E911 Presentation to Boston Consortium 3-4-14

Enterprise 9-1-1: Campus Emergency Communications and Response Mark J. Fletcher, ENP Chief Architect Worldwide Public Safety Solutions March 4, 2014


E911 for Enterprise and Higher Education, location discovery, VPC carrier routing and everything else you needed to know but were afraid to ask.

Transcript of E911 Presentation to Boston Consortium 3-4-14

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Enterprise 9-1-1: Campus Emergency Communications and Response

Mark J. Fletcher, ENP Chief Architect Worldwide Public Safety Solutions March 4, 2014

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December 1, 2013 – Kari Hunt Dunn died because of a single digit

!  Kari met her estranged husband in a Marshall, Texas hotel for visitation with their 3 children

!  Her ex-husband brutally attacked and stabbed her 49 times in the hotel room

!  Her 9 year old daughter tried to call 911 !  In fact, she tried to call 4 times, but the calls failed !  Finally, she rushed her 2 siblings to safety !  Kari Hunt Dunn died from her injuries before help

could arrive

!  Why did the calls fail? !  You needed to dial 9-911 from the hotel room !  But that’s not what we teach our children

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Current Legislative Landscape !  ONLY 18 States have a reference to MLTS/PBX

!  Laws vary greatly causing confusion

!  Chicago – 40,000 Sq.ft.

!  Massachusetts – 22,500 Sq. Ft.

!  Virginia – 7,000 Sq. Ft.

!  California – Fire Alarm Zone (pending)

Both Avaya and NENA Responded to FCC Notice of Inquiry stating:

“MLTS Location capabilities are feasible, and [the FCC] should begin a proceeding to establish a timeframe for mandatory implementation.”

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Current Legislative Driver - MLTS Late Breaking News!

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Key Dates on the Timeline !  December 1, 2013

–  Kari Hunt Murdered in Marshall, TX

!  December 20, 2013 –  APN Blog Posted on Avaya.com/Fletcher

!  December 27, 2013 –  Open Letter sent to FCC

!  January 2, 2014 –  Contact made with Pai’s office

!  January 10, 2014 –  Face to Face meeting with Commissioner Pai and Staff

!  January 13, 2014 –  Statement of Commissioner Pai launching Inquiry

!  January 17, 2014 –  AH&LA Forms Task Force to investigate

!  February 3, 2014 –  Contact made with AH&LA

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MLTS Attention in Washington DC - FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai

•  [T]he most important question a caller can answer is still one of the most basic: “Where are you?”

•  [NG911] doesn’t mean that we can ignore problems with the 911 system of today. [O]ne of those problems happens too often when someone dials 911 in places like hotels, motels, office buildings, and schools that use [an] MLTS.

•  I began an inquiry into the state of MLTS 911 [January 2014]. I sent letters to the CEOs of the ten largest hotel chains[.]

•  I hope [that] the FCC can make those choices a little easier for you by [the FCC] fixing the problems of 911 on MLTS[.]

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The Anatomy of an E911 Call in the PBX Understanding how it works

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Anatomy of an E9-1-1 Call

911 PSAP gets Voice

and ANI

Calltaker ANI/ALI

Screen Pop

PSAP Queries for ALI based

on ANI

User Dials 911 or 9-911

ARS Matches


IP Subnet Map


11 or 911

ELIN exists Or


Assign Caller ID

Enterprise Location Database

Call Sent to TELCO


911 PSAP Selected

CLID Matched to


ANI / ALI Database

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Location Granularity EXTERNALLY !  What level of reporting is needed at the PSAP?

–  Response Address –  Building Entrance Identifier

!  Concentrate on getting the 9-1-1 Dispatcher the details they need to get responders enroute to the scene

!  Why is Station Level Granularity Difficult to manage and Costly? –  Terminal equipment requires a Telephone Number to

have an ALI record –  Recurring Cost of TN + Recurring Cost of PS-ALI is

prohibitive and requires an application to manage –  Provides only 20 characters of Additional Information


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20 Characters is not sufficient to convey information to the PSAP


4TH FL CUBE 2C231 This information, albeit detailed, means nothing to 1st responders who

have most likely never been in the building before. Local onsite awareness is still required to direct responders on scene.

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Emergency Responders need USABLE LOCATION details





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Campus Location granularity INTERNALLY

!  Higher Education can utilize additional call handling technology to aid in response: –  Designated 1st Response Teams –  Campus Police Officers and EMS –  Any other authorized group or individual

!  Data that can be provided includes –  Floor Plan –  HazMat –  IP Video Feeds


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PBX E911 Functionality: What’s built-in; what’s not; and why

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Basic System Requirements (Kari’s Law)

!  Direct access to 9-1-1 Eliminate the ‘Trunk Access Code’ (TAC)

!  On Site Notification Alerting to devices that an emergency call has occurred

!  Termination of calls internally prohibited unless a trained facility.


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Location Discovery Understanding where the emergency is occurring is the key piece of information required to provide assistance.

What E9-1-1 Problems Need to be Solved?

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Device Mobility can add complexity

!  Almost any device can be nomadic –  TDM (Virtual Office)

–  VoIP (User Moves)

–  WLAN (Inherent Mobility)

–  Remote Workers (Nomadic VPN)

!  Enterprise MLTS / PBX can provide tracking –  On Site Notification –  Proper call routing –  Caller ID (ANI) Manipulation

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Data Correlation Fletch just made a 9-1-1 call Someone needs to see if Fletch is alright Fletch just made a 9-1-1 call AND The ambient temperature near Fletch is 227 degrees!

