[eBook] 10 Tips For Achieving 1:1 Relationships On Social

10 Tips For Achieving 1:1 Relaonships On Social

Transcript of [eBook] 10 Tips For Achieving 1:1 Relationships On Social

10 Tips For Achieving 1:1RelationshipsOn Social

www.Insightpool.com | 10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social

We know that every company, who values social marketing, has the same mission - create ROI. For many brands, ROI on social can mean different things - acquiring followers, growing engagement, connecting with the right influencers or generating demand. However, in our experience, getting there is always the same. It comes down to building real connections with real people. The challenge is how to get there and how to achieve a real relationship online. The most successful brands succeed because they excel during each stage of the 1:1 conversation - identifying the right people, finding common interests, starting an authentic conversation, sharing engaging content, and turning followers into customers and customers into advocates.

And today, it’s on you, the brand to become stewards of the relationship, working to build new bonds with potential customers and nurture current ones. How do you achieve this? After taking a bit of advice from the ones we love and the ones we are loving on, we’ll walk you through the 10 tips for achieving social marketing success through connecting your brand with the right people.

Predict Your Perfect Match......................................................................................................2

You Like Them, They Like You.................................................................................................3

Find Common Interests............................................................................................................3

Finding a Good Conversationalist..........................................................................................4

Get Real & Don’t Try So Hard..................................................................................................4

Give Before The Get.................................................................................................................5

It’s Getting Serious......................................................................................................................5

Stick Around, It’s Worth It........................................................................................................5

Get Hitched.................................................................................................................................6

Keep It Fresh...............................................................................................................................6

About Insightpool.......................................................................................................................8

Finding love in all the wrong places?You aren’t alone.

Table of Contents


10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social

www.Insightpool.com 10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social |

While it might sound crazy, predicting human behavior on social isn’t as farfetched as it may have seemed just a few years ago.

Once you have that relevant influencer cohort identified, you need to be able to predict which of those influencers are likely to engage, and what actions will trigger the ideal reactions among their followers.

How to predict your perfect match? This can be achieved using an intelligent relationship platform like Insightpool or dive a level deeper and understand not just who to reach out to, but how. Even EHarmony uses a prediction tool using 29 Dimensions of Compatibility, Insightpool uses 65.

You have to figure out what messages they will respond to, when they most likely to act, and what effect will different types of engagement really have? Finding out if they like you as a brand and if they are a good fit for your business.

Predict Your Perfect Match

Quick Insight: If someone’s twitter description is over 76 characters (about 13 words), they are more likely to reciprocate an engagement. If someone’s twitter description is over 76 characters AND they have a link in their description, they are over 30% more likely to reciprocate an engagement.


10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social

www.Insightpool.com | 10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social

It should go without saying that those influencers you engage with should actually be interested in your company and in a position to see that you are providing real value for them. They should be influential people that want to engage with your brand as much as you want to engage them.

You Like Them, They Like You

In the digital world, opposites don’t attract. Most advanced social tools or services are now leveraging interest and social graphs to help companies find influencers in their space. But identification is only the starting point. The key is to not only identify targets that seem like good prospects, it’s about identifying targets that are actually good prospects. This analysis looks at who they follow, what they talk about and what activity they have done in the past that reflects a common interest with your brand.

Find Common Interests

Quick Insight: We have found that if you include “ego boosting” language in your tweet, you are 35.5% more likely to engage in conversation vs. 29.6% if you do not include such language. Ex: Hey Tim, as a B2B CMO, what are your thoughts on marketing automation

Quick Insight: If someone has customized their background image on twitter, they are over 20% more likely to reciprocate an engagement. The insight here is that if someone is proactive enough to custom build their profile, they are both invested in the particular social network and computer savvy.

10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social


Find Common Interests

Finding a Good Conversationalist

After finding those that like your brand, have common interest and are a good conversationalist, it’s time to actually start the conversation. The most successful and effective social conversations are done in an extremely personalized way and this means that you can’t sound desperate.

