Eastern Progress January 24, 2013

Former student accepts mediated plea agreement List of presidential candidates to be narrowed Samuel McFarland, 20, former crimi- nal justice major at Eastern from Williams- burg, who was accused of setting fires in Eastern’s Commonwealth Hall, accepted a mediated plea agreement during his court hearing Dec. 13, 2012. Originally, McFarland was accused of setting two bulletin boards on fire in Com- monwealth Hall on Oct. 14, 2011. McFarland pleaded guilty to first-degree criminal mischief, first-degree wanton en- dangerment and second- degree possession of a con- trolled substance. e charges of first-de- gree arson and promoting contraband were dropped. McFarland complied with the mediated plea agreement, avoiding the possibility of life in prison. As part of the mediated plea agreement, Jennifer Smith, assistant commonwealth attorney, suggested a 12-month sentence for drug possession and three years for the criminal chief and wanton endangerment charge. Smith is currently in talks with Eastern officials about paying the university restitu- tion for damages caused to Commonwealth during the incident. According to the mediation agreement, McFarland must also have a mental health evaluation and go through alcohol and drug testing during a supervised five-year diversion. However, if McFarland violates the terms of this agreement, he will service a three-year prison sentence. McFarland is set to appear in court for a sentencing hearing Feb. 7. e President Search and Screening Committee plans to narrow down list of candidates for Eastern’s next president at its scheduled meeting Feb. 20. Craig Turner, chair of the President Search and Screening Committee, said they plan to evaluate all of the applicants and nominations at the meeting. “ere’s a lot of work for the committee to do before now and Feb. 20 to work dil- igently through this process,” Turner said. At this time, Turner says they plan to shorten the list of potential candidates. “e bulk of the applicants will be to us to review and evaluate before the first meeting in February,” Turner said. “We have kind of a rating system we’ve all agreed upon to reduce the applicant pool to eight to 10 peo- ple.” e committee plans to have the applicant pool reduced by March 8. Turner said several advertise- ments have been placed in “large metropolitan newspapers and higher education chronicles.” “e activity is increasing,” Turner said. “We have received a lot of nominations and inquiries.” When the committee receives a nomina- tion, Turner said they give the information to Academic Search, which is the official firm for the presidential search. “ey follow up and see if that person would want to apply and get them in,” Turner said. Although the applicants will not be officially disclosed during the course of the search, Turner is excited to see the pool of can- didates. “All indications look like we’re going to have a good, strong pool,” Turner said. “I’m as interested as everybody to see what the pool looks like.” Because of the personnel content of the meeting, Turner says the Feb. 20 meeting will most likely be a closed session. “is meeting is a stepping stone for us to start having some interviews at the end of the first week of March,” Turner said. “It will be a long day, which we will do nothing but review and rank candidates in private.” Once the committee narrows down the applicants, they will begin scheduled on- campus interviews for the official candi- dates. “e first kind of weeks of April, we’re determined as on-campus interviews,” Turner said. “is schedule will be depen- dent on a lot of different variables, but somewhere between April 1 and 12.” By KYLE WOOSLEY [email protected] By KYLE WOOSLEY [email protected] SEE COMPUTING, PAGE A3 SEE SEARCH, PAGE A3 Relationship advice Relationship advice online online Features, B1 Features, B1 Mens Basketball suffers Mens Basketball suffers first OVC defeat first OVC defeat Sports, B6 Sports, B6 McFarland Turner Student worker Kia Wallen, 19, an elementary education major from Monticello helps Jenny Lizdziel, 21, outdoor recreation major from Virginia in the ResNet office Wednesday morning. The Syllabi Index was accessed 5,189 times last week. Professors uploaded 3,889 syllabi to the index. The Index can be found in EKU Direct. PROGRESS Numbers regarding ac- cess and uploads of the re- cently added Syllabi Index function to EKU Direct in- dicates a successful rollout. e Syllabi Index gives students a chance to browse syllabi from previous se- mesters prior to class en- rollment. Madelyn Street said she received numbers from Information Technology showing the Syllabi Index was accessed 5,189 times as of last week and 3,889 sylla- bi were downloaded by stu- dents. “It’s been a lot more suc- cessful than we thought and hopefully it will continue in that direction,” Street said. Kendall Combs, 18, an- thropology major from Richmond said the Index was very helpful and easy to navigate. “I felt it was very simple,” said Combs. “It allowed me to know what was going on in the class on a week to week basis.” e Syllabi Index en- ables students to review in- formation that is otherwise unavailable, such as course information including; de- tailed course goals, content overview and coursework. Marcus Houston, psy- chology major from Pikev- ille said he used the Syllabi when considering an 18- hour course load, to help him determine whether such a schedule would be favorable for him. “It actually helped a great deal,” said Houston. “I was able to judge my classes accordingly.” Kelly McGowan, 18, nursing major said she feels the Syllabi Index is a great tool for students research- ing classes prior to registra- tion. McGowan, who is also a voting member for the Stu- dent Activities Council said it was talked about very positively in the SGA, and they found the first weeks successful but they would like to encourage more pro- fessors to make past syllabi available. “I know last week we talked about how some pro- fessors weren’t on in and we were going to them to ask them to upload them,” Mc- Gowan said. e Syllabi Index is ac- cessible though EKU Direct under Student Services and Financial Aid. Syllabi Index successful in first semester of use By ZEYNAB DAY [email protected] Computing Service combines campus tech ResNet will soon go by a different name, but students will have even more comput- er services offered through the university. To integrate all student technology is- sues under one umbrella, ResNet is now Student Computing Services (SCS). e name change will be completed by the summer, but all services offered through ResNet are currently a part of SCS in Combs Room 230, said ResNet coordina- tor Lisa Moore. “We wanted to expand how we could help students,” Moore said. “All of the IT needs of the student are in one spot.” e residential network will still be sup- ported by SCS, but students will be able to check out equipment such as Mac and PC laptops, iPads, cameras, projection equip- ment and screens. is service had been available through the EKU GURUS in the Tech Commons located in the basement of the Powell Building prior to this semes- ter. Currently, 50 windows laptops, about 30 Mac Book Pros, nine iPads, 16 cameras, nine projectors and two screens are avail- able for checkout. SCS will also offer tech tutoring for stu- dents who may want to learn more about Microsoft Word, Excel and other ba- sic programs. Moore said many students By WESLEY ROBINSON [email protected] SETH LITTRELL/PROGRESS Independent student publication of Eastern Kentucky University since 1922 © 2013 Richmond, KY 12 pages, Thursday, January 24, 2013 T T HE HE E E ASTERN ASTERN P P ROGRESS ROGRESS www.easternprogress.com


Complete PDF of The Eastern Progress for Jan. 24 2013

Transcript of Eastern Progress January 24, 2013

Page 1: Eastern Progress January 24, 2013

Former student accepts mediated plea agreement

List of presidential candidates to be narrowed

Samuel McFarland, 20, former crimi-nal justice major at Eastern from Williams-burg, who was accused of setting fi res in Eastern’s Commonwealth Hall, accepted a mediated plea agreement during his court hearing Dec. 13, 2012.

Originally, McFarland was accused of setting two bulletin boards on fi re in Com-monwealth Hall on Oct. 14, 2011.

McFarland pleaded guilty to fi rst-degree criminal mischief, fi rst-degree wanton en-dangerment and second-degree possession of a con-trolled substance.

Th e charges of fi rst-de-gree arson and promoting contraband were dropped.

McFarland complied with the mediated plea agreement, avoiding the possibility of life in prison. As part of the mediated plea agreement, Jennifer Smith, assistant commonwealth attorney, suggested a 12-month sentence for drug possession and three years for the criminal chief and wanton endangerment charge.

Smith is currently in talks with Eastern offi cials about paying the university restitu-tion for damages caused to Commonwealth during the incident.

According to the mediation agreement, McFarland must also have a mental health evaluation and go through alcohol and drug testing during a supervised fi ve-year diversion.

However, if McFarland violates the terms of this agreement, he will service a three-year prison sentence.

McFarland is set to appear in court for a sentencing hearing Feb. 7.

Th e President Search and Screening Committee plans to narrow down list of candidates for Eastern’s next president at its scheduled meeting Feb. 20.

Craig Turner, chair of the President Search and Screening Committee, said they plan to evaluate all of the applicants and nominations at the meeting.

“Th ere’s a lot of work for the committee to do before now and Feb. 20 to work dil-igently through this process,” Turner said.

At this time, Turner says they plan to shorten the list of potential candidates.

“Th e bulk of the applicants will be to us to review and evaluate before the fi rst meeting in February,” Turner said. “We have kind of a rating system we’ve all agreed upon to reduce the applicant pool to eight to 10 peo-ple.”

Th e committee plans to have the applicant pool reduced by March 8.

Turner said several advertise-ments have been placed in “large metropolitan newspapers and higher education chronicles.”

“Th e activity is increasing,” Turner said. “We have received a lot of nominations and inquiries.”

When the committee receives a nomina-

tion, Turner said they give the information to Academic Search, which is the offi cial

fi rm for the presidential search.“Th ey follow up and see if that

person would want to apply and get them in,” Turner said.

Although the applicants will not be offi cially disclosed during the course of the search, Turner is excited to see the pool of can-didates.

