EAST SENIOR EAST SENIOR TROJAN TIMES Issue # East Senior East Senior Trojan Times What is perspective? Perspective is the depth relation of objects in a photo and how they compare to one another. Perspective depicts the size of objects and puts the observer of the photo right where the photo was taken. Perspective at East. Most of us at East will spend our four years at this building looking at it the same way. We see it the same way every day whether it’s when we’re getting on and off the bus or playing outside in gym. Not many of us have really positioned ourselves at this building to enable us to see it in a different way.



    East Senior

    East Senior Trojan Times

    What is perspective?

    Perspective is the depth relation of objects in a photo and how they compare to one another. Perspective depicts the size of objects and puts the

    observer of the photo right where the photo was taken.

    Perspective at East.

    Most of us at East will spend our four years at this building looking at

    it the same way. We see it the same way every day whether it’s when we’re

    getting on and off the bus or playing outside in gym. Not many of us have

    really positioned ourselves at this building to enable us to see it in a different




    SECTION ...................................................................................................................................... PAGE NUMBER

    LIFE HACKS AND ADVICE .......................................................................................................... 3 -5

    SHORT STORIES ........................................................................................................................ 6-7

    CURRENT EVENTS………………………………………………………………………………………. 8-14

    SCHOOL EVENTS…………………………………………………………………………………………15-16

    SCHOOL SPORTS…………………………………………………………………………………………17-20

    WORLD SPORTS…………………………………………………………………………………………..21-24


    Advisor: Mrs. Scitchfield

    Editor In Chief: Amilleah Rodriguez

    Editor: Sarah Maszczak


    Advice for Freshman By Madison Fix

    I went around and asked some of my freshman friends if

    they had any worries or questions about High school. I

    definitely got a lot of good questions that I feel like almost

    every freshman has.

    ● I’m really worried that I won’t pass my classes. All

    you have to do is to pay attention during class and get

    your work in on time. If you are confused on any topics

    you talked about in class, you can stay after and get some

    extra one on one time with the teacher. There a lot of

    resources to help you succeed in school. You just have to

    remember to use them.

    ● I’m scared that I won’t make any new friends in High


    You have to remember that everyone is just as worried

    about making new friends as you are. Don’t worry. You will

    make friends and you will start to see familiar faces in

    some of your classes. You will be put in groups and be

    forced to talk to new people which sparks conversations

    which will lead to a new friend. Just don’t be afraid to step

    outside of your comfort zone and make the effort to talk

    to someone new.

    ● I have no friends in any of my lunches. Where/ who

    do I sit with?

    Lunch can be very intimidating for a freshman but I would

    try to make a friend in class and ask if you can sit with

    them or if you are too nervous to do that, try to look for

    an open table and sit there. Another option is you can get

    a pass from the library and you can sit in there during

    lunch. Once you get the in the routine of everything, lunch

    won’t be so intimidating anymore.

    ● I’m worried that I won’t fit in, in High school.

    I wouldn't stress too much on fitting in. It all takes time. I

    would focus on finding a good group of friends. At the

    end of the day, it’s better to have a good close group of

    friends than worrying about what people will think if don’t

    talk to the popular kids. Just have fun and be yourself.

    Don’t worry about fitting in. You will find your place.

    These were the most asked questions that I received from

    freshmen. I hoped this helped someone out there who has

    these same worries and I hope this took some stress off of

    your shoulders.


    High School Advice

    By Brittany Wojdyla

    In high school, you will find that the people you go into high

    school being friends aren’t always the people that you’re going

    to go out into the real world with. High school is a time where

    everyone finds their true inner self and who they aspire to be;

    this may be easy for some and harder for others. Throughout

    this time, it’s also difficult to try and balance school, sports, work

    and family and friends. Although everyone hopes that they keep

    the same friend groups and interests, mostly everyone will have

    changes. Despite the changes, you are still yourself and you have

    to be the best possible person you’re capable of. If changes

    occur, take them for what they are because everything happens

    for a reason. There’s always a plan, whether you believe so or

    not. In the end, everything will come together and you’ll be

    happy that you had the experiences you did. So go out and do

    everything you want to, and explore and accept the changes that

    you’ll be faced with. Most of all, enjoy high school because

    before you know it, it will all be over.



    How bad is High School?

    By Evan Czamara

    We have all asked that one question

    to someone we know who has been

    through high school or currently in

    high school or maybe even been the

    one asked. Is high school as bad as

    everyone makes it seem? The blunt

    answer would be yes and no. You

    yourself decide how your high school

    experience goes. No, there is no 4th

    floor and yes, some teachers may be

    harsh but that’s all because they want

    to better you and see you succeed.

    Ultimately, you decide your fate.

    High school is not as bad as everyone

    makes it seem if you go in with a

    positive mindset, respect the teachers

    and surround yourself with good

    people, high school will not end up

    like everyone makes it out to be.

    Some things people say of course

    may be true. Some teachers are

    stricter but they are still all here to do

    a job and that is to educate us one

    way or another and we should be

    thankful for that and show them the

    respect they deserve. The challenging

    parts in school are meant to be

    difficult to challenge yourself and

    grow even more and better your

    education and knowledge. This can

    help you along the way throughout

    life but it also shows you what it is

    like to overcome these challenges and

    the feeling of relief and

    success once you do so. It

    seems as though some of us

    may hate math but you use

    math every day. You may

    not walk into a store and

    break out a notepad and

    start writing all your

    formulas to figure out a sale

    price, but you use your

    knowledge and figure where

    the better deals are with

    basic math. You are

    challenged everyday one way or

    another whether you notice it or not.

    However, high school is only as

    difficult as you allow it to be. With

    great focus and determination, you

    can and will succeed. My best advice

    would be stay focused and

    determined, surround yourself with

    positive people, and lastly don’t be

    afraid to challenge yourself and step

    out of your comfort zone. You never

    know what you are capable of unless

    you try.

    Life Hacks and Advice By: Alaina Lanthier

    Remember you’ll always regret what you didn’t do rather than what you did.

    Try not to take anything personally. No one thinks about you as much as you do.

    Just do it.


    Before you complain about anything, be thankful for your life and the things that are still going


    There is a fine line between stubbornness and stupidity as well as intensity and insanity.

    If you have a few months to live, what will you do?

    Listen to the lyrics in songs.

    Make a password into a goal of yours so you constantly have to be reminded of it.

    When you’re studying/learning something new, teach a friend about it. If you’re able to teach

    something well you understand it.

    The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.

    Do what you feel is right, you’ll be criticized anyway.

    In 10 years you probably won’t even remember this.

    Think before you speak, read before you think.


    LIFE HACKS Author: Taylor Slimak

    1. You will first need to take your sharpie marker and draw two holes on

    one side of each cup, measure the size of the circle to the size of your

    paper towel roll or your toilet paper roll.

    2. After you have done that you will then take your pair of scissors and cut

    out the drawings of the holes and place your roll in the holes that you

    have cut out.

    3. Then you take your phone and cut the same shape of the bottom your

    phone into your roll.

    4. Then place your phone into the hole that you have just cut out of the

    paper towel roll or you toilet paper roll and pick a song to play in your

    new speakers.

    The story behind this is that back when I was in 7th grade, my siblings and I had this cool idea to try and make this homemade speaker and wanted to test it out. I think it would be helpful to kids/teens to make it using free things that are in their own home.

    LIFE HACK #1 Homemade speaker: What you need: one pair of scissors, two plastic cups, one paper towel roll or toilet paper roll and a sharpie marker. HOW TO MAKE IT:

    LIFE HACK #2 Whiten teeth: What you need: to get whiter teeth in just one week you will need baking soda, a toothbrush, a lemon, and ¼ cup of baking soda, HOW TO MAKE IT:

    1. You will need to squeeze the lemon juice into the baking soda and

    mix it together.

    2. The lemon juice and baking soda will start to bubble as you mix them


    3. Dip your toothbrush into the lemon juice and baking soda solution

    and apply it to your teeth and let it sit for about one minute.

    4. Then just brush your teeth as the acid could erode your teeth

    LIFE HACK #3: Makeup brush organizers: What you need: you will need to get 3 mason jars or more, any color glitter of your choice, clear glue, a paintbrush, and 3 bags of filler beads. HOW TO MAKE IT:

    1. You will need to take your mason jars and put a lite coat of glue

    on the inside of it and spread it all around the inside of the

    Mason jar with your paint brush.

