e-paper pakistantoday 12th November, 2012

Monday, 12 november, 2012 dhu al-Haj 26, 1433 Rs 15.00 Vol iii no 136 19 pages Karachi edition PAGE |04 PAGE |02 Pakistan, India never got close to nuclear rift, says Musharraf Former law minister Iqbal Haider passes away PAGE |19 PTI facing desertion by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ‘electables’ kArACHi AgenCIeS A NoThEr twelve people were killed in Karachi as the country’s financial hub continued suffering in a new wave of violence on Sunday. The port city remained under a spell of fear on Sunday as the violence, which started on Saturday with at lest 20 killings, continued claiming more lives throughout the day, re- sulting in commercial and business activities remaining close to nil. The latest spree of killings has raised fear among the people and observers that the sit- uation might get out of hand ahead of Muharramul haram. Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah visited police stations in disturbed areas and warned police officers to improve performance or face action. he gave a severe warning to DIG South over his poor perform- ance and said incidents of killings in his juris- diction would not be tolerated. Interior Minister rehman Malik also spoke to Shah over telephone and exchanged views over the law and order in Karachi. Malik asked the chief minister to start targeted action against the miscreants. Sindh Information Minister Sharjil Memon said police and rangers had been or- dered to target miscreants involved in targeted killings. In Sunday’s killings, a father and his two sons were gunned down by unidentified men in orangi Town. They were identified as Jarar hussain, Imdad hussain and Sajjad. Police said the body of a person who was shot dead was found beneath Banaras Bridge. Ajmal Khan was gunned down in Metroville area, while another body was found from Sar- rafa Bazaar in Mithadar. The man had also been shot dead. A mutilated body, identified as Akhtar hussain, was recovered from Muahammad Ali society, as another man was gunned down in the city’s SITE industrial area. In a firing incident in FC area of Liaquatabad earlier, a man was killed and five others were injured. Meanwhile, a clash in Sohrab Goth between two rival armed groups left eight people injured, including a reporter for a local television channel and an Edhi ambulance driver. Police and rangers reached the scene and tried to control the situation, leading to a shootout and clashes in which windowpanes of several vehicles were shattered. Sunday’s bloodshed followed Saturday’s violence, one of the deadliest days in the city in recent past wherein at least 20 people were killed. Monitoring Desk Four Pakistani civilians, including two children, were killed when the Afghan National Army fired mortar shells from across the border in Niz Narai area of South Waziristan on Sunday. According to a private TV channel, the Pakistan government strongly con- demned the cross-border shelling by the Afghan National Army. Military sources said the Afghan National Army fired mortar shells from the KK Top checkpost in Afghanistan, which hit a vehicle carrying passengers who were returning home after collect- ing firewood near the Pak-Afghan bor- der. All passengers died on the spot. Condemning the unprovoked at- tack, the government said such inci- dents were unacceptable. There have been frequent incidents of cross boarder violations by the Afghan forces in 2012 despite protests by the Pakistan government. Earlier on November 8, a woman was killed and a man injured when mortar shells fired from across the bor- der in Afghanistan landed on houses in the Datta Khel tehsil of North Waziris- tan Agency. Many Pakistani civilians and security personnel have been killed in these cross border violations. Afghan army shelling kills 4 pakistanis 12 more killed in unabated violence in Karachi g Sindh CM warns police against poor performance g IGP says sectarian violence being fanned ahead of Muharram Continued on page 04 KARACHI: People gather around a bus burnt during intense clashes between two armed religious groups on Sunday. inp KHI 12-11-2012_Layout 1 11/12/2012 2:03 AM Page 1


e-paper pakistantoday 12th November, 2012

Transcript of e-paper pakistantoday 12th November, 2012

Page 1: e-paper pakistantoday 12th November, 2012

Monday, 12 november, 2012 dhu al-Haj 26, 1433Rs 15.00 Vol iii no 136 19 pages Karachi edition

PAGE |04PAGE |02

Pakistan, India nevergot close to nuclearrift, says Musharraf

Former law ministerIqbal Haider passes away

PAGE |19

PTI facing desertion byKhyber Pakhtunkhwa‘electables’


ANoThEr twelve people were killedin Karachi as the country’s financialhub continued suffering in a newwave of violence on Sunday.

The port city remained under a spell of fearon Sunday as the violence, which started onSaturday with at lest 20 killings, continuedclaiming more lives throughout the day, re-sulting in commercial and business activitiesremaining close to nil.

The latest spree of killings has raised fearamong the people and observers that the sit-uation might get out of hand ahead ofMuharramul haram.

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim AliShah visited police stations in disturbedareas and warned police officers to improveperformance or face action. he gave a severewarning to DIG South over his poor perform-ance and said incidents of killings in his juris-diction would not be tolerated. InteriorMinister rehman Malik also spoke to Shahover telephone and exchanged views overthe law and order in Karachi. Malik askedthe chief minister to start targeted actionagainst the miscreants.

Sindh Information Minister SharjilMemon said police and rangers had been or-

dered to target miscreants involved in targetedkillings. In Sunday’s killings, a father and histwo sons were gunned down by unidentifiedmen in orangi Town. They were identified asJarar hussain, Imdad hussain and Sajjad.

Police said the body of a person who wasshot dead was found beneath Banaras Bridge.Ajmal Khan was gunned down in Metrovillearea, while another body was found from Sar-rafa Bazaar in Mithadar. The man had alsobeen shot dead.

A mutilated body, identified as Akhtarhussain, was recovered from MuahammadAli society, as another man was gunneddown in the city’s SITE industrial area. Ina firing incident in FC area of Liaquatabadearlier, a man was killed and five otherswere injured. Meanwhile, a clash in SohrabGoth between two rival armed groups lefteight people injured, including a reporterfor a local television channel and an Edhiambulance driver.

Police and rangers reached the scene andtried to control the situation, leading to ashootout and clashes in which windowpanesof several vehicles were shattered. Sunday’sbloodshed followed Saturday’s violence, oneof the deadliest days in the city in recent pastwherein at least 20 people were killed.

Monitoring Desk

Four Pakistani civilians, including twochildren, were killed when the AfghanNational Army fired mortar shells fromacross the border in Niz Narai area ofSouth Waziristan on Sunday.

According to a private TV channel,the Pakistan government strongly con-demned the cross-border shelling bythe Afghan National Army.

Military sources said the AfghanNational Army fired mortar shells fromthe KK Top checkpost in Afghanistan,which hit a vehicle carrying passengerswho were returning home after collect-ing firewood near the Pak-Afghan bor-der. All passengers died on the spot.

Condemning the unprovoked at-tack, the government said such inci-dents were unacceptable.

There have been frequent incidents

of cross boarder violations by theAfghan forces in 2012 despite protestsby the Pakistan government.

Earlier on November 8, a womanwas killed and a man injured whenmortar shells fired from across the bor-der in Afghanistan landed on houses inthe Datta Khel tehsil of North Waziris-tan Agency. Many Pakistani civiliansand security personnel have been killedin these cross border violations.

Afghan army shelling kills 4 pakistanis

12 more killed inunabated violencein Karachig Sindh CM warns police against poor performance g IGP

says sectarian violence being fanned ahead of Muharram

Continued on page 04

KARACHI: People gather around a bus burnt during intense clashes between two armed religious groups on Sunday. inp

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Monday, 12 november, 2012




Story on Page 05


Page 11


Story on Page 14

PM terms 2013 the year of elections Researchers warn about worse climate change

ECP meets today to reviewelection arrangements ISLAMABAD: In an attempt to give a final shape to thepreparations for elections in 2013 in the country, theElection Commission of Pakistan has summoned an all-important meeting today (Monday). Sources said a host ofissues such as preparation of electoral lists, establishment ofpermanent polling stations, training of electoral staff,implementation of the code of conduct and electoral affairswill be reviewed in detail today. They added that the ECPhad warned all possible contestants in the upcomingelections against violating its code of conduct, which wouldresult in disqualification. OnlIne

PML-N warns of massivemovement if polls delayedKARACHI: PML-N Central Information SecretaryMushahidullah Khan on Sunday warned of a massive protestmovement if the government delayed the next generalelections. Addressing a press conference, he said, “Thegovernment has lost its constitutional and moral authority.When the sister of the country’s president is facing threats,where should the general public go?” The rulers would bemade to face accountability, he added. he said a biggermovement than that of lawyers would be launched if thegovernment did not announce the election schedule. OnlIne

General elections will beheld on time: WattooSAHIWAL: PPP Punjab President and Federal Minister forKashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan Affairs Manzoor Wattoo onSunday said the general elections will be held on time and noton the demand of any politician. Talking to reporters‚ heexpressed confidence that the PPP and its allied parties willsweep the polls on the basis of their performance in the pastfour years. Wattoo said the democratically-elected PPPgovernment was going to complete its constitutional termsuccessfully. “Credit for this goes to President Asif AliZardari’s policy of reconciliation and tolerance.” nnI

Hazaras demand Balochistangovernment’s resignationQUETTA: The hazara Democratic Party (hDP) on Sunday stageda protest demonstration against the targeted killings of the hazaracommunity members. hDP Vice Chairman Mirza hussain hazaraled the protest, as demonstrators chanted slogans against theBalochistan government over its failure to curb ethnic andsectarian violence. Speaking on the occasion, party leaderscondemned the killings of hazaras, saying the incidents of targetedkillings were taking place in the city but the government had failedto end violence. They demanded the government’s immediateresignation, saying it had no right to rule after its failure toestablish its writ. The hazara Shias are frequently targeted in thevolatile province, and have long been protesting against violencedirected against them. StAff RePORt

FBR to take action againstofficials on objections by PACISLAMABAD: Federal Board of revenue (FBr) issueddirections to all regional Tax Commissioners to act uponthe audit report forthwith otherwise disciplinary actionwould be taken against them. The high-ups of FBr wereannoyed over the unsatisfactory performance of the staffregarding the implementation of instructions issued byPublic Accounts Committee (PAC) from time to time. TheFBr decided to initiate disciplinary action against officialswho failed to remove the objections of PAC since the fiscalyear 2006-07 to date. Pakistan auditor general raised theissue of non- submission of sales tax collection record in aPAC meeting following which the committee expressed itsanger and gave FBr a deadline of one month to present therecord. OnlIne


Former law minister and humanrights activist Iqbal haider passedaway on Sunday at a local hospitalafter suffering from ailing lungs.his funeral prayer will be offered

after Zuhr (afternoon) prayer on Monday atImambargah Yasrub in Defence housing Society(DhA) Phase IV, Karachi. Iqbal haider was bornon January 14, 1945. he obtained his BA and LLBdegrees from the Punjab University. Later, hejoined the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) in 1988and soon became a close associate of formerprime minister Benazir Bhutto. he was elected assenator in 1991 and later became the federal lawminister in 1993-1994. he also served as the at-torney general of Pakistan. however, he disasso-ciated himself from the PPP in 2005 and started

working for thehuman rights

Commissionof Pakistan( h r C P ) ,where herose to theposition of co-

c h a i r m a n .haider was a

leading figure in the Movement for restoration ofDemocracy (MrD) and was jailed several timesduring 1981-1986.

