Easter Seals Newsletter September 2012

Supporting People with Disabilities Since 1934 1016 Milwaukee Ave. South Milwaukee, WI 53172 414.571.5566 PHONE 414.571.9212 TTY www.eastersealswise.com Erin has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a passion for information sciences and books. Yet, two years after college was still unemployed. She lives on the autism spectrum and has found through her ongoing job search that hiring decision makers and the general population don’t always understand “invisible disabilities” like autism. After many discouraging attempts and interviews, Erin felt she needed some supports to help her pursue employment and to expand her social interaction. She felt that some of her personal feelings and uncertainty were ruling her out before even getting to an interview. She turned to Easter Seals for help. Last fall, Erin was assigned a job coach who worked with her to help overcome some of her personal, invisible barriers and strengthen her self confidence.“My job coach really listened to my wants and challenges when it came to what kind of job I wanted. She was very patient with me as I was obsessing over the fifteen million things I was sure I did wrong instead of what I was doing right.” “Easter Seals supported me, not simply in formal services, but in many smaller ways as well. They were with me through multiple stages of preparing for a job, including volunteering at a library to gain experience, listening to me and consistently following up with me on how things were going. They didn’t do the work for me, and their help didn’t guarantee me a job, but they did help me get past a lot of little details that could have buried me. They gave me a chance to show what I could do.” Erin’s two-year job search came to a successful end this past year because of her determination and the help of Easter Seals. She now enjoys working at two local libraries. Some of her responsibilities include: shelving books, setting up displays, cleaning the children’s area and answering peoples’ questions. Her job is helping her to continually learn, be more financially independent and allowing her to contribute to her community. For Erin, holding two part-time positions goes even further than “being employed.” Having a job has enabled her to move into a new apartment and increase her independence. “Socialization isn’t a parasite that saps productivity. It’s an integral part of being productive,and for many of us what makes life worth living,” said Erin. “Some of my quirks have proven to be useful at my job. It’s because I’m so quiet that I’m able to focus more energy chasing down a lost item in the stacks, and find it more quickly than most. If I spent more energy using verbal processing, I wouldn’t be nearly as effective at retrieving books.”


Easter Seals September Newsletter 2012

Transcript of Easter Seals Newsletter September 2012

Page 1: Easter Seals Newsletter September 2012

Supporting People with DisabilitiesSince 1934

1016 Milwaukee Ave. South Milwaukee, WI 53172 414.571.5566 phone 414.571.9212 tty


Erin has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a passion for information sciences and books. Yet, two years after college was still unemployed. She lives on the autism spectrum and has found through her ongoing job search that hiring decision makers and the general population don’t always understand “invisible disabilities” like autism.

After many discouraging attempts and interviews, Erin felt she needed some supports to help her pursue employment and to expand her social interaction. She felt that some of her personal feelings and uncertainty were ruling her out before even getting to an interview. She turned to Easter Seals for help.

Last fall, Erin was assigned a job coach who worked with her to help overcome some of her personal, invisible barriers and strengthen her self confidence.“My job coach really listened to my wants and challenges when it came to what kind of job I wanted. She was very patient with me as I was obsessing over the fifteen million things I was sure I did wrong instead of what I was doing right.”

“Easter Seals supported me, not simply in formal services, but in many smaller ways as well. They were with me through multiple stages of preparing for a job, including volunteering at a library to gain experience, listening to me and consistently following up with me on how things were going. They didn’t do the work for me, and their help didn’t guarantee me a job, but they did help me get past a lot of little details that could have buried me. They gave me a chance to show what I could do.”

Erin’s two-year job search came to a successful end this past year because of her determination and the help of Easter Seals. She now enjoys working at two local libraries. Some of her responsibilities include: shelving books, setting up displays, cleaning the children’s area and answering peoples’ questions. Her job is helping her to continually learn, be more financially independent and allowing her to contribute to her community.

For Erin, holding two part-time positions goes even further than “being employed.” Having a job has enabled her to move into a new apartment and increase her independence.

“Socialization isn’t a parasite that saps productivity. It’s an integral part of being productive,and for many of us what makes life worth living,” said Erin. “Some of my quirks have proven to be useful at my job. It’s because I’m so quiet that I’m able to focus more energy chasing down a lost item in the stacks, and find it more quickly than most. If I spent more energy using verbal processing, I wouldn’t be nearly as effective at retrieving books.”

