Easy steps to become an entrepreneur right now!

Entrepreneurship 101

Transcript of Easy steps to become an entrepreneur right now!

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John’s Story

- Age 10, made & sold Dragon Ball Z Cards

- Age 14, started a website network

- Age 16, started an indie game studio

- Age 16 - 20, failed miserably

- Age 21, landed big publishing contract

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Nicu’s Story

- Age 18: started a mobile apps contracting


- Age 20: started a mobile games discovery


- Right now: failing fast, succeeding faster

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Our story

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Entrepreneurship is...

A Mindset

- Solve Problems

- Use what’s available

- Create Value

Everything But Normal.

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Entrepreneurship Process

1) Identify and Evaluate Opportunity

2) Develop a Plan or create prototype

3) Determine necessary resources

4) Implement

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What it takes to be an Entrepreneur

1) Grit

2) Courage

3) Passion

4) Vision

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1) Grit

- You’re going to fail a lot. Don’t give up.

- Examples:

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2) Courage

- Make the hard decisions

- Self Belief

- Integrity, honor, boldness all come from courage

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3) Passion

- Be your first customer, evangelist, and fan

- Not what, how, who, but WHY.

- Solve a problem you care about

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4) Vision

- Find opportunities

- Leverage

- Sell your vision

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Your next steps

1. Get lunch with a mentor: letslunch.com

2. Hire someone that can help build your dream:

elance.com, fiverr.com, taskrabbit.com

3. Meet other entrepreneurs: Meetup.com

4. Apply in your university’s accelerator:


5. Startup workshops: leanstartupmachine.com

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