Ebix: New Problems Emerge in Singapore, Sweden, and India

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  • 7/29/2019 Ebix: New Problems Emerge in Singapore, Sweden, and India


    GOTHAM CITY RESEARCH LLC www.gothamcityresearch.com [email protected]


    Ebix: New Problems Emerge

    in Singapore, Sweden, and India

    "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me"

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    Table of Contents

    I. Disclaimer

    II. Summary

    III. Introduction

    IV. New Problems Emerge in Singapore and IndiaV. Ebixs Swedish Problems

    VI. Cherry Bekaert Did Not Audit Ebix (or So We Suspect)

    VII. Event of Default

    VIII. End Notes

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    Ebix improperly financed $100+ million of acquisitions and

    stock buybacks, tax free, under the guise of a bogus

    intercompany asset sale, between Singapore & India.

    Ebix Inc. & its subsidiaries filings are materially incorrect.

    Singapore-related irregularities have worsened with time.

    Ebix meets the requirements for an Event of Default, per

    Article VII (c) of the Credit Agreement.

    Cherry Bekaert never properly audited Ebix, as evidenced

    by BDO Sweden ABs warnings and the growing list of

    material accounting irregularities.

    Current shareholders are likely to recover little to no value,once the USA & Ebixs creditors enforce their claims.


    There is a $1.8, $3.2, & $39.2 million cash flow irregularity

    within the 2009, 2010, & 2011 Singapore filings.

    No information is provided regarding Singapores largest

    2011 cash flow item, a $103 million related party item.

    Ebix Singapore sold Ebix Software Asia SEZ to itself for $66

    million, and booked a $64 million gain (a 54x ROI).

    Swedish pre-tax income is less than %1 of the amounts

    claimed in the SEC filings, according to Swedish filings.

    In 2011, BDO Sweden was unable to obtain audit evidence

    that the Swedish subsidiary owns Ebix Singapore.

    BDO Sweden was unable to confirm that any of the

    dealings between Ebixs Swedish subsidiary, Ebix

    Singapore and Ebix Australia, ever actually occurred.

    The Singapore and Indian filings show materially differing

    amounts for Ebix Singapores purchase of Ebix Software

    Asia SEZ. The difference exceeds $13 million.

    There is a $27 million unexplained irregularity in the

    related party loan liability, in the 2011 Balance Sheet.

    Ebix, Inc.s auditor Cherry Bekaert Holland signed off on

    Ebixs 10Ks, despite all the above-mentioned problems.

    Company: EBIX

    Ticker: EBIX

    Share price: $10.60

    Market cap: $402M

    Enterprise value: $442M

    52-week high: $24.64

    52-week low: $8.21

    Shares outstanding:37.97M

    Float: 33.18M

    Avg. Daily Vol: 1,728K

    TTM Revenue: $211M

    TTM Net income: $67M

    2012 YTD FCF: $61M

    Net debt: -$36M

    Tangible book: -$29M

    Dividend yield: 2.8%

    FYE: Dec. 31

    Ebix Inc. Auditor: Cherry

    Bekaert Holland

    Singapore Auditor: BDOLLP

    Swedish Auditor: BDO

    Sweden AB

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    Just when we thought we were ready to move on from Ebix, Gotham City Research received a copy of

    Ebix Singapores 2011 financial statements (released on July 30, 2013) and EIH Holdings AB (the Swedish

    subsidiary) 2011 filings in mid-August. We did not have the opportunity to review the filings until

    September. Once we did, however, we were shocked by what we found. We discovered a few smoking

    guns, and felt compelled to share our new findings with the public as soon as humanly possible.

    So Why Ebix Again? New Problems in Singapore, Sweden, and India

    We discovered material and growing holes in Ebix Singapores Balance Sheets and Statements of Cash

    Flows. We also found a $103 million transaction, the single largest Statement of Cash Flows transaction

    in 2011, without a single sentence explaining what this might be (ironic, given that there is a footnote

    dedicated to explaining a $0.5 million transaction). Finally, we found a $27 million accounting deficiency

    in the 2011 related party loan balance, as well as an unexplained restatement of 2010s cash flows.1

    Problems in Sweden

    In addition to all the Singapore-related problems summarized above, we found a whole new set of

    problems in Ebixs Swedish subsidiary, EIH Holdings AB. Swedish filings reveal losses2, not the pre-tax

    earnings of $6-$7 million as claimed in the 2011 and 2012 SEC filings3. BDO Sweden, EIH Holdings

    auditor, warned4:

    We have therefore been unable to obtain audit evidence to support the Company's ownership of

    its subsidiaries, nor been able to confirm the dealings between the Company and the subsidiaries.