    2. Then you will need to take any color glitter of your choice and

    put it all in the Mason jar and move it around so it’s sticking on in

    the inside and wait about 5 minutes till the glitter is all dry in the

    Mason jar.

    3. After that you are going to take your filler beads and fill the

    mason jars with them

    4. After you are done with that you just pick about 5 or 6 makeup

    brushes and put them in there half sticking out.


    Stay Woke

    By Noah Hoot

    I woke up in the morning not a care in sight

    It rained all day but hasn’t all night

    I think for a second why that may be

    This life is too short for just you and me

    You like the way life is and how it is built

    I like the deeper meaning not the thought of guilt

    You may say I am crazy because I am not sane

    Put yourself in my shoes and think my brain

    It is hard when no one has one clue

    Seeing me walk around looking all blue

    Man the voices in my head acting crazy

    Every time I lose a friend, I wanna say stay


    Now I struggle to be happy on the daily

    It seems like I am just another loser lately

    I’ve been dying, I’ve been messed up

    Spend days crying and getting messed up

    I’m not tryna get messed but

    No I won’t be messed up

    Nightmare in the Light of Reality

    By Kayla Harrington

    Breathe but air is too heavy

    Walk but marrow of my bones gives way

    Speak but the words won't flow

    My body won’t back down

    Left foot, right foot, left, right

    Noise distant and muffled

    I'm now the person who's looking on

    She’s running to something

    from something?

    Reality latches on

    Keep running


    Finally it catches her

    The rigid grip drains her

    Of her thought the color of her face

    Fighting to be seized for the harsh truth

    Yelling screaming

    This could only be one thing

    A dream

    Can I call it a dream?




    Back on Track By Nicholas Wozniak Everyone had given up on him after his big wreck last year. His mentor and crew chief were long gone, coaching the newest rookie for the next season. He missed the feel of the dirt on his feet before getting in his car and just driving around the track, but the track was now long gone since they league had decided to abandon any traces of the dirt tracks in the sport. He knew he had so much left to give them, but he knew they wouldn’t take him back since he was too much of a risk. He sighed to himself as he sat at the crossroads. He had a quarter of a tank of gas left, he was running low on money and food, and most importantly he hadn't stopped driving for over two days straight. He started out in Georgia and he just started driving west. He ended up in Texas at a set of crossroads. He contemplated to turn back and go back to the gas station that was fifteen miles back, or to keep going and hope that he did not run out of gas before he reached the next gas station. He decided to turn around at Got Gas, and ended up at the crossroads again and noticed an abandoned dirt track in the distance, which was roughly a mile away from where he was currently. He drove to the abandoned track, which he had raced on before during his career, and stopped when he got there. He slowly got out of

    his car and walked up to the gate.

    He ended up hopping the fence to get inside the dirt track laughing as he climbed the fence. He hadn't felt this way since his big wreck that he had well over a year ago now. He missed racing in the dirt. He then saw set of bolt cutters and decided to cut the lock and turned on the floodlights to the track, and his rally car lights and got into his car and give it a lap for old time’s sake. He was smiling from ear to ear as he kept doing lap after lap. He drifted around the turns, handling them with such grace, it was almost like a dance.

    He missed the competition and racing against his friends, and even some enemies. He just missed the whole sport of racing in general. He shut off the engine on his car and opened the door, watching as the dust settled back into the ground. He knew he still had the groove to keep his racing career going and race on the new fancier asphalt tracks. He had to prove everyone wrong.

    He had the same car since he began racing 7 years ago. It was brand new, given to him by the company after he won his first race in some old beater car of the same brand a few weeks prior to his visit of his trip to the manufacturer's meeting board. He had to pay off the car with a cut of each race he won went to the manufacturer. The car had a silver glossy paint finish, all he

    had to do was modify it to his liking, as long as it was road and race legal. He thought about upgrading after his big wreck and everyone telling him to junk the car, but the car had too much history according to him. Sure these new guys had all these fancy cars that were faster and more aerodynamic, but the sport just wasn't the same to him, he had to get his heart back into it according to his ex-crew chief.

    He decided to turn around and go find someone who could train to get him back into the racing circuit and better than ever. He just started driving and kept going. Making many stops along the way until he ended up back where he started, Georgia. He found the racing board president who he talked into giving him one final chance, and if he won he could keep racing.

    He was the last of his friend group to be in with all of the next generation racers, and he was starting dead last. He was nervous, but ready. He was sizing out the crowd as the call for the racers to get in their cars, and do the warm up laps. About half an hour later the green flag dropped and he was off to racing again, his ex-racing friends, and his new girlfriend he met in Texas at the track cheering him on as the race began.


    Niger Ambush: By Madison Foltarz On October 4th of 2017, four U.S soldiers were killed and two others were wounded in a Niger Ambush. The 12 member team was on their way to meet the leaders while in unarmored trucks when the ambush happened. There were 50 ISIS fighters in Niger and nearly 10 Niger troops were also killed. No extremist group has taken responsibility for the attack, although it does appear to be the work of the Islamic State of the Sahel. The four American troops were David Johnson, 25, Bryan Black, 35, Jeremiah Johnson, 39, and Dustin Wright, 29. Their lives were taken so soon and they will be in our prayers and memories

    California Wildfires

    By Matthew Benaquist

    The death toll is expected to rise as the fires in California continue to burn through October. On October 12, 2017, the death toll was estimated to be 23, while another 285 people are still labeled as missing. Expected to worsen, California has evacuated over 20,000 residents. The largest fires were in Northern California Sonoma, Napa and Mendocino counties, filling the picturesque landscape of the state's wine country with charred rubble and clouds of smoke. Of the 23 people who have died since Sunday night, 13 were killed in the Tubbs wildfires in Sonoma County, officials say. People there need help and need it quick.

    North Korea: By: Ryan Graves North Korea was formed in 1945 at the end of WW2. Korea was occupied by Russia in the north and the US in the south. North Korea's capital is Pyongyang, and their current leader is Kim Jong Un. He was born on January 8, 1984. He claimed the name of Supreme Leader when his father Kim Jong Il died in 2011.

    As 2017 has progressed, many Americans have had their eyes on North Korea and were wondering what actions they could take against the US or other countries. What are the American people worried about with North Korea? North Korea started testing nuclear weapons in 2006 and has tested 6 since then. The 6th one was on September 3rd and they claimed that it was successful. The explosion created a magnitude-6.3 tremor. Also they launched 2 missiles over Japan, one on August 29 and one on September 15. This has made Japan and South Korea extremely nervous. In response, South Korea has started producing blackout bombs. The bombs will cut off communications and electricity in North Korea, leaving Kim powerless. This could prove very helpful in saving people's lives in North Korea, South Korea, Japan, and nearby countries. In the coming months, keep a close eye on the diplomatic relations we have with North Korea and stay informed so you can know what is going on.




    Las Vegas

    By Anthony Hapka

    Tragedy defined is an event causing great

    suffering, distress and destruction, such as a serious

    accident, crime or natural catastrophe. This is exactly

    what happened in Las Vegas, Nevada. Stephen Paddock,

    at the age of 64 years old, went to the 32nd floor of a

    casino and unleashed bullets on the outdoor country

    music festival killing 59 people and injuring 527 more. This

    is the biggest mass shooting in United States history.

    Trying to look into the motive of this mass

    shooting is difficult because Stephen Paddock killed

    himself and his motives are unclear. What we do know so

    far is that Stephen Paddock was very wealthy. This is very

    unusual for a mass murderer. Mr. Paddock reportedly

    spent upwards of $160,000 in the weeks before the

    massacre. He reportedly would spend from $10,000 to

    $30,000 a day in casinos all around Las Vegas. Watching

    an interview of his brother, he said that when helping

    Stephen move, he did not have all those guns. He said that

    when I helped my brother move, he had a couple of

    handguns in a safe. Las Vegas police say that all the guns

    found in the hotel room could've reportedly cost upwards

    of $100,000.

    Everything we know so far is that Mr. Paddock did

    a heinous act with no type of known motive killing

    countless Americans. Stephen Paddock reportedly flew

    planes regularly until he got bored of it, he was not able to

    fly legally though because he was not up to date on his

    medical certificate. This raises question due to the medical

    screening needed to go through to this certificate so as

    Mr. Paddock mentally ill or not? May the record show that

    Mr. Paddock worked for the government for a long time

    from 1978 to 1985. He worked several jobs including a mail

    man, an agent with internal revenue service, as well as

    worked for the defense contract Audit Agency.

