Early Snapshots, By Frater Pyramidatus

Early Snapshots by Frater Pyramidatus


31 images from about ten years ago, harvested from my facebook acount.

Transcript of Early Snapshots, By Frater Pyramidatus

  • Early Snapshotsby Frater Pyramidatus

  • Archetypal Theriomorph

  • Book Collection 1

  • Book Collection 2

  • Crowley Etching by Jed Ranner

  • Dress ye all in fine apparel

  • Enochian Chess Boards

  • Eye in the Triangle

  • Eye of Horus by Jed Ranner

  • Forston Clinic

  • Frater Pyramidatus 1

  • Frater Pyramidatus 2

  • Interlaced Enneagram with Yin Yangs

  • Modular Origami Dodecahedron with Jed Ranner

  • Modular Origami Icosahedron

  • Parents' Cabin

  • Sandsfoot Castle in Weymouth

  • Seal of the Abbey of Thelema

  • Shaken and Disturbed

  • Stranded Hawk in Bath City by Reptile Sculpture

  • Tarot Decks

  • Tattva Cards

  • The Culprit

  • The Great Holy Seal of Truth

  • Tongue Stud

  • Tree of Life in the Four Worlds

  • Tree of Life Snowflake

  • Tree of Life Triplicate

  • Triangle of Evocation with Wooden Mask

  • Truncated Tetrahedron with Celtic Treflots

  • Will Meacock 1

  • Will Meacock 2