    The Underlying Story?

    Gotham City Research believes it has identified at least two underlying narratives that tie together

    nearly all the concerns raised in this report.

    One of the key narratives: In 2011, Ebix wanted to finance over $100 million of acquisitions and stock

    buybacks, while avoiding taxes. We believe Ebix cut corners to achieve these objectives. This is why:

    Ebix devised a bogus $66 million sale (realizing a magical $64 million gain) of Ebix Software Asia

    SEZ to Ebix India Private Ltd., enabling Ebix to transfer funds from India to Singapore.

    Ebix Singapore provides no details regarding the largest cash flow line-item in the 2011 filing.

    There is an accounting irregularity found with the 2011 $27 million Singapore related party loan.

    Ebix exploits the fact that US SEC filings are due within 2-3 months of the fiscal year end,

    whereas the Singapore and Indian subsidiaries financials seem due 12-18 months afterwards.

    The Swedish subsidiarys auditor, BDO Sweden AB, issued warning statements in 2011.

    Ebix stopped filing Swedish financial statements in 2012, and EIH Holdings AB was consequently

    liquidated by Swedish regulators in 2013.

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    New Problems Emerge in Singapore and India

    Gotham City Researchs Core Thesis

    Our thesis is best summarized by two, overarching narratives:

    1. In 2011, Ebix improperly financed $100+million of acquisitions and stock buybacks, tax free,

    under the guise of a bogus intercompany asset sale, between Singapore & India.

    2. Ebix Inc. and its subsidiarys financial statements are materially inaccurate (since 2009).

    Furthermore, the accounting irregularities and omissions have worsened with time.

    The following new Singapore and India-related facts support our two-pronged thesis:

    Ebix Singapore sold Ebix Software Asia SEZ to itself for $66 million, and booked a $64 million

    gain, a 54x ROI.

    Ebix Singapore provides the least amount of information (i.e. no information) on its largest cash

    flow line-item, a $103 million transaction related party transaction in 2011.

    The related party loan balance oddly increases by $27 million in 2011. The notes claim proceeds

    were used to purchase intangible assets, yet the Statement of Cash Flows contradicts this claim.

    BDO Sweden was unable to confirm that any of the dealings between Ebixs Swedish subsidiary,

    Ebix Singapore and Ebix Australia, ever actually occurred. (See Ebixs Swedish Problems)

    There are material irregularities found in the Trade and other payables accounts (a current

    liability) in the 2009, 2010, and 2011 filings. The irregularities are $1.8 million, $3.2 million, and

    $39.2 million respectively.

    Ebix Singapores acquisition of Ebix Software Asia SEZ cost $13 million more according to the

    India filings than it did according to the Singapore filings.

    Ebix Singapore 2010 Statement of Cash Flows was restated in its 2011 filing without explanation.

    Swedish pre-tax income is less than %1 of the amounts claimed in the SEC filings, according to

    Swedish filings. (See Ebixs Swedish Problems)

    In 2011, BDO Sweden was unable to obtain audit evidence that the Swedish subsidiary owns

    Ebix Singapore. (See Ebixs Swedish Problems)

    Ebix & Robin Raina failed to dispute or address the following irregularities identified in prior reports1

    2010 Singapore intangible assets are misstated by $67 million.

    2011 long-lived assets do not add up.

    The Confirmnet acquisition cost 30% more according to the India filings than it did according to

    the SEC filings.

    EZ-Datas IP was transferred to Singapore yet Raina says No US IP has been transferred to any

    other country.

    The Robin Raina Foundations IRS filings are full of material accounting irregularities.

