E-paper Project

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  • 7/27/2019 E-paper Project



    E-paper is a revolutionary material that can be used to make next generationelectronic displays. It is portable reusable storage and display medium that look like paper

    but can be repeatedly written one thousands of times. These displays make the beginning

    of a new area for battery power information applications such as cell phones, pagers,

    watches and hand -held computers etc.

    Two companies are carrying our pioneering works in the field of development

    of electronic ink and both have developed ingenious methods to produce electronic ink.

    O ne is E- ink, a company based at ambridge, in !.".#. The other company is $eroxdoing research work at the $erox%s &alo #lto 'esearch entre. (oth technologies being

    developed commercially for electronically co nfigurable paper like displays rely on

    microscopic beads that change color in response to the charges on nearby electrodes.

    To build e-paper, several different technologies exist, some using plastic substrate

    and electronics so that the display is flexible. E-paper or electronics ink display

    technology designed to mimic the appearance of ordinary ink on paper. !nlike a

    conventional flat panel display, which uses a back light to illuminate its pixels,

    electronic paper reflects light like ordinary paper and is capable of holding text and

    images indefinitely without drawing electricity, while allowing the image to be change


    )ike traditional paper, E-paper must be lightweight, flexible, glare free and low

    cost. 'esearch found that in *ust few years this technology could replace paper in many

    situations and leading us ink a truly paperless world.

  • 7/27/2019 E-paper Project



    +. IT'O!TIO +

    +.+ istory /

    /. TEO)O01 !"E

    /.+ 0yricon



    /./ Electrophoretic 2

    /.2 Electrowetting 3

    /.4 Electrofluid ic 5

    2. 6E1 (E,I7IT"

    2.+ &aper-like 'eadability



    2./ !ltra-)ow &ower onsumption +9

    2.2 Thin, )ight 7orm 7actor +9

    2.4 The !ltimate :obile isplay "olution +9

    2.; Twistable ++

    2.3 "imple manufacturing process ++

    4. I0)I0T" O7 E)ET'OI I,6 +/

    ;. I"#

    >. O,)!"IO, +8

    (I()IO0'#&1 /9

  • 7/27/2019 E-paper Project


    E-Paper Technology +

    Dept. of Information WH Engineering


    Today%s electronic displays have ever more evolved to be more lightweight,

    efficient and clear. 1et the importance of the paper has not diminished. =e still prefer it to

    others for a variety of reasons including its readability, high contrast, convenient h

    andling, minimum power re?uirement cost and strain less reading it offers. #t the

    same time, an electronic display offers us a paperless environment and relieves us from

    carrying loads of paper for referring to information when re?uired.

    Electronic ink is a pioneering invention that combines all the desired features of a

    modern electronic display and the sheer convenience and physical versatility of sheet

    of paper. E-paper or electronic paper is sometimes called radio paper or smart paper.

    &aper would be perfect except for one obvious thing@ printed words can%t change. The effort

    is to create a dynamic high-resolution electronic display that%s thin and flexible enough to

    become the next generation of paper.

    The technology has been identified and develop ed is well under way. =ithin

    five years, it is envisioned electronic books that can display volumes of information aseasily as flipping a page and permanent newspapers that update themselves daily via

    wireless broadcast. They deliver the readability of paper under virtually any

    condition, without backlighting. #nd electronic ink displays are persistent without

    power, drawing current only when they change, which means batteries can be smaller and

    last longer.

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    E-Paper Technology /

    1.1 History

    Electronic paper was first developed in the +859s by ick " heridon at $eroxAs

    &alo #lto 'esearch center. The first electronic paper, called 0yricon, consisted of tiny,

    statically charged balls that were black o n one side and white on the other. The BtextB of

    the paper was altered by the presence of an electric field, which turned the balls up or


    In the +889s another type of electronic paper was invented by C o s e p h C ac ob s o n ,

    who later co- founded the corporation E I n k which formed a partnership with & h ili ps

    o m p o n e n ts two years later to develop and market the technology

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    Dept. of Information WH Engineering

