EagleEye PG June2005 web - EPIC


Transcript of EagleEye PG June2005 web - EPIC

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expeditionary by design, exhibit a wide

be highly reliable, easy to maintain andprovide mission flexibility. They must

survive in hostile environmental conditionsto include enemy sophisticated

air defense systems.

But most of all, they must be able toquickly put and then keep

“eyes on target.”

The Bell Eagle Eye provides land and navalforce commanders a single UAV solution tomeet these requirements using about half

the manpower of existing fixed wing orhelicopter-based systems. The Eagle Eyetilt-rotor offers the best of both worlds;

vertical take-off and land, rapid transitionto high-speed flight, coupled with realstaying power, autonomous operations.

Eagle Eye has the ability to stayfocused on the main task:


Anytime, anyplace, anywhere

range of speed and altitude combinations,

Modern tactical UAVs must be

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Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................... 4Background/History ....................................... 6Summary of Achievements ........................... 7The Tiltrotor Advantage ................................. 8Tiltrotor UAV Flight Envelope ....................... 9Multi-Mission Applications .......................... 10General Characteristics ............................... 12External Dimensions .................................... 14Operational Characteristics ........................ 16Airframe .......................................................... 18Engine ............................................................. 20Drive System ................................................. 21Proprotors ...................................................... 22Fuel System ................................................... 24Avionics .......................................................... 25Electrical Systems and Battery .................. 26Landing Gear ................................................. 27Deck Arrest System ...................................... 28Eagle Eye Deck Arrest Probe & Hook ........ 29Ground Control Station / Datalink .............. 30Eagle Eye Data Link System ....................... 31Deployability .................................................. 34Accessibility .................................................. 35Support Equipment ...................................... 38Provisions for Maintenance ........................ 40USCG Sea Based Manning .......................... 42Training ........................................................... 43Appendix A [ USCG SelectedMission Equipment ] ..................................... 45FLIR Star SAFIRE TM III ................................ 46Telephonics RDR 1700 Radar ..................... 47Sierra Nevada UCARS .................................. 48Contact Information ...................................... 50© 2005 Bell Helicopter Textron Inc ............. 51

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The development of the Eagle Eye UAVrepresents a new era in unmanned vehicleoperations – the deployment of a vehicle thatsurpasses the capabilities of all other VTOLand tactical UAVs while also reducing the costof operations. This achievement is derivedfrom a technology that belongs to only onecompany – Bell.

Tiltrotor technology enables the Eagle Eye toprovide unmatched speed, endurance,reliability, and low cost of operations –attributes that military forces around the worldhave been seeking since the advent ofunmanned vehicle operations. The Eagle Eyeprovides the operator with a single platformthat can:

• Conduct VTOL and or a simplifiedlaunch and recovery within a confinedarea.• Operate at low speeds for precisetargeting and special operations.• Loiter within a large speed rangewhere low power is required to extendloiter and coverage areas• Accelerate to high cruise and dashspeedsto enable responsiveness andminimal time to target.

The Bell Eagle Eye combines advancedtechnology with unmatched reliability tomaximize mission effectiveness with minimalcost.

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Bell’s TR911X 7/8th Scale Demonstrator

The TR911X led to the selectionof Eagle Eye as the air vehicle for

the USCG Deepwater Program

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Bell is a premier rotorcraft manufacturingcompany that has pioneered the developmentof vertical-lift technology for over 60 years andhas delivered over 30,000 advancedrotorcraft. Bell’s technical capability in airframemanufacturing and systems integration spansthe entire product life cycle: from designengineering, to production and assembly, tointegration and test, and through life-cyclelogistic support. Bell’s core competencies inthe commercial and military sectors and intiltrotor technology are a result of itsdedicated, focused, and imaginative workdesigning, developing, and manufacturing awide variety of systems.

Bell leveraged this impressive set of corecompetencies to build the original Eagle EyeUAV, the TR-911X. This fully integrateddemonstration UAV was successfully flown to370 km/hr (200 knots) cruise speed andaltitudes over 4200 meters (14,000 ft.) withan operational payload of approximately 98kg (200 lbs). The demonstrator successfullycompleted over ninety hours of flight tests andrequired less the one hour of maintenanceper flight hour.

