ECE 4524 Arti cial Intelligence and Engineering...

ECE 4524 Artificial Intelligence and Engineering Applications Spring 2018 – CRN 12983 TR 3:30-4:45 in Randolph 220 ~ ECE4524 Today’s Schedule: I What is AI? I Introduce the Bounded Rational Agent I Course objectives and content I Course administration

Transcript of ECE 4524 Arti cial Intelligence and Engineering...

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ECE 4524 Artificial Intelligence and EngineeringApplications

Spring 2018 – CRN 12983TR 3:30-4:45 in Randolph 220

Today’s Schedule:

I What is AI?

I Introduce the Bounded Rational Agent

I Course objectives and content

I Course administration

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What is AI?

ar-ti-fi-cial adjectivehumanly contrived often on a natural model : MAN-MADE

in-tel-li-gence nounthe ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or tryingsituations : REASON; also : the skilled use of reason (2) : theability to apply knowledge to manipulate one’s environment or tothink abstractly as measured by objective criteria (as tests)

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Human intelligence resides in the mind, the product ofelectro-chemical activity in our brain.

Some statistics:

I 3 lbs

I 100 billion neurons

I 100 trillion connections(synapses)


Further reading:

I Pinker, ”How the Mind Works”

I Marcus, The Birth of the Mind: How a Tiny Number of GenesCreates the Complexities of Human Thought.

1Image by Patrick Lynch, CC BY 2.5

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What kind of intelligence are we talking about

Howard Gardner, 1983 ”Frames of Mind: The Theory of MultipleIntelligences”

I musical

I visual

I verbal

I logical

I bodily

I interpersonal

I intrapersonal

I naturalistic

I moral?

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How did we acquire it?

30,000 to 50,000 years ago humansbecame behaviorally modern. There aremany theories about what drove thischange. Two examples are:

I Social brain hypothesis

I Sexual selection

Ridley, 2003

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Example milestones in human development

I 2 yo - recognize a wide variety of objects

I 4 yo - astounding language comprehension and production

I 6 yo - enough dexterity to tie shoes

I 8 yo - social skills develop, emotional intelligence

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Some definitions of AI

Rich and Knight - An attempt to program computers to do thingsthat people can do better

Winston - A study of the computations that make it possible toperceive, reason, and act

Our working definition will be: an attempt to programcomputers to do things that would be said to requireintelligence if people did them.

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Often the simplest tasks for humans are incredibly difficultin AI.

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Often the simplest tasks for humans are incredibly difficultin AI.

Bill and Mary went out to a restaurant. After being seated theyordered from the menu. Later, they paid the check and went home.

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But, often the simplest tasks for computers are difficult forhumans.

After I read the following, try to recall it:

I 1 5 7 4 0 2 4 8 5 1

I 5 4 0 2 3 1 6 6 5 8

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But, often the simplest tasks for computers are difficult forhumans.

After I read the following, try to recall it:

I 1 5 7 4 0 2 4 8 5 1

I 5 4 0 2 3 1 6 6 5 8

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But, often the simplest tasks for computers are difficult forhumans.

After I read the following, try to recall it:

I 1 5 7 4 0 2 4 8 5 1

I 5 4 0 2 3 1 6 6 5 8

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And, humans often make mistakes

Partial list of human biases and cognitive errors

I Confirmation bias

I Framing

I Hindsight bias

I Availability Heuristic

I Anchoring

I IKEA effect

I on and on and on

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The rotating snake illusion (Akiyoshi Kitaoka)

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This is one of my favorites.

Margaret Thatcher (Peter Thompson, 1980)

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This is one of my favorites.

Margaret Thatcher (Peter Thompson, 1980)

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Course Topics

I State-space search, solve complex problems by defining astate, transitions between states, and search for a solution

I Knowledge representation and reasoning, represent facts anduse automated reasoning to arrive at conclusions

I Dealing with uncertainty and inference, uncertainty asprobability and statistical inference

I How to make systems learn, create models with parametersthat can be found given examples

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The Rational Agent

The course is centered on the concept of a rational agent.

I Agents perceive their environment through sensors and acton the environment using actuators.