Iqbal haider had migrated to Pakistan fromAgra, India. he received his early education andbachelor’s degree in Commerce from the Govern-ment College of Commerce and Economics in1964. he read law at the Punjab University Law

College, Lahore, from where he graduatedwith an LLB in 1966. In 1967, haider went

to read law in England at the honourableSociety of Lincoln’s Inn, where he be-came the Vice- president of the Stu-dents Union of Lincoln’s Inn.

he was a founding member ofthe Movement for restoration ofDemocracy (MrD). he was thecentral acting convener, actingcentral secretary general and act-

ing joint secretary of the MrD. he joined the PPPwhere he was appointed as advisor to the Sindhchief minister from January 1989 to February1990. he was elected as a senator in March 1991.he was the president of the PPP-Karachi Divi-sion, vice president of the PPP-Sindh chapter, andmember of the PPP Central Executive Committee.he was a member of the Senate Standing Com-mittees on human rights, Defence, Defence Pro-duction and Aviation, Information andBroadcasting, Culture, Sports, Tourism, Women’sDevelopment, Youth Affairs, and the FunctionalCommittee on human rights. he was a passion-ate activist of human rights, and worked for thevictims of honour killing, karo-kari, bondedlabour, and missing persons. he sat on the SenateCommittee on human rights, and was one of thefounding members of the hrCP and continuedto pursue human rights causes in Pakistan.

Former law minister iqbal Haiderpasses away after protracted illness

President, PM, political leaders condole

veteran human rights activist’s deathKARACHI: President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister raja Pervez Ashraf expressedtheir grief and sorrow over the death of human rights activist and former law minister Iqbalhaider on Sunday, as condolences kept pouring in from various political and internationalfigures. In their separate messages‚ the president and the prime minister lauded his servicesfor the cause of democracy and human rights in the country. They prayed for the departedsoul’s peace and condoled the bereaved family over the loss. Meanwhile, Pakistan MuslimLeague-Nawaz (PML-N) President Nawaz Sharif and Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharifalso condoled over Iqbal haider’s death. Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altafhussain also expressed sympathy with the deceased’s family, saying all MQM office-bearersand workers shared their grief and sorrow. National Assembly Speaker Dr Fehmida Mirzaalso offered condolence and prayed to Allah for the departed soul’s rest. Sindh Governor DrIshratul Ebad, Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah, Awami National Party (ANP) chief AsfandyarWali, Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) chief Syed Munawwar hassan, former MNA Muzaffar hashmiand others also sent condolence messages. InP

495 cases of murderreported in firsteight months: HRCP


human rights Commission of Pakistan(hrCP) said on Sunday that 495 cases ofmurder had been reported from differentparts of the country during the first eightmonths of 2012 (January to August)including 573 women and 88 children.An official of hrCP said according to datacompiled from newspaper clippings, 210cases of karo-kari and 367 cases of honourkilling were reported during this time period.he further revealed that police had registered196 cases of murder during the time span andregistered First Information reports (FIrs)of 146 honour killing cases while 133 cases ofkaro-kari were also filed in respective policestations. Among honour killing accused, the hrCPofficial said, police had arrested 74 culpritswhile 17 surrendered before police.Likewise, he said 40 karo-kari accused werealso arrested and 9 surrendered aftercommitting the crime.he further said the reason behind 223 honourkilling cases was reported to be illicitrelations while 110 cases were reported on thecharges of marriage of choice. While 203cases of karo-kari were also reported due toillicit relations.

PESHAWAR: A labourer paints the

windows of an old building in

Mohallah Saathiya on Sunday. inp

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Monday, 12 november, 2012

edItorIalthe liberal lion


articles on Page 14

Iqbal Haider is no more

Arif Ansar says;American foreign policy: Gauging US influence worldwide

Malik Muhammad Ashraf says;

Truth will out: Where will the disgraced generals andpoliticians hide now?

artS & entertaInMent

Story on Page 13


Story on Page 18


Story on Page 15

Madhuri–Prabhudheva to reunite on-screen? ‘fiscal cliff’ blues may lead to correction Advantage S Africa after hosts' top order stumbles


IM r A N Khan-led Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has written a letter to ChiefElection Commissioner (CEC) Justice(r) Fakharuddin G Ebrahim, allegingmassive pre-poll manipulation and ma-

noeuvring by the Punjab government with amajor media campaign through public funds infavour of the PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif.

The letter by PTI Secretary InformationShafqat Mahmood questioned the conduct ofsome government officials working with thePunjab government, calling it “objectionable”.

“The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf has been in-formed by media houses and newspaper editorsthat Mohiyuddin Wani, Punjab secretary infor-mation, a government employee, regularly callsnewspapers and media houses to kill news con-cering the PTI. This amounts to political activitywhich is expressly forbidden to public servants.he, as all other state employees, is paid throughtaxes collected from all citizens and has no rightto take a partisan role or indulge in politics,” thePTI said.

registering his party’s protest against the“misuse of state resources” by the Punjab gov-ernment of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz,Mahmood asserted that the federal and theprovincial governments had greatly enhancedtheir advertising budgets and were making full

use of public funds to propagate their party line.“The Punjab government has crossed all lim-

its of official propriety. For example, half pageadvertisements are being carried everyday innewspapers placed by the Punjab governmentextolling its achievements. on most of these ads,a picture of Nawaz Sharif is displayed promi-nently”.

The PTI leader said Nawaz had no officialdesignation in the Punjab government andhence he had no right to appear in its ads.

“Similarly, laptops bought and paid for bythe Punjab government are being distributed byhamza Sharif and Maryam Nawaz Sharif. Theyalso do not have any official position in the Pun-jab government. The display of Nawaz Sharif’spicture in government advertisements andprominent role of Sharif family members in of-ficial events is a misuse of their position to fur-ther political aims of their party,” he added.

In an election year, Mahmood added, such aconduct became even more objectionable.

“You are requested to kindly take notice andinitiate steps to ensure that these activities cometo a stop... Sir, if this goes unchecked, this ‘dis-ease’ will spread to other public servants. If thishappens, it will be a complete negation of thecode of conduct of governing officials. You arerequested again to kindly take notice and pro-ceed against all government officials who are di-rectly or indirectly taking part in politics,” thePTI leader concluded.

pTi writes to CEC against‘misuse’ of public fundsby punjab government


Indian prisoner Sarabjit Singh, who ison a death row for involvement in astring of bombings in Pakistan in 1990,has signed a fresh mercy petition to besent to President Asif Ali Zardari.

Sarabjit’s lawyer Awais Sheikh methim at Kot Lakhpat Jail and got thefresh mercy petition signed.

In the letter addressed to the pres-

ident, Sarabjit again sought mercywhile referring to a recent meeting be-tween former Indian external affairsminister SM Krishna and Zardari.

Sarbajit said: “After the release of(Pakistani prisoner) Pervez KhalilChisti by the Indian government on hu-manitarian grounds, the people ofIndia, especially my family, havepinned hopes on my release on thesame ground.”

“I have been languishing in jail for

the last 22 years. I beg you to revokethe capital punishment and let mespend the rest of my life with my fam-ily,” Sarabjit said.

Such an act of forgiveness was likedin Islam and God would reward thepresident for such an act, he said.

Sheikh said he had conveyed toSarbajit messages from his family andtold him in detail of his recent visit toIndia.

“Some eatables and other goods for

daily use, including rs 8,000, were de-livered to him,” he said.

The lawyer said he got another let-ter addressed to the people and thegovernment of India signed by Sarab-jit.

The letter thanked the people forshowing concern for his health and forurging the Pakistani government toprovide him proper treatment.

“I am feeling better now,” Sarabjitwas quoted as saying by his counsel.

Sarabjit was convicted for involvementin a string of bombings in 1990 thatkilled 14 people.

his family says he is a farmer and avictim of mistaken identity.

Sarabjit’s relatives said he strayedinto Pakistan in an inebriated statethree months after the bombings.

Following the intervention of thePakistan People’s Party-led govern-ment, Sarabjit’s execution was put offindefinitely.

pakistan, UAE joint operation

thwarts heroin smuggling bid DUBAI: A joint operation between the UAE and Pakistansuccessfully thwarted an attempt to smuggle 16kilogrammes of heroin from Pakistan to the UAE. EightPakistani men have been arrested, according to the UAEMinistry of Interior. The operation, named “Thank youPakistan”, was initiated following a tip-off received by theUAE authorities. The Pakistani authorities arrested sevenpeople at two Pakistani airports with 15 kilogrammes ofheroin. Another Pakistani national was arrested at DubaiInternational Airport with 104 capsules containing one kgof heroin. Lt General Saif Al Shafaar, undersecretary atthe Ministry of Interior, praised the Pakistani AntiNarcotics Force (ANF) and Special Investigation Services(SIS). Colonel Saeed Al Suwaidi, director general of Anti-Narcotics Department at the Ministry of Interior, said theanti-narcotics liaison office at the UAE embassy inPakistan had received a tip-off from reliable sources thata group of Pakistanis was planning to smuggle the druginto the UAE. The smugglers, he added, had made fiveconsecutive attempts, four through Pakistani airports andone through Dubai International Airport, to smuggle thedrug but all were aborted thanks to the close coordinationand cooperation between competent authorities in thetwo countries. The seven-member gang tried to hide theheroin in their suitcases and shoes. The man who wasarrested at Dubai International Airport had swallowedthe capsules. The gang wanted to sell the drugs inside theUAE, the official said. InP


In the backdrop of a resolution passed by the NationalAssembly, the Economic Coordination Committee(ECC) of the cabinet is likely to give a go-ahead toswitch to a monthly oil pricing mechanism.

According to sources, the Ministry of Petroleumand Natural resources will table the summary beforethe ECC which is scheduled to meet tomorrow (Tues-day) for its approval to revert to a monthly oil pricingmechanism instead of the current weekly review. Thecontroversial weekly price review mechanism wasalso suspended by the government after giving anundertaking in the Supreme Court last month.

Sources said the ministry prepared a summaryto shift the weekly oil price mechanism to a monthlyone following the unanimous adoption of a resolu-

tion by the National Assembly to switch to the oldoil pricing mechanism. The government has alsobeen seen to repeatedly ignore the continuous rec-ommendations of the National Assembly StandingCommittee on Petroleum and Natural resourcesand the oil and Gas regulatory Authority (oGrA)to switch to the old oil pricing mechanism. The Min-istry of Finance and oGrA had already opposed tothe price review on a weekly basis when the sum-mary was first tabled before the ECC for approval,but their concerns were not addressed. oGrA wasof the view that the current price review was beingexploited by refineries, oil marketing companiesand hoarders. According to an official associatedwith oGrA, his department will support the Petro-leum Ministry’s summary if they (the ministry) willseek approval from ECC for reverting back to themonthly price review of oil.

Hashmi demandsindependentaccountabilitycommission

Monitoring Desk

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Javedhashmi has called for an independentcommission for the accountability ofgenerals and politicians, Geo News reportedon Sunday. Talkking to reporters, hashmiadvised President Asif Ali Zardari, PML-Nchief Nawaz Sharif and their parties to nottake part in elections until and unless theygot themselves cleared of all allegationslevelled againt them. The veteran politiciansaid the upcoming elections would decidethe country’s fate and rigging would in noway help strengthen it. hashmi claimed thathe was the lone politician being exoneratedby the courts in connection with the AsgharKhan case while names of Navid Qamar,Nisar Ali Khan, Abdul Sattar Lalika andhumayun Akhtar were also included in thecase. he demanded an interim governmentbe put in place. The PTI leader said therewas no ‘cold war’ between the chief justiceof Pakistan and te chief of the army staff.

Sarabjit Singh to submit fresh mercy petition to President Zardari

ECC likely to give green signal

for monthly oil price review

Trader shotdead in QuettaQUETTA: Unidentified armed mengunned down a shopkeeper inQuetta’s Satellite Town on Sunday.According to police, the victim wasidentified as Manzoor. They saidManzoor was present in his paintshop when the assailants riding amotorbike arrived and opened fire onhim The shop owner was killed onthe spot. Police reached the site andshifted the body to Civil hospital,where the victim was handed over tothe heirs after legal formalities.Meanwhile, a man was killed andanother injured by unknown armeddacoits in Barkhan district. Leviesforce said that unidentified armedrobbers forced into the house ofBahar Khan and opened fire on twobrothers when they resisted thedacoity bid. As a result, Muhammadramzan was killed on the spot whilehis brother, Nizamuddin, sustainedwounds. Separately in Khuzdardistrict, two people were injured infiring by unidentified men. Policesaid three people, including Shafqat,Irshad and Masood, were on wayhome on their motorbike when theassailants opened fire on them andfled. As a result, two of themsustained injuries and were shifted tonearby hospital for medical aid.Police have registered a case andstarted investigation. APP

Pre-Polls rigging?