Only Bell has this proven record in developinga reliable, safe, advanced VTOL UAV thatprovides increased mission effectiveness forcustomers around the world.


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Summary of AchievementsYuma Proving Grounds, Yuma, AZ

Under Contract with U.S. Navy PMA-263

1998 Objective Demonstrated in 1998

VTOL Operations HOGE @ 1100 ft/95o with 210lb payload

Flight Time of 50 hours 55.5 hours 110 nm Radius of Action

315 nm range during mission profile

0 – 150 kn Airspeed range with 200 lb. payload

0 – 200 knots TAS cruise with 210 lb. payload.

13000 ft Altitude with 200 lb. payload

14,458 ft (> 15000 ft DA)

200 lb Payload 210 lb. 75% Reliability > 95% Reliability

< 1.0 MMH/FH

2000 Objective Demonstrated in 2000

10 consecutive automatic landings in 30 attempts.

10 successful landings in 10 attempts.

Landing within 6.5 ft. of designated spot.

All landings within 2.0 ft. of designated spot.

Autoland completion rate of 90%

100% completion rate

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The Tiltrotor Advantage

The Eagle Eye’s ability to take off and landvertically and then seamlessly transition toforward flight as a high speed fixed wingaircraft provides operational advantages toland and sea commanders that cannot befound with any other UAV product.

Vertical launch and recovery operationseliminate the need for prepared runways,large areas of obstacle-free land, nets, orparachutes or airbags. Precise navigation andsystem redundancy significantly reduce thepotential for damage to the air vehicle ormission payload that are typically found withother UAV systems.

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Tiltrotor Provides UnmatchedOperational Performance








0 40 80 120 160 200 240

True Airspeed, Kts





, Ft

Tiltrotor VTOLTiltrotor VTOL

Conventional FWConventional FW

Helicopter Helicopter VTOLVTOL

The Eagle Eye has a 50 knot speedadvantage over the fixed wing aircraft and an80 knot speed advantage over a helicopterUAV at sea level. At 12,000 feet thecomparable speed differences are 80 knotsand 120 knots respectively. This advantageallows the Eagle Eye to move quickly fromplace to place as situations change. Thisflexibility allows an operator to provide hiscombatants with real-time intelligenceinformation with minimal delay between pointsof interest.

Tiltrotor UAV Flight Envelope

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Multi-Mission Applications

Tactical UAV’s are intended to compliment, notreplace, existing helicopter, fixed wing andother reconnaissance/surveillance assets byperforming the more routine, sometimesdangerous aerial missions thus preserving themanned assets for when they are absolutelyrequired. This synergy between manned andunmanned tactical assets significantlyreduces overall operating costs and greatlyincreases mission effectiveness. Becausethe loss of an unmanned air vehicle can bemore easily accepted than the loss of amanned aircraft, UAV’s such as the Eagle Eyeare also ideally suited for high risk missionssuch as NBC detection, target location anddesignation, armed attack, and urban aerialoperations.

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When equipped with the appropriate missionequipment, the Bell Eagle Eye will be capableof performing unmanned aerial missions suchas:

• Reconnaissance and Surveillance over Both Land and Sea• Border Patrol• NBC Detection and Contaminated Area Operations• Real-time Situational Awareness for Tactical Forces• Cooperative Engagement Platform Providing Target Identification,• Designation for: • Naval/Artillery Gun Fire • Attack Helicopters • Air Strikes • Extended Range Munitions• Anti-Submarine Warfare • Delivery of Sonobuoys• ECM, ECCM, ESM• Airborne Radio Relay• Delivery of Critical Supplies• Fisheries Protection• Fire Detection

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General Characteristics

The Eagle Eye design is a tiltrotorconfiguration with two 10-ft rotor systems andtransmission nacelles that are mounted oneach wingtip. The air vehicle operates as ahelicopter when taking off and landingvertically. Once airborne, the nacelles arerotated 90 degrees forward, thus convertingthe aircraft into a turboprop airplane for high-speed, fuel-efficient flight. A single centerline-mounted engine located in the center fuselagesection powers the mechanicallysynchronized rotor system. The drive trainconsists of a centerline-mounted “T” 90-degree gearbox that provides power to thewingtip-mounted proprotor gearboxes, whichin turn, power the rotor system for flight.