I A rational agent is one that makes decisions to optimize itsperformance given the percept sequence and any priorknowledge.

This tuple of descriptions, Performance, Environment, Actuators,Sensors, denoted PEAS characterizes a system.

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I Environment: the aspects of the environment the agentinteracts withobservable? deterministic/stochasticepisodic/sequential static/dynamicdiscrete/continuous single/multiple agent

I Actuators: what actions can the agent take, affects theenvironment

I Sensors: what percepts can the agent acquire

I Performance: embodies the criterion for success of an agentsbehavior as seen by its effect on the environment

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There are a variety of basic agent architectures.

I Simple Reflex

I Model-based

I Goal-based

I Utility-based

I Learning

Real systems usually end up as a hybrid among these.

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Bounded Rational Agents

Rational does not mean omniscient. Agents are bounded by:

I prior knowledge - what information has been provided by thedesigner

I time/energy - how much time (or energy) is available forexploration, learning, and decisions (actions to be taken).

A rational agent takes the action that maximizes performancegiven resource constraints, e.g. the information and time available(Herbert Simon).

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PEAS as a programming framework

A Problem is:

I An Environment

I An Agent with Sensors and Actuators

I A Performance measure

Consider a general programming interface that takes a problemdescription and simulates the agent.

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I 8-Puzzle

I First-Order Logic

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Course Schedule

I State-space search (1/23 - 2/8)

I Problem Set 1, Quiz 1

I Knowledge representation and reasoning (2/13 - 3/13)

I Problem Set 2, Quiz 2

I Dealing with uncertainty and inference (3/15 - 4/3)

I Problem Set 3, Quiz 3

I How to make systems learn (4/5 - 4/24)

I Problem Set 4, Quiz 4

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I ECE 2574 for knowledge of data structures and basicalgorithms, complexity theory, and programming ability. Iexpect you to be able to read, understand, and write programsof a substantial nature independently.

I Probability (STAT 4714) is needed for the uncertainty andlearning portions of the course.

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We will be using Python (2.7) forprogram implementations.

I Python is a dynamic, strongly typed language with clear,readable syntax

I high level dynamic data types

I extensive standard libraries and third party modules forvirtually every task

I has a REPL for fast experimentation

See for pointers to documentation.Other resource links are available on the course website.

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Texts and Resources

(AIAMA) Stuart J. Russell, PeterNorvig, Artificial Intelligence: AModern Approach, Prentice Hall;2nd or 3rd edition

The books website is also very helpful with code, demo links, etc.

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Course Activities

I Readings - Each meeting has a section of the text, see thereading guides to help you

I Warmups - due before (usually) every lecture, test basicunderstanding of assigned reading

I Lectures - I try to make these as interactive and interesting aspossible

I Problem Sets - core of your learning, consists mostly of bothexercises and engineering design problems (programming)

I Quizes

Note the course is four credit hours.

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The grades will be computed as follows:Warmups: 5% (Extra Credit)Problem Sets: 68% (15% each + PS0)Quizes 32% (8% each)

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Collaboration and Late Policy

I All assignments must be turned in via Canvas by due date andtime

I No late assignments will be accepted, with the followingexception: you get three free late days (24 hour periods)during the semester to accommodate emergencies. To use oneor more of these, just submit the assignment via Canvas asnormal.

I All graded work is expected to be the original work of theindividual student unless otherwise directed.

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Course Website:

I syllabus, schedule, notes, etc.

I primary way materials are distributed.


I forum/wiki like software for QA, polls, announcements

I replaces email listserv, but has a configurable email digest

I good mobile apps

I use it to ask (and answer) questions


I take warmups

I submit problem set solutions

I grades posted

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Course Goals

At the end of the course you will be able to ...

I formulate a problem as state space search and write aprogram to solve it

I capture knowledge using logic-based grammar an writeprograms that can automatically reason

I write programs that can handle uncertainty

I write programs that can learn from experience

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Questions ?

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Next Actions

I Start PS0 - this is largely to get started with python

I Read through the Python Tutorial

I Take warmup before noon on Thursday 1/18.