    Stephen Paddock lived an unusual life for a rich

    man. He drove a minivan and dressed sloppy most of the

    time he did not have a Facebook or twitter account but

    spent the last 25 years of his life staring at video poker

    screens. Mr. Paddock was very antisocial. Mr. Paddock’s

    girlfriend stated to police officials that he seemed to be

    deteriorating mentally and physically. This could possibly

    be where his motive came from. The Las Vegas Police

    believe he may have had a secret life. Mr. Michel, a local

    gun dealer, stated that when Mr. Paddock explained that

    he just moved to the area and was looking to get back into

    his hobby of guns, Mr. Michel said in no way shape or form

    was Mr. Paddock a novice with guns.

    The reasoning behind the mass shooting

    in Las Vegas is still unclear and might be unclear for a long

    time but the murder of 58 people and hurting 527 more

    was an act of pure evil and the fact of nobody knowing his

    motives makes this massacre so much worse. We should

    all pray for the lives lost in Las Vegas and all the injured

    trying to protect others and pull others to safety. Those

    men and women are the true heroes and deserve some

    type of recognition like Jonathan Smith. He saved 30

    people before he was shot in the neck. Carley Krygier, a

    mother of one, got on top of her two year old daughter to

    shield her and protect her from the bullets and all of the

    people running away. These are the real heroes of the Las

    Vegas shooting they are the ones who stayed and helped

    and protected others while in a panic as well as countless

    others who stayed and helped others when they needed


    The Victims...

    By Anastasia Frank

    October 1, 2017 is now a day that will always be

    remembered in American history forever. On October

    first, around 10:00 pm a gunman opened fire on an

    innocent crowd of more than 22,000 people enjoying

    Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas Nevada. Fifty-nine

    lives were taken, and 527 victims of the shooting were

    injured. October 1, 2017 will always be a day to remember

    the lives taken, the victims injured, and all the heroes that


    stepped into action without a thought and protected and

    saved numerous lives.

    Around 10:00 pm, chaos broke out, and at the same time

    heroes acted in defending, saving, and protecting one

    From police personnel to civilians in the crowd, the actions

    of these brave heroes saved lives, protected the innocent

    and prevented further losses and injuries. As the chaos

    was occurring, numerous individuals put their lives on the

    line to defend, save and protect the community. Strangers

    were shielding one another with their bodies. Veterans in

    the crowd used their skills and instincts to protect the

    people around them by screaming and warning them stay

    low to the ground and seek cover immediately. Off duty

    medical personnel in the crowd worked together as a

    team to help the injured and save as many lives as they

    could. Civilians driving near the scene were picking up the

    injured victims and driving them to nearby ambulances

    and hospitals. Husbands were huddling over their wives to

    protect them with everything they could, and loved ones

    literally took bullets for their spouses. Groups of

    firefighters were taking care of the injured and the dead,

    and police units were coming together to locate the

    shooter and stop him before any more damage was done.

    So many heroic actions were taken on October first, and

    the heroes and victims will always be remembered and

    never forgotten.

    As gunfire started, and kept going, Sonny Melton saved

    his wife Heather Gulish Melton’s life by grabbing her and

    running for safety. Sonny Melton lost his life while

    shielding his wife with everything he possibly could. Sonny

    protected and saved his wife, and Sonny’s wife Heather

    acted as a hero right after he was shot. Heather ran to her

    husband and started CPR in the middle of all the chaos

    and danger around her. Heather was doing everything in

    her power to protect and save her husband just like he did

    for her. A couple of people who have never met Sonny or

    Heather picked Sonny up and carried him to a pickup truck

    along with two other injured victims they had helped and

    saved along the way. Heather and the people she just met

    put Sonny and the two other victims into the truck and

    rushed them to the closest hospital. The people who had

    helped Sonny and Heather continued CPR on Sonny until

    they reached the hospital. Heather doesn't know the

    names of the heroes who had helped her, but she will

    always remember the effort and help they gave to try and

    save her husband. Sonny Melton was a hero every day as

    an ER nurse, and he was a hero to his wife because he

    saved her life. Heather said, “He lived up to that high

    standard until the very bitter end.” Sonny Melton was a

    hero each and every day, and he will always be

    remembered as a true hero to his wife and family forever.

    On October 1, 2017 a devastating event took place.

    There were thousands of heroes all over Las Vegas, and

    each and every action taken by each hero made an

    impact. Along with every bad situation, some good comes

    out of it. People from all over the United States came

    together as a whole and truly showed great courage,

    bravery, and the true strength Las Vegas, and the United

    States has. The memories of all the outstanding heroes

    and victims of October 1, 2017 will always be brought to

    mind, and never forgotten.

    Las Vegas Shooting Submitted by: Cassandra Wahl Heroes risking their lives to save strangers. Blood donors waiting to help the wounded. This is happening on the Las Vegas strip late on a Sunday night where 59 country music fans were killed, and another 527 people are injured. As 22,000 people tried to flee the gunman, a 64 year old retired accountant with no history of violence holed up in a casino hotel room and fired off round after round. He was named Stephen Paddock. Police found an arsenal of 42 firearms, 23 weapons found in his room at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino and another 19 firearms found in his home in Mesquite, Nevada. Materials used to make explosives also found in his car. His brother stated this was completely out of his character. Told that he has acted alone, police are still trying to figure out the motive. When police first made contact with Paddock, he was alive. SWAT found his 2 room suite on the 32nd floor. Paddock started shooting at them through the door. They tore the door down and when they got inside, Paddock had already killed himself. Firearms are believed to have been purchased legally. A North Las Vegas gun store sold a shotgun and rifle to him in spring meeting all requirements for gun law regulations. The massacre started at 10:08 pm on Sunday to 1:08 am Monday at the Route 91 Harvest Country Festival. Singer Jason Aldean was performing at the outdoor festival as bullets began to rain on the 22,000 dancing


    people in the crowd. Confusion struck the crowd not knowing if it was the music, fireworks, or fake. People were covering but there was no cover and everyone was exposed. People couldn't tell if someone was laying down for cover or shot dead. Prayers to those still recovering from this horrific event.

    If Trump doesn’t want a nuclear war with North Korea, a ‘No First Use’ pledge might work better than threats By Max Krakowiak For a while now, President Donald Trump and North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un have been threatening each other with nuclear war. Nuclear War itself is a scary topic to talk about but once the President of the United States and the leader of North Korea start making threats and quotes like, “totally destroy” North Korea with “fire and fury” should really throw up some red flags. Trump has implicated the “madman strategy” in this situation. The madman strategy is a strategy that implies that you are a madman to induce his antagonist to capitulate. For example, it is equivalent to throwing the steering wheel out the window of your car, in sight of your adversary, when playing a game of chicken - showing that you are not going to be able to swerve, so your adversary must do so to avoid a head-on collision. Clearly, chicken is a dangerous game. Trump implemented this strategy hoping that Kim Jong Un would stand down but it seems that the opposite has happened. On one hand, disaster might strike if both players stick with this strategy. The threats that Trump and Kim have thrown at each other might escalate to nuclear war. Both Kim and Trump are seeing who will back down first, which will give up. One option that should be implemented with Trump should be that he needs to clarify what he means. Trump has given a theoretical limit on North Korea’s actions but no civilians no what the limit is. Another option should be a No First Use policy, or NFU, of nuclear weapons. The NFU policy is a policy that means the United States could use nuclear weapons but, North Korea would have to use it first. This could possibly send the wrong signal though. Letting Kim believe that the United States lacks the will to retaliate. On the other hand, a NFU policy might allay North Korea’s fear of imminent attack, reassuring

    Kim that nuclear attack would come only if he struck first. This is all just theories and ideas at this point, but it is best to look at the worst possible outcome and be ready for the worst case scenario

    Harvey Weinstein

    By Victoria Tarantola

    Currently, there’s an investigation going on with Harvey Weinstein, the American film producer who has been accused of severe sexual harassment. Several women were impacted by this, some are traumatized. Harvey is facing “allegations of rampant sexual harassment” says Board members. Thirteen women came forward about the sexual harassment between the 1990’s and 2015. Very few girls were willing to speak, as they wanted to keep this as a private personal investigation. Weinstein also has eight harassment lawsuits coming after him for what he has done. He has responded that he would like to

    take an absence and seek professional therapy and counseling as he doesn't want to throw away his career. Two big stars who were sexually harassed were Gwyneth Paltrow when she was 22 and Angelina Jolie who said in the late 1990’s, he made “unwanted advances in her hotel room”.