“All indications look like we’re going to have a good, strong pool,” Turner said. “I’m as interested as

everybody to see what the pool looks like.”Because of the personnel content of the

meeting, Turner says the Feb. 20 meeting

will most likely be a closed session.“Th is meeting is a stepping stone for us

to start having some interviews at the end of the fi rst week of March,” Turner said. “It will be a long day, which we will do nothing but review and rank candidates in private.”

Once the committee narrows down the applicants, they will begin scheduled on-campus interviews for the offi cial candi-dates.

“Th e fi rst kind of weeks of April, we’re determined as on-campus interviews,” Turner said. “Th is schedule will be depen-dent on a lot of diff erent variables, but somewhere between April 1 and 12.”

By KYLE [email protected]

By KYLE [email protected]



Relationship advice Relationship advice onlineonline

Features, B1Features, B1

Mens Basketball suffers Mens Basketball suffers first OVC defeatfirst OVC defeat

Sports, B6Sports, B6



Student worker Kia Wallen, 19, an elementary education major from Monticello helps Jenny Lizdziel, 21, outdoor recreation major from Virginia in the ResNet office Wednesday morning.

The Syllabi Index was accessed 5,189 times last week. Professors uploaded 3,889 syllabi to the index. The Index can be found in EKU Direct.


Numbers regarding ac-cess and uploads of the re-cently added Syllabi Index function to EKU Direct in-dicates a successful rollout.

Th e Syllabi Index gives students a chance to browse syllabi from previous se-mesters prior to class en-rollment.

Madelyn Street said she received numbers from Information Technology showing the Syllabi Index was accessed 5,189 times as of last week and 3,889 sylla-bi were downloaded by stu-dents.

“It’s been a lot more suc-cessful than we thought and hopefully it will continue in that direction,” Street said.

Kendall Combs, 18, an-thropology major from Richmond said the Index

was very helpful and easy to navigate.

“I felt it was very simple,” said Combs. “It allowed me to know what was going on in the class on a week to week basis.”

Th e Syllabi Index en-ables students to review in-formation that is otherwise unavailable, such as course information including; de-tailed course goals, content overview and coursework.

Marcus Houston, psy-chology major from Pikev-ille said he used the Syllabi when considering an 18-hour course load, to help him determine whether such a schedule would be favorable for him.

“It actually helped a great deal,” said Houston. “I was able to judge my classes accordingly.”

Kelly McGowan, 18, nursing major said she feels

the Syllabi Index is a great tool for students research-ing classes prior to registra-tion.

McGowan, who is also a voting member for the Stu-dent Activities Council said it was talked about very positively in the SGA, and they found the fi rst weeks successful but they would like to encourage more pro-fessors to make past syllabi available.

“I know last week we talked about how some pro-fessors weren’t on in and we were going to them to ask them to upload them,” Mc-Gowan said.

Th e Syllabi Index is ac-cessible though EKU Direct under Student Services and Financial Aid.

Syllabi Index successful in first semester of use

By ZEYNAB [email protected]

Computing Service combines campus tech

ResNet will soon go by a diff erent name, but students will have even more comput-er services off ered through the university.

To integrate all student technology is-sues under one umbrella, ResNet is now Student Computing Services (SCS). Th e name change will be completed by the summer, but all services off ered through

ResNet are currently a part of SCS in Combs Room 230, said ResNet coordina-tor Lisa Moore.

“We wanted to expand how we could help students,” Moore said. “All of the IT needs of the student are in one spot.”

Th e residential network will still be sup-ported by SCS, but students will be able to check out equipment such as Mac and PC laptops, iPads, cameras, projection equip-ment and screens. Th is service had been available through the EKU GURUS in the

Tech Commons located in the basement of the Powell Building prior to this semes-ter. Currently, 50 windows laptops, about 30 Mac Book Pros, nine iPads, 16 cameras, nine projectors and two screens are avail-able for checkout.

SCS will also off er tech tutoring for stu-dents who may want to learn more about Microsoft Word, Excel and other ba-sic programs. Moore said many students

By WESLEY [email protected]


Independent student publication of Eastern Kentucky University since 1922© 2013 Richmond, KY 12 pages, Thursday, January 24, 2013


Page 2: Eastern Progress January 24, 2013

A2 The Eastern Progress, Thursday, January 24, 2013

All information is taken from Eastern police reports.




Week of Jan. 24 - Jan. 30

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesdayhursday Friday

The Colonel’s Calendar

Jan.12 n Branden Osborne pulled a fi re

alarm in Commonwealth Hall around 2 a.m. Th e arresting of-fi cer said Osborne appeared to be intoxicated at the time of the arrest. A witness said Osborne pulled the alarm because he thought it would be funny. Os-borne was arrested Jan. 15 for sec-ond-degree disorderly conduct.

Jan. 14 n Garrett Rounsavall, a stu-

dent at the University of Ken-tucky, was arrested for DUI

after running a red light on Uni-versity Drive. Rounsavall had a fake ID and marijuana with him. He failed the fi eld sobri-ety tests, was taken to Baptist Health for a blood test, and was then transported to the Madi-son County Detention Center.

Jan. 17 n Devon Johnson was cited for

possession of marijuana outside of Keene Hall. An RHC observed Johnson smoking marijuana and alerted Eastern Police of the vi-olation. Johnson was summoned to court Feb. 4 as a result of the citation.

n A student reported a broken window in a fourth fl oor men’s bathroom in Case Hall. Th e stu-dent told an RA that the bath-room had been cold recently and had been broken some time after Jan. 10. Th e damage was report-ed to police and facilities servic-es to patch the window until it could be replaced.

5 p.m.Justice and Safety KickoffKeene Hall

7 p.m.Men’s Basketball v. Tennessee State McBrayer Arena

9 p.m.Dance/Comedy: XclusivePowell Underground

10 a.m.Track and FieldRod McCravy Memorial InvitationalLexington

4 p.m.Women’s Tennisv. XavierGreg Adams Indoor Tennis Center

7 p.m.Run a Mile and SmileRecreation and Fitness Center

3 p.m.Men’s Tennis v. ButlerIndianapolis, Ind.

4 p.m.Women’s Basketballv. BelmontMcBrayer Arena

7 p.m.Men’s Basketballv. BelmontMcBrayer Arena

7 a.m.Academic AdviceCommonwealth 2nd floor lobby

3:30 p.m.EKU Cultural Center International Cultural MixerTech Commons Lounge

7 p.mWomen’s Basketball v. Tennessee StateMcBrayer Arena

7 p.m.Pizza With DonovanMartin Lobby

7:30 p.m.How Many Slaves Do You Own?Keene Hall Lobby

9 p.m.Miles Don’t Mean AnythingPalmer Lobby

5 p.m.Women’s Tennisv. Ohio StateColumbus, Ohio

9 p.m.Acoustic Duo: James David & Jetty RaePowell Underground 9 p.m.Game Night!McGregor date Lounge

Last day to withdraw from class with 75 percent refund (requires instructor signature).

5 p.m.Beth AllenSenior hornGifford Theatre

Send your events to:[email protected]

Eastern Professor Wins Award for Excellent Advising

Communications lecturer John Strada received the Phyllis C. Tenney National Excellence Award from Alpha Phi Omega. Th e coed service fraternity gives the award biannually to recognize outstanding chapter advisers. Strada serves on the fraternity’s Na-tional Board of Directors and is the regional direc-tor of Ohio, West Virginia, Eastern and Central Ken-tucky and Western Pennsylvania.

Weight Watchers Group Holds Informational Meeting

Th e campus Weight Watchers group will hold an informational at 12:30 p.m. Jan. 24 in Room 301 of the Rowlett Building. Th e meeting will give tips on healthy living as well as ways to lose weight. Th e pro-gram is open to students, faculty, staff and communi-

ty members. For more information contact Raglena Salmans at [email protected] or 622-2091 or Leanna Bowles [email protected] or 622-7218.

Author Recounts Aiding North Koreans Flee Communist Regime

Mike Kim, author of Escaping North Korea, will speak about his memoir at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 24 in O’Donnell Hall. Kim left his fi nancial planning busi-ness in Chicago to go to China and help North Ko-reans escape the communist regime of their home country. Th e lecture begins the second sequence of the Chautauqua lecture series “Crossroads,” which continues Feb. 7.

Student Government Kicks off Program To Increase Involvement

Eastern’s Student Government Association (SGA) is introducing the ERanks program at the basketball games versus Belmont at 6 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26. Th e initiative aims to increase student involvement by entering students into drawings to win prizes for attending ERanks sponsored events. Students will swipe their Eastern student ID and will receive points for attending diff erent events and at the end of the year students with the most points will receive large prizes for the events the attended. For more informa-tion about the program visit the SGA offi ce or con-tact Brooke Daugherty at 502-681-7984.

Page 3: Eastern Progress January 24, 2013

Th e Eastern Progress, Th ursday, January 24, 2013 A3 



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Following on-campus in-terviews, the Board of Re-gents will meet to review the candidates in mid-April.

Th e committee is aim-ing to offi cially name a new president of Eastern by April 15.

“I think the search pro-cess is right on track,” Turn-er said. “I have been very

pleased with Academic Search for their guidance. We’ve done the right thing to get started and I don’t ex-pect to end any diff erently.”

For more information on Eastern’s presidential search, visit www.presiden-tialsearch.eku.edu

don’t come to college with the same level of profi ciency, and the tech tu-toring will help bring students up to speed with the constant technologi-cal changes and advances.

