eastern orthodox timeline

301 A.D. The Kingdom of Armenia Becomes the First Christian State (Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Chronology). 313 A.D. Emperor Constantine Issues the Edict of Milan, Legalizing Christianity in the Roman Empire (Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Chronology). 330 A.D. Emperor Constantine Christens the City of Byzantium as the New Eastern Capital of the Roman Empire, renaming the “New Rome” Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Chronology). 1


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Transcript of eastern orthodox timeline

Page 1: eastern orthodox timeline


301 A.D.The Kingdom of

Armenia Becomes the First Christian

State (Eastern Orthodox

Christianity: A Chronology).

313 A.D.Emperor Constantine

Issues the Edict of Milan, Legalizing Christianity in the

Roman Empire (Eastern Orthodox

Christianity: A Chronology).

330 A.D. Emperor Constantine Christens the City of

Byzantium as the New Eastern Capital of the

Roman Empire, renaming the “New Rome”

Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A


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532-537 A.D. By Order of

Emperor Justinian, a New Cathedral, the Hagia Sophia,

is built in Constantinople

(Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Chronology).

730 A.D.Byzantine

Emperor Leo III bans the

veneration of images, causing

the first period of Iconoclasm

(Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Chronology).

787 A.D.The Seventh Ecumenical

Council, Nicea II, restores the veneration of

images (Eastern Orthodox

Christianity: A Chronology).

815 A.D.A council called

by Emperor Leo V again bans images, causing the second

period of Iconoclasm

(Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Chronology).

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843 A.D.Byzantine Empress Theodora restores the veneration of

images on the First Sunday of Lent, which became

known as the Sunday of Orthodoxy

(Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Chronology).

862 A.D.Byzantine Emperor Michael III sends

Cyril and Methodius to convert the Slavs

to Christianity through translating the Bible into the

Slavic tongue (Eastern Orthodox

Christianity: A Chronology).

988 A.D.Prince Valdamir is

baptized and marries a Byzantine

princess. Russia then becomes a Christian State

(Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Chronology).

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1054 A.D.The Great Schism occurs (according to the Western

Church) creating a Western Christianity sect (Catholicism), and an Eastern Christianity sect (Eastern Orthodox). This occurs due to the Papacy’s assertion of power over all of Christendom,

and the Eastern Christians removing the Filioque, word added to the Nicene Creed to

assert the procession of the Holy Ghost from the son and the

father, from the Nicene Creed (Eastern Orthodox Christianity:

A Chronology).

1098 A.D.Beginning of the First Crusade. An uneasy

alliance occurs between Western

Crusaders and Byzantine Emperor Alexius (Eastern

Orthodox Christianity: A Chronology).

1204 A.D.After no luck in

conquering the Muslims during the Fourth

Crusade, in order to pay off Venetian Bankers, the

armies sack Constantinople for three days and set up a Latin

Empire (Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A


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1261 A.D.Emperor Michael

Palaeologus reconquers

Constantinople for the Byzantines (Eastern

Orthodox Christianity: A Chronology).

1439 A.D.Council of Florence

where Emperor John VIII attempts to reunite the

East and West in order to receive Western military aid to battle the Turks. The Greek Orthodox

Church refuses to accept this effort at unification

(Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Chronology).

1448 A.D.The Russian Orthodox

Church declares its organizational

independence from Constantinople and elects

the first native-born Russian bishop, Jonas I

(Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Chronology).

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1453 A.D.Turkish armies

conquer Constantinople,

and the Byzantine

Empire falls (Eastern Orthodox

Christianity: A Chronology).

1589 A.D.Patriarch Jeremias II

of Constantinople raises Metropolitan

Job of Moscow to the rank of Patriarch of Moscow and of All Russia, making him

the head of the largest Orthodox church.

Moscow would come to be called "the

Third Rome” (Eastern Orthodox

Christianity: A Chronology).

1596 A.D.At the Union of Brest-

Litovsk, several million Ukrainian and

Byelorussian Orthodox Christians, living under

Polish rule, leave the Russian Orthodox Church and recognize the Pope of Rome, without giving up

their Byzantine liturgy and customs. This was the beginning of what is

variously known as the Uniate, Eastern Rite Catholic, or Greek

Catholic Church (Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A


1989-1999 A.D.The end of

Communism in Eastern Europe

allows the Orthodox

churches to re-emerge (Eastern

Orthodox Christianity: A Chronology).