Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

EBOLA, MARBURG VIRUS, MERS AND THE BLOOD RED MOON As the ebola (EBOV Zaire strain) broke out in December, initially thought to be a 2-year old, it has slowly and incrementally spread to 3 main locations; Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. The lethality of this virus is unprecedented, with a conservative steady CFR (Case-Fatality Rate) of over 75% From December until April 19 th (as this presentation is being compiled), the cases of infected are rising. There are numerous issues with trying to contain such a potential destructive pathogen slipping over into neighbouring borders, or into the Air Traffic infrastructure, but curiously, the U.N and its cohorts do not seem overly concerned with quarantining or restricting access and flights to and from these 3 epicenters, which drives the first question knowing its lethality, how long a host carries the virus (more on this statistic later), and how it can be transmitted, why the casual indifference to what is (or could soon become) a ‘world’ problem . The second question arises - It is also troubling to note that samples of the Ebola virus have headed towards American Bio-labs to confirm virus data. But, if a system is claiming to be using all means necessary to halt the spread of this contagion , why then ship samples over to America? This is not a wise move . Can one expect to see the American food chain (pork and beef specifically) infected with some form of mixed strain of virus, or one of a new clade, should it ‘accidentally’ escape


**FINAL UPDATE AUGUST 28th 2014*- Part 2 carries on from the H1N1, H5N1, H3N2 and Artificial intelligence presentation. This part explores the current Ebola virus and other potential recombinant viruses that are currently circulating such as H5N1 in Japan, Bat Coronavirus MERS in Saudi Arabia (now apparently under control, but possibly airborne as of July 23 2014) and the PEVD (new pig diarrhea virus) in America, the US borders and diseases, and other connecting issues. Do check back regularly for updates to this presentation, although Ebola seems to be the dominant virus at present with cause for concerns. NOTE: It should also be made clear that with the premise of the title of the presentation, the ''Blood Moons'' will extend into 2015. That is without question. In effect, this is more like a chronicle than a presentation. This Part II will not be added to. Part III will be created shortly so please do look out for it. Ebola is diversifying and this will be charted as it progresses in the coming Part III

Transcript of Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

Page 1: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II


As the ebola (EBOV Zaire strain) broke out in December, initially thought to be a 2-year old, it has slowly and incrementally spread to 3 main locations; Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. The lethality of this virus is unprecedented, with a conservative steady CFR (Case-

Fatality Rate) of over 75%

From December until April 19th (as this presentation is being compiled), the cases of infected are rising. There are numerous issues with trying to contain such a potential destructive pathogen slipping over into neighbouring borders, or into the Air Traffic

infrastructure, but curiously, the U.N and its cohorts do not seem overly concerned with quarantining or restricting access and flights to and from these 3 epicenters, which

drives the first question – knowing its lethality, how long a host carries the virus (more on this statistic later), and how it can be transmitted, why the casual indifference to what

is (or could soon become) a ‘world’ problem. The second question arises - It is also troubling to note that samples of the Ebola virus have headed towards American Bio-

labs to confirm virus data. But, if a system is claiming to be using all means necessary to halt the spread of this contagion, why then ship samples over to America?

This is not a wise move. Can one expect to see the American food chain (pork and beef specifically) infected with some form of mixed strain of virus, or one of a new clade,

should it ‘accidentally’ escape containment?

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EBOLA – Was this a deliberate release to coincide or culminate with the ‘Blood Moons” later this month, or in October?

As from Late March, there has been a growing number of cases of Ebola in Guinea, on the west coast of Africa. As Ebola was first classified in 1976, it should be noted that the Centers for Disease Control classified Ebola as a Bioweapon.

78 deaths as a “starting block” figure for an epidemic or outbreak like this should be cause for concern. If one looks to the historical figures, these are relatively high, and, we

also have this Mycobacterium Tuberculosis strain, Mycobacterium Bovis now documented to be able to transmit virus from Dogs and cats to humans (below)

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Above is a statistical table of all Zoonotic viruses that are of main concern ‘worldwide’. As is shown, Rabies is 5th on the table of concerns. Ebola is even

further down the list.

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Our goal is to identify a vaccine platform for EBOV and other filoviruses of public health importance that would (a) produce promising candidates for use in both humans and endangered wildlife species

and (b) yield multiple vaccine candidates increasing the likelihood that an optimal balance between reactogenicity and immunogenicity might be achieved. To this end, we have utilized the rabies virus

(RABV) vaccine platform to develop (a) replication-competent, (b) replication-deficient, and (c) chemically inactivated vaccines expressing EBOV GP (strain Mayinga)

Our results indicate that the protection of immunized animals was largely dependent on the induced humoral immune response against EBOV GP. This finding is not too surprising because acute viral infections are often controlled by antibodies rather than cytotoxic T-cells, which in general are

more important for the control of chronic infections. However, previous research did suggest CD8+ T-cells as the major player for protection from EBOV infection in a single vaccination strategy.

This has been challenged by recent studies indicating that, in general, protection of NHPs (Non-Human Primates) by different EBOV vaccines seems to depend on the presence of anti-EBOV GP antibodies

as well as EBOV GP-specific CD4+ T-helper cells. Moreover, it cannot be excluded that CD8+ T-cells play a role in viral clearance but no CD8+ memory T-cells are needed.

It should be noted that some of the vaccine challenges actually augmented the spread of the diseases, especially virus strains that had entire portions of the DNA deleted.

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April 22, 2011

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Having been a “watchman” now for some years, since the 2008/9 H1N1 linfuenza virus and the research made during and

since, the article to the left made an appearance in late 2013 concerning the

augmentation of the H7N9 virus in ferrets. This article below manifested a few months later...but now, we have Ebola and MERS


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This case was not recorded with other Ebola outbreaks on official WHO reports (see later


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1 There are five identified subspecies of Ebola virus. Four of the five have caused disease in humans:Ebola virus (Zaire Ebola virus); Sudan virus (Sudan Ebola virus); Taï Forest virus (Taï Forest

Ebola virus, formerly Côte d’Ivoire Ebola virus); and Bundibugyo virus (Bundibugyo Ebola virus).The fifth, Reston virus (Reston ebolavirus), has caused disease in nonhuman primates, but not in humans.

The natural reservoir host of Ebola viruses remains unknown. However, on the basis of availableevidence and the nature of similar viruses, researchers believe that the virus is zoonotic (animal-borne)

with bats being the most likely reservoir. Four of the five subtypes occur in an animal hostnative to Africa.

1 http://www.cdc.gov

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Curiously, and possibly synchronistic, there is TB and Scarlet Fever present. One has to be mindful of the various strains of flu still circulating and the Bat-derived Coronavirus and

the MERS strain could be vehicles for mutation

1Genetic analysis of the virus indicates that it is most closely related (98% match) to Ebola virus (species Zaire

ebolavirus) last reported in 2009 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


April 2, 2014 - 127 probable and suspect cases, including 83 deaths - case fatality ratio: 65%

April 1, 2014 - 122 probable and suspect cases, including 80 deaths -case fatality ratio: 65.6%

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ICD is an anagram for Infectious and Contagious Diseases and operates like a code book for each ailment recorded

The UN and its organs have set up a Global Surveillance Network which will monitor

outbreaks and/or zoonotic disease epidemics and manage them, should one be deliberately or

mistakenly released and termed as “bioterrorism”.

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The last paragraph and statement isn’t quite true. There have been NO outbreaks with over 400

cases according to the statistics and the chronology shown earlier for highest case incidents (1976 – 280

deaths /318 cases; EVBO Zaire strain) and according to the chronology, the Libreville

outbreak in Gabon occurred in 2001 (see next slide), not the 1990’s. unless Makouka (1994) Mayibout or Booue (1996) were the intended

locations to cite. Clarification on this statistic and the year will be investigated, if required.

The current numbers as they stand, have exceeded the numbers of smaller outbreaks from 1976 -2001, including Libreville’s relative small, but violent outbreak with very high CFR %. The

current numbers are double that of the 2007 outbreak in the then DRC (see next slide)

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Fruit = Seed

Bat = Blood = DNA

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1Ebola’s a frightening disease: it’s one of the world’s most lethal viruses, and the CDC ranks it among anthrax and smallpox as a Category A bioterrorism agent. As some have pointed out, however, other diseases are taking a much bigger toll in the developing

world. 2Ebola has killed 1,500 people in total since it was first documented in 1976

1Why ebola outbreak scares everybody by Linda Abrams April 5, 2014 2:06am

The containment issue is so important because there’s no vaccine to protect people from Ebola; there’s also no treatment or cure. Once contracted, the disease kills about

90 percent of patients.

“The people who have seen cases of Ebola are really scared,” Roland Berenger, the West Africa emergency manager for aid organization Plan International, told National

Geographic. ”When you see people dying, bleeding to death, and there is nothing anyone can do, you get scared.”

There’s also a large amount of stigma and fear associated with Ebola, Laurie Garrett, a senior fellow with the Council on Foreign Relations, explained to Bloomberg News.

That attitude could cause patients to seek care in hospitals far away from their local communities, further spreading the disease. “If those hospitals are not aware of what’s coming,” Garrett added, “they will quickly become cauldrons, and spread the virus


2Mailonline, March 31 2014; Updated: 22:29

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Whilst the updates for this epidemic have been slow to be released into the public realm, it would appear (and predicted) that this virus is adapting and changing,

and has been in the 4 months since December 2013 and the death of the first victim, a 2-year old.

Since April 2, figures released April 17th shows the numbers of confirmed cases has jumped from 122 to 197, and the CFR is still over 80%, although

‘authorities’ claim they have this epidemic “under control”; yet, curiously, the UN had advised said ‘authorities’ not to restrict travel or close borders.