Page 2: Easter Seals Newsletter September 2012

A Message from our CEO

For the last three years, we have hosted our Thought Leaders’ Luncheon bringing together the volunteer and executive leadership to hear a major national non-profit thinker. In our first three years, two of our speakers have been named to the Non-Profit Times Power and Influence Hall of Fame and this year’s speaker, Jason Saul, will be there soon. Jason’s message is clear. The downturn in 2008, coupled with a greater interest in social good, is an opportunity for non-profits to change our paradigm from charity to investment, from reporting number of individuals served, to community impact. His coming to Milwaukee is no accident. Jason’s latest book, “The End of Fundraising,” has truly affected Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin. In 2013, you will hear more from us on the impact we have in creating a world of possibilities for the children and adults we serve.

It is only fitting that at the same luncheon we honor those individuals that have impacted Easter Seals with induction into our “Lily Society,” Easter Seals Hall of Fame. The Lily Society recognizes significant efforts of community members that have positively impacted the mission of Easter Seals in Southeast Wisconsin and thus improved the lives of thousands of children and adults with disabilities. This year, we honor our 2005-2006 Board of Directors of Easter Seals Kindcare. These volunteer leaders were instrumental in the successful merger and integration of Easter Seals and Kindcare, Inc. Through their efforts and resulting vision, we not only moved to a more stable structure that strengthened us to weather the weak economic climate since 2007, but instituted best practices and a willingness to take calculated risks that had us expand our Adult Day Services to Kenosha County, develop and expand our autism services to meet the autism epidemic in our community and built a culture of change that set the stage for our second merger with Waukesha Training Center in 2010. This Board believed in our mission and the need for its support by implementing our Walk With Me, which has generated over $350,000. They expanded our board giving, and set an example of generosity for others to follow by becoming President’s Council members.

November 8th will be a Hall of Fame event with Jason and our Lily Society honorees. As a supporter and friend of Easter Seals, you too are part of the life changing work that happens throughout Southeast Wisconsin. A young child takes his first steps. A grade-school child meets friends and works on her homework at our after-school program. A young adult earns his first paycheck. Impact at the individual level changes lives, changes families and changes our community.

Thank you for being part of it.

Bob GlowackiCEO, Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin

Jeff Blakely, CVS Pharmacy

John Bosbous, Retired, Caterpillar Global Mining

Nancy Creuziger, Manpower

Ina Fischer, Parent Representative

David Glazer, David Glazer Real Estate, LLC

Melissa Koeppel, Grant Thornton

Karen Ordinans, Children’s Health Alliance of WI

Pete Papageorge, Century Services

President Roger Schaus Jr., Generac

Vice President Greg Schoepke, Custom Production Grinding, Inc.

Secretary Beth Schimel Novo Nordisk

Treasurer Frank Windt Schenck Business Solutions

Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin Board of Directors

James J. T. Pittelkow, Pittelkow & Associates Financial ServicesMitchell Quick, Michael, Best & Friedrich LLP Bob Ranus, Retired Roundy’s Linda Ryan, RE/MAX Realty 100Fernando Serpa, Johnson Controls

George Thompson, Retired Briggs & StrattonDale Van Dam, M3 Insurance David Wiedholz Sam’s ClubBob Artin Haig, Honorary Board Member

Page 3: Easter Seals Newsletter September 2012

As a friend of Easter Seals, please consider making a gift to support our mission. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of people like

Erin, Sara, Candy and Kevin. Your thoughtfulness will help us change lives, change families, and change our community.

Thursday, November 8Crowne Plaza Milwaukee - West

10499 Innovation DriveWauwatosa, WI

Reserve your seat or corporate table today atwww.eastersealswise.com

or contact Chris Cornolo at 414-604-5080

11:00am Networking 12:00pm Lunch and Program

Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin


featuring keynote speakerJason Saul

presented by media sponsor

Speaking on his book The End of Fundraising: How to Raise More by Selling Your Impact. Jason Saul is one of the nation’s leading experts on measuring social impact. Attend this thought provoking event and learn more about how your non-profit or corporation can make a larger impact in your community through social strategy, measurement and social change.

Serving Those That Serve

We would like to thank

Unfortunately, they were not recognized in our last newsletter, but we are very thankful for the amazing photos they took of the walk that captured so many great memories.

For their contributions to Walk With ME.

Pictured left to Right: Don Schoenhaar of the Knights of Columbus Pewaukee Council and Susan Russell,

Easter Seals Vice President Community Engagement

Knights of ColumbusMilwaukee and Waukesha County Knights of

Columbus councils have provided years of support to the Easter Seals mission.

They recently presented donations from their Tootsie Roll proceeds to our Waukesha Adult Day

and Workforce Training Center.