    E-Paper Technology 2


    2.1 GyriconElectronic paper was first developed in the +859s by ick " heridon at $ e r o x %s

    & a lo # lto ' e s ea r c h e n t e r. The first electronic paper, called 0 y r ic o n , consisted of

    polyethylene spheres between 5; and +93 micrometers across. Each sphere is a C a n u s

    p a r t ic le composed of negatively charged black plastic on one side and positively

    charged white plastic on the otherDeach bead is thus a dipole. The spheres are embedded

    in a transparent silicone sheet, with each sphere suspended in a bubble of oil so that they

    can rotate freely. The polarity of the voltage applied to each pair of electrodes thendetermines whether the white or black side is face- up, thus giving the pixel a white or

    black appearance. #t the 7& /99> e xhibition, Capanese company "oken has

    demonstrated a wall with electronic wall-paper using this technology

    2.2 Electro!oretic

    #n electrophoretic display forms visible images by rearranging charged pigment

    particles using an applied e lec tr ic f ie ld .

    7ig-/.+@ (asic "cheme of an Electrophoretic isplay

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    E-Paper Technology 4

    In the simplest implementation of an electrophoretic display,

    t it a n ium d io x ide particles approximately one micrometer in diameter are dispersed in a

    hydrocarbon oil. # dark-colored dye is also added to the oil, along withs u r f ac ta n ts and c h a r g ing a g e n ts that cause the particles to take on an electric charge. This

    mixture is placed between two parallel, conductive plates separated by a gap of +9 to +99

    mi c r o m e te r s . =hen a voltage is applied across the two plates, the particles will migrate

    e lec t r o p h o r e t ic a ll y to the plate bearing the opposite charge from that on the particles.

    =hen the particles are located at the front Dviewing side of the display, it appears white,

    because light is scattered back to the viewer by the high- index titanium particles. =hen

    the particles are located at the rear side of the display, it appears dark, because theincident light is absorbed by the colored dye. If the rear electrode is divided into a

    number of small picture elements Dp ix e ls , then an image can be formed by app lying the

    appropriate voltage to each region of the d isplay to create a pattern of reflecting and

    absorbing regions.

    Electrophoretic displays are considered prime examples of the electronic paper

    category, because of their paper- like appearance and low power consumption.

    Electrophoretic displays can be manufactured using the E le c tr o n ic s o n & la s t ic

    b y ) a s e r ' e lea s e D E & ) a ' process developed by & h il ips ' e s e a r c h to enable existing

    # : - ) D#ctive matrix li?uid crystal display manufacturing plants to create flexible

    plastic displays.

    2.2.1. E le c t r o n ic s o n " l# s t ic $y L # s e r R e le # s e % E " L # R & '

    Electronics on & lastic by )aser 'elease DE&)a' is a method for

    manufacturing flexible electrophoretic display using conventional # : - )

    manufacturing e?uipment avoiding the need to build new factories. The technology can

    also be used to manufacture flexible O )E DOrganic )E displays using standard O

    )E fabricat ion facilities.

    The technology was developed by & h ili p s ' e s e a r c h and uses standard display glass

    as used in T 7 T - ) processing plants. It is coated with a layer of polyimide

    using a standard s p in - c o a t ing procedure used in the production of #:-) displays.

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    E-Paper Technology ;This polymide coating can now have a regular T7 T matrix formed on top of it in a

    standard T7 T processing

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    E-Paper Technology 3

    plant to form the plastic display, which can then be removed using a laser to finish the

    display and the glass reused thus lowering the total cost of manufacture.