However, as we have seen through historical precedents and the way nature operates, we are heading into a critical juncture from April time, where milder weather turns slowly warmer, until the height of Summer in July. These are the same concerning time frames seen during the 1665 plague outbreak

in London, England where the ‘authorities’ (and the inhabitants) also deemed the epidemic had passed and the worst was over. But then, the plague came

back with a vengeance and took over 100,000+ dead and left 1,000 properties abandoned as people left the city in their droves. Coincidently, we also have had comets passing by overhead during the last year or two. Could the

two events be connected? We are also seeing ‘authorities’ repeating what happened early in London during the distemper/plague outbreak by

ceasing to release further updates on casualties and the number of CFR so as not to ‘cause undue concern’. Now, there is a new clade to consider…

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Even back in March, the meme was there.. “If this virus spread between

people more easily, it would probably be more deadly than the black


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The 1flowchart presented gives the viewer an idea of how fast and how long the virus incubates

before expressing. It can range from 4 days to up to and over 30

days, depending on accidental coming-into-contact dating, rather than contracting via public means

(hospitals, nurse, Health care-workers, mid-wives, ect). There

are reports which infer the incubation period for Ebola

could be as high as 60+ days, so any true quarantine of 40 days

(the current 3 week/21 day- surveillance) could in reality be

ineffective, due to the current data concerning the incubation times

with the virus, the expected voracity of the strain, morality rate,

and transference (by shedding), pre and post-death. CFR was 86%

(12 of 14 died)1Published on April 16, 2014, at NEJM.org

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DATE CASES (c) PCR CONFIRMED Deaths (d) CFR (%) LOCATION (Initial infection sites)

March 23 49 --- 29 59 Guinea, Conakry

March 24 86 (+37) --- 59 (+30) 68.5 Guinea, Conakry

March 25 86 (-) --- 60 (+1) 69.7 Guinea, Conakry

March 26 86 (-) 11 62 (+2) 72 Guinea, Conakry

March 27 103 (+17) 15 (Zaire strain) 66 (+4) 64 Conakry – 5c/11d Guekedou – 8c/6d Macenta – 2c/7d

March 30 112 (+9) 24 (+9) (98 probable)

70 (+4) 62.5 Conakry – 9c/2d Guekedou – 12c/18d Macenta – 3c/0d Kissidougou – 8c/0d

April 1 122 (+10) 24 (-) (98 probable)

80 (+6) Conakry – 11c Guekedou - 77c Macenta - 23c Kissidougou – 8c

April 2 127 (+5) 35 (+10) 83 (+3) 65 Conakry – 12c/4d Guekedou – 79c/57d Macenta – 23c/14d Kissidougou – 9c/5d

April 3 No Data No Data 98% Zaire strain


--- --- Conakry – 18c/5d Guekedou – 85c/59d Macenta – 27c/14d Kissidougou – 9c/5d

Dabola – 4c / 3d

April 5 143 (+16) 54 (+19) 86 (+3) --- Conakry – 18c/5d Guekedou – 85c/59d Macenta – 27c/14d Kissidougou – 9c/5d

Dabola – 4c/3d

April 7 151 (+8) No Data 95 ---

April 9 158 (+7) 66 (24 of dead) 101 --- Conakry – 20c/5d Guekedou – 96c/59d Macenta – 28c/14d Kissidougou – 9c/5d

Dabola – 4c/3d Djinguiraye – 5c / 1d

April 14 168 (+10) 37 patients discharged – 941 overall – 545 have been discharged

Conakry – 31c/5d Guekedou – 95c/59d Macenta – 21c/14d Kissidougou – 6c/5d

Dabola – 5c/3d Djinguiraye – 5c/1d

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There may be other factors to consider with virus evolution - The environmental signals which may confer some thoughts…such as the following headlines…

Bird flu in post-fukushima radiated Japan; a new ‘all-purpose’ flu vaccine that’s only been tested on tamiflu-resistant H1N1 virus strains; rats the size of cats that are immune to pharmaceutical poisons; a 3-year old that contracted Parvovirus (dogs are usually vaccinated against Parvovirus) and lastly, flesh-eating viruses – all within 3 days of one another, April 14th-17th. All that’s missing is the Zombie or cannibal articles…

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Two articles – One very serious; the other, not so. But the meme is present

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A sub-harmonic meme has been running concomitantly with the Ebola situation, and that is the ‘Heart’ symbol. 2014 seems to be also the year

of the heart attack, or cardiac arrests. Now, bear in mind that Ebola is a haemorrhagic virus and causes heavy internal bleeding… (do re-visit the other presentations on this site. They are ALL INTER-RELATED)

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According to latest reports in Italy dated April 19th, 40 people returning from Liberia have been quarantined within an Italian hospital with suspected Ebola infection, triggering a response from the

Health departments that the issue is a possible “National Defence” issue. And, in America…

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Ebola ‘landing’’ in America is a plausible prospect. Samples of the Ebola strain (whichever strain it will be) were sent to West Virginia’s Biolab-4 facility, and

there’s growing concern over the Pig farm and Cattle industry (and farming in

general with the current Bundy ranch-Federal standoff in Texas) with the

emergence of PEVD, as well as Bovine TB and the long-forgotten CJD

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Over 12 months work resulted on apparent trials on mice (but mice are not man) but, 2014 has birthed a novel strain from the Guinea Zaire strain, a new mutation; so the rules have changed

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Page 37: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

More information, news and data will be added as collated and interpreted.

There is much data to analyze, and time is short. As soon as developments can be updated, please do check back. The author will cite if any relevant

information has been added in due course (as from today, April 21st).

Do listen to the link below and consider the relevance as to the timing of this outbreak and all other information that has been included on this site. Also

bear in mind this: The video below was from 5 years ago. The Ebola Zaire strain has already evolved and diversified to create a new clade within just

4 to 5 months of the first case in December 2013

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LOCATION (growing spread)

April 17 203 (+35) 109 (61 of deaths) **NEW STRAIN OF ZAIRE EBOLA CONFIRMED**

129 (+21) --- Conakry – 50c/20d Guekedou – 120c/83d Macenta – 22c/16d Kissidougou – 6c/5d Dabola –

4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d

April 22 208 (+5) 112 (+3) 136 (+7) --- Conakry – 53c/23d Guekedou – 122c/87d Macenta – 22c/16d Kissidougou – 6c/5d Dabola –

4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d

April 25 218 (+10)

115 (+3) 42 days without a case = outbreak over

(March 23-25)

141 (+5) --- Conakry – 58c/24d Guekedou – 127c/91d Macenta – 22c/16d Kissidougou – 6c/5d Dabola –

4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d

April 28 224 (+6) 121 (+6) (202 tested)

143 (+2) --- Conakry – 60c/24d Guekedou – 131c/93d Macenta – 22c/16d Kissidougou – 6c/5d Dabola –

4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d

May 2 226 (+2) 127 (+6) (210 tested)

Cases ‘re-classified’

149 (+6) --- Conakry – 53c/24d Guekedou – 140c/99d

Macenta – 22c/16d Kissidougou – 6c/5d Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d

May 6 (from May 3rd)

231 (+5) 127 (-) WHO ‘believed 3-week numbers were decreasing’ due to figures from 3

other outbreak sites: Macenta, Kissidougou, Dabola and Djinguiraye

155 (+6) --- Conakry – 53c/24d Guekedou – 145c/105d

Macenta – 22c/16d Kissidougou – 6c/5d Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d

May 8 235 (+4) 127 (-) No new cases since April 1 (30+ days)

No new cases April 9 (Macenta) No new

cases April 22 (Conakry)

157 (+2) --- Conakry – 53c/24d Guekedou – 145c/105d

Macenta – 22c/16d Kissidougou – 6c/5d Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d

May 9 236 (+1) No Data (still in 1st wave) No new cases Kissidougou

since April 1 No new cases Macenta since April 9 No new cases Conakry

since April 26

158 (+1) --- Conakry – 52c/24d Guekedou – 151c/108d

Macenta – 22c/16d Kissidougou – 6c/5d Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d

Misjudged the 21-day incubation/observation period. Public Burials transmitting EBOV

Misjudged 30 days incubation period. Health Care workers spreading contagion to patients

Actual 1st wave beginning to emerge and spread to other districts; increasing death toll

(Refer to slide 27)

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UPDATED FROM APRIL 21st , 2014 – JUNE 27th 2014

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There has been no real news alerts regarding the figures of people infected and/or suspected, and cases of deaths, because the media outlets have been

suppressed since the first wave drew unwarranted attention and the promotion of ‘fear’, and so, it went dark. Now, as predicted, we are seeing the second wave

emerging and await the first cases to befall Europe. It is only a matter of time before this strain breaches an Airport or other entry point into foreign lands.

America is also a possible outbreak hotspot within the next few weeks.

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LOCATION (growing spread)

May 12 233 (+30) 129 - No new cases Kissidougou April 1 No new cases Macenta April 9 No new

cases Conakry April 26, or Dabola & Djingiuraye since end of March

(42+ days)

157 --- Conakry – 50c/24d Guekedou – 149c/106d Macenta – 23c/17d Kissidougou – 6c/5d

Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d

May 15 248 (+15) 138 (+9) Observation period for April 1, 9, & 26

ends May 17 – 480 contacts

171 (+14) --- Conakry – 50c/24d Guekedou – 163c/119d Macenta – 22c/17d Kissidougou – 2c/1d

Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d

May 24 258 (+10) 146 (+8) 174 (+3) --- Conakry – 49c/25d Guekedou – 170c/121d Macenta – 22c/17d Kissidougou – 8c/6d

Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d

May 28 (23-27)

281 (+23) 163 (+17) **NEW OUTBREAK IN OTHER REGIONS** - Bofa,

Telimele, Boke, Dubreka, and Macenta again

186 (+12) --- Conakry – 48c/26d Guekedou – 176c/126d Macenta – 31c/19d Kissidougou – 7c/5d

Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d Boffa - 5c/1d Telimele – 7c/4d Boke – 1c/0d

Dubreka – 1c/1d

May 30 291 (+10) No Data – But, new cases and deaths reported at Macenta and

Conakry as well as other new regions

193 (+7) --- Conakry – 53c/27d Guekedou – 179c/133d Macenta – 40c/23d Kissidougou – 6c/5d

Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d Boffa - 5c/1d

June 4 (29-1st)

328 (+37) 193 (+30) 604 contacts being monitored.