Thank you to all the Knights of Columbus councils who support us annually.

See how your investment in 2011 has impacted those that we serve.

Our Annual Report is online at:


Page 4: Easter Seals Newsletter September 2012

Serving Those That Serve


Thank you to our sponsors:


Page 5: Easter Seals Newsletter September 2012

Connecting People to Employment

Sara was one of this year’s 2012 Walk With Me Ambassadors. She was nominated for that honor by staff who admired the determination and enthusiasm she put toward all of her work at the Workforce Training Center. Those traits are now key strengths as she prepairs for a job.

Sara is one of 12 trainees participating in a new Easter Seals program that connects adults with disabilities to jobs. Career Connect is a collaboration with Community Care that provides classroom instruction, career exploration and hands-on training at outside businesses, to prepare participants for jobs in the community.

The program includes classroom instruction where the participants build on general employment skills like resume writing, communication, professionalism, problem solving, and other soft skills needed for a job. In early September, Sara was ready to move on to the next step of the program that consists of hand-on training. She had an interest in working in a book store, so staff worked to find her an internship opportunity that played to her interest and customer service oriented attributes.

She is currently serving a six-week internship with the Waukesha County Technical College Bookstore. With support of a job coach, her supervisor, and

staff at the bookstore, she is learning how to organize text books, and stock merchandise sold in the store. She is also responsible for tagging and pricing new merchandise and helping maintain the cleanliness of the store.

Sara is proud of the difference she is making and the new things she is learning. “I like organizing books because it makes it easier to know where they are and it is helpful to people who come in. I like my teachers, new friends at the store and learning how to take the bus to and from home.”

Sara’s mom, Laura, has seen personal growth in Sara since starting this program. “Sara is an eager learner so a program like this is so good for her. She loves to be out in the community and blossoms in a learning environment. The new skills she is learning are building confidence, pride and ownership in everything she is doing.”

Sara loves being part of the team in the classroom and at work. When asked what advice she would give the next group of Career Connect participants she has an enthusiastic response. “The instructors have good advice and when they say have a good attitude at work, I say have a great attitude!”

It’s that great attitude and determination that makes Sara a great ambassador for Easter Seals and a future employer. Good Luck, Sara!

“All I’ve ever wanted for Sara is to be independent. I am so grateful to Easter Seals and Community Care for starting a training program that is helping Sara to be more independent and thrive,” said Laura, Sara’s Mom.

Visit our website at www.eastersealswise.com and follow Sara and her fellow interns as they are connected to new job opportunities through Easter Seals and Career Connect

To learn more about this program, contact Beth Lohmann at 262-953-2208.

Page 6: Easter Seals Newsletter September 2012

Page HeadingCaregiving

Candy has attended our Kenosha Adult Day Program since 2009. After several unsuccessful attempts at finding a program for her that would meet her needs and interests, her mom, Peggy, had resigned herself to the idea that Candy would just have to stay at home with her during the day. This became increasingly difficult for both Peggy and Candy over the years.

Peggy ran a business from her home and the distractions and noise made Candy irritable and restless and put added strain on her mom. When Easter Seals opened our program in Kenosha, Peggy decided to give it a try by enrolling her for some half day activities. Easter Seals staff soon learned what Candy liked like to do and took the opportunity to channel her interests into learning opportunities and to expand her activities. Hesitant at first to use the walking track at the Y, holding on to staff, Candy soon mastered walking a mile by herself.

She loved learning how to help prepare lunch and now enthusiastically helps her mom set the table for meals, things Peggy never thought possible. Peggy has also benefitted from the respite that the program provides. “It gives me peace of mind and quality time to focus on myself and my business.”

Kevin is a 14 year old boy with autism who has been attending the Waukesha After School program for over four years. As with many individuals with autism, Kevin likes a lot of structure in his life and he becomes upset when his routine is changed. When he first started the program he was not interested in engaging in activities with the other students and preferred sitting by himself or playing alone.

Over the years, Kevin and the staff have taken small steps in making transitions easier for him. He now participates in the after school activities with others. Kevin enjoys going on walks, activities on the computer and working on arts and crafts projects. A new highlight of his day is choosing that day’s snack and assisting in the preparation. A current goal for Kevin is minimizing his hesitance around animals so he can participate in an animal therapy program.

