'r"<>"-eed/n 5'r!Ni--!b: J'l'-=fo• [VI- -fl.~ &tW 1\io 5)

1 as i-): -1-hey .JI ~

j.u~t~ ~e evlden~. YJ <nf1Y19 • t\1 d- T r1Je! As wei 11-the I /n~ 1/o.t}Jq\.i~

6kr\-es Sb e cJlC/ oo\-- Wcun (;r d~} lefafo.,-h~> '].o to~~~ I 1-T<ibift-,q 1V1ev'er sn;J i}tqt a+

iti" ev_iJ e.,+\lavy h etlt'l,~ • The fYosocoto"' ~eemi~l '1 pvf-all 'fW1t f~e f., make ~~ "'rrenr -\lie ~r,;.,~ C:<> Ma..;;, eJ -/h,r.ys i-t cl:d ru+·lhisJ f'r1:tc~~e Is ~'f dec ei 1/t ~~OVIJ sl1 oviJ l!lo+ he a\lowoJ, i_ + i!> n<?i-~" irvfl., ~.d, o:..M1 be ShowV't hyihe 5\tt'e produo~Vl3 -tk-h-Qnscr\,~ r

E- "- . c -;- C_­. )< V\\. 0 I


. .

J had don~ to her. (SF 79). Tabithais teitimony at the Writ hearing was

·that no one had touched her (SFW-36),. directly in conflict with Dr. . . .

Nielson, Jennifer stevens and her own partial. testimony at tr.ia1. (SF·

71-73) •. Tabitha Brown further testified that AI Clark slapped. her. and

her·~ ptother,. directly in co~f!i~t wlth the other ·Witnesses. (SFW • 41,

:a;. · Iri add'!tion it was established that Appellant himself called .r,.,;J<.":.:.""<4-'!·:"''"':.r.o: . ·. : .

. Tabitha after the trial . and .. sent. her letters. ( SFW 38-39, SFW 55:74,

SFW 119-122'; . SFW .124-127 ,<SFW 129-130), These !etters promise benefits

to Tabitha· Brown ·and her ·family~ (SFW 119-122, SFW. 1247.127,. SFW

129-130). Furthermore, Deputy Miller testified that on several

occasions, Tabitha> Brown state,d that she did not want Jeff to go to

j a i 1 • ( SFW 8 8) .

The State contends that the. truth was determined at tria!.

Tabitha Brown'!_; change in testimony is attributed to her contact with

Appellant· by phone and by mail after tria!. The jury determined the . .

facts, and its finding should not be disturbed absent ··'legal

insufficiency, on. appeaL (Tex.Cr.App. 1990),

s.W.2d 490 at p. 495-496.

Farris v. State, 819

Furthermore, ·a witness's change in testimony after trial,

standing alone, is not sufficient for a·new trial especially after time

to file a Motion for·. New · Trial lapses and the Court loses

jurisdiction. Drew v~ State, 743 S.W.2d 207 (Tex.App. 1987).

Here Appellant has raised no legal point of error concerning this

issue, and the change in testimony has nothing to do with the factual

or legal basis for the admission of the transcript of the testimony

from the bond hearing.







Jeffrey Lynn Ward Wynne Unit- TDC # 647619 810 FM 2821 Huntsville, TX 77349

Re: Ward, Jeffrey Lynn CCA No. WR-38,681-01 Trial Court Case No. 11965B

Thursday, September 11,2014

Your letter has been received. Please be advised:


(512) 463·1551


(S 12) 463-1600


~ To obtain Copies of items requested, contact the State Law Library, Inmate Copy Service, at PO Box 12367, Austin Texas 78711-23267. Please be sure to include your full name and any aliases, TDCJ number, date of conviction, county of conviction, appeal number and complete mailing addre~s,

D Your records will not be returned to you because once records are received in the Court they become the permanent records-of this Court

~ Your application for writ of habeas corpus has been received Thursday, August 20, 1998. The status is: DISMISSED on 9/16/1998.

D Neither the Judges nor the staff of the Court can give legal advice. We recommend you contact Inmate Legal Services at the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division.



MOTioN R£&>lJCS1fi\lG 11\f .2sAd .IuDrclAL ntSTt.OICr [Wflr TO RE:\ILA(e_ (VYL5Sil'X, DtX.Um£1\J"g I\J c_fW6E l\10, 11~/o~B)

COM££ NOuJ ,JEFFR£'1 L:w'JH~D an~ ffi~ thi5 Moh'on re.Ql.le.s}l~Y t\tlis Lv,urt f? produce J.&:umeMs uA_~i~ ale m1!;9n9 .fr,ovY\i~ts Court[lerKs o~~ce~iles. W~fch CJ.f(mi\er\Q( +ctlh£{cqah'h b,t+n;s ~oltcottf.s- Co.rifft')e~eflt' r'The mtssir\ff docvr\1e# ct~ c¥50.i {j \l({o\a-\iov\ o{-h\'f Code c~ urcm1'na( P (dceecfth'e ~v/hetdn Its ~~t}

-fV)cA- ffiiSsroo--fik~s tvlvS{ be. rep-rae~ b'-(a· Mo.ilo" to --fhe ~ov;f· , < ;·APP\'ICct~:jl'\' %. uJthis Covrtfh€ ..foBOtJ)Inq.;: ~'e:CI¥e·?-t--·

( nm,ffil Pf& - ure £1-ck5 +her\- #~be:ru. Cc- (t:)v~ heaf'1Y1Q-f-faA'-: Scf\:t>f5. Qfe -to be keo+ i"'ihe Clerks ..f;le,.t\t\e 6-fate law lJ~rorv St\cies. then CCJ~~Vi·dions ·over . ..26.'/·.r$1-\:-het~ rerotrlt'~-\-cr ·.l)6 ~ep\:-~ Pefv()eul (n+\"1 C>Y\~ le .. 11\e transcri Df for. -the ~r-ha( evid.cn1vcw heJd a+ +h\? Cvv~t+ bvf\\t: \-tano~b.J{{ Jv,d.ae .Boseorn· VJ, ~ey II1 CCJV\ta\ l'l5 fact\Xl \ tssve;. VJM\ck ote M~q( +o fh-,~ ·llt1t>\lco td:s · CM-\'tne the(i)t • · · .