Eagle Eye – Helicopter Mode

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Eagle Eye – Airplane Mode

Eagle Eye Internal Layout

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External Dimensions

The Eagle Eye air vehicle provides VTOLoperations and high-speed flight withoutcompromising transportability. The aircraft istransportable via truck, rail, ship, and transportaircraft including the C-130, C-17, and C-5.The air vehicle can also be slung beneathsuitably equipped vertical lift aircraft.

14 ft. 2 in.

18 ft. 3 in.

24 ft. 2 in.

10 ft.

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18 ft. 3 in.

6 ft. 2 in.

The folding nose and tail of the Eagle Eyeallow the vehicle to fit within the identifiedtranspor tation options and provideaccessibility to all critical avionics and missionpayload(s).

16 ft. 6 in.

10 ft. 3 in.

6 ft. 2 in.

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Operational Characteristics

The Eagle Eye provides performance thatcannot be found elsewhere within the UAVindustry. The attributes of the tiltrotorconfiguration equate to valuable advantagesto the operator; advantages that increaseoverall mission effectiveness withoutincreasing the cost of operation ormaintenance requirements.

SPEED -The Eagle Eye has the capability toexceed 200 knots at maximum continuouspower to rapidly transit to areas of interest.

RANGE – The Eagle Eye has the capabilityto fly over 800 nm between takeoff andlanding locations to enable deployment intotheatre from positions well removed fromthreats or observation.

Altitude – The Eagle Eye is currently limitedto an altitude range of 0 to 20,000 ft topromote operational capability and vehiclesurvivability, and because there is no missionrequirement to fly higher. The Pratt & Whitney200/55 engine that powers the Eagle Eye isbased on the 207 engine used in Bell’s 427light twin helicopter that has not been certifiedfor operations above 20,000 ft. If the needarises, Bell will address removing thislimitation.

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Endurance – The Eagle Eye is designed toprovide 3 hours of time on station at a locationthat is 100 nm from the point of departurewhile carrying a 200 lb. payload. Using theunique capability to loiter in a minimum powerconfiguration in airplane mode, the vehiclecan provide approximately 6.0 hours of totalendurance with 200 lbs. of payload.

Icing Detection capability – The Eagle Eyeis equipped with an ice-detection sensor thatalerts the operator of ice accretion on criticalsurfaces. The vehicle can transit through lighticing without damage as the operator modifiesthe flight path of the aircraft to exit from theicing conditions.

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The airframe consists of the forward fuselage,center fuselage, aft fuselage, wing/flaperons,and pylons.

Forward Fuselage The forward fuselageassembly is designed to hold the modularmission payload. Suppor t beams andmounted adapter plates are used to retain thepayload to the airframe to allow for payloadinsertion and removal with reduced workloadand time.

Center Fuselage. The center fuselageassembly contains the main elements of theaircraft propulsion system, landing gearsystem, fuel system, air management system,and the flight control computer.

Aft Fuselage. The aft fuselage includes thehorizontal and vertical stabilizers and ishinged on the right-hand side of the aircraftand stows under the right wing and centerfuselage. The aft fuselage houses most ofthe navigation equipment.

Wing/Flaperons. The wing structure ismostly composite, with a forward and aft spar,lower skin laminate, and an upper skinlaminate. These components are assembledto make the wing torque box. The flaperonsare one-piece composite element attached tothe wing.

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Pylons. The pylon structure is composed ofupper and lower halves for easy access anddisassembly. Clearance holes and/or accessdoors allow visual inspection of the gearboxoil level sight glass and other importantinspection procedures.

Aft Fuselage


Forward Fuselage



Eagle Eye Airframe Components

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A Pratt & Whitney PW PW200/55 turboshaftengine powers the Eagle Eye. This new-generation helicopter engine featuresexcellent reliability, fuel consumption, ease ofmaintenance, smoke-free signature, and3,000-hour time-between overhaul (TBO)components. The engine has been designedto operate in a maritime environment, itprovides a 5-minute takeoff rating of 641uninstalled engine shaft horsepower (UESHP)at 4,000-ft ISA conditions.