“As his parents, we are comforted to know that while we are at work, he has a safe and nurturing place to go, where people always accept him for who he is and work hard to help him develop his full potential. He receive s individualized attention when needed. Thanks to Easter Seals, Kevin has developed more social skills and independence than he would have otherwise. Perhaps most importantly, he is happy to be there! The caring staff members have been wonderful to our whole family. In fact, we have even had some of them come to our home to provide respite care, which has been another great benefit. Kevin has made a lot of progress with the help of Easter Seals and we are very grateful!”



Most Americans will be informal caregivers at some point during their lives. Each year, there are more than 45 million Americans, or 21 percent of the adult population, who provide unpaid care to an older adult or person with a disability 18 years or older. Respite improves the quality of life for the participant and the caregiver. See how our Easter Seals respite programs have impacted families when they need a short break or need to finish out their day of work, without worrying if their loved one is in a safe and nurturing environment.

Page 7: Easter Seals Newsletter September 2012

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For a year, WISCO Hotels has been partnering with Easter Seals on a variety of levels such as hosting an inclusive fall event for children with disabilities, supporting our autism awareness campaign and working with our contract services at the Workforce Center. One of their needs consisted of streamlining a laborious assembly of an amenity item for hotel guests, special groups, and other preferred customers, that includes a private labeled bottle of water and a snack in a hotel logoed bag. Guests are the hotels highest priority, and the daily job of assembling bags was taking time away from their staff’s ability to serve their guests. They were purchasing water, snacks and bags from three different sources, then needed to label the bags, assemble the items and add a decorative ribbon. Finding order and assembly time, guaranteeing the consistency of the packaging and maintaining an adequate supply at all times became hard to manage.

Megan Wurz, WISCO Hotel’s Regional Sale Manager, became aware of Easter Seals private label water program when looking for a supplier. While exploring that option she toured our Workforce Center and saw the opportunity to let our workforce make her workforce more productive.

“Easter Seals is experienced, knowledgeable and cost-effective. They have helped us to better serve our guests and by using their services, I know we are giving to a good organization that is helping individuals with disabilities get training and jobs.”

Easter Seals now handles this project in its entirety for WISCO’s Holiday Express Inn, Comfort Suites, Fairfield Inn and Candlewood Suites hotels, from private label bottled water and bags and in- house printing to assembling and shipping the bags. “Working with Easter Seals has been so easy. My staff places an order of about 400 bags every six weeks. Our products are delivered and we just have to pay one easy bill. We no longer need to take time away from our guest services to purchase items, bag them, cut ribbon, and make sure labels are straight. By streamlining this process and ordering through Easter Seals, I know the finished products are consistent, assembled well and ready to go…allowing my Guest Services Agents to focus on our guests,” said Theresa D’Amato, General Manager of Comfort Suites.

Easter Seals Workforce, Your Connection to Business Solutions

Your support of our private label water promotes training opportunities and work experiences for individuals with disabilities.

Showcase your company or event with private labeled water

• Corporate Event • Sporting Event • Fundraiser• Charity Event

• Wedding• Family Reunions• Special Anniversary

Place your order today for your upcoming:

NO. of Cases BottlesPer Case

Ounces of Bottles

Total Bottles



Total Price

1 (or fewer) 24 16.9 24 $.75 $18. $18.

*Prices do not include taxes, delivery or a one time artwork set-up fee

To place an order, contact:Pat Metzker262.953.2210 direct414.550.1278 cellEaster Seals Southeast WisconsinEmail: [email protected]

for 10 or more cases please call for special pricing!


Visit one of their airport locationss

If you have a business need, Easter Seals Workforce can be your resource. Contact Pat Metzker at 414-550-1278.


Page 8: Easter Seals Newsletter September 2012

Supporting People with DisabilitiesSince 1934

1016 Milwaukee Ave. South Milwaukee, WI 53172 414.571.5566 phone 414.571.9212 tty


Live United!Last year Easter Seals received over

$163,000 in funding through the United Way of Waukesha County

to help support our Workforce Training Center, after school and

summer respite programs.

When giving at the office this fall, support Easter Seals

Southeast Wisconsin.

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Easter Seals Southeast Wisconsin1016 Milwaukee AvenueSouth Milwaukee, WI 53172


Join our conversation Easter Seals Southeast


Follow the leader ESSoutheast WI

HIRE MEJob Wanted for Craig

Experiences and Qualities:• Preparing envelopes for mailings•Sweeping, mopping, vacuuming• Personable and hardworking• Excellent quality of work• Reliable• Quick Learner

Desires:• Entry level clerical work• Office Cleaning• Tasks could include stuffing envelopes, labeling, working with papers, data entry• 15-20 hours per week• Waukesha area

If you know a business that would benefit Craig call:
