EARTH STA R · by Inna Segal 42 Dragon & Tiger Medical Qigong A Miracle Health System by Bruce...


Transcript of EARTH STA R · by Inna Segal 42 Dragon & Tiger Medical Qigong A Miracle Health System by Bruce...

Page 1: EARTH STA R · by Inna Segal 42 Dragon & Tiger Medical Qigong A Miracle Health System by Bruce Frantzis 45 A Course in Weight Loss Start A Love …


Bruce FrantzisDRAGON & TIGER


John Hogue’sPredictions

for 2011




Bruce FrantzisDRAGON & TIGER




John Hogue’sPredictions

for 2011




Page 2: EARTH STA R · by Inna Segal 42 Dragon & Tiger Medical Qigong A Miracle Health System by Bruce Frantzis 45 A Course in Weight Loss Start A Love …
Page 3: EARTH STA R · by Inna Segal 42 Dragon & Tiger Medical Qigong A Miracle Health System by Bruce Frantzis 45 A Course in Weight Loss Start A Love … FEBRUARY / MARCH 2011 EARTH STAR 3

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ON THE COVER16 Predictions for 2011

by John Hogue

22 From Ace Ventura To Advaita VedantaTom Shadyac and "I AM”

26 Discover the Secret Language of Your Bodyby Inna Segal

42 Dragon & Tiger Medical QigongA Miracle Health System by Bruce Frantzis

45 A Course in Weight LossStart A Love Affair with Foodby Marianne Williamson

FEATURES12 Down To Earth Astrology

by Tim Gunns

30 Manifesting MichelangeloKnocking on Heaven’s Doorby Joseph Pierce Farrell

36 The Movie MysticStephen Simon’s Favorite Films of 2010by Stephen Simon

39 5 Things You Never Knew Your Cell Phone Could Do

52 The Magical Pathby Wendy S. Halley

56 The Sedona EffectScientific Research on Sedona Vortex Sitesby Ben Lonetree and Iona Miller

59 This ONE Antioxidant Keeps All OtherAntioxidants performing At Peak Levelsby Dr. Joseph Mercola & Ori Hofmelder

62 Natural Help for Osteoporosisby Tony Isaacs


5 Up Front

18 Book Reviews

40 Calendar of Events

50 Green Living


Page 45

Page 26

Page 22

Cover ArtDavid on Vacationby Tito Salomoni

Tito Salomoni's uniquesurrealistic paintings cre-ate a world filled with mys-terious and compellingimages, beckoning you tostep into them with yourmind's eye and unlock thehidden meanings. Hisaward-winning work hasbeen featured on manyinternational magazinecovers.

The work of Salomonitakes the shape of a cha-rade and the spectator isgiven the task of findingthe answer. The artist, forhis part, seeks and nearlyalways succeeds to seeinside objects, beyondwalls, fabrics, beyond thevery bone structure of mento extract from them theessence, the thoughts, ina counterplay of illusion,pregnant with meaning.

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Earth Star Up FrontResearchers Develop Reactor To Make Fuel From SunlightSunlight

A simple reactor that mimicsplants by turning sunlight intofuel has been demonstrated in

the laboratory, boosting hopes for a large-scale renewable source of liquid fuel.

“We have a big energy problem andwe have to think big,” said Prof SossinaHaile, at the California Institute ofTechnology, who led the research.

Haile estimates that a rooftop reac-tor could produce about three gallons offuel a day. She thinks transport fuelswould be the first application of thereactor, if it goes on to commercial use.But she said an equally important usefor the renewable fuels would be to storesolar energy so it is available at times ofpeak demand, and overnight. She saysthe first improvements that will be madeto the existing reactor will be to improvethe insulation to help stop heat loss, asimple move that she expects to treblethe current efficiency.

The key component is made fromthe metal cerium, which is almost asabundant as copper, unlike other rareand expensive metals frequently used ascatalysts, such as platinum. Therefore,said Haile, availability would not limitthe use of the device. “There is nothingcost prohibitive in our set-up,” she said.“And there is plenty of cerium for thistechnology to make a major contribu-tion to global gasoline supplies.”

The fossil fuels used by vehicles,ships and aeroplanes pose the biggestchallenge in the search for low-carbonenergy, as they are highly energy-denseand portable, unlike alternatives such asbatteries or nuclear reactors. An effi-cient, large-scale way of convertingsolar energy into a renewable liquidfuel could play a major role in reducinggreenhouse gas emissions and tacklingclimate change.

The device, reported in the journalScience, uses a standard parabolic mir-ror to focus the sun's rays into a reac-tion chamber where the cerium oxidecatalyst breaks down water and carbondioxide. It does this because heatingcerium oxide drives oxygen atoms outof its crystal lattice. When cooled thelattice strips oxygen from surroundingchemicals, including water and CO2 inthe reactor. That produces hydrogen andcarbon monoxide, which can be con-verted to a liquid fuel.

In the experiments the reactorcycled up to 1,600C then down to 800Cover 500 times, without damaging thecatalyst. “The trick here is the ceriumoxide—it’s very refractory, it’s a rock,”said Haile. “But it still has this incredi-ble ability to release oxygen. It can loseone in eight of its oxygen molecules.”Caltech has filed patents on this use ofcerium oxide.

The use of sunlight to make fuel isbeing explored by groups around theworld, such as that lead by DanielNocera at Massachussetts Institute ofTechnology. His group's technologyworks at room temperature but is morecomplex chemically. At the LawrenceBerkeley National Laboratory last yearresearchers found cobalt oxide couldhelp sunlight create fuels, but only asnano-sized crystals. Imperial College inLondon is also exploring different cata-lysts.

Other groups are exploring the useof CO2 from power station flues to cre-ate liquid fuels, while a related researcheffort is testing how algae grown in sun-light can be used to create fuels.—The Guardian, UK

Cerium atomic structure

iPhone Snitch Network Launched

A new iPhone App with the mis-leading name ‘PatriotApp’attempts to draw on the power

of the patriot movement, turningsmartphone users into a gigantic snitchnetwork.

You might think an app with sucha patriotic name might have usefulfunctions like a pocket constitution orquotes from our forefathers. But con-trary to the services one might expect,this app allows users to report any‘suspicious’ behavior directly linkingthem with top government agencies.

Much like the new DHS program‘If you see something, say something’this app is meant to turn average citi-zens into a network of spies feedinginformation back to the federal

government.Citizen Concepts, a company

formed by insiders from DHS, definesthe use of such an app on their home-page.

Citizen Concepts announces thelaunch of PatriotAppTM, the world’sfirst iPhone application that empowerscitizens to assist government agenciesin creating safer, cleaner, and moreefficient communities via social net-working and mobile technology. Thisapp was founded on the belief that cit-izens can provide the most sophisticat-ed and broad network of eyes and earsnecessary to prevent terrorism, crime,environmental negligence, or othermalicious behavior. —

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Janessa Howard

DESIGN & PRODUCTIONEarthstar ProductionsJay Scott Hackleman

CONTRIBUTING WRITERSJoseph Pierce Farrell • Bruce Frantzis

Tim Gunns • Wendy S. Halley • Ori HofmelderJohn Hogue • Tony Isaacs • Ben Lonetree Joseph Mercola • Iona Miller • Inna Segal

Tom Shadyac • Stephen SimonMarianne Williamson

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Volume XXXlII, No. 198 — February / March 2011

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Earth Star Up Front

S hoppers who are looking forsomething sparkly to put underthe Christmas tree can skip the

jewelry and go straight to the source: anATM that dispenses shiny 24-carat goldbars and coins.

A German company installed themachine Friday at an upscale mall inBoca Raton, a South Florida paradise ofpalm trees, pink buildings and wealthyretirees.

Thomas Geissler, CEO of ExOriente Lux and inventor of the Gold ToGo machines, says the majority of buy-ers will be walk-ups enamored by thenovelty. But he says they’re also con-venient for more serious investors look-ing to bypass the hassle of buying goldat pawn shops and over the Internet.

“Instead of buying flowers orchocolates, which is gone after two orthree minutes, this will stay for the nextfew hundreds years,” Geissler said in atelephone interview.

The company installed its firstmachine at Abu Dhabi’s Emirates Palacehotel in May and followed up with goldATMs in Germany, Spain and Italy.Geissler said they plan to unroll a fewhundred machines worldwide in 2011.He said the Abu Dhabi machine hasbeen so popular it has to be restockedevery two days.

A bank in Vietnam installed its ownbrand of the machines in a country witha much poorer population but one that

values gold more than paper money.The gold-leaf-covered machine at

Boca Raton’s Town Center Mall sits out-side a gourmet chocolate store and worksmuch like the cash ATM beside it.Shoppers insert cash or credit cards anduse a computer touch-screen to choosethe weight and style they want. Themachine spits out the gold in a classyblack box with a tamperproof seal.

Each machine, manufactured inGermany, carries about 320 pieces ofdifferent-sized bars and coins. Pricesare refigured automatically every tenminutes to reflect market fluctuations.In December, a two-gram piece costabout $122, including packaging, certi-fication and a five percent markup. Anounce cost about $1,442.

Buyer beware: A gram of the heavymetal is much smaller than you think,about the size of a fingernail. An ounce isa little larger than a quarter.

Florence Schneider, who checkedout the machine Friday, said she mightuse it, but only if she needed a unique gift.

“I can’t see it being successful.Maybe for Christmas as a gimmick,”said the 78-year-old Boca Raton resi-dent. “If I knew someone was having abig birthday coming up I’d buy it forsomething different.”

Owners said the machine, whichwill hold around $150,000 in cash andgold, will be flanked by an armed body-guard for now. Several live security

cameras are fixed inside and outside themachine.

Geissler, who plans to open amachine in Las Vegas by the year’s end,said the collapse of the LehmanBrothers investment firm was the impe-tus for the flashy ATMs. His customersrefused to buy bonds, stocks and otherfunds from the financial industry, sothey focused on precious metals.

Dave Jones, who brokered the deal tobring the machines to the U.S., predictsgold will become a parallel currency inthe next five years. He said they plan toinstall about 40 more machines at upscalemalls and hotels around the U.S.

“Gold has a place in everyone’sportfolio,” said Jones, of Boca Raton-based PMX Gold. “It’s a good hedgeagainst inflation and it’s a good comfortlevel.” —

Exercise Reduces Breast Cancer Risk

N umerous studies have sug-gested that exercise can helpprotect women against breast

cancer. The latest study finds thatwomen who engage in strenuous phys-ical activity for six or more hours perweek have a twenty-three percentlower risk of developing invasivebreast cancer. Researchers at theUniversity of WisconsinComprehensive Cancer Center inMadison conducted a survey amongmore than fifteen thousand women inthree states. It did not matter whetherthe physical activity took place early inlife, after menopause, or in recentyears; women had a lesser risk of inva-

sive breast cancer unless they had afamily history of the disease. Therewas no effect on in situ cancers.Exercise is thought to reduce estrogenlevels, which could mean less stimula-tion for cancers to grow. Other mecha-nisms could include prevention ofweight gain, improved insulin sensitiv-ity, or better immune function. “Awoman’s hormone levels naturallyfluctuate throughout her life, and wehave found that exercise likely offersprotection against breast cancerregardless of a woman’s stage in life,”said a statement by lead author BrianSprague. “The take-home message forwomen should be that it is never too

late to begin exercising.” The studyappeared in the journal, CancerEpidemiology Biomarkers &Prevention. —Women’s Health Advisor

24-Carat Gold 24-Carat Gold AATMTM

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Earth Star Up Front


Y ou might think that you become fully mature whenyou turn twenty-one but new research suggests thatyour brain does not stop developing until your late

forties.Scientists used to believe that your brain stopped phys-

ically evolving in early childhood but new research hasshown that keeps changing well into middle age.

Brain scans have shown that prefrontal cortex—the areajust behind your forehead—continues to change shape inyour thirties and forties.

The discovery is particularly significant as the prefrontalcortex is a key area of the brain and is often thought said to bekey to what makes us human.

It is said to be involved with decision making, social inter-action and manyother personalitytraits.

P r o f e s s o rS a r a h - J a y n eBlakemore, a neuro-scientist at UniversityCollege London,revealed the newthinking at theBritish Neuroscience

Christmas symposium in London.She said: “Until about ten years ago we pretty much

assumed that the human brain stopped developing in early child-hood.

But we now understand from brain imaging that that is farfrom the truth and that many human brains keep on developingfor many decades.

The area of the brain that goes through the most protracteddevelopment is the prefrontal cortex right at the front of thebrain.

It is the part of the brain that is involved in high cognitivefunction such as decision making, planning and social behav-iour. It is also to do withunderstanding otherpeople.

It starts develop inearly childhood, is reor-ganised in late adoles-cence and continuesdeveloping well into the30s and 40s.

It is the part of thebrain that makes ushuman.”—The Telegraph, UK


T wo major initiatives have emerged this week thatserve as harbingers of how Orwell’s and Huxley’svisions will come together as one.

The first is Microsoft (MSFT) Kinect, which is a specialcamera system for the Xbox 360. Kinect enables players tocontrol game play with body movement, and also to “log in”via facial recognition.

Dennis Durkin, who is both COO and CFO forMicrosoft’s Xbox group, told investors this week that Kinectcan also be used by advertisers to see how many people arein a room when an ad is on screen, and to custom-tailor con-tent based on the people it recognizes.

When you buy a Kinect, you’re bringing into your homea Microsoft “telescreen” that can recognize who’s in theroom and interpret body language—and eventually evenfacial expressions.

Both Microsoft Kinect and the Aralia-UWE system ulti-mately will identify and monitor the facial expressions andbody language of people as they consume content on ascreen, all for the purposes of knowing who you are andwhat you are thinking.

Why this is a real trendThese are just two recently announced technologies that giveus a glimpse into the Orwellian-Huxleyan future that goesonline next year. The reason this is a real trend is because hav-ing one system that can both gauge audience reaction and col-

lect audience demographics—and do so in real-time—is theHoly Grail of the advertising industry.

I would be surprised if Google isn’t working hard on asystem that monitors user reaction to ads and Web sites usingthe webcams typically built into laptops and plugged into desk-top PCs.

We’ve already accepted this kind of thing. Google’s(GOOG) Gmail, for example, reads all your e-mail and servesup advertising related to the topics you discuss with family andfriends. If this doesn't bother people, then an improved video-enabled version shouldn’t either. —

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Earth Star Up Front9 Breakthr9 Breakthroughsoughs to Boost the Coming EnerEnergy Regy Revvolutionolution

O il has been the lifeblood of ourmodern civilization for the lasthundred years, and we have

become dangerously dependent on it.As demand ramps up in the developingworld, easily accessible reserves con-tinue to diminish. Experts and execu-tives alike have highlighted a return to$150 per barrel oil in their predictionsfor 2011. If this price for oil becomesreality, it will virtually suck the remain-ing wealth out of an economy that isalready in critical condition, just as itdid before the financial collapse of2008.

Oil presents other prob-lems ranging from itslocation in unfriendlyparts of the world,increased cost of extrac-tion, cartel control overpricing and supply, costsof wars to secure it, itsinherently non-renewableand polluting nature, totheories of Peak Oil. It isa fragile system, to say theleast, which has drivennew innovation into alter-native energy.

Only good can come fromsuch endeavors, so it isworth examining ninepotential breakthroughs that will boostthe energy revolution:

1. Motion Power: Power created bykinetic energy can come from a multi-tude of sources that occur in our every-day life, ranging from cars driving overpanels, to pedestrians walking on side-walks. Great promise is held in the areaof small electronics, where kinetic energycan all but replace the need for recharge-able batteries, as well as offer a hugeincrease in battery life.

2. Ethanol: David Blume is an organicfarmer leading the alcohol revolution.Blume counters the prevailing notionthat corn is the only viable source forethanol. With today’s news that cornrationing needs to begin, it is comfortingto hear that there are other crops avail-

able, which also have the added benefitof the ability to produce on non-primefarmland.

3. Bloom Box: A “power plant in abox,” it is built with patented solid oxidefuel cell technology. It is a new class ofdistributed power generator that oper-ates through a clean, electro-chemicalprocess, rather than dirty and inefficientcombustion. Each Bloom EnergyServer provides 100kW of power,enough to meet the baseload needs of ahundred average homes, or a smalloffice building . . . day and night in

roughly the footprint of a standard park-ing space.

4. Flow Batteries: Companies arebusy at work creating a home version ofthe energy storage system currentlyused in an industrial capacity. Flowbattery technology in effect reversesfuel cells, using plentiful zinc bromide.They can store unused wind and solarenergy for use later when it is needed.

5. Thorium: Thorium is a naturallyoccurring element, slightly radioactive,that is far more common in the groundthan uranium. The first nuclear reactorfueled by thorium will be built in aboutfive years, with more to come.Thorium has a lot of practical advan-tages over the more commonly useduranium, and it can churn out the same

amount of emission-free electricity topower the United States. Thorium issafer, produces less waste, and is abun-dant in the United States. It is also lesslikely to cause accidents, and can’t beused by terrorists for dirty bombs.

7. Spray on Solar Cells: Anticipated tobe in full production by 2015.University and private labs in the UnitedStates, Australia, Switzerland andCanada are developing cost-effectiveplastic coatings for weather proofing.When painted on building rooftops andexteriors, they’ll absorb sunlight and

produce electricity just asbulky solar panels donow. The developersclaim cell coatings couldgenerate power even oncloudy days, making thissolar catcher up to threetimes more efficient thantoday’s solar modules.

8. Plastic into Oil: Thisinvention derived fromone man’s desire toreduce the trash problemin Japan. A standard con-version unit can fit on adesk top, and operates assimply as putting trash ina garbage disposal. Theconverter heats up the

plastic into its liquid boiling state whichbecomes gas. It then passes through atube into a smaller container filled withtap water which cools the gas, formingoil. From there, the oil can beprocessed into gasoline, diesel, andkerosene.

9. Magnetic Generator: The idea of“free energy” has spawned inventionsthat range from the ridiculous to theplausible. It would be the ultimate rev-olution if anyone could harness such anenergy source . . . especially right intheir own home. There has been arevival of free energy ideas, and themagnetic generator is a promisinginvention. It uses Energy By Motion toharness the electromagnetic field itself,which is outlined in the video below:—Activist Post

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Earth Star Up FrontStudies Show Acupuncture EffAcupuncture Effectiveective for Stress and Depression

S ince the early seventies, studiesaround the globe have suggestedthat treating mental health disor-

ders with acupuncture has a positive andholistic effect on depressed patients,particularly when used in combinationwith psychotherapy and herbal treat-ments.

Psychologist John Allen, from theUniversity of Arizona in Tucson, andAcupuncturist Rosa Schnyer, conductedthe very first pilot controlled study ontreating depression symptoms withacupuncture in the Western scientificworld. In a double blind randomizedstudy, thirty-four depressed femalepatients who met the DSM-IV diagnos-tic criteria were assigned to one of threetreatment groups for eight weeks.

The first group received acupunc-ture treatment specifically tailored totheir depression symptoms. The secondgroup received a general acupuncturetreatment not specific to depression, andthe third group was placed on a waitinglist for acupuncture treatment, butreceived no treatment. Those in the tai-lored acupuncture treatment group expe-rienced a significant reduction in symp-toms, compared to those in the non-spe-

cific treatment group.Moreover, over fifty percent ofthe participants no longer metthe DSM-IV diagnostic criteriafor depression after the study.

Study findings suggest thatusing acupuncture alone couldbe as effective as other types oftreatments for relieving depres-sion symptoms typically usedin Western medicine, such aspsychotherapy and drugs.

Numerous studies have demonstrat-ed the substantial benefits of acupunc-ture specifically in the treatment ofstress.

In 2008, Anesthesia & Analgesiapublished a study finding that anacupuncture point alleviated preopera-tive anxiety in children while a 2003study conducted at Yale Universityshowed that ear acupuncture significantlylowered the stress level of the mothersof children that were scheduled forsurgery.

A German study published inCirculation found acupuncture signifi-cantly lowers both systolic and diastolicblood pressure. The extent of the bloodpressure reductions by acupuncture

treatments was comparable to those seenwith anti-hypertensive medication oraggressive lifestyle changes, includingradical salt restrictions.

The University of New Mexicomeasured the affects of acupuncture onseventy-three men and women withpost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).The researchers found the acupuncturetreatments to be as helpful as the stan-dard treatment of cognitive behavioraltherapy.

If the stress or depression in yourlife is throwing you off balance, consideracupuncture therapy to regain peace ofmind, regulate your immune system andstay healthy.—Randy Martin, OMD, PhD, LAc

U.S. To Make ‘Wild’ Public Land Eligible For Protection

E nvironmental groups hadcalled on the Obama adminis-tration to restore wilderness

protectionsThe U.S. is to make millions of

acres of public land eligible for wilder-ness protection, officials have said.

The order reverses formerPresident George W. Bush’s policy for-

bidding the government from doing so.Interior Secretary Ken Salazar on

Thursday said the new policy wouldhelp to protect public land “for currentand future generations to come”.

In 2003, the Bush administrationopened million of acres in the RockyMountains to potential commercialdevelopment.

Under thenew policy,announced inDecember, theU.S. Bureau ofL a n dM a n a g e m e n twill have theauthority to des-ignate certainpublic land as“wild lands” andrecommend they

be roped them off from future com-mercial development.

If an area is designated as a “wildland” through the public land manage-ment planning process, that designa-tion can be modified later based on anew public planning process.

“Americans love the wild placeswhere they hunt, fish, hike, and getaway from it all, and they expect theselands to be protected wisely on theirbehalf,” Mr Salazar said in a statement.

The order repeals a policy initiat-ed by President George W. Bush’s inte-rior secretary, Gale Norton, whicheffectively halted the Bureau of LandManagement's authority to recommendnew land for wilderness protection.

Environmental groups said thatpolicy left millions of pristine acresvulnerable to oil and gas developmentand off-road vehicle use. —BBC, UK

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C loud computing is an Internet-based computing model. Thisis in stark contrast to the tradi-

tional model for computing wherealmost all processes take place on theuser's system. The cloud, a euphemismfor the Internet, will provide all the soft-ware used by your computer. Users willno longer be the owners of software butrather tenants paying a subscription touse them.

In addition, all processing and relat-ed data will take place in 'the cloud' andnot on the users personal computer.

Accolades have been building into aunanimous chorus and the general per-ception is that this new model for com-puting will save money on capitalexpenditures for hardware, software andservices because users will only pay forwhat they use.

But when has any technologicalinnovation ever been about saving theconsumer money?

The answer must be a resoundingnever!

So what is cloud computing really?Just like global warming, cloud

computing is an attempt to create anentirely new market and subsequently abrand new revenue stream for multina-tional tech giants while allowing them tomaintain complete control of their prod-ucts. In the spirit of full spectrum domi-nation 'The Cloud' also has many otherlucrative uses in a ‘New World Order’.

In an article, How Secure is The

Cloud, an argument is made in anattempt to counter fears that ‘TheCloud’ is insecure. Having allyour personal data floatingaround in a cloud on someunknown server(s) raises obvi-ous concerns over security andthis article attempts to ease thosefear shared by IT professionals.

Security of Cloud ComputingUsers: A Study of U.S. andEurope IT PractitionersPublished, 6 May 2010CA and the Ponemon Instituteconducted a cloud security sur-vey of U.S. and Europe IT and ITsecurity professionals. The find-ings show that about half of therespondents don't believe theorganization has thoroughly vet-ted cloud services for securityrisks prior to deployment. It also showedthat fifty-five percent of respondents arenot confident they know all the cloudservices in use in their organization today.

The overall study calls for a need forIT and Security professionals to embracethe cloud and help their organizationsmore securely adopt cloud services.

Of course, the ‘security’ they men-tion in this study is not to be confusedwith a question of privacy but simplydenotes the security of 'the cloud' interms of system exploits. While thisallows protection from hackers, data isultimately left wide open for the new

war on terror spearheaded by events likewikileaks cable leaks. In other words,your information will be even more eas-ily available to those agencies policingthe web in the name of security.

Recently, examples of abuse havebeen uncovered where the FBI is undersuspicion of planting backdoors inOpenBSD IPSEC stack. As if it weren’tcompletely obvious that our governmentis tightening the reigns, these movesshow the real motives behind our gov-ernment’s involvement in technologydevelopment. —

Onions And Garlic Reduce Cancer Risks

S easoning your food with lots ofonions and garlic might reduceyour risk of colon, ovarian, kid-

ney, and throat cancer. Italianresearchers analyzed eight recent stud-ies and found older adults with thehighest intakes of onion and gar-lic hadthe lowest risks of cancer. The biggest

reduction in risk was found amongpeople who ate seven or more servingsof onions a week, who had less thanhalf the risk of colon cancer comparedto people who did not eat onions.Garlic lovers were twenty-five percentless likely to develop colon cancer thanpeople who avoided garlic, according

to the November2006 AmericanJournal of ClinicalNutrition. While labstudies have foundthat the sulfur com-pounds in garlic andsome antioxidant

flavonoids contained in onions inhibittumor growth, the reduction in cancerrisk might also be due to an overallhealthier diet among onion and garliclovers. —Food & Fitness Advisor

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www.earthstarmag.com1 2 EARTH STAR FEBRUARY / MARCH 2011

Abrace of stimulating, creativityinspiring Venus aspects getsFebruary underway, promul-gating a highly social impulsethrough the ethers.

February’s new moon on the 2nd, in 14° ofgregarious Aquarius, builds upon this outgoingtrend and will inspire bold new objectives insome, while others may find that they requirea greater sense of freedom. As all new moonsare imbued with the energy and attributes ofAries, new beginnings of one form or anotherwill likely be in the wind, particularly withaction planet, Mars, closely conjunct this luna-tion, prompting bold exploits and undertakingsthat could, in turn, inspire others.

The Chinese New Year of the Metal Rabbitarrives as the sun rises on February 3rd. TheYear of the Rabbit is traditionally a peacefulyear, in which diplomacy can win the day, verymuch a welcome respite after the fierce, com-bative year of the Tiger. The easygoing influenceof the Rabbit, however, tends to lead towardself-indulgence, where the pursuit of pleasureand entertainment may supercede one’s sense ofduty, until it absolutely has to be done. Moneycan often be made without too much effort whenthe Rabbit rules. The challenge, though, will beto spend it wisely on what is necessary and onthings that will enhance one’s sense of securityin these unstable economic times, rather than onfrivolous luxuries. The Metal element gives thisbunny a competitive, aggressive, somewhat coldand sometimes insensitive side, yet providesmore strength, resilience intensity, and determi-nation. This is the first Year of the Metal Rabbitsince 1951!