The PW200/55 is basically the same engineas the PW207D used in Bell’s Light Twinhelicopter, the Model 427. Minor changes tothe PW207D increase its reliability, reduce itscost and weight, and tailor the engine to theUAV application:

The P&W PW200/55 Turboshaft Engine

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Drive System

Bell has designed the Eagle Eye drive systemto provide high reliability and ease ofmaintenance to reduce life cycle cost. Thesystem also has been designed for inherentsurvivability in hostile environments.

The drive system consists of the followingcomponents:

• An input drive shaft and couplings to transmit torque from the engine to the midwing gearbox• The midwing gearbox,• Wing shafts to connect the midwing gearbox to the proprotor gearboxes,• Proprotor gearboxes,• Oil cooling for the midwing gearbox.

The Simple, Reliable Eagle EyeDrive System

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Eagle Eye Proprotor System


The Eagle Eye proprotors have beendesigned to increase producibility, durability,function, and structural strength, and tominimize weight. The wing tip rotor-gearboxinstallations rotate on the gearbox spindlesfrom 98 degrees (8 degrees aft of helicoptermode) to 0 degrees (airplane mode) in orderto achieve the most efficient configuration.The left hand rotor rotates clockwise and isattached to the left hand wingtip gearbox anda right hand rotor rotates counter clockwiseon the right hand wing tip gearbox. Each rotorincludes three blades, a rotor hub assembly,hub spring assembly, controls assembly, andthe spinner assembly.

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Schematic view of Left-Side ProprotorSystem

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Fuel SystemThe Eagle Eye fuel system is a simple andreliable design, which ensures that fuel isalways available to the engine throughout theaircraft envelope and operating environment.The system is comprised of integral-type (wet)wing and fuselage fuel tanks, a simple suctionlift engine feed system, a reliable gravity fueltransfer system, an open atmospheric vent, agravity refuel system, and a defuel/drainsystem.

The system is designed for operation downto –40°F. A military standard, three-inchgravity refuel cap and adapter is provided,along with a single point defuel valve to meetgravity fill and defuel requirements.

Eagle Eye Fuel System

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The design of the Avionics system onboardthe Eagle Eye reflects Bell’s intense focus onproviding a safe and reliable air vehicle. Thesystem includes the following elements:

• Flight Control System (FCS)• Flight Control Computer (FCC) / Actuator Drive Unit (ADU)• Navigation Sensor (embedded GPS/INS)• Air Data Computer (ADC)• Radar Altimeter• Decklock Device• IFF transponder• Ice detection sensor• Communication system (VHF/UHF Radio)• Engine and transmission sensors• Fuel sensors• Electrical power system• Wiring and equipment installation• Airborne Data Link Terminal• UCARS Transponder• Payload Interfaces

The fully integrated dual redundant flightcontrol system includes redundant sensors,processing elements, drive electronics,monitoring, wiring, actuator motors, and datalinks. The system also includes built-in FaultDetection Logic and automatic reconfigurationfollowing most failures. This approachprovides a cost effective increase in reliability.

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Electrical Systems and Battery

The air vehicle primary electrical system is a28 volt DC system comprised of one starter/generator, one generator, a battery, anddistribution system. During normal operatingconditions the generator that is driven by thepower turbine side of the engine provides allsystem power. In the event that unit fails thestarter/generator (which is powered by theengine gas producer turbine) will pick up thebus and is capable of supporting all systemloads while maintaining safe flight operations.The battery is connected to the main busduring all normal operations to improve powerquality and to maintain charge. Althoughexternal power is normally utilized formaintenance, the battery may be used forshort-term system checks.

The standard 28VDC military receptacle islocated on the side of the fuselage andprovides power for ground operation andengine starting. It supplies all electrical loadsuntil the generator is placed on-line, at whichtime it is automatically disconnected from themain bus. Once the engine is started and thegenerator is on-line, the ground crew canremove the external power cable by pullingthe release on the remote external powerdisconnect. This allows the ground crew tostay a safe distance away from the air vehicle.

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Landing Gear

The Eagle Eye utilizes a dual-wheel tandemlanding gear with outriggers. All four pointsemploy separated gas/oil struts to absorblanding loads. The main landing gear aremounted on the fuselage centerline andretracted into the fuselage during flight.Outriggers are attached to the pylongearboxes, which tilt forward during airplaneflight mode.