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    Ebix Singapores $66 million Sale of Ebix Software Asia SEZ in 2011 is a Sham Transaction

    Ebix Singapore sold Ebix Software Asia SEZ Pvt Ltd to Ebix Software India Private Limited, and magically

    pocketed a gain of $64 million (a 54x return on investment) in just 3 years time2:

    Note that Ebix Singapore owns both of the Indian subsidiaries, Ebix Software Asia SEZ Pvt Ltd and Ebix

    Software India Private Limited (India):

    This sale is highly unusual because its as if the right hand received money from the left hand, and

    somehow minted a handsome profit, funded acquisitions + stock buyback, and avoided paying taxes all

    in one fell swoop. The economics of the transaction make little sense and does not meet the criteria of

    an arms-length transaction3:

    Ebix Software Asia SEZ Sale

    Sale price $66,026,971Initial price $1,220,793

    Realized Gain $64,806,178

    Returned on Investment 54.1x

    India external revenue 2011 ZERO

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    Gotham City Research believes Ebix Singapores sale of Ebix Software Asia SEZ is a sham transaction,

    devised in order to evade repatriation taxes related to its acquisitions and stock buybacks:

    Ebixs Indian subsidiaries generated zero external revenue since incorporation.

    A third party would not purchase Ebix Software Asia SEZ at a 54.1x multiple of cost, given it

    generated zero external revenue. Private market comparable company valuations would lead toa much lower valuation. A discounted cash flow analysis would also render a low valuation.

    Ebix wanted to utilize the $66 million stuck in India, to finance acquisitions and stock buybacks

    while avoiding taxes.

    As a result of the in-flow of cash to Ebix Singapore, and subsequent acquisitions, Ebix was able

    to artificially and improperly reduce Ebix Singapores leverage ratios.

    We believe Ebix has avoided public and regulatory scrutiny over this sham transaction, as its

    2011 Singapore filing was not signed off by BDO LLP, its auditor, until July 15, 2013.

    It seems that BDO Sweden AB, the Swedish subsidiarys auditor, started to question the validity

    of Ebixs inter-company transactions in 2011 (See Ebixs Swedish Problems)

    How to Mint $20-$25 million ($66 million taxed at a 35% rate) Out of Thin Air

    Before the Ebix Software Asia SEZ Transaction

    After the Ebix Software Asia SEZ Transaction

    Ebix Singapore

    Ebix SoftwareAsia SEZ

    Ebix SoftwareIndia Private


    Ebix Singapore

    Ebix Software

    India Private


    Ebix Software

    Asia SEZ

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    Ebix Singapore Provides No Disclosure on Its Largest Cash Flow Line Item

    Due from holding company happens to be the single largest item on the 2011 Statement of Cash Flows

    ($103 million). Yet there is not a single sentence hinting what it might be. This lie of omission leads us to

    further believe that Ebix improperly funneled over $100 million out of Singapore4:

    Why else would Ebix Singapore provide a footnote for Issue of shares (Note 12), a measley $0.5 million

    transaction, but not a footnote (or single sentence), to explain a $100+ million transaction?

    BDO LLP, Ebix Singapores Auditor, Signed Off on the 2011 Filings in July 15, 2013

    It seems the Swedish regulators shutdown Ebixs Swedish subsidiary, EIH Holdings AB, because it too

    found all the above highly problematic. (See Ebixs Swedish Problems)

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    The $27 Million Related Party Loan Accounting Irregularity

    The loan payable account increased by over $27 million in 2011 5:

    Note 10 claims the loan payable was used for the purchase of intangible assets:

    The Statement of Cash Flows Does Not Support the Note 10 Explanation:

    As shown above, Purchase of intangible assets in 2011 was zero. Yet the loan payable balance, on the

    balance sheet, increased by $27 million. Something is amiss. We believe this deficiency supports our

    belief that Ebix improperly financed its acquisitions and stock buybacks in 2011. The proceeds from this

    $27 million loan were used to complete acquisitions and fund stock buybacks, not purchase intangible


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    Cash Flow Irregularities Found in the Singapore 2009 Filing is a Big Problem for Ebix

    Between 2003-2008, the calculated year-over-year changes in Trade and other payables as shown on

    the Balance Sheets were nearly identical to the Trade and other payables amounts shown in the

    working capital changes section within the Statement of Cash Flows6:

    Something changed in 2009, as the calculated amount differs from the disclosed amount, as highlighted.