    No one knows as of right now what will happen but this court case will continue.



    What’s your perspective?

    By AJ Kiczewski

    With all the things going on in the world of politics

    and sports, there is one current event that has been

    standing out for the last few weeks. The event of the NFL

    players taking a knee has become not just a rebellion, or a

    boycott, but now a political situation that has everyone


    There are clearly two sides to the situation, one

    being in favor and support of those taking a knee, and one

    of those agreeing that it is a sign of disrespect to our

    country and those who fight for it. There are also those

    who don’t have an opinion one way or the other and just

    like to watch football. People and coaches became more

    aware when a former veteran of the service, who had her

    leg amputated, posted videos of her practicing how to

    stand on one leg for the national anthem. The pot was

    also stirred when game viewings were dropped by 8%, and

    counting. Freedom of speech and peaceful protest is also

    an issue that has been rehashed multiple times when

    talking about this topic. The players of the NFL say that

    they have the right to protest their rights as citizens in this

    way because it is peaceful. But others disagree that when

    it comes to respecting our flag and the national anthem,

    they have no right to be spreading their protest during a

    time designated strictly for paying respects to our country

    and those who served and continue to.

    What’s your perspective?

    By Kassidy Aiken

    The past few weeks, there has been a lot of

    controversy between the teams of the NFL and our

    President Donald Trump. The issue began during the 2016

    season when San Francisco quarterback kneeled down

    during the national anthem. He claimed that it was in

    regard to the African American equal rights movement. A

    year later, the movement has spread to numerous other

    NFL teams.

    President Trump replied to the movement with

    numerous statements stating that a private corporation

    such as the NFL should change how they conduct and act

    while at work and that every one of the players who sat

    during the anthem should be fired and fined. By Trump

    saying this, it caused more NFL players to sit or not even

    come to the field for the anthem in stated “support” for

    their brothers.

    In February 2016, Donald Trump attempted to sue

    the NFL in an antitrust case, which he lost. Trump has also

    got into lots of other conflict with the NFL over his

    lifetime. Each time he came up just a little bit short. The

    American population wonders if this time will be any


    President Trump's recent actions towards Obamacare

    and his contempt toward the Obama Administration as

    a whole

    By Stephen Lewandowski

    President Trump has recently made a decision in regards

    to Obamacare that has been the subject of heavy

    controversy. His decision was to cut off all payment to the

    insurers of the act. People receiving subsidies will

    potentially have to pay more because of a lack of Federal

    funding. Because he and the GOP have had no luck in

    abolishing Obamacare, he is likely doing this in attempt to

    play the “long con” and weaken Obamacare overtime to

    the point where it falls apart on its own. In fact, this isn’t

    his first time he’s taken jabs at Obamacare, and this isn’t

    even his first time at attacking something Obama’s done

    during his 8 years in office. Ever since the start this

    president has understandably had a contempt toward

    Obama and his administration.


    This actually started way before he got into office

    and even farther before his run for president. Trump was

    actually a vocal proponent of the “Obama Birther”

    controversy back in 2011, a theory that says Obama

    wasn’t born in the U.S. and was actually an immigrant

    from Kenya. It started then, and he continued this anti-

    Obama position all the way until his campaign starting in

    2015 that greatly appealed to the right wing population

    against Obama who were shunned and silenced during his

    long two terms.

    So what this mean for the Obama Administration

    and his supporters? It’s not looking good for them. Ever

    since the very beginning of his presidency Trump has been

    doing a lot to roll back many of Obama’s successes (No

    really. I mean the VERY BEGINNING. On his third day in

    office he dropped out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a

    trade agreement joined by Obama). Even though there

    have been many attempts and fails by the Trump

    administration to roll back Obama’s decisions, there have

    been many successes. Probably the most famous case of

    this was his decision to drop out of the Paris Climate

    Accord, an agreement pertaining to preventing global

    warming, further solidifying his stance as a climate change

    denier. He’s also been going strong on his anti-Immigrant

    stances, as one of his next Obama jabs was rescinding the

    Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), an

    immigration policy set in place by Obama administration

    protecting immigrants who entered the country as

    minors. These actions have been horrifying for the people

    in the left wing and the supporters of Obama but have

    been delightful for the right-wingers who had no other

    choice but to sit and watch Obama do the exact opposite

    of what they’ve wanted for the last 8 years. Regardless of

    your stances on this situation, or Trump or Obama, you

    have to admit, it will be interesting to see what else Trump

    will do roll back Obama’s actions by the end of his


    Trump Asks Congress for $4.9 Billion To Help Puerto Rico Rebuild. The cash-strapped territory is struggling to recover from Hurricane Maria.

    By Reuters

    U.S. President Donald Trump asked Congress on Tuesday for a $4.9 billion loan to help the cash-strapped Puerto Rican government pay its bills as the U.S. Territory struggles to recover from Hurricane Maria, an administration official said. Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello had asked for help with lines of credit in late September, saying his government was in a bind and did not expect to have any near-term revenue. “The proposal to provide liquidity to the government represents an important first step for the transformation of PR,” Rossello tweeted on Tuesday evening. Weighed down by nearly $72 billion in debt, Puerto Rico struggled with liquidity even before the most powerful hurricane in almost 90 years wiped out the island’s power grid, homes and other infrastructure nearly three weeks ago. The territory, whose 3.4 million residents are American citizens, declared bankruptcy in May. The community disaster loan proposed by the Trump administration would include a $150 million advance, the administration official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Further details of the loan were not immediately available. “The $4.9 billion loan would help them with short-term liquidity problems in financing,” such as payroll and pensions, the official said. “The money cannot be used for debt service.” On Saturday, Rossello wrote to Trump pleading for a broad assistance package of at least $4.6 billion through a variety of government programs in what he called a “down payment on hurricane recovery efforts” as the island assesses the damages. “Absent extraordinary measures to address the halt in economic activity in Puerto Rico, the humanitarian crisis will deepen,” Rossello said in the letter, warning the situation could lead to an exodus from the island to the mainland United States. Moody’s (MCO, +0.32%) last week estimated the hurricane’s total cost to Puerto Rico, including lost output, at $45 billion to $95 billion. The Trump administration and Congress have so far focused their funding efforts on immediate disaster relief. The U.S. House of Representatives is expected this week to consider a



    request for an additional $13 billion in disaster relief funds for hurricane victims in Puerto Rico, Texas and Florida. The White House has also asked federal agencies to estimate by Oct. 25 how much money will be needed for longer-term rebuilding after the hurricanes.

    Summary: By Mark Lepine President Trump asks congress for a $4.9 billion loan in order to help Puerto Rican government pay its bills and help in the recovery after hurricane Maria. The governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rossello said that he needed money, that he was in a bit of a rut and did not expect much money to be made soon. The hurricane wiped the island’s power grid three weeks ago. The territory declared bankruptcy in May of this year. The loan proposed by the Trump administration would include a $150 million advance. Rossello wrote to Trump on Saturday asking for at least $4.9 billion through a variety of government programs as the island assesses the damages. The estimated cost of the damages is put at $45 billion to $95 billion. So far the trump administration and Congress have focused most of their funding efforts to immediate disaster relief. It is expected that the U.S. House of Representatives will be considering a request for an additional $13 billion in disaster relief funds.

    President Trump

    Having more than 40.6 million followers, Donald Trump is one of the most followed people. One main reason he is so followed other than being the President, he is highly vocal on his views on political events. Using his twitter so much has given him a way of directly, in a sense, speaking straight to the people of his country and making them feel connected. When Donald doesn't speak on a major event, people get even more curious about why. Some of his most famous tweets are “Today we make America great again!” When he won presidency and tweeting condescending tweets like “Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!” To his “haters”. And one of his most reason takes on dealing with the NFL not kneeling to the flag saying ‘kneeling is not

    acceptable’ showing his distaste about their actions. Having his twitter has made Trump out to be one of the most vocal presidents out there yet. With social media now a major source of news, people of this country now know more about the political events happening.


    Fall Play Written By: Samuel Holdsworth

    Students from East Senior’s Drama Club recently put on their student written play, “From Pawn to King”. Written by Summer Gradinetti, Grace Dauer, Mary Dalessandro, Devin Murphy, and myself, the play was a parody on the typical High School popularity format. For anybody who missed it, here’s a quick summary.