Eagle Eye Landing Gear /Deck Arrest System

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Deck Arrest System

The Eagle Eye can be equipped with a deckarrest system that is placed within the landinggear bay between the forward and aft mainlanding gear assemblies. The deck arrestsystem is electronically actuated upontouchdown and extends below the aircraft tosecure the vehicle to a NATO-standard gridattached to the ship. The system has beendesigned to keep the aircraft secure to theNATO grid during the launch and recoverystages of shipboard operations.

The deck arrest system includes a hookassembly that is attached to the end of screwshaft mounted within the aircraft. When thesystem is actuated, the shaft lowers theassembly beneath the aircraft to latch ontothe intersection of two holes within the NATO-standard grid. In the event of a miss, thegimballed system can quickly retract and re-extend to capture the grid and secure theaircraft.

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Eagle Eye Deck Arrest Probe and Hook

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Ground Control Station / Datalink

Bell’s focus on satisfying customerrequirements is evident in the design of theEagle Eye system. The mature air vehiclecommand and control software and dualredundant architecture can be integrated intoexisting or new land or sea based groundcontrol stations.

Bell understands ground control stations andthe need to provide a low workload, intuitiveenvironment for the air vehicle and payloadoperators. The successful deployment of theTR911X prototype was a direct result of theapplication of Bell’s core competency insystems integration to the design of theTR911X GCS. This corporate expertiseallows Bell to configure the Eagle Eye systemin a manner that satisfies customerrequirements in the most cost-effective andefficient manner.

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The reconnaissance mission for Eagle EyeUAV demands a high-bandwidth, reliable datalink system capable of operating at ranges of100 nm or more in all weather conditionswhere the Eagle Eye mission is planned. AnL-3 Communications dual UAV data linksystem provides redundant command andcontrol links for extremely safe UAV operation.Both links deliver jam-resistant linkage to aground or shipboard surface terminal whileproviding greater than 95% availability in mostregions of the world.

Eagle Eye Data Link System

Internal Datalink Components

Primary RFE

Secondary AirborneModem Assembly

Secondary AirborneModem Assembly

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External Datalink Components

Aft PrimaryAntenna

Forward Primary Antenna

Secondary Antennas

The future of the Eagle Eye is a networkcentric, multi-mission asset providing C4ISRcapabilities during joint operations. The EagleEye data link system is already responsive tothe need for networked information sharing,greater connectivity, high fidelity videoimagery, efficient use of bandwidth, andassured access and control. It is also thecorrect baseline for growth in every one ofthose areas.

The Eagle Eye’s primary link system utilizesTactical Common Data Link (TCDL)technology, which maximizes interoperabilitywith hundreds of other TCDL and CDLdeployments, world wide. The return link,equivalent to 6.5 T-1 cable connections, iscurrently used for transmitting real-time colorvideo, radar, and voice data.

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Bell’sCommand and Control Software

can be integrated into anyLand-or Sea- Based GCS.

Bell stands ready to apply its corporateexpertise to the selection and application ofspecific datalinks as desired by the customer.Bell’s system is TCDL compliant and can beadapted to meet the requirements of anotherstandard if desired by the customer.

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The Eagle Eye is transportable by air, sea,rail and highway modes. It is C-5, C-17 andC-130 transportable with roll-on / roll off. Itcan be carried on maritime pre-positionedships, break bulk, roll-on/roll-off, bargecarrying, container ships and on all vesselsof the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps strategic/tactical sea-lift watercraft fleet as well astactical watercraft. It meets highwaytransportation policies. The system takes lessthan 20 minutes for transport preparation andcan be operational within 20 minutes ofremoval from the transport aircraft. The EagleEye can be airlifted by rotorcraft using hardattachment points on each side of theairframe.

The entire Eagle Eye system can be loadedinto a single C-130 for transport. The systemis capable of being secured to the floor or deckof transport craft with integrated, permanentlymarked, tie-down systems.

Conceptual Depiction of Eagle Eye UAVSystem in a C-130

40 FT 0 IN 10 FT 3 IN

HMMWV C2 Vehicle[Typical]

Two Model TR-911DEagle Eye Air Vehicles

Light Trailer[Data Link, Spares]


40 FT 0 IN 10 FT 3 IN

HMMWV C2 Vehicle[Typical]

Two Model TR-911DEagle Eye Air Vehicles

Light Trailer[Data Link, Spares]


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The Eagle Eye is designed to reducemaintenance workload and minimizemaintenance time by providing access to allcomponents The folding nose and tail providesignificant access to aircraft avionics and themission payload.