Followed up

208 (+15) --- Conakry – 56c/27d Guekedou – 190c/140d Macenta – 44c/24d Kissidougou – 7c/5d

Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d Boffa - 4c/2d Telimele – 22c/5d Boke – 1c/0d

Dubreka – 1c/1d

June 6 (2-3rd)

344 (+16) 207 (+14) 987 contacts being followed up

215 (+7) --- Conakry – 65c/27d Guekedou – 193c/143d Macenta – 44c/26d Kissidougou – 7c/5d

Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d Boffa - 4c/2d Telimele – 23c/5d Boke – 7c/0d

Dubreka – 1c/1dMisjudged the ineffective 42+ day incubation for Ebola. Public Burials still transmitting EBOV

Misjudged 30 days incubation period. Health Care workers spreading contagion to patients

Beginning of 2nd wave spreading to other districts; re-emergence in older sites increasing death toll

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Page 45: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

Although Sierra Leone had 2 deaths and 5 or 6 cases back in late March 30th-early April, 2014, it has been a relatively slow-burner with a small numbers of deaths. By April 11th,

there were 26 cases, 6 confirmed by PCR and the other 20 classed as ‘probable’, and 13 deaths (CFR 50%). At first thought to be Ebola, by May 8th, 10 cases of the 34 patients

appeared to be Lassa Fever and most cases (19) reported negative for Ebola.

However, 14 days later from April 11th, around April 25th, 3 new cases appeared in Sierra Leone (since March 13th ). The number of deaths from Ebola stayed very low (11 deaths)

until May 28th (33 days later from April 25, and 60+ days from March 13th) until an outbreak of 16 new cases (7 lab-confirmed) occurred in the Kalahun district; By May 30th,

Kalahun (36 cases, 6 deaths), Kenema (1 case), Koindugu (1 case), Bo (1 case) & Moyamba (1 case) and gradually increased afterwards.

May 28th-30th, Liberia was still reporting no new cases (Lofa County – 9 cases; Nimba; 1 case, Margibi; 1 case; Montserrado; 1 case) and the situation was unchanged since

reporting on April 9th-11th. Liberia appeared to have controlled the outbreak, even up to as late as June 11th-18th was still reporting no change. But then, 60+ days later, Lofa county

recorded a jump in case numbers and deaths

Lofa County in the Foya District (21 cases; 14 deaths), Montserrado (8 cases; 8 deaths), Margibi (2 cases; 2 deaths) and Nimba (2 cases; 0 deaths)

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“As it is right now, we have 12 deaths from 42 confirmed cases of Ebola in Sierra

Leone after a test of about 113 cases. That is the status as it is right now. One hundred thirteen people have been tested and, out

of that, we have 42 confirmed cases of Ebola and, out of the 42 confirmed, we have 12 deaths.” he said. Tunis said the

majority of cases were in the Kalahun District [Daru Axis].

“We have now seen cases in the Daru Axis of Kalahun District for the past couple of days we’ve had two cases in Kabla also, but those cases are cases that moved from Kalahun District to Kabla. So they are taken as cases from Kalahun as well.

He said two of the new deaths were health workers in the countries Kalahun District

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“The United Nations public health arm, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said that

the number of deaths in Guinea, the hardest-hit country, has reached 264, while 49 had

died in sierra Leone and 24 in Liberia since February.”

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LOCATION (growing spread)

June 10 351 210 (+3) **New case** in new district of Kouroussa

226 (+11) --- Conakry – 67c/29d Guekedou – 194c/146d Macenta – 45c/27d Kissidougou – 7c/5d

Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d Bofa - 7c/6d Telimele – 25c/7d (Boke – 1c/0d

Dubreka - 1c/1d) Kouroussa – 1c/1d

June 18 398 (+47) 254 (88 probable, 56 suspected) Another new case at Kissidougou

1258 cases being followed-up

264 (+38) --- Conakry – 70c/33d Guekedou – 224c/173d Macenta – 41c/28d Kissidougou – 8c/5d

Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d Bofa - 19c/10d Telimele – 30c/9d (Boke – 1c/0d

Dubreka - 1c/1d) Kouroussa – 1c/1d

June 22 390 258 (88 probable, 44 suspected)

267 (+3) --- Conakry – 64c/33d Guekedou – 227c/173d Macenta – 41c/28d Kissidougou – 8c/5d

Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d Bofa - 18c/12d Telimele – 26c/10d (Boke – 1c/0d

Dubreka - 1c/1d) Kouroussa – 1c/1d

June 28 390 (-) 260 (87 probable)

270 (+3) --- Conakry – 65c/33d Guekedou – 226c/177d Macenta – 41c/28d Kissidougou – 6c/5d

Dabola – 4c/4d Djinguiraye – 1c/1d Bofa - 18c/12d Telimele – 26c/10d (Boke – 1c/0d

Dubreka - 1c/1d) Kouroussa – 1c/1d

July 1 759 UN/WHO decided to amalgamate ALL the figures, including Sierra Leone and Liberia as a combined

total (Tc) up to this point

303 (+33)



Misjudged the ineffective 42+ day incubation for Ebola. Public Burials still transmitting EBOV

Misjudged 30 days incubation period. Health Care workers spreading contagion to patients

Beginning of 2nd wave spreading to other districts; re-emergence in older sites increasing death toll

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(See next slide for correct figures)

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“A total of 399 people have died, 280 of them in Guinea. The outbreak is the first in West Africa, and [now] the

largest since Ebola first emerged in 1976 in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo”

Guinea MarchGuinea March CasesCases DeathsDeaths

25th 5959

30th 7070

31st 7878



122122 8080

2nd 127127 8383

17th 197197

Sierra LeoneSierra Leone


10th - 18th

113 (176)113 (176) 42 (49)42 (49)



330330 264264

June June


399399 280280

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1“We assessed the effect of NPC1 mutation in lethal mouse models of EboV and MarV infection. Heterozygous NPC1 (NPC1−/+) knockout mice and their wild type littermates were challenged with mouse-adapted EboV or MarV and monitored for 28 days. Whereas NPC1+/+ mice rapidly succumbed to

infection with either filovirus, NPC1−/+ mice were largely protected.

We have used global gene disruption in human cells to discover components of the unusual entry pathway used by filoviruses. Most of the

identified genes affect aspects of lysosome function, suggesting that filoviruses exploit this organelle differently from all other viruses that we have tested. The unanticipated role for the hereditary disease gene NPC1 in viral entry, infection, and pathogenesis may facilitate the development of anti-

filovirus therapeutics”

1Ebola virus entry requires the cholesterol transporter Niemann-Pick C1, National Institute of Health, p4.

For consideration: Whether this is connected to the over-prescribing of Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs and whether there’s a future coalescence, transmission, exchange, or a meeting of Ebola with a Cholesterol-depleted host and its ramifications; it is unknown. It

is a connection which is worthy of plausibility, given that Ebola may evolve, or another comparative strain of H5N1, H7N9, Coronavirus, Norovirus, MERS, may acquire a gene

from Ebola, Pseudotuberculosis, or yersinia pestis. Cases of cannibalism due to rabies vaccines may appear after or alongside. It is hoped that does not express.

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Statins are dangerous. They effectively ‘turn off’ cholesterol production, Vitamin D synthesis and disrupts sugar conversion. What One can expect to see is more heart attacks/arhythmia, increases in cases of Diabetes type II and type III, and more.

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As the ex-USA opens up its borders to South America, so the door opens for diseases and viruses.

Apart from H1N1 (Swine Flu) and Scabies, it is hoped Ebola doesn’t find its way over the US borders.

Paris, France or Italy

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As July draws close and the temperatures rise, numerous branches can be theorised where this pathogen could stray, albeit at lightening-fast

speed and velocity, a bit like a ‘Wildfire’ to quote the CDC Scientist,

Dr Edwin Jenner’s term for a pathogenic release protocol from the

fictional TV series ‘The Walking Dead’

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It is hoped this trend does NOT continue throughout July – September. October is cueing up to be a MAJOR month regarding situational and

themic memes. The author hopes these predictions or the culmination of set incidents that are present now, do NOT converge, or come to pass.

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There have been events in Europe concerning other viruses (such as MERS-

CoV) in France and Italy.

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As has been cited before, the author has expected to see articles or cases of cannibalism to express itself as a possible pandemic grows. Apart from

the Luiz Suarez world cup ‘biting’ incident, the above article needs consideration..

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This is not simply ‘controversial’. This is borderline Unsane.

Do consult the presentation on this site that shows the pandemic influenza strains, plague outbreaks, vaccines (and their ingredients/side effects), comets,

asteroids and Artificial Intelligence. If there was ever a more reason NOT to consent to a vaccination, this would be it. It is well-known that the H1N1 strain was resistant to Tamiflu and the Adamantane family of drugs early in 2009

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A curious Virus-related article stating Venus Williams had to pull out of a game after Venus has problems with her focus and her

fatigue while trying to perform. She exited the match after 3 rounds

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Antibiotics are now (or have been) deemed ‘ineffective’, so to see this article prompts the

author to consider seriously that a plausible ‘pandemic’ event, or some virus (or merger of) may

be arriving within weeks. Watch this development

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It is important to include such articles as these, primarily because they fit the memes that are surrounding the Ebola pathogen,

its lethality, contagion vectors, and other possibilities when rabies-ebola bivalent vaccines are being proposed as a ‘cure’

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‘There are more than 700 different strains of oral bacteria and a healthy

human mouth typically contains between 100 and 200 at any time.

‘If the bite pierces the skin, this bacteria will enter the body and has

the potential to pose a serious threat.’

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Yes, the ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ sounds outlandish. But it should not be taken lightly. Most will ignore this as ‘silly’; that it is simply humourous and tongue-in-

cheek, but the cash being poured into this ‘scenario’ and some of the contingencies highlighted (such as declaring Martial Law) and securing water

and food is a very real possibility, especially considering the events viewed around the globe involving ‘terrorism’. Ebola is a potential Zoonotic Bioweapon.

Also, out of ALL the various pathogens and virus that the Pentagon could have cited as a possible Zombie-creating viruses, Ebola, a Class-4 Bioweapon was specifically chosen and cited – not rabies. Not H1N1 or H5N1; not even MERS

or SARS is considered. No – Ebola is the one that could.

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More articles and studies will be added as when the data arises. Please be aware these are only predictions based upon trends, memes and what the ‘media’ is moving forwards towards, based on the very articles

themselves. Please do pop by from time to time and if updates have taken place, there will be a notification of

such additions on the website details.

Stay safe, stay informed, and be vigilant. Should any developments occur, use discernment and discretion but do inform friends, family and people you love about the

possibilities that can emerge from such conditions cited in this presentation.