    2.2.2 De(elo)ent in Electro!oretic Disl#y'

    In the +889s another type of electronic paper was invented by C o s e p h C ac ob s o n ,

    who later co- founded theE I n k o r po r a t io n which formed a partnership with

    & h il ips o m p o n e n ts two years later to develop and market the technology. In /99;, &

    hilips sold the electronic paper business as well as its related patents to &rime

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    Dept. of Information WH Engineering

    E-Paper Technology 5

    The particles are slightly negative ly c h a r g e d , and each one is naturally

    white. The microcapsules are held in a layer of li ? u id p o ly m e r , sandwiched between two

    arrays of electrodes, the upper of which is made transparent. The two arrays are alignedso that the sheet is divided into pixels, which each pixel corresponding to a pair of

    electrodes situated either s ide of the sheet. The sheet is laminated with transparent

    plastic for protection, resulting in an overall thickness of >9 micrometers, or twice

    that of ordinary paper. The network of electrodes is connected to display circuitry, which

    turns the electronic ink %on% and

    %off% at specific pixels by applying a voltage to specific pairs of electrodes. #pplyinga

    negative charge to the surface electrode repels the particles to the bottom of local

    capsules, forcing the black dye to the surface and giving the pixel a black appearance.

    'eversing the voltage has the opposite effect - the particles are forced from the surface,

    giving the pixel a white appearance. # more recent incarnation of this concept re?uires

    only one layer of electrodes benea th the microcapsules.

    2.* Electro+ettin,

    Electro-wetting display DE= is based on controlling the shape of a

    confined waterFoil interface by an applied voltage. =ith no voltage applied, the Dcoloured

    oil forms a flat film between the water and a hydrophobic Dwater-repellent, insulating

    coating of an electrode, resulting in a coloured pixel.

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    E-Paper Technology >7ig-/.2@ #ppearance of pixels seen from transparent electrode layer

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    E-Paper Technology 8

    =hen a voltage is applied between the electrode and the water, the interfacial

    tension between the water and the coating changes. #s a result the stacked state is no

    longer stable, causing the water to move the oil aside.

    This results in a partly transparent pixel, or, in case a reflective white surface is used

    under the switchable element, a white pixel. (ecause of the small siGe of the p ixel, the

    user only experiences the average reflection, which means that a high-brightness, high-

    contrast switchable element is obtained, which forms the basis of the reflective display.

    isplays based on e le c tr o - w e tt ing have several attractive features. The

    switching between white and coloured reflection is fast enough to display video content.

    It is a low-power and low- voltage technology, and displays based on the effect can

    be made flat and thin. The reflectivity and contrast are better or e?ual to those of other

    reflective display types and are approaching those of paper. In addition, the technology

    offers a uni?ue path toward high-brightness full-colour displays, leading to displays

    that are four times brighter than reflective ) s and twice as bright as other emerging


    Instead of using red, green and blue D'0( filters or alternating segments of the

    three primary colours, which effectively result in only one third of the display reflecting

    light in the desired colour, electro-wetting allows for a system in which one sub-pixel is

    able to switch two d ifferent colours independently. This results in the availability of

    two thirds of the display area to reflect light in any desired colour. This is achieved by

    building up a pixel with a stack of two independently controllable coloured oil films plus a

    colour filter.



    E le c tr o f lu id ic d is p la y s are a variation of an electrowetting display.

    Electrofluidic displays place an a?ueous pigment dispersion inside a tiny reservoir. The

    reservoir comprises

    H;-+9 of the viewable pixel area and therefore the pigment is substantially hidden


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    Dept. of Information WH Engineering

    E-Paper Technology +9spread it as a film directly behind the viewing substrate. #s a result, the display takes on

    color and brightness similar to that of conventional pigments printed on paper. =

    hen voltage is removed li?uid surface tension causes the pigment dispersion to rapidly

    recoil into the

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    E-Paper Technology ++

    reservoir. #s reported in the :ay /998 Issue of ature & hotonics, the technology

    can potentially provide J>; white state reflectance for electronic paper.

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    Dept. of Information WH Engineering

    E-Paper Technology +/


    E-&aper has numerous benefits. The reader does not need to get used to a newformat

    - reading an E-&aper e?uals reading a printed newspaper. owever, E-&aper

    guarantees independency regarding room and time. E-&aper can be read everywhere in

    the world, at every hour, and since digital editions can also be received on & #s

    and smart phones, mobility is almost limitless. #dditionally, E-&aper saves resources.

