Easter 2016 at Malmesbury Abbey

E ASTER AT MALMESBURY ABBEY Jazz, Comedy, Silent Film, Theatre, Café , Choral, Art Exhibition, Classical, Prayer, BBC Wiltshire - March 14 th -27 th 2016


A guide to Creative and Performing Arts during Holy Week and Easter

Transcript of Easter 2016 at Malmesbury Abbey

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Jazz, Comedy, Silent Film, Theatre, Café , Choral, Art Exhibition, Classical, Prayer, BBC Wiltshire - March 14th-27th 2016

Page 2: Easter 2016 at Malmesbury Abbey


‘’What’s it going to be next, vicar? You’ve put a skate park in the Abbey, how are you going to top that?’ I actually get asked that question quite a lot. And now that Gloucester Cathedral is shamelessly copying Malmesbury and popping a skate park in their tiny Cathedral perhaps we do have to up our game a bit here. A Christmas Ice Rink? A Monster-Truck Derby? An Infinity Pool on the roof? All well worth serious consideration, but until we make up our mind, I bring you Nachos. More specifically Baharat Beef (or Soy) Chilli Nachos with a Cumin Hummus. This radical departure from our normal monastic fare will be on the menu at the Abbey this Easter for both our comedy and jazz nights, March 18th & 19th. The Abbey Kitchen, in sombreros. As in previous years Easter at Malmesbury Abbey brings you a wide range of cultural events to engage with. Some are a bit unusual, such as the slightly spooky silent cinema & organ improvisation from Anthony Hammond or an evening with South African comedian Mark Palmer.


Abbey Vicar, Neill Archer, introduces Holy Week & Easter 2016 at Malmesbury Abbey


Some bring the creative arts to our community, such as The Stations of the Cross exhibition from Malmesbury School. Some allow us to see mind-blowing beauty in performance close up, such as the Royal Academy of Music playing Bach & Arvo Pärt and Malmesbury Abbey Choir singing Victoria & Handel. Some are a bit of a party, such as the totally amazing Ben Holder Quartet, joined by Rosie Archer for a few Jazz Classics, plus the aforementioned Nachos. And some of course are unreservedly spiritual, such as BBC Wiltshire’s Easter at the Abbey or our own Easter Day services. And the point is this. You are welcome, always, through the doors of Malmesbury Abbey. We hope that something in our programme this Easter is your sort of thing. We would love to see you. Advance tickets from the Abbey Bookshop Reservations on 01666 826666/824349 or [email protected]


Page 3: Easter 2016 at Malmesbury Abbey

The Labyrinth is a quiet, reflective, medieval Christian practice that allows you to make a spiritual journey whilst remaining in one location. The Abbey’s Garden Labyrinth is a circular, tree-lined, journey leading from the Garden of Eden, to the Garden of Gethsemane and ultimately to the Tree of Life. Allow an hour to encounter ancient texts, prayers and spiritual disciplines, and come in the evening (Mon-Wed) if you can for the Labyrinth by candlelight. N.B. There is also a route around the Labyrinth for young people and children. When the Abbey is open, the Labyrinth is open. Admission Free


Monday 14th to Thursday 17th March

Exploring Prayer


Malmesbury School Art


Beginning Saturday March 19th at 10am

Each year, Malmesbury School’s outstanding AS-level art and photography students produce a body of work depicting Christ’s final few hours before his crucifixion – traditionally known as the Stations of the Cross. Feel free to come in at any time when the Abbey is open between March 19th and April 3rd to view the work, situated in the South Aisle, or join the artists themselves at 10am on March 19th to explore their work with them. Admission Free


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A great Friday night at the Abbey with South African comedian Mark Palmer. For 12 years Mark built up a reputation as one of South Africa’s most in demand comedians for three main reasons, being ‘Clean, classy and clever’ (Cape Argus). Working with such notable companies as the Protea Hotel Group, Ford, iTouchSA and many more, year after year, Mark took a different solo show to Grahamstown National Arts Festival (their version of Edinburgh) with critical acclaim. Jerry Seinfeld-like, Mark's ability to blend a topic with one of today's funniest comedy routines is unparalleled. Supported by the sublime voice of Grace Archer, with a laid-back acoustic set. Tickets £5, £3 Students £12.50 with Mexican food & a drink

Friday 18th March at 7.30pm

Comedy & Nachos


Saturday 19th March at 7.30pm

Spectacular, energetic jazz from Ben Holder, one of the most gifted and exciting young jazz violinists in the UK. Taught classically from the age of six, he studied at the Birmingham Conservatoire. Influenced by Benny Goodman, Oscar Peterson and of course the great jazz violinists including Grappelli, Joe Venuti and Stuff Smith, his many awards, including Young Jazz Musician of the Year, are testimony to his incredible talent and flair. He is truly a sight not to be missed. Accompanied by three amazing musicians, Jez Cook on Guitar, Paul Jefferies on Double Bass and Malcolm Garrett on Drums, with a guest appearance from Malmesbury’s own music theatre wonder, Rosie Archer. Tickets £5, £3 Students £12.50 with Mexican food & a drink


