ebola report - schoolsforsalone.org · This report describes ... 36 boxes of Dettol, 100 hand...

EBOLA REPORT Our response to the Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone Schools for Salone

Transcript of ebola report - schoolsforsalone.org · This report describes ... 36 boxes of Dettol, 100 hand...


Our response to the Ebola crisis

in Sierra Leone

Schools for Salone

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Early on Support ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3

First response ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3

providing rice ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3

delivering sanitation supplies ............................................................................................................................................. 3

Supporting Quarantined Villages................................................................................................................................................ 4

Kalia Support............................................................................................................................................................................. 4

Radio Distribution ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Supporting Community Radio & Health Education ............................................................................................................... 6

financial snapshot .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7


From June of 2014 through early 2015, Schools for Salone focused a significant

portion of our efforts on providing support for Ebola relief by distributing rice,

sanitation supplies, radios, and learning materials to support national education efforts

and health education. The communities where we work were disproportionately at

risk during the Ebola crisis. Families had no buffer against crises like the Ebola

outbreak, and as a result were incredibly susceptible to compounding devastation

including lack of access to adequate healthcare, food insecurity, isolation, and lack of

education opportunities. Because of the prompt, tenacious response of our partners in

Sierra Leone, Programme for Children, there were NO suspected cases or deaths

from Ebola in ANY of the communities we work with. One of our teachers from a

community three miles from our school in Sembehun, did contract Ebola when his

village of Benduma was saveagely affected. However, his life was spared by swift

action and the effective treatment team at the Bo area Médecins Sans Frontièrs (MSF)


Education is inextricably linked to health, clean water and good sanitation and

hygiene. Good health is inextricably linked to education. Moving forward, we are

determined to improve access to and quality of education in our communities as well

as improve the quality of water and sanitation - key to fighting not only Ebola, but the

many other diseases that plague these vulnerable communities. This report describes

specific actions that Schools for Salone and Programme for Children, took since June,

2014 to support and protect the fragile communities where we work against Ebola.

Thanks to you, our generous donors, we received a total of $53,115 to fight Ebola. To

date, almost $56,150 has been sent to Sierra Leone to provide life sustaining and

educational support during this unprecedented time. This money was spent on the

following activities:


First response

PROVIDING RICE With the economy virtually shut down, food prices more

than doubling, farms abandoned, and inflation skyrocketing

as a result of the outbreak, SfS and Programme for Children,

used funds to purchase 340 bags of rice, 6 bags of onions, 6

cartons of fish, 10 bags of salt, and 10 cartons of cooking oil

rubbers to distribute to student and teacher families at our

school communities and other vulnerable communities in

surrounding areas. We provided a total of over $11,500

worth of life sustaining food during the height of the crisis.

DELIVERING SANITATION SUPPLIES Our team worked hard during the worst months of the Ebola outbreak to

provide sanitation and hygiene supplies to our school communities. With the significant funds we

received directly for Ebola relief, we supplied 50 liters of chlorine, 36 boxes of Dettol, 100 hand

sanitizers, 30 cartons of soap, 5 infrared thermometers and 200 hand washing buckets to our partner

villages and beyond. We provided a total of $4,500 worth of sanitation supplies.


As the crisis evolved throughout

2014, we were able to respond quickly

and efficiently to the direct life

sustaining needs of communities,

especially those under quarantine.

Kalia Support

Kalia, a small village about 8 miles from Bo lost 35 people to

Ebola, leaving 52 orphaned children. Through our campaign,

we raised enough funds to make it possible for these children

to remain in their community, instead of being sent away to

orphanages. We established a "Work for Food" Program aimed at

providing groundnut and seed rice to replenish their farms that

were destroyed by birds while the village was under quarantine.

Schools for Salone also provided over 40 bags of rice, 15 radios,

school supplies, sanitation materials, and 100 sleeping mats and

blankets for the children.

In total, thanks to our generous donors, Schools

for Salone has provided over $15,200 worth of support

to Kalia village. This support is helping Kalia recover and

become self-suffient again.


Thanks to a generous donation from Professor Dick Simpson of University of Illinois and a grant

from the National Peace Corps Association, Schools for Salone distributed 850 radios to students in

Sierra Leone. Together with the Sierra Leone Book Trust, Programme For Children distributed the

radios along with 25 battery cartons, 30 cartons of exercise books, 30 packets of ballpoint pens and

30 packets of pencils to the north, south and western area communities. These radios allowed our

students to listen to school lessons that were broadcasted daily by the Ministry of Education while

schools were closed due to Ebola. Schools for Salone provided a total of $21,100 for purchasing

and distributing radios and school supplies to our communities – and beyond.


Our team in Sierra Leone participated in a meeting in early June 2014 with other NGOs to join the

coordinated efforts to disseminate Ministry of Health flyers and health education materials. Schools

for Salone helped fund infection control training on the front lines by Wellbody Alliance from UC

San Francisco and their team. In addition, we helped support the Foundation for West Africa’s work

to strengthen community radio in Sierra Leone during the Ebola crisis. Community radio is one of

the most effective ways to disseminate up to date and correct information about the outbreak and

health education efforts, especially during this time of crisis. Schools for Salone provided a total of

$3,500 to support these health education activities.


Type of Support Amount

Food $11,500

Sanitation Supplies $4,500

Kalia $15,200

Radios & School Supplies


Health Education $3,500






Breakdown of Support for Ebola Relief Efforts

Food Sanitation Supplies Kalia Radios & School Supplies Health Education


At the time this report was written, new confirmed cases of Ebola are drastically reduced from the height of the epidemic. Last week, there were just 3 new suspected cases in Sierra Leone, two in Freetown (Kroo Bay and Ward 350), one in Port Loko. As of May 24, 2015 there have been a total of 27,013 reported confirmed, probably, and suspected cases of Ebola in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, with 11,134 deaths. Of the three countries, Sierra Leone has had 3,908 deaths, and the highest number of confirmed cases, 12,706. (WHO Ebola Situation Report - 27 May 2015) While the situation in Sierra Leone is much improved, due diligence is of the utmost importance to eradicate this dreadful disease from West Africa. Because of the porous borders, only when Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia are completely free from Ebola, will all countries be safe. Safe water and good sanitation, coupled with health education is the best defense against not only Ebola, but many of the diseases that plague these countries. This is why Schools for Salone is focusing our resources not only on building schools, but working hard to make sure the water and sanitation facilities at our schools are the best they can be. It is why providing educational opportunities to these vulnerable communities and making sure that students and teachers have the resources they need is paramount. Trust does not come easily in a country like Sierra Leone. It is only because of our partners, Programme for Children, and their dedication, their integrity, and their commitment to empower Sierra Leone’s most vulnerable, that we can do what we do. It is why we do it - because we can, without a doubt, know that the resources are going to those who need it most. We thank you all for your support and helping us empower Sierra Leoneans.