    On the one hand, paper and space are saved - because E-&aper does not pile upanywhere - on the other hand, valuable time is saved. " ince the complete pages are

    displayed on the & monitor, one instantly gets an overview over all headlines and thus

    gets to the relevant articles a lot faster

    !nlike conventional )% s and other kinds of reflective displays, an electronic

    ink display is exceptionally bright and is ready viewable under both bright and dim

    lighting conditions. To be more assertive we could compare e lectronic ink display

    with the latest li?uid crystal displays.

    Table 2.+@ omparison of E- ink K )

    Electronic ink display )i?uid rystal isplays

    =ide viewing angle (est image only from one position

    (lack on paper white 0ray on gray

    'eadable in sunlight an be difficult to see

    olds image without power dra in 'e?uired power to hold images

    )egible under most lighting conditions Often re?uires backlight

    &lastic or glass 0lass only

    )ight =eight &ower supply and glass make )srelatively heavy

    Thin DL+ mm Thick DL5 mm

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    E-Paper Technology +2

    *.1 "#erli3e Re#0#$ility

    &aper is easily readable over wide variat ions in lighting conditions and viewing

    angle. E Ink%s electronic ink technology approaches printed paper in performance by

    incorporating the same coloring pigments often used to make paper white and ink black.

    =hen reading text, both reflectance and contrast are important factors in determining

    the readability of a display. In fact, the contrast of E Ink is nearly twice that of printed

    newspaper. #s can be seen from its high reflectance and contrast the E Ink display is

    much more readable than ) .

    The bright paper-white background of electronic ink eliminates the need for a backlightis most conditions.

    *.2 Ultr#Lo+ "o+er Cons/)tion

    Electronic ink displays offer greatly reduced power consumption. )ower power

    consumption translates to longer battery life, and perhaps more importantly, the ability to

    use smaller batteries in electronic ink devices- reducing device weight and cost. Thereason for the reduced power consumption offered by electronic ink d isplays is two- fold@

    D+ they are

    completely reflective re?uiring no backlight and D/ they are inherently bi-stable for

    extended periods of time. Once an image is written on an electronic ink display, it will be

    retained without additional power input until the next image is written. ence the power

    consumption of an electronic ink display will ultimately depend upon the fre?uency at

    which the displayed image is changed. owever, in both cases, a reduction in powerconsumption by several orders of magnitude can be achieved by using electronic ink with

    its bi-stable imaging.

    *.* T!in4 Li,!t For) F#ctor

    #n electronic ink display module is thinner, lighter weight, and more robust than

    conventional ) %s. These benefits are especially important in smart handheld

    applications where portability is paramount. 7 irst generation, electronic ink displays will

    be b ut by laminating electronic ink to a conventional glass T7 T substrate In addition, no

    polariGes are re?uired for electronic ink displays. The resulting electronic ink display cell

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    E-Paper Technology +4is also about half

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    Dept. of Information WH Engineering

    E-Paper Technology +;

    that of a typica l ) cell. Elimination of the glass top sheet means that displays made

    with an electronic ink display module should be inherently more robust.

    *.- T!e Ulti)#te 5o$ile Disl#y Sol/tion

    &aper-like viewing characteristics and appearance, combined with ultra- low power

    consumption and thin light form factors, make E ink%s electronic ink display material the

    ideal technology solution for information intensive, handheld devices such as & #s,


    phones and electronic readersM or any applications re?uiring a high degree of display


    *.6 T+ist#$le

    Electronic &aper is made using soft plastic containing small particles and fluid.

    #s there is no hard material, Electronic &aper is highly flexible and it is able to be

    twisted or bended into different curvatures. The Electronic &aper can be applied to

    different shapes of products, without being limited to being bonded to flat display

    panels. The end product becomes more imaginative in shape and style.

    *.7 Si)le 5#n/#ct/rin, "rocess

    The manufacturing process is carried out using a roll- to-roll method, similar to

    printing paper, by in*ecting die lectr ic fluid and charged particles into the layer of

    capsules, and then sealing the top layer. The production is performed continuously at

    high speed. The

    Electronic &aper can be produced in a large for m and then cut into any desired siGe and

    shapefor different application re?uirements.

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    Dept. of Information WH Engineering

    E-Paper Technology +3


    Electronic ink moves information display to a new dynamic level, with

    dramatic benefits over traditional media.

    "uperior )ook - (ecause it%s made from the same basic materials as regular ink

    and paper, electronic ink retains the superior viewing characteristics of paper,

    including high contrast, wide viewing angle, and bright paper-white background.

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    Dept. of Information WH Engineering

    E-Paper Technology +5


    Electronic paper technologies have a very low refresh rate comparing with other

    low- power display technologies, such as ). This prevents producers from

    implementing sophisticated interactive applications Dusing fast moving menus, mouse

    pointers or scroll ing like those which are possible on h a n d h e ld c o m p u te r s . #n example

    of this limitation is that a document cannot be smoothly Goomed without either extreme

    blurring durin g the transition or a very slow Goom.

    #nother limitation is that an imprint of an image may be visible after refreshing

    parts of the screen. Those imprints are known as Bghost imagesB, and the effect is

    known as BghostingB. This effect is reminiscent of s c r e e n bu r n - in but, unlike it, is

    solved after the screen is refreshed several times. Turning every pixel white, then black,

    then white, helps normaliGe the contrast of the pixels. This is why several devices with

    this technology BflashB the entire screen white and black when loading a new image, in

    order to prevent ghosting from happening.

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    Dept. of Information WH Engineering

    E-Paper Technology +>


    Electronic &aper behaves similarly to conventional paper, a llowing high

    readability under low or high light conditions, and being thin and lightweight and

    fully pliable. In addition, Electronic &aper has the advantage of allowing the content to

    be changed easily at any time via the Electronic &aper driver I. Electronic &aper will

    provide a viable substitute to paper in certain areas. "ome examples of Electronic

    &aper applications are described below.

    7.1 Electronic S!el L#$el

    In a large department store or supermarket, there are many price tag labels on the

    shelves indicating product price. =henever there is a change of price information, it is

    very tedious to change the price tags individually. (y replacing the paper price tag with

    Electronic &aper, the price information can be easily updated once the Electronic &aper

    price tags are connected via a wire less network.

    7ig-3.+@ Electronic &aper used in &rice Tag #pplication

    The Electronic &aper price tag re?uires no battery power to maintain display

    and prices can be updated using the energy from the '7 wave to change the image content.

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    E-Paper Technology +8

    7.2 Electronic 9#tc! #n0 Cloc3

    =atch and clock designs can become more imaginative using Electronic &aper.

    7ig-3./@ Electronic &aper =atch and (endable :odule

    7or example, a watch using Electronic &aper will allow time and image to be displayedon the wrist strap of the watch.

    7.* e2Boo3s

    In /994 " o ny released) ib r iN E ( ' - +999 E & in Capan, the first e-book reader with

    an electronic paper display. In ovember /993, the i' e x i) ia d was ready for the

    consumer market. In ovember /998 (arnes and oble launched the ( a r n e s K o b le

    oo k ,based on the # n d r o id op e r a t ing s y s te m .

    In late /995, #maGon began producing and marketing the # m a G o n 6 in d le ,an e-

    book reader with an e-paper display.

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    E-Paper Technology /9

    7ig-3.2@ "ony e-(ook reader

    7.- S)#rt C#r0 Disl#y

    Today, many credit cards contain a smart card to store information such as

    accumulated credit and money expenses etc. " ince Electronic &aper has the advantage

    of lower power consumption and is as flexible as the card, it offers a good solution to

    displaying this type of information on the card.

    7.6 Ne+s#ers

    In 7ebruary /993, the 7 le mi s h daily e T i* d distributed an electronic version ofthe paper to select subscribers in a limited marketing study, using a pre-release

    version of the i' e x i) ia d . This was the first recorded application of electronic ink

    to newspaper publishing.

    In "eptember /995, the 7 r e n c h daily ) e s c h os announced the official launch of

    an electronic version of the paper on a subscription basis.