Th&e6fe.;/4r~\,ccur\ ~(Cl'/S-tn,·s H~YJoratde CovA- wrH 1 1£0ll.~ o~ fLP!ate -the iVf\lSStho. e.videntvCtfl.( Hm(i.l1~· -Ita11l5trJ0t u~ided J\JtV B 1 \qq3 "t'oi"t115 UJdft.f l2.-red(-s {;t-e· 1'11 Cav.5e ·:.\Vo.·~ \(q-~~f.B).

~' . . ~ ' ,·· { ... 1t .. ..# t

Re,~ rec,·+u\\'1 Sub N\i \fd



Bv h'" hund I do 5w~o.r thQ~ a +n;e ~nJ cu:curct\e Cofl-f

ffi t\\-e ...for~g o{Y)Q <JoccJmeftt.- 'UI@;; Yr\o) \.eJ with r\he Pt'.C!.!~r pos-\ag 42 Qttf xe~ to Jat"e+ bQ\e; I p ,$4-r 10 Ge rk :fo-r CJ)-erokc:~ . CCluv'\~ . on +t)ts +he~~day er\ 'l~ctiJ\. 1 )o,s, .

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AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711-2367

RE: transcript for evidentiary hearing in writ of habeas corpus WR-38,681-01

Jeffrey Ward (#647619) Wynne Unit (020) Huntsville, TX 77349

Dear Mr. Ward,


9 December 20 14

Thank you for contacting the Texas State Law Library. We received your request on 30 October 2014, but unfortunately, we are unable to process your request for the following reason:

We did not see a transcript for an evidentiary hearing in the writ file WR-38,681-01 provided to us by the Court of Criminal Appeals.

Because we are not responsible for the contents of the files provided to us by the Courts, we have no knowledge of the existence, whereabouts, or pos~ible destruction of this transcript. It is is possible these transcripts are held in the files of the Cherokee District Court. You will n'eed to contact them directly at the address below to see if they have the transcript that you need. They may also be able to inform you whether it was destroyed.

Cherokee County District Clerk PO DrawerC Rusk, TX 75785-0505 phone: (903) 683-4533

According_to_ th~ T~~a,s Sta~e Libr_a,ry and Ar~hiyes (:Qmmission records retention schedule for district clerks, clerks are required to keep criminal files (which includes habeas corpus papers) for "Felony cases in which the sentence, cumulative sentences, or the longest sentence of two or more sentences to be served concurrently is more than 20 years, including cases in whicn the sentence is life imprisonment or the death penalty" permanently, with an additional note regarding hab~as corpus papers: "5 years from issuance or denial of writ in pre-conviction proceedings unless the court issuing the writ is the same court having jurisdiction of the offense with which the applicant is charged, in which case the records should be kept for the same period as the case papers to which they relate. Postconviction habeas corpus proceedings records should be retained for the same period as the case papers to which they are ancillary, except if the proceedings arise from an extradition demand, the retention period under (i) should be followed."

Again, you will need to contact the Cherokee District Clerk for specific information about the retention of their records.

Sincerely, State Law Library Reference Staff


I Jeffrey L. \Jv'qrJ I EftV\ -\-~e re\q+or,a.ncl be in 9 f> rc: 5 €'1'\-tl y in cqrc c ra te~U' Vi H Vr>t .sv~ I le, ;e l!QS­

·The Wynne jUnl~ de.c lQre_ und-er penqRy ot pe'j0ry thct+ QCC.ordlh'j to my be.ltef

1 the f6tct5 StQ+e~ iV7~

The Q~e>ve. _ reHtl'oV\ fbl" vvn+ of MQndcc.W\llSt Q(€ tfl~·e_ . and Co(rctt,


RelatLJ, has rev1ie.wed -th~- Pe+;t,· oV) a\1\d has

COV1C.l vJeJ thcrl the -fUc.tva..l ~teW"ents i'b th i:s t:>&ttJ~fl a.re 5uppo~ by Co~petent evtdel1ce -i·r)c\vdd ·H·1

the Appendix B r re.cOf'd.


By P'"lf hcmcl r do .SVeqr,-fhct+ n Tulle Copy o-f fhe

-f' or ""'3 o ifiS d otu m -e:'nf - f\\ 1 f) us -th e ¥1 PJ? ~~ clx, B ecu.US« at' +lw

lock Of fh> ctb'l,'{y --fo Wlake p!1do Cbpie'" r'n pr,~,was /fnq(/ecl Wt'-1+. fh., f¥ofer p:>s-fa~e o-f:{rke"J -\-o Ja11d Gq{e;> D/'.s-:lr-1 d a erk { 0( 01ei'C> I<E'e J Coun-1 'j Texas' Orr-1-h I 's

·. -Th~ l3Th day o{_ ~e'b,. 2ot 5·· .

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