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International organist Anthony Hammond is back again, after the staggering success of The Phantom of the Opera and The Hunchback of Notre Dame in previous years, to improvise in a darkened Abbey and bring the silent classic Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde to spine-tingling life. After a short introduction the film will start just after sunset. Not suitable for children. Admission £5, Students £3 Licensed Bar

Monday 21st March at 7.30pm

Anthony Hammond (Organ)


Christ hangs from the cross, surrounded by a jeering crowd, laughing at his claim to be the Son of God. A small group of family and friends stands by until the agony ends. But the great friend who, more than any other has stood by Jesus throughout the story, is conspicuous by his absence. One man is missing – one who knows the truth. Professional theatre from Riding Lights Theatre Company that draws us into the dramatic events of Christ’s Passion and into the experience of Peter, the Rock, a shattered man, who failed, despite everything he believed so passionately….. Admission £10 Students/Under-18 £5

Tuesday 22nd March at 7.30pm


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Last year’s performance of Messiaen, Poulenc and Bach from musicians studying at the Royal Academy of Music, London was both artistically breath-taking and spiritually profound. Malmesbury Abbey is delighted to be working with the Royal Academy again this year, as a string quartet of the nation’s most outstanding young musicians brings a programme including music by JS Bach, Arvo Pärt’s Summa, James MacMillan’s Memento and John Taverner’s Hidden Treasure. Arrive early; don’t expect to breathe. Admission £5, Students £3

Wednesday 23rd March at 7.30pm

Fitzroy String Quartet


Malmesbury Abbey Choir


The Abbey’s Good Friday devotional concert this year features the music of the great 16th Century Spanish polyphonist, Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611). Two of his most beautiful motets and his Missa Pro Defunctis are heard alongside Handel’s breath-taking The Ways of Zion do Mourn and the sparse beauty of Parce mihi Domine by Cristóbal de Morales. A time of beauty, stillness and reflection, with readings from the gospel according to St Luke. Night Prayer (Compline) follows at 8pm. Admission Free

Good Friday at 6.30pm

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‘Alleluia. Christ is Risen!’ ‘He is risen indeed. Alleluia!’ Malmesbury Abbey’s annual partnership with BBC Wiltshire allows this ancient Easter Acclamation to resound in thousands of homes right across the county. Join us, and be part of the ‘studio audience’, as BBC Wiltshire presenters read passages from Luke’s gospel, and our hymns and anthems retell the great Easter story; from the Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday, to the sorrow of the Cross, to the celebration on that first Easter morn. Please be in your seats by 6.30pm. Red light on at 7pm. Admission £2.50, under 18s free There will be a retiring collection for Youth Action Wiltshire

Saturday 26th March at 7pm

BBC Wiltshire

EASTER AT THE ABBEY Malmesbury Abbey


9am, 10.30am, 4pm & 6.30pm

Each year, on Easter Day, 2 billion Christians globally celebrate a history- changing event at dawn nearly 2000 years ago; the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a joyous moment at the very heart of the Christian faith and the culmination of the more sombre reflections of Holy Week, which follow Christ’s journey to the Cross. There are four services at the Abbey this year. At 9am a Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer (1662). At 10.30am the Malmesbury Abbey Choir lead us in the great Easter hymns at Holy Communion. A more informal Family Celebration at 4pm is then followed by Choral Evensong at 6.30pm. All are very welcome.


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HOLY WEEK & E ASTER AT T HE ABBEY 2 016 EVERY DAY 9am Morning Prayer in St Aldhelm’s Chapel Mon 14th March 12pm The Garden Labyrinth opens Wed 16th March 9pm Late Night Glory! Praise & Prayer until 10pm Thurs 17th March 4pm The Garden Labyrinth closes Fri 18th March 7.30pm Mark Palmer Comedy with Grace Archer (voice) & Mexican Café Sat 19th March 10am Meet the Artists (Stations of the Cross) 7.30pm The Ben Holder Quartet with Rosie Archer (voice) & Mexican Café Sun 20th March PALM SUNDAY 9am Holy Communion 10.30am Outdoor Holy Communion 4pm Café Church & Junior Church Mon 21st March 7.30pm Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde, with Anthony Hammond (Organ) Tues 22nd March 7.30pm Riding Lights Theatre Company - CROSSLIGHT Wed 23rd March 7.30pm The Royal Academy of Music Maundy Thurs 9am Morning Prayer 7.30pm Sung Eucharist, with music by Victoria & Morales Fri 25th March GOOD FRIDAY 9am Morning Prayer in St Aldhelm’s Chapel 10.30am Service of the Cross - for all ages 12 pm Churches Together March of Witness 6.30pm Devotional Concert – Tomas Luis de Victoria & Handel 8pm Service of the Tomb – Night Prayer Sat 26th March 7pm BBC Wiltshire’s Easter at the Abbey Sun 27th March EASTER DAY 9am BCP Holy Communion (Said) 10.30m Easter Holy Communion (Choral) 4pm Family Celebration (Contemporary) 6.30pm Easter Choral Evensong

Enquiries 01666 826666 // Box Office 01666 824339 [email protected] www.malmesburyabbey.com issuu.com/malmesburyabbey