Get Real & Don’t Try So Hard

Influencer targeting as we know it needs to be turned on its head. The most effective social outreach is about predicting who will be most likely to engage and who can inspire conversations that convert into the results you’re looking for. Based on social activity and common interests, you can assess if the twitter user is going to be worth starting a conversation.

Quick Insight: We have found that if you don’t include a hashtag in your tweet, you are 31.1% more likely to engage in conversation vs. 26.5% if you do use a hashtag.

10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social

Today’s market not only demands personalized messages, but also hyper-relevant communications that speak to them as individuals. You have to remember that at the end of the day, you are talking to individuals. Regardless of who you are speaking with, you want to make sure that you are well-versed through predicting the right influencers and curating conversations that are real and targeted to that person. The biggest problem for so many brands is that they think you must listen to them, but the greatest 1:1 relationships happen when the brand thinks about building real connections with real people.

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www.Insightpool.com | 10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social

Stick Around, It’s Worth It

Shouting from the rooftops on social and telling people to buy your brand has the lowest return on engagement, follows and overall success on building 1:1 relationships. The key is to make sure you are giving before asking for something. How is this achieved? Think about what individuals want - to be loved, noticed, shared and acknowledged. Make sure you connect with them in a way that makes them feel special. You can do this by including them in a tweet, asking them a question, sharing content they post or congratulating them on something exciting. If you give more than you expect to recieve, you will have greater success creating real relationships.

Give before the Get

Quick Insight: We have found that if you include a products price point in an @mention, you are 47.3% less likely to receive engagement.

True 1:1 engagement on social takes time and is a continuous process. Your conversations on social should feel natural and noninvasive in their current feed. The more time that you devote to the right conversations, the more you grow to know your audience, and the deeper your relationships become. Every conversation asks for another response, and is part of a longer chain of events. Keeping the conversation going is worth it and will continue to help you turn unknown people into customers and brand advocates.





10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social


It’s Getting SeriousThis is the time to get serious about your social strategy. One of the biggest challenges around social relationships is having a good mix of fun and thought provoking content. Creating content and a brand voice that resonates with both customers and prospects can be hard to find but it’s essential in creating engagement on social. Where to start? Create a content and social calendar that gets your thoughts on paper and consistent across all team members.

www.Insightpool.com 10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social |

It’s time to seal the deal. 1:1 social relationships are intended to turn prospects into customers and customers into advocates for your business. Once you predict, discover, converse and engage with those influencers in your space, you are in line to seal the deal and create the best type of matchmaking for your business. Once you turn customers into advocates it becomes more of a friendly ask vs a brand promotional push. This way of communicating is a win-win for customers and companies.

Get Hitched

Keep It Fresh



Just because they like you, doesn’t mean they will continue to like you. If your brand doesn’t continue to have a 1:1 social strategy in place as well as sharing insightful information, you are sure to lose the relationships you worked so hard to acquire.

10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social


www.Insightpool.com | 10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social

Finding love on social may seem impossible but with these ten tips, you’re better positioned to go forward and succeed in 1:1 intelligent social relationship marketing for your business. The future of business and the future of social are inextricably linked. Making sure you are communicating with the right people in the right way. This will leverage your brand and business to be proactive about your social marketing efforts. The time is now. One day, in the not-too-distant future, there will be no more social marketing for business. Social relationships will be mandatory for your business. Social will simply be business, business will simply be social. Today you have ten more ways to get you there.

10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social


www.Insightpool.com 10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social |

About Insightpool


Insightpool, the Intelligent Way to Drive Relationships on Social. Insightpool’s social sales and marketing platform enables marketing teams to identify, connect and nurture 1:1 social relationships with people in your target audience, at scale. Unlike any other social platforms, Insightpool has made a commitment to help brands leverage social as an additional channel to drive ROI. Insightpool will not only help you identify who to talk to, but also how likely they are to take the action you want. This way, you save time by only connecting with the right people for your goals.

Insightpool works with some of the world’s largest and most innovative brands, from Famous Footwear to Coca-Cola, Cox Communications, Time Warner, General Mills, Atlanta Hawks and more.

10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social


www.Insightpool.com | 10 tips for achieving 1:1 relationships on social