Earthquakes and so called " Supermoon Effect" on Tectonic Plates

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  • 8/7/2019 Earthquakes and so called " Supermoon Effect" on Tectonic Plates


    . Movement of tectonic plates ?

    . The so called supermoon effects ?

    Endtime Judgements ?

  • 8/7/2019 Earthquakes and so called " Supermoon Effect" on Tectonic Plates


    ` QUOTE : ...... The werf l evastati earthquake that hit apanurredasa result fsliding f the tect nicplate beneath theplate n which

    apanstands,expertsandgeologistssaid. According to reports, theshell rippedapart along the trough where theplate tectonicscome together.

    ` The Pacificplate tectonicsmake fast movements,at anapproximate rateofninecentimenterper year. Themovement ofplate tectonics result in fast andlargeenergy buildup. As the Pacificplate tectonics budgedown, it bonds to the

    plateabove it anddrags it downas well. At that moment the bond between thetwo breakssettingoff theseafloorupwards by several meteres.

    ` Theplate tectonics in the Pacific regionaresaid to beexxtrememlycomplicated. This is the reason that geologistsareunsureabout the tectonicplateon which apan is located. Theplate tectonics theory isalsoused toexplaincontinental deformations...... .UNQUOTE.


  • 8/7/2019 Earthquakes and so called " Supermoon Effect" on Tectonic Plates


    ` THAINDAN NEWS dated 12th March, 2012 :

    ` QUOTE : .... Washington, arch 12 (IANS)Thedevastatingearthquake thatshook apan wascaused by movement ofmassive tectonicplates that thrustone below theotherand forced theseabedandoceanupwards, triggeringagiant tsunami.

    ` Platesarent constantly movingat asmooth rateThestress buildsupovertime over years,decadesandcenturies,and thenat somepoint it overcomesthe lock between twopartsof thecrust. When that happens, youhaveanearthquake, pbs.orgquoted Americangeophysicist ohn Bellini assaying.

    ` Thegeophysicist said that apan wasoneof themost seismically activeareasin the world.

    ` Thecountry is located in the Ringof Fire, which isessentially anarc thatstretchesalong the basinof the PacificOcean.......UNQUOTE.


    Moreat : Tectonicplatesmovement caused apanquake, tsunami

  • 8/7/2019 Earthquakes and so called " Supermoon Effect" on Tectonic Plates


    ` THAINDAN NEWS dated 12th March, 2012 :

    ` QUOTE : Theearthquake Friday measured 8.9 on the Richterscaleand thetsunami slammed thenortheastern coast, washingaway thousandsofcarsandhomes. About 1,000 peoplehavediedandanuclearmeltdown is fearedat anuclearpowerplant.

    ` apan iseitheronorclose to the boundary of four tectonicplates: the Pacific,North American,Eurasian whichareprimary plates,and PhilippinesSeaplate,which isoneof thesecondary plates.

    ` Theplatesareon themoveand when they hit eachother, it buildspressure.Thenpressure releases,causingearthquakesand the risingseabed triggerstsunami, themedia report said.

    ` The apanearthquake isestimated tohavegeneratedenergy that was roughlyequivalent to theenergy theUSconsumes ina year,seismologist David Waldsaid. ..... UNQUOTE.


    Moreat : Tectonicplatesmovement caused apanquake, tsunami

  • 8/7/2019 Earthquakes and so called " Supermoon Effect" on Tectonic Plates


    ` MAIL ON LINE dated 11th March ,2011

    ` QUOTE : .... Is the Japanese earthquake the latestnatural disaster to have been caused by a'supermoon'?

    ` By Daily Mail ReporterLast updatedat 11:29 PMon 11thMarch 2011.....UNQUOTE.


    Readmore: apan-earthquake-tsunami-Did-supermoon-cause-todays-natural-disaster.html#ixzz1GP4hPyfV

  • 8/7/2019 Earthquakes and so called " Supermoon Effect" on Tectonic Plates


    ` MAIL ON LINE 11TH MARCH,2011 :

    ` QUOTE : .... Thepowerful tsunami that today slammed into apan'seasterncoast comesjust twodaysafter warnings that themovement of themooncouldtriggerunpredictableeventsonEarth.

    ` Astrologerspredicted that onMarch 19 - a week tomorrow - theso-called'supermoon' will becloser toEarth thanat any timesince 1992,just 221,567milesaway,and that itsgravitational pull will bringchaos toEarth.

    ` Otherson the Internet havepredicted it will cause furthercatastrophessuchasvolcaniceruptionsandearthquakes.

    ` Comingjust three weeksafter thequake whichdevastated Christchurch inNewZealandkillinghundreds, this latest disaster will only add fuel to their fire.......UNQUOTE.