Venus, still very much in the cosmic picture,enters the serious, business-like realm ofCapricorn on the 4th for a four-week sojourn.Its presence here demands that relationshipsbe taken more seriously. Business interests

may actually have greater appeal than pleasurepursuits now. A new source of investment orworking capital could appear during this tran-sit, or a present source might dry up.Emotional insecurities could manifest as adesire to go out and shop!

Constructive progress can be made towardscareer or educational goals as the sun aligns ina flowing trine with Saturn on the 5th, whenadvice from an elder, a mentor, or authorityfigure could prove helpful. Being both practi-cal and creative achieves best results now.

Shortly afterwards, on the 6th, Mars also trinesSaturn, when ambition is stimulated, and hardwork and purposeful action win the day. Acton business or career options. Do work requir-ing physical stamina.

When Venus and Pluto align in conjunction onthe 9th, in 07° Capricorn, remain alert to com-pulsive behavior. For some, a new love interestor fascination may develop, for others a mod-est financial windfall is possible. This plane-tary aspect is favorable for corporate businessinterests and joint financial concerns.Powerful energies also exist for healing.

A triple conjunction between the sun, Neptune,and the major asteroid, Chiron, occurs on the17th, in 29° Aquarius, a celestial invitation towander through your personal field of dreamsregarding ambitions or career direction. Intuitiveinsights that can lead to the healing of oldwounds are possible now, though it may not beeasy to distinguish between genuine higherinspiration and the murmurings of the subcon-scious mind. When combined with other signif-icant planetary alignments that are occurringconcurrently, there is much potential at this junc-ture for the identification and subsequent releaseof emotional behaviors and response patternsoriginating in the distant past that no longerserve a useful purpose.

Share your progressive new ideas with friendsand colleagues as the full moon culminates onthe 18th, in 30° Leo, as they could provide theemotional and moral support you may be seek-ing. Avoid hasty actions around this juncture.Watch out for emotional fireworks!

With the full moon's vibrations still reverberat-ing strongly through the ethers, the sun slipsquietly into Pisces (till March 30), quickeningour psychic faculties. Tune in to dreams andmeditations for guidance or inspiration duringthe next four weeks. Explore the power ofprayer. Balance what you put “out there” inhelping others with some quality quiet timespent by yourself.

Another triple conjunction, this time betweenMercury, Mars and Neptune, occurs onFebruary 20th, in 29° Aquarius, when we'reencouraged to be enterprising, to seize theinitiative, and to make connections with pro-gressive individuals and groups. However,with Neptune’s illusory influence height-ened, discerning fact from fantasy could provechallenging. Be realistic if making financial orbusiness decisions at this time.

Mercury and Mars both head into dreamy Piscesover the next couple of days when unconsciousdesires are powerfully stimulated. Maintain con-tact with reality, as strong emotional turbulenceand sensitivity could temporarily undermineone’s self-confidence. Even so, say what’s onyour mind, do what you have to do, don't repressanger or frustration now. Just be careful not toinjure others in the process. Above all, stayfocused!

Energize your dreams and cherished objectivesfor the future as the sun conjuncts Mercury onthe 25th, in 07° Pisces. Communicate your brightideas to those in a position to help you makethem a reality. Trust your intuition now.


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A growing need for something in which tobelieve and have faith may become more appar-ent as Jupiter squares Pluto on February 25th.(This aspect also occurred on August 3rd, 2010)It's also possible that religious or philosophicalfanaticism might be in evidence. Personal trans-formation, perhaps through educational or self-improvement pursuits, could become a higherpriority for some. There is a heightened poten-tial for conflict now, and for deception overjoint finances, so remain vigilant where moneyor investments are concerned. Be the epitome ofintegrity! Avoid coercion or contentious behav-ior, allow others to have their own points ofview, as they likely will. Values and principlescould fall by the wayside—especially in thecorridors of power—as the overzealous pursuegrandiose and unrealistic objectives. With thesun also sextile Pluto, corporate enterprise andjoint financial concerns are emphasized and, ingeneral, supported. Find creative ways torecycle or reuse discarded resources.

Venus enters outgoing Aquarius on March 1st,whilst harmoniously aligned with Uranus, theAquarian ruler, eliciting a yearning for moreexcitement, and perhaps eccentric behavior, inthe coming weeks. A growing desire to bewith “kindred spirits” may incline some tojoin progressive groups, or to reconnect withclose friends.

Will-power and assertiveness receive a hugeboost as Mars sextiles Pluto on March 3rd,when a “no fear” attitude could quickly getyou into hot water, so don’t get carried away,or allow yourself to be coerced into doingsomething you know better than to do. Thisplanetary pairing favors constructive activity,and improving efficiency wherever possible.

March’s new moon arrives on the 4th, in 14°Pisces. In the weeks that follow, the quest foremotional and spiritual harmony could receivea higher priority, while creative artists findnew inspiration. This is a good time to begin adream diary.

A mentally stimulating conjunction betweenMercury and Uranus perfects on the 9th, in 30°Pisces, when intuition is sharp, and suddenchanges in plans could lead to an unexpectedbut potentially exciting encounter. Researchinnovative ideas which may be of use in a newventure. Review your natal horoscope fortimely insights. Upgrade computer software toimprove your efficiency.

Less than two hours later, Mercury movesout of Pisces and into Aries for a protracted stay,due to its upcoming retrograde phase later thismonth. Be sure to note all the good, daring newideas that come to mind during this transit.

Social activities could be particularly stimu-lating on or around the 10th when the heavenly“good guys” Venus and Jupiter align in sex-tile. Financial and educational activities aresupported now, while philanthropic or charita-ble activities can be rewarding.

A major disturbance in the force occurs whenUranus enters tropical Aries on March 11th. Itbriefly visited Aries between May andAugust, 2010—its first visit to the zodiac’sfirst sign since 1935. It will now remain inAries until 2018. Freedom of action is impor-tant under this planetary influence, when thespirit of adventure is strong and can fosterextremely individualistic, unconventional,even foolhardy behavior. A continual need fornew experiences in order to feel satisfied mustbe assuaged. Be alert to compulsive actionsand a “change at any cost” attitude, as thiscould undermine your efforts to improve yourlot in life. A willingness to cooperate with oth-ers will be helpful in achieving your goals.This transit could provide an exciting periodof innovation and invention geared towardsthe betterment of humanity.

Daylight Savings Time begins at 2:00am onSunday, March 13th so remember to put yourclocks ahead 1-hour on Saturday night! Witha tense square between Mercury and Jupiterperfecting later the same morning, there couldbe missed appointments, difficulties commu-nicating, and perhaps some heated disagree-ments. People may behave furtively or appearillusive. An extra measure of self-control maybe needed now. Remain circumspect andavoid becoming confrontational.

A sense of responsibility prevails as a helpfultrine between Venus and Saturn perfects onthe 14th, making this an opportune time toimplement ideas for organizing or stabilizingyour business affairs. Constructive artisticwork is also supported now.

Be sure to broaden your mind on the 15th, asMercury and Jupiter align in conjunction, in12° Aries. Enroll in higher education classes,a course of study, or a workshop. Forgealliances with like-minded individuals andgroups. Communicate your thoughts and pro-gressive ideas. Plan or take a trip abroad.

On the19th, a full moon culminates in 29°Virgo. In Native American astrology, this isknown as the Big Wind Moon, the last fullmoon of the natural cycle, which means it’stime for spiritual spring cleaning. Allow thewinds of change to blow through your life, inpreparation for the new cycle of growth whichbegins with the vernal equinox tomorrow.

The vernal equinox arrives on March 20th, asthe sun enters Aries (till April 20), when newbeginnings, in one form or another could behigh on the agenda for many. A new optimismand hopefulness is developing within the col-lective consciousness on the planet, and whencoupled with the pioneering, risk-taking spiritnow abroad, progressive, and perhaps revolu-tionary, activities will have greater appeal.

The sun then aligns in conjunction withUranus on the 21st, in 01° Aries, a celestialaugury to revolutionize business or careerstrategies... out with the old, in with new andimproved methodologies. Investigate that newcomputer, electronic gadget, or softwareyou’ve been promising yourself, perhaps toincrease work efficiency. Allow creative self-expression free rein.

Two powerful planetary alignments dominatethe day on the 28th. When the sun squares Plutoduring the morning, an opportunity to transcenda behavior pattern that you’ve outgrown couldarise. Much inner strength and determinationwill be called for to properly channel these pow-erful, transformative energies.

Then Jupiter forms a precise opposition toSaturn later on the 28th (reprising a similaralignment from May 22nd, and August 16th,2010) when it may seem especially difficult tomake professional progress, or you may feelthat your ambitions are being thwarted, eitherby a lack of opportunity or simply bad timing.If you find yourself vacillating between opti-mism and caution, you most assuredly won’tbe alone. While this is not an ideal influenceunder which to begin a new venture, it can bequite helpful if you are in a position to expanda current business, as you would be more likelyto do so with a higher degree of caution. Thechallenge here is to strike a balance betweenthese two opposing forces in order to maxi-mize the considerable potential for achieve-ment that is, nonetheless, available. ForJupiter, when all is said and done, is still theplanet most associated with good fortune.

Mercury stations retrograde (till April 23) onMarch 30th, in 25° Aries, so plans or arrange-ments of any importance should be imple-mented prior to this period. However, whileMercury is Retrograde, you may safely makerevisions or otherwise go over previously cov-ered territory for inconsistencies or errors.

Following is a general overview of how theplanetary trends for February/March, 2011apply to each sun sign. If you know yourrising sign (Ascendant), read that, too, foradditional insights.

DDoowwnn TToo EEaarrtthh AAssttrroollooggyy

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www.earthstarmag.com1 4 EARTH STAR FEBRUARY / MARCH 2011

DDoowwnn TToo EEaarrtthh AAssttrroollooggyyAries (March 20—April 19)

You’re keen to move forward with personalprojects that may have been on the back burner

for a while, particularly an expansive venture or activity thatwould broaden your horizons and which might also involvetravel. Set new goals and formulate plans for the future duringthis progressive, outgoing period, when you have the wind atyour back and an element of good fortune to support yourendeavors. If you need a favor or perhaps a glowing referencefrom a superior or authority figure in a position to help youfurther your ambitions, ask for it during February. Don’t beshy about blowing your own trumpet now, as you never knowwho might like the tune your playing. During March, easeback on the throttle and take some quality time out to surveythe progress you’ve made towards your objectives, and tovisualize, clarify, and energize the big picture, your game planfor success.

Taurus (April 19—May 20)

Your prospects for professional attainment orcareer advancement are poised to take a signifi-cant leap forward during this forecast period,

when the sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus all travel throughyour solar tenth house, bringing opportunities for you todemonstrate your talents, abilities and know how to peers,associates, or potential employers. Studying a new subject ordiscipline now can be both enjoyable and illuminating, whilethe possibility of travel to a distant locale could be educationalas well as fun. Make plans for the future, set goals, and connectwith friends and groups with whom you resonate duringMarch, when your inspired, progressive ideas can border onthe truly visionary. Be sure to pace yourself, and set asidesome quality time in which to recharge your energies and tosurvey the progress you've already made.

Gemini (May 20—June 21)

You are in the midst of an expansive trend inwhich you seek to broaden your horizons and

reach out to progressive groups and individuals that shareboth your objectives and worldview. You sense the timing isright to move forward with an innovative project that couldput you on the radar of some of the leaders in your chosenfield of endeavor, and which might also lead to an elevation inyour professional profile and status. Financial favors could beyours for the asking now, so if you’re in need of additionalresources, make your pitch during this generally auspiciouswindow of opportunity. Measure your progress carefully,taking time to ensure that you're still on track, and keep thosewho need to know in the loop. By all means allow yourvisionary nature to come to the fore as you chart your courseto success, but remain grounded and practical in yourapproach.

Cancer (June 21—July22)

Now is the time to release that which you nolonger need or that serves no constructive

purpose in your life, particularly patterns of emotional

behavior that undermine your efforts to progress towards yourworldly objectives. By doing so you will experience anenergetic quickening that can be harnessed to propel youforward, allowing you to rise like the mythical phoenix fromthe ashes of a phase of your existence that you’ve nowoutgrown, towards new horizons of opportunity that open upbefore you. Thus, the more unhelpful elements from the pastthat you release, the quicker you’ll progress towards thefuture you desire. Some Crab-clan members may considerreturning to school, perhaps to enhance your credentials, or toretrain for an entirely new career path. The bottom line is thatyou’e now keen to broaden your knowledge, raise your sights,and to boost your potential for success, accomplishment andsatisfaction. So what are you waiting for?

Leo (July 22—August 23)

It’s time to pay more attention to the significantothers in your life, the friends, family and partners

who help to make your world turn. For some Lion-clanmembers a longstanding casual relationship may evolve into adeeper, more meaningful connection, while others may beenjoying a new and rather special alliance, one that has thepotential to withstand the test of time. However, Saturn, lord ofkarma, currently transiting Libra and your solar third house, ischallenging you to maintain an honest, fair and open approachto communications in all of your relationships, particularlythose of a professional nature. You’ll likely experience morethan a few deep thoughts during March, when the heavensprompt you to process and purge unhelpful or unwantedelements from your life, particularly thought patterns thatyou’ve outgrown or simply don’t serve your best interests. Youwill then be more open to the stimulating new possibilities thatwill shortly appear on your horizon.

Virgo (August 23—September 23)

After what may have been a fairly quiet time formany Virgo natives in recent months, wherework is concerned, at least, you are about to

experience the effects of a positive shift in the force. A newemployment opportunity could appear on your personal eventhorizon, quite suddenly and unexpectedly during February,one in which your creative talents and people skills would beput to good use. For others, what was originally just atemporary assignment may now become permanent. Yourenergy, enthusiasm and charm will serve you well now. Itmight become necessary for you to make some adjustments toaccommodate the needs of a partner or of another keyrelationship during March, with personal and mutual financesbeing part of the picture. What transpires will eventually leadto a greater sense of stability and security.

Libra (September 23—October 23)

Over the past year or two, many Scales-clanmembers have been coming to terms withelements from the past that may have inhibited

your emotional growth and development. The good news isthat this cycle will shortly conclude, and you’ll begin tofeel more social and outgoing once again. Indeed, during

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DDoowwnn TToo EEaarrtthh AAssttrroollooggyyFebruary, allow your inner child to come out and play atevery opportunity. There will likely be plenty of wonderfulplaymates with whom to enjoy some fun and games, andperhaps even a potential suitor for those available! Play,you will rediscover, can also be very healing. Work orvocational activities become more of a focal point duringMarch, cutting into your personal time when you’re inmore of a mind to keep your schedule as free flowing aspossible to take advantage of social opportunities. But youcan do both. The emotional energies freed up by yourrecent inner work—both conscious and at thesubconscious level—are now available to be applied tomore relevant priorities.

Scorpio (October 23—November 22)

Home is where the heart is, and in February, yourheart may be yearning for that ideal home you have

firmly focused in your mind’s eye. Indeed, your thoughts seldomstray far from the notion of dramatically improving your domes-tic situation and the sooner the better, whether it’s a long overduerenovation project or relocating to an entirely new residence.There’s an inner restlessness that simply must be assuaged, stim-ulated, in part, by a gradual release of emotional patterns thatoriginated in the distant past which you have now outgrown, andthat your subconscious is now ready to purge. Your creativejuices are beginning to flow more freely, also a result of a new-found lightness of being, as you emotionally detach from limit-ing beliefs and painful memories. Work on increasing yourstrength and stamina, and boosting your fitness in general.

Sagittarius (November 21—December 21)

For much of February, your thoughts and actionsmay be focused primarily on ways and means to

secure your financial future. To this end, you may beformulating innovative plans aimed at increasing your senseof security. Ensuring a regular and substantial revenue streamwill be high on your agenda, and at present, there appears tobe plenty of opportunity for you to do so. Clever ideas andcreative notions come thick and fast, so be sure to make a noteof the best ones to follow up on as time and circumstancespermit. Home improvement receives a higher priority inMarch, when you’re keen to make some necessary andperhaps radical changes to your domestic environment. Itmay be that you’re seeking to make better use of availablespace, or to re-purpose some of it for more creative uses, suchas a workout room, or a home office, from which to operate anew financial enterprise.

Capricorn (December 21—January 19)

You may have reason to be more hopeful that yourmaster plan for a professional enterprise, your

career advancement, or a property acquisition is beginning togain some traction during February, when some goodfinancial news could come your way. You’re certainly up forthe challenge, and ready for a change in any case, after aperiod of relative inactivity—by your lofty achievementstandards, at least. It may even seem as though destiny is

calling you to make your presence felt in the world, or withinyour sphere of influence and activity, anyway. You’re likely tobe busy with a personal project during March, or making aconcerted effort at self-improvement, as your mind goes intooverdrive with all kinds of novel notions, not least of whichare innovative ways to stimulate cash flow. Be sure to takeadequate care of your health and fitness, in order to stay ontop of what looks to be a busy schedule heading into spring.

Aquarius (January 19—February 18)

It’s time to turn over a new leaf and to expandyour horizons in early February, when you’re

primed and ready to move forward with personal plans. Thenew moon (2nd) in your sign puts the wind at your back,lending celestial support for your efforts to improve your lotin life. Your imagination may know no bounds now, so be sureto put it to good use, although a good measure of practicalitywill also help your cause. You’re keen to boost your incomepotential during March, and lady luck will be at your side toattend your efforts, with Venus now cruising through yoursign and solar first house. Take advantage of an increase inself-confidence and turn on the charm in social settings, youmight be surprised by the positive response you receive!

Pisces (February 18—March 20)

Your dreams and even daytime reveries duringFebruary could be a great source of inspirationupon which you might be highly motivated to act.

Indeed, something you’ve wished for or dreamed of for sometime could manifest now, in part by the sheer determination andstrength of your desire for it to be so! Don’t underestimate thepower—your powers—of creative visualization, because withfocused intent and right action you can make magic happennow. Your personal finances show definite signs ofimprovement, with lucky Jupiter, your sign’s co-ruler, now inyour solar second house till early June. Indeed, it’s possible thatyou could benefit from some information that comes to youfrom a friend. Your self-confidence and determination to besuccessful increases during March with a new moon (4th) andMars now in your sign. Take the initiative now and put intoplace bold plans that could positively transform your futurepotential.

Tim Gunns is an astrological consultant,conference coordinator and producer,and formerly program director of theL.A. Conscious Life Expo, and thenational Whole Life Expos.Tim prepares personalized no-nonsense inter-

pretations of Natal Horoscopes ($40), Future Forecast TransitReports ($75 for 1 full year), and Relationship CompatibilityReports ($45). Shipping is free. Send: Name (as you'd like it toappear on the chart), Date of Birth, Time (as close as possible),Place of Birth (city/country, etc.) for each person, and your returnaddress, phone# and check to: Tim Gunns, c/o110 Hilltop Drive,Waynesville NC 28786. (828) 452-7885. Consultations byphone may also be scheduled.

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In pagan Norse prophetic traditions, destiny is like aTime Line of rope weaved and divined by threeancient spinners, three daughters of the EarthGoddess Erda. They are called the Norns.

The First Norn is “The Past”. She bears witness to howour future is founded on habits and actions already estab-lished. She casts the time line rope to the Second Norn. She is“The Present”. She bears witness to our actions committedright now and how they will change the course of our fate.

The Second Norn throws her time line to Tomorrow’saugur, to the youngest daughter of Erda, the Third Norn. Shesings a song of the year 2011. Waves of conflicting futures tugso harshly that the twisting, tangling line of time could break.

This rope of the future is now cast for examination by my“oracle” process, which recently divined its findings recordedin my 17th book, Predictions for 2011.

Some of you may know me for my many appearances ontelevision documentaries about Nostradamus and otherprophetic traditions and seers. Just recently I have been on anumber of History Channel shows, such as Next Nostradamus,Nostradamus: 2012, the series Nostradamus Effect and justnow, a spot for Brad Meltzer’s Decoded.

Along with the other e-Books I write each year—alongwith the 100 articles for paring prophecywith current events—I publish an almanac of prophecies foreach coming year.

This new year is most challenging to divine. I foundmyself grasping like a concerned and perplexed Norn thechaotic threads of times coming in 2011. Thus, Predictions for2011 chronicles a year of destiny, when the old and familiarfabric of a now dying age—its beliefs and traditions all knot-ted, snagged and confused—ensnare a future that wants tobreak free.

History is quickening and tightening the stresses of futuretime. Out of this jumble of matted potential outcomes, I striveto set free a new future thread that favors the bold.

2011 is the year individuals can begin redesigning thehuman dream and knit together an as of yet undiscovered tap-estry for a new destiny.

I would like to share with the readers of Earthstar a fewforecasts from my book. Here are some glimpses of the future:

In 2011, systemic flaws rust the structure of governance.There is a counterfeiting of federal reserves in America andEurope.

The time has come to fix these and more financial flawsof Wall Street and Main Street. If the world’s economists andpoliticians remain stubbornly unreformed, probation runs outbetween now and mid-year!

Watch! The systemic becomes sustain-ic failures in thenext global economic crisis.

And yet… There are fewer wars than in centuries. Shared economic

success is putting a stake in the heart of extreme terrorism.

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to Snapto Snap

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Expanding wealth in the developing nations creates a climateof hope and creativity in formerly war-torn continents.

A global system of technology is spreading prosperity.And a new era of middle class dynamism now stretches acrossthe world thanks to an emerging, exciting, interconnectedglobal society never before seen.

What you do individually and what humanity does col-lectively in 2011 defines and launches us down a course of anew decade.

Act and solve many global problems. Understand that wecan do this in a way that stimulates creativity and economicgrowth while sustaining ecological balance.

Yet be warned. My oracle foresees this window of oppor-tunity closing.

My oracle redefines the current economic recession as a“Cold Depression”, akin to a Cold War between nuclearsuperpowers, ever poised to go hot. At any moment—espe-cially through the first half of the year—a Cold Depressioncan be triggered by the wrong button pushed on a broker’skeyboard, the ‘pop’ of one-too-many returning economic bub-bles bursting, the crash of banks too big to fail foundering ina sudden, hot, Depression of economic thermonuclear melt-down. Watch for the cause of collapse coming from a defla-tion in confidence in the US dollar and the US governmentthat prints way too many of them in 2011.

The gigantic American military industrial complex seeksa reason-for-being in new war markets. The old markets inAfghanistan and Iraq are in decline. See an attempt by mili-tary arms building corporations in the US and Russia trying totake us back to a Cold Peace if not a Cold War just so they cankeep in business. See new markets for war developing in theWestern Pacific.

Peace in Palestine is coming sooner than anyone canimagine. So is war with Iran as consequence. Yes, you will seethese little rocket fired wars between Israel, Gaza andLebanon. These are short, sharp conflicts waged out of des-peration by the allies of Iran as the latter loses its political gripof its proxies in a cold regional war with Israel. By the mid-decade, Israel will have achieved a two-state solution, takenitself away as a threat to the Arab world. That leaves Iran asthe only remaining threat to Arabs and Israelis. Thus the manyprophecies of Nostradamus indicating a war with Iran, astro-logically predicted for either 2015 or 2016 could be fulfilled,though there is time for a peaceful solution.

President Obama, like his favorite, President AbrahamLincoln, distinctly and unequivocally shares a critical need tosee his fortunes change in “year three” of his presidency. Theyear 2011 is Barack Obama’s 1863. Will he have Lincoln’s“Battle-of-Gettysburg year” and turn the tide of his falteringpresidency? I foresee a second term for Obama.

A new Global Aristocracy makes its move to take over theUS government of the corporate, buy the corporate, for thecorporate. Will there be push back? Will history repeat itselfwith a second American Revolution?

Prophetic astrology foresees Pluto’s return to the sign ofCapricorn after 248 years as the death and rebirth of democ-racy as well as the decline of the American and European mid-dle classes. Yet these parent middle classes of the past cycle

will step aside to allow the children of a new and global mid-dle class in Asia and South America gain room to arise, shineand ultimately push aside elites that would suppress theirawakening in 2011.

This is the year of military crises caused by failed states,such as Pakistan and North Korea. The first salvoes are notfrom guns but from floods and famine.

We have now entered “Year Two” of Nature’s World Waron Humanity

This is a war against stupid. In Predictions for 2011 I wrote, “In 2011,we enter year

two of World War Three, Mother Nature’s war on us. This isnot some pagan voodoo threat. The natural world is ill. It isfighting back madder than ever in 2011. Her fever chills willbury us in blizzards this winter, her fevers will then suddenlyrise hotter this coming spring and summer, her floods of mon-soon tears and cyclonic rages will redouble from what wasseen in 2010.

“Nature is turning up the volume of her screaming gales.Her thundering quakes and waves mount until the alarm bellsof an unsustainable abuse of the ecosystem begin their firstringing sound.”

As I predicted for 2010, the Hurricane Season was quietin the Gulf of Mexico. Many an angry tropical storm and hur-ricane were corralled by off shore winds to boil harmlessly inthe Atlantic Ocean. The signs are changing in 2011. Preparefor the stampede of the worst hurricane season in the Gulf andalong the Atlantic coast in five years. Suffer the Haitians!

The planet Neptune (God of the Seas) returns to its homesign of Pisces in April 2011. Prepare yourself for a year ofgreat worldwide ocean storms, tempests and monsoons neverbefore experienced in living memory. The seas will be upsetand rise up against our ecological abuses.

China has moved in five generations from being a dicta-torship of the proletariat to a dictatorship of a plutocracy.Despite its breathtaking growth, its bold great pushes forwardfrom socialist hermit kingdom to capitalist super giant; thePeople’s Republic of China is a totalitarian society, ruled bya communist oligarchic regime. When it eclipses Americaninfluence in the coming decade, China will push a totalitarianagenda upon the world at large. It expects “you” to bend andbow to “its” authority. The free peoples will push back.