    The main character Alex was the typical chess geek who just wanted to fit in. After a run-in with the school jocks, he’s sent to an alternate universe where chess is the “football” of the school - pep rallies and everything. The nerds now run the school. There’s only one person who wasn’t influenced by status - Lily, the head cheerleader. Through his journey, Alex realized that power corrupts, and that people who are always true to themselves matter the most. I and much of the school can’t wait for what comes next out of drama club, including this year’s musical, which at this point is to be announced soon.

    Fall Craft Show

    Our school hosted the annual fall craft show on Saturday, October 28. The craft show was a great success with over 180 crafters in attendance. The event lasted from 10 am until 3 pm. Fellow classmates, Gabby Catlin and Claire Powers,

    organized the event with under chairs, Maddy McCartan and Tyler Tinhan. Gabby had a few things to say about the craft show. “We start organizing the craft show in March and it is always a difficult task. It takes a lot of hard work and time to plan out and coordinate. However, with the help of my chairs, we get the job done. My favorite part of the craft show is seeing the turnout on the day of the craft show. I like to see when the crafters are having fun and when they are satisfied with the work we have all done.” In order to make all of this hard work pay off, they need to get people to come to the show and in order to do this, the chairs go on the news, place signs around town and place flyers around popular places and lastly word of mouth is the best reference. The craft show was very successful and everyone is looking forward to the spring show. Submitted by: Nicole Harris

    Homecoming Week By: Kendra Lent

    We saw so many people participate for Homecoming. Monday was ‘Merica Monday, and we loved seeing everyone in their red, white and blue and showing their support toward our country. Tuesday was Wacky Tacky Tourist day, and there was a lot of wacky and even tacky tourists roaming around our school. Wednesday was Disney Day, and personally this was my favorite day because I get to be one of



    my all-time favorite Princesses and feel like one all day. Thursday was Class Color Day, and the spirit toward all classes was much appreciated. It also shows that we honor our class throughout our high school careers. The freshmen wore green, sophomores wore black, juniors wore white and the seniors wore red. Friday was Spirit Day and plus we had the pep rally to prepare ourselves against South Park, which we unfortunately lost to, with the score of 36-21. The fun didn’t end until the Homecoming Dance with the theme of Under the Sea and everyone had fun, danced their hearts out and enjoyed their time there, including the Seniors enjoying their last year of Homecoming Week. We here at East know how to do Homecoming week right!!

    Homecoming Week Submitted by: Chloe Burns

    A school event that recently happened was

    Homecoming. Homecoming this year was fun with a

    lot of participation. As a senior, this was the first year

    I believe that I saw almost everyone all decked out.

    Monday for “Merica monday” East bled red, white,

    and blue. It was really eye opening to see how many

    people decked out in our country’s colors and looked

    like they took pride in being an American! Tuesday

    for Wacky Tacky Tourist day, I saw a lot of girls and

    even guys wearing jesus sandals (birks). Everyone

    looked ready to go on a cruise! Wednesday for Disney

    day, I saw many different costumes. I saw some

    people wearing princess costumes and a lot of people

    did the Monsters Inc theme with their friends.

    Everyone was extremely creative and managed to

    create awesome-looking costumes! Thursday for class

    color day was personally my favorite day. Being a

    senior and being able to go all out and have pride in

    my class was a lot of fun. On class color day, it hit me

    that I am a senior and this was my last year doing fun

    Homecoming activities. Powder puff was fun and

    exciting with a ton of participation. Even though the

    outcome was expected, shout-out to the senior girls for

    winning! Friday for green and gold day, everyone

    looked like they took pride in our school and went all

    out. People were decked out in face paint with a bunch

    of crazy accessories. The pep rally was so chaotic (in a

    good way) and loud! Seniors brought confetti, air

    horns and silly string. Although everyone divided by

    class at the pep rally, we took pride in our school and

    we were ready to cheer on our football team that night.

    The Homecoming dance was also a ton of fun. A lot of

    people went whether they were with a date or with

    their friends. The DJ from Kiss 98.5 did a great job

    with playing song requests and playing good music

    that everyone likes. Overall, Homecoming was so

    much fun with a ton of participation. A big thank you

    goes to Mrs. Krueger and Mrs. Lysiak for planning

    and coordinating Homecoming! Without these two, we

    wouldn’t have been able to have a very exciting


    Powderpuff Submitted by: Molly Brzezicki

    The powderpuff game is a football game that girls

    from the senior class play girls from the junior class.

    This year the game was on Thursday, October 5th and

    started at 7:15. Some of the juniors that played this

    year are Jessica Olewine, Maddy McCartan, Morgan

    Sulzbach, and Abby Winiatowski. Some of the seniors

    that played this year were Amanda Weiner, Kelsey

    Kaufman, Jasmine Klump, and Shannon Fath. The

    seniors were coached by seniors from the school’s

    football team, and the juniors were coached by the

    juniors on the school’s football team. Officer

    Kreigbaum, the school’s resource officer, was the

    game’s referee. The seniors beat the juniors with the

    final score of 66 to 18.


    Girls Varsity Volleyball Submitted by:Lauren Vogel

    The East girls’ Varsity Volleyball do not have the best record but are overall a good team. The overall record for the team is 3-11 but they play a lot better than that. The girls work very well together and never pull each other down. They win as a team and they lose as a team. The volleyball team has 7 graduating seniors, 3 juniors, 3 sophomores and 1 freshman. Next year the team will see a huge difference because the seniors are key players to the team. 5 of the 7 seniors are our starting line where we start with 6 girls. One of the biggest assets to the team is captain and libero Julia Slowik. Julia is able to keep the girls spirits high when the people on the court may not be able to keep their energy up. Also Julia is constantly working hard and striving to make herself a better player. All of the players on the team are very hard working and always trying to make themselves better players. One of the biggest accomplishments for the team this year is beating the cross town rival West Seneca West in the Dig Pink game. The girls never gave up that game which at points was a close game, but by the fourth set the girls managed to pull out the win against West which hadn’t been done in many years.

    Coach Jenna Yates is very proud of the team for everything they have accomplished and how much they have grown these past 4 years. Yates has been working with the seniors on this team since they were freshman when she had become the JV coach, and was made varsity coach as the girls were juniors and has continued to watch them improve. Yates has talked about how well the girls have blended together and how well they get along on and off the court. She is excited to see how the season will end with games coming to an end at the end of the week and playoffs starting and is hoping to finally make it past one playoff game.

    Girls Varsity Volleyball Submitted by: Nicole Kumro

    This year’s volleyball season, the team has started off very well, but we slowly began to lose confidence which has caused us to begin to fall apart. We only won one league game against Amherst. We also won two non-league games against Lake Shore and West. The Starters for this year include seniors Mikayla Hartung, Sarah Eisenmenger, Julia Slowik, Camryn Bianchi and also Nicole Kumro. The others starters include Juniors Sam Boyd and Heather Borodzik. The team is a very close Knit team on and off the court. We are all really good individual players but tend to



    not be able to bring it all together to win games. The team has very close matches but just can’t end it with a win. Senior night was against one of the hardest teams in the league which is Will East. It was very difficult for us because it will be the last time for seven of us to ever play volleyball in the gym. Also, for all the seniors graduating this year, we will all be parting our own ways playing different sports other than volleyball or just focusing on school. As for the season, the end is closely approaching. The last tournament is Friday 10/19 and then the playoffs begin the following week.

    Girls Varsity Swimming Submitted by: Danielle Herko

    Being a part of the girl’s swim team has had such an impact in my life as an individual. I have been on the team for four years now and, every year was different in their own unique ways. A lot has changed since my freshmen year until now, including the many people that I have encountered, the obstacles that I have faced, to the challenges presented as a team. As one of the many senior captains including; Kassidy Aiken, Alaina Lanthier, Mickayla Raichel, Madilyn Hattaway, Rebekah Frank, and Breanna Murphy, we have all gone through the many years of this sport to become leaders. We became leaders to the underclassmen, to each other, as well as being able to work together as a team. Like any other sports team, we have had our good days, and our bad days. The thing about our team is that, we can take our bad days, and make it up by making the next day a great day. We are very hardworking when it comes to our events and acquiring the times that we do. Even though our sport is represented as an individual sport due to our own goals and mindsets we have to gain, we still manage to work together and support each other as a team, as a family. Since this is my last year, I will honestly be sad to see myself for the last time, walking through the familiar pool doors in the place where I can consider my home. This year has had its ups and downs but, I will walk away from this to know that, this is a part of my life that I will cherish the rest

    of my life to come.

    Football is Ending, Lacrosse is starting

    Football season is almost over and the snow

    will soon begin to fall and this can mean only one

    thing and that is lacrosse season is fast approaching.