    From the Singapore 2009 Balance Sheet:

    From the Singapore 2009 Statement of Cash Flows:

    Trade and Other Payables - Balance Sheet vs. Statement of Cash Fl ow Irregularities

    Singapore $s 2 003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

    Trade and other payables $241,233 $580,324 $492,366 $1,097,037 $1,755,692 $1,517,706 $10,545,145

    y-o-y change as calculated $339,091 ($87,958) $604,671 $658,655 ($237,986) $9,027,439

    y-o-y change as reported $339,101 ($87,957) $604,672 $658,655 ($237,986) $7,243,916

    Unexplained Trade & Other Payables: ($10) ($1) ($1) $0 $0 $1,783,523

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    Strangely enough, Ebix Singapores Interest Expense for 2009 is identical in amount to the $1,783,523

    difference between the calculated and reported change in payables:

    The Interest expense shown above corresponds to the original undisclosed related party loan Gotham

    City Research Uncovered:

    2009 Trade and other Payables Irregularities

    Singapore $s 2008 2009

    Trade and other payables $1,517,706 $10,545,145y-o-y change as calculated ($237,986) $9,027,439

    y-o-y change as reported ($237,986) $7,243,916

    Unexplained Trade & Other Payables: $0 $1,783,523

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    The Singapore 2009 Filing Does Not Explain How the Payable Irregularity Equals the Interest Expense

    The 2009 interest expense is added back, in its full amount, in the Statement of Cash Flows:

    Adding back the Interest expense to cash flow from operating activities mathematically reconciles the

    $1,783,525 irregularity between the calculated and reported change in Trade and other payables

    However, this apparent mathematical reconciliation makes no sense:

    Trade and other payables is a non-interest bearing account, i.e. there is no interest expense

    associated with it. An interest expense-related adjustment, therefore, is out of the question.

    Trade and other payables represents management and consulting fees. Management and

    consulting fee are unrelated to the related party loan.

    Trade and other payables is a current liability, whereas the related party loan is a non-currentliability.

    Note 8 Supports the Above Two Points:

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    Note 10 Supports Our Concerns:

    Note 16 provides no clarity. Moreover, there is no mention that the interest expenses was a non-cash

    expense (if it were a non-cash expense, it would make sense to add it back to cash):

    Gotham City Research believes in the following possible explanations (none bode well for Ebix):

    1. The interest expense add-back to the Statement of Cash Flows was created so that the Balance

    Sheet and Statement of Cash Flows reconcile. That is, it was created in order to disguise the


    2. The irregularity is a symptom of a much larger problem. For example, maybe the 2009 Singapore

    loan transaction never actually occurred, and Ebix had difficulty reconciling all their shenanigans.The Singapore filings and transactions are all sham, paper transactions and the company is

    caught in the act, as the numbers dont tie in together.

    3. Not only is the interest expense added back to disguise the irregularity, it was designed to

    conceal illicit activities, e.g. money laundering. Some of the numbers are accurate. The

    unexplained differences are reconciled by money laundering and other improper activities.

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    The Accounting Irregularities Worsen in the Singapore 2010 and 2011 Filings

    The Trade and other payables irregularities found in the 2010 and 2011 financial statements are far

    larger than the 2009 irregularity7:

    Note the following troubling facts:

    The 2010 irregularity of $3.2 million is ~2x greater than the 2009 irregularity of $1.8 million.

    The 2011 irregularity of $39 million is ~10x greater than the 2010 irregularity of $3.2 million.

    There are no financial notes in the 2010 and 2011 Singapore filings that explain the above

    irregularities, just as there were no notes within the 2009 financial statements to explain the

    $1.8 million irregularity.

    Ebix Singapore Restates Its 2010 Statement of Cash Flows in the 2011 Filing, Without Any Explanation

    It is fairly common knowledge among short sellers, forensic accountants, and fraud experts that the

    Statement of Cash Flows, specifically the Cash Flows from Financing Activities, is the most difficult

    statement to fabricate. It is also the most difficult statement to restate.

    Ebix Singapore somehow managed to drastically restate its 2010 Statement of Cash Flows in its 2011

    filing. It achieved this feat without a single word explaining how or why it restated the 2010 numbers.8

    For starters, Ebix introduces new line items to the Statement of Cash flows:

    The Due from holding company and Due from related companies line-items did not exist in the 2010

    (or any prior filings). In fact, nowhere else are these items mentioned in the 2011 filing. This is the first

    and last time you see these items mentioned in the 2011 fiing. And It gets worse.