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**UPDATE JULY 12 2014 **

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Page 92: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

The smaller districts (Montserrado, Margibi, Foya - Lofa County, and New Kru

town are the new epicentres for the 2nd wave of this transmission

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As the death toll rises, the UN/WHO and CDC have amalgamated all figures from all regions. The regional figures are still coming in and the slow-burning

location of Sierra Leone is rapidly becoming more fervent with increasing case numbers and deaths, and a US

man was tested for Ebola in Ghana, who is believed to have contracted the

virus in Guinea or Liberia

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‘On June 23rd, WHO reported 635 Ebola cases, including 399 deaths. Now, just two weeks later, the figure stands at

844 cases of Ebola in the three countries (+109 cases) including 518 deaths’ (+119 deaths)

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Favipiravir vaccine is the latest ‘weapon’ in the ‘fight’ (soon to be ‘war’) on these current strains of mutated Ebola virus as the death toll rises

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Other border nations are “expecting to welcome Ebola”

including Nigeria

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As has been cited here earlier, Sierra Leone and Liberia, the ‘slow-burners’ are now receiving more oxygen and the cases are rising in the 2nd wave.

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Remember this article?

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888 cases – 539 deaths (July 11th /12th)

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Please do visit and view the above presentation also on this site. It will place the current Ebola outbreak into context with other memes that are

circulating concomitantly with this one

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Do please return periodically to this presentation. There may be some delay in the next update whilst research is taken into current Ebola vaccine research, and the multiple problems they will have if they are

suddenly (through panic and bad decision-making) prompted to introduce experimental-stage or untested vaccines delivered to these regions and what can (and will be predicted to) occur, should they do so

Thank you for taking the time to read this power-point. It is also hoped that you, the viewer, will share this before the Ebola epidemic reaches a

stage which will trigger other scenarios geo-politically and socio-politically. Share, embed, and inform those who you believe would benefit from what is contained herein. It may be a few days while data and information is

digested concerning vaccine research, but do check back!

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Page 113: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

At this moment, it would be prudent to break down some of the scientific studies on what people are facing (or going to face in the next ‘several months’ or so) as the Ebola virus spreads. Questions that people may be asking are the following:


How can Ebola be tested as a Bio-safety Lab 4 zoonotic pathogen, and by whom; and why the large number of false negatives?

How long can Ebola stay within a human host?

What are the main mechanisms that Ebola expresses within a host and how does it attack?

How can one protect themselves?

Is there a real possibility that Ebola can transform, mutate and acquire other genes from other viruses such as MERS-Cov or a strain of Influenza?

Should Ebola continue to spread at its current rate of expansion, how many cases and deaths could be predicted, based on current numbers?

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Note: One thing should be clarified with these studies. Most of the subjects are Murine (mouse) and therefore cannot express how they are feeling, verbally, as humans can, or notify anyone of inner changes as humans do (feedback on headaches, dizziness, aches

and pains, ect). Humans are not the same as mice. We have intelligence and conscious thoughts. Whilst all the studies claim to raise anti-body titres, they are also using Alum,

Formaldehyde and other poisonous substances, as well as genetically growing, altering, manipulating, recombining or re-assorting with other pathogens to glean some data, so one has to be careful when reading the studies. They are misleading due to the nature of using vero cell culture using monkeys and fetal bovine serum; both of which do not belong in

the body; nor do they naturally occur within it. Nor are they Human.

As in the 1study cited on the next slide states,

“Alum, a classical FDA-approved adjuvant considered safe’’

– No. It is not safe. Yes, sure, maybe the FDA has deemed it ‘safe’, but basic research on the common level reveals that Alum and its adjuvant derivatives (aluminum;

aluminium) does NOT belong in the body, Period. This makes these studies invoilable in the best of circumstances. The immune response observed in Man is partially down to

these toxins (including Mercury and Thiomersal in commercial licensed vaccines) invading the body, and the body has to defend against those poisons, and whatever

particles or fragments of viral pathogens have been ‘packaged’ within the vaccine, and what that ‘package’ (or vector) delivery system actually is. Some of the ‘delivery

packages’ themselves are worrisome.

1A non-replicating subunit vaccine protects mice against lethal Ebola virus challenge, November 4, 2011

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2Point 1: IFAT (Indirect Florescence Anti-body Test) is useful, but is not as specific as an ELISA test (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) to determine IgM (Immunoglobbulin M) which is the first to be

made by the body to fight new infections. IgM is found mainly in blood and lymph fluid. This is important due to Ebola’s intelligence as it primarily enters a host via the Lymphatic System in

general. IFAT may be useful for preliminary early prognosis, but not for etiological (original source) or for epidemiological and ecological studies (dispersal/area over the long term) as is now being

discovered, however brutally, with the recent Ebola outbreak.

“we believe that the results are Ebola antibody surveys in various population groups encouraging and strongly suggest that this assay (ELISA) will provide a preferable

alternative to the IFAT for measurement of *IgG antibodies to EBO viruses.”

2Journal of infectious diseases, ELISA for the Detection of Antibodies to Ebola Viruses, 1999;179 (Suppl 1):S192–8 (pdf)

*IgG antibodies are the most abundant type of antibody found in all body fluids and protects against bacterial and viral infections

1“survivors of EBOV infection developed early and increasing levels of IgG antibody against EBOV, followed by viral antigen clearance and cytotoxic T-cell activation. In fatal cases, EBOV-specific IgG and T cell-related mRNA cannot be detected. This suggests that a combination of antibody and

cell-mediated immune responses to an EBOV vaccine candidate are important for generating the appropriate and protective immune response”

1A non-replicating subunit vaccine protects mice against lethal Ebola virus challenge, November 4, 2011

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Marburg virus (MARV) and Ebola virus (EBOV), the causative agents of Marburg and Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, represent the 2 genera that comprise the family Filoviridae. The Marburgvirus

genus contains a single species, Lake Victoria marburgvirus (MARV), whereas the Ebolavirus genus is comprised of 4 recognized species:

(1) Sudan ebolavirus (SEBOV – CFR 55%), (2) Zaire ebolavirus (ZEBOV – CFR 50-90%), (3) Coˆte d’Ivoire ebolavirus (also known and here referred to as Ivory Coast ebolavirus (ICEBOV – Deaths in chimpanzees)), and (4) Reston ebolavirus (REBOV – Lethal to Macaques). A putative fifth species, Bundigbugyo ebolavirus (BEBOV – CFR 25%), was associated with an outbreak in Uganda in 2007

Note: This study used the Mayinga strain. Ebola strains Zaire Mayinga and Zaire-95 are two of the most lethal forms of the Ebola virus (of which has now mutated as of April, 2014) killing approximately 85% of all infected humans - Report: Analysis of Ebola Glycoprotein sequences from strains of varying lethality (Spring, 2002)

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Given the efficacy profile in preventive and treatment approaches and the safety record in several immune-competent and immune-compromised animal species, this vaccine platform is ready to be considered for investigational drug licensure. We further propose to consider the rVSV platform for pre-investigational drug use in cases of laboratory exposures with EBOV and MARV. In addition to EBOV and MARV, rVSV-based vaccines are currently being evaluated for a number of other human pathogens, including avian influenza, hepatitis B, HIV, Lassa

fever, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), West Nile virus, and Yersinia pestis. Knowledge gained from these studies should advance the

development of rVSV-based vaccines for human use.

The rVSV (recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Vaccine) platform has shown complete efficacy as a preventive single-shot vaccine in 3 relevant animal models,

including the ‘‘gold standard’’ nonhuman primate models. A blended cocktail has shown complete efficacy as a preventive vaccine against all public health

relevant filovirus species with partial overlapping endemicity zones in central Africa. Finally, the platform has shown partial to complete efficacy in post-exposure treatment against homologous filovirus challenge. (but ONLY in animals. Not

in Man. Mankind is not an animal)

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1The high case fatality rate (CFR), the increasing public health threat in Africa, and the bio-defense concerns associated with these viruses have resulted in

considerable activity in filovirus vaccine development [2,3]. Several vaccination strategies, including DNA, adenovirus, recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rVSV), virus-like particles (VLPs) and recombinant parainfluenza virus vectored

vaccines, have been developed to deliver primarily the EBOV glycoprotein (GP) as antigen and have been shown to confer protection in animal models [2,].

2. Geisbert TW, Bausch DG, Feldmann H (2010) Prospects for immunisation against Marburg and Ebola viruses. Rev Med Virol 20: 344–357.3. Bradfute SB, Dye JM, Jr., Bavari S (2011) Filovirus vaccines. Human vaccines 7: 701–711.

1Antibody Quality and Protection from Lethal Ebola Virus Challenge in Nonhuman Primates Immunized with Rabies Virus Based Bivalent Vaccine

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However, in addition to the development of inactivated RABV/EBOV vaccines, the parental recombinant RABV vaccine used to generate the RABV/EBOV vaccine candidates is derived from the SAD B19 strain which is used for wildlife vaccination by baiting in Europe suggesting additional applications of our vaccine candidates. Therefore, live attenuated RABV/EBOV vaccines could be considered for use in

Africa in an analogous campaign to protect at risk Non-Human Primates from lethal EBOV infections.

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Accepted: It is not likely that long-lived immunity can be achieved without T-helper cells. In the case of GP-specific antibodies (Ebola) it needs to be shown that they are

maintained over time or CD4+T helper cells will be required to mount fast responses after infection

Accepted: Using T-cell depletion experiments, Sullivan et al. recently concluded that EBOV-specific CD8+T cells and not *humoral immunity mediated protection from

EBOV infection upon adenovirus/EBOV-GP immunization [13].

*Humoral – relating to or being part of immunity or the immune response that involves antibodies secreted by B-Cells and circulating in bodily fluids – Merriam-webster.com/medical/humoral

Accepted: Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and serum Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels monitored liver function. Elevated levels, as seen by

days 3–6, indicated liver damage as a result of EBOV infection

Accepted: A challenge with EBOV (pure Mayinga strain) does increase the avidity (strength of the bonding between antigen and antibodies) of the antibodies directed to

EBOV GP, and also in RABV (however, the cause is unknown)

Accepted: We believe that the utilization of particles containing higher levels of EBOV GP and perhaps an additional immunization dose would bring the protection rate to 100% of the animals, a reachable goal for a safe and promising dual vaccine.

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This study shows that vaccines containing aluminum, injected intramuscularly, causes Macrophagic Myofasciitis lesions in muscle tissue over the long-term. This is probably the reason why some influenza vaccines, such as Fluenz, are now developed

to be self-administered intra-nasally (up the nasal passages), or taken orally. The aluminum is still the adjuvant, regardless.