Student Computing Services’ of-fi ce has a pretty diverse group of pro-fi cient workers to help with diff erent student issues, said Logan Wallen, 22, computer information systems senior from Monticello.

“People who are having trouble with basic computer classes will re-ally start to gravitate here,” Wallen said. “Anything students would like to do with technology is here in one place.”

One new change will be charging stations for just about every phone except for the iPhone 5. Wallen said students pitched the idea. Th e de-partment, Moore said, welcomes student suggestions and interactions.

“We are here for students,” Moore said. “If there is ever an idea students have, they can come and pitch it to us. It’s more of a group eff ort what

we do.” Wallen has worked with ResNet

for a year and half and said he was pleased the offi ce was able to reim-age, label, clean and make all of the other transitions before the semester began. He said students should take advantage of SCS because of the free services and the amount of help the offi ce off ers.

“We have the same kind of poli-cy as the GURUS, we will help where we can,” Wallen said. “Even if it is out of the scope of what we do, we can advise [students] and try to help out as much as possible.”

Eastern may finally ‘challenge’ rival Morehead State and now Murray State in the fourth year of the Challenge for Change.

The Challenge for Change began Jan. 12 and runs through Feb. 19. The month long event puts Eastern versus Morehead and Murray State to see which school can earn the most community service hours within the time span.

Students have plenty of ways to vol-unteer and compete with the other schools, ranging from a clothing drive to donating blood at a blood drive on cam-pus, said Brandon Mandigo, Vice Presi-dent of Residents Life Council (RLC).

“Usually Morehead gets about like 10,000 service hours in a matter of a month, so that’s what their aiming to-wards again this year, so that’s what

we’re aiming for: 10,000 plus hours for this next month,” Mandigo said.

The Office of Student Services with-in the Office of Student Life and Stu-dent Government Association (SGA) are sponsoring it and the hours can be logged on OrgSync in the Community Service tab available on the site.

Mandigo said there are different ways for student organizations to log hours to help boost Eastern’s participation.

“If an organization has a canned food drive, three canned food items count as an hour,” Mandigo said. “If an organiza-tion raises money for a philanthropy, ev-ery $10 will count as a service hour. We have different service projects going on.”

Brian Perry, Assistant Director in Stu-dent Life said during the Challenge for Change all the service that goes on cam-pus can be counted toward the goal. East-ern students are encouraged to log their

hours to help beat the other universities.“We are trying to get students to sub-

mit all the service that they do,” Perry said. “Whether it’s part of our office or whether it’s something that a sorority or a fraternity is doing, or whether it is an-other one of our student organizations that is going out and doing some service work, we’re trying to capture all of that in this challenge.”

Prizes are available for students and organizations that participate in the challenge.

The student who completes the most community service hours will win a $100 electronic of their choice and the organization with the most time volunteered receives $100 to donate to the philanthropy of their choice.

For more information about the Challenge for Change, contact Bran-don Mandigo at [email protected].

Eastern logs hours for community service awardBy ELISE [email protected]

Page 4: Eastern Progress January 24, 2013

Perspectives 4 Thursday, January 24, 2013 www.easternprogress.com Kyle Woosley, editor


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Zeynab DayNews editor

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Monday not only marked a celebration of a civil rights hero and advocate, but it was also the inauguration of America’s chief ex-ecutive. President Obama will serve his sec-ond and fi nal term, and during his inaugura-tion speech, he set the agenda and tone for the next four years.

Here are some quotes that stood out to me:

“…because she is an American, she is free, and she is equal, not just in the eyes of God but also in our own.”

“Th at while freedom is a gift from God, it must be secured by His people here on Earth.”

“Th at is how we will preserve our planet, commanded to our care by God.”

Each of these quotes, which are only three

out of fi ve, has a similarity: the incorporation of religion. Now before the hate mail begins, let’s reevaluate our country’s history and ba-sic principles.

During the 17th century, it is true some of the colonists who arrived in America were just seeking riches and property. However, others came to the New World to escape re-ligious discrimination. Quakers and Puritans set sail to be able to freely worship.

However, once the Puritans had arrived and settled in, they began demanding reli-gious conformity to their own spiritual be-liefs. Th is being a complete contradiction to the other settlers’ relocation reasons, resis-tance was met and new religions developed in America.

Later in the 18th century our Found-ing Fathers began crafting our United States Constitution. Sticking to America’s basic val-ues, they wanted to ensure religious free-dom was protected for all. Th us, Separation of Church and State was created. Th e First Amendment establishes such division:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...”

I understand President Obama is not a

part of Congress nor was he supporting re-ligious legislation. However, he did advocate equality for all in America. Equality extends further than fair pay and marriage; it in-cludes the right to freely worship.

Each reference to God he made isolated a non-worshiping God group and citizen. Some don’t believe God created Earth; some don’t believe God has a plan; some don’t be-lieve in God.

America is constantly being referred to as a “melting pot” of cultures and societies. With that said, each culture and society has a diff ering religious belief.

How can our own president attempt to reunite our country when he excludes so many?

I am a full believer in every person having the right and ability to worship and believe in whatever they so choose. In fact, I think ev-eryone should believe in something, whether it is a higher being, karma or just in a person’s own will and drive.

However, I do not believe those personal beliefs be thrust upon society. Separation of church and state has essentially disappeared, and evidence of this is apparent all through-out America: Our currency, Pledge of Alle-

giance and even congressional sessions support the belief in God.

Additionally, President Obama is by no means the fi rst president to subject the American people to one religion. According to National Public Radio, since World War I, every incoming president has made the God reference in his inauguration speech.

Now, I’m by no means singling out just the Christian God. I would highly disagree with any reference to any deity; no religion should be brought into public discourse when dis-cussing politics and government.

Too many private issues and civil liberties are being debated right now because of reli-gion. Americans and our government should be focusing on matters that are actually de-bilitating our society, like our high unem-ployment rate or economic status, and not just hurting someone’s feelings.

Our country was founded on the princi-ple of religious freedom, and this freedom has been continuously broken. Th e mention-ing of any higher being only adds fuel to the fi re; it by no means eases the fl ame.

Inaugural speech conveyed religious discrimination

All-inclusive grading policy impera� veAll-inclusive grading policy impera� veFor a year now, the Student Government

Association (SGA) has been pushing legisla-tion requiring professors to post grades more frequently than twice a semester.

Currently, the only grading policy at East-ern simply requires all professors to post grades at midterms and fi nals week.

Originally, a quarterly grading policy was being pushed through SGA. Th e main idea is professors in developmental, 100 and 200-level courses would be the only ones re-quired to post grades more frequently. How-ever, the administration and faculty has con-tinuously ignored this legislation.

SGA attempted to rework the policy sev-eral times to appease the higher-ups, but they continued to push the idea away.

We at Th e Progress do not agree with this lack of eff ort for student improvement by the administration. In fact, we believe SGA should start to push back just as hard.

Several professors choose not to use grading tools off ered by the university, such as Blackboard, which often leaves students uninformed about their current academic standing in a class. Several professors don’t even open their courses on Blackboard at all.

We believe this grading policy should ap-ply not only to professors in lower-division courses but also to all professors in every lev-el class. Additionally, the policy should not be restricted to only general education courses. All students, no matter what course, have a right to know their current grades.

All professors on this campus obvious-ly know how to use Blackboard, which is an easy grading tool provided to them by the university.

In a large amount of classes on campus, professors ask students to submit homework assignments and even tests via Blackboard. Eastern even off ers training to professors who are unsure how to use it. No excuse ex-ists for our professors to not be keeping stu-dents constantly up-to-date on their grades.

People come to college to learn. A major part of learning is receiving academic feed-back. Students cannot be expected to im-prove academically if we can’t even fi nd out how we are doing in our classes. By not giving students an accurate refl ection of their actual performance in the course, they are not truly

learning and growing.Perhaps the most important aspect to re-

member is students pay to come to this in-stitution. As students, we deserve to get this academic feedback from educated profes-sionals in our fi elds, especially if we pay to get that feedback.

Professors also receive no punishment for failing to posting grades, even at mid-term. Often times, professors will post what is known as “blanket grades” for students at midterm. Th is method of “blanket grading” just to have some kind of grade is not benefi -cial for the student or the teacher.

Some professors even put fi nal grades in late causing students to wait two weeks after classes have already ended to fi nd out their grades.

Students are left uninformed and profes-sors just make more work for themselves dur-ing the second half of the semester by post-poning updating grades. Th e true tragedy is some students are completely unaware of their progress in classes until they receive that fi nal grade.

We want to take the grading policy idea to a broader interpretation. We want the policy to be applied across the board to all students, andot just those in lower-level general educa-tion courses.

If anything, seniors are the category need-ing to know their grades on a regular ba-sis because of their approaching graduation and possible employment. Several employers may want to know students’ current courses and grades. Professors putting up “blanket grades” are not going to help graduating se-niors in any way.

Many professors will just tell students to come visit them during offi ce hours to get their grades. Often times, these offi ce hours are not convenient to all students.

We at Th e Progress fully support SGA’s initiative to get a more frequent grading poli-cy into eff ect and hope the organization con-tinues to push and make the policy grow even more. An important concept to remember is in order for this policy to actually work every professor, student and administrator has to be on board. Otherwise, we are just asking for another failure.