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Monday, 12 november, 2012


neW DeLHiInP

ForMEr presi-dent PervezMusharraf andformer Indianforeign minister

Jaswant Singh have made itclear that India and Pakistanhad never entered into a nu-clear brinkmanship even atthe height of confrontationduring the Kargil conflict.

Participating in an IndianTV programme on Saturdaynight, Musharraf said “therewas no finger on the nuclearbutton because the nuclearassets were not mated withthe delivery systems”, a viewendorsed by Singh.

To a question on the 1999Kargil conflict, Musharrafblamed then Pakistani primeminister Nawaz Sharif of con-verting a military victory into

a “political defeat”, when Is-lamabad decided to withdrawits troops from Kargil. he ad-mitted that the decision wastaken after the intervention ofthe United States. Singh saidthen prime minister Atal Bi-hari Vajpayee had orderedthe Indian forces againstcrossing the Line of Controlwhen the intruders werebeing evicted. Musharraf em-phatically stated that Pak-istan’s nuclear assets wereabsolutely safe and “I knowthe military will guaranteetheir safety”.

“No foreigner was ever al-lowed to interfere with our nu-clear or missile capability. Wehave ensured that no one cansteal our nuclear weapons,”Musharraf added. “No, I don’tthink so,” Musharraf said to aquestion on whether Indiahad any territorial designs onPakistan. he said India did

not take over Bangladesh afterthe 1971 war. Musharraf reit-erated his four-point formulato resolve the differences be-tween India and Pakistan andnoted that PM ManmohanSingh did not visit Islamabadin 2007 when he claimedthere was progress in thepeace talks.

“There was a generalagreement that if he (Manmo-han Singh) visited, we wouldsign some agreements,”Musharraf said, adding it wasa time when his personal pop-ularity had dipped in Pakistan.on the issue of alleged humanrights violations in India andPakistan and the two countriesrefusing to ratify certain inter-national conventions, bothSingh and Musharraf said de-veloping countries had differ-ent ground realities and theWest should not try to lecturethem on such issues.

Pakistan, India nevergot close to nuclearrift, says Musharrafg Former president says no finger on nuclearbutton during kargil conflict

neWs Desk

Britain will halt all aid spending inIndia in 2015 in a significant shift inrelations between the emerging eco-nomic giant and its former colonialruler, Prime Minister DavidCameron’s government announced.

Acknowledging the country’srising wealth and status, Interna-tional Development Secretary Jus-tine Greening said Britain wouldchange its entire relationship withIndia - seeking to boost trade as itends its aid program.

Britain offered India aboutSTG280 million ($A433 million) in as-

sistance in 2011, focused heavily on ed-ucation and health programs for im-poverished children. however, manylegislators in the UK had targeted thedevelopment spending for scorn, argu-ing that Britain, struggling to cut itsown national debt, could no longer af-ford to help a booming nation that hasits own space program. “Now is thetime to move to a relationship focusingon skills-sharing rather than aid,”Greening said in a statement.

“our own bilateral relationshiphas to keep up with 21st-centuryIndia. It’s time to recognise India’schanging place in the world.”

India, which won independence

from Britain in 1947, currently hasits lowest economic growth in al-most a decade. Last month, theWorld Bank and the InternationalMonetary Fund cut their predictionsfor Asia’s third-largest economy.The World Bank expects India’seconomy to grow 6 per cent for theyear, and the International Mone-tary Fund forecasts growth of just4.9 per cent, down from its earlierprojection of 6.1 per cent.

Britain is struggling with spend-ing cuts worth about STG103 billionthrough 2017 aimed at slashing thebudget deficit. The cuts will meanthe loss of tens of thousands of pub-

lic sector jobs and harsh welfarecuts. Greening’s department saidthe change in aid policy would saveBritain about STG200 million by2015. Some aid and advocacygroups warned that millions of Indi-ans still require aid. “India still hasmajor challenges. Millions of Indianpeople live in extreme poverty and ashocking number of children underfive die each year,” said AdrianLovett, executive director of thepoverty campaign group oNE.

British Foreign Secretary Williamhague discussed the plan on Thursdayon a visit to New Delhi ahead of thepublic announcement. “Aid is the past

and trade is the future,” Indian For-eign Minister Salman Khurshid saidfollowing the talks with hague.

India’s President PranabMukherjee, in a previous role as fi-nance minister, had described theBritish aid program as “a peanut”in India’s overall spending on pro-grams for the country’s poor.Britain’s development ministrysaid that, despite the cuts in India,it would meet its pledge to spend0.7 per cent of gross domesticproduct on overseas aid by 2013 -an international aid target set forthe G-8 nations at a meeting inScotland in 2005.

neW DeLHiInP

A team of about 160 Indianwar veterans under the ban-ner of India-Pakistan Sol-diers’ Initiative for Peace(IPSI) has been invited bytheir Pakistani counterpartsfor a peace meeting in Pak-istan on November 18.

A majority of these warveterans fought the 1965,1971 and the Kargil war in1999 but soon after retire-ment joined IPSI, which waslaunched by the late Gand-hian Nirmala Deshpande in1993. War veterans from Pak-istan have made similar visitsto India earlier and it is thesecond time the Indian team

will be going across. The core objective of the

meet will be to find alternativesto resolve the Kashmir conflict.The massive after effects of waron the economy and the pa-thetic condition of communi-ties living in war zonesprompted most of these sol-diers to take up the peace ini-tiative. “When we are inuniform, our priority is to com-bat the enemy. But after retire-ment, we see the impact ofbattles on people and the econ-omy. While war is a very im-portant tool of state policy, wefelt that it can be avoided,” saidsecretary general of IPSI andretired Brigadier J L Kaul.

he explained that the roleex-soldiers will play in the

peace process will be very dif-ferent from diplomats or politi-cians. “We will not mincewords like diplomats. Soldiersshare a very unique relation-ship, which is not affected bythe fact that we are fightingeach other,” said retired coloneland Vishisht Seva Medalawardee Abdul rasul Khan.

he recollected an inci-dent after a three-day bloodybattle at Asal Uttar in 1965.“The next morning after thewar, a soldier from the otherside suddenly addressed oneof our Indian soldiers inchaste haryanvi. he said thathe knew the soldier was fromharyana when he heard hisaccent from a distance. oursoldier responded to him and

called out ‘tau’ (so?). It wasvery funny to hear such a con-versation after the bitterest ofbattles. That’s the kind ofbonhomie soldiers share”.

The Pakistan war veteransare preparing to receive the In-dian delegation. “We are veryexcited about the meet. It islong overdue. Despite fightingeach other eye ball to eye ball,we are glad that now we have achance to talk about peace. Weare done with the fighting,” re-tired General humayun Ban-gash told Times of India overthe phone from Pakistan. TheIndian delegation will be re-ceived at the Wagah border onNovember 18. They are likely tovisit Lahore, Islamabad andAbbottabad.

india-pakistan war veterans: onceenemies, now peace messengers

Pakistan engulfedby afghan war: fazl

Monitoring Desk

Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl(JUI-F) chief Fazlurrehman said on Sundaythat the war againstterrorism in Afghanistanhad engulfed Pakistan,Dawn News reported. TheJUI-F chief further statedthat the sitiuation inBalochistan and Karachiwas critical, where bodieswere falling everywhere.Speaking in Islamabad atthe last session on the firstday of a two dayInternational IslamicConference, the JUI-Fchairman said the leaders ofMuslim countries did notproperly reflect the views ofthe Muslim populationworldwide. he further saidthese leaders had adoptedthe war on terrorism as theirown, whereas the massesviewed it as America’s war.After the rule of the British,the people had now beentold to serve the UnitedStates, he said. Speaking onthe Balochistan scenario,rehman said there had beena failure to solve thesituation in the province.

UK to end aid spending in india by 2015

Most of Saturday’s killingswere linked to sectarianviolence, while it was unclearwhether Sunday’s killingswere also part of the currentwave of sectarian bloodshedin the city.But Sindh Inspector GeneralFayyaz Legahri saidsectarian strife was beingfanned in the metropolisahead of Muharram.Talking to a private TVchannel, Legahri said policehad conducted a targetedoperation in several areas ofKarachi, adding thatdisturbances were beingreported in orangi Town,

West and Central Zones ofthe city.he said violence in SoharbGoth erupted following aclash between two groupsand additional forces ofrangers and police had beendeployed to the area.Leghari appealed to ulemaand religious scholars to playtheir role in bringing peaceto the city.he also issued directives toall DIGs and SSPs to takecounter-terrorism measuresto prevent further killings inthe city. Later, police claimed to havearrested at least ninecriminals from differentparts of Karachi.



At least 14 Afghancivilians, including anewborn baby and hismother, were killed in twoseparate blasts in southand east Afghanistan onSunday, officials said.Eight people died whenthe minibus they weretravelling in struck aroadside bomb in theMaiwand district ofsouthern Kandaharprovince, provincial policesaid.The minibus was travellingfrom neighbouringhelmand province to

Kandahar early on Sundaywhen it struck the bomb,killing all the passengers,police said.In eastern Khost province,at least six people of asingle family, were killedin a roadside blast in theSabari district, when theirvehicle detonated thehidden bomb, districtpolice chief Abdul Ghanisaid.he said all the victimswere from a family whowere travelling home fromhospital after one of thewomen had given birth toa baby boy. Two children,two women and two mendied in the blast.

afghan High Peace

Council chairman

to arrive today

ISLAMABAD: A delegationof the high Peace Council ofAfghanistan, led by itsChairman Salahuddinrabbani, will arrive here today(Monday) on a three-day visitto hold talks with Pakistan’scivilian and military leaderson Afghanistan reconciliationprocess. rabbani was invitedby Foreign Minister hinarabbani Khar to Pakistan tohold talks with the relevantauthorities with regard topeace and reconciliationprocess in Afghanistan.“During his visit rabbaniwill call on the presidentand the prime minister,hold formal talks with theforeign minister and meetthe military leadership ofthe country,” said a Foreignoffice statement onSunday. sTAFF rEporT

Pakistani leadershipcondoles with turkeyover helicopter crash

ISLAMABAD: Theleadership of Pakistan hascondoled with the people andGovernment of Turkey overthe helicopter crash in Siirtprovince that resulted in thedeath of 17 Turkish soldiers.President Asif Ali Zardari inhis message to TurkishPresident Abdullah Gul said,“I have learnt with greatsadness that a helicopteraccident in Siirt has resultedin a tragic loss of 17 Turkishsoldiers. As a nation whichhas lost so many of its own inthe fight against terrorism,we, in Pakistan, keenly feelthis loss. Crowned by theglory of martyrdom.

newborn among 14killed in Kandahar,Khost blasts

Unidentified attackers shot at the residenceof Dunya TV anchor Muhammad Malick anddamaged his car on Saturday, TV reportssaid. Malik remained unhurt in the attack,however his car got damaged. The attackcame days after he announced to end hisshow “Dunya @ 8 with Malick”. hours later,he tweeted: “Grateful to friends forexpressing concern over the firing incident atmy house a few hours back. Everyone wassafe. God bless you all.” Although Malick

announced that his employer had wantedhim to focus on its upcoming Englishnewspaper, and discontinue his TVprogramme, many people think this is nottrue. They point out that the programmeended because of “pressure” after he hosted ashow critical of the army. on Friday Malicktweeted: “Anchoring of principles is way moreimportant than anchoring any show. Neverbowed to any pressure before -no matter whathue - and never will.” MoniToring DEsk

Dunya TV anchor’s residence attacked

KARACHI: Air Chief Marshal tahir Rafique butt gives a

briefing to Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf on Jf-17

thunder aircraft at military exhibition IDeAS-2012. inp

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JUI-F minority Senator fromBalochistan heman Das ex-pressed his concern over thelaw and order in Balochistan,saying neither majority nor

minorities felt secure in the country.Talking to Pakistan Today, the JUI-

F senator said Muslim majority as wellas non-Muslim minorities both felt in-secure due to the worsening law andorder throughout the country, espe-cially in Balochistan.

he said the majority of hindu com-munity in Pakistan was from either thebusiness class or lower middle class,

but both were scared of the prevalentsituation.