    This year the team will consist of many seniors, and

    underclassmen. Last year the team went to the

    section 6 class c championship and fell one game

    short. This year we are hoping that the team can

    make it all the way to the state championship. With

    all of the returning players in key positions and added

    fan support we should deliver our first section six

    championship to the school.

    Football Team By:Jake Maurino

    West Seneca East sports are all very good but the one sport that I love the most is Football. First, because I play on the team, and because our team is playing really well this year. Our first game was a little bit of a letdown. We played awful and we were unconditioned. Also, that game, we had three players on our team get an injury that put them out for the game. Our starting fullback and defensive line Anthony Bullis tore his ACL and is out for the year. Starting linebacker Ray Moore was out for the game with hip problems and lastly our starting QB and safety, Jared Maurino was out 3-6 weeks with a sprained ACL. After that first loss to Iroquois, we bounced back and won four games in a row. The team's record is now 4-1. We beat Lake Shore, McKinley, Amherst, and Hutch Tech. In the game against Amherst, we broke a school record with


    points forward. We scored 58 points as a team and really worked together. The football team had a very big game against the unbeaten South Park. This was a close game but we lost by a narrow margin. After South Park, we faced the also unbeaten West Seneca West team. This was a very close but unfortunate loss as well. However, our team has worked together and because of that, it has been a very successful year!

    Trojans Football Submitted By: Nathan Walker

    This season for the Trojans football team started off rough losing in a close battle to Iroquois but they turned it around and they are now on a 4 game win streak. The streak was stopped after playing two close games with South Park and West Seneca West. Trojans have locked fourth place in their division (Class A South). They are going to face Grand Island in the North division on Friday October 20th at Grand Island. This will be a tough battle for the Trojans since Grand Island is ranked as the first seed in their division but that doesn’t stop their confident mindset. I talked with Coach Jim Maurino and a couple of key players ahead of their battle against Grand Island. When I asked Jim Maurino he said, “I feel very confident in the team, we had a great week of practice, we have a bunch of our players back from injuries and I think A South is going to sweep A North in the playoffs”. I also spoke with Phil Leach, Andrew Woltz, and Shaun Dolan ahead of the game. Phil Leach one of the starting linemen on the team told me, “I feel as if we have a great chance of winning this week. We played a lot of challenging games this

    season and are prepared for any scenario that comes our way this week. The team prepared well this week and I think we will show it on the field.” Also talking to senior linebacker and running back Andrew Woltz he told me, “I feel confident in the team. If we just play our brand of football we will be fine.” Finally I talked to junior linebacker and quarterback Shaun Dolan he said, “I feel like it’s going to be a hard fought battle and I know our guys are feeling anxious to bounce back from our last two losses. I feel like we are ready to go out there and give it our all and get the dub.” They all remain very confident in the team to come out on top of Grand Island in the first round of the playoffs.

    FED Hockey By: Damond Flynn

    Last year, the fed hockey team won the Section 6 championship, but unfortunately lost in the Regional Championship against Brockport who were the Section 5 champions. However, this upcoming season is looking pretty good for us considering that we only graduated two seniors last year, and only had 4 underclassmen. Our tough path to the championship started with a couple of losses early in the season. After those couple of bad games, we started to get into a groove and began to win a bunch of games. Our record for the regular season consisted of 9 wins, 5 losses, and 1 tie. This record earned us the 7th seed in the playoffs, which is not ideal, because then you have to face, and beat better teams to get to the championship. In the first round of playoffs, we faced Williamsville South, who we lost to twice in the regular season, and their team consisted of mostly experienced seniors. This game was one of the best games we had played all year, and we came out on top 4-3, so off to the second round we went. This round, we faced Grand Island. Grand Island beat us in the first game at the beginning of the year 3-0. However, towards the end of the season, we played them again, and this time they were undefeated. We came out with the 1-0 win this time. This time around, the quarterfinals, we completely dominated them, and earned a great team win by a score of 5-1. Now, we went on to the toughest opponent we played all year, Williamsville East. They were the number 1 seed, and like I said earlier, we were the number 7 seed. Williamsville East was also a very


    good team in the regular season, but had a very easy path to the semifinals. The game couldn’t have started off worse for us, as Williamsville East jumped out to a 2-0 lead early in the first period. However, as tough as it was, we scored two big goals, and tied up the game 2-2. The end of the third period came, and we were still tied at two, so it went to overtime. In the first overtime, Matt Benaquist took a tripping penalty, which gave Williamsville East a chance to end the game. But thanks to many great saves by Jagger Maving, and outstanding penalty killing, we killed off the penalty and survived the first overtime. About half way through the second overtime, Drew Werner threw a pass up the boards to a streaking Tyler Arndt, who picked the top corner on a slapshot, to give us the win in double overtime. After that game, we moved onto the section championship, which was at the KeyBank Center (the Buffalo Sabres arena). Now for me, and probably the rest of the team, this was so cool because this was our goal at the beginning of the year, and it felt awesome to actually see that happen. We faced Kenmore West, which played once in the regular season. At this time, they were undefeated, and we expected them be be a pretty good team, because they were dominating teams in division 4, which consisted of mainly below-average teams. However, that was not the case, and we ended their perfect season by handing them their first loss. Now it was their time for revenge in the section championship. We knew that this time, it was going to be more intense and competitive, due to what was at stake. The game started off bad for us once again, as they scored an early goal in the first period. However, we were able to bounce back and score 3 unanswered goals to give us the championship win. The next step was the State Quarterfinals against Brockport, the Section 5 Champions. The whole game was back and forth, but unfortunately we came up short losing 6-4. As expected, the loss was devastating not only for the seniors, but just about everyone. However, this season is looking very promising for us, as we look to advance even further than last year.


    World Wide Sport History By: John Thorpe

    Within the world wide sport history there are teams that excel better than others. Most teams that excel more in sports tend to have a better skill level in the players/coaches. Some teams that excel are the Seahawks, the Trojans, the patriots, and many more. Some people might ask well how they excel better than other teams/players in any sport. Well, there are many reasons for that. One reason that teams excel are that they practice more on their own, in addition to their practices with their team. Another reason why is because they train and play games with older people that are better than them so they can get better. Also, according to the Norwegian researchers they say that it is an advantage if you are born early in the year. These researches say that 50 percent of those who are defined as talents are born from the months of January to March. And that 70 to 80 percent are born in the first half of the year. This is called the relative age effect. Which means that the immediate and long term consequences that affect participation and selection in youth sport. Furthermore, most teams will set some kind of goal to reach and they will train harder and work harder to meet their goal. Most teams also build trust and open lines of communication so every player knows what they are supposed to do and how they are supposed to do it. Finally, just being a part of a team can change the way on how you feel and it can push you to do better things and reach certain goals that no one would think you can reach.

    Bills Defeat Falcons

    On Sunday October 1st, the Buffalo Bills defeated the Atlanta Falcons in a hard fought game that came down to the last minute. The Bills came out firing with great performances by Tyrod Taylor, Lesean McCoy, and the entire Bills defense. Tyrod Taylor had a breakout game for the season with an impressive game through the air as well as on the ground. Lesean McCoy continued his amazing performance he’s had all season, being the heart and

    soul of the Bills offense. The bills defense played an amazing game including two interceptions as well as a fumble recovery for a touchdown. They also came up with huge goal line stands throughout the game. With all cylinders firing the Bills were able to beat the Falcons 23-17. The game came down to the last minute where the Bills defense continued their amazing performance and caused a turnover on downs. The Bills got the ball back with 44 seconds and took a knee twice to end the game.

    This was a huge win for the Bills. They advanced to 3-1 and are now in first in the AFC east. The Patriots and Jets are tied for second holding a record of 2-2. It’s too early to say anything but, if Buffalo keeps the intensity and level of play going it could be a playoff season. The season is looking very promising with the offense growing and getting better every week. Also, Buffalo’s defense is ranked 6th in the NFL right now and looking better than ever. If the season continues how it is going at the moment the Bills can break the streak of not making the playoffs for the past 18 years straight. It’s going to be fun what the team has to offer going forward and how they can perform against tougher opponents to come.