My Turn: My Turn: Cari Tre� naCari Tre� na

Page 5: Eastern Progress January 24, 2013

Th e Eastern Progress, Th ursday, January 24, 2013 Perspectives 5

Campus Sound OffCampus Sound Off

“It sounds like a good idea to me. It “It sounds like a good idea to me. It will give the students a good idea, and will give the students a good idea, and maybe even let them know if they should maybe even let them know if they should con� nue taking the class.”con� nue taking the class.”

Zeke Buskirk, 17Zeke Buskirk, 17Hometown: RichmondHometown: Richmond

Major: UndeclaredMajor: Undeclared

“I haven’t heard much about it but I think “I haven’t heard much about it but I think it’s a good idea. If a student knows their it’s a good idea. If a student knows their grades every fi ve weeks, it allows them grades every fi ve weeks, it allows them to keep track and maintain their G.P.A.”to keep track and maintain their G.P.A.”

Kevin Sexton, 21Kevin Sexton, 21Hometown: RichmondHometown: Richmond

Major: UndeclaredMajor: Undeclared

“Yeah, I defi nitely think they should do “Yeah, I defi nitely think they should do that. It would be be� er to keep students that. It would be be� er to keep students updated.” updated.”

Emily Bays, 19Emily Bays, 19Hometown: Lebanon, OhioHometown: Lebanon, Ohio

Major: NursingMajor: Nursing

“Yes, I think that they should post our “Yes, I think that they should post our grades. Most teachers don’t even post grades. Most teachers don’t even post them by midterm and by then you’re them by midterm and by then you’re already screwed. I feel like you should already screwed. I feel like you should know how you’re doing ahead of � me.”know how you’re doing ahead of � me.”

Lauryn Krasnopolsky, 17Lauryn Krasnopolsky, 17Hometown: Hazrada, MexicoHometown: Hazrada, Mexico

Major: Biology (Pre-Med)Major: Biology (Pre-Med)

“No. I feel like I wouldn’t want to know “No. I feel like I wouldn’t want to know my grades. I would get discouraged and my grades. I would get discouraged and get sad.”get sad.”

Amber Day, 20Amber Day, 20Hometown: Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.Hometown: Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.Major: Pre-communica� on disordersMajor: Pre-communica� on disorders

“I think they should do it. I think it would “I think they should do it. I think it would be more helpful for students because be more helpful for students because some teachers don’t even post their some teachers don’t even post their grades.”grades.”

Lauren Boe� cher, 19Lauren Boe� cher, 19Hometown: Lebanon, OhioHometown: Lebanon, Ohio

Major: Interna� onal businessMajor: Interna� onal business

Do you think teachers should have to post grades more Do you think teachers should have to post grades more oft en than midterms and fi nals? Why or why not?oft en than midterms and fi nals? Why or why not?

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Let’s be honest- college is expensive. We all know the pain that comes after paying for tuition, books, housing, a meal plan and all the other college expenditures.

Whether your parents are helping you

or you’re taking out loans, it’s a huge fi nan-cial burden. Because of this burden, I try and squeeze as much as possible out of my dollar wherever possible to get the most for what I’m purchasing.

With that said, imagine my disgust when-ever I go to downstairs Powell to use my trea-sured fl ex dollars on some fast food, which is probably because upstairs Powell is having a less than desirable dinner to discover the food court is now charging for refi lls on so-das.

If I’m going to have to use my fl ex, or my own cash for that matter, on a meal because you cannot provide me with food I believe is

worth eating, I expect to at least be able to re-fi ll my drink as I leave.

Why do we as students deserve the free refi ll? Let us consider the fi nancial burden I mentioned earlier. Eastern’s website breaks down the cost and estimates it at $18,336 per year.

I know this semester alone I have spent about $1,200 on my meal plan, which is the lowest priced plan available. Since we to have to spend that huge amount of money on something mandatory for freshmen, we should be allowed to have a free refi ll.

Also, any other eating establishment you go to off campus has free refi lls on soda.

Why, here on campus, can we not have free refi lls?

Even though apparently this rule has been in action all year, though not enforced, I think it’s ridiculous. I admit I do understand the positive aspects.

Maybe the little extra money charging for refi lls will provide some good, or perhaps it’s a health initiative. By mandating students to pay for a refi ll, perhaps they will be less likely to drink more unhealthy soda.

Whatever the reason may be, I don’t think it’s nearly as important as keeping students happy. I think the least we can ask for, the least we can expect, are free refi lls.

A year has come and gone already. It’s amazing how fast it goes by. It’s also amazing how much you can miss if you are not paying

attention to the world around you. I have always been like my mother; if we

are not doing something, we get easily bored. Th is past year I have been busy between school, work and other activities. While I have enjoyed these things, I came to realize I was missing a lot as well.

One of the biggest things I missed was fi nding people outside of those activities. I began to realize there is more to life than just the tedious day-to-day activities. You have a world full of great and wonderful people and things, but you can miss them all if you are not paying attention.

Something else I have learned this past year is it’s completely fi ne to have fears and doubts about the future. I am the kind of per-son who usually needs a plan or schedule to go by to stay focused and alert with every-thing going on around me. If I don’t have a schedule or plan, I freak out and wonder what in the heck is there to do.

In December of this year, I will be gradu-ating with a degree. Do I know what my fu-ture holds? No way, and it scares me a little because I want to know what will happen next.

However, I have recently learned I need

to give myself more credit in those moments of fears and doubts. My future will be bright and great no matter what happens because I believe in myself.

I urge you to refl ect on your own life and what you are doing with it. Th ere is an old saying, “Stop and smell the roses.” For the longest time, I thought I knew the meaning of that phrase.

I can fi nally say the true meaning of the phrase to me is to stop and take time for yourself and enjoy the little things in life and not to worry about the world around you.

Lack of free refills is only the tip of financial burden

Student makes time to enjoy the life she lives a day at a time

My Turn: My Turn: KaleighKaleigh


My Turn: My Turn: EliseElise


Page 6: Eastern Progress January 24, 2013

Th e Eastern Progress, Th ursday, January 24, 2013A6 

EKU MADE: I want to be an RA/CSL/GFL!

Apply online today at jobs.eku.edu





Through the Special Archives digitalization project The Eastern Progress and The Milestone will now be available online.


History of Eastern is at the fi nger-tips for all to access because Th e Eastern Progress and Th e Milestone are now be-coming available online through the Spe-cial Archives digitalization project.

Jackie Couture, university records offi -cer and digital archives specialist, said the project will help students with research projects by making the historical docu-ments of Eastern’s easier to acquire. Th e school’s past newspaper and yearbook is-sues are being converted to a digital form for students and others to access online.

“We have been wanting to do this for a while and after we get Milestone done and it was such a success, we thought we would start Th e Eastern Progress,” Cou-ture said.

Couture said Th e Milestone was dig-italized in 2011 after a grant from LY-RASIS to get the project started. Th e non-profi t collaborative organization LY-RASIS is designed to support libraries’ ef-forts to expand resources.

“It was a very inexpensive cost, so we put together a proposal, and we took it to the dean and asked if we could outsource to this company to digitalize Th e Mile-stone,” Couture said.

Once the dean approved the digitaliz-ing project, Couture said, Th e Milestone could be published online.

Couture said Th e Milestone, along with other pieces of Eastern history like early course catalogs, are published on-line to provide ease of access to Eastern’s history.

Kari Martin, director of library ad-vancement, said the project fi nances have allowed digital catalogs up to the year

1976. Th is year alone the library will have more than fi ve years worth of history for all to read.

“Our goal is to have, by the end of this calendar year, all the way up to between 2005 and 2009,” Martin said.

However, not every year of Eastern’s past will be digitalized because a lack of hard copies for Th e Progress and Mile-stone.

“Th ere were some in the early years and some years we just didn’t have pa-pers for some reason or another there were never kept, never collected, so we are missing some in the early years,” Cou-ture said.

Couture said there weren’t any more projects in mind following this one, but requests are being taken for people who want to see specifi c things digitalized.

“We digitalize photographs when peo-ple request copies of photographs,” Cou-ture said. “We digitalize our manuscript collection. An alum recently asked for his commencement program from the year he graduated. We’re digitizing that for him.”

Martin said she thinks the most excit-ing feature about the project is the oppor-tunity to learn from the past.

“I really believe that Eastern has an amazing story to tell and by keeping it buried in the special collections and ar-chives access is limited,” Martin said. “Our goal as libraries is to increase ac-cess. We want things to be found, we want things to be discovered, and we want the information to be enjoyed and benefi ted from.”

To view the digitized documents, visit www.archive.eku.edu or contact the spe-cial collections and archives department at 622-1792.

Yearbook and newspaper archives to become digitally available

By ELISE [email protected]

Page 7: Eastern Progress January 24, 2013

FFEATURESEATURESAdam Turner, Editor The Eastern Progress | Adam Turner, Editor The Eastern Progress | www.easternprogress.comwww.easternprogress.com Thursday, January 24, 2013 B1 Thursday, January 24, 2013 B1

Just like you, music lov-ers from all over have albums they really hope see the light of day this year. Songs and albums are getting pushed back release dates more than ever, and hack-ers are leaking albums for free on the Internet even weeks before they are offi cially released.

Regardless, this is still go-ing to be a good year for mu-sic. We have supposed “come-backs,” international debuts and some hard previous acts to fol-low. Let’s just hope nothing gets pushed back this year.