“Incidents of kidnapping for ran-som are on the rise in Balochistan andthe government has failed to protectthe life and property of inhabitants ofthe province,” he said.

he said the four-kilometre-longSaryab road in Quetta had witnessedthe killing of over 300 hazara Shias de-spite having a number of security pick-ets along its length, which reflects thelaw and order in the province.

Das was of the view that recently,three youth from the hindu communitywere abducted and were still missing.

he questioned what would be thecondition of minorities in a place where

majorities themselves were insecure.To a question, he said the Baloch

people had strong reservations againstthe paramilitary security forces, espe-cially Frontier Constabulary (FC) andeven the Supreme Court in its recentorder had pointed towards the involve-ment of FC in 80 percent incidents offorced abductions and killings.

however, the involvement of for-eign elements in the deteriorating lawand order in the province could not beruled out, he added.

Das said military operations anduse of force in the province would nothelp improving the situation in theprovince and the issues should be re-solved through dialogue.

Elaborating, he suggested the gov-ernment hold free and fair polls to im-prove the conditions.

on the issue of minorities’ repre-sentation in parliament as well asprovincial assemblies, the JUI-F sena-tor demanded the government to raisethe number of seats for minoritiesacross the country so that they may ef-fectively highlight their problems.

Commenting on the recent floods,Das expressed his dissatisfaction overthe government’s relief efforts and ad-vised it to ask the international com-munity for assistance, as thegovernment on its own was not able tomeet the magnitude of destructioncaused by floods.

Neither majority nor minorities

secure in Balochistan: Dasg JuI-f senator says Hindu community fleeing country g Incidents of kidnapping of Hindus for ransom on the rise


Pakistan hopes to persuade Afghan insur-gent groups, including the haqqani net-work, to pursue peace but worriesresistance from political factions opposedto the Taliban could undermine reconcili-ation efforts, Islamabad’s ambassador toKabul said on Sunday.

Mohammad Sadiq, speaking in an in-terview, also suggested US efforts would bebetter directed at engaging insurgentgroups – rather than attempting to defeatthem by launching military strikes againsttheir leaders.

Sadiq was speaking just ahead of anexpected visit to Pakistan by an Afghanpeace council due to give Islamabad aroadmap of how it wants its influentialneighbour to help end the war with theAfghan Taliban, now in its 11th year.

“Afghans are much more united inwanting to join the reconciliation process

than they were two years ago,” he said.“But still there are very important peo-

ple who fought against the Taliban and arenot still ready to talk and negotiate withthe Taliban. And we are working withthem.”

Sadiq was referring to former mem-bers of the Northern Alliance, which top-pled the Afghan Taliban in 2001 with USbacking.

Some now occupy government posi-tions or are in the opposition.

President hamid Karzai set up a highPeace Council comprised of members ofdiverse Afghan ethnic and political groupsto try to ease mistrust between the Talibanand its traditional enemies and forge apeace deal.

The task has gained urgency as mostNato combat troops prepare to withdrawat the end of 2014 and hand over securityto Afghan government forces.

Lack of progress has fuelled fears of acivil war and some Afghans worry the Tal-

iban will try and seize power again if nocomprehensive political settlement isreached before then.

Kabul accuses Pakistan’s spy agency ofusing groups like the haqqani network asproxies to counter the influence of rivalIndia in Afghanistan. Islamabad denies theallegations. “The prime minister of Pak-istan had appealed to all insurgent groupsto engage in negotiations,” said Sadiq.

“We will encourage all insurgents. Wewill encourage the entire armed oppositionof Afghanistan to participate in peace ne-gotiations with the Afghan government.”

The haqqani faction, allied with theTaliban, is seen by the US as the most dan-gerous Afghan militant group, blamed forhigh-profile attacks in Kabul and othercities. Afghanistan said in August it be-lieved a top commander of the group,Badruddin haqqani, had been killed in aUS drone strike in Pakistan.

Pakistan has argued that negotiationsstand a better chance of delivering stabil-

ity.“I think normally with insurgents one

thing is very clear – that deaths have notweakened them because they replace com-manders very quickly. They’re able to re-place them in a day or so,” said Sadiq,suggesting the Americans should havelearned from the russian experience inAfghanistan in the 1980s. “They have peo-ple. By killing their people you cannotweaken them. The Soviets killed 1 million,2 million people. It didn’t weaken the in-surgency against them.”

Afghanistan is known to want access toTaliban leaders belonging to the so-calledQuetta Shura, or council, named after thePakistani city where they are said to bebased, an issue the peace council is likelyto raise. Pakistan denies giving sanctuaryto insurgents and says no Taliban leadersare in Quetta.

An official with the council said itwould also be pushing Islamabad to repa-triate Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the

Taliban’s former second in command, indetention in Pakistan.

Afghan officials believe Baradar couldserve as an effective conduit for negotia-tions with Taliban leaders if sent to Kabul.An Afghan official said Pakistan had prom-ised to hand over Baradar in September.

Asked what Pakistan would be willingto do to push the struggling reconciliationprocess forward, Sadiq said:

“Expectations should be reasonableabout what we can do because Pakistanand Taliban are not one party. We don’tcontrol them, we don’t give them weapons,we do not give money to them.”

Sadiq said Afghanistan should striveto make sure any government that runsthe country should include all ethnicgroups and parties to preclude any repeatof past turmoil. “A representative govern-ment will automatically help in reducingthe insurgency, reducing the tensionamong ethnicities, it will go a long way inpreventing a civil war.”

Pakistan urges all Afghan insurgents to pursue peace

CAnDIlICIOuS: An old man and his assistant prepare sweets in unhygienic conditions at their workplace in Hyderabad on Sunday. inp

Issuance ofmachine-readablepassportsstarts in KP


The issuance of machine-readablepassports kicked off all over KhyberPakhtunkhwa, including Peshawar. Sourcesin Passport and Immigration Departmentsaid the machine-readable passports arebeing issued for a period of ten years. Theregular fee of the 36-page passportamounts to rs 3,000 and the urgent fee rs5,000 while regular fee of the 72-pagepassport is rs 6,000, and its urgent fee rs9,000. In the same way, regular fee of the100-page passport is rs 9,000 whereas itsurgent fee amounts to rs 12,000, sourcesadded. Dozens of citizens of Peshawar havestarted submitting applications to get thepassports for a time of ten years, startingfrom November 01, 2012, sourcesinformed.

Alleged terroristkilled in shootoutwith police in Bannu

Monitoring Desk

An alleged terrorist was killed in anexchange of fire with police in AbsharChowk area of bannu district, Geo Newsreported on Sunday. According to police,the alleged insurgent, Ibrahim, was thenephew of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistanleader Baitullah Mehsud. Police alsorecovered a wireless communicationsystem, weapons, and loads of explosivedevices after neutralising the terrorist.Following the shootout, police launcheda search operation in Abshar Chowk areaof Bannu.

NA session to beheld today


The National Assembly’s 47th session willbe held in the Parliament house today(Monday). The session is being termedcrucial in the backdrop of the currentpolitical scenario and important incidents,including the release of Supreme Court’sdetailed judgement in the Asghar Khancase and proceedings against nine retiredarmy generals, for the first time in thecountry’s history. however, according tosources, the anti-terrorism bill goesneglected and has been underconsideration by the National Assembly’sStanding-Committee for Legal Affairs for along time.


Federal Minister for railways GhulamAhmed Bilour said all out efforts werebeing made to improve performance andefficiency of Pakistan railways to make ita profit earning organisation.

In a media interview, he said locomo-tives not in running condition were beinglocally repaired and overhauled at CentralDiesel Locomotive (CDL) workshop at a

cost of millions of rupees by utilising Pak-istan railways’ own resources and man-power. There are over 12,000 parts in alocomotive; he said, adding that local andimported spare parts were used to over-haul rail engines.

At present‚ he said‚ Pakistan railwayshad a total of 148 locomotives which werein running condition, but added that the In-dian railways on the other hand had 8300locomotives. A comparison between the twois not possible, he said. responding to a

question, the minister said most of the fleetincluding passenger coaches‚ freight wag-ons and locomotives were outdated andPakistan railways needed a massive fund-ing for restructuring. he said had the gov-ernment provided the bailout packageamounting to rs 11.5 billion to Pakistanrailways during 2010, the situation of theinstitution would have remained undercontrol. Bilour said further that there werea total of 85‚000 employees of Pakistanrailways with over 140‚000 pensioners.

Trying our best to make railways profitable: Bilour

PM terms 2013 theyear of elections


Prime Minister raja Parvez Ashraf has said2013 is the year of elections. Addressing aceremony to mark exhibition ofphotographs of South Asia PhotoJournalist Association, the prime ministerexpressed confidence that these would notonly nourish democracy but also layfoundations for a sustainable politicalsystem in the country. he said the PPPgovernment pursued reconciliatory policyas envisioned by Benazir Bhutto. “Thegovernment has been following this policyto combat all kinds of challenges in a bid tostrengthen democracy.” Ashraf said themedia and the government always workedfor the common good of the society, addingthat the PPP government believed inindependent and free media. he expressedconfidence that photo journalists wouldstrive hard to help project a soft image ofthe country. he announced rs 3 millionfor the association.

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“PAKISTAN is offering some high-techair and ground equipments for saleand it shows that we have achieved selfsufficiency in many fields. Pakistan isa peace-loving country and desires to

live in harmony with all.” Sardar Bahadur Khan Sihar,Federal Minister for Defence Production, stated thiswhile addressing the closing ceremony of IDEAS 2012here at Expo center Karachi.

Major General Tahir Ashraf Khan hI(M) DG DEPo,Commodore Siddiq Akbar, Director (Media) of DefenceExport Promotion organization (DEPo), Ministry ofDefence Production and Brig. Mazhar, Director Coordi-nation, DEPo were also present on the occasion.

he added that the aim of the IDEAS 2012 was toshowcase our products, demonstrate our organizationskills to plan and conduct a mega event of internationalstature and provide a great international platform toconvey our view points on security issues concerningPakistan. Moreover, to provide a unique opportunity forour defence related industry, both in public and privatesector, to display their products and interact directlywith the defence industry of the developed world andcreating a good opportunity to reinforce the diplomatic

efforts in the domain of defence diplomacy.he said we feel that by holding DEAS 2012 success-

fully under the prevalent environment by an attempt tobuild the image of Pakistan as a modern, progressiveand tolerant state that is willing to co-exist peacefullywith the international community, we have achieve ouraim. While giving answer to a question he said we haveachieved all targets of holding the IDEAS 2012. Around82 foreign defence delegations and participation of 56countries shows the significance and success of the ex-hibition.

Meanwhile, Major General Tahir Ashraf Khan alsobriefed the media he added that Pakistan had been indefence production since very long.

our some of the major indigenously developedproducts were showcased in IDEAS-2012 includingMain Battle Tank Al–Khalid, JF–17 Thunder FighterAircraft, Jet Trainer Aircraft and UAVs etc.