    The next two pages show the Statement of Cash Flows from the 2010 and 2011 filings:

    Trade and other Payables - Balance Sheet vs. Statement of Cash Flow Irregularities

    Singapore $s 2008 2009 2010 2011Trade and other payables $1,517,706 $10,545,145 $27,888,929 $67,020,032

    y-o-y change as calculated ($237,986) $9,027,439 $17,343,784 $39,131,103

    y-o-y change as reported ($237,986) $7,243,916 $14,113,283 ($27,365)

    Variance (calculated vs reported): $0 $1,783,523 $3,230,501 $39,158,468

    2010's Cash Flows from Financing Activities According to:

    2010 2011 Unexplained

    Filing Filing Variance

    Loan from a related company $0 $0 $0

    issue of share capital $500,000 $500,000 $0

    Due from holding company Didn't Exist ($21,162,227) ($21,162,227)Due from related companies, net Didn't Exist $19,793,644 $19,793,644

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    The 2010 Statement of Cash Flows According to the 2010 Filing:

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    The 2010 Statement of Cash Flows According to the 2011 Filing:

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    What was the Sale Price of Ebix Singapores Sale of Ebix Software Asia SEZ to Itself? Its Unclear

    Earlier in this report, we highlighted the economic absurdity of marking up an asset 54x and selling it to

    oneself for a tidy, tax-free profit. A major accounting inconsistency further undermines the credibility of

    the transaction, as the purchase price according to Ebix Software Indias 2011 filings materially differs9:

    The snapshot above shows that aggregate consideration for the sale was INR 1,922,487,840 (May 2011).

    The transaction cost $52.9 million, according to the Indian filing (0.275 SGD INR exchange rate).

    The transaction cost $66.0 million, according to the Singapore filing:

    The difference is just over $13 million.

    This $13 million irregularity reminds us of the Confirmnet irregularity we identified in our first report10:

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    The 2010 and 2011 Filings Contain a Deferred Income Related Accounting Error

    The 2010 deferred income current liability account, and/or the change in deferred income reported on

    the Statement of Cash Flows are incorrect11:

    Deferred income grew from $0 to $7,874 in 2010, which means that working capital should have

    increased by $7,874. The Statement of Cash Flows, instead, shows a decline of $7,874. The 2011 filing

    does not correct this error.

    Singapore Deferred Income Error

    Singapore $s 2008 2009 2010 2011

    Deferred income $23,665 $0 $7,874 $0

    y-o-y change as calculated ($23,665) $7,874 ($7,874)

    y-o-y change as reported ($23,665) ($7,874) ($7,874)

    Unexplained Difference: $0 $15,748 $0

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    Ebixs Swedish Problems

    Over the last several years, very little has been said about Ebixs Swedish operations. In fact, the only

    article that seems to mention Ebixs Swedish subsidiary, EIH Holdings AB, with some detail is a fairly

    recent Bloomberg story titled, Ebixs Raina Loses Magic Touch as U.S. Probes Accounting, dated June 21,

    2013. Buried somewhere in the middle of that article1:

    EIH Holdings, the companys Swedish subsidiary, is being liquidated by Swedish regulators for

    lack of timely filings. Yet, according to SEC filings approved by Cherry Bekaert, the Swedish unit

    earned $7 million of the companys $78 million in pre-tax income last year.

    In a more recent story, Ebix Said to Be Reviewed by U.S. for Money Laundering , dated August 7, 2013,

    Sweden is mentioned in passing2:

    One of the people familiar with the probe is a former Ebix executive who was contacted by FBI

    agents. Federal Bureau of Investigation agents asked him about the companys wiring of funds

    to operations in locations such as India, Sweden and Singapore, the person said.

    It is Gotham City Research belief that some of Ebixs more flagrant and obvious offenses are found in

    Sweden. Specifically:

    Ebixs Swedish earnings are less than 1% of the $6.3 million and $7.0 million pre-tax earnings

    claimed in Ebixs 2011 & 2012 10K filings respectively, based on EIH Holdings ABs filings.

    In 2011, BDO Sweden was unable to obtain audit evidence to support EIH Holdings AB's

    ownership of its subsidiaries.

    BDO Sweden AB was unable to get confirmation of any dealings between EIH Holdings AB and

    its subsidiaries for fiscal year 2011.

    EIH Holdings ABs liquidation is complete as of the writing of this report (it was in liquidation as

    recently as several weeks ago), due to lack of timely filings.