I know I have pretty high hopes, but let’s be positive and look at what awesome records we have to look forward to this year.

10. GOOD MUSIC- Cruel Winter

Kanye West and his label GOOD MUSIC left us with some pretty good, entertaining and trendsetting music last year with the hit single, “MERCY” that completely domi-nated summer radio. Rumors surfaced last year from art-ist Q-Tip (Former artist of “A Tribe Called Quest”) that Cruel Winterwill be released this season to follow up previous compilation album, Cruel Summer. Who can help but be excited? Th ough there’s no actual release date set for this year, we still hope to see rap artists from the label like Ya-siin Bey and Q-Tip on this in-stallment.

9. J Cole- Born SinnerRapper J Cole will hopefully

impress us with his sophomore album. Th e hip-hop communi-ty has high expectations for the Roc Nation signee. Th ere’s not a whole lot of information about the album right now, but we can expect it early this year.

8. Wale- An Album About Nothing

Comedian, Jerry Seinfeld has already confi rmed he would ap-pear on the new album by mu-sician Wale. You may not be fa-miliar with why this is actually a big deal. Simply put, Wale has used audio samples from the 90s TV show Seinfeld to set up the theme for previous works re-

garding life, relationships, artis-tic integrity and many other con-cepts. It’s hard to explain in its entirety, but to have Jerry Sein-feld creating all new work for what could be a musical master-piece is something to truly be ex-cited about. It’s really great to see originality come out of some of the younger rappers. Wale, only on his third album, will hopeful-ly impress fans this time around.

7. MGMT- MGMTTh e self-titled album is said to

be “too good to not talk about,” according to group MGMT. Psy-chedelic Rock will hopefully be making its mark on this year’s music with MGMT’s album. People have been really waiting on this. Th e “Electric Feel” group will be announcing a release date soon.

6. Kings Of Leon-TBAKings of Leon is always being

watched by the critics in it mu-sical direction. Th e group has changed a lot over the years and though they’ve been criticized for their recent “mainstream ap-

peal,” I’m personally inter-ested in what sound

they go for next. Th e alternative rock group never falls short of impress-ing fans and crit-ics alike. Lead singer, Caleb Fol-

lowill will hopeful-ly keep sounds fresh

with their 6th album.5. Jus� n Timberlake- The

20/20 ExperienceIt’s not news that JT, actor,

singer and songwriter, is making a comeback this year, but you’d be a liar to say that you aren’t at least somewhat excited for the pop culture icon to make his re-turn to music. After seven long years, Timberlake released his fi rst single, “Suit and Tie,” and it’s already making history thanks to JT’s fl awless, high-pitched vo-cals and an elegant verse from hip-hop star Jay-Z. According to Billboard, it has more fi rst week plays than any song in history making it the “highest” male de-but in history. It’s good to know I’m not the only Timberlake fan out there.

4. Rick Ross- MastermindWe almost have no informa-

tion on this album except that

Like the act itself, Struck by Lightning truly off ers a one-in-a-million experience.

Known for his starring role on the Fox hit television series Glee, the fi lm is pro-duced, written by and stars Chris Colfer. And as if that was not enough work from person to do at once, all the while continu-ing to appear regu-larly on Glee, Colfer also wrote the book the movie is based on, Struck by Lightning: Th e Carson Phillips Journal.

Struck by Lightning is the story of Car-son Phillips (Colfer) who is lit-erally struck by lightning and killed within the fi rst fi ve min-utes of the movie. Now, before you think I’ve ruined the ending of the story for you, think again.

Th e fi lm then refl ects on Car-son’s senior year of high school, right before he was killed. With

dreams to write for Th e New Yorker and attend college at Northerwestern University, Carson feels head and shoulders above the rest of the students at his small-minded high school.

To better his chances of get-ting into the college of his

choice, he is per-suaded by his guidance coun-selor to start a lit-erary magazine at his high school for students to submit their own work.

Once he realiz-es the students at his school are more conceited than he originally thought, he enlists the help

of his friend Malerie Baggs (the notorious Rebel Wil-son from Pitch Perfect) to black-mail students into submitting writings.

With some disapproval from his mother (Allison Janney) and his absentee, and soon to be re-married father (Dermot Mul-


Eastern’s community ex-tends farther than Richmond, and those fellow Colonels have been just as involved as the main campus. Registered Stu-dent Organizations (RSOs), students and professors alike at Eastern’s Danville campus have a busy semester planned.

The Danville Cultural Club is the Danville campus’ most active student organi-zation and has already sched-uled plenty of events and ac-tivities for students. The club will be selling sonnets for Val-entines Day, and someone will be wearing wings and carrying a bow and an arrow as Cupid to deliver the poetry to unsus-pecting students throughout the evening.

In addition to teaching courses at the University of Kentucky and Eastern, H. Jean Wiese will be a guest speaker

discussing Haiti at the Cultur-al Club meeting on Friday, Feb. 15. Members of the same club will also be attending a trip on March 9 to the Cincinna-ti Museum Center in Cincin-nati, Ohio. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the Dead Sea Scrolls and many other historical exhibits.

On April 22, Donna Fetch-er will be at the Danville cam-pus holding a competition for Earth Day. Students will be challenged to build something out of recycled or repurposed material. Prizes as well as the satisfaction of helping to con-tribute to Earth’s sustainability will be all for the contestants to enjoy.

The Corbin campus has also begun a new initiative this se-mester. This initiative, titled the Academic Resource Cen-ter, is to help bring together the regional campuses to the Richmond main campus. Stu-

Regional Campus UpdateBy ERIC [email protected]


Home About Contact Submit Your Relationship Search

Posted on January 24, 2013 by easternprogress Previous

Breaking Up 2.0To be or not to be?Sometimes that’s a loaded question when it comes

to relationships. When seeking the advice of friends and family for the answer, certain partialities are cer-tain to stand in the way of brutal honesty.

Th ankfully, one clever Eastern student may have found a way around this with his new website Break Up Vote.

“I always noticed that any relationship advice that you ever get from anyone seemed like it was biased to-ward you no matter what,” said Andrew Pennington, 23, business major from Corbin. “It was always, ‘Th ey were a bad person; you didn’t do anything wrong; they suck; you’re so much better than that.’ And I thought that maybe there was a pretty good chance that just wasn’t always the case. Maybe you needed some un-biased advice from an anonymous source where you could be anonymous too.”

Shortly after, Break Up Vote was born. Th e premise of the site is simple: Post anonymously about your rela-tionships, your concerns and your complaints, and visi-tors then vote on your situation. A whole heart means stay together, a broken one means it’s time to let your lover go. Th e votes add up to help you make your deci-sion.

“I’ve always consid-ered it as a kind of crowd sourced Dear Abby call or letter to your home-town paper, that’s been my tagline,” Pennington said. “You can think of it in terms of Reddit’s up or down vote. It just counts your votes instead of rank-ing them in signifi cance.”

Pennington said the project has been entirely his from the start.

“I did it all myself,” he said. “I don’t know much about coding and pro-gramming or anything like that, so I basical-ly used a Wordpress template, found people who had already developed plugins for it and used the limited knowledge I had to change the code to suit my needs, which were pretty simple.”

Th ree months later, the site has seen great success.“I’ve had a ton of discussion about it on Reddit,”

Pennington said. “When it fi rst came out, it had about 5,000 visits in like a week. I’ve had around 30 people

Struck By Lightning sparks the theaters

Most anticipated 2013 albumsBy KYLE [email protected]

+124 -2

By JABRIL [email protected]



MERCY omi-o.

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By ADAM [email protected]





Page 8: Eastern Progress January 24, 2013

B2  Th e Eastern Progress, Th ursday, January 24, 2013

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And suddenly…CRACK! Pikachu sum-mons a lightning bolt from the skies, sending Donkey Kong, already with 270 percent dam-age, to oblivion, bouncing off the screen into a results page, clapping-loop purgatory. My lit-tle brother lets out an “Ooooh!” in disbelief. My defeated friend slams his lime green con-troller to the ground, cracking the side and knocking over his soda. Everybody laughs, brags about the last round and quickly races to their favorite character for the next match as that familiar and iconic Super Smash Bros. theme fi lls my dark bedroom.

Th is is my memory, but it is one countless people from my generation share. A pure and true multiplayer experience, the kind that has somehow become harder and harder to fi nd as the years have gone on.

For me, there is no better gaming system than the Nintendo 64 (N64). Today the graph-ics may be better, the machines sexier and the computers faster, but videogames have never been as exciting, fun or even important to me as they were from 1996 to 2001.

Some of this is certainly nostalgia for a simpler time, but I have to believe the prima-ry reason is the N64 off ered something un-precedented for its time: a four-player, single console gaming experience.

Th ink about it: You and three of your best friends, sitting in the same room, playing the same game against one another. Th is was more than promising; to a 10-year-old, this was revolutionary.

Mario Kart. Goldeneye. Mario Party. Star Fox. Bomberman. Gauntlet. Mario Tennis. Th ese were more than just ways to kill time on a rainy day. Th ese were genuine bond-ing experiences that, corny as it may sound, taught me how to play fair, win and lose with class, develop social skills and, of course, place a perfectly aimed bomb on an op-ponent’s Arwing. Th ese games provided the soundtrack to my youth and, at least in some ways, helped shape the person I am today.

