EarlySense Datasheet

EarlySense ® Bedside Monitoring and Centralized Unit Paent Management System As the length of inpaent-stays become shorter, close scruny of readmission rates is increasingly becoming the norm, parcularly with the growing numbers of elderly paents requiring acute hospital care. This is one of the challenges that hospital and post acute care facility managers face. These potenally preventable readmissions and other adverse events are system wide challenges that are currently being addressed by all providers in all sengs. A key element in prevenng readmissions is the early detecon and mely intervenon in cases of paent deterioraon. Heart and respiratory rate are clinically proven to be eecve early indicators of paent deterioraon. (Chaboyer, W et al, Am J Crit Care. 2008; 17: 255-263) The EarlySense system is an innovave paent status monitoring soluon that measures and alerts on changes in these key parameters. The EarlySense system provides an ideal soluon for connuous, contact-free bedside monitoring of key parameters: Respiraon Rate, Heart Rate, Movement and Paent Turn status. Real me alerts are delivered to the nurse control staon and directly to caregivers using handheld devices to enable mely intervenon by medical sta. The system’s built-in management tools include a wide range of useful reports on the status of long-term care paents at all mes. These also include providing alerts for turn schedule documentaon and veri caon of turns preformed by the sta, to support compliance with the instuon’s pressure ulcer prevenon protocol. The Ear lySense system has the potenal to empower the sta to improve paent safety and clinical outcomes – leading to enhancement of residents’ and nurses’ sasfacon and lower costs. Implementaon of the system in hospitals showed that using connuous monitoring led to beer compliance with hospital policies and the clinical sta was able to decrease the rate of various adverse events such as paents’ falls and development of in-hospital pressure ulcers. The EarlySense system is designed to integrate with current workow and with minimal overhead. “Readmissions are a demonstrable problem. An April 2009 New England Journal of Medicine study found that nearly one in every ve Medicare paents admied to a hospital in a year is readmied within 30 days. By 90 days, the rate increases to one in three. The cost to Medicare of these readmissions alone was $18 billion in 2007.  Amy E. Boutwell, MD, “Reduced Readmissions: Reform’ s Low-Hanging Fruit,” Healthcare Execuve (Mar /Apr 2011) Deliver connuous, personalized supervision indicang changes in key parameters Empower sta to monitor paents and reduce paent readmissions, pressure ulcers and falls Improve paent and family sasfacon Reduce costs and improve nancial performance © EarlySense - All Ri ghts Reserved. [email protected] For addional informaon, please visit www.earlysense.com FDA cleared and CE-approved MK-657 Rev.2

Transcript of EarlySense Datasheet

7/31/2019 EarlySense Datasheet

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Bedside Monitoring and Centralized Unit Paent Management System

As the length of inpaent-stays become shorter, close scruny of readmission rates isincreasingly becoming the norm, parcularly with the growing numbers of elderly paentsrequiring acute hospital care. This is one of the challenges that hospital and post acute carefacility managers face. These potenally preventable readmissions and other adverse eventsare system wide challenges that are currently being addressed by all providers in all sengs.

A key element in prevenng readmissions is the early detecon and mely intervenon incases of paent deterioraon. Heart and respiratory rate are clinically proven to be eecveearly indicators of paent deterioraon. (Chaboyer, W et al, Am J Crit Care. 2008; 17: 255-263)

The EarlySense system is an innovave paent status monitoring soluon that measures andalerts on changes in these key parameters.

The EarlySense system provides an ideal soluon for connuous, contact-free bedsidemonitoring of key parameters: Respiraon Rate, Heart Rate, Movement and Paent Turnstatus. Real me alerts are delivered to the nurse control staon and directly to caregiversusing handheld devices to enable mely intervenon by medical sta.

The system’s built-in management tools include a wide range of useful reports on the statusof long-term care paents at all mes. These also include providing alerts for turn scheduledocumentaon and vericaon of turns preformed by the sta, to support compliance withthe instuon’s pressure ulcer prevenon protocol. The EarlySense system has the potenal toempower the sta to improve paent safety and clinical outcomes – leading to enhancementof residents’ and nurses’ sasfacon and lower costs.

Implementaon of the system in hospitals showed that using connuous monitoring led tobeer compliance with hospital policies and the clinical sta was able to decrease the rate of various adverse events such as paents’ falls and development of in-hospital pressure ulcers.The EarlySense system is designed to integrate with current workow and with minimaloverhead.

“Readmissions are a demonstrable problem. An April 2009 New England Journal of Medicine study found that nearly one in every ve Medicare paents admied to ahospital in a year is readmied within 30 days. By 90 days, the rate increases to one inthree. The cost to Medicare of these readmissions alone was $18 billion in 2007.” Amy E. Boutwell, MD, “Reduced Readmissions: Reform’s Low-Hanging Fruit,” Healthcare Execuve (Mar /Apr 2011)

Deliver connuous,

personalized supervision

indicang changes in key


Empower sta to monitor

paents and reduce paent

readmissions, pressure

ulcers and falls

Improve paent and family


Reduce costs and improve

nancial performance

© EarlySense - All Rights Reserved. [email protected]

For addional informaon, please visit www.earlysense.com

FDA cleared and CE-approved

MK-657 Rev.2