Easymock Tutorial

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Transcript of Easymock Tutorial

Unit testing with mock objects-1



What is mocking?

Why to use mocking?

Types of mocking


Simple Examples of EasyMock(with extensions) and PowerMock

What is mocking?

Mocking allows you to test a class or method in isolation .

A class/method maybe dependent on many other classes/methods. It is with the help of others(collaborators) a class/method completes itz functionality.

In mocking we replace all of its collaborators with mocks that essentially simulate the normal environment of the class/method.

In other words: A mock object is a dummy interface or class in which you define the dummy output of a certain method call.

Why to use mocking?

In mocking we replace all of its collaborators with mocks

DATABASE is not required so NO dbunit

Use of Context is avoided

Dependencies can be ignored

We just test the core functinality of the class/method and we dont have to test the collaborators.


less time to write junit for complex legacy code

How Mock Objects Work?

2 Types in general

Proxy based like easymock,jmock

remap the class file in the class loader like jmockit ,powermock

1. Proxy based

Reflection : Java's Reflection API's makes it possible to inspect classes, interfaces, fields and methods at runtime, without knowing the names of the classes, methods etc. at compile time.

It is also possible to instantiate new objects, invoke methods and get/set field values using reflection.

Using Java Reflection you create dynamic implementations of interfaces at runtime. You do so using the class java.lang.reflect.Proxy

you can set what return values the proxy must return.

Proxy is a special class that allows intercept a set of methods identified by an interface public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args)

1. Proxy based...

a proxy object is used to imitate the real object your code is dependent on.

2. Remap the class file

you tell the class loader to remap the reference to the class file it will load.

So let's say that I have a class Employeee with the corresponding .class file called Employeee.class and I want to mock it to use MyMock instead.

By using this type of mock objects, you will actually remap in the classloader the reference from Employeee to MyMock.class.

Uses the Instrumentation API.

What is EasyMock?


easymock framework helps you create mock objects.

Others are : jmock / Mockito / rMock / jMockit / sevenMock

How to use easymock?

// Create a mock

SomeInterface mock = createMock ( SomeInterface.class );

// Record behavior

expect( mock.doStuff( "argument" )).andReturn( "returnValue" );

// Replay behaviour

replay( mock );

// Executing the code we want to test

String newValue=test.perform()

assume perform() method calls doStuff() method.

// Verify behaviour


Step 1 : Create a Mock

Identify the classes/methods which are the collaborators.We can mock the classes by first mockin the Interface

createMock method is used to create the mock object.

stmtMock = createMock ( Statement.class ) ;

Step 2 : Mock the methods

In EasyMock we use a record / replay approach.

record means -->You first train the mock by making the expected method calls on it .

replay means -->it tells EasyMock to stop recording . After that, it calls on the object to return the set values. If it gets a call it does not expect, it throws an Exception to fail fast.

It does not actually replay the mock. BUT it resets the mock so that the next time its methods are called it will begin replaying.

st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM survey");

expect(stmtMock.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM survey"))


Step 3 : Execute the code to test

AssertEquals ( 55 , idao.getNoOfColumns() );

Step 4 : Verify the behaviour

verify means-->verify( ) method checks to see if the mock actually received all the calls you expect

The method is used to make sure that all of the behaviour expected from the collaborators is valid.

verify (stmtMock);











import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*;

import static org.easymock.classextension.EasyMock.*;


To Throw An Exception


Expecting A Method With void Return Type



Need to mention no. Of calls



Argument Matchers

eq(X value)

isA(Class clazz)

anyBoolean(), anyByte(), anyChar(), anyDouble(), anyFloat(), anyInt(),anyLong(), anyObject(), anyShort()

Drawbacks of easymock

Cannot mock static methods

Cannot mock private methods

Cannot mock final methods

Cannot mock concrete classes

Cannot mock Constructors

jMock does not force us to put expectations on things that are irrelevant to the test at hand. If we're testing Cache.add(), it does not matter what the underlying call to Map.put() returns. With EasyMock, we have to fully specify everything, whether it matters or not

Use easymock.extensions

Unit testing with mock objects-2


More about easymock


Types of objects in easymock

Normal createMock(): All of the expected methods must be called with the specified arguments. However, the order in which these methods are called does not matter. Calls to unexpected methods cause the test to fail.

Strict createStrictMock(): All expected methods must be called with the expected arguments, in a specified order. Calls to unexpected methods cause the test to fail.

Nice createNiceMock(): All expected methods must be called with the specified arguments in any order. Calls to unexpected methods do not cause the test to fail. Nice mocks supply reasonable defaults for methods you don't explicitly mock. Methods that return numbers return 0. Methods that return booleans return false. Methods that return objects return null.

Use of verify

The verify phase confirms the execution of the expected calls.

Useful in case of strict Mocks,where you need to check whether you called the methods,in right order.It will show all missing method calls.

In case of regular mocks it is not necessary.

Repeated calls

For every method invoked by the mock we need an expectation.

By default mock expects minimum 1 call.

times(int min, int max) : to expect between min and max calls,

AtLeastOnce() : to expect at least one call, and

AnyTimes() : to expected an unrestricted number of calls.

Matchers in EasyMock

eq(X value) : Matches if the actual value is equals the expected value. Available for all primitive types and for objects.

IsNull() : Matches if the actual value is null. Available for objects.

NotNull() : Matches if the actual value is not null. Available for objects.

startsWith(String prefix), contains(String substring), endsWith(String suffix) : Matches if the actual value starts with/contains/ends with the given value. Available for Strings.

matches(String regex), find(String regex) : Matches if the actual value/a substring of the actual value matches the given regular expression. Available for Strings.