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More info to follow on this. Due to circumstances and other fields of research, the author will return to these studies a little later in time. But do check out the studies themselves and see what you, the viewer, can

ascertain from them. But for now, a few more updates and additional information has been supplied for context and situational synopsis.

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Just for consideration, the areas where the outbreaks have occurred also happen to be one of the most corrupted nations, and happen to

have the highest reported unemployment, so any ‘funds’ that may ‘flow’ into these regions have a high probability to be funneled away from the

help zones into pensions and private jets for the authorities (if these statistics from Statista are to be believed). There will be periods when

there will be no new cases and no new deaths for a few weeks, and then the 3rd wave will manifest. Expect a new clade as the virus

passages through each host and generation of its evolution.

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Page 127: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

As of July 19th 2014, there is now over 1000+ Cases that have now

been recorded. 90% of the Probable and suspect cases may be counted

towards the deaths if the trend continues in this way…

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Page 129: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

As was predicted, the nurses, doctors and health care workers are still becoming infected and dying, which means (using common sense and reason) that they have possibly infected others during their time around various patients. The 3rd

wave is still in the making. The numbers keep rising. The good news is many are recovering from Ebola infection.

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A very recent study suggests Favipiravir (T-705) could be used against the current Ebola outbreak. As has been stated before, small animal models in mice are NOT the same as men and women, and the ‘testing’

(or the blind study) is not using raw viruses. This study claims the strain they used was ‘identical’, but then states two codons had changed. They give no data on what the changes were, or why they occurred from the same time frame (1976), and the studies used compromised mice lacking Interferon receptors. The

study also suggests that there is a small window of time to treat an Ebola-infected patient, but it is puzzling they are testing mice that have, in some cases, been infected using aerosol-delivered methods is

unclear. Ebola is not transmitted in nature as an airborne pathogen. Not yet, anyway.

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RESULTS - Clinical specimens. Fifty-four specimens from 26 patients, 12 (46%) of whom died, were collected (table 1). Sixteen clinical specimens from 12 patients were positive by virus culture (4 specimens) and/or RT-PCR (16 specimens), including saliva (8 of 16), skin swab (1 of 11), stool (2 of 4), semen (1 of 2), breast milk (2 of 2), tears (1 of 1), and nasal blood (1 of 1). No virus was found in urine (0 of 11), vomit (0 of 2), sputum (0 of 2),

sweat (0 of 1), or the body louse (0 of 1). Three of the 16 positive specimens (2 saliva and 1 nasal blood) visibly contained blood.

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The isolation of EBOV from semen 40 days after the onset of illness underscores the risk of sexual transmission of the filoviruses during convalescence. Zaire EBOV has been detected in the semen of convalescent patients by virus isolation (82 days) and RT-PCR (91 days) after disease onset

Other Key findings

Marburg virus, the other member of the Filoviridae family, has been isolated as well as detected by RT-PCR in saliva from a patient with a fatal case of Marburg hemorrhagic fever in the Democratic

Republic of the Congo (authors’ unpublished data). The higher mortality among patients with RT-PCR–positive saliva likely reflects increased virus shedding in patients with high viremia. Marburg virus

has also been isolated from the semen and linked conclusively to sexual transmission 13 weeks into convalescence

The finding of EBOV in breast milk raises the possibility of direct mother-to-child transmission. In fact, breastfed children of both of the mothers whose milk was later tested in this study died of laboratory-

confirmed EHF during early stages of the outbreak.

Abstinence from sex or the use of condoms during sex, as well as avoidance of breastfeeding and contact with the mucous membranes of the eye for at least 3 months after recovery, are still recommended to avoid possible exposure to EBOV in the aforementioned immunologically

protected sites

The absence of EBOV infection in multiple tested urine specimens suggests that the virus may not be efficiently filtered in the kidney. Consequently, exposure to urine appears to be of low risk during both

acute illness and convalescence. The absence of EBOV in the urine, low prevalence on the skin, and rapid clearance from the saliva in surviving patients provides some reassurance that the risk of

secondary transmission from casual contacts, fomites, or the sharing of toilet facilities in the home after discharge from the hospital is minimal. This conclusion is supported by previous empirical observations

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1Furthermore, EBOV pathogenicity can be enhanced by serial passage in animals and cell culture (VERO 6 cells from the kidney of green monkeys, for example)

1 Journal of Infectious Diseases 2011:204 (15 July) EDITORIAL COMMENTARY, page 180

However, respiratory syndromes in pigs are not uncommon, and EBOV infections are unlikely to be detected through present surveillance systems. Furthermore, assuming that bats are the reservoir for all species of EBOV, and considering the long-range migratory habits of some species, the area at risk for both human and animal infection could be vast. An 2example of this is the serologic evidence of EBOV

infection in bats caught in Ghana, hundreds of miles from the nearest reported human case

In conclusion, the laboratory findings by 3Kobinger et al combined with the previous results of field investigations in the Philippines [9] highlight the possibility of EBOV as a food-borne pathogen. This, is cause for consideration, further scientific study, and prudent surveillance and prevention measures in the

livestock industry in implicated areas of the world.

2 Hayman DT, Emmerich P, Yu M, et al. Long-term survival of an urban fruit bat seropositive for Ebola and Lagos bat viruses. PLoS One 2010; 5:e11978.3 Kobinger GP, Leung A, Neufeld J, et al. Replication, Pathogenicity, Shedding, and Transmission of Zaire ebolavirus in Pigs, 2011

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As predicted, one of the many viruses that are circulating around various regions may have become AIRBORNE. The biggest concern is MERS CoV (as as this is MERS RNA) merging with ZEBOV (Zaire Ebola) making what was a limited contact-only pathogen into a airborne pathogen, directly into the lungs.

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Along with MERS-Cov RNA, the new strain of Zaire Ebola (discovered April 22), bovine

tuberculosis, rabies, H1N1, H5N1, H3N2, H7N9, H10N7, there has been sporadic cases of

Bubonic Plague (Yersinia Pestis) around the globe. China now seems to have had a case of

plague contracted from a Marmot, a known historical reservoir for carrying plague, along with Ferrets and Squirrels. The quarantine (40 days) protocol has been implemented which has troubled ‘authorities’ why this 1 case has led to

such a level of quarantine measures. China has had 12 diagnosed cases and three deaths in the

province of Qinghai in 2009, and one in Sichuan in 2012

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The cases continue to expand in the regions where Ebola is present and there does not seem to be any reduction in the

cases so far. Although Guinea was the original epicentre with the highest cases in the 1st wave, the 2nd wave has been concentrated in the Sierra Leone region where the cases

numbers have exceeded those of Guinea. Surrounded districts are now beginning to record new cases as incubation times, pre

and post infection, emerge. The 3rd wave is yet to manifest.

If the viewer has been tracking this scenario and taken time to look at this presentation; the scientific studies, the findings and the conclusions, Ebola can stay within a host for up to 90 days

in semen, and is present most fluids (nasal blood, tears, breast milk, stools) when the pathogen is at its most virulent within the first 6-9 days. But this pathogen stays in a host

much, much longer than most people understand. One can only hope the pathogens listed previously do not re-assort or re-combine into a lethal cocktail that could be completely

untreatable in its current form and no vaccination combination will be available for treatment of it, and there is

no guarantee a vaccine will ever offer protection on the scale seen in potential mouse models. Pathogens change and

acquire further levels of lethality for each passage through human hosts. 1000+ cases means the virus has passed 1000

times through humans, and lethality can be expected to rise if this is not contained via proper 60+ day quarantine

measures.This presentation will continue to updated as new data emerges. Please share and distribute if you deem this important enough.

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July 24, 2014 – statistics (7 days later) – 1093 cases – 660 deaths

July 17, 2014

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It would appear Ebola is preparing for the 3rd wave and where it emerges from Nigeria is anyone’s guess now. Likely candidates are Saudi Arabia, Paris, Italy, London, Egypt,

Ethiopia, or United Arab Emirates. It all depends on the Air network, and also whether Ebola mutates and evolves into

an air-borne pathogen, considering MER-CoV RNA was found in a camel barn, and whether virus re-assortment occurs.

Ukraine is a possible ‘joker’ in this scenario

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From the earliest time, the author has predicted Ebola would become a ‘wildfire’ issue the longer the ‘authorities’ have allowed the trade routes to remain open and markets to continue to operate. Now, there seems to be slight panic and one

has predicted a “fast tracking” of an experimental vaccine.. It is coming..

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Hamburg has been the main Bio-Lab which has been testing Ebola patients since the outbreak began. How safe that laboratory is remains

unknown. But should it escape containment, it is expected trade restrictions via air travel and

shipping may become a very large problem as nations try to avert substantial financial stresses as this variant of the pathogen acquires more

European genetic material.

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“The isolation of EBOV from semen 40 days after the onset of illness underscores the risk of sexual transmission of the filoviruses during convalescence. Zaire EBOV has been detected in the semen

of convalescent patients by virus isolation (82 days) and RT-PCR (91 days) after disease onset”

As was disclosed earlier (slide 131), the 40 days cited is inaccurate. The period is actually double this number (91 days) as cited below

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As predicted, the ‘fast-track’ vaccine is being pushed in the panic that was going to ensue.

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These vaccines and the safety of them is highly questionable at this time. What is being considered here is highly unethical, but as desperation takes hold of rational thought and logical reasoning, and as containment measures fail (do to lateness and lack of real urgency concerning a bioweapon of this kind), instead of effectively quarantining possible victims, cessation of certain domestic air travel for 3

months, full disclosure on sexual transmissibility and length of possible infection through sexual intercourse, this vaccine ‘trial’ could actually accelerate the disease, or cause it to mutate into a

more virulent strain. The news media are not fully disclosing what the trials also conclude concerning acceleration of the pathogen witnessed in some primates given this trial Ebola-

rabies bivalent

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Refer back to slides (99-116) and the following are repeated slides of the manufacturers. The main manufacturers are using a Stomatitis Vectored Rabies-Ebola bivalent strain (EBOV mayinga), passaged through green monkey Vero 6 cell culture for lethality. Reports also cautiously note,

antithetically, that it has been shown to accelerate, augment and increase in speed and virulence; the opposite of what it should be doing (in Non-Human Primates or NHP). And there is also Favipiravir

(next slide)

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Favipiravir vaccine is the latest ‘weapon’ in the ‘fight’ (soon to be ‘war’) on these current strains of mutated Ebola virus as the death toll rises

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(repeat slide) A very recent study suggests Favipiravir (T-705) could be used against the current Ebola outbreak. As has been stated before, small animal models in mice are NOT the same as men and

women, and the ‘testing’ (or the blind study) is not using raw viruses. This study claims the strain they used was ‘identical’, but then states two codons had changed. They give no data on what the changes were, or

why they occurred from the same time frame (1976), and the studies used compromised mice lacking Interferon receptors. The study also suggests that there is a small window of time to treat an Ebola-infected patient, but it is puzzling they are testing mice that have, in some cases, been infected using

aerosol-delivered methods is unclear. Ebola is not transmitted in nature as an airborne pathogen. Not yet, anyway (???)