Someone needs to see if Fletch is ON FIRE

What E9-1-1 Functionality is required today?

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Proper Routing Fletch just made a 9-1-1 call from his VPN phone

Fletch is 3 States away, we have no trunks there Fletch just called 9-1-1 from his VPN phone

Fletch is NOT on the corporate LAN and needs to be routed to a VPC Someone needs to see if Fletch is ON FIRE, again

What Other E9-1-1 Problems Need to be Solved?

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!  In addition to the PBX having data, what about: –  LDAP –  HR Databases –  Directories –  Maps –  Cable Plant

!  Does mail get delivered to your cubicle?

!  Chances are you already have the information you need to locate someone in the building

Identify the problem . . . Then fix it

Graphic © Copyright and courtesy Scott Brinker @chiefmartec http://www/chiefmartec.com

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What about SaaS and the Cloud? I have been told that this is the way forward for everything,

so why not for E911? Isn’t everything going to be in the cloud anyway?

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Can/Should E911 be a completely Hosted Solution?

PHONE NUMBERS don’t equal LOCATION – Managing ALI is yesterday’s technology

E911 Notification belongs on premises – Don’t get confused by ‘the cloud’

Planning and Consulting Workshops are Available from Avaya

The cloud may be a part of the solution in many scenarios, but still requires local presence for notification and alerting.


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Cloud Based 911 VPC Carriers Explained

•  Minimal Differentiation •  All provide common service •  No one carrier provides 100% Coverage


Positioning Carriers


TIER 3 Resellers of

Rebranded TIER 2 Services

Service Resellers with Limited value proposition Not typically a Commercial Enterprise play

Teleworker Dashboard

Consulting Services

Normalization Services

•  Significant Service Differentiation •  Variable Deployment Cost Models •  Evaluate features/cost carefully

TIER 2 VoIP Positioning

TIER 1 Aggregators

•  Distributors •  Hosted PBX •  Cable/Internet VoIP

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Watch for Single Points of Failure Not all solutions are created equal. Watch for applications

in the call path that could block calls.

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Redundancy vs. Call Admission Control Redundancy

Redundancy  describes  components  that  are  installed  to  back  up  primary  resources  in  case  they  fail.  

Call Admission Control

Some8mes  called  ‘look-­‐ahead’  rou8ng.  Calls  only  go  if  they  can  complete  to  the  des8na8on.    


SECONDARY E911 Gateway

PRIMARY E911 Gateway

PSTN/E911 Network

If  the  E911  gateway  is  OFFLINE  completely,  the  Avaya  ARS  will  route  to  the  secondary  instance.  If  there  is  a  soF  failure,  then  calls  may  ‘black  hole’.  


SECONDARY E911 Gateway

PRIMARY E911 Gateway

PSTN/E911 Network


SECONDARY E911 Gateway

PRIMARY E911 Gateway

PSTN/E911 Network

Upstream  problems  shutdown  the  interface.  This  is  cri8cal  to  preven8ng  the  ‘black  hole’  scenario.


SECONDARY E911 Gateway

PRIMARY E911 Gateway

PSTN/E911 Network

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WARNING! DevConnect does NOT test for Call Admission Control

!  The Avaya DevConnect program produces System Integration Lab (SIL) notes for each tested product. These notes are intended to detail the exact scenario used by Avaya DevConnect engineers to verify application operation.

!  Call Admission Control is not currently part of any SIL notes for any E911 product in the path of the call for E911.

!  Customers should be aware and conduct the appropriate testing for their network configuration.

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Summary for Today: What we just talked about in 3 simple slides

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Getting Additional Data to the 911 RESPONDER

!  In-Band –  Not supported today, Analog voice only architecture –  Not possible today, PSAP technology is limited to ANI/ALI –  Not feasible today, Too bandwidth intensive for data



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Getting Additional Data to the 911 RESPONDER When it’s Relevant

!  In-Band –  Not supported today, Analog voice only architecture –  Not possible today, PSAP technology is limited to ANI/ALI –  Not feasible today, Too bandwidth intensive for data

!  Simultaneous Local Notification and Over The Top delivery of data –  Easily delivered On Site –  Easily delivered over Broadband –  Available TODAY –  Rich Multi-Media possible






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3 Built-in Basic System Requirements

!  Direct access to 9-1-1 Eliminate the ‘Trunk Access Code’ (TAC)

!  On Site Notification Alerting to devices that an emergency call has occurred

!  Termination of calls internally prohibited unless a trained facility.


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Best practices for your deployment - Must Have Features

!  No single Point of Failure

!  Full support of the Emergency Services functions in the Call Server

!  Devices and applications must connect via the approved and supported interoperability points as defined by the Avaya DevConnect program and Product Managers.

!  Defined roadmap to NG911 integration with NENA 08-003 V2 requirements and support for Additional Data Repository (ADLR / ACDR) functionality.

Enterprise Network Data

NG9-1-1 PSAP

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The moral of the story . . . . .

!  E9-1-1 / NG9-1-1 is NOT a magic box that you plug in and walk away from !  Understand what’s really required

–  Categorize users and define functionality needed –  Some users need special services that others do not

!  Understand who actually requires the information and when –  Public safety needs to get to the right building –  When they arrive, further instructions can be provided

!  Understand how it can be delivered –  Getting the data ready in a format that is legible is key –  When NG9-1-1 is available, turn on the data flow

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