As the years have passed and technolo-gy has advanced at an astronomical rate, the idea of sharing a gaming experience face-to-face has become more and more archaic. It’s a point that’s been made a thousand times in a thousand stories, but as the Internet has grown larger, our lives have shrunk to the palm of our hands. As we’ve all become for-ever “connected” through social media, we’ve actually only grown further apart. We’ve trad-ed the intimate and personal for the instant and anonymous. Family time now consists of a living room of strangers buried deep in their phones and tablets.

Gaming in general has often been a scape-goat for this type of antisocial behavior. Gam-ers are consistently depicted as hermits and psychos by the media, and anytime a con-troversy arises, people fi nd a way to link it to games. Th is is always frustrating to me, be-cause it’s the total opposite of the experience I had. Video games were a time of friendship and connecting. Th ey were a social tool, not an impediment.

But the times have changed and so too have games. Massive online matches are now the norm, and kids and adults alike can now spend their days shouting obscenities into a headset or at a TV. I can’t speak for anyone, but if I’m going to curse at my opponent, I want him to be close enough to punch me in the arm for it.

Th is isn’t to say traditional multiplayer is dead. Games like Rock Band and systems like the Wii even encourage it. But it was long ago surrendered to the casual gamer. Th e most intense, in-person, multiplayer matchup you can expect these days is a Wii Fit workout.

Th e new Xbox and Playstation have been lighting up the web with the latest impressive technical specs and rumors about each sys-tem. Th is is exciting to many, but I personally will long for the days when me and my friends and family would sit in the same room with a handful of awkward controllers and share a wonderful time together. And hope that it will come again someday.

Until then, I’ll have to plug up my dusty old N64 and blow out my Pokémon Stadium car-tridge.

Far Cry 3 is an inspiring title from Ubi-soft Montreal, a video game developer, that takes its player on a journey to Rook Island as Jason Brody.

Brody is in a group of trust fund junk-ies who try their hand at skydiving, only to land on an uncharted island where they are captured by slave trading pirates, and led by the psychotic Vaas Montenegro.

Th ere’s a lot to be said about a game that quite literally takes me by surprise, and this one is especially surprising.

Previous Far Cry games, at least in my opinion, were not that great and lacked the aspects that makes for a good sandbox adventure. Far Cry 3 however, eliminates the fl aws of its predecessors and creates an experience unlike anything before it.

Th e best part of a sandbox game should be the sandbox itself, and Rook Island is the bar-setting example for being one of the most organic game worlds ever cre-ated.

Lush jungles, sandy beaches and pirate-infested strongholds give the game a great look and feel from beginning to end, with-out a glitch to be found.

Of course, beauty is only skin deep, but fortunately another strength of the game is its strong narrative presented in the fi rst person perspective.

As you go from being a preppy jock to an island warrior, the game progresses with the narrative while the player grows his skills and upgrades via a tattoo that also has a heavy place in the story itself.

Th is meshing of gameplay and story is why storytelling has a place in games. It’s supposed to infl uence and support

the game, not be the whole meal.

It’s not the greatest story and can be rath-er messy at times, but it still has a point. It’s a part of the experience, not window dressing to be pushed aside.

Now to the bare bones of a video game, the actual gameplay; this is the fi nal jewel in the crown that is Far Cry 3.

Guns are weighty but accessible, the weapons in your arsenal all have a place in the game and it also sports some of the tightest controls since Red Dead Redemp-tion. Even after upgrading a majority of the skills and getting your perfect load out, there’s still a ton of stuff to do in both the main story and the cavalcade of side missions.

Th is game isn’t perfect, but it holds its own and ends up being a standout title worth the price of admission for the main campaign alone. It also has a pretty decent multiplayer aspect for after the game.

I defi nitely give this game two swollen thumbs up and hope some DLC will come expanding on both the game and its story.

Far Cry 3 improves on predecessors with impressive sandbox gameplay

One is the loneliest number

d-d,th e,


By MICHAEL [email protected]



Page 9: Eastern Progress January 24, 2013

Th e Eastern Progress, Th ursday, January 24, 2013 B3 


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It’s 10:39 a.m. It’s an unusually warm and wet Thursday morning for January and I’m wo-ken up by a familiar iPhone ding. I fall off my friend’s couch lazily reaching for the message, and lying on the ground I unlock the phone. It’s a text with a picture of today’s top headline, written in bold red type: LINCOLN LEADS OS-CAR RACE WITH 12 NOMINATIONS.

What a relief, right? Lincoln was admittedly one of my favorite films of the year (a movie so nice I saw it twice!) and seeing my favorites get nominated is a rare treat in Oscar season. Phew. This is usually the part where I should start to feel something. And yet…

Nothing. No excitement, no nervousness, no righteous anger. Nothing. I lie motionless on the ground. This might make sense to the aver-age filmgoer, but as passionate and annoying of a film buff as I am, this is undoubtedly a strange sensation. What was different?

But I already know: I’m bored.Even with a few surprise nominees and a

few surprise snubs, this race was over from the start. It is Lincoln’s to lose all across the board.

I realize it is not the Academy Awards job to entertain me. It exists solely to reward and hon-or what its voters feel are the best films of the year (That, and to make millions of dollars off advertisements, of course). And by that stan-dard, why shouldn’t Lincoln earn the praise? Spielberg, Daniel Day-Lewis and their mas-sive cast and crew took a dense and potentially dull bit of backroom drama−the passing of the 13 amendment−and made it fascinating, thrill-ing and perfectly relatable to modern times. It is a stunning film and without a doubt a worthy candidate for Best Film.

But much like a one-sided sports matchup is rarely entertaining, an Oscar race without any danger or wild cards is hardly a race at all. Honest Abe has already crossed the finish line, grabbed his prize and enjoyed a juice box back at home. So to speak.

This is a lot of nitpicking, of course, for a year that was in many ways pretty satisfactory for the Oscars. Several unexpected underdogs, such as Amour, Beasts of Southern Wild and my beloved Django Unchained, got recognition in a number of categories, and there’s not a weak link in any of the nominees.

But still, I lament. I hoped for a year where a daring and important film like Zero Dark Thir-ty would be rewarded for the dialogue it insti-

gated rather than crucified for its controversy (though it did rack up a few nominations, direc-tor Kathryn Bigelow’s snub essentially kills the film’s chances). I wished in a year where action and superhero films dominated the scene and changed the perception about what they could be, films like the deliciously entertaining Aveng-ers, the challenging Dark Knight Rises, the re-invented Bond and the mind-bending Loop-er could have entered the awards conversation. And like every year, I prayed for a little Wes An-derson love, only to be limited to a Best Origi-nal Screenplay nod for the whimsical Moonrise Kingdom. These snubs are especially depressing when you consider that only nine of the avail-able 10 slots for Best Film were filled. In a year as rich with good movies as 2012, why, Acade-my? How and why?

I’m not saying Lincoln shouldn’t have been nominated, and I’m not saying it still wouldn’t have had a good shot at winning had some snubs been un-snubbed. All I mean is that a year without sur-prises means a year without the giddy speculation and anticipa-tion leading up to the big night this February. And that makes this movie fan a bit disheartened.

But that doesn’t mean the ceremony it-self will be dull, and with Seth Macfarlane at the helm, it could make for an entertaining night on its own terms. Plus, a year with easy predictions could result in some serious winnings if you’re the gambling type. And who knows? If there’s one thing the Oscars are good at, it’s messing up the obvious winners, which could lead to some surprising results (I’m looking at you, Benh Zeitlin). Lincoln could shockingly walk away empty handed.

But that ain’t go-ing to happen. So I get up off the floor, walk to my car, head to the nearest Redbox to check out Beasts of Southern Wild and remember what it’s real-ly all about: A love of the movies.

Oscar nominations disappoint through their predictability

dents will not have to commute to Richmond to utilize numerous services anymore.

The Common Knowledge Gurus will provide academic and informational assistance through electronic methods such as Sky-pe and the mobile ITV unit.

“This initiative [Academic Resource Center] helps our re-gional Campus students connect to resources at the Richmond

Campus,” said Corbin campus director Sandra Stevens. “Staff will help students connect via video conferencing to the Com-mon Knowledge Gurus, math labs and writing labs, the Noel Studio, career counseling, fi-nancial aid and other services as they become available.”

Miles may separate Eastern’s campuses and students, but the distance doesn’t affect the active campus life. Danville’s campus will continue to plan and host events throughout the semester.





it’s coming out this year. Th e cool thing about the whole situation is that Rick Ross is larger than life and does not stop working on his craft. He just put out an album and mixtape last year, plenty of music videos released this year, tons of activity with his label MMG”and even more features. Th is guy means business. I truly enjoy see-ing his fi nished products.

3. PSY- TBATh e Korean pop star is the fi rst

person to ever rack up a billion views on a single YouTube video and he exceeded his one billion mark in under a year. Th e record breaking music video, “Gangam Style” is the modern day, “Can’t Touch Th is” by MC Hammer, and to say that this man’s debut inter-national album is highly antici-pated is an understatement. I’m expecting this to be some genre

blending, fast paced and artistical-ly creative work this year from in-stant sensation PSY.

2. Drake-TBATh e rapper hints that there will

be a thurd album released this year, and with how good the last album, Take Care was, he has some big shoes to fi ll. Th is pressure is noth-ing new to the Canada native as he is in the executive producer posi-tion behind legendary R&B icon Aaliyah’s second posthumous al-bum.