We received very good response for IDEAS 2012from Turkey, China, North America, South America, Eu-rope, Asia, Far East.

he added that the impact of the event will be large,it is an ongoing process and major deals take time to becemented. Chinese company and hIT has signed MoUin this regard. Pakistan is producing high quality defenceproducts which are low in price tag but are equal interms of quality. Pakistan has great potential to export

it defence products. he said all delegates would undo thewrong image of Pakistan and show positive image asmore secure, peaceful region to hold such a mega event.

he highlighted that foreign delegates did not faceany difficulty during their stay and a good message will

be conveyed by them that it is wrong there are armedmen, terrorists on the streets of Karachi. A new messagewould be delivered by these delegates in the world thatPakistan respects sovereignties of the countries and apeaceful country, which is our great achievement.

Pakistan offering high-tech equipment for sale: minister


The inspector general (IG) police onSunday formed a committee to inves-tigate the murder of six seminary stu-dents gunned down in a hotel onSaturday in Karachi’s Gulshan-e-Iqbalarea.

In Saturday’s deadliest episode, sixstudents of a seminary were gunneddown in an armed attack on a roadsidetea shop in Block-2 of Gulshan-e-Iqbal.

Police said students of MadressahAhsan-ul-Uloom — all in their early20s — were targeted by at least fourmen riding two motorbikes. Sevenother students suffered injuries.

The ongoing violence claimed 25lives over the past 24 hours, with policeand ranger carrying out search opera-tions in tense parts of the metropolis, abid so far proved unsuccessful in curb-

ing drive-by attacks and targetedkillings.

They victims were identified asMohibullah, Shams-ur-rehman,Abdul Ghaffar, Khalid, Adnan, AbdulKhaliq and the tea stall worker, Imran.Bodies of victims were sent to their na-tives towns, with enhanced patrollingand snap-checking in the area.

officials said an investigationbody, comprising senior officers, hasbeen constituted by IG police to probeinto the incident.

Meanwhile, police on Sundayclaimed to have arrested at least ninealleged criminal from different area ofKarachi.

officials said nine suspected crim-inals and three proclaimed offenderswere nabbed during a search operationin New Karachi area. Arms, snatchedbikes and mobile phones were recov-ered from their possession.

special committee to probe

six students’ murder


The exhibition of artwork of four world-wide known artists Mohammad AliBhatti, Moazzam Ali, Maqbool Ahmedand Chitra Pritam Group Exhibition ti-tled “Winter horizon” will start today(Monday) at Fine Art Pakistan (FAP)Gallery

Gallery Director Asma Ahmed saidthat the group show of four contemporaryartists of Pakistan is organized with aconcept of welcoming the breezy andbeautiful winter season. It will be a dis-play of diversity of styles, colors and inparticularly the portrayal of different as-pects of woman in their own signaturestyle and techniques.

Mohammad Ali Bhatti is well knownfor portraying desert people of thar with

exciting pallet and subtle emotions. hisvibrant and bold brush strokes bring lifeto his canvases.

Moazzam Ali’s sensuous and idealisticvillage women carrying Matka has beenvery popular. his decorative and imagi-native female figures are his signaturestyle. Maqbool Ahmed’s dream womenseem to be floating in an unknown spaceexpressing the feelings of women. his fig-ures are juxtaposed with complex floatingelements as if her dreams flying up in theinfinite skies.

Chitra Pritam’s enthusiasm for spiri-tual rendering of women is the connota-tion of “Nirvana” having multipledimensions of her deeds. All of them arevery well known artists and their artworks are in the collection of private andpublic collection. The exhibition will con-tinue until November 19, 2012.

Turkish PMpays shortvisit to city


Turkish Prime Minister recep TayyipErdogan enroute to Ankara from Brunaihad a short stay in Karachi on Saturdaynight. he was received by Sindh Ministerfor Local Government Agha SirajDurrani at Karachi Airport andpresented him the messages of well-wishes and love on behalf of PresidentAsif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister rajaPervez Ashraf and Sindh Chief MinisterSyed Qaim Ali Shah. According to anofficial statement here on Sunday,Turkish Premier reciprocated andprayed for the prosperity of people ofPakistan. he said that the governmentand the people of Turkey wished to seePakistan as very progressive andprosperous country. Turkish PrimeMinister said that he would formally visitPakistan on 21st of this month and wouldmeet President Asif Ali Zardari andPrime Minister raja Pervez Ashraf inIslamabad. Agha Siraj Durrani conveyedto Turkish PM that Pakistan Governmentand the people also are well-wishers ofTurkey. They wanted stronger tiesbetween the two Muslim states.

Art exhibition ‘Winter Horizon’commences today

KARACHI: workers of Sindh writers and thinkers forum form a human chain from Karachi Press Club to Arts Council during a protest against local government system. onLinE

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ChIEF Minister of IndianState of Bihar Shri NitishKumar along with 12-mem-ber delegation on Sundayvisited the mazars of

Bhutto family at Garhi Khuda Baksh.The Indian delegation drove in a

motorcade amid tight security fromMoen-Jo-Daro , wherein they flown infrom Karachi. Speaker Sindh AssemblyNisar Ahmed Khuhro, Sindh MinistersAga Siraj Durrani, Muhammad AyazSoomro and Sassui Palejo, and otherleaders of Pakistan Peoples Party ac-companied the Indian guests. Led bythe CM Bihar, the Indian team visitedthe mazars of former prime ministersof Pakistan and leaders of PPP ShaheedZulfikar Ali Bhutto and Shaheed Mo-htarma Benazir Bhutto, former FirstLady and former chairperson PPP,Madr-e-Jamhooriat late Begum NusratBhutto, first wife of Shaheed ZulfikarAli Bhutto late Shireen Amir Begum,two sons of Shaheed Zulfikar AliBhutto—Shaheed Mir Murtaza Bhuttoand Shaheed Mir Shahnawaz Bhutto.

The CM of Indian State of Bihar andother delegates laid floral wreaths on themazars and stood silent for a while to payhomage to these PPP leaders. The delega-tion visited various sections of the mau-

soleum of Bhutto family, where the con-struction work is still in progress. SindhMinister for Local Bodies Aga Siraj Durranialso briefed the Indian CM and his team

about the mausoleum. Earlier, on their ar-rival at Moen-Jo-Daro airport from Karachiby a special plane, Chief Minister Bihar Ni-tish Kumar and his 12-member delegation

was warmly welcomed by school students,scouts, girl guides, officials of District Ad-ministration. The students and scoutsshowered rose petals over them.

SuKKuR: bihar Chief Minister Shri nitish Kumar and members of his delegation visit Sadhu bela temple on Sunday. onLinE


IPo-Pakistan Chairman and MNAhameed Ullah Jan Afridi has said thataccording to the global scenario, Pak-istan is trying to implement laws tocombat the issues of infringement ofproperty rights.

he said this during a press confer-ence here on Sunday. he said theprocess for equipping Intellectual Prop-erty organization with latest facilities iscontinued by undertaking administra-tive reforms, it would help to upgradeworking of all registries. A comprehen-sive strategy has been evolved for au-tomation of registration procedures withthe assistance of European Union andWorld Intellectual Property organiza-tion.

he said besides capacity buildinginitiatives, special emphasis has beenlaid on enforcement of IP laws to awardpunishments to the culprits according tothe law. he asked the officers of con-cerned departments to finalize all neces-sary formalities in introducing onewindow operation in Trademark andother registries as directed by the PrimeMinister of Pakistan.

The Chairman IPo-reviewed theplan of one Window operation and saidthat according to the requirements ofconcerned sections appropriate actionsshould be taken by fixing timelines sothat the task could be completed withinfixed targets. he said that mutual coop-eration would be developed with Acade-mia, research organizations andEntrepreneurs to open new avenues ofIP Information Desks.

Implementation of property rights laws imperative

15 Indian




Pakistan released 15 Indian fishermen,who were detained by the authorities forfishing in the country’s territorial waters,from Karachi’s jail on Sunday. The toll ofIndian fishermen being released fromMalir jail this year has risen to 693. Thefishermen were arrested over violation ofsea territorial limits. They were releasedfrom District Jail Malir of the city sent toWahga Border by bus where they would behandover to Indian authorities. PakistanCoast Guard had detained the fishermenfrom the territorial waters and registeredcases against them at the Docks PoliceStation under Foreign Act and FisheriesAct. Cases were registered against themunder foreign and fisheries acts at Dockspolice station. Jail Superintendent, NazirShah, said released fishermen left forWagha border via bus from where theywould be handed over to Indian securityforces.

World powerstrying to destabilizePakistan: Palijo


President of the Awami Tehreek AyazPalijo said world powers wanted citizensof Pakistan to fight amongst each otherin a bid to destabilize the country.Palijo was speaking to seniorjournalist/anchor Iftikhar Ahmad onGeo News program ‘Awam Ki Adalat’.According to Palijo, the people of Sindhthrough their peaceful protests haddeterred this conspiracy and would notlet Sindh and Pakistan be divided.

Altaf condemnsviolence in city


Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM)Chief Altaf hussain sternly condemnedsectarian based killings in Karachi andtermed those a conspiracy for fuellingsectarian riots in the metropolis. Altafhussain said in a statement said thatthe cruel act of shedding blood ofinnocent people should be halted;wrath and punishment of God shouldnot be invited by killings of innocentsin the city. The MQM Chief urgedscholars, preachers and orators of allreligious sects to ask and preach theirfollowers and students to remainpeaceful, hold patience and maintainsectarian harmony with each other tofail ulterior motives of the conspiratorsin Karachi.

Saudi govt to furtherimprove haj facilities


The Saudi Arabia government has planned to improvetheir existing services and facilities for the pilgrimages.Talking to newsmen here, Fawad Amin Katib, a leadingSaudi based hujj service provider to hujjaj from SouthAsia, said the Saudi government has planned a train serv-ice between Medina and Makkah, which is likely to beginin 2014. Mr Katib is on visit to different cities of Pakistan.he said a train service between Medina and Arafat was al-ready functioning which has significantly reduced the trav-elling time of pilgrimages. he said no major untoward inci-dent occurred during or after the pilgrimages this yearexcept few minor traffic accidents. Amin Katib praisedPakistani pilgrimages for their cooperative attitude. hementioned that his company was making the best efforts toprovide better services to pilgrimages in future.

KARACHI: City District government workers chop down trees planted in front of the bargah Ali Raza on MA Jinnah Road due to security concerns during Muharram. onLinE

Bihar CM visits Bhuttos’ graves,

Sadhu Bela temple

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KaraCHI unIverSIty 99261300-06ned unIverSIty 99261261-8fuuaSt 99244141-9duHS 99215754-7SMIC 99217501-3faSt-nu 111128128, 34100541-7SZabISt 111922478IobM 35090961-7Iba 111422422IvS 35861039-40

abbaSI SHaHeed 99260400-09

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JInnaH 99201300-39

nICvd 99201271-6

aGHa KHan 34930051

tabba 36811841-50

"alMia Ye hai Main Zinda hUn"

date: nov 06 to 15, 2012

venue: CanvaS Gallery KaraCHI

"alMIa ye HaI Ke MaIn ZInda Hun“

eStablISHed artISt SHaKIl SaIGol eXHIbItS HIS lateSt

SerIeS baSed on tHe floodS tHat Have been devaStatInG

PaKIStan, "alMIa ye HaI Ke MaIn ZInda Hun“, at CanvaS

Gallery on tueSday noveMber 6tH 2012, froM 5 PM - 8 PM.

tHe SHow ContInueS daIly untIl noveMber 15tH 2012,

froM 11 aM - 8 PM (eXCludInG Sunday)

inside JaMshoro


weatHer uPdateS



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date: nov 05 to 14, 2012

venue: ranGoonwala CoMMunIty Centre

oPenInG 5tH nov 5 PM to 8 PMGrouP SHow of7 artISt froM Cead JaMSHoroIMran SooMroHIdayat MIranIMadHIHa bHattI, MarvI SHoro, ZaKIa SHar,Kanwal PanHwar, farIHa KHan

Monday, 12 november, 2012

date: nov 05 to 10, 2012

venue: InduS valley SCHool of artS

kArACHi OnlIne

EArLY new research offers somehopeful findings for parents of chil-dren with food allergies.

one new study suggests that some childrenwith hen egg allergies could safely consume sucheggs if they are baked at a high enough tempera-ture for a long enough time. What’s more, inves-tigators suggest that parents who start toincorporate such cooked eggs into their child’sdiet may actually help them develop a broader tol-erance to eggs than by avoiding eggs altogether.