    Readmore: apan-earthquake-tsunami-Did-supermoon-cause-todays-natural-disaster.html#ixzz1GP3qyMs1

  • 8/7/2019 Earthquakes and so called " Supermoon Effect" on Tectonic Plates

    7/12 dated 11th March,2011 :

    QUESTION QUOTE : ....... Foranswers to yourearthquakeandtsunami questions, weasked Dr. Ray Coish,professorofgeology atMiddlebury College.

    ` GlobalPost: Somepeopleon the internet are blaming the tsunamiona supermoon a full moon thatscloser thanusual to theearth. A supermoon has beenpredicted forMarch 19,and they pointout that the tsunami off Indonesiaalsooccurredjust beforeasupermoon. Does themoonhaveanything todo with thisearthquakeand tsunami ........ UNQUOTE.


  • 8/7/2019 Earthquakes and so called " Supermoon Effect" on Tectonic Plates


    ` dated 11th March,2011 : 8

    ` ANSWER QUOTE : ... Dr. Ray Coish: Themoonsorbit iselliptical,so itsnotunusual for themoon tocomecloserorgo farther from theearth. But that hasnothing todo withanearthquakeor tsunami. The lunareffectsarejust sominutecompared to theenergy needed tomove theearth that themoonhasnoimpact at all.

    ` Theearthquake iscaused by themovement between twoplates. apan liesabove what wecall a subduction zone, whereanoceanplate issinkingunderneathacontinental plate. This ishappeningaroundmuchof the Pacificrim, where theocean isgettingsmaller ofcourse,at avery slow rate,overthecourseofmillionsof years.

    ` The tsunami iscaused by thesea floormoving. The tidal effect from themoonwont affect a tsunami either. There'snoconnection........ UNQUOTE.


  • 8/7/2019 Earthquakes and so called " Supermoon Effect" on Tectonic Plates


    ` ANSWER QUOTE ( CONTINUED) : .... Dr. Ray Coish: Themoonsorbit iselliptical,so itsnot unusual for themoon tocomecloserorgofarther from theearth. But that hasnothing todo withanearthquakeortsunami. The lunareffectsarejust sominutecompared to theenergyneeded tomove theearth that themoonhasno impact at all.

    ` Theearthquake iscaused by themovement between twoplates. apan

    liesabove what wecall a subduction zone, whereanoceanplate issinkingunderneathacontinental plate. This ishappeningaroundmuchof the Pacific rim, where theocean isgettingsmaller ofcourse,at avery slow rate,over thecourseofmillionsof years.

    ` The tsunami iscaused by thesea floormoving. The tidal effect from themoon wont affect a tsunami either. There'snoconnection.......UNQUOTE.


  • 8/7/2019 Earthquakes and so called " Supermoon Effect" on Tectonic Plates


    ` ....QUOTE : QUESTION GlobalPost: Can youexplain thegiant

    whirlpool off apanscoast

    ` ANSWER Coish: Itshard tosay forcertainat thispoint, but its

    probably related to theshapeof thesea bottom where it was found.Any wavecanendupasa whirlpool. Itsa large-scaleeddy,similar

    to what youmight seeona riverorasmaller bay.

    ` In thiscase, theamount of watersloshingaround is tremendous,

    which iscausing thisgiant eddy......UNQUOTE.



  • 8/7/2019 Earthquakes and so called " Supermoon Effect" on Tectonic Plates


    ` SocalledSuperMoon Effect not due until 19th


    ` Scientistsappear to be inagreement that apan

    earthquake wascaused by tectonic PlateMovement ;

    ` Earthquake wasof 8.9 Magnitude ;

    ` Tsunami Wavescausedmassive inland


  • 8/7/2019 Earthquakes and so called " Supermoon Effect" on Tectonic Plates


    ` Matthew 24 verse 1 to 8 :

    ` QUOTE: .... 1And esus went out,anddeparted from the temple: andhisdisciplescametohim for toshew him the buildingsof the temple.

    `2And esussaidunto them,See yenot all these things?verily I say unto you,Thereshall

    not be left hereonestoneuponanother, that shall not be throwndown.

    `3Andashesat upon themount ofOlives, thedisciplescameuntohimprivately,saying,

    Tell us, whenshall these things be?and what shall be thesignof thy coming,andof theendof the world?

    `4And esusansweredandsaidunto them,Takeheed that nomandeceive you.

    `5Formany shall come inmy name,saying, I am Christ; andshall deceivemany.

    `6And yeshall hearof warsand rumoursof wars: see that ye benot troubled: forall thesethingsmust come topass, but theend isnot yet.

    `7Fornationshall riseagainst nation,andkingdomagainst kingdom: and thereshall befamines,andpestilences,andearthquakes, indiversplaces.

    ` 8All theseare the beginningofsorrows........... UNQUOTE.

    ` ( Matthew 24 verses 1 to 8 ; King James Bible )