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    Dept. of Information WH Engineering

    E-Paper Technology /+

    "ince Canuary /99>, the u tc h daily ' a n d e ls b la d is distributed for the

    i' e x i) ia d reader.

    7ig-3.4@ Electronic


    7.7 Ot!er


    E- Ink unveiled its first product using electronic ink- immediate large-area displays-in

    +888. These large signs draw only 9.+ watts of power, which means that the same powerre?uired running a single +99-watt light bulb, could power +,999 immediate signs. E Ink

    said that in electronic devices, electronic ink would use ;9 to +99 t imes power than

    li?uid crystal displays because electronic ink only needs power when changing its

    display. Electronic ink can be printed on any surface, including walls, billboards,

    product labels and T-shirts. omeowners could soon be able to instantly change their

    digital wallpaper by sending a signal to the electronic ink painted on their walls.

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    Dept. of Information WH Engineering

    E-Paper Technology //


    The oly 0rail of electronic ink technology is a digital book that can typeset

    itself and that readers could leaf through *ust as if it were made of regular paper. " uch a

    book could be programmed to display the text from a literary work and once you% ve

    finished that tale, you could automatically replace it by wirelessly downloading the

    latest book from a computer database. $erox had introduced plants to insert a memory

    device into the spine of the book, which would allow users to alternate between up to +9

    books stored on the device. Cust as electronic ink could radically change the way we read

    books, it could change the way you receive yo ur daily newspaper. It could very wellbring an end to newspaper delivery, as we know it. Instead of delivery people tossing the

    paper from their bike or out their car window, a new high- tech breed of paper

    deliverers who simply press a button on their computer that would simultaneously

    update thousands of electronic newspapers each morning. " ure, it would look and feel

    like your old paper, but you wouldn%t have to worry about the newsprint getting smudged

    on your fingers, and it would also eliminate the piles of old newspapers that need

    recycling. &rior to developing digital books and newspapers E-Ink will be developing amarketable electronic display screen for cell phones, %s, pagers and digital watches.

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    E-Paper Technology /2


    Electronic ink is not intended to diminish or do away with traditional displays.Instead electronic ink will initially co-exist with traditional paper and other display

    technologies. In the long run, electronic ink may have a multibillion-dollar impact on the

    publishing industr y. !ltimately electronic ink will permit almost any surface to

    become a disp lay, bringing information out of the confines of trad itional devices and into

    the world around us.


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    E-Paper Technology /4


    P+Q rowley, C. :.M " heridon, . 6.M 'omano, ). B ip o le m o m e n ts o f g y r ic o n b a ll s B

    Cournal of Electrostatics /99/, ;;, D2-4, /45.

    P/Q omiskey, (.M #lbert, C. .M 1oshiGawa, .M Cacobson, C. B# n e le c tr o p h o r e t ic in k f o r

    a ll- p r in te d r e f lec t ive e le c tr o n ic d is p la y s Bature +88>, 284, D3389, /;2-/;;.

    P2Qh t tp @F Fe n . w ik ip e d ia .o r g Fw ik iF ElectronicRpaper.

    P4Q (lankenbach 6, "chmoll #, (itman #, (artels 7 and Cero sch /99> ovel

    highly reflective and bistable electrowetting displays " I C. +3 /25S44.

    P;Q #ndersson, &.M ilsson, .M " vensson, &. O.M hen, :.M :almstrm, #.M 'emonen,

    T.M 6ugler, T.M (erggren, :. B# c t ive : a tr ix is p la y s ( a s e d o n # ll - O r g a n ic

    E le c tr o c h e mi ca l " m a r t & ix e ls & r in te d o n & a p e r B #dv :ater /99/, +4, D/9, +439-+434.

    P3Q uitema, . E. #.M 0elinck, 0. .M van der & utten, C. (. &. .M 6ui*k, 6. E.M art, .

    :.M antatore, E.M erwig, &. T.M van (reemen, #. C. C. :.M de )eeuw, . :. B & la s t ic

    tr a n s is to r s in ac t ive - m a tr ix d is p la y s Bature /99+, 4+4, D3>34, ;88.