Success in business and in life follows a path of an anti-hierarchical future in the Aquarian Age. Individuals work formutual gain by free-associating and freethinking beyond thenarrow and specialized mindsets of the dying Piscean Age.“Citizen Genius in Community” is the new leap forward. Seehow you can be a part of that future.

Hundreds more predictions can be found in the e-BookPredictions for 2011. I have an overview of the book you canread here:

You can contact me at: Hogueprophecy.comAnd also, you can join my free newsletter bulletin:


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Lucid Path Healing Arts. Paperback & CD, $19.95.

The Keys to the Universe By Diana Cooper and Kathy Crosswell

In The Keys to the Universe, Cooper andCrosswell reveal the 48 keys and 2 cosmickeys that open up the various energies ofthe universe. Along with the accompanyingCD (with the sound of each of the 50 keys),the information in this book will enablereaders to expand consciousness. Usingthese keys, readers can unlock the secretsof other realms, such as the animal and nat-ural kingdoms, the elementals, differentarchangels and other angelic beings, cos-mic masters, and wisdom centres. This is an

exploration of spiritual laws, a fascinating and important look at ener-gies that manifest as sound resonances, and what humanity can do toaccess them.

Findhorn Press. Paperback & CD, $19.95.

Atlantis and the Cycles of Time

Prophecies, Traditions, and Occult Revelations

By Joscelyn Godwin

Beginning with a review of the rationalist writ-ings on Atlantis, renowned scholar JoscelynGodwin then analyzes and compares writingson Atlantis from many of the great occultistsand esotericists of the 19th and 20th centuries,including Fabre d’Olivet, G. I. Gurdjieff, Guidovon List, Julius Evola, Edgar Cayce, DionFortune, and René Guénon. Seeking to unravel and explain the historiesand interpretations of Atlantis and its kindred myths of Lemuria and Mu,the author shows how these different views go hand-in-hand with theconcept of cyclical history, such as the Vedic system of the four Yugas, theMayan calendar with its 2012 end-date, the theosophical system of rootraces, and the precession of the equinoxes. Venturing broader and deep-er than any other book on Atlantis, this study also covers reincarnation,human evolution or devolution, the origins of race, and catastrophe theory.

Inner Traditions. Paperback, $19.95.

Winter Reading Winter Reading

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Geomancy for BeginnersSimple Techniques for EarthDivinationBy Richard Webster:

Geomancy, a three-thousand-year-oldform of earth divination, can answer yourquestions about relationships, career,money, and all aspects of life. In this com-prehensive, easy-to-follow introduction tothe topic, bestselling author RichardWebster presents eight different methodsyou can try, from astrological geomancyto Arthurian divination to a version attrib-

uted to Napoleon. Each method is based on making a random num-ber of marks, then interpreting the message based on the resultingpattern. Geomancy for Beginners also includes simple instructions onhow to craft your own geomantic tools. With Webster’s sample read-ings and diagrams, it’s easy to begin practicing this age-old form ofdivination to receive guidance and insight.

Llewellyn Worldwide. Paperback, $14.95.

Secrets of Dragon GateBy Dr. Steven Liu and Jonathan Blank

Secrets of Dragon Gate by Dr. Steven Liu andJonathan Blank reveals the essence ofDragon Gate Taoism, an 800-year-old sys-tem of Chinese philosophy, martial arts, med-itation, magic and mysticism, which revolvesaround the concept of spiritual alchemy—atradition passed down through 14 genera-tions to Dr. Steven Liu. The book brings tolight ancient Taoist methods for manifestinghealth, wealth and happiness and includes

information on chi (energy) development, sexual yoga, dream yogaand Taoist magic.

Tarcher/Penguin. Paperback, $16.95.

FriedWhy You Burn Out and How to Revive

By Joan Z. Borysenko, Ph.D.

In this timely and groundbreaking work, JoanBorysenko—a Harvard-trained medical scien-tist, psychologist, and renowned pioneer instress and health—straddles psychology, biolo-gy, and soul in a completely fresh approach toburnout. Her deeply human (and often amusing)personal accounts of burnout and recoveryhelp convey a clear understanding of the sci-ence behind helplessness, hopelessness, andempowerment. Plus, the rich wisdom of peoplewho have gone from fried to revived—including many of Joan’s vibrantcommunity of nearly 5,000 Facebook friends—makes this powerful andpractical book a must-read for our times.

Hay House. Hardcover, $17.95.

Radical Self-ForgivenessThe Direct Path to True

Self-AcceptanceBy Colin Tipping

What’s “radical” about Colin Tipping’sapproach to forgiveness? “It’s not abouttelling ourselves a new story about some-thing that happened,” he says. “It’s aboutcreating a profound shift at the spirituallevel.” Based on his world-renowned for-giveness workshops, the Radical Self-

Forgiveness book shares clear insights forresolving our deepest internal woundsusing Tipping’s five-stage forgivenessprocess. Used alone or in combination for an integrated practice, theRadical Self-Forgiveness book and audio program open the doorway tothe freedom and inner peace that come from true self-acceptance.

‘Sounds True. Paperback, $16.95.

The Spiritual Life of WaterIts Power and PurposeBy Alick Bartholomew

Alick Bartholomew explores water’s sacreduses, its role in our bodies and environ-ment, and the latest scientific studies toreveal that water is a conscious organism.Examining new discoveries in quantumbiology, he shows how water binds all of lifeinto one vast network of energy, allowinginstant communication and coherence.Covering the research of water visionariessuch as Viktor Schauberger, Mae-Wan Ho,

and Masaru Emoto, he examines the memory of water and reveals howthe same water has been cycling through Earth’s history since the dawnof time, making water nature’s greatest recycling and reclaiming agent.With information on the energetics of water, water treatments, findingthe best-quality water, and the perils of bottled and distilled water, thisbook offers us a path to reclaim the spirituality of water.

Park Street Press. Paperback, $19.95.

Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong

A Miracle Health System for Developing Chi

By Bruce Frantzis

Dragon and Tiger qigong uses simple bodymovements to accomplish the same chi bal-ancing as acupuncture. Each movement isdesigned to stimulate not just a single meridianbut groups of meridians. In Chinese medicine,the tiger is a metaphor for a strong, healthy liverand powerful muscles, and the dragon is ametaphor for healthy and strong lungs. The Dragon and Tiger form accom-plishes three major changes in the body necessary for healing: it releasesstagnant chi energy; increases the speed, strength, and evenness of the cir-culation of chi, blood, and other fluids; and quickly raises the body’s energylevels to boost its natural healing capacities. With over 150 illustrationsaccompanying clear, thorough instructions, Dragon and Tiger Medical

Qigong offers an accessible and effective path to health and healing.

North Atlantic Books. Paperback, $23.95.

Winter Reading Winter Reading

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Tibetan Sound HealingSeven Guided Practices forClearing Obstacles, AccessingPositive Qualities, and UncoveringYour Inherent WisdomBy Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

The spiritual heritage of the Bön is richwith methods to guide all beings on thepath to liberation. With Tibetan Sound

Healing, readers are invited to learn froma master of this ancient lineage—and dis-cover the power of sacred sound to puri-

fy your body, connect with your inherent perfection and completeness,and awaken spiritual virtue. In this integrated book-and-CD learningprogram, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche gives you the tools to access wis-dom and compassion and use the vibration of sacred sound to cultivatethe healing power within your body’s subtle channels.

Sounds True. paperback & CD, $14.95.

Gods of the RunesThe Divine Shapers of FateBy Frank JosephIllustrated by Ian Daniels

This book reveals the long history of runesfrom their appearances in Paleolithic cavepaintings to their modern resurgence as apopular tool of divination. It uncovers the orig-inal names and divinatory meanings of eachrune by exploring the myths, personality traits,astrological periods, identifying colors, and

gemstones of the rune’s corresponding god or goddess. It also illus-trates and explains five ancient rune-casting spreads used by Norseadepts for divination as well as character analysis. By renewing theirlink with the divine, Gods of the Runes shows how working with therunes can be a genuine mystical experience, enabling a personal con-nection with the gods and a rediscovery of their perennial truths.

Bear & Company. Paperback, $18.00.

The MapFinding the Magic and Meaning

in the Story of Your LifeBy Colette Baron-Reid

In The Map, intuitive counselor ColetteBaron-Reid invites readers to enter a deepjourney into your inner landscape and meetthe imaginary beings that hold the keys to thewisdom hidden in your subconscious: theWizard of Awareness, the Gentle Gardener,the Bone Collector, and the spirits of the psy-chological terrain you traverse, who knowwhere to find the treasure in each experience. Discover how to tamethe mischievous trickster Goblin, who locks you into old habits. Each ofthese aspects of your psyche has lessons for you, and each respondsto your directions, for you are in charge of your own map. The Map

invites you to boldly claim your power to direct your journey so that youmay find meaning, purpose, and joy.

Hay House. Paperback, $14.95.

Manifesting MichelangeloBy Joseph Pierce Farrellwith:Peter Occhiogrosso

Heralding a message of unlimited possibil-ities, Manifesting Michelangelo presents acompelling body of evidence that supportswhat science is now beginning toembrace, what the great artists havealways known, and what spiritual traditionshave long represented—that we all pos-sess the capacity to manifest on the level ofthe miraculous. It is the first book, that asksus to believe—based not on faith alone, buton documented evidence—that we as a species have the capacity to lit-erally manifest the change in the world that our conscience decreesand our hearts desire.

Atria Books. Hardcover, $25.00.

The NASA ConspiraciesThe Truth Behind the MoonLandings, Censored Photos, and The Face on MarsBy Nick Redfern

The National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration—NASA—was establishedon July 29, 1958. Ever since that day,NASA has been at the forefront of effortsto explore outer space, resulting in theApollo missions to the moon, the Skylabspace-station, and today’s space shuttle.

But behind the open face of NASA, there is a much more mysteriousworld. NASA has been linked to a wealth of high-level cover-ups,including claims that the Apollo moon landings of 1969 to 1972 werefaked, the controversial face on Mars, and NASA’s deep and long-standing involvement in the famous UFO crash at Roswell, NewMexico, in the summer of 1947. The NASA Conspiracies throws openall the doors that the Space Agency has kept closed for so long.

New Page Books. Paperback, $15.99.

KundaliniDivine Energy, Divine Life

By Cyndi Dale

Kundalini is one of the most talkedabout but least understood forms ofsacred energy. But what is it, really?In Kundalini, Intuitive healer CyndiDale presents concise, yet compre-hensive guidance to help readerstruly understand kundalini energyand how it can be used to transformtheir lives. This illustrated book fea-tures the latest scientific research;mystical practices such as breathwork, tantra, and mantras; and illu-minating first-hand accounts from Cyndi’s healing and teaching prac-tice, all in an easy-to-follow format. Step-by-step exercises teachreaders how to use this powerful energy to achieve vibrant health,have better and more meaningful relationships, and find their life’sauthentic purpose.

Llewellyn Publications. Paperback, $17.95.

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Homeopathic Care for Catsand Dogs, Revised EditionSmall Doses for Small AnimalsBy Don Hamilton, DVM

Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs

offers expert guidance on home care anddiet, how to obtain the information neededto choose a homeopathic remedy, how todose remedies, how to choose the poten-cy, and when to repeat remedies. Thebook lists organ systems by chapter, howto evaluate patients’ illnesses and when toseek veterinary care. Remedy and supple-ment suggestions follow disease descrip-

tions. Each section contains the principal remedies needed for treatment.The book ends with a comprehensive materia medica. This updated edi-tion contains a new chapter on the human-animal relationship, timely infor-mation on vaccines, as well as new remedy information in every chapter.

North Atlantic Books. Paperback, $27.95.

Losing Control, Finding SerenityHow the Need to Control Hurts Usand How to Let It GoBy Daniel A. Miller

Trying to control people and events harms you,and everyone around you. The very intensity ofyour controlling actions blinds you to optionsand choices that would significantly improveyour life emotionally, spiritually, creatively, andfinancially. However, when you let go of control,your blinders are removed. You can engage in

life’s currents in an intuitive and expansive manner. Losing Control, Finding

Serenity offers tools and strategies for losing control in important areassuch as parenting, friendship, work, and love. The book’s basic premise issimple: When you lose control, you’ll find freedom and contentment.

Ebb and Flow Press. Paperback, $14.95.

The Trinity SecretThe Power of Three

and the Code of CreationBy Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman

Millions of people recognize the Holy Trinity, butfew understand that the concept behind it isnot limited to a single religion or belief system.What if the Trinity were an ancient code, a for-mula, a secret so simple yet so powerful, itcould change the way we look at our relation-ship with the Creator and with creation? Joinbest-selling authors Jones and Flaxman as theyembark on a fascinating journey to reveal thesecret of the power of three and unlock the code behind the creative force ofthe universe...a force which each and every one of us has access to.

New Page Books. Paperback, $15.99.

The Secret History of Extraterrestrials

Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race

By Len Kasten

This book surveys contact with ETs and abductionaccounts, unexplained public and undisclosed mil-itary technology from aliens including anti-gravitydevices, exopolitics (the influence of ETs in humanaffairs), the Iraqi Stargate, the Hybrid Project ofalien interbreeding by abduction, Nazi ties toUFOS and their secret underground base in Antarctica, governmentcover-ups of alien interactions including Roswell, and the transformationtriggered by the Hale-Bopp comet. Based on interviews with people whoare witnessing the coming changes as well as those visionaries who areactually bringing them about—including John Mack, Major Jesse Marcel,Paul LaViolette, Robert Bauval, Michael Salla, and Helen Wambach—thisbook sketches out a breathtaking vision of the planetary revolution justaround the corner.

Bear & Company. Paperback, $18.00.

The Cosmological Originsof Myth and Symbol

From the Dogon and Ancient Egyptto India, Tibet, and China

By Laird Scranton

Great thinkers and researchers such asCarl Jung have acknowledged the manybroad similarities that exist between themyths and symbols of ancient cultures.One largely unexplored explanation forthese similarities lies in the possibility thatthese systems of myth all descended fromone common cosmological plan. Outliningthe most significant aspects of cosmologyfound among the Dogon, ancient Egyptians, and ancient Buddhists,including the striking physical and cosmological parallels between theDogon granary and the Buddhist stupa, Laird Scranton identifies thesignature attributes of a theoretic ancient parent cosmology--aplanned instructional system that may well have spawned these greatancient creation traditions.

Inner Traditions. Paperback, $18.95.

Waking From SleepWhy Awakening Experiences Occur andHow to Make Them PermanentBy Steve Taylor

In this astounding book, Steve Taylor suggeststhat our normal consciousness is really a kind of“sleep” from which we sometimes “wake up”into a more intense and complete reality. He pro-vides what is perhaps the first-ever clear expla-nation of higher states of consciousness, or“awakening experiences.” This work delves into:

the methods we human beings have used throughout history toinduce awakening experiences, including meditation, sex, sports, psy-chedelic drugs, and sleep deprivation; how higher states of con-sciousness were normal and natural to some of the world’s peoples(and still are, in some cases); and how we can make “wakefulness”our normal state again. By fully explaining awakening experiences, theauthor makes them much more accessible, which may lead to a revo-lution in our psychological development as human beings!

Hay House. Paperback, $14.95.

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www.earthstarmag.com2 2 EARTH STAR FEBRUARY / MARCH 2011

The First “Consciousness” Feature Film from a Major Hollywood Director!

The story reads like an inspiring Hollywoodscreenplay … but it really happened … and it’sstill happening!

Tom Shadyac made a fortune in Hollywood by making uslaugh. As director and/or writer of such blockbuster films asAce Ventura: Pet Detective, The Nutty Professor, Liar, Liar,and Bruce Almighty. But at one point, his life became … notso funny.

As the result of a bicycling accident in 2007, Shadyacsuffered post-concussion syndrome (PCS). His symptomsincluded an intense and painful reaction to light and sound(the tools of his trade, of course), severe mood swings, a con-stant ringing in his head, and others. The worst aspects ofthis: there is no successful treatment for PCS—and it maynever go away.

Shadyac tried all the traditional medical treatments; noth-ing worked. Then he tried a variety of alternative modalities,including biofeedback and a hyperbaric oxygen chamber;again, nothing worked. After several months of torture, hewelcomed death. “I wasn’t suicidal,” he recalls, “but I knew Iwas done.”

Facing death brought an instantaneous sense of clarity

and purpose. “If I was going to die,” he reflected, “what did Iwant to say before I went?” Suddenly, it all became verysimple and very clear. “I wanted to tell people what I hadcome to know.”

Shadyac’s films had grossed nearly two billion dollarsworldwide, making him one of Hollywood’s most successfulfilmmakers. This had brought Tom all the expected perks—a17,000-square foot art-filled mansion and guest complex inPasadena, private jets, exotic cars … the whole 999 yards.

“What I discovered, though, when I began to look deeply,was that the world I was living in was a lie. The game I hadwon at, which I thought would help to heal the world, mightvery well be what was destroying it.”

After months of isolation, with no visitors and virtuallyno communication with the outside world, suddenly, unex-pectedly, Tom’s PCS symptoms began to recede. When heimproved to the point where he could actually tolerate travel,he decided to grab a camera and a film crew of four and starta journey to find the people who had helped him question thelife he had been leading and try to learn and understand more.And to spark a conversation around two challenging andrarely asked questions ….

• What’s wrong with our world?• What can we do to fix it?

From Ace VAce Venturaentura To Advaita Vedanta

Tom Shadyac andI AMFeature Documentary on the Heart, Soul and Science of OnenessOneness

Follows Superstar Writer/Director’s Brush with Death!

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“I AM” – The Underlying Problem,The Overarching Solutions

“Is there a hidden problem underneath that causes all theproblems of humanity, all the problems of our world?”Shadyac asked as he pursued production of “I AM,” the newdocumentary feature that resulted from his exploratory journey.

There is, he determined: it is the separation of ourselvesfrom the natural world … and the implications of that separa-tion. All the result of “the particular scientific story” we’vebeen telling ourselves for the last three hundred years. Thestory that grew out of both Newtonian science—that the uni-verse is reliable and predictable because it is essentiallymechanical, a giant machine—and Darwin’s Evolution of theSpecies, survival of the fittest as a result of competition.

What we know today is that these old assumptions simplyare not true. The new, emergent understanding of the natureof the universe contradicts them. But they are still the mostcommon informers of our belief systems and, therefore, ourbehavior.

What can we do to fix the world? Shadyac suggests westart by fixing ourselves. “Mother Teresa never thought aboutsolving hunger or poverty,” he recounts. “She saw a sick,hungry person and reached out to help. What’s needed is anawakening of one’s own heart, a personal transformation. Ouroutside world is just a manifestation of what we’re holdinginside. So the work is on ourselves.”

“I AM” is the film that could stop millions of peoplein their tracks, people who are still arguing—consciouslyor not—for the validity of Newtonian thought and thecompetitive survival of the fittest ethos.

In “I AM,” Shadyac uses his wit, warmth, curiosity and mas-terful storytelling skills to reveal what we are now discoveringthrough quantum physics and other research to be among thetruths of our nature –

• The universe is not a machine and neither are we.• We are all connected to each other and to everything. • Our #1 organ of intelligence is the heart, not the brain.

Ninety to niniety-five percent of information flows from heartto brain, not the other way round.

• Our consciousness and emotions impact the physicalworld around us.

Science, it seems, is finally catching up with the ancient,basic principles of religion and spirituality. The emergingstory is the old story!

Additionally, in “I AM,” Shadyac underscores — • Materialism is not a path to happiness.• Humankind’s basic nature is cooperation and democra-

cy, not competition. Darwin knew this and used the word lovenumerous times in his book Descent of Man, while using thephrase survival of the fittest only twice! Research demon-strates that we’re hardwired for a compassionate response tothe troubles of others.

Shadyac himself narrates the film and appears as an inter-viewer and good-natured guinea pig in some of the scientificexperiments. He interviews some of the most informative,

Tom Shadyac and David Suzuki

Tom Shadyac and Coleman Barks

Tom Shadyac and Bishop Desmond Tutu

Tom Shadyac and Dr. Rollin McCraty

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enlightening and inspiring scientists, spiritual leaders,thinkers and experts in the world today, including –

Dr. Dean Radin – Senior Scientist, Institute of NoeticSciences

Dr. David Suzuki – Academic, science broadcaster andenvironmental activist

Dr. Noam Chomsky – Institute Professor and ProfessorEmeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Dr. Howard Zinn – Late historian, author, activist, pro-fessor of Political Science at Boston University

Lynne McTaggart – Best-selling author, journalist,spokesperson for the new physics

Bishop Desmond Tutu –South African activist andChristian cleric

Coleman Barks –American poet and interpreterof Rumi

Thom Hartmann —American radio host, author,former psychotherapist andentrepreneur

Dr. Dacher Keltner –Professor of Psychology,University of California,Berkeley

Dr. John Francis –American environmentalist.

Marc Ian Barasch –Author, film and televisionwriter, producer, magazine edi-tor, and environmental activist

Daniel Quinn – Best-sell-ing author of Ishmael

Ray Anderson – CEO,Interface, Inc.

Dr. Rollin McCraty –Director of Research, Instituteof HeartMath

Dr. Marilyn Schlitz –President and CEO, Institute ofNoetic Sciences

So what does Shadyac suggest each of us do to help solvethe dire challenges we face at the beginning of the 21stCentury?

“I get asked that a lot,” he says. “Give me a list of thingsthat I can do!’ But the solution is really about a deeper trans-formation that must occur in each of us. It’s not my calling totell people what they should do. I’m about sharing the princi-ples that awoke in me, affected me, and changed my life. Onceone experiences a baseline awakening, the To-Do list forms nat-urally. Frankly, I prefer that each of us has a To-Be list!

“Change starts with consciousness and our own definitionof ourselves,” he says. “Each of us has the power to make adifference. It’s the Power of One. Everybody has that power.Just do something. From moment to moment, everything we

say or do … or don’t say or don’t do … makes a difference!”Shadyac lets the film’s content speak for itself: democracy

and consensus decision-making is the basis of life amongmany species, from insects and birds, to deer and primates;humans actually function better and remain healthier whenexpressing love, care, gratitude and cooperation; conscious-ness is linked to the behavior of the quantum world ….

“If everyone is intentional with their small acts, overtime, there’s massive change. That’s the story of women’ssuffrage, India’s independence, the American civil rightsmovement, the Vietnam peace protestors and the end ofapartheid in South Africa.

“His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, says, ‘critical thinkingfollowed by action’ is the mostimportant thing we can do now.There’s no such thing as a tinyact.”

So what is Shadyacdoing? He sold the Pasadenaestate with its furniture and art-work and is now living in amobile home community innorth Malibu. He’s flying com-mercially now. He started rid-ing his bike to work. He’steaching at a local college,another venue for sharing hisdiscoveries.

All proceeds derivedfrom the release of “I AM,” inall media, will go to THEFOUNDATION FOR I AM, anot-for-profit established byShadyac to fund various wor-thy causes and to educate thenext generation about the veryissues and problems exploredin the film. And, if he everdirects another Hollywoodmovie, he plans to receivesomething like the Director’sGuild minimum directingfee—around $210,000—and

have the rest of his usual eight-figure fee deposited into acharitable account.

“Whatever I don’t need, I no longer consider to be mine,”he says. “I just direct it to where it’s needed.” He’s also con-sidering founding an institute in Telluride, Colorado, whichwould bring together high school and college students, alongwith adults, to begin a conversation around these ideas.

What makes the film a standout is Tom’s personal story,the intimate self-effacing way he tells it, his relentless pursuitof knowledge and wisdom, and the creative, yet accessibleway he shares it with the viewer. There are also stunninglybeautiful scenes of the natural world and compelling portrayalsof our current human struggle. The music, too, dramatically andemotionally underscores the visual impact of the film.

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Tom Shadyac — The Back Story

Tom was born and raised in Falls Church, Virginia, ofLebanese Christian descent. He graduated from J. E. B. StuartHigh School where he was “the All-American student,”excelling academically, in sports, and in student leadership,including being elected Junior Class President. He madeJunior National and National Honor Societies throughout hishigh school years and was included in Who’s Who AmongHigh School Students in both 1975 and 1976.

Tom’s father, the late Richard C. Shadyac, Sr., aWashington, DC attorney, was a long time friend of comedi-an, actor and TV producer, Danny Thomas. Thomas foundedthe St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, TN.The elder Shadyac served there in many capacities over theyears, and as CEO of its fundraising arm from 1992 to 2005.Tom says of his father, “ He was my model for personalintegrity and service. He was an extraordinary man”

Tom was drawn to spiritual matters early in life. He was“a fan of Jesus –not the dogma, but the power of his moralteachings,” then of Gandhi, St. Francis and Martin LutherKing. He also read and studied the mystic poets—Rumi,Hafiz, Emerson, Thoreau, Rainer Maria Rilke, Mary Oliver—for more than twenty years. He was exposed to science later,when a friend turned him onto the recent discoveries of quan-tum physics. “I’d been talking spiritually about the unity ofeverything,” Tom recalls, “and in quantum physics I learnedabout the illusion of time, connection, quantum entanglement… it was all there!”

Tom graduated from the University of Virginia in 1981and received his master’s degree in film in 1989 from UCLA.He moved to Los Angeles in 1983 and, at age twenty-four,become the youngest staff joke writer ever for comedian BobHope. His hit films with Jim Carrey include Bruce Almighty,Liar Liar, Evan Almighty, and the Ace Ventura: Pet Detectiveseries. He collaborated with Eddie Murphy to write The Nutty

Professor movies. He directed Patch Adams starring RobinWilliams and Dragonfly with Kevin Costner. He was also theexecutive producer of the ABC-TV series 8 Simple Rules forDating My Teenage Daughter.

As to plans for the future, he says “I’m just serving thisfilm for now, seeing how far it’ll take us.” He does, however,have plans to follow-up with a TV talk show, “Shift Happens,”and possibly a feature film, “Planet Walker,” the true story ofJohn Francis, an American environmentalist who, after wit-nessing an oil spill in San Francisco Bay in 1971, stopped rid-ing in motorized vehicles for twenty-two years. He also spentseventeen years in voluntary silence, during which time hewalked the entire width of the lower 48 United States. “Hechanged himself,” Shadyac notes, “and therefore changed theworld.”

Shadyac has dedicated “I AM” to his father and toHoward Zinn, both of whom passed away in 2010. The filmis set to open in selected cities in February, 2011, and nation-wide shortly thereafter.