    Bills Win against Falcons By: Justin Krzemien

    The Buffalo Bills season has been off to a fast start. The Bills have won three games and lost one. Their biggest win yet is defeating the Atlanta Falcons 23 - 17. The Team did an amazing job using turnovers and, most importantly, holding them back from scoring touchdowns. Thanks to the Bills defense on



    sacking Matt Ryan multiple times which forced the Falcons to move yards back and moments later, the Bills safety Micah Hyde intercepted the ball and marched their way down the field. The kicker Stephen Hauschka kicked a Bills record field goal of 55 yards beating Dan Carpenter's record. The Buffalo Bills game ended in a close score but they were able to pull off the big victory.

    NY Jets vs. Buffalo Bills

    The Buffalo Bills came out strong for this 2017 season with a win against the New York Jets, showcasing their defense with rookie cornerback Tre’Davious White. Over the following weeks, they have shown signs of being a true contender for a spot in the playoffs, a place they haven't been in 17 years. Moving forward, the Bills have made moves to try and improve their offense, trading away two 2018 draft picks in return for Kelvin Benjamin. They have also moved DT Marcell Dareus to the Jacksonville Jaguars in return for a 2018 sixth-round pick. This move clears up a good amount of salary cap space for Buffalo to make moves in this upcoming offseason. Many Bills fans are holding out and hoping that these moves can contribute to a playoff season.

    Vegas Golden Knights By: Darren Fazzio

    The NHL’s newest addition to the league is the Vegas Golden Knights. The team is now 3-0-3 in their

    preseason games. The team had a good win against the Vancouver Canucks as the game concluded to 9-4. They beat the Colorado Avalanche at 4-1, but lost the following game to the San Jose Sharks. They beat the

    Anaheim Ducks at a 4-2 and then lost to the Los Angeles Kings 3-2 and the most recent game, they lost 4-2 against Colorado. I feel that this new team is a pretty average team with no real superstar but lots of average and solid players. The Vegas Golden Knights will be facing every team this preseason regardless of the division. The team’s general manager is quite confident that they will be in the Top 10 for arena sales this season as well as the following 2018-2019 season. They are projected to make it in the top 15 teams. Which will be a real achievement. It will put them in the playoffs. But it will be a tough battle against teams with better chemistry as well and strengths. The other 30 teams have had a lot more games and seasons behind their belts that the knights won't have. I feel that this team will produce a lot in the next season and will show the competition that they can and will compete. This will be an interesting season to watch.

    National Hockey League

    Jaromir Jagr, A legend forward, who has been affiliated with the National Hockey League since the late 80`s, has signed a one year contract with the Calgary Flames for 1M$. Nikita Kucherov has 11 goals in his first 10 games, trailed by Alex Ovechkin with 10 goals and followed up by Jaden Schwartz with 7 goals in 10 games. General Manager Brian Cashman and the Yankees have decided not to bring back Joe Girardi after his Contract expired.


    Buffalo Sabres By: Julia Slowilk

    As hockey preseason comes to an end and regular season begins, the Buffalo Sabres still seem to be working on how to improve. Many things have to be worked on in such a short period of time. The Sabres’ preseason record consisted of one win and 5 losses. The players on the team dwell on the past when they should be learning from their previous games. Although it takes a lot of talent to be on a National Hockey League team, the Sabres can’t seem to put all of the hard work and talent together. Many fans were certainly optimistic about this upcoming season and it breaks many hearts to see the Sabres not doing well. On a side note, the Sabres have agreed to terms with forward, Jack Eichel, keeping him around in Buffalo for the next eight years. Eichel is the fourth person in franchise history to lead the team in points before turning 21. The only place the Sabres can go from here is up!

    Major League Baseball Postseason Submitted By: Adam Stradtman

    Major League Baseball consists of 30 teams in which each team plays 162 games between the months of May to September. By the start of October, the postseason begins. The three teams that won their divisions instantly secure their spot in the bracket. The next two best teams in the conference battle in a one game series for that fourth spot in the postseason. In the National League, the Los Angeles Dodgers are the number one seed. Behind them in second are the Washington Nationals and in third is the 2016 World Series winners, the Chicago Cubs. Fighting for that last spot in the NLWC, (National League Wildcard) is the Arizona Diamondbacks and the Colorado Rockies. The winner of that game will go on to play the Dodgers while the cubs face off against the Nationals. On the

    other side of the bracket, in the American League, the 2016 World Series runner-up Cleveland Indians are the first seed. They will face the winner of the game between the New York Yankees and the Minnesota Twins. The other game is between the Houston Astros and the Boston Red Sox. Both of these teams won their division in the regular season.

    NBA Season Start By: Jim Lipinczyk

    The NBA season has officially began. The Cleveland Cavaliers played the Boston Celtics on the Cavs home floor, while the Houston Rockets faced the defending champion Golden State Warriors in Oakland. The Cavs vs the Celtics was a big matchup because it was the first time that Kyrie Irving would play his former team which had traded him off season also sent Isaiah Thomas to the Cavs. The Cavs ended up beating the Celtics 102-99 and it was a nail biting game. But the main headline of the night was the gruesome injury that occurred to Celtics small forward Gordon Hayward. He ended up fracturing his tibia and dislocating his ankle. The other matchup between the Warriors and Rockets was also a big matchup. It was the night the Warriors raised their championship banner and were awarded their championship rings. It also was the first match for Houston with the combo of Chris Paul and James Harden. The Rockets ended up winning the match 122-121 and it was another nail biting game. The stars of the match were James Harden and Nick Young who both had monster games. On Wednesday there was 11 games played during the night. Some of these games were super close and other games were complete blowouts, and there were also another huge injury that covered headlines Wednesday night. The teams that played on Wednesday Night were the Nets, the Pacers, the 76ers, the Wizards, the Hornets, My favorite team the Detroit Pistons, the Heat ,the


    Magic, the Bucks, the Celtics, the Pelicans, the Grizzlies, the Hawks, the Mavericks, the Jazz, the Nuggets, the Timberwolves, the Spurs, the Trail Blazers, the Suns, the Rockets, and the Kings. Some of the games were very important for some teams. The Pacers beat the Nets 140-131 but this game was a big game since Jeremy Lin of the Brooklyn Nets ended up with a season ending injury. Another big game was with my favorite team the Detroit Pistons faced the Charlotte Hornets in Detroit. It was a big matchup for the pistons because it was their first Regular Season game in Little Caesars Arena. It was their first game in downtown Detroit in 40 years! The Pistons also beat the Hornets 102-90 in blowout fashion. One last big matchup was the Blazers and the Suns. The Blazers won in blowout fashion by 48 points 124-76.Clearly a lot has happened in the NBA in just the first two days, and hopefully there is more fun to come this season.

    Real Madrid vs. Barcelona Submitted by: Kara Sztaba

    One of the biggest mashups in Spain. The Real Madrid v. Barcelona. These are two of Spain’s biggest soccer rivals. In their most recent game on August 17, 2017 The Real Madrid took the 2-0 win. The Real Madrid took the lead early on with Asensio scoring a goal 4 minutes into the game. Ter Stegen the goalie for Barcelona had some great saves but in the end he couldn’t hang in there. The Real Madrid’s second and final goal of the game came 38 minutes into the game. This goal came from Marcelo’s cross to Benzema who then shot the ball into the corner of the net. In the end, Barcelona could not hang in there to take the game back and The Real Madrid took the win and took home the Super Cup.

    Barcelona vs. Olympiakos

    SCORE: BARCELONA 3, OLYMPIAKOS 1 Lionel Messi scored his 100th goal in European competition to lead Barcelona to a victory at home against Olympiakos. Messi, playing in his 122nd European match, ripped a free kick over the wall of defenders in the 61st minute. Goalkeeper Silvio Proto got a hand on the ball but couldn’t keep it out as Messi took his career tally in the Champions League to 97 goals. Barcelona went in front thanks to an own goal by Dimitris Nikolaou in the 18th minute, but three minutes before halftime the hosts went down to 10 men. Gerard Pique got a second booking for using his arm to steer the ball into the net. The strike was disallowed. However, Barcelona continued to outplay Olympiakos despite playing a man down. Messi provided the pass that led left back Lucas Digne to score in the 64th minute. Messi dribbled around a defender before cutting the ball back through the area for Digne to drive it home. Nikolaou scored Olympiakos’ lone goal with a header from a corner in the 90th minute. Barcelona made it three wins from as many matches in Group D and extended its unbeaten run at home in the competition to 23 straight games. Olympiakos remained with zero points.



    “Sauce” Submitted by: Sydni Nichols

    This recipe has been in my family for as long as I can remember from my great- grandma making it, all the way down to my mom and me. This is something that will always mean the most to me because you make so many memories while making Sunday dinner and just bonding with your family. Growing up having Sunday dinner with your family is something you would always look forward to at the end of the week because you got to just hang out with the people who mean the most to you and just share laughs and smiles.