The hinged engine cowl allows maintainersto access the engine and systems containedwithin the center fuselage, even in adverseweather and wind conditions.

Folding Capability Provides SignificantAccess to Avionics/Payloads

Hinged Engine Cowl Provides Access toEngine and Aircraft Avionics

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Access panels are provided in the upper andlower portions of the wing to aid inspectionsand maintenance. Access to the wing is alsoprovided through the tip rib located at the endof each wing.

Lower Wing Access Panel

Upper Wing Access Panel

Tip Rib Access

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Removable panels and detachment of theengine cowl provide complete access to allcomponents contained within the nose, centerfuselage, and aft fuselage.

Complete Access is Provided by Easily-Removable Cowlings and Panels

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Aircraft Loose Gear Plug Assy, Protective, Engine Inlet, Cowling

Cover, Protective, Engine Exhaust, Cowling

Cover Set, Protective, PR Blade Blade Maint Install/Removal

Protective Cover Cover Set, Protective,

Cooling Air Inlet Cover Set, Protective, Cooling Air Exhaust Cover, Protective,

Fuselage Section Air Inlet Cover, Protective, EO/IR Sensor

Cover, Protective, Fuselage Fwd End Cover, Protective, Fuselage Aft End

Cover, Protective, Pitot Tube Cover Set, Open Nose & Empennage

Support Equipment

The Bell VUAV system will require a minimalamount of equipment to support USMCoperations. A complete listing of aircraft loosegear and peculiar support equipment is shownbelow.

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Peculiar Support Equipment Tow Bar, Aircraft, UAV, Shipboard

Adapter Set, Air Data Container, Stowage, PR Blades Cover Set, Aircraft Maintenance

(Blade, Drive Coupling, etc.) Fixture, Hub & Blade Static Balance

Mast Protector Pin Set, Blade Alignment/Installation

Pin Set, Flight Control Rigging Remote Disconnect Adapter,

DC Power Cable Aircraft Hoisting & Jacking Assy

Sling, Aircraft Empennage Sling, Aircraft Nose Sling, Hub & Blade

Sling, PRGB / MWGB Pylon, Lifting Eye

(connects to PRGB Mast) Tool Set, Unscheduled Line

Maintenance Load Support,

Folded Empennage Section Load Support, Folded Nose Section

Oil Drain Fitting, Gearbox Oil Drain Fitting, Engine Tool, Input Shaft R&R

Axle Jack Adapter, Main Mount Wash Rig, Compressor, Portable, P&W Engine

Pitch Link Adjustment Tool

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Provisions for Maintenance

Provisions have been included in the designof the air vehicle and support equipment toreduce maintenance workload and time. Jackand Hoist fittings have been included in eachwing section to support jacking and hoistingof the air vehicle by crane or air vehicle.

3-point jacking allowsfor the landing gear to be cycled.

Hoist Support Equipment allows forself-centering 3-point lift

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Conceptual Tow Bar Design

The Tow Bar permits precise aircraftpositioning on deck and within confined


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USCG Sea Based Manning

Two people are required to support an EagleEye system consisting of two air vehicles andone ground control station for operationstotaling 1200 flight hours per year per aircraft.

These manpower levels are produced byBell’s continuous focus on providingexceptional reliability, minimal maintenanceburden, and minimizing short-term scheduledmaintenance tasking during the design of theair vehicle and the incorporation of maturesystem elements. This approach makes theEagle Eye a force multiplier with the capabilityof sustained field operations, maximizedOPTEMPO while maintaining safe andefficient operations. The Eagle Eye’s reducedmaintenance burden makes reduced manninga reality.

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The Bell Eagle Eye training program willprovide specified required training in anefficient and effective manner to producequalified Air Vehicle Operators andMaintenance personnel for systemdeployment and suppor t. The trainingcurriculum will be derived from the trainingdeveloped for the USCG Deepwater programand will be refined using a rigorousInstructional System Design (ISD) process tosatisfy unique customer requirements.