1. Dr. Dre-DetoxIt’s been 13 years since the al-

bum’s announcement and still no Detox from hip-hop mogul Dr. Dre. Expecting this album to come out this year is merely a subject of hope. According to rapper Th e Game, who’s been a part of the re-cording process for the album the last few years, “Detox is like Jesus, you’ll never see it.” Th ough as a fan and as a critic, I’m really trying to stay optimistic. Best Wishes for 2013.


sign up to actually be members and had an incredible amount of people vote on each situation.”

Th roughout its infancy, Pen-nington has taken special measures to make sure it remains up to par.

“I’ve been really working on tweaking it so it looks awesome on every operating system,” he said.

Th ough it may seem surprise-ing to some that a site developed by one of our own at Eastern has taken off , Pennington has had ex-perience in this fi eld. Previously,

he developed a niche-specifi c clas-sifi eds and auction marketplace geared toward people selling busi-ness materials called Contractor Yard Sale.

“I’m still doing that, but I’m considering relaunching it now,” Pennington said. “I’ve had it of-fl ine working on some stuff with it, so I’m trying to think on a dif-ferent approach.”

Until then, however, Penning-ton gets to play matchmaker and home-wrecker in equal measure with his creative and intriguing new project.

Check out the website at www.breakupvote.com and sign up for an account today.

roney), the events of the fi lm eventually come full circle when Carson dies.

While performances from Colf-er and Wilson were, as expect-ed, absolutely fl awless, one of the most touching comes from Jan-ney, but specifi cally when she and Colfer interact as mother and son onscreen. Th e chemistry between the two of them is phenomenal. Th e nonchalant wordy exchang-es throughout the movie and the penultimate blowout between the two is honestly one of the most touching performances in the en-tire movie.

Th e movie also does an excel-lent job at balancing the aspects of

comedy and drama without over-whelming you with too much of either. You know when to laugh, you know when to cry, and if you watch this movie, believe me you are going to do both.

By the far the most impres-sive part of this fi lm is Colfer him-self. Th is fi lm was a work of ge-nius. While sitting in the theater, you can feel how much of himself he truly put into this entire idea, from the book to the screenplay to his own performance.

What really grabs you are the last 15 minutes of the movie. You will literally be in tears as Colfer pulls the audience right into Car-son’s mindset and gives everyone who grew up in a small-town with big dreams a reason to keep on fi ghting through.


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Page 10: Eastern Progress January 24, 2013

Sports B4 The Eastern Progress, Thursday, January 24, 2013

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Lady Colonels defeat Jacksonville despite slow start, fall to Belmont

By LANE [email protected] Colonel CornerEric StutzEric Stutz

Class: Sophomore Major: Accoun� ngHometown: Newburgh, Ind.

Q. At what age did you start playing basketball? What made you want to con� nue playing basketball?A. I was nine. I wasn’t good enough to play baseball anymore.

Q. If you could play any other sport besides basketball what sport and why?A. Tennis. I enjoy playing tennis the most.

Q. If you could play any other posi� on on the court other than center, what posi� on would it be and why?A. Point Guard. I’d like to have my hands on the ball every play.

Q. What is your favorite movie or favorite types of movies and why?

A. The Lord of the Rings. They are an amazing series of movies.

Q. What type of music and/or ar� st do you listen to?A. Avril Lavigne and the Veggie Tales.

Q.Who is your favorite athlete of all � me, past or present, and why?A. Larry Bird. He’s from Indiana, like me.

Q. What are your favorite and your least favorite things about playing basketball?A. Favorite- White line and hitting and setting picks. Least Fa-vorite- Fronting the post. Q. What made you want to a� end and play basketball at Eastern?A. Coach Sully and the wonderful people here and the historic roof on the coliseum.

Th e Lady Colonels went on a road trip over the past weekend, and came back with a 1-1 stat.

Eastern traveled to Jacksonville, Ala., to face Jacksonville State on Saturday, Jan. 19, where the Lady Colonels pulled out a 69-51 win. Th ey then turned around and lost to Belmont University 49-65 Monday, Jan. 21 in Nashville, Tenn.

Th e Lady Colonels (10-7, 4-2 OVC) start-ed slow against Jacksonville, but big perfor-mances from Marie Carpenter, Alex Jones and Brittany Coles helped the ladies pull out a big road win in conference play.

Carpenter, who started her fi rst game since an injury, made fi ve shots (including three 3-pointers), giving a 15-point lead to the Lady Colonels.

Carpenter shot 50 percent from outside the arc and added two steals to her stat line.

Brittany Coles, who has been hitting big shots for the Lady Colonels all season, added 13 points to the scoreboard, nine of those be-ing from 3-point range.

Coles is averaging almost 37 minutes played per game (out of 40 total). She ranks third in the OVC in that statistic.

Senior Alex Jones threw in another dou-ble-double for the Lady Colonels with 12 points and 11 rebounds.

She is now second all-time at Eastern in double-doubles with 30, and made her 100th career start for Eastern on Saturday night.

On Monday night, against Belmont, the Lady Colonels could not hold on to their lead as well as they did on Saturday.

Eastern led 29-28 at the half, but after trading baskets early in the second half and cooling off for six minutes, Belmont took ad-vantage and went on a 13-3 run, taking the lead.

Senior Jade Barber helped lead Eastern in the game with 14 points, but the Bruins took a 15-point lead in the last four minutes, mak-ing it enough to win.

Belmont leads the OVC with one loss in the conference play.

Th e Lady Colonels will be at home for their next two games, having a rematch with Belmont on Jan. 26 at 4 p.m. and a game against Tennessee State on Jan. 28 at 7 p.m.

By TYLER PHILLIPS [email protected]


Senior Brittany Coles added 13 points and three assists to the Lady Colonels’ victory over Jacksonville State last Saturday. The Lady Colonels are now 2-4 in away games.


Page 11: Eastern Progress January 24, 2013

The Eastern Progress, Thursday, January 24, 2013 Sports B5

Men’s tennis drops matchto 19th ranked Tennessee

Eastern’s Men’s Tennis team trav-eled to Knoxville, Tenn. Monday, Jan. 21 to start their indoor sea-son. The Colonels and was defeat-ed in straight sets by the nationally ranked No. 19 team, the Tennessee Volunteers.

Th e Volunteers hold two of the best players in the country; Mikelis Libietis who is nationally ranked No.9 and Hunter Reese, ranked No.40.

Th e Colonels only return one sin-gles player from their 2012 NCAA tournament team, junior, Joao Maio.

“For fi ve out of the seven players on the team, this was their fi rst college match,” Head Coach Rob Oertel said. “Th ey just got on campus.”

Th e Colonels have a whole new look to them this season with three freshman singles players and one sophomore who made his debut in an Eastern uniform against Libeitis.

Sophomore Daridge Saidi, from Aubervilliers, France, is the Colonels’ number one singles player. Saidi lost

to Libeitis, 6-1, 6-0. Despite the loss, Oertel said he has

big expectations for Saidi. “He is right now our number one,”

Oertel said. “He should be our top two or three all year.”

Tennessee’s Hunter Reese defeated sophomore Juano de la Llera 6-1 and 6-2 in the number two singles match.

Eastern fell the last four matches to Tennessee in straight sets with three Did Not Finish’s.

“We were a little overwhelmed to-day, “ Oertel said, “but we just need to keep working. Th is was a tall order for a bunch of new guys to play the number 19 team on the road.”

Th e Colonels will play again Satur-day, Jan. 26 at Butler.

After coming off a loss to a ranked team, Butler is in the same situation as Eastern.

Both are young squads. With no player older than a sophomore, the Butler Bulldogs are young but experi-enced.

Last season, Eastern defeated the Bulldogs 5-2. Th is season Coach Oer-tel has high hopes for the team.

By TYLER PHILLIPS [email protected]



Oertel said the Colonels won be-cause of their planning rather than their skills.

“Most of our girls did a good job of executing game plans,” he said. “Th ey had a good strategy and did a great job of executing their game plan to suc-ceed in their matches. Th ere were a lot of battles, a lot of tight scores. We came out on the good side on almost all of them. It was girls winning with their heads instead of their skills.”

Eastern played against the Univer-sity of the Cumberlands (0-1) later that day keeping the winning streak going by being undefeated in both singles and doubles. Faouzi again won the No. 1 match 6-1, 6-0. Oscoz took the No. 2 match 6-0, 6-1.

Colonel newcomer freshman Dan-ielle Kinnen, Poff o and Jimenez all went 6-0,6-0 in the No. 3, No. 4 and

No. 5 match, respectively. Rodriguez barely broke that streak after winning the No. 6 singles match 6-1, 6-0.

Th e results of the doubles match-es refl ected the results of the singles matches. Labeja and Oscoz won the No. 1 match 8-3. Faouzi and Gerrit-sen won their second No. 2 doubles match that day 8-0. Kinnen and Ro-driguez came out undefeated in the No. 3 match 8-0.

Both matches were played at the Greg Adams Indoor Tennis center.

Th e Colonels return to the court at 4 p.m. Friday, Jan. 25 at the Greg Ad-ams Indoor Tennis Center.

Oertel said that the Colonels won because of their planning rather than their skills.