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There should be genuine concern for the rapidity that Ebola is spreading. Sadly, the

opportunities to quarantine this earlier has been missed and when Ebola reaches

culmination in the 3rd wave (4-6 weeks), the occurrences of Ebola should manifest

much more broadly and on every continent. Without Airport intervention (if it

can even operate efficiently now), the only concerns that should be at the forefront of

the mind is if:

Ebola was or is now Airborne

Ebola may re-assort or recombine with another viral strain in circulation

Ebola mortality quickens in transference and/or emergency response/time lessens after

introduction of new vaccine human trials that may augment the voracity and

lethality of an Ebola strain variant. The answer to the last cannot be answered at

this time. Only time will tell in a few months time; one may also contemplate whether this is more of a psychological exercise (media-

generated) and fear-based military applications (martial law) or some other

hidden premise. When troops are involved in quarantine procedures, one has to take notice of what the underlying agendas could

be and the effects of such actions.

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Page 162: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

In 2005 (9 years ago) an article was posted by Jeff Rense concerning future plans of China and it’s ‘destiny’ to meet

America (yes, America has a destiny too) when the Chinese peoples had overburdened the land to the point the

Chinese Leaders would lead their people to ‘mass colonisation’.

Considering ‘mass colonisation’, one goal that needs to be emplaced first is to ‘make some room’. Making some room

involves the release of a lethal bio-weapon that would assist the reduction of the American populace, and make

some ‘space’ for the colonising Chinese. Here is a few extracts for context:

“There has been rapid development of modern biological technology, and new bio weapons have been invented one after another. Of course we have not been idle; in the past years we have seized the

opportunity to master weapons of this kind. We are capable of achieving our purpose of ‘ cleaning up' America all of a sudden. When Comrade

Xiaoping was still with us, the Party Central Committee had the perspicacity to make the right decision not to develop aircraft carrier

groups and focused instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country. Biological weapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness, but if the

Americans do not die then the Chinese have to die.”

“It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century, a century in which the CCP leads the world. We, as revolutionary humanitarians, do not

want deaths, But if history confronts us with a choice between deaths of Chinese and those of Americans, we'd have to pick the latter ..”

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Just to throw in a biblical analogue for this scenario…

Revelation 9:16 – Now the number of the Army of the Horsemen was 200 million; I heard the number of them (Americans?). Now consider the quote below:

Revelation 9:18 – By these 3 plagues a third of mankind was killed – by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths.

Revelation 9:20-21 – But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk

[21] And they did not repent of their murders or their *sorceries or their sexual immortality or their thefts”.

“It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century, a century in which the CCP leads the world”

“Focused instead on developing lethal weapons that can eliminate mass populations of the enemy country . Biological weapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness”

Once a pathogen like Ebola gains the ability to be airborne (via the mouth, sneezing, coughing, respiratory diseases, comminicable illnesses), it can then become “unprecedented”.. Like an ‘army’.

In the footnotes to the KJV, *Sorceries is termed ‘drugs’, and vaccines carrying Ebola-Rabies bivalent would equate to a drug.

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David Cameron said he is personally backing a research project to sequence 100,000 genomes of NHS patients in

England by 2018, which some experts believe will become a national test-bed for sequencing the genomes of the

entire UK population within a generation.

However, the Government organisation behind the £300m initiative warned yesterday that people will have to be prepared to allow drug companies to have access to

their genomic data, which the NHS is planning to make available to private industry under a commercial deal.

Genomics England, the wholly owned NHS company set up to run the project, said it is in discussions with drug companies and will try to enforce strict confidentiality of patient data. However, industry will need access to non-identifying details of peoples’ genomes in order to make

advances in drugs and treatments, it said.

“If innovative treatments are to be found to extend or save lives then commercial companies will need to invest in the research, development and manufacture of new drugs and

diagnostic tests,” Genomics England said.

“It has always been the case that this work is carried out in the commercial sector and not by Government or within

the NHS itself,” it said.

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The Ebola report was not available for publication until the document was officially released by the

Committee on Armed Services.

Report excerpt:

“The Department of Health and Human Services emphasized responding to attacks and threats to

the U.S. population after exposure. Homeland Security Presidential Directive -18 affirmed the

unique nature of DoD requirements stating,

‘The Secretary of Defense shall retain exclusive responsibility for research development, acquisition, and deployment of medical

countermeasures to prevent or mitigate the health effects of WMD threats and naturally

occurring threats to the Armed Forces and shall continue to direct strategic planning for oversight programs to support medical countermeasures

development and acquisition for our Armed Forces personnel.”

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The patent for a variant of Human Ebola isolated (hEbola) certainly does exist. It is unclear why this

variant is the Bundibungo strain which seems to have been taken from the 2007 outbreak in Uganda. This current mutated strain is of the Zaire Mayinga strain

and it’s doubtful whether any vaccines would work now. This strain is still passaging through the human

populace and may yet acquire a higher lethality if this cannot be contained. The next question is : What vaccine is going to be promoted as well as


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The big question remains – Is the current strain of Ebola AIRBORNE?

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1 The question remains, whether there is a risk that filoviruses could mutate and become efficiently transmitted from person-to-person, e.g. by aerosol, and therefore may

become a real pandemic threat. It has been postulated that if ever ZEBOV would cause an outbreak of significant size in a densely populated urban environment, the evolution

towards an airborne variant could occur. Specifically, the argument has been put forward that a large enough epidemic would provide sufficient evolutionary pressure to the

virus to give rise to an airborne variant. Since there is some evidence that REBOV infections may be airborne, a variant with an intrinsically high mutation rate could

evolve towards an airborne virus.

1, 2 ‘‘Filoviruses’’: a real pandemic threat? - Byron E.E. Martina, Albert D.M.E. Osterhaus* Accepted January 9, 2009, p13 & 14

2 The REBOV outbreak and experimental infections carried out with ZEBOV have raised concerns that EBOV may be naturally transmitted by aerosol (Jahrling et al, 1990;

Johnson et al, 1995). There is also circumstantial evidence that during the EBOV outbreak in DRC in 1995, some patients became infected through aerosol transmission (Roels et

al, 1999)…. More studies are needed to understand the difference in virulence between viruses like ZEBOV and REBOV, which will help us to understand better the risk of filoviruses

to eventually evolve, through mutation or recombination, to become more virulent and perhaps more importantly airborne.

Genetic stability and virulence

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Now it’s time to evaluate these potential ‘Vaccine’ treatments that are in contention and what we know so far:

(1998) Favipiravir (T-705) for H1N1 vaccine – RNA polymerase Inhibitor using Interferon receptor KO mice (UNIVERSAL strains, Influenza, HIV-1, ect) – Monkey trials end Mid-September – Orally taken as a pill but already sold in Japan for Influenza

Tekmira Pharmaceuticals - TKM-Ebola (British Columbia Vancouver-based Japanese company with Fujifilm Holdings Corp Toyama Chemical Co. and Medivector Inc. of Boston and also has interests in Favipiravir)

Recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Virus – G Protein deleted and replaced with engineered replacements

Ollmann Sapphire Laboratories

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals – Marburg Virus

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Enhanced potency of a fucose-free monoclonal antibody being developed as an Ebola virus immunoprotectant - Mapp Biopharmaceutical, San Diego, CA 92121; Department of Virology, US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Frederick, MD 21702; Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA 02215; and Department of Applied Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, 1190 Vienna, Austria

Delayed treatment of Ebola virus infection with plant-derived monoclonal antibodies provides protection in rhesus macaques - Division of Virology, United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Frederick, MD 21702; Mapp Biopharmaceutical, Inc., San Diego, CA 92121; and Kentucky BioProcessing, LLC, Owensboro, KY 42301

MAPP Biopharmaceuticals – Zmapp Monoclonal antibody vaccine (mAbs) - 3 trans-genically humanised proteins)

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See slides 26 and 28. The media is slow reporting on “patient Zero”; the 2-year old child. They (the media in general) should be more concerned with informing the public truthfully about the possibility that Ebola is AIRBORNE. Repeating that it is ‘only communicable

via touch or direct contact’ is dangerous, and to withhold correct reporting of the facts (which have been disclosed herein so far) from a populace that is essential to know, may

lead to anger and mistrust when this event augments and widens.

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Page 189: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

The picture to the left was back in April/May and the areas in orange were the infected districts. As can be seen from the picture on the right, these infected districts have multiplied since that time, with new possible cases in the regions of Spain,

France (Paris), Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, and Nigeria, which has shown the early signs of communicable transmission witnessed in Conakry, Liberia and Sierra Leone in the beginning of this particular outbreak. If Nigeria follows the same wave

patterns, the cases will rise faster initially, and the second wave will express more deaths towards the end of August, as the possible airborne pathogen disperses within the confines of hospital wards, enclosed medical facilities and other medical

centres (nosocomial transmission).

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Contrary to the WHO update, there has been deaths in Nigeria attributed to Patrick Sawyer who knew he had possible Ebola infection, but continued to ‘treat’ over 100 patients during this period.

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“It is hoped this trend does NOT continue throughout July – September. October is cueing up to be a MAJOR month regarding situational and themic memes. The author

hopes these predictions or the culmination of set incidents that are present now, do NOT

converge, or come to pass.”