A second study argues that many allergic chil-dren will outgrow their condition by age 10, allow-ing them to safely expand their eating optionsover time.

however, two experts strongly advised cau-tion in introducing allergy-causing foods backinto children’s diet and said that this must onlybe done under medical supervision.

Both studies were scheduled for presentationthis week at the annual meeting of the AmericanCollege of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology inAnaheim, Calif.

Dr rushani Weerasooriya Saltzman, an at-tending physician in the division of allergy andimmunology at the Children’s hospital ofPhiladelphia, led the egg-allergy study.

“hen’s egg is one of the most common foodallergens in children,” Saltzman said, noting thatupwards of 600,000 American children are cur-rently diagnosed with the condition. “Fortunately,most patients will outgrow their egg allergy bylate childhood. however, until one may outgrowhis or her egg allergy, egg avoidance can cause sig-nificant dietary limitations and considerable im-pacts on quality of life.”

But heat-driven changes in the protein struc-ture of eggs can make them safe for allergic chil-dren, Saltzman’s team found. “(And)furthermore,” she said, “those who can tolerate

these extensively heated egg products appear tooutgrow their allergy to regular or ‘native’ egg atan accelerated rate when compared to those pa-tients with egg allergy who maintain strict avoid-ance to egg.”

The team conducted 36 “oral food challenges”that involved exposing patients diagnosed with anegg allergy to three eggs that had been baked intoa standard cake/bread recipe for a half hour at350 degrees.

More than half (56 percent) of the patientsdisplayed tolerance to the food, leading the au-thors to conclude that a majority of patients hadoutgrown their condition. And this, they said,could lead to such patients being able to embarkon a much more diverse diet and perhaps the de-velopment of even greater food tolerance downthe road.

A second study team led by pediatrician Dr.ruchi Gupta, at Lurie Children’s hospital ofChicago, conducted a survey to assess how muchthe eight most common food allergies in U.S. chil-dren younger than 10 persisted or waned withage.

The survey found 2,120 children aged olderthan 10 with known food allergies. of these, 28percent were found to have developed food allergytolerance at some point following their initial di-agnosis.

Children who had been diagnosed with an eggallergy before 10 years of age were the most likelyto go on to outgrow their allergy, followed bythose with a milk allergy diagnosis.

Specifically, 55 percent of egg-allergic chil-dren and 45 percent of milk-allergic kids ulti-mately developed tolerance to each respectivefood at an average age of about 6 and 7 years.

But only 16 percent of those with tree nut al-lergies and 14 percent of those with shellfish al-lergies went on to outgrow their condition. Andboth groups did so at later ages — nearly 12 yearsold for shellfish allergy and almost 10 years oldfor tree nut allergy.

Those who outgrew their food allergies werefound to be much less likely to experience severe

reactions such as trouble breathing or anaphy-laxis.

Boys were more likely to outgrow their allergythan girls. Kids with initially severe allergies facedworse odds than those diagnosed with a mild tomoderate allergic condition.

John Lehr, chief executive officer of the FoodAllergy & Anaphylaxis Network, said that whilethe study findings are encouraging, parents mustnonetheless be careful when considering how tohandle childhood allergies.

“We are encouraged by studies that show cer-tain food allergies such as egg can be outgrownand that some children can tolerate egg in bakedform,” Lehr said. “But we want to caution thatparents of children with food allergies must neverattempt to reintroduce food allergens into theirchild’s diet on their own — this must be doneunder the supervision of an allergist.”

Lona Sandon a registered dietitian and an as-sistant professor of clinical nutrition at the Uni-versity of Texas Southwestern Dallas, agreedabout the need for caution.

“In some cases, children do appear to outgrowallergies,” she said. “But parents should be cau-tious about foods that have caused past reactions.In the case of egg allergies, there may be some-thing different about the egg cooked into a bakedproduct than eating a fried egg. Could it be thedose of the egg protein or maybe the change in theprotein structure as a result of baking that makesit different and less allergenic? It is hard to say.And we do not know at what age allergies mightsubside.”

“The bottom line is to be cautious in tryingfoods that contain ingredients that have beenknown to cause severe allergic reactions,” Sandonsaid. “reactions tend to get worse each time. Itwould be wise to meet with an allergist before try-ing to reintroduce foods that have been known tocause reactions.”

Because the studies were presented at a med-ical meeting, the data and conclusions should beviewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.


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Page 9: e-paper pakistantoday 12th November, 2012


Monday, 12 november, 2012

Foreign News


AN earthquake struck centralMyanmar on Sunday near its sec-ond-biggest city, Mandalay,killing at least six people, with thedeath toll likely to rise as part of

an unfinished bridge fell into the Irrawaddyriver and several workers were missing.

The earthquake, put at magnitude 6.8 bythe local meteorological service, struckaround 60 km (37 miles) northwest of Man-dalay near the town of Shwebo at 7:41 a.m.(0111 GMT), and was quite shallow at around10 km (6 miles) deep.

A police officer in Shwebo said two peo-ple had died and 20 had been injured innearby Kyauk Myaung. “A house collapsed inKyauk Myaung. The radana Thinga Bridge,still under construction, over the river wasbadly damaged. A huge steel beam fell intothe river and five workers went missing,” hetold reuters. State television, the usualmouthpiece for government statements inMyanmar along with state-run newspapers,

said 15 people from the bridge constructionsite were missing.

It gave no death toll but said a number ofreligious buildings and pagodas had been de-stroyed or damaged. Media in Myanmar re-ported minor damage in several placesaround Mandalay, including Amarapura, atown popular with tourists because of itsmonasteries and the longest teak bridge inthe world. Pagodas had been damaged there,media said. one local source who declined tobe named said at least 10 people were trappedin a gold mine in the Singgu area, where thereare many small-scale mines.

A police officer in Singgu Township op-posite Kyauk Myaung on the east side of theIrrawaddy told reuters that four people haddied there and another nine were injured inthe earthquake. “Those injured are not in acritical condition. We are still monitoring thedamage and casualties in the environs,” hesaid. Several strong aftershocks hit the re-gion, including one put at magnitude 5.8 asevening approached at 5:24 p.m. (1054GMT).

The United Nations’ office for the Coor-

dination of humanitarian Affairs in Myan-mar said the first quake was also felt in Thai-land, Laos and Yunnan province in China.“Information available at this stage indicatesthat the event did not result in serious dam-age,” it said in a statement. Myanmar isamong Asia’s poorest countries.

A quasi-civilian government has openedup the country since taking over in March2011 from the military, which had ruled fornearly 50 years.

The military regime was condemned byhumanitarian agencies in 2008 for initiallyrefusing international help to cope with Cy-clone Nargis, which killed more than 130,000people.

President Barack obama is set to becomethe first U.S. leader to visit Myanmar thismonth, the strongest international endorse-ment of the country’s fragile democratic tran-sition.

obama will travel to Myanmar during aNovember 17-20 tour of Southeast Asia thatwill also take in Thailand and Cambodia. Itwill be his first international trip since win-ning a second term last week.

Strong quake jolts central Myanmar, dozen feared dead


Israel said it was poised to escalate attackson the Gaza Strip on Sunday following asurge of rocket and mortar salvoes byhamas and other Palestinian factions.

A missile strike wounded four Israelitroops on jeep patrol along the Gazaboundary on Saturday, triggering armyshelling that killed four Palestinian civil-ians and, in turn, dozens of short-rangerocket launches out of Gaza that paralyzedIsrael’s southern border towns.

Two Gaza militants died in the ensuingIsraeli air strikes. Two workers werewounded later when a plastics factory innorthern Gaza Strip caught fire after it washit by an Israeli tank shell, emergencyworkers said. Israel’s Iron Dome defensesystem knocked out a longer-range “Grad”rocket that was aimed at the southern cityof Beersheba, the army said.

Thousands of Palestinians marching inthe funerals of six people killed in the past24 hours cried: “revenge, revenge”. oneman said an Israeli tank fired at childrenthen fired on adults who rushed to thescene. The Israeli military said the tank had

shot back at the spot where shortly beforemilitants had fired an anti-tank missile atthe army patrol. “It is very unfortunate thatthese terrorists use their own people ashuman shields,” said Major Arye Shalicar,a spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces(IDF). Israel went to war against hamas inthe winter of 2008-2009 but has shown lit-tle appetite for a new round that couldstrain fraught relations with the new Is-lamist-rooted government in neighboringEgypt, which made peace with Israel in1979. But conservative Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu may be reluctant toseem weak ahead of a January 22 generalelection that opinion polls currently predicthe will win.

“The world needs to understand thatIsrael will not sit with arms crossed whenfaced by attempts to hurt us. And we areprepared to harshen the response,” Ne-tanyahu told his cabinet in remarks airedby Israeli broadcasters. After not openlytaking part in Saturday’s fighting, which in-cluded the firing of dozens of Palestinianshort-range rockets and mortar bombs,hamas issued a joint statement with fiveother factions claiming responsibility forSunday’s fresh salvoes. Though hostile to

the Jewish state, Islamist hamas has in thepast avoided clashes as it consolidates itsGaza rule and convince Egypt’s new rulersit can be a stabilizing force.

Israeli officials have at times notedhamas’s efforts to impose calm in Gaza,which it has governed since 2007, andmaintain a policy of holding it solely re-sponsible for any violence from the coastalterritory, whoever is firing. Four Israelis

were wounded by rockets on Sunday, amilitary spokeswoman said. Southern Is-raeli municipalities ordered residents toshelters and shuttered some schools. Is-lamic Jihad, a smaller faction than hamaswhich often operates independently, saidone rocket crewman was killed by an Is-raeli air strike on Sunday, after anothermember was killed on Saturday while pho-tographing the fighting.

Israel warns of escalation as Hamas joins Gaza clashes


Forces loyal to Syrian President Basharal-Assad bombarded the ras al-Ain areaon the border with Turkey on Sunday,days after the town fell to rebels duringan advance that has sent thousands ofrefugees fleeing for safety.

helicopters circled above the townand opposition activists said they hadstrafed targets near the village of Talhalaf.

The Arab and Kurdish town of ras al-Ain fell to the Free Syrian Army onThursday in fighting that sent 9,000 flee-ing in a 24-hour period, one of a largestrefugee influxes into Turkey of the 19-month civil war.

Tank rounds slammed into the west-ern part of the town on Sunday and areuters reporter on the Turkish side ofthe border saw black smoke rising overthe area.

rebels and forces loyal to Assad ex-changed artillery fire and some roundsappeared to land just inside Turkey.

“It’s a disaster over there,” a manshouted to reporters as he crossed intothe Turkish town of Ceylanpinar. Ambu-lances with sirens wailing ferriedwounded people from the Turkish side ofthe border for treatment at a local clinic.