    Ebix and Cherry Bekaert (Ebix Inc.s auditor) signed off on Swedish pre-tax earnings numbers in

    the 2012 10K, despite the fact that the fully liquidated EIH Holdings AB never filed its 2012

    financials. It seems CBH has also ignored BDO Swedens warnings.

    There is an undisclosed Swedish subsidiary, EIH Holdings Sweden AB. It was incorporated in

    September 2012, yet it is not mentioned as a subsidiary in Ebixs 2012 10K filing.

    Swedish Income As Claimed in US Filings Are Not Supported by Swedish Filings

    EIH Holdings AB filings show net losses not net earnings versus the SEC filings, which claim Swedish

    pre-tax earnings between $6 - $7 million for 2011 and 20123:

    Swedish Income Overstated in US SEC Filings?

    thousands $s 2010 2011 2012

    EIH HOLDINGS AB FILINGS ($70) ($45) Does Not Exist

    SEC FILINGS Undisclosed $6,340 $6,996

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    The 2011 10K claims $6.3 million pre-tax income from Sweden for 2011:

    The 2012 10K claims $7.0 million pre-tax income from Sweden for 2012:

    However, the 2011 EIH Holdings AB Income Statement Says Otherwise:

    As the next page shows, it seems there are no good explanations for the irregularities shown above. The

    conclusion that seems most consistent with the facts is that the Swedish pre-tax income is massively

    overstated in Ebixs 2011 and 2012 10K filings, and that the resulting tax benefit (taxed at a 0% statutory

    tax rate) should not exist.



    Net Profit

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    EIH Holdings AB Is Fully Liquidated and its 2012 Filing Does Not Exist

    EIH Holdings AB 2012 filing does not exist. In fact, the Swedish regulator likely liquidated EIH Holdings

    AB precisely because it failed to file its 2012 filing, EIH Holdings AB Likvidation avslutad (Liquidation


    EIH Holdings Kommanditbolag Has Not Filed Financial Statements since 20065

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    Undisclosed Swedish Subsidiary

    According to the Swedish regulator, there is an additional Swedish subsidiary (in addition to EIH

    Holdings AB and EIH Holdings KB), called EIH Holdings Sweden AB6:

    There is no mention of EIH Holdings Sweden AB in the 2012 10K filings Exhibit 21.1 (list of subsidiaries),

    even though its articles of association were adopted on September 4th, 2012:

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    Cherry Bekaert Did Not Audit Ebix (or So We Suspect)

    Ebixs Stock Deserves to be Halted

    In our first Ebix-related report, The Truth about Ebix, Robin Raina, and the Robin Raina Foundation,

    released February 21st 2012, we stated1:

    Investors should seriously doubt the accuracy, reliability, completeness of Ebixs financial

    statements, disclosures, and past remarks. We doubt CBH obtained reasonable assurance that

    Ebixs financial statements & schedules were free of misstatement, contrary to their claims


    We believe that Ebixs stock should be halted, until its financial statements are reliable, accurate,

    and complete. We also believe the current auditor has to go, as theyre not doing their job.

    We not only stand by the above stated opinions, we now believe that Cherry Bekaert never properly

    audited Ebixs financial statements.

    The following serve as the bases of our opinions:

    In 2011, BDO Sweden was unable to obtain audit evidence to support EIH Holding AB's

    ownership of its subsidiaries.

    BDO Sweden was unable to get confirmation of any dealings between EIH Holdings AB and its

    subsidiaries for fiscal year 2011.

    EIH Holdings AB was liquidated by Swedish regulators for lack of timely filings. EIH Holdings

    never filed financial statements for 2012.

    SEC filings approved by Cherry Bekaert show the Swedish unit earned $7.0 million of pre-taxincome in 2012 and $6.3 million in 2011, even though the 2011 Swedish filing shows a net loss.

    Cherry Bekaert approved Ebixs 10K filings for the 2009-2012 fiscal years, despite all the material

    accounting irregularities we identified in Ebix Singapores 2009-2011 filings.

    Unclear how CBH has obtained reasonable assurance that Ebixs financial statements &

    schedules are free of misstatement, if Ebix Singapores audited financial statements for 2009,

    2010, and 2011 were signed off by BDO 1.25-1.75 years after fiscal year end.

    BDO Sweden ABs 2011 Warning2

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    Translation of BDO Sweden ABs 2011 Warning

    Basis to refrain from statement

    Financial statements of the subsidiaries have not been finalized yet and details of income and

    equity in Note 2 applies in 2010.

