Easter in Poland

Easter in Podkarpaci e Region

Transcript of Easter in Poland

Easter in Podkarpacie


Easter rituals abond in beliefs and practice related with the awakening of spring and the nature returning to life. There are symbols of life like: water, eggs, palms. Water in folk tradition was the essence of life, because without it nothing would grow. It is claimed that the water was protected by water demons and that is why people were not allowed to bathe during the period of plant growth because they could be drowned by the demon. Eggs are also a symbol of life, and people believe that high life force can be gained especially by having willow twings, which blossom during the spring.

In the duration of Palm Sunday we meet in church to celebrate Christ’s journey to Jerusalem by means of blessing palm. The primary element of palm was a cane. One of the superstitions of this day was that if you ate the grounded willow twigs; you would survive a throat disease.

In Beskind Niski people always add grounded twigs of yew-tree, limb-tree, bladdernut-tree and juniper-tree. The yew-tree has to scare ghosts away from the horses, whereas limba-tree; from cows. From the bladdernut-tree people smade prayer necklaces. The blessed palms were left far from home because the family was afraid of the “cloud of flies”. Palm was often used to protect animals from evil magic.

Judasz In Pruchnik people celebrate the Holy Thursday by revenge on the

Judas for his batrayal. For first we prepare an effigy which is then hanged on a tree, located in a market-place. The following day, Judas puppet is on trial for his misdeed. He is punished by whipping and after that Judas has a walk of shame to the closest pond where he is burnt and his remains are scattered in the water

Great Friday was an all souls day and that is why people’s behaviour was similar to what it would be during grief, they stopped clocks, they weren’t allowed to do any work and activities which could scare souls of death people. It wasn’t allowed to sow grain because Jesus Christ could bury it. Around Krosno allowed to sow trees and cabbage.

On Saturday except food, was blessed two basic elemts this world - water and fire. After backing to home, people drink water, throwing to it coals which ca e from blessed fire. Connection these two contradictory force have to gave a human health. Blessed water was poured to well and “renewed”. Sign of the cross drawed on the door by water. By this, appointed safe space again

„Święconki” People believe that whatever the basket contains; will always be

available therefore it is important to place all of the products in the basket for example: bread, eggs - a symbol of new life, meat - representing wealth, butter and cheese. People blessed horseradish with vinegar; salt which was used as a spell against evil forces. Some people also placed a potato and a bone inside the basket. After blessing, the potato was then planted and bone had to protect the grain from rodents.

„Rezurekcja” Resurrection of Jesus is a time when you'll hear church bells and

firecrackers etc. This tradition is known and celebrated by people. After breakfast you were not allowed to sleep because it was believed that the hay in the flex and potatoes along with other vegetables will not grow. Always after that a farmer - householder went to sow the field with some food from breakfast which one ate during break. This is a custom to have good harvest next year.

„Lany Poniedziałek” Easter Monday is a day when you gain harvest, pregnancy and

purfication by flooding water. Old traditions used in Lasowiak -nations included "walking with Cierpiszek". Cierpiszek was an altar made with paper bags which protrude a small cross decorated with flowers and greens. Little kids always walked with a "Cierpiszek" and repeated: "they murder, they tormented the God, they hang him on the cross, he revived after three days". Similar rhyme was always said by kids which walked with a "Kurek

The most vital Easter habit formed by the new parish is a grave guard. It is a characteristic element of festival on Subcarpathia - they protect symbolic grave of Christ from Great Friday to Great Sunday. Branches are formed on a military model known as Turks. There are different names like guards, peasant soldier or Kościuszko army. Their costumes are colorful around Radomysl where the clothes of Turks were established. Their origin is connected with Vienna relief. In the area of Przeworsk Turks’ costumes are similar to Kościuszko’s uniform from Uprising and Duchy of Warsaw - it is in a village - Grodzisko Dolne which also contains a monument of a Turk.

In Wielopole Skrzyńskie walking with drums before resurrection is practiced . This custom dates back to Jan III Sobieski who came back from Vienna and stayed here, giving residents the turkish drum. Every year, at night from a Great Saturday to Easter Sunday, a drummer drums and wakes up sleeping people on resurrection.

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