I s it possible for a film to change the world? The GreatTrain Robbery, the world’s first full-length movie witha storyline did so in 1903. The world was never the

same after it was seen by millions, everywhere. The JazzSinger, the first “talkie,” did it in 1928. And film of theWorld Trade Center disasters did it in 2001. “I AM,” thenew documentary feature by superstar filmmaker TomShadyac (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Nutty Professor,Liar, Liar, Bruce Almighty, and others) stands to do thesame. It is the first film by a major Hollywood writer/direc-tor to present the scientific evidence—from quantumphysics and other disciplines—that humanity is One, thateach of us is connected at an essential level to everyone—and everything—else. Furthermore, Shadyac presents evi-dence that cooperation is a more effective and natural sur-vival tactic than competition, that our heart (not our brain)is our #1 organ of intelligence, and that our thoughts andemotions directly affect physical reality. In the face of ourcurrent global crises—economic, environmental, civil

rights, governmental, etc.—this is the revolutionary, reality-shifting news that everyone needs to take in. If they do, theentire conversation about solutions to humanity’s problemscould change. Most significantly, though, this film actual-ly could reach those millions of mainstream moviegoers,precisely because it is Shadyac’s work, and he has millionsof fans. Of course, it is also gorgeous and highly entertain-ing filmmaking, with stunningly beautiful scenes of the nat-ural world, cogent and witty storytelling, and a focus thatcalls on us to examine our beliefs and our every action inlife. Shadyac’s extraordinary film grew out of his ownbrush with death—post-concussion syndrome after a bicy-cling accident—that left him painfully sensitive to light andsound, experiencing severe mood swings, a constant ring-ing in his head and other intractable symptoms. This film,intended to be his legacy, addresses these questions: What’swrong with the world and What can we do to fix it? “I AM”fills in these blanks in a provocative, enlightening and high-ly effective way. A must-see … and a potential classic!


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Did you know your body has a secret languagewith which it communicates? By this I meanthat your body is like a sponge; it will do what-ever you tell it. If you constantly say that youcan’t handle things, your hands will become

stiff and clenched and you won’t be able to handle anythingnew. If you say, ‘my boss is a pain in the neck,’ you will man-ifest neck problems. When you think, ‘oh what a headachethis will be,’ your body is listening. Because your body is sogood at taking direction it immediately starts building tensionin your head, so that you can feel your head ache.

Dr Robin Youngson, founder, Centre for Compassion inHealthcare says, “Livid, pissed off, torn up inside, heartache,bone weary, jaundiced, gut wrenching, blood boiling, pain inthe neck, stab in the back, takes my breath away, a rash deci-sion, sick to death - our language is alive with ancient wisdomabout the origin of many illnesses.” He believes that by chang-ing the way we think and speak we can free ourselves, “fromthe toxic effects of unconscious beliefs and emotions and starton a path of self-healing.”

Your Thoughts and Emotions Affect Your Health

In our culture, what many people don’t realize is that what wesay and what we hear others say either has a negative or a pos-itive effect on our health. For example, if you are aroundsomeone who is negative and who constantly criticizes orjudges you, you are likely to feel upset, angry and fearful.Those emotions will cause your body to tighten, your immunesystem to weaken and your nervous system to come under

stress and attack. If you don’t let go of the negative feelings,after a while your body will start to break down and you willget sick.

Psychoneuroimmunology or PNI research shows thatnegative thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and emotions weaken thenervous and immune systems and lead to disease. Dr Margode Kooker wrote, “In the real world, what the field of PNIproves is that what happens in our minds at the level of ourperception can have real effects on our immune system. Thisconcept is not new at all, and ancient wisdom has alwaysencouraged us to focus on maintaining a ‘healthy’ mind inorder to maintain a healthy body. It is only now that we areable to prove and understand the connections.”

Petrea King, Founding Director of the Quest for LifeCentre says, “Our issues are in our tissues. When we react topeople or events in our lives we literally re-activate a physiol-ogy in our body that we have experienced before.”

If we want to be healthy we can not afford to buy into andsuppress negative emotions.

Paying Attention to The Messages From Your Body

I have spent ten years researching how our thoughts and emo-tions affect our bodies, and have written a book titled TheSecret Language of Your Body, The Essential Guide to Healthand Wellness. In the book I explore how our thoughts, emo-tions and actions contribute to our health problems and whatwe can do to begin the healing journey. There is also a sectionon understanding and healing emotions, learning the secretlanguage of colour and discovering what lessons we can learnfrom the systems of our bodies.

By Inna Segal

Discover TheSecret LanguageSecret Language

of YYour Bodyour Body

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Best selling author, Dr Bernie Siegel states in the fore-word for The Secret Language of Your Body, “If we do not payattention to our feelings and the messages from our body thenour body will assume we do not enjoy life and get us out ofhere as quickly as possible. So stop living your untrue self’slife, which others imposed upon you, and eliminate not your-self but what is killing you. Thus, by paying attention to themessages from within your body, saving your life.”

Even though we have more advances in technology, moredrugs and more therapies than ever before, diseases like can-cer, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, chronic fatigue and manyothers are rampant and on the rise. I believe that that learninghow to tune into our own bodies, understand the messagesthey are giving us has now become a necessity. We need tobecome empowered and participate in our own healing, ratherthan waiting for someone else to ‘fix us.’

My Story

Through my teenage years I suffered from enormous backpain, anxiety, psoriasis and stomach problems. I had visitedmany practitioners; both mainstream and alternative withlittle success.

By the time I reached my early twenties I was so unwelland felt so much pain in my back that for weeks I was barelyable to walk. The turning point came when I was in agony andmy body felt and looked like it was disfigured. When I finallymade it into the chiropractor’s office, he took one look at meand said he could not help. I was distraught and angry and feltlike giving up.

Later that day, sitting on my bed, contemplating my bleakfuture, I had an epiphany. I had relied on others to heal me,hope they could save me. The answer was clear. I needed tohelp myself. But how?

Discovering My Ability to Heal

I sensed that my body has an ability to heal. However, first Ihad to discover the purpose of my pain. I felt that my bodywas attempting to give me a message.

Though I was still in pain, I now felt I had a purpose. Ididn’t know exactly how to begin self-healing, so I decided tomeditate, which I had never done. I had read that a good wayto start was to count backwards. Breathing deeply I begancounting backwards from thirty.

I also placed my hands on my lower back, for support, notrealizing that this was one of the ways to connect with mybody and receive messages. I then asked that if there wassomething Divine out there, that I needed immediate help. Ithen felt a golden ray of light like sunshine begin melting thetension and pain I was carrying in my body.

This gave me the confidence to explore even further. Ifocused on my desire to understand what was really going onin my body. Within moments I saw exactly what my spinelooked like as if I had x ray vision.

I understood that my spine was stuck because I had manyunresolved issues from childhood, that related to my family,moving countries, feeling unsupported and alone. As well as

some ancestral energies that I was carrying. Having recognised the cause of the pain, I was then

focused on letting go and changing. After twenty minutes ofdoing this process I fell asleep. When I woke up about seventypercent of the pain was gone. So I knew something extraordi-nary had happened. Within a few weeks my back, digestiveproblems and skin problems were healed and I was feelingmore confident than ever.

Below is a healing process similar to the one I used totune into my body and begin to heal.

Commitment to Healing

I believe that to experience incredible healing, you need tomake a commitment to succeed and take responsibility foryour actions. Responsibility does not mean blaming yourselffor feeling unwell; on the contrary, it means discovering whatchoices or decisions you made which did not work. You canthen decide to do things differently, and find out what wouldmake your life and health brilliant.

Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down.

Count backwards from thirty as you breath deeply andallow your mind and body to relax.

Focus on an area in your body that feels blocked or whereyou have pain.

Breathe into the area for a few moments, and then placeyour hands on that area.

Ask your body, ‘Is there any message you want to sharewith me?’

Take a few deep breaths as you allow any messages tocome to the surface.

Write this message down.

Say: ‘I call on my Divine Healing Intelligence to helprelease all pain, blockages and density from this area.’

Allow yourself to watch and feel, as dense energy leavesyour body.

Say: ‘I call on my Divine Healing Intelligence to infusethis area with healing energy. I command that all theimmune mechanisms of my body be activated and mybody now return to a state of perfect balance and health.’

Breathe in continuously for a minute, allowing the energyto build.

Imagine a gold light moving through your body andrepairing it.

When you feel lighter, gently bring your awareness backto the present and open your eyes, knowing that you haveactivated your own Divine Healing Intelligence.

You can use this exercise on a daily basis, either to focuson specific problems or to heal your whole body.

Exercise For Tuning into Your Body

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www.earthstarmag.com2 8 EARTH STAR FEBRUARY / MARCH 2011

In our lives, we are constantly expanding or contract-ing, opening or tightening, prospering or limiting.Often we don’t even know or realize when we arecontracting, tightening or limiting, because we are soused to those kinds of experiences, and don’t recog-

nize that there is another way. Many people in our society live and operate from fear,

anger, shame, guilt and deep mistrust of themselves, othersand the spirit world. Often people project into the future or re-visit the past, rushing, running and only slightly noticing thepresent.

In this state, depression, anger, suppression, fear and dis-eases grow and life loses its meaning. It takes an enormousamount of life-force energy to suppress our emotions andtrauma we may have experienced. Some people becomeexhausted before they even get out of bed.

Experiencing Our Feelings Along the way, many of us have also been told that it is notholy to express and experience our feelings, especially ifthose feelings are dense or heavy. Getting angry or upset isfrowned upon, so we often invalidate ourselves and what wefeel. Thus our feelings have nowhere to go but within.

Instead of feeling our emotions and letting the energy inour bodies and lives flow, the mind takes over and we start tothink, dissect and judge. Often people tell me that they havethought, talked about and dealt with a particular issue.However, it still keeps coming up. The reality is that if thesame thing keeps reappearing - you have not dealt with it, orthere is more to deal with.

If this is not dealt with, we may start to die a little by lit-tle, age and lose our enthusiasm for life, because now life hasbecome a mental concept instead of a spontaneous, creative,joyful experience. It can feel like the movie, Groundhog Day,where everyday appears the same.

Deep Cellular TransformationI say to people that when you have released something on acellular, energetic and emotional level you clearly know aboutit and it has very little to do just with thinking or changingyour mind. If the release is that deep you simply cannot thinkin the same way, because your whole outlook on life changesand the charge or the pattern, which has controlled you, canno longer do that.

Deep cellular transformation often begins when we areallowed to acknowledge our hurt, anger, experience of beingviolated, misunderstood and misheard. At the same time, wecan invite Spirit or our own Divine Healing Intelligence tohelp us release the density, blocks, deadness and exhaustionthat has been created.

Through this process we get cleansed of the pain andreleased from the constraints we have placed on our Soul.This allows the Light to come through and shine.

Hidden Pain My experience is that we often wipe the traumatic experiencesout of our memory, and have no or little idea of what is under-neath all the pain, tension, fear and patterns that rule our lives.

I had an experience of deep healing through the processat the end of this article, where I discovered a lot of hiddenpain and trauma that I never even knew I had.

When I was innocent and emotionally wide open as achild, one of my relatives projected her own anger and shameon to me. Discovering this experience and clearing it hasdeeply transformed the way I react to life and experience it.

Interestingly, my relationship with this relative has trans-formed from deep discomfort to deep respect. It feels likethere is more of me present to participate in life rather thendisown it or fear it.

Setting Up PatternsAs a Visionary Intuitive Healing practitioner, I see manyclients with similar issues. Recently, I was working with aman in his mid sixties who had a huge fear of commitment.

While tuning into his body, I discovered that when he wasone month old, his father died. At that pOint, on a subcon-scious level, he thought that his mother was responsible. Thusa pattern was set up to keep women at bay, which he had doneall his life. While releasing this memory, his whole bodyshook, and re-aligned and he walked away a different person.He reported feeling a lot calmer and at peace and no longerterrified of commitment.

Subconscious Decisions Another client, Debbie, called me as a last resort. She said thatover the last twenty years, no matter what she has done or whoshe has been to see, she could not lose weight. She soundedreally deflated and fed up. The first thing I saw was barbedwire around her throat. She told me that she did not havethroat problems anymore but used to when she was younger.In fact she had to have an operation to remove her tonsils. Shesaid that she put the weight on after the operation.

While tuning into the memories of her body, I discoveredthat she made a subconscious decision that to live she had toput on weight. I did not tell Debbie this, as it was a distancehealing. When Debbie called me back she said she had anepiphany. She remembered thinking that she was going to dieduring her operation and making a decision that to live sheneeded to be heavier. So her body listened and complied.

It was amazing that pretty much everything I saw and

Many people in our society live and operate from fear, anger, shame,guilt and deep mistrust of themselves, others and the spirit world.

Insight Into Cellular Transformation

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worked on during the healing, Debbie experienced. She saidshe was very intuitive with others, but could not get the infor-mation about herself. When I was working on her I saw ablockage in her higher chakras. Once the blockage wasreleased, she could tune into herself, let go of issues and healherself. Debbie said that she instantly felt lighter and that theheavy energy she had carried for years had shifted.

Breaking Your PatternsThe truth is that the patterns we carry can be broken if we areguided in the ‘right’ way and have the courage to face theshadow side of ourselves, learn the lessons and clear the heav-iness. We can only bring the light in when the density is gone,otherwise the light cannot move through and we cannot trulyfree ourselves. Freedom and light is our right.

Deep Cellular Transformation - An Exercise Find some time when you are alone. Allow yourself to takesome deep breaths and become aware of what you are feelingin your body. Become aware of any blocks, tension, discom-fort or suppression that you feel. Then call on DivineIntelligence, say aloud: “Divine Healing Intelligence, I askyou to come into my space and assist me to release any ten-sion, density, stuckness, fear, impatience, distrust, anger andwhatever needs to be released.”

Make sure that you feel and mean what you are saying, asthis can be very powerful. Also, be aware of your breathing;are you breathing shallowly or deeply. You will usually con-nect to more feelings when you breathe deeper.

You can ask the Divine Healing Intelligence to go deeperand deeper into any pain, tension and fear and to bring it to thesurface and release it. You can also ask that any members of

your family, friends or people in your life, benefit from thishealing.

Feel free to communicate with the Divine HealingIntelligence as much as you need. It never gets tired of help-ing you. In fact, it loves assisting you to heal.

It is your divine gift to clear any density and to expandinto love. At the end, thank the Divine Healing Intelligence forthe help it has given you.

Inna Segal is the creator of Visionary Intuitive Healing® and theauthor of The Secret Language of Your Body. For more informationvisit www.

Life ExtensionLife Extension® provides $2 million for new Age-Reversal StudyAge-Reversal Study

U ntil recently, no one thought itpossible to reverse the conse-quences of aging in severely

degenerated organisms.That all changed on November 28,

2010, with publication of a landmarkreport in the prestigious scientific jour-nal Nature.

In this unprecedented study,Harvard-affiliated researchers length-

ened telomeres in aging mice andachieved rapid reversal of geneticallyprogrammed organ and tissue degener-ation caused by short telomeres. Theaged mice showed new brain cellgrowth, restored sexual function andfertility, and regeneration in every tis-sue examined.

These senescent mice dramaticallyreversed genetically predisposed dam-age, in particular to the brain and cen-tral nervous system, after their telom-eres were lengthened.

Life Extension is funding similar research

The findings of this Nature study werenot a complete surprise to LifeExtension scientists, as we have beenfunding similar research in conjunctionwith BioTime, Inc.

Just last year, this joint researchsucceeded for the first time in reversingthe aging of human cells in the labora-tory setting… including restoringtelomere length in some instances. Thescientists we funded transported agedhuman cells back in time to their orig-inal embryonic state, enabling them todifferentiate into any cell the bodymight need to self-regenerate. Thisage-reversal study was published in thepeer-reviewed journal RegenerativeMedicine.

The latest study published inNature demonstrates that it is possibleto take mammals in a severely degen-erated condition and systemicallyreverse aging pathologies using onlyone mechanism, i.e., telomere length-ening. —Life Extension Magazine

Human Telomeres

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As the weeks went by and my bills started topile up, I realized that I would need to findsome source of income to keep me going untilI decided which field of healthcare I wouldenter. when I walked down to the Garden deli

on the corner of Seventy-first Street in Manhattan, I noticed asign on the landing in front of a shop: INTerIor deSIGN &deCorATING. Beneath that were the words “Transformingordinary into extraordinary” and “old world craftsmanship.”

The words appealed to me on a deep level. As a child, Ihad watched my dad, who was extremely handy with tools,build and repair all sorts of things. My mother ran a ceramicsstudio in our basement, where she taught local women, andshe had conveyed to me the skills of shaping clay and paint-ing and preparing a wide assortment of finishes. After ourfamily moved from New

York City to the suburbs of Long Island, I picked up thecraft of boat repair from some Norwegian boat builders there.whatever genetic aptitude I’d inherited from my parentsseemed to stand me in good stead whenever I set my handsand heart to working with wood. Maybe this shop could use askilled workman to help repair and restore antiques. ThinkingI had nothing to lose, I rang the bell and went into the office.when I told the owner that I was interested in part-time work,he asked me to tell him a little about myself.

I mentioned my nautical and business training and mylack of enthusiasm for the real estate work I’d been doing.when I came to the part about quitting to pursue my longtime

dream of a career in healthcare, I caught a flash of recognitionin the owner’s knowing smile. He informed me that he hadattended medical school himself but ironically had departed topursue his calling in interior design. we seemed like a good fit.

“well,” he said at last, “what can you do? Can you workwith wood?”

I said that I had acquired woodworking skills from mydad and from working on boats and home repair. “do you haveany experience restoring antiques or frames?” he asked.

“My mother ran a ceramics studio,” I replied, “and Ipicked up a lot of art skills watching her shape the ceramicsand paint them in various finishes.”

“do you have a shop?” he asked. “No,” I said, “but I have a lot of the tools you need for this

kind of work.”He looked me over for a moment. I realized that my

résumé was a bit thin, but I hoped I made up for it with myobvious enthusiasm and the can-do air that I’d acquired in theMerchant Marine. He said he had a vacant basement that wasquite a mess. “If you’d be willing to clean it up,” he said, “per-haps you could set it up as a studio and work there. I have plenty of small repair jobs ifyou can do the work.”

In a moment we were on our way downstairs. It wasn’tnearly as bad as he’d made it sound, and I knew I could tack-le it. Indeed, I was eager for the chance to throw myself intosomething that would involve using my hands and some good,old-fashioned, honest labor. we struck a deal on the spot, and

KKnnoocckkiinngg oonn HHeeaavveenn’’ss DDoooorr

By Joseph Pierce Farrell

The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical.

—Albert Einstein


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I went home and used one of the templates from my pastemployment to draw up a simple lease agreement datedJanuary 2000, titled “For the restoration and repair ofAntiques and Picture Frames.”

It took me a few days to bring all of my tools from mymother’s home on Long Island and set up a modest restorationstudio equipped with work lights and an exhaust fan. Thewhole arrangement felt like a situation orchestrated by heav-en. within a week the owner began bringing me jobs to do. AsI passed each “test,” the work became more challenging, andmy confidence grew proportionately. I purchased some bookson restoration and brought in the big book that my father hadgiven me on the work of the great painter and sculptorMichelangelo, upon which I drew for inspiration as I restoredcarvings and ornate frames. As my little library grew and thejobs piled up, I watched my smooth executive’s hands growcallused. I was thrilled that I was no longer aiding and abet-ting the mortgage industry by preparing appraisals to be usedin foreclosing on people’s homes.

About a month into my new occupation, the owner calledme into his office and said that he was doing a major job at thehome of a prominent film director. The work he’d brought meconsisted of a pair of antique carvings from an old europeanchurch. Carefullyunwrapping the carv-ings, swathed in piecesof old linen, he beganto tell me their history.They looked like gar-goyles of the sort dis-played on churches toward off evil.

As he shared withme his vision to restorethe carvings, he mused that they probably had not beenworked on since the master sculptor created them centuriesago. one had simply lost its luster while acquiring layers ofsoot and candle wax. The other was a different matter alto-gether: in addition to being covered in layers of grime, its facehad been so disfigured that the nose and part of one ear weremissing.

The owner looked up to gauge my reaction. “what do youthink?” he said. “Could you reconstruct the facial features ofthis carving? don’t say yes if you can’t do it. If you do it, theymust match, and the job has to look like old world craftsman-ship. My future with this client depends on that.”

I surveyed the carvings. even in their distressed state, theywere beautiful, made from some kind of european hardwoodthat had darkened over the centuries to a deep brown patina.Looking within, I asked myself if I could do it, because I knewit would be a stretch. And I got back a yes.

“Yes,” I said to the owner. “I believe I can restore thisunknown master’s church figure to near its original glory.”

I gave him an estimate, he approved it, and I promised togive the job top priority, as I could see the concern in hisexpression. we shook hands on the deal. It was the first timewe’d ever done that on a job, and he seemed to be emphasiz-

ing that he was trusting me with his reputation and with avaluable work of art. It was Friday, so I said I would begin thetransformation process first thing on Monday. with some rev-erence I picked up the designer’s treasures and transportedthem to my basement studio, placing them on a bed of burlapon my carpenter’s worktable.

I stopped at the florist’s on my way home and picked upsome flowers for a date. I showered and shaved and thencalled my date to confirm. Her roommate answered andinformed me that she had left town after receiving a last-minute invitation to go golfing. That hurt. I began mopingaround my apartment feeling sorry for myself, and thenthought, Hey, let me try to make the best of this. I now had thenight free, and I could get a head start on the challengingrestoration project.

Besides, I couldn’t blame the young lady for changing herplans without notice. our last time out together I had told herthat I’d quit my white-collar position with no new work linedup to, in essence, follow my bliss. The dream job I laid out forher must have sounded vague at best. I said that I had hadsome exposure to medicine as a medical corpsman in theMerchant Marine but that I had also been interested in spiritu-ality, meditation, and tai chi. Now I wanted to follow my bliss,

to pursue complementa-ry and alternativehealthcare. She lookedat me indulgentlybefore asking, “As ahobby, you mean?”That question shouldhave been enough tomake me see the writ-ing on the wall. I pic-tured her out with some

aspiring financial wizard, and I didn’t expect to see her again. So I hung up my dress shirt and put on my paint-

splotched jeans and an old business shirt with frayed cuffs. Ipaused in my kitchen to collect the dozen salmon roses I hadintended to present to my date. I didn’t want to be remindedof my humiliation, and as I passed Memorial Sloan-ketteringCancer Center, I handed the flowers to the surprised recep-tionist and asked him to give them to someone who mightappreciate them.

By the time I got to my studio, it was nearing ten o’clock.I descended into the calm of my basement, and the smell ofsawdust and furniture wax distracted me from my career chal-lenges and the disappointment of a failed relationship. I pulledup my stool and unwrapped the old carvings, with no pre-meditated plan. I simply meditated on them for a good halfhour, picking them up, turning them around, and seeking asolution. I sipped some coffee. It was going to be a long night,and once I got into a project, I seemed to lose track of time.

I needed some insight, some inspiration on how to beginthe procedure of reconstructing a nose and ear, something I’dnever done before. As I glanced at my shelf, I spotted the bookthat my dad had brought back from Italy twenty years agowith shiny close-up photos of work by Michelangelo. I

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propped open the book and let my eyes take in the inspiredgenius. I tried to comprehend how this man had so profound-ly captured human flesh in marble, making it come alive witha luminescence that belied the cold stone. That ability to defynature had attracted commissions from the financial titans ofhis time, the Medici family, and even the Pope, who commis-sioned him to memorialize God’s accomplishments on theceiling of Rome’s Sistine Chapel.

I drank in the fluid grace in the nose of perhaps the mostfamous statue in the world, his Florentine David. As I studiedthe sculpture of the young David, I recalled his story. Goliath,the champion of the Philistines, had been challenging theIsraelites to send out a warrior to decide the outcome of a bat-tle in single combat. Saul, the king of the Israelites, couldn’tfind anyone to fight the towering Goliath until an unlikelycandidate, a teenage boy named David, stepped up and said hewas not afraid. Davidapproached the enemy with onlyhis sling and five stones takenfrom a nearby stream.Encouraged and inspired by anoble cause, David went upagainst seemingly impossibleodds. Aiming his primitivesling, he cast a small stone at afoe who had terrorized greatwarriors, and he brought Goliathcrashing to his knees.

As I meditated on the pho-tograph of the statue, I wasmoved by the complexity ofMichelangelo’s work. I tried toconnect to some insight into theconsciousness of the artist andthe secret of his inspiration.what was it that enabledMichelangelo to do what nohuman had done before? Hesomehow captured a complexemotion in David’s face: the boydoesn’t exactly look fearful, yethe appears concerned, almostsad. He isn’t taking the challenge lightly. And with that I readthe humble words that the artist had left for those who soughtto understand how he achieved his inspired work:

. . . beauteous art, which, brought with us from heaven,will conquer nature; so divine a power . . .

With that enigmatic quotation resonating in my head, Isought to comprehend the consciousness of a man whodeflected praise and offered it up to heaven. Like the inspiredmusical geniuses Mozart and Bach, he gave the credit for hisinspiration to a divine Source. And with this emotion in mysoul, I embarked in the shadow of the master with a tiny seedof faith that I could restore the art before me. So began theprocess of restoration on my first commission.

I put on my apron, set out my implements—the Navy sur-

plus medical corpsman tools, the delicate files and oldscalpels and natural sponges—and adjusted my overheadlights. I turned on the exhaust fan and opened the doors toSecond Avenue to allow the cool air to ventilate the studio.Placing the carvings on their backs side by side, I tore off apiece of the old linen they’d been wrapped in and dampenedit with nail polish remover. I used the acetone to strip away thegrime and candle wax that had accumulated on the faces of thecarvings over the years, and then I quickly dried them.

With the cleaned carvings before me, I could assess theextent of their damage and decided to begin by making a newnose for the defaced carving. I closely examined the face fromall angles and imagined how the nose should look. Eventhough it wasn’t a human figure, to the designer it wasextremely valuable. Then I reached to the top of my bookshelfand pulled down a book I had come to rely on, The Furniture

Doctor by George Grotz, with itseasy-to-follow illustrations. Isearched for a solution and soonfound it in the concept of dowelsused to join pieces togetherseamlessly.

I looked once more at theface of Michelangelo’s David,and, like a diamond cutter aboutto split a priceless gemstone, Ididn’t move a muscle until I hadconceived the new nose clearlyin my mind. Without taking myeyes off the sculpture, I pickedup my drill and carefully bored aslender pilot hole into the face toaccommodate the post, exactlyas I had seen oral surgeons do ona television program, inserting atitanium screw into the jawboneof a woman in preparation foranchoring a prosthetic tooth aftera car accident had dislodged thenatural one.

I could feel my perspira-tion building, and I wiped the

sweat from my brow. Then I broke off a large hunk of artist’srestoration putty, shaped a rough mass, gently anchored it tothe screw, and allowed it to set. The technical aspectaddressed, I moved on to the aesthetic part. I studied David’snose, the intricacies that formed the nostrils and the perfectsymmetry of the whole, losing all concept of time. Before Iknew it, the artist’s putty had set, and I picked up my delicatecurved rasp and began to shape first the bridge, then the nos-trils, staring at the nose from the front and dropping my faceto table level to gauge its length. Finally I rounded the tip ofthe nose.

I was flying by the seat of my pants, an untrained sculp-tor, as the shapely nose was released from the rough lump ofputty. I was thankful, and my gratitude grew as I realized I washaving fun again, maybe for the first time in years. The per-fect nose that I saw in the mass of putty was set free, as if I

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were drawing on divine inspiration, and I carved away to cre-ate the vision of the nose in my mind’s eye. Once the nose wasfully formed, I sanded it smooth with fine emery paper. ThenI heated a sewing needle to a glowing red and pressed it intothe hardened putty, making random dots to mimic the woodgrain in the sister sculpture.

Finally, I stained the gray putty of the nose to match thedeep amber tone of the rest of the aged wood.

When that was done, I applied amber paste butcher waxto the pair and buffed each one perhaps a hundred times withrapid strokes, the friction melting the wax and allowing it tobecome transparent. As I polished away, each buff revealedmore of the wood’s lovely warmth, allowing it to regain itsoriginal radiance.

It was now about three in the morning, and I was hot fromall the buffing. I released the carvings from the clamps hold-ing them steady and propped them up against a chair whoselegs I had been restoring earlier in the week. I grabbed mycamera and took somephotos to rememberthis job by. Just look-ing at the formerlydisfigured carving, asthe amber wax filledin the imperfectionsand allowed the newnose to blend seam-lessly with the rest ofthe face, I couldn’tdiscern where thebreak had been andwhere the new nose Ihad shaped began.

This was clearlythe finest work I hadever done, and itseemed way betterthan I should havebeen able to producebased on my experience. I recalled the words of a woman I’dknown named Marion Simons, who had graduated from theUniversity of Virginia with a degree in architecture and wasnow on staff at Sotheby’s. A native of Charleston, Marion pos-sessed a grace and old world charm beyond her years. She toldme one day that it was a revered tradition in architecture andart that, after manifesting something from within you, youtake a moment to feel gratitude for being blessed with thecapacity to channel the inspiration of art.

Deciding to take her advice to heart, I sat up on my stooland looked at the carvings with a feeling of thankfulness inmy heart. After a while, as I sat in that meditative state, Ibecame aware that the sadness that had hung over me so heav-ily at the start of that night had evaporated. I realized that myrestoration job might not have been a great accomplishment.It wasn’t as if I had restored

The face of a child with a congenital deformity. This wasonly an old, disfigured carving, but the warmth with which Ihad imbued the antique wood made it look natural and time-

less. It didn’t have the artificial tone that I had seen in thefaces of some women I encountered strolling along the UpperEast Side, who had had nose jobs and facial tucks.

My artist’s eye could usually tell which noses had beensurgically altered. God-given noses possess a natural balance,and the warm coloring from the natural circulation to the skinmatches the coloring in the rest of the face. whereas noses thathave been surgically “enhanced” tend to look cold and taut,and their coloring can seem unnatural. These carvings beforeme emanated warmth, like things that God had made. And so,although it seemed a small thing, I felt about them a fargreater sense of satisfaction than I ever had in closing a mil-lion-dollar real estate deal. I also believed that the joy I feltwould last longer than my fleeting exhilaration at making aquick buck and then rushing out to buy myself a new trinket.

I continued to feel gratitude for the new nose and the natu-ral warmth I had created, for even though my income had takena serious downturn, I could now allow myself an entirely new

kind of luxury—the lux-ury of dreaming. Thethought occurred to methat, although God had-n’t blessed me with thefast reading skills to getthrough med school, Hehad given me the artisticprowess to breathe newlife into a broken sculp-ture. I hadn’t experi-enced so much joy sinceI was a child. Withoutthe burden of a daily jobI loathed, I allowed myimagination free rein. Inmy mind’s eye I saw thefaces of children I hadwatched exiting the hos-pital nearby. And as I letmy imagination fly, I

dreamed . . . Wouldn’t it be great if doctors could restorethese children seamlessly to blend the skin grafts and pros-thetic ears and noses the way God had permitted me to shapewood, to make it breathe and appear alive?

In essence, I wished they could do for suffering humanbeings what I had done for this disfigured carving. My bold-ness grew as my heart expanded in the joy of the moment.Wouldn’t it be amazing if I could shape and restore the facesof children with my hands the way my gift to sculpt allowedme to shape wood?

As I held the sensation of that thought in my heart, asmile grew on my lips and I began to feel immense happinessand joy. I imagined that my joy was akin to what the childrenwould feel if they could be healed, and their joy became myjoy as I imagined them walking the streets unnoticed. Iguessed that for many of them the greatest wish was to beunremarkable, to look so ordinary that nobody would givethem a second glance.

And then it happened. Before my eyes, less than two feet

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away, a shape started to appear like little bits of iridescentsand forming into a solid mass. I was transfixed as the shapegradually took form, growing denser, until it resembled afreshwater pearl. This pearl of light rolled upon itself as ifaround an unseen center. And then it pulsed. It seemed asthough a tiny chick were trying to break out of its shell withits beak. Suddenly, a ray of illumination shot straight up anddown and to the left and right, forming a pair of axes. Myheart began to beat very fast, yet I didn’t blink. I couldn’t havetaken my eyes off what I was seeing if I had wanted to.

Then the pearl pulsed again and exploded, like a cloud ina lightning storm, the energy passing through my face and intomy skull, searing the backs of my eyes with energeticlightning. My hair seemed to stand up on myscalp and the back of my neck, and then,boom! Everything went pitch black.There was not even a faint glow,nothing but complete darkness.

My heart was beating so fastthat I could hear the bloodpulsing in my ears and myheart beating in my chest. Isat perfectly still. I couldn’tsee. I was . . . blind! Myfirst thought was simplyHow did that happen? Itried to stay rational. Itmust have been the ace-tone on the rags that Ihad used earlier thatevening to remove theold wax. The label had awarning that it could beharmful and said to use itin a well-ventilated room.But I had opened the dou-ble doors to the street andturned on the powerful com-mercial exhaust fan in theback.

As I sat in silence, rationalitywaned and my anxiety quicklyaccelerated. My God, I thought. I’mblind. I’m alone, I have few friends. Whowill take care of me? Who would want tomarry me? Why was I so stubborn? Why didn’t Icompromise? Why did I have to pursue my bliss? Couldn’t I justforget the two-thousand-year-old wisdom found in the desertthat had inspired me to bring forth what was in me? Stupid, stu-pid me!

Minutes passed, and I grew more anxious and frightened.who could I call? And then, at the height of my panic, I beganto see what looked like the flickering of an old black-and-white TV. A snowy haze started to flicker before me, thenblotches of light sparked in my periphery. Shadows of blackand white gave way to wisps of color. And then, as mysteri-ously as it had vanished, my vision returned. I could make outthe familiar confines of my studio, my books, my tools, the

carvings in front of me. My God, I’m not blind! Relief gave way to curiosity and wonder. What had just

happened to me? I looked at the church carvings standingthere, and a curious feeling overtook me. I recalled the articleabout the farmer in Egypt who had discovered the ancient ves-sels containing the lost secret teachings, and how he had hes-itated to open them at first for fear that they might contain anevil genie. What if the sculptures that I had rubbed back to lifehad released some long-held negative energy? It sounded pre-posterous in a technological age, but I was still shaken frommy experience and needed to do something to combat myadmittedly irrational fears.

There was a church across the street next to the coffeeshop I frequented. I had never been in it, but an

idea occurred to me. Taking off my apron, Iput on my work jacket, grabbed a clean

Portuguese natural sea sponge from mybox of art supplies, and headed up

and out. I had been at work so longthat it was nearing sunrise; the

streetlights were still on, andthe traffic had slowed. Iapproached the front of thechurch, St. John’s, wonder-ing if I would be welcomethere. I hadn’t been in achurch since I was a boy,when the priests hadfrightened me with theirintimidating faces. Then Isaw a small sign: THEREARE NO STRANGERS—JUST FRIENDS WEHAVEN’T MET. I took thatas a valid invitation and

went to open the solid redcenter doors. Locked.

I went around to thesmaller side door, where a

wrought-iron gate with a chainand an open padlock dangling from

it seemed to offer entry. Odd, Ithought, if they were concerned about

security, but maybe the cleaning crew hadcome in early and left the gate unlocked. I

opened the gate and looked up the stone stairs. Asmall, round stained-glass window pictured a dove divingdown from a brilliant blue sky, lit by a single bulb behind it. Ibounded up the four steps, grabbed the handle, and triedagain. This time the yellow oak door gave way. In my workshoes and paint-splattered pants, I might have looked like ahomeless person, but I decided to chance it. The vestibule wasperfectly quiet and still, as a church at five in the morningshould be. Spotting what I came for—a small glass vesselmounted on the wall containing holy water—I reached in mycoat pocket, removed the sea sponge, and dipped it in the pool.I drew it back and cupped it in my hand, fighting a childishfear that some priest would seize me by the ear. I skipped

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down the stairs and dashed back across the street and into mystudio.

Laying the beautiful old church figures on their backs, Igave each of them a healthy dose of sacred medicine. Isqueezed the holy water from the sponge right into their openmouths; the old, dried wood drank in the water completely. Ifelt a bit silly, but even if they held no negative energy, I wouldsleep easier now.

The next day I presented the sculptures to the designer,who was thrilled to be reunited with his treasures. He lookeddown at the two carvings before him and picked up one ofthem. A grin broke out on his face. “You did such a wonder-ful job,” he said, “that I can’t even see where the broken noseused to be.”

Unknowingly, he had picked up the carving that had notbeen restored! I didn’t have the heart to point out to the proudart expert that he was admiring the unbroken carving. As anafterthought, he glanced at the other carving and smiledapprovingly. “I can barely tell which one was damaged,” hesaid. I thanked him for his compliment and said it was arewarding experience for me, too, to have the opportunity towork on the old sculptures and learn from the inspired masterwho had carved them so long ago.

Unbeknownst to me, that experience in my basement stu-dio had been far more rewarding than I could possibly haveimagined. on the morning that I climbed the stairs to the street,passing beneath the hanging sign that read TRANSFORM-ING ORDINARY INTO EXTRAORDINARY, my life hadbeen irrevocably transformed. I learned in the weeks that fol-lowed that something momentous had happened to me duringthe interval between evening and dawn of that January day. Asmy sculptor’s hands had busied themselves, and my mindimmersed itself in the meditative process of restoring the dam-aged nose of that old church carving, I had allowed myself themomentary luxury of imagining as a child does. My imagina-

tion took flight and soared. I had begun to thinkhow wonderful it would be if I could use my gift tosculpt to restore the noses and faces of disfiguredchildren, and how happy they would be. And as Ihad allowed myself to experience the joy theywould feel if this were possible, their joy becamemy joy.

At that moment, my dream had climbed thestairs of my basement studio, had risen up throughthe morning sky, ascending to heaven, and hadknocked on the door to the Unseen. And theUnseen had responded so overwhelmingly, so pro-foundly, that I was soon after witnessed by medicaldoctors to have realized the capacity to transformhuman tissue in a matter of minutes, whichenabled me to actualize my dream of restoringpeople’s limbs and facial features. Within a fewyears I had joined with a cross-disciplinary team ofbrave doctors, scientists, and theologians whowere as eager as I to study, record, and educate thepublic about the profound potential of the mind-body-spirit connection to benefit health and heal-ing, not only for the patient but also for the com-

munity. Among other things, they advised me to document thedetails of the events following my discovery and to record theevents in my life that shaped my thinking up to that momentin my studio. In the following chapters I have set out to recordfor you the significant steps along the journey I followed toignite the latent human potential to manifest physical change.In the tradition of other pioneers in all fields of exploration, Ihope to create a map for others to follow. This is the Five Steppath that is laid out in Part II.

Following the advice of my mentors, I will start at thebeginning, when I thought with the limitless mind of a child.

Copyright © 2011 by Reel Potential Entertainment, Inc. from MAN-IFESTING MICHELANGELO published by Atria Books, a divisionof Simon & Schuster.

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Iam honored and proud to be a voting member of TheAcademy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences thatnominates and then votes each year for the Oscars. Ihave said often, however, that I have absolutely noidea how to judge a “Best” film or actor or screenplay

or anything else. To attempt to do so seems akin to going intothe Louvre and picking out the “best” painting. So the VanGogh is “better’ than the Renoir or Gauguin or any otherpainting?

Oh, please!In addition, movie politics (as compared to Washington

politics) always play a role in the selection of Oscar nomineesand winners. “Best” very often means “most personally pop-ular” or even “least personally unpopular”. In addition, somevoters think that commercial success is a sufficient reward inand of itself for a film (Avatar in 2009) and steer more towardlesser-known fare (The Hurt Locker in 2009), so, for them, it’smore like “Best least-known film”.

Anyway, my point is that I hope we get to a time when theAcademy changes “Best” to “Favorite” so as to more accu-rately define the process.

My favorite films list is indeed just that: films that I par-ticularly enjoyed, not ones that I necessarily believe that theAcademy will embrace. In addition, I’m not a big fan of dark,depressing films. I know, however, that my aversion to themputs me in a distinct minority (what else is new?) with manyfilmgoers, a good portion of my Academy brethren, and evenmembers of my own family who consider me a major “mushpot”. So, please add your own list, dark, light, and everythingin between, and let’s have fun with this!

That being said, I look forward to your responses and toseeing a list of your favorite films of 2010. Here are mine:

1) The King’s Speech. My absolute favorite film of 2010.Brilliantly acted, written, directed, produced, photographed,

and designed, The King’s Speech is an Old Hollywood movie-movie at its very best: intensely human, poignant, heroic, andfiercely funny, with character development that has becomeall but a lost art in recent years. Lastly, I’m not sure I remem-ber a year in which the Acting Oscar seems so assured as it isthis year for Colin Firth in his role as King George VI.

2) Hereafter. ClintEastwood’s direc-tion seems to getbetter, deeper, andmore emotionallyvulnerable witheach film andHereafter just maybe my favorite ofall his films to date.The film itself is afascinating andengrossing explo-ration of two stories that ultimately intertwine: the effect thata near-death experience has on a television personality (love-ly and talented French actress Cecile de France) and how apsychic (Matt Damon) runs away from and then ultimately re-embraces his gift. Having produced two films that deal withthe subject matter of life after life (Somewhere in Time andWhat Dreams May Come), I was deeply moved by everythingabout Hereafter, a truly haunting and beautiful film.

3) Inception.Writer-directorC h r i s t o p h e rNolan has createdone of the mosti m a g i n a t i v e ,complex, intri-cate, and originalfilms of this orany other year.Inception is anexperience that isalmost impossi-ble to describe. I’ve seen it three times now and each time Isee something in the film that I hadn’t noticed before. OnlyAvatar and The Matrix series of films come to mind whentrying to find a comparable film world that illuminates newhorizons of consciousness. Inception is brilliant in everyaspect, with an unforgettable last shot that will provoke con-versations for years to come.

By Stephen SimonThe Movie MysticStephen Simon’s Favorite FilmsFavorite Films of 20102010

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4) The Social Network. Atotally entertaining, “are-you-kidding-me” account ofMark Zuckerberg’s creation(with a LOT of help from his“friends”) of Internet phe-nomenon Facebook. It’salmost surreal to note thatFacebook, now with over500 million subscribers andan estimated value of morethan $25 billion, only beganas recently as 2003 whenZuckerberg and his businesspartner and best friend Eduardo Saverin were attendingHarvard.

In a year that didn’t include Colin Firth’s brilliant per-formance in The King’s Speech, Jesse Eisenberg’s perform-ance as Mark Zuckerberg would almost certainly earn him hisfirst Oscar. The Social Network chronicles the meteoric andcontroversial success of Facebook which shattered friend-ships, led to lawsuits and bitter confrontations, and is a clas-sic American success story, framed perfectly by the scandal-ridden first decade ofthis new century.

5) The Company Men.Beautifully and sensi-tively written, acted,and directed, TheCompany Men is animportant and timelyfilm for anyone whohas been fired from hisor her job and descend-ed into fear and guilt.Expertly and compas-sionately written anddirected by John Wells(prolific executive pro-ducer and writer ofsuch television land-marks as ER and TheWest Wing), the film follows three men (Ben Affleck, ChrisCooper, and Tommy Lee Jones) who are fired from what theyconsidered safe career jobs after the economy went south in late2008. The movie delves into the psyche and home life of eachman as they cope with the shock, shame, anger, and desperationthat anyone who has been fired feels to their depth of soul.

Having been fired several times myself, I was deeplytouched by each man’s experience as he struggled to regainhis self-respect and dignity. The Company Men illuminatesthe same playing field that Up In The Air did in 2009 butwhere that film focused on the people doing the firing, TheCompany Men focuses on the people who were indeed fired,and is full of love, compassion, and ultimately redemption. Ifyou’ve been fired, or know someone who has (which coversalmost everyone everywhere, yes?), The Company Men

(which opens nationwide on January 21 after a short Academyqualifying run in December) will resonate deeply and alsogive you hope that tomorrow is indeed another day.

6) Secretariat is an inspir-ing story of faith, love,trust, redemption, andhope. Secretariat is alsothis year’s version of TheBlind Side in that it istouching, poignant, uplift-ing, life-enhancing, andbased on a true storyabout a determined andpowerful woman.Secretariat focuses onPenny Chenery Tweedy’srelationship with herfather and a very specialhorse that became perhapsthe greatest race horseever.

It’s also the kind of film that the Old Hollywood used tomake with regularity, the New Hollywood makes only occa-sionally, and the Academy usually overlooks because of itsunabashed sentimentality. So grab your kids, your parents,your grandparents, and anyone else you can find, and go seeSecretariat, a film that the whole family will enjoy.

7) Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work. Never has a film been moreappropriately titled. Joan Rivers‘ sheer courage and honestyis simply heroic. At 77, Ms. Rivers has been entertaining andoutraging audiences for over forty years which in and of itselfspeaks volumes about her talent, appeal, and perseverance. Inan industry as fickle as show business, that kind of longevityhappens only rarely and, when it does, it means the enter-tainer in question has equal doses of talent and determina-tion. (Content warning: the language is as salty and profaneas you can imagine!)

Rivers is so vulnerably honest and forthcoming aboutherself thatit’s almostimposs ib le

not to walkaway from thefilm with adeep sense ofrespect andaffection forher. Near theend of thefilm, Rivers iswalking offstage after aperformance and simply says: “Look, I’m a performer. That’sall I am and all I ever want to be.” Personally, I hope she livesto be 100 and does a show that day. If she does, and I’m stillambulatory myself, I wouldn’t miss it.

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www.earthstarmag.com3 8 EARTH STAR FEBRUARY / MARCH 2011

8) Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. The devastating (and con-tinuing) financial crisis that first exploded in 2008 is one ofthe seminal events of the last several decades. Wall Street:Money Never Sleeps is the second film on my favorites list thatfocuses on the effect that crisis continues to have on people’slives. While The Company Men revolves around those who

were fired, WallStreet: Money NeverSleeps focuses onhow the GordonGekko character thatMichael Douglasmade famous in theoriginal 1987 WallStreet film has“evolved” afterspending 8 years injail, leaving his fami-ly in ruins. Whatmakes the Gekkocharacter so relevantand even more dis-turbing now is theeerie similarity toBernard Madoff, areal-life Gekko onsteroids, so to speak,

now serving a life sentence for his crimes. In this fascinatingsequel, we see how many lives were devastated by creaturessuch as the fictional Gekko and the real Madoff. In anotherchilling similarity to Madoff, Gekko’s son has committed sui-cide and his daughter (Carey Mulligan) won’t speak to him.

The film plays out as Gekko uses his daughter’s fiancé(Shia La Beouf) to get back in his daughter’s life. MichaelDouglas is, of course, brilliant as always in one of his signa-ture roles and his performance feels particularly poignantbecause of the courageous battle he is now waging againstthroat cancer. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is an engross-ing drama, played out against a compelling real life crisis thatwe all are still facing every day.

9) City Island is a totally charming, funny, and down-to-earthcomedy about the consequences of the deceptions that fami-lies often use when they are afraid to tell each the truth. As thefilm plays out, and the deceptions (none of which are illegalor immoral) become harder and harder to conceal, each mem-ber of the family learns the truth of the brilliant ad line for the

film: “Truthis strangerthan family.”

H o wgreat is that?Who of usdoesn’t havea family wec o n s i d e rstrange in atleast some

way? In City Island, a wonderful cast led by Andy Garcia andJulianna Margulies (star of the brilliant CBS series The GoodWife), show us how absurd we are when we tie our lives, ourloved ones, and ourselves into emotional pretzels when thetruth always does “set us free”. City Island is an absolute gem.

10) Disney’sw o n d e r f u lTangled hear-kens back tothe classicDisney dayswhen theymade magicalmovies likeThe LittleM e r m a i d ,which had thesame feel oflove and fun ofTangled.

Putting anew musicaland comic spinon theR a p u n z e lstory, Tangledis a wondrousmixture of fun,adventure, romance, heroes and heroines, a charismatic horsewhom you won’t soon forget, and sensational music. Specialmention goes to the amazing Alan Menken who wrote thescore.

Mr. Menken has been nominated for a mind-boggling 18Oscars, won 8 of the gold statues, and also wrote the scoresfor The Little Mermaid, Beauty and The Beast, and Aladdin.Tangled is a wonderful family film.

So that’s my list for 2010. What’s yours? Please join our com-munity and join the conversation!

Stephen Simon is the author of the new book Bringing Back The OldHollywood. More info at He alsocofounded, produced such films asSomewhere in Time and What Dreams May Come, and both producedand directed Indigo and Conversations with God.

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Y our mobile phone can actually be a life saver oran emergency tool for survival Print this informa-tion and keep it in your car, purse, and wallet.

Check out the things that you can do with it:

1)1) EmergencyThe Emergency Number worldwide for Mobile is 112. Ifyou find yourself out of the coverage area of yourmobile network and there is an Emergency, dial 112 andthe mobile will search any existing network to establishthe emergency number for you, and interestingly, thisnumber 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked.Try it out.

2)2) Locked Keys in CarHave you locked your keys in the car? Does your carhaveremote keyless entry? This may come in handysomeday. Good reason to own a cell phone:

If you lock your keys In the car and the spare keysare at home, call someone at home on their cell phonefrom your cell phone. Hold your cell phone about a footfrom your car door and have the person at your homepress the unlock button, holding it near the mobilephone on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someonefrom having to drive your keys to you. Distance is noobject. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if youcan reach someone who has the other “remote” for yourcar, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk).

3)3) Hidden Battery PowerImagine your cell battery is very low. To activate, pressthe keys *3370#. Your cell phone will restart with thisreserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase inbattery. This reserve will get charged when you chargeyour cell phone next time.

4)4) How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone?To check your Mobile phone’s serial number, key in thefollowing Digits on your phone: *#06#.

A 15-digit code will appear on the screen. Thisnumber is unique to your handset. Write it down andkeep it somewhere safe.

If your phone is stolen, you can phone your serviceprovider and give them this code. They will then be ableto block your handset so even if the thief changes theSIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You prob-ably won’t get your phone back, but at least you knowthat whoever stole it can’t use/sell it either. If everybodydoes this, there would be no point in people stealingmobile phones.

5)5) Free Directory Service for CellsCell phone companies are charging us $1.00 to $1.75 ormore for 411 information calls when they don ‘ t haveto. Most of us do not carry a telephone directory in ourvehicle, which makes this situation even more of a prob-lem. When you need to use the 411 information option,simply dial: 800-FREE411 or 800-373-3411 withoutincurring any charge at all.

Program this into your cell phone now!

Never Knew Your

Cell PhoneCell PhoneCould Do

5 Things5 Things You

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events workshopsfestivals classes

2/8: Wayne Shorter Quartet in concert,Tuesday, February 8, 8:00pm, at BerkleePerformance Center, 136 Mass. Avenue,Boston. Tickets $66 and $46, (617) 747-2261.

Top Photo


FEBRUARY2/3-2/5: Points of View, 5 Playwrights TellLove Like They See It will be produced byAnother Country at the BostonPlaywrights Theatre, 949 CommonwealthAve, Boston, on February 3-5, Thursday-Saturday at 8:00pm - Saturday matinee at3:00 pm. Tickets, $17, 1-(866) 811-4111

2/24 & 2/27: Benjamin Zander, MusicDirector and Conductor of The BostonPhilharmonic, will present the orchestra’swinter concert series featuring VaughanWilliams’ Fantasia on a Theme By ThomasTallis; Karol Szymanowski’s Second ViolinConcerto and Sir Edward William Elgar’sEnigma Variations on Thursday, February24 at 7:00pm and Sunday, February 27 at3:00pm at Sanders Theatre in Cambridgeand Saturday, February 26 at 8:00 PM atJordan Hall in Boston. For full informationand tickets, call (617)-236-0999 or

ONGOINGFood As Medicine Workshop, Sharon A.Kane, Instructor. Live Superfoods canrepair the intestinal damage associated withceliac, gluten intolerance, candida, IBS,leaky gut and food allergies. This 8-sessioncourse teaches simple techniques to createlow cost live food at home. Kombucha,kefir, gluten free bread, lacto-fermentedpickles. For complete info call Sharon A.Kane, (508) 881-5678 or [email protected].

Exquisite Energysm for Healers. Relax andget a dose of the good stuff for yourself. Easymovements from qigong and hands-on healingwith Cerridwen. Third Saturdays 7:00pm-10:00pm. Aquarius Sanctuary, Littleton, MA.(978) 486-0248. $20. Call ahead.

Reiki Certification, Boston and Wilton,NH. Libby Barnett, MSW. 26 years expe-rience. Reiki Energy Medicine co-author.Notebook, pin, certificate awarded.

Visa/MC accepted. CEU's. Call 1-888-REIKI-4-U or (603) 654-2787.

Exquisite Energysm for Women. Center,ground, and open to the flow. A nourishing,feel-good event. Cerridwen guides easymovements from qigong and hands-on heal-ing. Second Thursdays 7:30pm-9:30pm,Aquarius Sanctuary, Littleton, MA. (978)486-0248. $20. Call ahead.

Buddhist Meditation Group with PegTravers, Ordained Priest, Buddha HeartUSA, Sunday evenings, Haverhill, MA,5:00pm-6:00pm. Learn and practice theancient arts of meditation, chanting,QiGong, Buddhist Yoga & Reiki. Call theCenter for Spiritual Development, HaverhillMA, (978)-372-5173 or online

Drumming Circle with Kristine Malpica(of Imagine Studios) on third Friday of eachmonth. 7:00pm-8:30pm. Center for SpiritualDevelopment, 15 Kenoza Ave, Haverhill,MA. (978)-372-5173.

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Shamanic DrummingCircle, founded 1993. Usually Secondand Fourth Fridays of every month,7:00pm. Quaker meeting-house,Cambridge. Open to all, but please callfirst for full details and directions.Terrence (978)-952-2704 or Emily(781)-641-3980.

Workshops for Pain Managementand Improved Wellness. Offerings forBodyworkers, athletes, PersonalTrainers, Coaches and general pain-sufferers. Please visit our, orcall Barry Bailey at (978)-897-0110for information and brochure of cur-rent offerings.

The Labyrinth Ladies SpiritualEmpowerment Workshops, go for ourlatest programs and walks or call (401)-847-6551 for more information.Facilitator Trainings, site consultations,workshops for schools, hospitals andbusinesses.

Christ Church Unity - Experience thehealing power of music, prayer andmeditation, every Wednesday at

7:00pm. Daily Word Discusion Sundays at10:00am. Sunday Service, 11:00am. Cornerof Colchester & Chapel Streets, Brookline,MA 02466. Call (617) 232-4548 for moreinformation or visit:

Free Energy Healing in Arlington. Johreihealing is available each Wednesdayevening from 7:00pm-9:00pm at 81Cleveland St. in Arlington, MA. Johrei puri-fies the spirit through the channeling ofdivine light, restores inner spiritual balanceand eases physical, mental, & emotional dis-tress. There is no charge for Johrei. Pleasecall (781) 646-0614 for directions or infor-mation on other area locations.

Stress Management, Imagery, and a rangeof Reiki programs, with CEUs for nurses,led by holistic nurse educators. Centered inAmesbury, MA with other locations inMaine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.Visit or call: 1-(888)-TLC-8485.

Earth Star Calendar

2/1: Jazz composer, arranger and wood-wind instrumentalist Art Felluca & hisgroup are appearing at Scullers JazzClub in Allston, MA, on Tuesday, February1st, at 8:00pm. Tickets at $20.00 can bepurchased online at www.scullersjazz.comor by calling, (617) 562-4111.

2/11: Massasoit Radio Players present: Musicand Comedy Dinner Theatre, featuring WBZ AM1030 radio personality Jordan Rich, Friday,February 11, at 6:30pm at the Conference Center atMassasoit Community College, recreating Dragnet,The Bickersons, Duffy’s Tavern and other hilariousradio classics! For tickets & info call (508) 427-1234.

The Deadline for listings in the

April/May 2011 issue

is March 26th

3/17: Discovery Ensemble Presents: Three Faces ofRomanticism with Courtney Lewis, conductor, on Thursday,March 17, 7:30pm, at Sanders Theatre, Harvard University,Cambridge. For tickets and info call (6170 496-2222.

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Dragon and Tiger Qigong is a fifteen-hundred-year-old self-healing exercise that strengthensthe immune system, mitigates the effects ofchronic illness and reduces stress. Over thecenturies it has proven to be an extremely

effective health maintenance program that has withstood thetest of time. This medical form of qigong (also transliteratedas chi gung, ch’I kung or chi kung) is grounded in the ancientspiritual traditions of Buddhism and Taoism.

Today, Dragon and Tiger is practiced by millions of peo-ple in China to maintain a vigorous level of health, relaxationand vitality. It is also known for its powerful ability to helpprevent and heal cancer and to mitigate the effects of radiation

and chemotherapy.I studied energetic healing systems for eleven years in China,during which time I also worked as a qigong tui na doctor.Dragon and Tiger was the most effective medical qigong sys-tem I found that was not only easy to learn but also providedall the main health benefits generally associated with qigongas well as many specific ones.

Because Dragon and Tiger is a low-impact exercise thatis easy on the joints and knees, almost anyone can do it,regardless of age, weight, body type or fitness level.

One of its great strengths is that even if the movementsare done inaccurately or within a small range of motion, it isstill extremely effective.

A Miracle Health System

By Bruce Frantzis

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Dragon and Tiger: Using Chi to Heal

Dragon and Tiger is especially renowned for simultaneouslyaccomplishing three major changes in the body necessary forhealing:

Helps the body get rid of stagnant chi that cannot movefreely. Stagnant chi can be located anywhere there is a physi-cal, emotional or psychic blockage of energy.

Increases the speed, strength and evenness of the circula-tion of chi, blood and other fluids. This balances the body’senergy.

Quickly raises the energy levels of the body to boost itsnatural healing capacities.

Tools for Healthy Aging

Qigong such as Dragon and Tiger is a longevity exercise thatcan help restore the functionality, vitality, stamina and flexi-bility of youth. Many people start qigong when they begin tofeel the effects of aging, have reduced sexual vitality or sufferfrom a severe illness or injury.

Qigong provides the self-healing tools that can keep peo-ple balanced, relaxed and healthy until well into old age. Itdelays or eliminates many of the diseases of aging and theresultant stress and misery that accompany them.

Dragon and Tiger Qigong can change your internal envi-ronment so that life becomes a joy to live and not a burden todrag into old age. It can allow your body to let go of the pastand your mind to slow down and cease churning. These prac-tices encourage your internal focus to shift toward cherishingand remembering all that is wonderful in your life. They pre-dispose you to look for ways to make life better. By helpingyour mind, body and spirit to relax, qigong helps older peoplelessen the stress and fear that surrounds the subject of deathand dying in the West.

Reducing Stress

Dragon and Tiger is an effective method to reduce stress andtension, and promote physical, emotional and spiritual relax-ation. The link between stress and disease has long beenestablished by both Eastern and Western health studies.

For many Westerners, tension is the norm. Jangled nervesare the roots of anxiety and they can affect everyone, frombabies to the elderly.

The ability to let go and relax—physically, emotionally,mentally and spiritually—is at the heart of qigong energypractices. These techniques directly train the central nervoussystem—the intermediary between the body and the mind—torelax. This increases stamina and intellectual performance aswell as promoting good health.

Improving the Performance of Athletes, Dancersand Martial Artists

In China from the seventeenth century onwards, internal ener-gy techniques were adapted and developed as extremely effec-tive internal martial arts known as tai chi, bagua and hsing-i.

Practitioners developed the skills to move faster with morestrength and less effort. Warriors on the battlefield would needthese high-performance abilities to be able to fight with a calmheart and mind and eliminate the rush of adrenalin thataccompanies anger, aggression and other agitated emotionalstates.

Nowadays this kind of hand-to-hand combat ability isless necessary, but the same skills are very valuable to thoseinvolved in high-performance activities. Athletes and dancerswho are trained in qigong energy practices such as Dragonand Tiger find that their performances improve and injuriesare minimized. Moreover, when they are injured, they healfaster.

You Don’t Have to Feel Your Chi to Benefit

Dragon and Tiger’s seven physical movements develop andstrengthen chi and make you healthier. You do not need to feelyour own chi to benefit from these movements. These move-ments enable you to feel all parts of your body, which mightotherwise remain relatively numb, while helping you becomemore physically and possibly more emotionally sensitive.Over time, this increased sensitivity will help you naturallydevelop a personal and experiential sense of your chi movingalong the pathways. As this happens, you will begin to learnto use your intent together with your movements to morestrongly direct your chi. As you practice, your chi, body andmind will begin to move in harmony.

Dragon and Tiger—Layers of Meaning

The words “dragon” and “tiger” have many layers of meaning.In Chinese medicine, the tiger’s immense strength and respon-

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siveness are traits that derive from the liver—hence the tigeris a metaphor for a strong, healthy liver and powerful muscles.The dragon’s ability to fly is a trait that resides in the lungs—hence the dragon is a metaphor for healthy and strong lungs.Metaphorically, Dragon and Tiger Qigong helps you developthe agility and flexibility of a flying dragon and the relaxedpower of a moving tiger.

In ancient Chinese culture, the dragon usually representsthe yang or male forces of nature and the tiger the yin orfemale forces. Balancing those energies inside yourself is anessential part of this ancient self-healing system.

In China, the words “dragon” and “tiger“ appear in manybranches of qigong and in various martial arts.

Taoists brought Dragon and Tiger Qigong to China’sShaolin temple, where it was preserved intact by ChanBuddhists. This was the original form of qigong from whichthe usage of the words “dragon” and “tiger“ entered into theworld of martial arts and qigong. Dragon and Tiger Qigongwas commonly taught only to the Shaolin high clergy and notto the general public or ordinary monks. For this reason, manypeople in China still refer to it as a form of Buddhist qigong.However, because Dragon and Tiger develops and integratesthe internal energetic principles of neigong, it is deeply root-ed in Taoist qigong.

After China’s Communist revolution, Dragon and Tigerspread rapidly for a variety of reasons. First, it encompassedonly seven movements and was therefore easy to learn.Second, it proved to be extremely effective in healing all man-

ner of ailments and formed the basis for a hands-on qigongbodywork/massage system. Third, qigong and tai chi weresanctioned and promoted by the government to help the coun-try solve its health crisis.

Today Dragon and Tiger is most well-known in China asa form of medical rather than martial art qigong.

From Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong: A Miracle HealthSystem for Developing Chi by Bruce Frantzis, published byNorth Atlantic Books, copyright © 2010 by Bruce Frantzis.Reprinted by permission of publisher.0

T he 2,OOO-year-old Chinesemartial art may provide aboost to your immune system.

Shingles is caused by the same virus(varicella zoster) as chickenpox. Onceyou’ve had chickenpox, the virus doesn’tgo away completely—it remains dor-mant in your body and can reemergelater in life, causing a red, painful rash,typically only on one side of the body.

Scientists say that the increasedprevalence of shingles in older adultscorrelates with a decline in the immunesystem's ability to fight off the varicel-la zoster virus with age. Tai Chi, whichinvolves slow movement, meditation,and deep breathing, is believed to

boost this immune response. To see whether the exercise tech-

nique might increase immu-nity to thevaricella zoster virus, UCLAresearchers equally divided 112healthy older adults (ages 59- 86) intotwo programs. One group took Tai Chiclasses; while the other group tookgeneral health education classes (cov-ering stress management, diet, andsleep habits) three times a week.Sixteen weeks into the program, theparticipants were injected with a livevaricella virus vaccine (Varivax).

Even before they received thevaricella virus vaccine, the Tai Chigroup developed significantly higherlevels of immunity to the shinglesvirus, researchers reported in the Aprilissue of the Journal of the AmericanGeriatrics Society. The immunityincrease (24%) was nearly double thatof the health education group (13%).After getting the vaccine, the Tai Chigroup had a combined increase ofnearly forty percent in shingles immu-

nity. What’s more, those seniors hadimproved physical function, greatervitality, and less pain.

“Tai Chi is a wonderful exercisethat helps with balance and flexibility,”explains Amy Shapses, a physical ther-apist at Weill Cornell Medical College.“And because it’s slow, it’s helpful forolder people:”

The results indicate that practic-ing Tai Chi can Significantly increaseyour immunity to the shingles virus,while also improving the benefit of theshingles vaccine.

What You Can DoAsk your doctor about getting the shin-gles vaccine if you're sixty or older,especially if you had chickenpox as achild.

Check with your local YMCA,health club, or community center to seeif they offer Tai Chi classes.

As with any new exercise program,make sure that you have your doctor'spermission before starting Tal Chi.


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You probably read this chapter title over a cou-ple of times thinking that you’d caught a typo.Perhaps you thought I must have meant endyour love affair with food, not start one. Butnope, you read it right the first time. It’s time

for you to start a real love affair with food. What you’ve had up to this point has been an obsessive

relationship, and an obsessive relationship is not love.Whether with a substance or with a person, an obsessive rela-tionship is a dance of the wounded . . . a carnival of pain . . .but not a real love affair, because there is no love there. Tothink you need food that you don’t really need, to practicallyinhale food, to crave food, to obsess about food, to binge onand then alternately avoid food, to control food and need to berigid around it—none of these bespeak a love affair. Pain andcompulsion and self-hate are not love.

The true lover of food is able to take time with it. She cansavor food, and non-neurotically delight in it. She can chew itthoroughly and actually taste it. She can eat without guilt andstop eating without too great an effort. She can celebrate howfood is contributing to her health. She can wonder at it andappreciate its beauty. She can linger over a fruit stand andstudy the curves of a pear. She can gaze at a pomegranate andfeel awe at the fact that thousands of years ago, people atethese, too. She can shop for groceries without wondering ifanyone is watching her or judging her. She can gaze at a prettybunch of grapes and consider whether she’d prefer them in herstomach or in a crystal bowl on her table. She can take onebite of something delicious, ecstatically breathe in the taste,and enjoy waiting before taking another bite. For her, thespaces in between each bite are part of the joy of herexperience.

No, the compulsive eater is no lover of food. When itcomes to your enjoyment of eating, your best days are notbehind you but ahead of you!

The eating patterns of an overeater are chaotic, fearful,furtive, and out of control. And yet, these dysfunctional pat-terns are not your deeper problem. They are symptoms of theproblem. Your deeper problem is the hysteria in your gut—thesilent, traumatized shriek of “I’m empty! Fill me! I’m empty!Fill me!”—the irrational and irresistible energy that’s wormedits way into your brain, stationed itself in your nervous sys-tem, and won’t let go until you’ve eaten the whole thing. Thiscourse is a plan in dissolving your hysteria and filling youremptiness by replacing it with love.

Years ago, after a spate of horrifying incidents in whichhigh-school students perpetrated acts of violence againstteachers and classmates, I noticed an interesting but, Ithought, disturbing kind of discipline imposed at my daugh-ter’s school. All of a sudden the students had not five minutesbetween class but only two. Passing notes in class was pun-ishable by serious time in detention. Outdoor activities of allkinds were forbidden, and “downtime” of any sort becameverboten.

I lobbied the school administration, arguing that while Imyself worked hard all day, every once in a while I needed toget up from my desk, stretch, do something silly for five min-utes, go get some air . . . take a break! Kids are human andneed that, too! In encountering the school’s resistance to myargument, I realized what had gone on here. This school—andperhaps others as well, I don’t know—had come up with aplan to prevent and discourage negative socialization by sup-pressing any socialization whatsoever. Don’t let kids meeteach other; something awful might happen! Don’t let them

Taken from A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering YourWeight Forever, by Marianne Williamson. Published by Hay House (Nov. 2010).

Start A Love AffairLove AffairWith Food

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form relationships; they might hurt each other! Don’t let themrelax; they might use the time to hatch some awful plan! So,what is the plan here? I thought. Train them to be dehuman-ized zombies and then all will be well?

My daughter left that school soon thereafter, but whatstayed in my mind was the odd irrationality of trying to keepchildren separate from each other at school. The answer toantisocial behavior among our children is not that we suppresssocialization, but that we teach and model positive socializa-tion for them. For me, that’s a really big “Duuuuuhhhhh!”

So it is with dysfunctional eating. The solution to overeat-ing is obviously not to deny yourself food altogether; theanswer is not to deny yourself at all (exception: the addict’sneed to abstain from foods, at least temporarily, that triggerbiological cravings). You don’t need to forget food, run awayfrom food, deny yourself food, or avoid food. And the lastthing you need to do if you want to stop thinking obsessivelyabout food is to tell yourself not to think about it! Doing so isan invitation for such thoughts to overwhelm you.

It is often said in Alcoholics Anonymous that“every problem comes bearing its ownsolution.” Food is not only yourproblem, it is also your teacher.It is a reflection of an evendeeper problem, an opportu-nity and an invitation toface that which underliesyour compulsive eating.Your only real prob-lem—everyone’s onlyreal problem—is a separa-tion from your divineSource and thus separationfrom who you really are. Everystep taken in love is a step back toyour true self.

This course aims to put genuine loveback into your relationship with food: not counterfeitlove, not substitute love, but genuine love. Love and gratitudethat food nourishes and sustains you. Love and gratitude thatmeals can build bonds among families and friends. Love andgratitude that food is something you have the right to enjoy,once you learn to relate to it with divine detachment.

Detachment means that you can take it or leave it; youcan enjoy food if you’re hungry, but you can leave it alone ifyou’re not. Love, as always, is the key to making things right.By learning to love food, you will stop obsessing about it. Andthe obsession, not the food, is your actual problem. Obsession,whether toward a substance or a person, occurs when you’reopen to give and yet don’t know how to receive. You keepgrasping for more because you’re not feeling what’s comingin. As a child, perhaps, nothing was coming back, so now youkeep trying to get more of something you’re already con-vinced isn’t really there. As you build a relationship with foodthat does give back, you’ll begin to experience a relationshipin which love has replaced obsession.

The only way to attain healthy neutrality toward food isby learning to love it, and the only food you can really love is

food that loves you back. Does a hot-fudge sundae love you, do you think? It’s true

that it can give you a momentary high, but so can crystal meth.For me, a special charge from hot-fudge sundaes was con-nected to the fact that when I was a child, my mother wouldalways take me to Howard Johnson’s for a sundae to celebratethings like making a good grade or winning a contest atschool. Unfortunately, my brain was then imprinted with themessage that big wins should be accompanied by a hot-fudgesundae. It took me years to disconnect from that, and onlyrecently did it occur to me that my mother came up with thiscelebratory ritual as an excuse to indulge her desire for icecream! (Once you’re a mother yourself, you understand yourown mother so much better. . . .)

No, hot-fudge sundaes do not love me and they do notlove you. They are full of sugar and processed chemicals thatbring us anything but love. Those things feed cancer, increasecholesterol, decrease growth hormones, weaken eyesight,interfere with protein absorption, cause food allergies, con-

tribute to diabetes, cause cardiovascular disease,impair the structure of DNA, cause diffi-

culty in concentrating, reduce defenseagainst infectious diseases, con-

tribute to osteoporosis, andmore. I wouldn’t call any of

those things love.At the same time, this is

not to say that eating ahot-fudge sundae is for-bidden for the rest of your

life. It’s simply to say thatas you evolve to your high-

est sense of self, you won’teven want to eat a whole hot-

fudge sundae; the experience willno longer feel like love to you.

Foods that love you are those that contributeto your well-being. From fruits to vegetables to whole

grains, they make your body strong, fight illness, producegreat skin, and keep you functioning normally. Vegetablesmake brain cells grow and function correctly, fruits providehealthy sugar and give you energy, and whole grains can helpreduce risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. And intoday’s world, there are more and more ways to find healthfulfood that is truly tasty. There might be healthier stores andrestaurants you pass by frequently that you just never thoughtof going into . . . and now is the time.

Your problem may not be that you eat so often, but thatyou do not eat well. Particularly in today’s world, while it’seasy to eat poorly, it’s unnecessary. Today we’re in the midstof a food revolution, and that is very good news for the com-pulsive eater. Restaurants feature the best in nutritious, organ-ic, even vegan, meals. And even when they don’t, you canlearn to order in a way that benefits you. Beautiful magazinesfeature healthy recipes and food displays. Raw food, organicproduce, and other optimal food choices abound. Is it alwayseasy, convenient, or inexpensive to make wise food choices?Perhaps not. But let’s be very clear: it isn’t easy, convenient,

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or inexpensive to be a food addict either.It’s not time for you to give something up so much as it is

time for you to take something on. It isn’t time to deny your-self but rather a time to gift yourself. Once you know what itis and how to do it, healthy eating is not a punishment but areward.

It’s sad to realize, but people who spend the most timewith food tend to not be those taking cooking classes, learningcreative recipes, or eating the best meals. Even if the overeateris going to a fine restaurant in the evening, the chances aregood she’ll have stuffed herself with so much junk food bylate afternoon that the actual succulence of eating a good din-ner and truly enjoying it will be denied her. By the time sheeats the meal, she’ll be feeding her psychological appetite,perhaps, but not her stomach, because it’s already full. Whenit comes to the actual joy of eating, the overeater tends to bedeprived.

It’s time to change that. Let’s begin your love affair withfood.

This lesson comes with assignments, and all that mattersis that you do them. Even if you’re still eating unwisely whileperforming them, that’s all right. Don’t wait to do these tasksuntil your overeating is under control, since doing them helpsstop the overeating! You’renot repudiating old habitsnow, but rather building newones. And it takes time tobuild new habits. The changesbeing ushered into your lifewith these lessons will take awhile to trickle down fromyour intellect to your nervoussystem, and developingpatience is part of the process.

Impatience is nothing butthe fear-mind trying to con-vince you it’s hopeless andtherefore you shouldn’t even try. It’s also the voice that tellsyou to eat the next bite before you’ve even finished chewingthe last one, so remember that that voice is not your friend.You must be your friend now. And a friend is kind, so despitewhatever self-disgust you feel, it is important that you be kindto yourself. This isn’t a course in self-discipline, but in manyways it is a course in self-love.

You’ve turned unhealthy eating into a ritual, a kind ofmagical and secret ceremony in which you’ve looked to thedarkness for what darkness cannot provide. You will learn tobuild a new ritual now: the ritual of healthy, wise, nonsecre-tive, and loving eating. It all begins with a beautiful napkin.

Now in addition to thinking that’s the dumbest thingyou’ve ever heard, you might also be thinking that you alreadyhave plenty of napkins, thank you, and you do not need anoth-er one! Your drawers might be brimming with napkins—youmight have inherited linen from your grandmother or boughtan embroidered set from Italy or France. None of that mattersnow; you need a new one. For the ones you have belong to theold you.

It serves you at this point to understand the power of rit-ual. This course is asking a lot of you . . . from making lists,to writing out feelings, to procuring new items, to doing cere-mony, and so forth. It is very much a to-do kind of book. Yetthese actions are not gratuitous; they form a specific curricu-lum in fundamentally altering your mental habit patterns—thought-forms that have had you forever looping back to veryself-destructive behavior.

It does not matter how quickly you move through theselessons, but it does matter how specifically and thoroughlyyou do them. You are giving a tremendous gift to yourself—even when you can’t help thinking, Oh come on, I have to dothat?—if you simply do the lessons as they are described. Ifthey don’t work, then they don’t work. But if they do work,your life will change forever.

A new napkin is important; you can’t build new ritualsusing tools that represent the old. And the last person in theworld who should be discounting the power of ritual is some-one who regularly performs the rituals of secret and excessiveeating: driving around in the middle of the night aroused bythe thought of food the way a heroin addict is aroused by thethought of heroin; opening and closing the refrigerator a hun-dred times in order to check whether Mommy’s love might be

in there now; and scanningsupermarkets for hours in aheightened emotional statejust looking at all the food,whether or not you’re goingto buy anything. No, don’t tryarguing that you’re not intoritual. Nor should you dis-count the notion of brain trig-gers, when it clearly doesn’ttake too much of a stress fac-tor to send you straight intothe arms of food most likelyto give you a temporary high

and then long-term despair.You will undermine your negative rituals by replacing

them with sacred ones. These will naturally lead to healthyeating, which will naturally lead to weight loss. Amen.Back to the napkin. It must be beautiful, as beauty is divine.And this needn’t cost you much money; you can buy a beau-tiful napkin for very little, definitely less than you wouldspend on your next binge. Choose any color and any style. Justmake sure it’s something you love.

Next you’re going to buy a plate, and no, once again, theplates you already have will not do. Just as Orthodox Jewshave a different set of dishes for Sabbath and holiday din-ners—meals consecrated by God—so you are going to obtaina sacred plate for use during this process. You are rehabilitat-ing your food appetites by making them holy.

I know you might feel that your relationship with food isso dysfunctional . . . that your addictive patterns are soingrained and have gone on for so long . . . that there’s simplyno way to turn things around at this point. Once again, if youhad only yourself to rely on in order to make these changes,then your anxiety would be justified. You are not alone, how-

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ever. You have placed your problemin divine hands, and divine power istransforming you. That is why youare turning every step of yourrebuilding process into a sacredexperience. You’re taking every stepwith God in mind.

You will interrupt old patternsby replacing them with somethingbeautiful and good. For where thereis light, darkness cannot be. Wherethere is a connection to the sacred, compulsion cannot stand.In the presence of the real you, all that is not you will simplyfall away.

The elements that make up this lesson are these:

One new, beautiful napkinOne new, beautiful glassOne or two new, beautiful platesOne new, beautiful knifeOne new, beautiful fork One new, beautiful spoonOne new, beautiful place matTwo candlesticks (they can be ones you already have)Two new, beautiful candlesOne beautiful piece of music, especially wonderful to playwhile dining

Your family members, friends, or whoever you might livewith are not being left out of this exercise, and you might wishto tell them that. The act of dedicating a single place setting issimply a response to the demands of your own healing, andnot anything you’re doing to separate yourself from others.

What is not allowed here are paper napkins; a paper orrubber place mat; paper or plastic plates; or a plastic knife,fork, or spoon. All of those suggest eating on the run, and oneof the patterns we’re moving away from is quick eating. Quickeating is a dangerous trigger for the compulsive eater. It trig-gers more quick eating, and quick eating means more food.Quick eating is a way of triggering a chemical rush andachieving an addictive high. It is very important, in laying thefoundation for the new you, to cultivate a slower life. For byslowing down certain aspects of your life, you’ll become aslower eater. And by eating more slowly, you are more likelyto eat well.

A friend of mine told me about a dinner party she onceattended in Los Angeles, along with a woman who was eatingso quickly that she could hardly stuff the food in her mouthfast enough. Referring to a city about an hour outside L.A., aman at the table whispered to my friend, “She’s eating likeHitler’s in Pomona.” There are many reasons, certainly, forwhy you might eat like an army is chasing you. Maybe youfeel guilty about eating whatever you’re eating and want to getit over with fast so no one sees you. Maybe you have so muchdespair associated with eating anything that you eat quickly inan effort to eat the despair. Maybe as a child you had to eatquickly simply in order to get enough food.

It doesn’t matter the reason. Sacred ritual moves mole-

cules, transforming energy in bothyour mind and body. A beautiful nap-kin, a beautiful plate, a beautifulglass, a beautiful knife, a beautifulfork, a beautiful spoon, and a beauti-ful place mat will help you. Candleswill help. Beautiful music will help.And they are not immediately goinginto your kitchen or even into yourdining room. They are going ontoyour altar, until you are ready to

inhabit the energy they represent. You will place them there ina beautiful array, as you prepare a feast for the real you . . . theeater who has not quite arrived yet, but is being beckoned asyou read this. The you whose appetite is elegantly alignedwith the divine within you. And part of how we beckon her isby laying out her table setting and placing it on the altar.

To paraphrase a well-known adage, set the table and shewill come.

Reflection and PrayerClosing your eyes, see your altar and the table setting youhave placed upon it. Now see with your inner eye a vision ofan angel arriving and sitting before your new table setting. Towitness the beauty, to enjoy the experience, to bless what ishappening, to merely be. Allow yourself to witness this for aslong as you can. Perhaps the divine being will invite you to sitas well, or perhaps you will find yourself merely witnessingwhat is happening. Whatever you see, simply allow theimages to live within you.

Dear God,Please help me begin anew,to rebuild my templeand restore my body.May I learn to eat well.Please send angels to guide meand transform my mind.May food,which I have so used to hurt me,now become a blessingand a blessing onlyin my life.Amen

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to 35,000 gallons of water a year.Because not all flushes need to be thesame, the dual-action ControllableFlusher controls the amount of wateryou use to flush waste matter. Pushhandle down for a conservative 1.5 gal-lon flush for liquid; lift for a powerfulflush for solids. Easily retrofits to stan-dard front-flush toilets. $36.00,

C onstructed from 1/4" thickbrushed stainless steel bars,each piece is meticulously

welded and finished to create a seam-less line which appears to float on thewall. The rack mounts to the wall withtwo screws. Each spice rack comeswith 15 glass mini cube bottles with cork tops. The olive oil bottle isnot included, but most standard size bottles will fit. Dimensions:29.00"l x 2.50"w x 7.00"h. Price: $199.00. From

1-Line Spice Rack

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this coconut oil is made from wild coconuts grownalong the beautiful coastline of rural Kenya. The oilis produced using the direct micro expelling(DME) method with the oil being produced insmall batches, within one hour of opening a nut,where quality can be managed with great care.No part of the coconut goes unused when pro-ducing Hope’s Harvest Extra Virgin Coconut Oil,including the husks, shells and pressed meat.16oz, $12.99.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

T he Veja Tauá leather sneaker is apremium, slim-profile trainer fromfair-trade footwear manufacturer

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Tauá Trainer

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GREEN LIVING natural home and garden

N oted designer Samant Chauhan supportsweavers in India, preserving local traditionsof silk production—not to mention the silk-

worms—to create couture garments like this dressfrom his latest collection.

F ashion designer NatalieChanin makes handcraftedgarments, like this camisole

dress (Right) , rooted in traditions ofcraftsmanship and quality. Her com-pany, Alabama Chanin, operateson a sustainable model, employinglocal sewers, creating hand-finishedgarments built to last, and striving torun a zero-waste operation by“upcycling” (re-using) productionleftovers.

EcoEco Chic GarChic Garmentsments


I t may be hard to believe, but these doormats will hold up to1-1/2 gallons of liquid per square yard! The waterproof rub-ber backing and “water dam” edge keep moisture, mud,

and grit contained. Just vacuum clean when dry. These super-tough polypropylene mats, made from 20% recycled materials,have raised, crushproof nubs to scrape boot bottoms clean.Gripper nubs on bottom keep mats from slipping or skidding.They can also be personalized with up to 10 characters. $39.95.From,

The Eco Shopper

T he Eco Shopper bag by HandmadeExpressions can be used for anyoccasion and are machine washable.

It is lightweight, colorful, and 100% naturallydyed.The fabric is hand block printed andthese also can be customized with your logoand other information (see below for details)as a means to promote your companyamongst your customers. This bag is madeby a group of artisans that specializes inwood block printing in north west

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www.earthstarmag.com5 2 EARTH STAR FEBRUARY / MARCH 2011

This is truly a fascinating time inhuman history. Over the last severaldecades tens of thousands of peoplehave shifted away from the dogmaticconstraints of conventional religions

in order to explore the vast, esoteric worlds of mys-ticism and earth-based spirituality. This movementis giving birth to a new kind of broad based spiritu-ality—one that centers on personal freedom,empowerment and responsibility.

The foundation of this spirituality surfaced withthe unearthing of ancient, pre-Christian beliefs andpractices and continues to evolve as these oldphilosophies are restructured to fit our contempo-rary minds and lifestyles. Traditions that were onceshrouded in mystery and available only to afortunate few are now making their way into themainstream.

The indigenous spiritual practice of the shamanis a perfect example of this phenomenon.Traditionally, a shaman is a gifted visionary whocan expand his or her conscious awareness to accessnon-ordinary reality, also known as the spirit worldand dreamtime, for the purpose of healing or divin-ing information. While in this non-ordinary reality,the shaman connects with helping spirits who arewilling to be of service to those in need.

Thanks to anthropologist Michael Harner, whosuccessfully reintroduced core shamanic practicesto the Western world, we are witnessing thedevelopment of a new kind of shamanism—one thatcan be incorporated into any spiritual tradition andlifestyle.

Borrowing from ancient shamanic beliefs andthe practice of conscious dreaming, this workbookwill assist you in learning a safe and easy way tojourney to the inner realms of the self to boost yourpersonal power, gain awareness, heal emotionalwounds and develop your connection to spirit. Theprocess you’ll be learning is akin to daydreamingwith intention.

I’ll also introduce you to the indigenous conceptof the three souls: The Body Soul, the Mental Souland the Spirit Soul. This idea provides a clear wayto conceptualize the entirety of the self, makingunderstanding yourself and the process of your per-sonal evolution more tangible.

To me, wisdom and growth come not from gain-ing knowledge, but from experiencing life head on.After all, anyone can acquire knowledge from read-ing a book or attending a lecture, but true wisdomcomes when you can speak from experience. TheMagical Path is an invitation to experience yourselfin a new way.

By Wendy S. Halley



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IInnvviittiinngg MMaaggiicc BBaacckk IInnttoo YYoouurr LLiiffee

Life is bursting with magic when we’re young and open topossibilities. We spend our days creating enthralling worldsfilled with promise and enchantment. When I was little I hadtwo playmates named Natasha and Friend who were my con-stant companions. They were invisible to everyone but me. Weplayed in the dirt and talked to ants. We explored the world oflightning bugs and fairies. We had tea parties on rainy days.

And then I turned six. With the advent of elementaryschool, my attention shifted to learning the skills that we’retold we need to know to survive in the external world. Ilearned how to read, write, add and subtract. Pretty soonNatasha and Friend stopped coming around. So did SantaClaus and the Tooth Fairy. Instead my rational mind began toswell with information – with the exception of algebra – and Igave birth to my logical self, while my magical self witheredaway.

The Western world doesn’t take magic seriously sincemagic is not logical or based in fact. The conventional viewholds that belief in magic is the product of an uneducatedmind, or could even be evidence of mental instability. Thus, inour society we’re groomed to be skeptics—to doubt anythingnot backed by empirical evidence or the endorsement of‘experts.’ Now, I’m not suggesting that we slip into a droolingstate of naiveté. But I do I believe our skepticism might be bet-ter served by being open to all possibilities—even ones thatdefy logic. To be a close-minded cynic paralyzes the spiritover time. Plus, believing in a world without magic is simplyno fun.

It’s my belief that magic is the very medicine that welarge-brained Westerners need. Approximately eighteen mil-lion Americans are taking antidepressant medication, with twoout of ten Americans reporting significant symptoms ofdepression and anxiety. What’s missing in our lives? What’s atthe core of the emptiness that plagues so many people? As apsychotherapist, I’ve met with hundreds of people over theyears and listened to thousands of painful stories filled withanguish and fear. Over the last several years I’ve started ask-ing these folks, “What would make your life magical?” Iwatch their eyes light up as they begin to talk about possibili-ties and dreams.

It wasn’t until I started asking myself this very questionthat my life took some interesting turns. Not long after Iturned twenty-two, my mom was diagnosed with cancer.At the time I was a devout atheist having rejected Catholicismwhen I was twelve. When I found out that my young motherwouldn’t survive, I found myself filled with dread at thethought that she would cease to exist after she died.

It was at this point that my spiritual journey began. Mystrong resistance to organized religion led me to explore myNative American ancestry. I discovered that not only do Nativepeople believe that everything is alive and imbued with spirit,but that it’s possible to communicate with the spirit of every-thing. This is magic! It wasn’t logical, but it felt right.

The more I explored indigenous beliefs and practices, themore I realized how much I longed to be on a magical path. Icraved miracles, happy coincidences, and a sense of connec-tion and purpose. I began to study the healing practices andphilosophies of the shaman. I learned how to dream con-sciously so that I could access the spirit world and communi-cate with the helping spirits who reside there. I met my ownteam of spirit helpers and happily discovered that my child-hood companion Natasha was my spirit teacher, and thatFriend was a powerful ancestral spirit. They explained thatthey had been with me all along and that I was the one wholost my connection to them. This reunion had a profoundeffect on me and inspired me to write the children’s story,Inside Out.

My life began to feel right and I began to grow. It wasthrough my connections to the spirit world and my helpersthat I found the courage to heal my emotional wounds and theinsight to discover my life’s purpose.

One of the truly wonderful benefits of doing this work hasbeen my ability to reconnect with my mother in the spiritworld. Connecting to my mom in this way has broughttremendous healing for me. I now know that all I have to do iscall for her and she’ll be there for me.

The Magical Path is available to anyone who desires it.The exercises in this workbook will help you connect withyour own team of spirit helpers. You don’t need to become ashaman to learn and benefit from these practices. All that’srequired is a desire to invite magic back into your life . . .

TThhee TThhrreeee SSoouullss

Imagine spending an afternoon with a demanding, moodyadolescent and a bossy parent who believes she knows every-thing and never shuts up. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? Thischallenging scenario sums up what I believe is happeningwithin most of us all the time.

The ancient Hawaiians believed that humans possessthree souls. Authors Hank Wesselman and Jill Kuykendallrefer to these souls in their book Spirit Medicine (2004, HayHouse) as the Mental Soul, the Body Soul and the Spirit Soul.

The Mental Soul is your conscious soul, your ego. It is the“thinking” part of you responsible for goal setting and deci-sion-making. Your Mental Soul is the source of your imagina-tion. It is who you think you are.

The Body Soul is your subconscious soul. This is youremotional self and the aspect of you that operates and regu-lates your physical body, learns, holds memories, developshabits and addictions, and sends and receives psychic infor-mation. Motivated by pleasure and the avoidance of pain, theBody Soul does not distinguish between reality and illusion. Itdoes what the Mental Soul tells it to do.

The Spirit Soul is your superconscious soul. This aspectis also referred to as the Higher Self or Oversoul. It is the partof you that is immortal and a source of great wisdom. YourSpirit Soul creates your experience and will never tell youwhat to do. This is who you really are.

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Managing undisciplined Body and Mental Souls takes anincredible amount of energy. Throughout your life these twoaspects of self are doing the best that they can to survive eachday. Chaos becomes the norm when the habits, addictions andfears of the Body Souland the incessant chat-ter and imaginings ofthe Mental Soul aregiven free reign overyour existence. Theinternal noise this cre-ates makes accessingthe gentle wisdom ofthe higher self or SpiritSoul a tremendouschallenge. It also cre-ates symptoms and dis-ease.

To lead a content-ed, healthy life meansdeveloping a harmo-nious relationshipbetween all threeaspects of self. To dothis you have to findways to quiet the inter-nal rumblings so thatyou can tune into therefined frequency ofyour higher self and inturn, re-discover whoyou really are. Theexercises in this work-book will help youjumpstart this process.

……BBuutt II’’vvee AAllwwaayyss BBeeeenn AAWWoorrrryy WWaarrtt

The world is what you think it is.

This statement is one of the core beliefs of Hawaiian mysti-cism. It’s a powerful statement because, in essence, it suggeststhat our thoughts create our reality. In other words, perceptionis everything. As children we develop intricate belief systemsabout ourselves, the world, and how we fit in the world basedon the information we receive and the experiences we have.This is how our ego, or Mental Soul, develops.

Let’s say, for example, that while growing up youreceived the message from your parents or caretakers that youweren’t good enough. The message could have been direct(i.e., you were blatantly told you weren’t good enough or thatyou were a failure) or subtle (i.e., your parents rolled theireyes or sighed when you failed at a task). Your Body Soul,with all its perceptive and sensory abilities, took in this feed-

back while your Mental Soul analyzed it and created athoughtform in response. This mental interpretation of yourexperience is the birth of belief.

Since, as a child, you have very little life experience, it’snormal to assume thatyour parents’ opinion ofyou is the truth. If thenegative message isrepeated by the peoplewho love you yourMental Soul will createthe belief system, “I ama failure.” This messagebecomes the foundationof who you think youare. The seed of lowself-esteem has beenplanted. Your percep-tion of yourself will cre-ate your experience.Every time you trysomething new, youmight find yourselfplagued by self-doubt,which in turn, will cre-ate a self-fulfillingprophecy. If you believeyou’re a failure, youbecome one—even inthe face of success.

In response tothese beliefs and thefeelings they evoke, wecreate coping mecha-nisms to help us survivethis challenging exis-

tence. On some level we believe the coping mechanisms,which are typically unhealthy, help us get by. Although thesesurvival methods can have similar themes, the specific waythey’re carried out varies from person to person. Examples ofcoping mechanisms include addiction, obsessive thinking, rit-ualistic behaviors, negative thinking and anticipatory worry.

Continuing with our example, to cope with the belief thatyou’re a failure, you might find that you never finish what youstarted. The coping mechanism of “not following through”protects you from experiencing the humiliation and disap-pointment of failure.

When I was about seven years old, I created an interest-ing coping mechanism. I thought that if I worried enough, Iwould actually prevent bad things from happening. Prettysilly, I know. But as a child, this immature logic gave me theillusion of control. So I took this illusion and ran with it. Iworried about everything under the sun—failing in school, notgetting the teacher’s approval, no one liking me, disappointingmy parents, the house burning down, my parents getting killedin a car accident. If it was within the realm of possibility foran imaginative seven-year-old, I worried about it.

The need to worry was born out of the belief that I was


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not safe. Beliefs like this are typically created in response to atraumatic event. In my case, my mom became very ill and washospitalized for a month. In those days, kids weren’t allowedto make hospital visits and I wasn’t given much informationabout my mom’s condition or prognosis so my imaginationfilled in the blanks.

It was at that time that I understood that bad things couldhappen at any time. And in response I felt completelypowerless.

As a kid, worrying seemed like a viable way to managethe new-found realization that “bad things can happen at anymoment.” Needless to say, I was a pretty anxious kid. Savingthe world from disaster took a great deal of time. I became aninsomniac by age nine and developed an ulcer by the time Iwas elevfen. And here’s the kicker—I believed that worryingworked. I got passing grades in school, the teachers and stu-dents seemed to like me, our house was still standing, and myparents were still alive. My “worry wart” coping mechanism,which was based on the belief that I was not safe, was rein-forced. In response, my Mental Soul created a new belief:Worrying prevents bad things from happening.

Therefore, in my reality, it did.As you likely know, the more you repeat a behavior, the

more habitual it becomes. When a behavior becomes a habit,you’re no longer aware of it. So, as adults we end up engag-ing in old habits of reacting and behaving without even know-ing we’re doing it. We might even believe that these habitsdefine who we really are. To understand how powerful habitscan be, think about the first time you were behind the wheelof an automobile. How aware were you of driving a car? I’mguessing you were probably hyper-aware—paying closeattention to every gauge, mirror, how much pressure youneeded to put on the accelerator and the brake. This awarenessis an important part of learning.

Now think about how aware you are while driving at thispoint in your life. Not very, right? That’s because your BodySoul is in the habit of driving.

It wasn’t until I was in graduate school in my latetwenties that I realized I wasn’t laughing nearly as much as Ishould be. In fact, I “discovered” that I worried A LOT. Bythen my need to worry was on autopilot (… a handy tool thatafforded me the freedom from worrying about worrying!) Itwas an epiphany when I recognized that worry was not addingto my life in any beneficial way—that it was not evennecessary.

To me, habits like these present the biggest challenge togrowth because of their unconscious nature. Before I wasexposed to shamanism I went about trying to change my habitof worrying using only my “conscious” Mental Soul—a veryWestern approach. I made the decision to become aware of thetimes I was worrying by paying attention to my symptoms(e.g., muscle tension, obsessive thoughts, stomach ache, etc).Once I was aware that I was worrying I tried to talk myself outof it. This was a painfully slow process since my “uncon-scious” Body Soul would have nothing of it. The bottom linewas that, although the thought of not worrying anymoresounded really inviting, I had no reason to believe that theworld was any safer than it was when I was seven. To put it

simply, I had no trust in the world. Being that the world iswhat you think it is, what this really meant was that I didn’ttrust myself. I still felt powerless.

My story is just one example of how fear and disharmo-ny can lead to feeling powerless. Each one of us has our ownself-defeating belief systems and coping mechanisms thatcontribute to feeling defenseless. When you feel powerless,whether you’re conscious of it or not, you’re vulnerable.When you realize that neither your brain nor the brain of atrained expert can really help you, you can end up feelinghopeless and alone.

Magic is the perfect medicine. It invites possibilities sinceyour reality is defined only by the boundaries that you set. Ifyou believe that dreams have meaning then you can look toyour dreams for assistance. If you believe that things happenfor a reason, then coincidences become miracles. If youbelieve that, like the shaman, you can journey to the spiritworld and communicate with helping spirits, you now haveaccess to guidance whenever you wish. For me, developingrelationships with my spirit helpers and Spirit Soul and expe-riencing the benefits of these magical relationships gave birthto self trust, which in turn, released me from the need toworry.

The exercises in this book will help you expand yoursense of reality giving you the opportunity to redefine whoyou are. Once you connect with your personal helping spiritsand realize that these relationships are real, you’ll never feelalone again. And once you develop a relationship with yourhigher self, or Spirit Soul, you will learn to trust. This ispower.

Put your seatbelt on . . . your world is about to get muchbigger.

From the book: THE MAGICAL PATH: Conscious DreamingExercises for Healing & Growth by Wendy Stofan Halley.. © 2010 byWendy Stofan Halley. Published by Lucid Path Healing Arts.

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Sedona is the virtual center of Arizona and certainlyits spiritual heart. Esoteric claims are made aboutthe region, but no one has repeatedly demonstratedthe SEDONA EFFECT to a scientific standard,until now. Long hailed by Native Americans as

the place where “Mother Earth speaks”, and more recently ashome of the “mystical vortex”, Sedona with its redrock tem-ples proves much more than a place of intense beauty. Manybooks have been written on the special “Vortex” energy fieldphenomena found in Sedona. Some say it cannot be measuredwhile others claim it is electromagnetic in origin. Perhaps,both are true, because its ethereal effects are more thanimaginal.

Electrical engineer Ben Lonetree began as a skeptic ofSedona’s metaphysical claims, so he decided to monitorMother Nature’s heartbeat, take her pulse, and listen to whatShe had to say. After ten years of research using fluxgatemagnetometers and large induction coils, Lonetree definitive-ly states that intense electromagnetic activity abounds inSedona. Proof of Sedona Vortex/Brainwave EEG synchro-nization can be demonstrated with portable equipment atvortex sites during “sudden magnetic events”. Over nearly a

decade, Lonetree recorded inward, outward and circularmagnetic anomalies in both known and unrecognized Vortexactivity locations.

Sedona is rich in Fe2o3, (Iron Oxide), the elementresponsible for the red rocks, soil, and even the red color ofthe inner bark of trees. In addition to iron oxide the mineralMagnetite may also exist in large quantities. Concentrationsof iron oxide and other metal/minerals have the effect offocusing the earth’s natural geomagnetism which is producedby Earth’s molten outer core.

Lonetree also observed a correlation or amplification ofvortex phenomena with Schumann Resonance (SR). Arespected scientist, Lonetree’s method for monitoringSchumann Resonance is cited by NASA in the 2003 report,“Investigations of Relatively Easy to Construct Antennas withEfficiency in Receiving Schumann Resonances.” Possibleapplications of these antennas are global weather prediction,earthquake prediction, planetary exploration, communication,wireless transmission of power, or even a “free” energysource.

The Schumann Resonance (SR) provides an orchestratingpulse for life on our planet. Contrary to the New Age meme,

The SedonaSedona Effect

ScientificResearch on

SedonaVVVVoooorrrr tttteeeexxxx Sites

By Ben Lonetree & Iona Miller

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SR is definitely not rising in frequency, according toLonetree’s continuous monitoring. We all march to thecadence of this cosmic drummer—our planetary heartbeat,which sets the tempo for health and well-being. There is a har-monic relationship between the earth and our bioelectronicmind/bodies. Earth’s low frequency isoelectric field, themagnetic field of the earth, and the electrostatic field thatemerges from our bodies are closely interwoven. Our inter-nal rhythms interact with external rhythms, affecting our bal-ance, REM patterns, health, and mental focus.

Lonetree added the human element when he began mon-itoring volunteers with a brainwave interface headset thatreplaces cumbersome electrodes for EEG. The average of themain Schumann Resonance is 7.8Hz, closely matching thehuman alpha/theta range (Alpha is 7-8 Hz -12 Hz, with anaverage value of 10.5 Hz. Theta and beta rhythm signals alsooccur, and are identifiable by EEG below the 8 Hz and abovethe 12 Hz frequencies). Adding this third measure of brainwave activity demonstrates resonance and amplificationamong them. Brainwaves are not monitored for subject-induced meditative states, but for direct correlation in shiftswith magnetic flux. The subject remains neutral, relaxed andopen but does not try to influence the readings in any way.

Using magnetometers and EEG, he recorded the synchro-nous signals of geomagnetic anomalies with human brain-waves. Parameters include SR (amplifies effect), brainwavefrequency and amplitude, and sudden magnetic events frommultiple vortex spots. Evoked potentials include high well-being, healing, nature mystic experiences, ESP or anomalouscognition, and other psychophysical phenomena.

We suggest tiny magnetic crystals, biogenic magnetite,makes the human being highly sensitive to ELF field fluctua-tions. Now that magnetite has been found in human tissuesand brain, research has just begun to evaluate the role ofmagnetite in health and disease. Magnetic mineral crystal,aligned in chains, is embedded in biological membranes.Magnetite could act as a transducer of both low frequencymagnetic fields and RF fields. Magnetite couples strongly tomagnetic fields either through ferromagnetic resonanceeffects or mechanical effects on membrane ion channels.

Paramagnetism is a weak magnetic condition of sub-stances that have a positive but small susceptibility tomagnetism. The question remains, “can it carry regenerativeinstructions?” Biological forms follow the energy patternslaid down by the waveforms of the environment.Electromagnetic vibration can rearrange molecules andmacro-molecules into patterned forms (sound, RF,microwave, heat, light, etc.). Are EMF-induced changes inbiological sensitivity and sensory transduction a model forbiological detection of EM fields?

Each of these compass-like magnetite crystals have beenshown to have a mechanical coupling to a mechanoreceptor inthe cellular membrane. Thus, they act as a sensor to magneticfields and signal the inner “machinery” of the cell. Sometheorize that these magnetic particles interact with magneticand electromagnetic fields and transduce their response intotheir host cell. They are a means of responding to, andsensing our environment.

Trace levels of biogenic magnetite in virtually all humantissues examined suggests that similar biophysical processesmay explain a variety of weak field ELF bioeffects. Theremay be more than a single electromagnetic coupling mecha-nism. For example, geomagnetic activity fluctuates most rap-idly during upsurge of solar activity which alters brainrhythms and hormonal levels, or the downward part of thecycle, when sunspots are rapidly diminishing.

In arguably the first scientific verification of theSEDONA EFFECT, Lonetree demonstrated close correlationbetween Sedona vortex magnetic anomalies (sudden magnet-ic events) and spontaneous brainwave changes in frequencyand amplitude, that is further modulated by SchumannResonance and plausibly accounts for reported psychophysi-cal and psychosensory phenomena. Geomagnetic brainwavesynchronization occurs spontaneously at vortex points duringsudden magnetic events.

STAGE 1 of this SEDONA EFFECT Experiment cen-tered on natural effects, how geomagnetism affects SR in agiven local geographical area. Lonetree noticed the anomalythat atmospherics were noticeably stronger (louder) at certainlocations along the trail. This was not always the case, though.He began to wonder if the increase in the strength of theatmospherics had anything to do with the infamous vortexenergy. The VLF receiver attributed the increase in strength toamplification of the atmospherics. This theory could not becorrect though, for if it were, atmospheric strength would beenhanced all the time when he recorded at this particular spot.Such was not the case.

STAGE 2: Surveys conducted by the USGS (UnitedStates Geological Survey) indicated there were locations onthis planet where there exist vortex-like acting inflows andoutflows of non-polarized magnetic energy. Non-polarizedmeans no North or South pole as in a regular magnet. The out-or inflow is simply pure magnetic energy in dynamic motion.Lonetree used a fluxgate sensor to prove his theory. It is usedfor monitoring the Earth’s magnetic field as well as any othersource of magnetism.

STAGE 3: The first Schumann Resonance (SR) averages7.83 Hz. This frequency also falls between Alpha and Thetabrainwaves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta. When our brain isfunctioning restfully in the predominantly alpha/theta zone,we are more relaxed or peaceful. The human brain acts like an

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electrical circuit called a phase-locked loop. A local external(outside the body) electromagnetic signal, as long as it isstronger than our brainwaves, initiates a resonance effectwhere the brain locks onto and resonates at that frequency.

Lonetree conjectured that if the first SchumannResonance were in some way enhanced in the area where alarge geomagnetic outflow occurred, it should be possible forthe first Schumann Resonance to affect a person’s brainwaveactivity. Since that first signal again lies in alpha and thetarange, simultaneously observing and recording the first reso-nance along with local field geomagnetic activity using thefluxgate instrument in vortex sites proves this theory. As oth-ers have long conjectured, Lonetree was able to demonstratesynchrony, conclusively.

He also recorded what he believed to be influencing mag-netic energy. He saw the first Schumann Resonance increasein strength while the geomagnetic outflow of energy increasedsimultaneously. SR and ELF EM fields do have a provableinfluence on livingorganisms. SRchanges over corre-lated circadianrhythms and othercycles of time.Physiological effectshave been observedin a human subjectin response to stimu-lation of the skinwith weak electro-magnetic fields thatare pulsed with cer-tain frequencies toexcite a sensory res-onance. Pulsed elec-tromagnetic fieldsare capable of excit-ing sensory reso-nances in nearbysubjects.

In “Schumann Resonances, a plausible biophysicalmechanism for the human health effects ofSolar/Geomagnetic Activity” König (1974) observed the closesimilarity of the SR signal with the EEG alpha rhythm, bothof which dominate the daytime, and the local sferics 3 Hz sig-nal with the EEG delta rhythm, that dominate the night. Hepostulated that ELF brain waves evolved to use these naturalsignals.

STAGE 4: Correlation exists between atmospheric oscil-lations, brain waves, and biological EM emissions.Understanding its nature may enable us to characterize andamplify various types of “healing energies”. Integral portionsof biological systems have been shown to be semiconducting,ferromagnetic and piezoelectric. The biosemiconductor,together with the drift of charges, ions, and radicals, may beconsidered a form of “bioplasma”. Bioplasma may be subjectto magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) control (Roffey).

The EM fields emitted by trained healers is coherent, res-

onant biomagnetic emission. The less coherent EM field ofthe patient is “tuned” to the specific frequency and phase,through which homeostasis can be “aligned” to induce “heal-ing” (Roffey). Vortex energy may exert a so-called “healing”energy in much the same way, via subtle resonance effects.

Persinger and Ryan separately conducted research thatshows apparent associations between extrasensory perception(ESP), geomagnetic activity (GMA) and local sidereal time(LST; based on the rotation of the Earth with respect to starpositions). Persinger also links certain ESP phenomena to tec-tonic strain. The analysis of geomagnetic pulsation activity inrelation to ESP success was initially conceived as a first stepin a process of elimination in the search for an explanation forthe reported associations between GMA and LST with ESP.Rather than eliminating the possibility, this factor emerges asa leading candidate for a solution to the problem.

Research suggests that some individuals experiencingextraordinary visionary activity in vortex spots may have a

low threshold forkindling sub-clini-cal “temporal lobetransients,” (TLTs),m i c r o - s e i z u r e swhich induce ahost of psychosen-sory phenomena.Neural static anddischarge are kin-dled by electricalinstabilities in thebrain. Typically,such experiencesare assigned spe-cial personal mean-ing. According toneuropsychologistMichael Persinger,“God is a result ofelectro-magneticstimulation of the

temporal lobes .... the God Experience is synthesized duringthe temporal lobe transients.”

Further studies in magnetoreception may reveal newmechanisms. Questions remain: 1) What is the nature of mag-netic sensory cells? 2). By what physical mechanism is theexternal magnetic field coupled into the organism (reception)?3). How sensitive is the mechanism to small changes in themagnetic field (detection threshold)? 4). What physical mech-anisms or chemical pathways convert the received magneticenergy into a nervous signal (transduction)? But we havedefined the SEDONA EFFECT as paramagnetism coupledwith Earth Energies, Schumann Resonance & BrainwaveResonance.

(c)2010 by Ben Lonetree & Iona Miller

More at: http://sedonanomalies.weebly.comVideo:

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Glutathione is your body’s most powerfulantioxidant and has even been called “themaster antioxidant.” It is a tripeptide foundinside every single cell in your body.

Antioxidants are crucial in eliminating free radicals fromyour body. Free radicals are basically very reactive particlesthat bounce all around the cell damaging everything theytouch. Most originate during the process of metabolism butthey can also arise from exposure to toxins, irradiation, andtoxic metals.

Because free radicals are so destructive, cells have a net-work of defenses designed to neutralize them. This antioxi-dant network is composed of numerous components thatinclude vitamins, minerals and special chemicals called thiols(glutathione and alpha-lipoic acid).

Glutathione is comprised of three amino acids: cysteine,glutamate, and glycine.

Glutathione is sometimes confused with glutamine andglutamate due to the similarity in names. Although all threemolecules are related, they are different in composition andfunction. When you are healthy, the three are balanced and doa delicate dance within your body.

In a nutshell, this is the difference between the three:

1. Glutamine: Your body’s most abundant amino acid,made in your brain from glutamate; has a major role in various

anti-injury processes and muscle repair; a precursor toglutathione.

2. Glutathione (two types, GSH and GSSG): The “masterantioxidant”—most powerful antioxidant in your body, pres-ent in every cell. Protects cells, and especially important forliver health; breaks down into free glutamate.

3. Glutamate (aka glutamic acid or L-glutamate):Monopeptide amino acid neurotransmitter in your brain—required for synaptic activity. You don’t want too much of it—it’s an excitotoxin. (See also monosodium glutamate, or MSG)

Glutathione is different from other antioxidants in that itis intracellular. It has the unique ability of maximizing theactivity of all the other antioxidants, including vitamins C andE, CoQ10, alpha lipoic acid, and the fresh veggies and fruitsyou (hopefully) eat every day. It removes toxins from yourcells and protects you from the damaging effects of radiation,chemicals, and environmental pollutants.

You might think that a miracle molecule such as glu-tathione might be a good thing to put into supplement form.As usual, science loses to nature when it comes to optimizingthis health-promoting little gem.

There is currently a great deal of hype about glutathionesupplementation, highly popularized as a “miracle” means toboost health, prevent disease and fight aging.


By Dr. Joseph Mercola & Ori Hofmekler

Keeps All OtherAntioxidants Performing

at PEAKPEAK Levels

This ONE

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Let’s separate some of the facts from themyths about how glutathione works and look at theright way to build your body’s glutathionereserves.

How Glutathione WorksThe main function of glutathione is to protect yourcells and mitochondria from oxidative and perox-idative damage. As you age, your body’s ability toproduce glutathione decreases.

Glutathione isn’t just an endogenous antioxi-dant—it is also an essential factor in energy uti-lization, detoxification, and preventing the dis-eases we associate with aging. Glutathione defi-ciency has been linked to:

• Age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s andParkinson’s

• Coronary and autoimmune diseases• Arthritis, asthma and other inflammatory conditions• Cancer• Mitochondrial dysfunction• Muscle weakness and fatigue

Synthesis of glutathione depends upon adenosine triphos-phate (ATP), which is the molecule that provides cellularenergy. It follows that glutathione levels are linked to energydeficiency, or low ATP.

This is a major reason why exercise is so beneficial foryour overall health—among other things, it boosts your glu-tathione levels!

If you can enhance internal glutathione production, youwill strengthen your immune system in a way that will shieldyou from many of the adverse effects of aging.

Do Glutathione Supplements Work?Your body is quite poor at getting glutathione from yourdigestive system into your blood. Most oral glutathione sup-

plements have been shown to be poorly absorbed and a wasteof your hard-earned money.

There has been some success with intravenous glu-tathione supplementation, but this is certainly not practicaland very expensive and should be reserved for extreme situa-tions. Glutathione supplementation can help people withimmunodeficiency but only to a certain degree, and onlytemporarily—kind of like recharging a dead battery.

Ironically, glutathione supplements may actually inter-fere with your body’s own glutathione production.

The human body is programmed to self-produce its ownantioxidant enzymes such as glutathione and SOD (superox-ide dismutase, the first antioxidant mobilized by your cells fordefense). And synthetic supplementation of these compoundsactually signal your body to stop its own production—whichleaves you dependent on synthetic substances (supplements ordrugs).

Glutathione levels can be enhanced somewhat by takingsupplements such as alpha lipoic acid, which is known toregenerate glutathione. Alpha lipoic acid also helps to regen-erate vitamins C and E so that they remain active longer inyour body. Red meat and organ meats are the best dietarysource of alpha lipoic acid.

Glutamine can be used as a sup-plement since it’s a direct precursor to glu-tathione. However, there is quite a bit ofevidence it is poorly absorbed.

There is also evidence that vitaminD increases intracellular glutathione.Unless you are a newcomer to my website,you know that I am an enthusiastic fan ofvitamin D, and this is yet one more reasonit’s so important for your health.

Some nutritional authorities rec-ommend taking a form of cysteine knownas N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), but I wouldadvise against using this supplement ifyou still have mercury amalgam fillingsbecause it could interfere with detoxifica-tion of the mercury.

Fortunately, there are natural waysto boost your body’s glutathione reserves.

Vitamins and supplements have

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Glutathione Molecule

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their uses but are always less desirable thannutrients in their natural form, obtained fromthe foods you eat. What has been provenbeyond a doubt is that whole food baseddiets—rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds,and quality protein—promote health andlongevity.

What Foods Promote the Highest Glutathione Levels?

Many whole foods contain significant amountsof glutathione or its precursors. Foods richestin sulfur-containing amino acids are usually thebest sources of glutathione:

• The overall top food for maximizing yourglutathione is high quality whey protein. Itmust be cold pressed whey protein derived from grass fedcows, and free of hormones, chemicals and sugar.

Quality whey provides all the key amino acids for glu-tathione production (cysteine, glycine and glutamate) andcontains a unique cysteine residue (glutamylcysteine) that ishighly bioactive in its affinity for converting to glutathione.

Glutamylcysteine is a bonded cysteine molecule (cysteineplus glutamate) that naturally occurs in Bovine SerumAlbumin—a fragile immune component of the whey. Thisunique cysteine is exclusive to whey and rarely appears inother protein foods—which makes whey protein the best glu-tathione-promoting food source.

Furthermore, whey provides critical co-factors,immunoglobulins, lactoferrin and alpha Lactalbumin (also agreat source of cysteine), which together help create the rightmetabolic environment for high glutathione activity.

• Raw milk products, raw eggs and meat: Glutathione occursin the highest levels in fresh, uncooked meats and raw milk,but is almost entirely absent in pasteurized dairy products.

• Fresh fruits and vegetables provide excellent glutathione, butonce cooked, values become negligible. Spinach, potatoes,asparagus, avocado, squash, okra, cauliflower, broccoli,walnuts, garlic and tomatoes have the highest glutathione perserving.

• The herb milk thistle is an excellent source of the antioxidantcompound silymarin, which may help to prevent glutathionedepletion in the liver. Glutathione is crucial in the liver fordetoxification and can become depleted from acetaminophen(Tylenol), alcohol consumption, and general toxic overload.

• Curcumin may also be useful for increasing glutathionelevels.

Keeping your glutathione levels up is a matter of increasingfactors that boost your glutathione and decreasing factors thatlower it. The things that deplete your glutathione the fastestare chemicals, toxins and sugar.

The Right WheyIf you want to supplement your diet with wheyprotein products, you have to be careful becausenot all whey protein products are created equal.Supermarket and nutrition store shelves are linedwith protein powder choices, 99 percent of whichare loaded with sugar and chemicals that don’tsupport your health goal.

If you’re going to supplement, you shouldonly use a high quality whey protein that pro-vides all the necessary nutritional elements forNATURALLY boosting glutathione and also pre-venting its decline.

Be sure your whey protein supplement hasthe following features:

1. The whey comes from grass-fed cowsthat are not treated with pesticides or hormones

2. Cold processed, since heat destroys whey’s fragilemolecular structure

3. Whey protein concentrate, not protein isolates

4. Sweetened naturally, not artificially, and low in carbohy-drates

5. Highly digestible—look for medium chain fatty acids(MCTs), not long chain fatty acids

I offer a variety of protein shakes, and my latest product isMiracle Whey Protein, which is an outstanding nutritionalsupplement.

It can be easily combined with berries, seeds or nuts toyield a tasty and healthful meal that provides your body withall the essential elements it needs to support your metabolicmachinery, as well as your glutathione levels.

And it comes in six delicious flavors—so there’s a nicevariety.

Remember, when it comes to mealtime, if you fail to planyou are planning to fail. When you are overcome by suddenhunger, you are at risk for grabbing junk food. By havingsomething like this in your pantry, you have an inexpensive,highly nutritious option when you want a quick pick-me-up oryou simply don’t have time to prepare a meal.

Dr. Mercola is the founder of theworld’s most visited naturalhealth web site, You canlearn the hazardous side effectsof OTC Remedies by getting aFREE copy of his latest specialreport The Dangers of Over theCounter Remedies by going to hisReport Page.

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As you age,your bonesbegin toerode, whichis normal and

a natural result of aging.However, some people loseso much bone that their skele-tons become weakened andsubject to deformation andsevere loss of bone density inmultiple places. That’s osteo-porosis, and it frequentlycauses fractures of the hip,spine and forearm. At itsworst, bones can become sofrail that they crack and breakunder the body’s own weight!

The meaning of the term‘Osteoporosis’ originatesfrom ‘Osteo’ meaning bone, and ‘porosis’ implying thinningor becoming more porous. Hence, osteoporosis literally means‘thinning of bone’. Medically, Osteoporosis is a disease of thebone in which the bone mineral density (BMD) is reducedwhich means one has a low bone mass and deteriorating bonetissue. In simple words, the bones become thin, brittle andmay be easily broken. Bone mass (bone density) is the amountof bone present in the skeletal structure. The higher the densitythe stronger are the bones. Bone density is strongly influencedby genetic factors, which in turn are sometimes modified byenvironmental factors and medications.

If Osteoporosis is not prevented in the early stages or ifleft untreated, it can progress painlessly until the bone tends tobreak. These broken bones, also known as fractures, occurtypically in the hip, spine, and wrist. The fracture caused byosteoporosis can be either in the form of cracking (as in a hipfracture), or collapsing (as in a compression fracture of thevertebrae of the spine). Though the spine, hips, and wrists arecommon areas of osteoporosis-related bone fractures, almostany skeletal bone area is susceptible to osteoporosis-relatedfracture.

The consequences ofosteoporosis may impair aperson for life. A hip fracturemay impair a person’s abilityto walk and may cause perma-nent disability or even deathdespite hospitalization andmajor surgery. The Spinal orvertebral fractures also haveserious consequences, includ-ing loss of height, severe backpain, and deformity.Osteoporosis can cause a per-son to stoop forward andappear to have a hump on hisor her spine. While osteoporo-sis occurs in men and pre-menopausal women, the prob-lem is predominant amongpostmenopausal women.

Anyone can get osteoporosis, but women are more likelyto get it than men. They have lighter bones than men, and theylose bone rapidly after menopause, because their bodies areproducing less estrogen. But men aren’t immune, especially ifthey drink heavily, smoke or have taken steroid drugs.

But your bones don’t have to crack under the strain of thisdisease. You can slow, stop or even reverse bone loss

Osteoporosis and natural remedies: Fish oil containingEPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and GLA (gamma linolenic acid)is not only an effective safeguard against osteoporosis, it alsoimproves the skin and brain function and avoids cardiovascu-lar problems. Light exercise is also recommended, such asdancing, walking, or bouncing on trampolines. Calcium andmagnesium supplements, in the ratio of 2 or 3: 1 respectively,would also help increase bone density.

Factors Contributing to the Loss of Bone Density and Strength

Excess phosphorus intake through drinking too many sodas.particularly Colas. To balance this phosphorus, the body mustdraw calcium from the bones.

Natural Help for

By Tony Isaacs


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Magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is actually moreimportant than calcium for bone growth and bone density. Asmany as ninety percent or more of us are deficient inmagnesium.

Among women the deficiency of Estrogen (a group ofhormones) post menopause has been correlated to a rapidreduction in BMD.

The increased risk of falling associated with aging, leadsto fractures of the wrist, spine and hip.

Other hormone deficiency states can lead to osteoporosis,such as testosterone deficiency. Glucocorticoid or thyroxineexcess states also lead to osteoporosis.

Not eating foods rich in Calcium, Vitamin D andPhosphorous can also cause bone loss. Calcium and/orvitamin D deficiency from malnutrition also increases the riskof osteoporosis.

Some medicines can inhibit the body’s ability to absorbcalcium. This may cause the bones to weaken. These med-ications include cortisone/corticosteroids, anticoagulants,thyroid supplements, and some anti-convulsive drugs.

Other illnesses or diseases, such over-active thyroid,diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis may also cause bone loss. Adisease such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia can cause changesin a person’s estrogen level and lead to osteoporosis.

Other significant factors leading to the onset of osteo-porosis include: smoking cigarettes, high intake of alcohol,tea or coffee, low levels of physical activity (weight bearingexercise), and family history.

Sedentary lifestyle. Exercise strengthens bones—inactivityencourages the body not to rebuild unused resources.

Consuming too much fat in our diets—vegetarians areshown to have greater bone mass than meat eaters.

Excess alcohol consumption interferes with calciumabsorption.

Drinking too much coffee. A study of 84,484 patientsshowed a correlation between bone fractures and heavy coffeeconsumption.

Smoking. The evidence is overwhelming—heavy smokingboosts bone loss.

A lack of natural vitamin D—obtained by exposure (notover-exposure) to sunlight.

Not enough Vitamin K in the system. New research hasshown that this little known vitamin is the key to calciumbalance in the body.

A lack of trace minerals necessary for the transport andabsorption of calcium.

Prescription drugs can increase bone loss. These includecortisone, blood thinners, antacids containing aluminum,chemotherapy, lithium, and certain antibiotics.

Birth control pills which reduce the folic acid content inthe body.

Excess consumption of dairy products! This is due to thehigh animal fat content in dairy products, and the lack of CLAin modern dairy products.

Excess salt and sugar consumption in junk foods, whichleach calcium from the bones into the urine.

Fluorides which destroy the collagen, the glue whichadds strength to the bones.

Exercise to Build Strong Bones:Exercise aerobically for twenty minutes a day at least threedays a week. The best aerobic exercise for strong bones is oneyou will continue doing, because if you don’t do it for life, thebone-building benefits fade. Exercise for at least thirty min-utes using weight-bearing exercise such as walking or jog-ging, three times a week. This regime has been proven toincrease bone mineral density, and reduce the risk of falls bystrengthening the major muscle groups in the legs and back.You may prefer running, biking, swimming or aerobic danceclasses. Aim for quality, not quantity, when you exercise.

Walking in chest-deep water for about thirty minutes atleast three times a week is a suggested remedy, especially ifyou’ve already had a fracture or two, since the water will helpsupport your body weight and take stress off bones and joints.Work youreself up to 30 minutes at least three times a week.

Make your “exercise equipment” a chair and the floor. Tocomplement water walking, do some easy muscle -strength-ening exercises in a chair or on the floor. Such exercises caninclude abdominal curls, shoulder blade squeezes and backextensions.

To do back extensions, lie on the floor on your stomach,with a pillow under your hips and your arms at your sides.Using only your back muscles, not your arms, raise yourupper body a few inches off the floor. Hold for as long as com-fortable, then relax downward. Work up to doing this six to tentimes a day.

Dietary and Other Tips for Handling OsteoporosisWithout Medications

Vary your diet. Bones are not made from calcium alone.They’re an amalgam that includes various minerals such aszinc, boron and copper. These trace elements can be ingestedthrough a varied and broad-based diet that includes mostlyunprocessed foods, such as whole grains, beans, fresh fruitsand vegetables, fish and shellfish and lean meat. Foods high inboron (a mineral that helps the body hold calcium) are bene-ficial for those affected by osteoporosis. Boron is found inapples, pears, grapes and other fruit, as well as in legumes,nuts and honey. Manganese is another beneficial mineral.Traces of manganese are largely found in pineapples, nuts,spinach, beans and whole wheat.

Bones need nourishment from calcium, magnesium, vita-min D, and phosphorous. A poor diet lacking these essentialvitamins and minerals contributes to osteoporosis. Foods richin calcium are especially necessary to maintaining healthybones. Dairy products (milk, cheese, and yogurt). salmon,sardines, almonds, dark green leafy vegetables and broccoliare good sources of calcium. It is recommended that oneshould include 1500mg of calcium daily either via dietarymeans or via supplementation. For measurement purposes, itis important to note that an 8 oz glass of milk contains approx-imately 300 mg of calcium. Calcium supplements are aneffective alternative option. These come in a variety of forms.The body can absorb only about 500 mg of calcium at onetime and so intake should be spread throughout the day.

Magnesium is essential for good bone growth and densi-ty. The recommended daily minimums are 320 mg for women

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and 400 for men, but optimum daily amounts are more like500 to 700 mg. Dietary sources include dark green leafy veg-etables and nuts, but it is difficult to get enough magnesiumthrough diet alone so supplementation is advised for mostpeople. It is estimated that eight out of ten people do not getenough magnesium daily and that over ninety percent of theU.S. population is magnesium deficient.

Brussels sprouts are known to prevent diseases like cancer,birth defects, osteoporosis and heart trouble. Brussels sproutsprovide essential vitamin K (this vitamin activates a proteinfound in bones, call osteocalcin, which holds calciummolecules in place) helps protect against osteoporosis.

Make a life style change by quitting cigarette smoking,limiting alcohol intake, and exercising regularly. It is impor-tant to note that a few studies have suggested an adverse effectof calcium excess on bone density and reports indicate themilk industry has been misleading customers. It has beenreported that excess consumption of dairy products may causeacification, which leeches calcium from the system.Therefore, it is claimed that vegetables and nuts are a bettersource of calcium and milk products are better avoided.

Monitor your medications. Some drugs can hasten boneloss. Those most likely to cause problems: corticosteroids,which are prescribed for a variety of conditions such asrheumatic disorders, allergic conditions and respiratorydisease; L-thyroxine, a thyroid medication; and furosemide, adiuretic often used against fluid retention associated with highblood pressure and kidney problems.

Colas and some other carbonated soft drinks get theirsharp taste from phosphoric acid, which contains phosphorus,a mineral that in excess amounts causes your body to excretecalcium.

Salt lightly, and choose healthy sea salt for added miner-als. As with phosphorus, too much salt causes your body toexcrete calcium. Avoid products with more than 300 mil-ligrams of salt per serving.

Almond Milk is a calcium rich and a good remedy to helpwith osteoporosis is calcium-rich almond milk. One can havethe almond milk by soaking the almonds in warm water, peel-ing and blending them with either cow’s milk or better still,goat’s milk. Drink only raw organic milk.

Herbs That Can Help Osteoporosis• Dandelion Tea helps build bone density.• Red Clover has has been shown to improve bone mineraldensity (it also lowers LDL cholesterol).• Chaste Berry contains vitexicarpin and vitricin, which helpto keep hormone levels in balance. It is advisable to take atleast 250 mg a day of a standardized extract of this herb fortwo to three months.• Dong Quai has been used in Chinese medicine for thousandsof years. It is advisable to take 250 mg of a standardizedextract of dong quai daily as a tonic herb.• A recent study indicates that the popular herb Black Cohoshmay help prevent osteoporosis. Most studies recommend anintake of either 20 or 40 mg of black cohosh extract twice a day.• Sesame seeds: A handful of sesame seeds had every morn-ing may also help osteoporosis.

Dietary Supplementation Tips for OsteoporosisAim for maximum absorption. Spread your calcium supple-ments out over the day rather than taking them all at once.

Magnesium, calcium and phosphorus are all essential forproper bone growth and density. Try to get 1,000 milligrams aday of calcium if you haven’t reached menopause and at least1200 to 1500 milligrams a day for postmenopausal women.

Most women consume far less than those amounts.Reaching 1,000 milligrams through diet alone means drinkinga quart of skim milk a day or eating two cups of low-fat yogurtor four cups of low-fat cottage cheese.

Be sure to take half as much magnesium as you do calcium.Neither will work properly without the other.

Figure out, realistically, how much calcium you can getthrough your diet, then make up the rest with supplements.Dark green, leafy vegetables such as spinach are excellentsources of calcium.

Get enough vitamin D3 For protection, aim for a bareminimum of at least 600 international units of vitamin D3 perday (three times the Recommended Dietary Allowance), andfor therapeutic use aim for even more—up to 4000 ius.

Plant derivied trace minerals are the best source ofinvaluable trace minerals. Minerals are the building blocks of theenzymes necessary for the utilization of all other vitamins, etc.(rock minerals are a waste of money since only five-to-fifteenpercent can be broken down by the body before being eliminated.Minerals already digested by plants are potentially one hundredpercent absorbable.

Recent studies have found that serotonin is an importantfactor for bone density. L-tryptophan is a good supplement toboost serotonin

Glucosamine, Chondrotin, and Collagen are importantfor bone and joint health (and all of these are available in aproduct called Liquid Life Ultra Joint Care, which also con-tains aloe and bovine colostrum).

Silica (from horsetail and/or shavegrass) works with cal-cium to maintain strong bones and is especially effective incombination with GTF Chromium.

GTF Chromium (GTF Chromium is a complex known asGlucose Tolerance Factor and is made by fermenting nutri-tional yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) with chromium.)

Inositol/IP6 modulates the behavior of bone- forming andbone-destroying cells to help prevent osteoporosis.

Besides being an excellent pathogen destroyer, ColloidalSilver also helps bone, tissue and nerve regeneration.

Many people have reported excellent results for arthritisas well as osteopororis with Colloidal Gold.

Caution: Do not take bone drugs for osteoporosis. Evidencehas shown that they produce abnormal bone growth and actu-ally make bones more brittle. They also can have serious andeven life threatening side effects! See:Bone Drugs: The Latest Skeletons in Big Pharma’s Closet,

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