    We have therefore been unable to obtain audit evidence to support the Company's ownership of

    its subsidiaries, nor been able to get confirmation of any dealings between the Company and the


    Not only was BDO unable to verify basic facts about EIH Holdings AB, it re-used 2010 figures in 2011.

    From the 2011 EIH Holdings AB Filing:

    From the 2010 EIH Holdings AB Filing3:

    Uppgifter om eget

    capital och resultat -

    Data on equity and


    Eget Kapital - Equity

    Resultat - Earnings

    The 2010 and 2011

    Equity and Earnings

    Amounts Should

    Differbut they are

    identical, because BDO

    Sweden was unable to

    verify 2011s numbers.

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    Event of Default

    Gotham City Research Believes Ebix Meets the Requirements for an Event of Default

    We believe Ebix meets the requirements for a default on its credit facilities and loans, and that creditors

    have the ability to demand immediate payment of principle + interest. We also believe it is in the

    creditors best interests to do so as soon as possible.

    The following serve as the bases of our opinions:

    Ebix, Incs financial statements contain material irregularities, as described in this report as well

    as past reports.

    Ebix, Incs subsidiaries financial statements (including but not limited to Ebix Singapore, EIH

    Holdings AB, and the Indian subsidiaries) are materially incorrect, as described in this report and


    Article VII (c) of the Credit Agreement Dated April 26, 2012 describes the situation in which Ebixand/or its subsidiaries financial statement(s) are materially incorrect.

    ARTICLE VII (c) from the Credit Agreement dated April 26, 20121

    Events of Default

    If any of the following events (each an Event of Default ) shall occur:

    (c) any representation or warranty made or deemed made by oron behalf of any Loan Party or

    any Subsidiaryin or in connection with this Agreement or any Loan Document or any

    amendment or modification thereof or waiver thereunder, orin any report, certificate, financial

    statementor other document furnished pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement or any

    Loan Document or any amendment or modification thereof or waiver thereunder, shall prove to

    have been materially incorrect when made or deemed made;

    What Happens in the Event of Default

    then, and in every such event (other than an event with respect to the Borrower described in

    clause (h) or (i) of this Article), and at any time thereafter during the continuance of such event,

    the Administrative Agent may, and at the request of the Required Lenders shall, by notice to the

    Borrower, take either or both of the following actions, at the same or different times: (i)

    terminate the Commitments, and thereupon the Commitments shall terminate immediately, and

    (ii) declare the Loans then outstanding to be due and payable in whole (or in part, in which

    case any principal not so declared to be due and payable may thereafter be declared to be due

    and payable), and thereupon the principal of the Loans so declared to be due and payable

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    What Happens in the Event of Default (continued)

    together with accrued interest thereon and all fees and other obligations of the Borrower

    accrued hereunder, shall become due and payable immediately, without presentment, demand,

    protest or other notice of any kind, all of which are hereby waived by the Borrower; and in case

    of any event with respect to the Borrower described in clause (h) or (i) of this Article, theCommitments shall automatically terminate and the principal of the Loans then outstanding,

    together with accrued interest thereon and all fees and other obligations of the Borrower

    accrued hereunder, shall automatically become due and payable, without presentment, demand,

    protest or other notice of any kind, all of which are hereby waived by the Borrower. Upon the

    occurrence and the continuance of an Event of Default, the Administrative Agent may, and at the

    request of the Required Lenders shall, exercise any rights and remedies provided to the

    Administrative Agent under the Loan Documents or at law or equity, including all remedies

    provided under the UCC.

    The IRS and Creditors Get Paid Before Shareholders

    Many Ebix shareholders seem unaware that the US Government (the IRS, SEC, and/or DOJ) and Creditors

    get paid before shareholders do. Lest you forget: The US Government and creditors are senior claimants,

    whereas shareholders are last in the pecking order. Heres a visual reminder:

    If either of the following events occurs:

    1. Ebixs creditors demand payment, citing a Section VII (c) related event of default, the IRS is more

    likely to take swift action, to ensure it is paid before creditors. It is unclear if the government

    gets paid before creditors in this scenario. What is clear is Ebix faces double jeopardy, wiping

    out current shareholders.

    2. If the IRS takes action against Ebix before creditors, that in turn, will trigger an event of default.

    Ebix faces double jeopardy, wiping out current shareholders.

    The moral of the story: with so many different regulatory entities involved, shareholders should not

    treat these risks as linearly independent events. They are not mutually exclusive.

    Shareholders should note that they were handsomely (and prematurely) rewarded in 2011, in the form

    of a very large stock buybacklikely funded by the sham Singapore 2011 sham sale/transaction. The

    short term buy-back fueled gain may prove to be a source of long term pain.


    EBIT Earnings before Interest and Tax

    Less: Tax/Penalties Government's Claim

    Less: Interest/Principal Creditors' Claim

    Less: Litigation-related Lawsuit settlements & Attorney Fees

    Net Profit Shareholders are Paid Last

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    Ebix Has Harmed (or is alleged to have) Each and Everyone of its Stakeholders

    It has occurred to us that Ebix has harmed (or is alleged to have harmed) each and every one of its

    stakeholders. We could not think of a single stakeholder that has remained untouched:

    The US Government/US Taxpayers Ebix is believed to owe back taxes, interest, and penalties,

    to the tune of $100+ million. If we our correct about the Ebix Singapore sham sales described

    earlier in this report, Ebix will likely owe $40-$50 million on that offense alone.

    Creditors Creditors trusted and lent to Ebix, believing its financial statements were accurate.

    We believe this report offers sufficient evidence that Ebixs filings are materially incorrect.

    Vendors Microsoft alleges Ebix has underpaid for its use of Microsoft products & services.2

    Whats particularly disturbing is that Microsoft gave Ebix plenty of opportunity to audit itself,

    yet it did not. We wonder if Ebix has short-changed other vendors.

    Managers and Employees Former employees/managers have alleged reneging on contract,

    underpayment, and other grievances. See the various lawsuit complaints for more details.

    Shareholders Shareholders invested in Ebix, trusting Robin Raina and relying on the accuracyof Ebixs financial statements.

    Overall public False charity claims have led many to believe that Mr. Rainas charitable

    activities were far greater than they actually were.3

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    End Notes


    1. Ebix Singapore PTE LTD Report of the Directors and Financial Statements for the financial year

    ended 31 December 2011 obtained via ACRA website: http://www.acra.gov.sg/

    2. EIH Holdings AB Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2011. Obtained from:


    3. Ebix 2011 10K and 2012 10Ks

    4. EIH Holdings AB Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2011. Obtained from:


    New Problems Emerge in Singapore and India

    1. The Truth about Ebix, Robin Raina, and the Robin Raina Foundation, February 21, 2013

    2. Ebix Singapore PTE LTD Report of the Directors and Financial Statements for the financial year

    ended 31 December 2011 obtained via ACRA website: http://www.acra.gov.sg/

    3. Ebix Singapore PTE LTD Report of the Directors and Financial Statements for the financial year

    ended 31 December 2011, Ebix 2011 10K



    6. Ebix Singapore Filings 2003 2011

    7. Ebix Singapore Filings 2008 2011

    8. Ebix Singapore Filings 2010 2011

    9. Ebix Software India Private Limited 2011 filing

    10. The Truth about Ebix, Robin Raina, and the Robin Raina Foundation, February 21, 201311. Ebix Singapore Filings 2008 2011

    Ebixs Swedish Problems

    1. Ebixs Raina Loses Magic Touch as U.S. Probes Accounting, by Greg Farrell, June 21, 2013



    2. Ebix Said to Be Reviewed by U.S. for Money Laundering, by Greg Farrell, August 7, 2013



    3. EIH Holdings AB Financial Statements for 2010 and 2011. Obtained from:https://foretagsfakta.bolagsverket.se/fpl-dft-ext-web/home.seam . Ebix 2011 and 2012 10Ks.

    4. https://foretagsfakta.bolagsverket.se/fpl-dft-ext-web/home.seam



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    Cherry Bekaert Did Not Audit Ebix (or So We Suspect)

    1. The Truth about Ebix, Robin Raina, and the Robin Raina Foundation, February 21, 2013

    2. EIH Holdings AB Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2011. Obtained from:


    3. EIH Holdings AB Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2010. Obtained from:https://foretagsfakta.bolagsverket.se/fpl-dft-ext-web/home.seam

    Event of Default

    1. Ebix 8K, April 26, 2012

    2. Microsoft vs Ebix complaint

    3. The Truth about Ebix, Robin Raina, and the Robin Raina Foundation, February 21, 2013