With winter setting in, over 120,000Syrians are now sheltering in Turkishcamps, deepening alarm in Ankara.

Turkey has already beefed up secu-rity on its southeastern border with Syria,in an area of the country where it is alsofighting an emboldened insurgency bythe Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

Increasingly critical of the failure ofworld powers to halt the war, Turkey is indiscussions with NATo allies over thepossible deployment of Patriot surface-to-air missiles to defend against anyspillover of violence.

The move could also be a step to-wards enforcing a no-fly zone withinSyria to limit the reach of Assad’s airpower.

helicopters were in action on Sun-day, opposition activists said, bombing agrain storage area near the village of Talhalaf outside ras al-Ain.

ras al-Ain is part of Syria’s north-eastern oil-producing province ofhasaka, home to a large part of Syria’sKurdish minority and 600 km (375miles) from the Syrian capital, Damascus.

“The fighting hasn’t stopped. Wewaited for it to stop, that’s why we didn’tcross, but we decided to come today be-cause we are all starving,” said 35-year-old reshad, a Kurd who had just crossedinto Turkey with his family.

“Everyone is starving over there,there’s no bread, no food.” other refugeesventured back to their homes in Syria, re-luctant to stay in camps or homes on theTurkish side of the border.

Most of the inhabitants of ras al-Ain,

an agricultural town that has been Ara-bised under the nationalist rule of Presi-dent Bashar al-Assad’s Baath Party fromits Kurdish name of Seri Kaneh, fled toTurkey when rebels captured the area ina push to seize control of frontier regionsfrom Assad’s forces.

A statement by Birth of Freedom, aSyrian Kurdish activists’ organization,said clashes were under way betweenrebels and Assad’s forces in the area ofAsfar Najjar.

The group said the rebels had com-mitted a “big strategic mistake” by enter-ing Seri Kaneh, where thousands ofrefugees from other parts of Syria hadtaken refuge.

Syria’s Kurds fear that the mostlyArab rebels will ignore their aspiration tosecure some form of autonomy in anypost-Assad era.

ras al-Ain and most of the majortowns and cities in hasaka have seenprotests against Assad by Arabs andKurds, but the Kurdish community haslargely stayed away from the armed revoltagainst his autocratic rule.

The challenge to Syria’s central au-thority has strengthened the Syrianbranch of the PKK, which Assad perse-cuted prior to the revolt when he hadgood ties with Turkey.

Turkey now accuses Assad of armingthe PKK rebels who have mounted a waveof attacks on security forces in southeastTurkey over past few months.

Assad forces bombardrebels near Turkish border

Public patience tickingas many await powerin Northeast US NEW YORK: Frustration withcontinuing power outages, travel chaos,and long lines for gasoline grew onSaturday as residents of New York’s LongIsland, hit hard by Superstorm Sandy,protested outside the headquarters of thelocal utility company. residents took tothe streets for a second day, targeting theLong Island Power Authority inhicksville. There were still over a quarterof a million customers without powernearly two weeks after the storm. As ofFriday more than 170,000 of those wereon Long Island. Thousands were intemporary shelters, and in New Jersey atent city on the edge of Monmouth Parkracetrack was home to hundreds.Authorities in the region said they did nothave access to enough alternative housingor hotel rooms for all those who have beendisplaced. New Yorkers also faced theirsecond day of gasoline rationing under asystem, which was introduced in NewJersey last week, in which cars with odd-and even-numbered license plates can fillup only on alternate days. AgenCIeS

Iran dismantling military sitesuspected of nuclear roleBAGHDAD: Iran is dismantling itsmilitary complex at Parchin, the suspectedsite of nuclear experiments, said YukiyaAmano, the director general of Iran’snuclear agency in a joint press conferencewith Iraq’s Foreign Minister hoshyarZebari on Sunday, adding he could notsupply further details. Amano said therewere “good reasons” for Iran to cooperatewith the International Atomic EnergyAgency (IAEA) as the Tehran governmentwill be reopening talks with the agency onDecember 13. “The IAEA,” said Amano,“has an essential role to play in resolvingthis issue through diplomacy.” AgenCIeS

Guatemala quake tolllowered to 42GUATEMALA CITY: Guatemala’sPresident otto Perez has lowered to 42the number of victims killed in a powerfulearthquake that toppled homes and cutpower this week in several towns in thecountry’s southwest. “The number thatwe have at the moment is 42 confirmeddead, and two people are still missing,”said Perez late Friday of the quake thatcaused most of its destruction in the townof San Marcos. The toll is ten fewer thanthe number officials had originallybelieved perished in the disaster, whichstruck on Wednesday. Some 16,000people were affected by the 7.4magnitude quake off Guatemala’s Pacificcoast, which was this country’s mostviolent seismic event since 1976 whenalmost 23,000 people perished. AgenCIeS

Crash between 2 Egyptiantrains kills 3, injures dozens CAIRO: At least three Egyptians werekilled and over 30 people injured in a traincrash in Fayoum on Saturday, when a traintravelling south from Cairo hit anotherheading in the opposite direction, Fayoum’scity governor, security and medical sourcessaid. Ahmed Ali Ahmed, governor of thecity of Fayoum, situated 91 kilometres (57miles) south of Cairo, told the Al JazeeraMubashar Misr news channel three peoplewere killed in the crash. “A criminalinvestigation has been launched to find outthe reasons that led to the accident,”Ahmed said. however, a security and amedical source in Fayoum said the toll washigher. “The rescue operation is stillongoing and it is still too early to have afinal number for the deaths and casualties,”the security source said. AgenCIeS

Tokyo, Seoul plan firstsummit since isle rowTOKYO: Japan and South Korea areplanning a formal summit later this month,the first meeting since President Lee Myung-Bak angered Tokyo with a surprise visit to adisputed island chain, a report said onSunday. Lee’s visit to the islands, which liebetween the two countries and are known bySouth Korea as the Dokdo Islands and byJapan as the Takeshima Islands, badlydamaged relations between Tokyo and Seoulin August. Japanese Prime MinisterYoshihiko Noda and Lee held informal talksin September on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum buthave not held a formal summit since therekindled territorial dispute. AgenCIeS

gAZA CIty: Palestinians carry a man into the al-Shifa hospital after he was

wounded in Israeli shelling. AgEnCiEs

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Page 10: e-paper pakistantoday 12th November, 2012


Monday, 12 november, 2012

Now that the buzz about theUS elections is over, thefocus is immediately shift-ing to the direction of itsforeign policy during

obama’s second term. While many peoplethink obama aspires to political solutionsfor key ongoing conflicts, the reality isquite different. his approach is drivenmore by institutional tussles within theAmerican system and domestic economicrealities than any lack of vigor in pursuingits global interests.

As the world reacts to obama’s victory,a debate has emerged regarding the kindof US involvement in world affairs. TheAmericans are criticised when they lead,and equally when they don’t. This argu-ment is linked to the projection of its softand hard power, or the reverence and fearfor it. In the long run, extensive use ofAmerican military prowess risks evaporat-ing the soft appeal.

Middle East has remained at the coreof American foreign policy. Its interest inthe region are multifaceted and are linkedto the protection of global oil supplies, pre-venting terrorist from creating havoc andIslamists to unite or threaten Israel, stop-ping Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons,and containing the influence of potentialadversarial emerging powers, such asChina and russia. Towards this end, UShas used over time different configurationof allies in the region to maintain the bal-ance of power in its favour. For example,Iraq and Iran were once close allies.

The dilemma obama faced during hisfirst term was tied to the aging autocraticrulers that were long-term US associatesbut were beginning to lose public support.This meant that they could no longer de-liver and had become more of a liability.

The Arab Spring initially looked like ablessing in disguise. As the dictators of theregion lost their vitality, emerging publicaspirations for democratic values, pre-sented a welcome opportunity. however,that promise proved to be premature as Is-lamists and extremists began to exploit thevacuum left by dictators. The reality is thatrelentless use of American hard power inpursuit of Al-Qaeda and extremists tied toit has consistently shrunk space for liberalsin the region.

The American military’s withdrawalfrom Iraq and Afghanistan does not in anyway mean a cessation of the campaignagainst the religious zealots. on the con-trary, it’s merely a shift to economicallyfeasible tactics and strategies that replacemaintaining a large military footprint. Asanti-Americanism grows unabated in theregion, the super power faces a dauntingtask. The challenge is how to reconcile thegoals of eradicating extremism, preventingthe rise of Islamists, contain Iran while atthe same time protect Israel.

one answer to this question is: it doesnot necessarily have to. The fear factor inthe region increases the need for the pro-tection offered by the American hardpower. For example, the gulf region andIndia have tremendously increased theirdefence spendings due to the threatposed by Iran and extremists respec-tively. The other, a little less attractive,option is to let the Middle East simplyimplode, and perhaps even speed up thatprocess by selected interventions, thencontrol and manage what emerges frombeyond that point. The situation of Libyaand Syria present an example of this sce-nario. Even the drone attacks in Pakistanmay fit this case.

As compared to the Arab world, Europeis going through a different kind of trans-formation. The economic weaknesses ofEurope and US have complicated their mu-tual interdependence and global posture,especially when China and russian havecontinued to exploit the dramatic change.European economic fragility means thatthe US cannot rely on it to be the ‘go to guy’when crises emerge. Moreover, with itsown economic troubles, the US wants Eu-ropean allies to contribute more for theprotection it offers and for NATo opera-tions. While Europe was the primacy focusof attention during the Cold War, the Pa-cific theatre has replaced it in the presenttimes and allies like Japan, India, Aus-tralia, and even New Zealand, are gainingnotoriety. other smaller states in the Pa-

cific are also approaching US to safeguardthem from the provocative China.

Thus, another challenge for US for-eign policy is how to project its power intimes of economic decline, and whenthere is aversion to compromise by ac-cepting political solutions. one way ofhandling this lies in having the allies paymore for the protection US offers and forthe prevalence of threats. however, thisemphasis will ultimately lead its softpower to dissipate; the country will befeared more than it’s revered.

The question is also tied to the influenceof State Department and the defence andsecurity establishment within the Americansystem of governance. The influence of thedefence department increased dispropor-tionately since 9/11 and has overshadoweddiplomacy. The operational room for diplo-mats has continually narrowed, and theiruse has mainly come in parallel to or afterthe use of military options, not before. Con-sider, for example, the case of AmbassadorStevens in Libya. Now with the looming fis-cal cliff, the immediate debate revolvesaround how to tackle the defense spendingin tough economic times.

PoliTact presented the following assess-ment before the election:

“The grave local and global challengesbeing confronted by US are multifacetedand may not be resolvable by the politicsof election cycles. The political jockeyingcan help parties win elections, but if theyare able to actually resolve issues, is ques-tionable. In fact, the problems and chal-lenges are getting worse. If and when,America develops the will to conduct asystem level correction, it will have pro-found global implications.”

While the proponents of continuedhard power projection, the republicanParty, were defeated in the election, theystill control the house. on the other hand,the myth of influential Israeli lobby wasalso shattered with the defeat of Mitt rom-ney. however, with Blacks, Latinos, Mus-lims and Asians voting primarily forobama, a White backlash can developagainst a softer pro-immigration image ofthe US. how the American system and itsforeign policy adapt to the tremendous de-mographic change underway will also havea profound impact on if it deals hardly orsoftly with the world.

The writer is the chief analyst forPoliTact (www.PoliTact.com andhttp:twitter.com/politact) and can bereached at [email protected]

American foreign policygauging uS influence worldwide

PolitactBy Arif Ansar

Arif NizamiEditor

Lahore – Ph: 042-36298305-10 Fax: 042-36298302Karachi – Ph: 021-35381208-9 Fax: 021-35381208Islamabad – Ph: 051-2287414-6 Fax: 051-2287417

Web:www.pakistantoday.com.pk Email: [email protected]

Dedicated to the legacy of the late Hameed Nizami

Iqbal Haider is no more

the liberal lion

one peculiar standard for politicians and public

officials that pundits in the media extoll is the

impossible one of a candidate not wanting to try

for the position himself. rooted in the cryptic,

supposedly Islamic tradition of good public officials actually

being dragged to their office despite their protests that they

want no powerful position, the rather silly standard is part of

a thinly veiled anti-democracy sentiment.