“Most of our girls did a good job of executing game plans,” he said. “Th ey had a good strategy and did a great job of executing their game plan to suc-ceed in their matches. Th ere were a lot of battles, a lot of tight scores. We came out on the good side on almost all of them. It was girls winning with

their heads instead of their skills.”Eastern played against the Uni-

versity of the Cumberlands (0-1) lat-er that day, where they kept their winning streak by going undefeated in both singles and doubles. Faouzi again won the No. 1 match, 6-1, 6-0. Oscoz took the No. 2 match 6-0, 6-1.

Poff o, Colonel newcomer fresh-man Danielle Kinnen and Jimenez all went 6-0,6-0 in the No. 3, No. 4 and No. 5 match, respectively. Rodriguez barely broke that streak after winning the No. 6 singles match 6-1, 6-0.

Th e results of the doubles match-es refl ected the results of the singles matches. Labeja and Oscoz won the No. 1 match 8-3. Faouzi and Gerrit-sen won their second No. 2 doubles match that day 8-0. Kinnen and Ro-driguez came out undefeated in the No. 3 match 8-0.

Both matches were played at the Greg Adams Indoor Tennis center.

Th e Colonels return to the court Friday, Jan. 25 at the Greg Adams In-door Tennis Center at 4 p.m.

Timmy Knipp, a sophomore guard, scored 13 points, a career high against the Bruins.

Knipp came off the bench for the Colonels and hit multiple clutch threes during Eastern’s impressive second half run.

“I gave some energy, created some and helped overcome the defi cit,” Knipp said about his performance.

One area where the Colonels hurt them-selves was on the glass. Belmont out-rebound-ed Eastern, 38-19.

“We’ve got to get more boards,” Knipp said. “We’ve been working on our rebounding here lately in practice.”

DiNunno attributed Eastern’s weak re-bounding and losing important players, Or-lando Williams and Marcus Lewis to injury as main factors in why they found themselves down 17.

“Orlando and Marcus, two of our top guys going out and us being in foul trouble was huge,” DiNunno said. “Not getting rebounds and not keeping up with their [Belmont’s] pace was what hurt us down the stretch.”

Belmont had been on an absolute tear against OVC opponents after winning their fi rst four games by an average of 28.5 points.

Th ey are 78-12 against conference oppo-nents in their home venue.

“It wasn’t the sheer size of the place,” Di-Nunno said, when asked what made their are-na so diffi cult to visit.

“Th ey have a good fan base and a hostile student section. And they are just a tough team.”

Aside from their loss, the Colonels had to bounce back quickly Saturday night in their fi -nal road trip game against Jacksonville State (12-7, 4-4 OVC).

Eastern won by a score of 73-62 and was led by transfer and sophomore guard, Corey Walden.

Walden scored a career high 28 points and DiNunno matched his season high of 24.

Walden was awarded OVC Co-Newcomer of the Week for his eff orts against Jacksonville. Th is is his second award this season.

Some players say they are using what they learned from the past weekend to help prepare for their next game against OVC team Tennes-see State.

“We need to guard the arc,” said Knipp. “[We] need to keep them out of the lane, keep them from driving.”

DiNunno said he personally will look to attack when lanes open and will continue to keep his teammates involved.

Th e Colonels will be at home for their Jan. 24 game against Tennessee State.

Eastern’s men’s tennis team showed up to cheer for the women’s team against Eastern Michigan last Saturday.


Page 12: Eastern Progress January 24, 2013

Six runners from Eastern’s Men’s Track and Field team tackled an impromptu meet at the Indiana Gladstein Invitational in Bloomington, Ind., Jan. 18.

Th is was the fi rst meet back for senior Soufi ane Bouchikhi’s since break, after skipping the University of Kentucky Invita-tional hosted Jan. 11-12.

Th e Colonels faced a couple of hurdles coming into the meet. Th e meet was add-ed into the schedule shortly before taking place and there was stiff competition from teams like Ohio State University, Indiana University and runners from professional teams.

Th e Colonels competed in three races: the men’s one mile invitational, the men’s one mile and the men’s 3,000 meter run.

Bouchikhi was the top collegiate run-ner after placing fourth in the men’s one mile invitational with a time of 4:07.85.Th is time is short of his personal best, but is the best time for the OVC this winter.

Bouchikhi was defeated by three pro-fessional runners, all of who were within a second of breaking the four-minute wall.

Head Coach, Rick Erdmann said that racing against professionals is a good expe-rience for Bouchikhi.

“Th is is not the fi rst time Soufi ane has run against guys of that caliber,” Erdma-

nn said. “He’s one of the better collegiate runners in the country. He’s an All-Ameri-can. He competes at a very high level. It’s a good experience.”

Sophomore, Th ijs Nijhuis and junior, Wade Meddles competed in the men’s one-mile run.

Nijhuis, named OVC Male Track Ath-lete of the Week, had the best results for the Colonels after his time of 4:08.39, earn-ing him second place out of over 40 run-ners.

Meddles placed tenth with a time of 4:14.97.

“Th ijs is running really well,” Erdmann said. “He’s improving. He improved from the week before at the University of Ken-tucky meet. I was pleased with him.”

Th e three remaining runners competed in the men’s 3,000 meters run.

Freshman, Mads Taersboel placed sec-ond out of 34 runners, with a time of 8:16.38. He bested his previous OVC-best time by almost eight seconds.

Freshman, Sean Vandermosten fi nished tenth with a personal-best time of 8:28.42.

Junior, Adams Ronnoh was a few places behind Vandermosten in fourteenth place, with a time of 8:32.17.

Bouchikhi was named the Adidas OVC Co-Male Indoor Track Athlete of the Week for his debut eff orts.

Th e Colonels return to the track Jan. 25 and 26 at the Rod McCravy Memorial Invi-tational in Lexington.

B6 Thursday, January 24, 2013 Matthew Crump, Editor

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Men’s track and field team has strong showing despite professional competition

Belmont ends Eastern’s undefeated run in OVC

Women’s tennis begin season with winsover Eastern Michigan and Cumberlands

Th e start of the indoor schedule for Eastern’s women’s tennis team was a success after back-to-back wins against the Eastern Michigan University Eagles and the University of the Cumberlands Patriots at home last Saturday. Th e Colonels (2-0) defeated the Eagles 6-1 and the Patriots 7-0.

Th e Colonels started the day against the Eagles (1-3). Th e six Colo-nels’ starters of the match were the same starters that advanced to the NCAA tournament last year after undefeated OVC play.

Sophomore Amandine Faouzi won the No. 1 match 6-2, 6-1. “Th ere was a special score by Amandine Faouzi,” said Coach Rob

Oertel. “Very standout scores by her today. Th at girl she played was good. I’m not surprised she beat her. I knew she had a good chance, but the scores were impressive.”

Th e weak link for Eastern was Sophomore Melissa Gerritsen after a narrow loss 7-6, 7-6. Sophomore Kristina Labeja won the No. 3 match 6-3, 5-7, 6-3, and Junior Saioa Oscoz won the No. 4 match 6-2, 6-4.

Th e No. 5 match started rocky after sophomore Marcela Jimenez lost her fi rst set, 4-6. She came back to win the next two, 6-3 and 10-5. Junior Carmen Rodriguez won her match in a straight set 6-4, 6-3.

Eastern won two of the three doubles matches. Th e No. 2 match was the fi rst match to fi nish after Faouzi and Gerritsen defeated their oppo-nents 8-2. Jimenez and junior Milena Poff o took the No. 3 match, 8-4.Th e No. 1 doubles match fi nished last when the Eagles triumphed over the Colonels 8-5.

Eastern’s Men’s Basketball team suff ered their fi rst OVC defeat this weekend on a two-game road trip.

Th e Colonels lost to Belmont University, 76-83 on Th ursday, Jan.17 and defeated Jacksonville State University, 73-62 Saturday, Jan. 19. Th is pushed their OVC record to 5-1.

Th e Colonels (15-4, 5-1 OVC) overcame another double-digit fi rst half defi cit, Th ursday night at Belmont (15-4, 6-0 OVC).

Th e Colonels overcame being down by 17 late in the fi rst half by capturing a four-point lead with a little over six minutes left in the game. However, this time, Eastern could not hold on for the W.

Belmont got hot toward the end, going on a 12-0 run and securing the 83-76 win over the visiting Colonels.

Going into the game both teams were undefeated in OVC play, and both ranked inside the top 20 of the Mid Major National rankings; Belmont being number eight and Eastern sitting at number 17.

Eastern was led in scoring by senior point guard, Mike DiNunno. Making 24 points in the game, he was able to make his season high.

“Coach had me coming off a lot of ball screens,” DiNunno said, when asked what attributed to his big night. “[It] allowed me to hit a few step back threes, and carry the load off ensively.”

By MATTHEW [email protected]

By LANE [email protected]

By MATTHEW [email protected]


› SEE WOMEN’S TENNIS, PAGE B5Sophomore Kristina Labeja won her both her singles and doubles match. Six of Eastern’s starters return from last year’s squad that went undefeated in the OVC and went on to the 2012 NCAA tournament.

Sophomore Corey Walden scored a career-high 28 points against Jacksonville State last Saturday. He was awarded his second award this season when he was named OVC Co-Newcomer of the Week last Monday.

Senior Soufiane Bouchikhi was named OVC Indoor Track Atlete of the Week for his performance last Friday. His mile at 4:07.85 is the best in the OVC this winter.