    Chop in a processor:

    1 large onion

    ⅛ cup minced garlic

    Saute all of that in olive oil

    In a double broiler:

    2 cans of all purpose spaghetti sauce, add water to big rim

    ⅔ cup sugar

    ¼ cup of oregano

    ¼ cup basil

    ¼ cup parsley

    A dash of pepper flakes

    1 tbsp salt

    For more flavor you can add in pork neck bones but that is completely optional. After you are done completing the steps above, you let the sauce simmer for about 2 hours.

    Thumbprint Cookies Submitted by: Sarah Pieczynski

    Every year for Christmas, my grandma and I make cookies trays for everyone in our family. We start making cookies around the middle of October and freeze them until Christmas. The reason why we start making them so early is because we make around 2,000+ cookies. This recipe below is for thumbprint cookies, which are my personal favorite.


    - 1 cup of room temperature butter - ½ cup of sugar - 2 room temperature eggs - 1 tsp of vanilla extract - A pinch of salt - 2 cups of flour - 1 cup of chopped walnuts - ¾ cup of jam - Parchment paper


    1.) Beat together the sugar and butter with an electric blender for about 3 minutes.

    2.) Separate the eggs. Put the egg yolks and the vanilla extract into the butter and sugar mixture. Keep the walnuts in a dish on the side and whisk the egg whites until they are bubbly. These will be used to keep the walnuts on the cookies.

    3.) Add the flour and salt into the mixture and mix until combined. Chill the dough in the fridge for 30 minutes. Then preheat the oven to 350F.

    4.) Roll dough into small 1 inch balls. Dip the balls into the egg whites and roll them in the nuts.



    Put them on parchment paper lined cookie sheets.

    5.) Make indents in the center of the cookies with your thumb. Add jelly into the centers.

    6.) Bake the cookies for 12 to 15 minutes then cool them on a wire rack.

    Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Cookie Skillet

    Submitted by: Sarah Eisenmenger


    1 pouch (17.5 oz) Betty Crocker™ peanut butter cookie mix

    Vegetable oil, water and egg called for on cookie mix pouch

    ⅓ cup chopped cocktail peanuts

    1 bag (8 oz) Reese's™ Peanut Butter Cups™ Minis

    Vanilla ice cream, if desired

    Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350°

    2. In large bowl, mix cookie mix, oil, water, egg

    and peanuts with spoon until soft dough

    forms. Stir in 1 cup of the peanut butter cups.

    Press dough in bottom of ungreased 10-inch

    cast-iron skillet. Sprinkle remaining peanut

    butter cups over top.

    3. Bake 26 to 30 minutes or until edges are

    golden brown and toothpick inserted in center

    comes out almost clean. Do not overbake.

    Cool 15 minutes on cooling rack. Use large

    spoon for serving. Serve warm with scoops of

    ice cream.

    This is a recipe my mom makes for Christmas every


    Cheese and Vegetable Stuffed Shells Submitted by: Bailey Wypior

    Have you ever considered going vegetarian, but aren’t too sure what you would eat? How do you get protein if you don’t eat meat? Can’t you only eat salads if you’re a vegetarian? I cannot tell you how many times I have received these questions since I made the decision to stop eating meat. I have a recipe that tastes amazing and does not include any meat, or salad of any kind! If you want to give vegetarianism a try, or just want a delicious, healthy meal, give these cheese and vegetable stuffed shells a try!


    16 uncooked jumbo pasta shells

    1 tablespoon olive oil or vegetable oil

    1 medium onion, chopped (½ cup)

    1 small bell pepper (any color), chopped (½ cup)

    2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

    1 small zucchini, diced (about ¾ cup)

    1 jar (14 to 15 oz) tomato pasta sauce

    ½ cup ricotta cheese

    1 cup shredded Italian cheese blend or mozzarella cheese (4 oz)

    ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese

    1 egg


    To begin, preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Spray your baking dish with cooking spray, 11x7-inch should do the trick! Also, cook and drain your pasta shells as the packaging instructs.

    Secondly, you will need to grab your favorite 10-inch skillet and heat up some oil over medium heat until it is hot. Meanwhile, cook your onion, bell pepper and garlic in oil for 2-3 minutes and stir occasionally. Once


    your ingredients are crisp-tender, add zucchini and continue to stir occasionally for 4 minutes.

    Next, stir in ¼ of the pasta sauce. Cook this and stir frequently until your mix is hot. Then, remove it from the heat.

    Now pick out a medium sized bowl and mix ricotta cheese, egg, parmesan cheese and ½ cup of the shredded cheese blend. Stir in your mixture that includes the zucchini, peppers etc. that we made in the previous steps and keep stirring until it is well mixed.

    Now, fill each cooked pasta shell with about 2 tablespoons of the zucchini mixture. Place all of the shells in the baking dish we prepared in step 1, and pour the remaining pasta sauce over the shells.

    Finally, cover the dish with foil and bake for 30 minutes. After the half hour is up, remove the foil and sprinkle the remaining ½ cup of shredded cheese over the top. Keep the foil removed and bake uncovered for 5-10 minutes, or until bubbly and the cheese is melted. Enjoy!

    Autumn Apple Strudel Submitted by: Sa’mone Perry

    We just had a candy-filled Halloween!!! Now, I have a recipe that doesn’t consist of candy. (No candy? Boo! That reeks!) Don’t start hating until you try this Autumn Apple Strudel that consists of all kinds of healthy sweetness. I mean, who doesn’t like apples?

    To taste this ever so delicious dish you’ll need:

    ● 1 cup of apple juice ● 4 ounces of bittersweet or semisweet

    chocolate that’s all chopped up ● ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract

    To make this dish complete is:

    ● 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons apple juice ● 3 whole star anise ● 1 cinnamon stick ● 1 vanilla bean, (split lengthwise) ● ⅓ cup (packed) dried Bing cherries ● ⅓ cup (packed) pitted prunes, halved ● 1 ½ Braeborn apples, peeled, cored, cut into

    1/2-inch cubes ● ⅓ cup (packed) golden brown sugar ● 1 ½ tablespoons cornstarch

    Now for the strudel:

    ● ⅔ cup hazelnuts, toasted, husked ● ½ cup graham cracker crumbs ● 3 tablespoons sugar ● 1 ● 9 17x12-inch sheets fresh phyllo pastry or

    frozen, thawed ● ½ cup unsalted butter, melted ● Vanilla ice cream

    Here how to prepare the recipe:

    Step 1: Boil the apple juice in a small saucepan until it’s reduced ½ for about 6 minutes, then remove it off the stove before adding chocolate and it stand for 1 minute while whisking until the chocolate has melted and becomes smooth, then add vanilla extract.

    Step 2: Combine 1 cup of apple juice, star anise, and cinnamon in a large saucepan. Now scrape in seeds from vanilla bean: add bean. Bring to simmer then remove it from heat before covering the pan and letting it sit for about 10 minutes. Add cherries and prunes. Cover once more until the fruit becomes plump, about 5 minutes. Remove star anise, cinnamon, and vanilla bean. Mix in apples and sugar; simmering until apples become tender, but hold shape and liquid is reduced to 3 tablespoons which should be stirred occasionally for 45 minutes.

    Step 3: Mix cornstarch with 2 tablespoons of apple juice before add it to the filling; stir over medium to high heat temperature until the filling thickens and boils for 3 minutes.


    Step 4: Now preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Lightly butter heavy large baking sheet prior to blending first 3 ingredients in processor until nuts are finely ground.

    Step 5: Place dry kitchen towel on work surface. Place 1 phyllo sheet on towel. Brush phyllo lightly with melted butter. Top with second phyllo sheet and brush with butter. Sprinkle with scant 3 tablespoons nut mixture. Continue with 6 more phyllo sheets, brushing each with butter and sprinkling with scant 3 tablespoons nut mixture. Top with remaining phyllo sheet. Brush with butter. Spoon filling atop phyllo stack in 12x3-inch log, starting 2 inches from 1 long side and 2 1/2 inches from each short side. Fold short edges over filling. Using towel as aid and beginning at edge close to filling, roll up strudel jelly-roll style. Place strudel, seam side down, on prepared baking sheet. Brush strudel with butter.

    Step 6: Bake strudel uncovered until golden, about 45 minutes. Let cool at least 30 minutes. Cut warm or room-temperature strudel into slices; place on plates.