Easter Coloring Book: with Scenes from Jesus' Earthly Life

For more ready‐to‐print FHE lessons, see http://thegoldenseven.blogspot.com . Easter Coloring Book with scenes from Jesus’ life on earth


A printable Easter coloring book featuring scenes of Jesus Christ's life on earth. The story of Easter is told simply at a young child's level, with a coloring page to accompany the text.

Transcript of Easter Coloring Book: with Scenes from Jesus' Earthly Life

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Easter Coloring Book

with scenes from Jesus’ life on earth

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When Jesus Christ was born, His parents loved Him very much. They took good care

of Him and taught Him about His Heavenly Father and about doing what is right.

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When Jesus was a little child like me, He listened to His mommy and daddy and did what

was right. He even taught adults, some wonderful things about Heavenly Father’s

gospel, even though He was just a young boy.

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When Jesus Christ was grown up, He was baptized by John the Baptist. Although He

was perfect and had not sinned, He showed us the right thing to do when He was


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Jesus went around to the people of Jerusalem and performed many wonderful

miracles. He healed the sick and the blind…

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…and even calmed the storm. He performed all these miracles in God’s name and

through His holy priesthood.

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He taught the people about love, faith, repentance, forgiveness, and prayer. He also

taught us that we should have faith like that of a little child. Jesus always made time to

bless and talk with the children.

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Even though Jesus was the only perfect person who ever lived and spent His whole life

teaching and showing love to others, some people did not believe Him and wanted to

hurt Him.

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Shortly before He died, Jesus went back to Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The people

who believed and loved Him were happy to see Him and welcomed Him by lining the

streets to show their support.

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Jesus knew that in order to fulfill His earthly mission that He would soon suffer and

die, so that all of us could be forgiven of our sins, and one day return to live with God

again. Although He knew that this is what He would do, He was sad and maybe a little

frightened about the pain that He would endure. One night, shortly before He would

die, He went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray to our Heavenly Father. He said

that He was willing to do whatever Father in Heaven asked Him. It was there in the

Garden that He suffered for our sins and felt pain so great that He had blood coming

out of His skin. The act of Christ suffering for our sins is known as the Atonement.

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Following the Atonement, Jesus was arrested, tried unjustly, and crucified. After

hanging on the cross for six hours, he said, “It is finished: and he bowed his head, and

gave up the ghost [died]”.

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Jesus was buried in a tomb and the people that loved Him were very sad.

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Three days after Jesus died, He rose from the dead and visited His apostles and loved


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After Jesus visited the people in Jerusalem, He appeared to the people in America. We

can read about His visit to America in the Book of Mormon.

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Even though it has been many years since Jesus lived on the earth and died for us, His

love for us is real. We make a covenant to remember Him and His sacrifice each time we

take the sacrament.

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When we celebrate Easter each year, the eggs and bunnies remind us of the new life

that was promised to us when Jesus died for us on the cross.