The author postulated earlier in the presentation that the trend on case/death

numbers would rise …

But, as is shown in the latest chart from the WHO, the trend is indeed following the patterns predicted. Now Nigeria has 13 cases so it will

be interesting to see if the Ebola 1st wave expresses in the same ways as it did in the

first 3 regions in Africa. Ebola is now almost on every continent (Africa, USA, Europe, Asia)

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It may have slipped the general populace’s attention but it’s not just the Airport system

that is a concern. Major sea ports, transportation and shipping is another

vector that has only just become a pause for thought. As has been discussed, Ebola can be found in articles of clothing (as seen from

burial practices when villagers touch the bodies of the dead) so it is possible food

stuffs and other merchandise such as clothing, banned meats, ect could be modes of transmission for the pathogen. At least the news media are finally bringing this channel

of transmission into the public realm of awareness.

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Back on slide 58, the author suggested that Cholesterol-lowering drugs; statins, were dangerous. Now, Lipitor (Atorvastatin) is being tentatively introduced as a possible ‘treatment’ for Ebola .. Beware this intervention

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Lipitor (Atorvastatin) has had its fair share of controversy with this drug back in 2008. Do you still want to consent to a vaccine which may have glass particles in it, along with other alien/ foreign genetically-engineered materials.. That is for you, the viewer, to contemplate. We are entering a very dangerous

phase of this outbreak.

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1 Fluvastatin is an antilipemic agent that competitively inhibits hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase. HMG-CoA reductase catalyzes the conversion of HMG-CoA to mevalonic acid, the rate-

limiting step in cholesterol biosynthesis. Fluvastatin belongs to a class of medications called statins and is used to reduce plasma cholesterol levels (Low Density Lipids) and prevent cardiovascular disease. It is also the first entirely synthetic HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor and is structurally distinct from the

fungal derivatives of this therapeutic class.

1 http://www.drugbank.ca/drugs/DB01095

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If statins are being proposed as another ‘treatment’ while funding is granted to fast-track untested Ebola vaccines or

serum; to explore, monitor, share data and extrapolate statistics during the Ebola outbreak, one has to wonder

whether this is an avenue to study the effects of cholesterol-deficient patients and the effects of statins during infection of this current Bio-Safety lab 4 strain.

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Page 205: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

Most of the primary vaccine manufacturers are producing various products that are also being considered for Ebola treatment such as Merck, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Mapp

BioPharmaceuticals, BioCryst. The question that arises is why…

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In addition, outbreaks of lethal EBOV infection have been reported in nonhuman primates (NHPs), including gorillas and chimpanzees, in endemic areas... EBOV has also emerged as a significant bio-defense concern because of its extreme virulence and capability

to induce disease via aerosolization (15, 19).

15. Geisbert, T. W., et al. 2008. Vesicular stomatitis virus-based vaccines protect nonhuman primates against aerosol challenge with Ebola and Marburg viruses. Vaccine 26:6894–6900.

19. Johnson, E., N. Jaax, J. White, and P. Jahrling. 1995. Lethal experimental infections of rhesus monkeys by aerosolized Ebola virus. Int. J. Exp. Pathol.76:227–236

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Limited experimental and epidemiological data suggest that aerosol transmission of filoviruses from monkey to monkey or from monkey to human may also occur. In an outbreak of Ebola (Reston) within a US non-human primate quarantine facility, the virus

readily spread within animal rooms. While infections in adjacent cages may have occurred by droplet contact, infections in distant cages suggests aerosol transmission, as

evidence of direct physical contact with an infected source could not be established (Dalgard et al. 1992).

Johnson, E., N. Jaax, J. White, and P. Jahrling. 1995. Lethal experimental infections of rhesus monkeys by aerosolized Ebola virus. Int. J. Exp. Pathol.76:227–236

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1“This study demonstrates aerosol transmission of Ebola virus to non-human primates. Inhalation doses as low as 400 PFU (Plaque-Forming Units) of virus caused a fatal illness clinically

similar to that previously reported for monkeys infected by parenteral (intravenous) inoculation”

1 Johnson, E., N. Jaax, J. White, and P. Jahrling. 1995. Lethal experimental infections of rhesus monkeys by aerosolized Ebola virus. Int. J. Exp. Pathol.76:227–236

“We also demonstrated aerosol transmission of Ebola virus at lower temperature and humidity than that normally present in sub-Saharan Africa. Ebola virus sensitivity to the high temperatures and humidity in the thatched, mud, and wattel huts shared by infected family members in southern Sudan

and northern Zaire may have been a factor limiting aerosol transmission of Ebola virus in the African epidemics. Both elevated temperature and relative humidity (RH) have been shown to

reduce the aerosol stability of viruses (Songer 1967).”

“Our experiments were conducted at 24 degrees centigrade, conditions which are known to favour the aerosol stability of at least two other African haemorrhagic fever viruses, Rift Valley fever and Lassa (2Stephenson et al. 1984; Anderson et al. 1991). If the same holds true for filoviruses, aerosol transmission is a greater threat in modern hospital or laboratory settings than it is in the natural

climatic ranges of viruses.”

“Certainly, filoviruses have infected humans with no known history of parenteral or ocularinoculation of the virus (Martini 1971; CDC 1990), and a respiratory route of infection cannot be

ruled out (Simpson 1977).”

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“Regardless, we have shown that Ebola virus (Zaire strain) can be transmitted by aerosol in an experimental primate model. In light of the pathogenicity of human filovirus infections, health care

personnel at risk of exposure should use precautions to minimize the risk of aerosol exposure while managing acutely ill haemorrhagic fever cases of unknown or filoviral aetiology.”

2STEPHENSON E.H., LARSON J.W. & DOMINIK J.W. (Stephenson et al, 1984) Effect of environmental factors on aerosol-induced Lassa virus infection. J. Med. Virol. 14, 295-303.

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??? How much?

Dr Rima Laibow also sells very expensive remedies using Hemp. Why so expensive is the question here.

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This is the study which Dr Rima Laibow claims to ‘cure’ Ebola, (“suppressing the virus” would be more appropriate) which uses a very small dosage of Nano Silver which disrupts the binding

mechanism of a virion to a cell membrane and inhibiting infection and replication and seems to be the focus of the ‘fraudulent’ warnings emanating from the FDA. There are, however, some

confusing conclusions and findings which need further investigation concerning these ‘cures’ and the reaction of the FDA over the forming Pharmaceutical monopoly of the Ebola vaccine as a mass produced product for human consumption as trial guinea pigs for monitoring, evaluation and data sharing. The question here is: Which entity accepts liability should things develop and if

the vaccine’s have unexpected side effects, or something else unpredictable.

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Page 216: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

Even as recently as August 14, media were citing charts such as these here, and yet, no mainline media wants to be informative and honest and inform the

populaces that this strain of the Ebola is even possibly AIRBORNE. Not one single mainstream article has even hinted at the possibility of that

occurring. So, please enjoy some charts to make you feel better

Also consider the possibility that disinfection agents are causing, assisting or enabling Ebola to become Airborne.

It would appear from videos witnessed online that when decontamination people are spraying their vans, they are NOT

WEARING masks, so there is a good chance that most of these people using disinfection practices are perhaps making themselves vulnerable, because they are not being told that Ebola may be transmissible via the AEROSOLIZED route

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Are ‘they’ 100% sure this is NOT airborne, when the studies suggest they ARE?

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This nurse speaks about not having physical contact with anyone (apart from being splattered in blood!), and yet

she still ‘caught the virus’. Curiously, she questions it herself, saying “if this is airborne (and I hope it isn’t, but

the ‘experts’ keep telling us it’s NOT).. God help us.”. Being showered in blood may also contribute.

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After delving through a lot of reports, studies, research, ect, more findings will be presented shortly.

The biggest finding of concern is that Ebola can be transmitted from Dogs to Humans, and Pigs to Dogs, which could be a huge problem

further down the line when it comes to legislation and domestic dogs and pets, and farming in general.

The data will be presented within the next few days, as it’s a lot of documentation to analyse, understand and synthesise into coherent,

truthful assessment, as this event is being chronologically documented as close to real-time as possible, so you the viewer can also discern where

and how Ebola can transmit, and to take precautionary measures now that you aware of the problems that may arise at some future time. It may not; this particular strain may not be worth worrying about at all and may

simply disappear if One ignores it.

But, it is apparent this Ebola strain wishes to stay out and play as long as it’s allowed to. Please do check back regularly. This is very early in the dispersement phase and the author will try to keep track of developments as they arise. Ebola is a bioterrorism Agent Class A which requires a

Biolab Safety Level 4 containment. Do not forget this.

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Page 226: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

Again, we see the tentative suggestion that STATINS can be used therapeutically during

this Ebola outbreak. But the question remains – why push STATINS onto people in the hope that an untested drug may confer

some therapeutic benefit in these circumstances?

STATINS were not created for Ebola therapies.

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Page 228: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

The figures are rapidly rising as has been shown (152 cases in two days recently) and Nigeria has NOT

CONTAINED this virus. The Airports are ONLY screening OUTGOING passengers – Not INCOMING travelers. People may query that decision…and WHO

still clings to the hope Ebola is NOT AIRBORNE.

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As has been cited earlier, above is the EXECUTIVE ORDER for the CDC to take

AUTHORITY for the quarantine measures that have been emplaced upon West Africa

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Page 232: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

Now Nigeria has recorded its FIFTH death and with the released ex-patients still infective with Ebola (according to previous articles),

the author still predicts a manifestation of a larger 2nd wave within the next 2-3 weeks. One should look to the beginning of this

presentation and look at the dispersement figures for Liberia primarily. When the outbreak began, Liberia had the least figures

and appeared to be in control of the disease. Now, Liberia has overtaken Guinea and Sierra Leone for deaths alone. The cases are still rising. Nigeria should not be any different as the same Nigeria should not be any different as the same

mistakes are being made againmistakes are being made again….

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Page 235: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

The following slides concerning the Bio-weaponisation of VHF’s should concrete in One’s mind’s eye that some ‘governmental authorities’ are clearly not paying attention to what

the studies are saying about Ebola being an AIRBORNE pathogen. The following are some additional information about this specific important piece of information. As of August 20th 2014, you the viewer now have more facts and information in one place than what the

media is presenting. It is up to you to take precautionary measures should this variant of Ebola virus continues to spread via aerosolized (respiratory) method as much as from ‘direct


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129. Jahrling PB. Viral hemorrhagic fevers. In: Sidell FR, Takafuji ET, Franz DR, editors. Medical aspects of chemical and biological warfare. Falls Church, VA: Office of The Surgeon General, Department of the Army, United States of America, 1997:591-602

25. Anonymous. Update: Management of patients with suspected viral hemorrhagic fever - United States. J Am Med Assoc 1995; 274:374-375 44. Lacy MD, Smego RA. Viral hemorrhagic fevers. Adv Pediatr Infect Dis 1996; 12:21-53..