Air Vehicle Operator (AVO) training willinclude:

• Introduction to the VUAV system• Route and Payload Planning• Crew Coordination• Normal Operating Procedures• Preflight, Flight, and Post Flight Operational Procedures• Safety of Flight Requirements• Emergency Procedures

Upon completion of this course, the traineewill be able to safely fly the VUAV under limitedsupervision.

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Maintenance Training will consist of twocourses

• Airframe/ Powerplant• Avionics

Airframe/Powerplant Training will addressorganizational level maintenance on thepower plant, drive train, and airframeelements. Training will include:

• Air Vehicle familiarization• VUAV maintenance training courses for: • Flight Line Operations • System/Subsystem Operation • Preventive and Corrective Maintenance • System Component Removal and Replacement • Assembly and Disassembly • Repair Procedures

Avionics training will address organizationalmaintenance on the electrical and electronicelements of the following elements:

• VUAV air vehicle• Ground Control Station• Sensor Payload• Data Link• Launch and Recovery System.

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Appendix AUSCG Selected Mission Equipment

• FLIR Star SAFIRE TM III• Telephonics RDR 1700 Radar• Sierra Nevada UCARS

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FLIR Systems Star SAFIRE III is the latest inthe SAFIRE line of commercially developed,military qualified airborne thermal imagingsystem. The SAFIRE III raises the standardsfor image quality, range performance, andstability.

The SAFIRE III contains the following uniquefeatures:

• Microscanned 640 x 480 Detector that provides the highest resolution available from an airborne image.• 3 Field-of-View (FOV) Color Spotter Scope with Haze Penetration Filter provides clear imagery at extremely long distances through degraded conditions.• Autofocus for all imagers to minimize operator workload.• Five-axis active stabilization

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Telephonics RDR 1700 Radar

Telephonics Corporation will be supplying theMulti-Mode Radar that will be carried aboardthe USCG version of the Eagle Eye. The MMRwill be derived from the RDR-1700 Radarshown above.

The RDR-1700 is a Search, Surveillance, andWeather Avoidance Radar System that hasbeen primarily designed to support airbornesearch and surveillance operations. However,the radar also serves in secondary roles suchas terrain mapping, weather avoidance,beacon navigation, and oil slick detection.

The nose-mounted, digital, color, RDR-1700-based system will include three lightweightboxes: the antenna/pedestal unit, the receiver-transmitter unit, and the interface unit. Theradar will operate in the X-band and willprovide 120-degree scanning

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Sierra Nevada UCARS

Sierra Nevada Corporation’s (SNC)Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) CommonAutomatic Recovery System – Version 2(UCARS-V2) is used to provide precisionnavigational information to support Eagle Eyeautomatic launch and recovery operations.

The UCARS-V2 has been designed forsustained operations in the shipboardenvironment. The system includes practicaland proven technology for deck motionstabilization equipment.

Features of the system include:• An Airborne subsystem that

provides a point source for precision tracking, contains omnidirectional and directional antennas, and is compatible with the Eagle Eye 28VDC power system.

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• A Ground-based Track subsystem that locates and tracks the airborne transponder, is built to survive in a topside ship environment, and supports flight deck or pedestal installations using ship power.• 35 GHZ Airborne to Track sub- system communication that is difficult to jam and detect.• High reliability and availability with minimal preventive maintenance.• Comprehensive Built-in-Test (BIT), straightforward troubleshooting, and corrective maintenance in less than 30 minutes.• No need for special equipment for operation or maintenance• Meets strict shipboard and airborne E3 requirements (MIL-STDS-461 & 464)

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Editor: Dave WyattMarketing Publications ManagerPhone: (817) 280-6918E-Mail: [email protected]

©2005 Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.All Rights Reserved

Printed in USAJune 2005

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P. O. Box 482, Fort Worth, Texas 76101phone: 817.280.2800 fax: 817.280.8831


Editor: Dave Wyatt, Marketing Publications Manageremail: [email protected]

© 2005 Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. all rights reserved. The dataset forth in this brochure is general in nature and may vary withconditions. The photographs and drawings appearing herin arefor illustration only and may vary from the actual aircraft. For

performance data and operating limitations for any specific flightmission, reference must be made to the approved flight manual.

Cleared for Open Publication.