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Page 239: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

It’s all just a competition to some organisations. But you the viewer must not treat this as a game. It is far

from being a “winner takes all” sporting event. Not when DARPA gets involved (see other DARPA TECH

presentation on this site for more info on this topic)

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Page 241: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

The author sees no abatement in the spread of Ebola. As this strain is clearly able to transmit via aerosolization (or airborne routes), the screening

practices that have been instituted will not be a success. It would appear that airline management only seem to concern themselves with OUTGOING

passengers, and not INCOMING. Quarantining may have a small impact, but individual quarantining is the ONLY measure that would guarantee the reduction

in cases and fatalities.

Should anyone be placed into a quarantine position, there is a high probability that infections will rise due to many bodies compacted into the same air-space and

confined locations. This could get very bad, very fast, and the author advises you, the viewer, to make additional plans and precautions, food for 90 days or more,

water, provisions, first aid and whatever else is deemed necessary or invaluable should this particular strain (and not a new recombinant or recombined strain which could also emerge during these emerging waves), especially in locations such as

Ghana where there is also Cholera; Saudi Arabia and MERS-CoV which is also possibly Airborne – (see previous slides); America may express the

Chikungungya strain, Zaire, Lassa Fever, or the Bungyabunga virus; China is endemic for all kinds of avian and swine-derived influenza viruses (respiratory)

so variants that can recombine and re-assort is highly plausible.

Please pop by for regular updates. The author may create a new presentation which continues on from this. This presentation has grown and it may be prudent to begin a part III. Stay tuned

for more developments – there is much more to come. Of this, you can be sure.

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As of August 20, 2014, the cases in Nigeria are expressing as they did in the early stages in Guinea, and still the CDC and WHO insist this variant is NOT Airborne. The numbers are

increasing significantly in the locations where Ebola originally began and Liberia, one of the first ‘slow burners’ has now overtaken Sierra Leone and Guinea, as predicted

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Page 244: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

2 days later, another 142 new cases including 77 victims and, as Nigeria pats itself on the back for ‘containing the outbreak’ in Lagos, another case emerged (previous slide) and

another death recorded. The Nigeria outbreak is not contained at this moment, this is just the 1st wave expressing (3 weeks later as predicted) and the 2nd wave is weeks away

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Page 246: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

One has to postulate the idea that the apparent ‘authorities’ are actually allowing the dispersement of the Ebola Virus…

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Page 248: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

You know when things are out of control when one views articles such as the one above right – making things ‘illegal’ is not going to help what is effectively an airborne pathogen. Bringing in troops overnight to

install quarantine zones is also one way to completely enflame a village or region and as the reports are showing, the people themselves are panicking and some of these ‘authorative’ actions are leading to some people being shot and killed. For an apparent ‘humanitarian’ action (a wonderful UNITED NATIONS meme),

these kinds of measures do not bode well for the next 6 weeks when the 2nd wave of two outbreaks should manifest with sudden admissions and an overwhelming of hospital beds. The UN and it’s

‘organs’ (WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME, UNICEF, ect) seem to be the only corporations benefiting from these outbreaks and are truly not containing these outbreaks whatsoever due to very, very poor advice and

media statements.

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This is a very, very bad idea by the so-called ‘authorities’. The author realises the National Health Service (or alternatively, the National Harm Service) is not prepared for an outbreak of Ebola in ANY hospital, Trust, Foundation Trust or whatever legal

name the entity assumes. The author has predicted the use of STATINS when (yes, WHEN) this containment is breached.

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Page 251: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

This man could very well be the first UK medic to be infected with Ebola in the weeks to come. A UK version of Kent

Brantly (33 years old) may emerge, but it is hoped he will not be. When this patient

arrives upon the soil, start the countdown. It is dangerous to ship this patient across

London transport infrastructure. And still, the media claims Ebola is NOT


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This is reminiscent of the old ‘Pagan’ “Wickerman Ritual” performed in England, but the ‘giants’ of the

technology world didn’t descend upon those old villages back then, nor did they take drugs to tap into the realm of the Genii to get New-Age ‘enlightenment’

and maybe steal some fire from Prometheus.

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Page 254: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II
Page 255: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

Curiously, San Francisco: all the tech giants such as Zuckerberg, Elon Musk (Paypal), Google, and other corporate heads are in Nevada.

Monday morning wasn’t quite a ‘ghost town’ – but it was an Earthquake Zone. Most people concern themselves with the current activity surrounding Yellowstone Park, but many may not know that Iceland is one very large

Caldera with a system of 7 or more volcanoes, each with varying degrees of violent activity recorded in the past ages. Something like a volcanic

eruption may actually aid in the cessation of flights (and the spread of Ebola via Air transportation) may in fact be advantageous, should Ebola

continue to spread. 3:30pm (33 is a signifier number)

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He was described as a ‘remarkable young man” and a natural leader by an American scientist who worked at the same

hospital. “He has taken on a very big role … he was very well liked by all the nurses and had taken on a pivotal role. Some

people are just marked out as leaders and he led the nurses. He was a very hard worker and they looked up to him”

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When one sees the term ‘Leader’, one must recall what communism and other socialist dogma uses that term for its political movements and the term does not fit in this situation

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According to the article, ‘A filtration system will suck the air away, removing all contaminated vapour before it is pumped out of the building”. Where exactly is that noxious, infected air being deposited ‘outside the building’ ? And if this is

NOT AIRBORNE, why does the article then state, “The air will also be kept under negative pressure to stop any (air) escaping from the tent… Everything is contained within the tent under negative pressure so the air is constantly added and removed. If this is PURELY a human-to-human direct contact disease, why mention the air/vapour 3 TIMES?

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If this is a true outbreak similar to Nigeria, then it would follow the same expression as previously observed, unless the DRC has a handle on the situation, and providing Ebola remains of the same clade as it was back in April 22. Can one expect Ebola to mutate when it meets a European haplotype? Will it

mutate before then? It remains to be seen what occurs, but it will become evident within the next 6-8 weeks.

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Page 261: Ebola, MERS, PEVD and the "Red Death" - Part II

Whatever the ‘truth’ is with ZMAPP; who was treated, and who wasn’t; doesn’t really matter overall. It seems Kent Brantly was injected with antibodies from a 14-year old ex-patient for his treatment. He may have been exposed to a very low dose or he may have had help

from the patients’ antibodies. Maybe it was ‘god’ that helped him through the infection. Nancy Writebol has recovered, but not from being given ZMAPP or any other experimental vaccine, according to the article above. There are many conflicting, contradictory and

hypocritical statements being reported and that makes it that little more difficult to present honest facts and true data to you, the viewer, to ascertain what is truly occurring with this

current outbreak.

Between now (August 25th) and end of October (the next Blood Moon), the true scale of this outbreak should be more visible. Unless this is contained, blows itself out, or is restrained via

other protocols is yet to be identified. Grandfather time shall reveal all within the next 6-8 weeks and any secondary transmissions that have occurred in other countries and nations

some weeks ago may also express. Nigeria expressed it’s outbreak 3 weeks after Patrick Sawyer arrived in Lagos

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MARK THESE DATES: As the ‘UK’ has a patient shipped in with the potential Ebola virus, Germany also accepts a doctor from Senegal. Hamburg has been a location right from the beginning when Ebola

samples have been sent there, as it has a Bio-Safety Lab 4 facility.

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This ‘state’ will not last long. The virus is not contained and a new case (or cases) should manifest shortly. From other articles past, it has been reported that a nurse/patient was discharged while still suspected to be carrying (shedding)

Ebola and some cases have been discharged too early, even when the 21 days surveillance has elapsed. The ‘authorities’ are completely misjudging HOW this virus is spreading. Misjudging maybe should be replaced with denying that

Ebola is AIRBORNE. This virus is also transmissible via sexual intercourse, which is another thing to consider.

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As predicted, another case arises the day after the back-patting and celebrations on successfully containing the spread of the virus. Sadly, it was premature. But, do pay particular attention to Mali. Should Ebola reach Mali, bear in mind that 18 million people have been given the

rabies vaccine, Rotarix (ROTATEQ). The bat-as-host connection is now irrelevant. It is human-to-human AIRBORNE.

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Let’s look at these time frames – 11 August the pregnant patient dies (Question: how long had she been infected : more than 21 days prior to admission

between July 28 and August 11?) July 28 to August 27 is 4 weeks (29 days +/-). This would confirm a first wave of transmission and cases are expected to rise.

This strain could also be a new variant, mutation, recombination or re-assortment. It is hoped Kinshasa and Gabon have Bio-Safety Lab 4 facilities to

confirm the strain. December to April 22 – 4-5 months - New strain (97%) August 27 – 4-5 months from April 22 - New strain in the DRC

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This epidemic is assumed to grow as the weeks and months pass by. This presentation has grown to the point where it should be concluded and another part III shall be begun. The

reasoning behind this is simple:

1: Chronologically documenting this outbreak is going to undoubtedly grow as more locations report cases

2: 266 slides is more than enough as a foundation for people to quickly learn how this virus spread, from where and when, and the author realises it is a lot of information to take in at one

sitting. The author would also like to thank also those who are sharing and embedding this power-point as this time. Your kindness is very much appreciated.

3: As the virus spreads, more infrastructure, security and other means of containment are going to be employed by ‘authorities’ as they lose control of some situations. This also

needs to be placed into context and will be added alongside the information in the next part III, and you, the viewer need to be aware of what can transpire from such a pathogen and what

emergency measures or protocols can be activated for “your safety and security”

As some viewers may appreciate, watching this unfold is pretty stressful to say the least. But you need this information. For more information such as this, please do visit

www.peoplesinternetradio.com and do come and participate in some lively banter, humour, and radio shows covering all topics (not just Ebola), and is a source for good (sometimes

unorthodox) perspectives and views on various subject matter and concepts some may not be aware of, or have not heard of before. We hope to see you there and do introduce

yourselves. Stay tuned. Part III coming soon.