Syed Iqbal haider, who passed away the other day in

Karachi, was, curiously enough, qualified by even that

standard. When the PPP wanted to make him the attorney

general of Pakistan, a mortified haider had tried to run away

from it. So much so, that finally Benazir Bhutto had to put her

foot down (angrily, according to some sources) and force him

to take the mantle of the country’s top law officer. he had also

been the law minister and the human rights minister as well.

haider himself wanted to give more time to his passion of

human rights activism, an endeavour that also saw him at the

helm of the human rights Commission of Pakistan.

A die-hard jiyala he might have been, haider was never

shy of disagreeing with his PPP . As a result, never quite

comfortable; in fact, he left the party back in 2005. And being

an Urdu-speaking, extremely anti-MQM politician wouldn’t

have made life in Karachi smooth sailing either.

he also didn’t pull any punches when it came to the military.

of late, he was a vocal proponent of punishing personnel of the

intelligence agencies for their interference in politics.

haider’s voice was always heard against any and all

injustices, no cause was too small and no adversary was too

well-entrenched. his passion for what he felt was right was

never subdued, not even till the very end of his life. In his

death, progressive and secular values have lost an untiring

champion, one whose loss would be difficult to deal with.

May the dead never die!

The beauty of the truth is that itcannot be suppressed for ever.The world history is replete with

people in authority committing crimesagainst their own people and keepingthem under wraps and ultimately fallingvictim to their own shenanigans. I call ita divine justice. The SC verdict in AsgharKhan case is one of those divine inter-ventions. The coup generals supportedby the rightists political parties, religiousentities and the reactionary elements notonly pummeled the constitution and de-stroyed the state institutions but alsomade sure that the progressive and gen-uine parties enjoying support of themasses remained away from the corri-dors of power and if voted into powerwere not allowed to complete their man-dated tenure.

The echoes about their sinister machi-nations though had been resonating sincelong but there was no authentic evidenceavailable to put them to shame. The char-acters involved in these anti-people activ-ities and unconstitutional indiscretionshave been calling shots for more than fivedecades either through their direct in-volvement in running the state affairs orbehind the scene arm-twisting tactics.They also had the audacity to deny anywrongdoing and kept posing themselvesas saviours of the people.

Nobody in his wildest of dreams hadever entertained the notion that thesepraetorian powers will ever have to ac-count for their misdeeds or face the ig-nominy of being arraigned in the courtsof law. Such was their fear and predomi-nance that even the court did not have thenerve to proceed in the writ petition filedby Asghar Khan sixteen years ago. It hadalmost become a piece of the archives.But as the proverb goes, man proposesGod disposes. The times took a dramaticturn. Musharraf committed the folly ofdeposing the SC judges which triggered acountrywide movement by the lawyersinitially for the restoration of the deposedjudges and eventually stoked into amovement for independence of judiciary;enjoying overwhelming support of thecivil society and the media. While the re-stored judges of the SC were giving toughtime to the incumbent government inmatters relating to governance and the

Nro case verdict, the ruling PPP andmedia built pressure on the judiciary totake up Asghar Khan’s petition whicheventually it did.

The short verdict announced a fewdays ago and now the detailed decisionhas confirmed the sinister conspiraciesthat were hatched to obstruct the demo-cratic process by depriving the PPP of itslegitimate right and stealing the mandateof the people. The names of the generals,the real and central characters of the plot,were already known and now an authen-tic list of the politicians who were part ofthis profane enactment have also been re-vealed. What a shame! It even includesthe name of a person who twice has beenthe prime minister of Pakistan and cur-rently is the leader of the second largestpolitical party. The verdict also raisesquestions about the legitimacy of his ruleand the decisions taken by his govern-ment after the 1990 elections.

Before and after the short verdict, theleadership of PML-N, including NawazSharif, has been vehemently denying hav-ing received money or done any thingwrong. opposition leader in the NationalAssembly Chaudhry Nisar in a press con-ference had even posed a question: whathave we done? Ahsan Iqbal also talked inthe same vein. The list also includes thename of another stalwart Javed hashmia former leader of PML-N and now VicePresident of PTI, the party promising tousher in a revolution through the much

trumpeted tsunami.one wonders where would they hide

their faces now that the SC has madepublic their names and also asked for therecovery of the amounts given to themalong with interest and appropriate legalaction against them for playing an abet-ting role in that un-constitutional ma-noeuvre by the then army chief and DGISI, reportedly at the behest of late Pres-ident Ghulam Ishaq Khan. Wait a minuet.Why would they hide their faces? Thereexists no tradition in this country ofpoliticians and people in authority feelingpangs of their conscience and expressingremorse for their misdeeds. After listen-ing to the seemingly arrogant and un-couth diatribe of General (retd) hamidGul and his taking pride in putting to-gether IJI, a proven act of sedition as perthe constitution, I am sure he and his col-leagues in the khakis will still remainadamant and remorseless. Similar behav-iour can be expected from the politiciansinvolved. They still stand a chance of get-ting away unscathed because of the legallucanaes in our investigative, prosecutionand justice system and the corruptionthat exists in these institutions. It mighttake years for the investigations to becompleted or the courts dealing withthose cases.

The SC in its verdict has unequivo-cally stated that the involved generals didwhat they did in their personal capacitiesand their respective institutions were not

involved. That probably is the most re-deeming factor of this shameless episode.The army chief in a statement issued on6 November has emphasised the need forlaw taking its own course. It is an encour-aging development. General Kayani hasalready shown his commitment to justiceby initiating court martial proceedingsagainst former generals involved in theNLC corruption case. It can, therefore, behoped that the generals involved in theformation of IJI and using public moneyto steal the public mandate will also beheld accountable and punished for theirunconstitutional actions.

As a matter of principle, the SCshould itself have taken the matter to itslogical end. The generals because of theouster class in the constitution may notbe tried in a civil court but the politiciansand other recipients of the distributedmoney identified in the affidavits of You-nis habib, General Asad Durrani andBrig (retd) hamid Saeed Akhtar can beput through an accelerated process of jus-tice before they are able to circumvent orblunt the sharp edges of the SC order.Perhaps it would be desirable to consti-tute a judicial commission like it wasdone in the memo case, mandated tocomplete its investigation within a monthand recommend punishments for thecharacters of the act. The process shouldbe completed much before the comingelections so that the people are able tomake right choices.

Truth will outwhere will the disgraced generals and politicians hide now?

By Malik Muhammad Ashraf

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A government is elected to embarkon nation building to face the challengesof future, providing employment, secu-rity, health, food and education. Whenhurricane Sandy blasted the East Coast,it led to temporary disruption of all pub-lic transportation system such as rail,road and air, including the destructionof thousands of homes and electricpower shut downs that are expected tolast for almost a week.

The world's superpower in the wordsof President obama was humbled by na-ture's destructive power, but remindedof its obligation to provide relief and se-curity to the masses. This is what democ-racy is all about and that is why

democratic system of government sur-vives in the developed world. The USelected president suspended his electioncampaign, declared an emergency ofsorts to focus on providing welfare andrestore disrupted transportation, healthand electricity systems. America wasshaken up with devastation wrecked bywhat is being termed as Super Storm ofcentury.

In sharp contrast to all this it isshocking to witness that last two succes-sive governments in Islamic republic ofPakistan have been systematically in-volved in wrecking through sheer incom-petence and institutionalized corruption,a function railway network, the national

airline, steel industry, creating the worstpower generation failure in the history ofthis country and worsening the law andorder situation across the length andbreadth of this country. For instancePIA, once the pride of Pakistan, has beenbled of additional rs100 billion in lossesand pilferage during past four years. Wehave witnessed industrial retardationand massive flight of capital and skilledhuman resources to foreign countries.

The nation's financial capitalKarachi, has been reduced to notorietyof being declared most dangerous city inAsia, where target killings has consumedmore lives than war against India, a citywhere extortion, land grabbing and kid-

napping for ransom has become a boom-ing business, patronized by those inpower and a city where law enforcementis hostage to criminal gangs organized bypolitical parties that rule the province ina coalition government. religious fanati-cism breeds because of failures of gov-ernment and ill-conceived policies ofsecurity establishment.

It is not a natural disaster that haswrecked the Pakistani nation, its peopleor their economy, but a man-made dis-aster generated by insatiable greed of itsruling elite and paid corrupt mediocritywithin civil or uniformed bureaucracy.


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Pakistan Today, 4-Shaarey FatimaJinnah, Lahore, Pakistan. Fax: +92-42-36298302.

E-mail: [email protected] should be addressed to Pakistan

Today exclusively.

Politics and aristocracyLike Karachi, the commercial hub of Pakistan and

the capital city of Sindh province, indeed, once prover-bially peaceful city, certain other areas in are experienc-ing worst kind of anarchism. The police and other lawenforcement agencies personnel are doing nothing tocontrol anarchy there; they are playing a role of silentspectators. Their crime-friendly attitude and behaviourhas not only become condemnable but also question-able in the eyes of all and sundry. how a few dozen ofdacoits and tribal outlaws in the said areas can holdhostage to our well-trained and well-equipped law en-forcement agencies’ personnel?

It is painful to reveal here that our ruling elite, amajority of whom have turned to be aristocrats duringthese four and a half years in power, are seen day in andday out busy with the auction of politics, land grabbing,encroachment and minting of money. hence, the ruleof law, peace and order, progress and prosperity in theprovince is not on their agenda.

however, from the prevalent situation it appearsthat the incumbent rulers have failed to run theprovince or they have no fear of God’s wrath becausemasses gave them a mandate to bring peace and pros-perity in the province, not to market and multiply theirmiseries which they have done.


Kalabagh dam debateA private television channel telecasted a debate on

Kalabagh dam with two representatives from Sindh be-longing to Pakistan Peoples Party and a Sindh nation-alist party as also a Pakistan Muslim League-Nawazman and a private analyst from Punjab. The debateended with a noisy match between Sindh and Punjabrepresentatives with Sindh rep objecting to Lahorehigh Court taking notice of Kalabagh dam delay basedon technical or political reasons.

While the former prime minister of PPP Mr Yousafraza Gilani was clear on the issue of Kalabagh dambeing a victim of politics. The mud raised by anti-Kal-abagh dam lobbies is based on misguided presumptionof Nowshehra being flooded and Sindh becoming adesert if Kalabagh dam was built.

As for as Lahore high Court is concerned, water is

a fundamental right of life and is squarely in the ambitof Lahore high Court. Even the Indian Supreme Courthas directed that all the Indian rivers be integrated in a$ 210 billion project over the next decade. The claimthat there is no water for Kalabagh dam is falsified thathow come Bhasha dam would have water if Kalabaghdam would have no water.

Simply making loud noises on television would nothelp matters. The World Bank paid for the feasibility ofKalabagh dam and is certified it as a viable project, theself-styled opinions of some persons notwithstanding.Nowshehra was flooded in 2010 sans Kalabagh dam, sothere is no logic in the anti-Kalabagh dam lobby.


Meera Ji: an inspiring poetMuhammed Sanaullah Sani Dar (25 May, 1912 – 3

November, 1949), also known as Meera Ji, ‘studied theWestern literary thoughts and its criticism. he alsostudied many leading poets of the West to be inspired.his descriptive criticism influenced Urdu literature andparticularly his contemporary poets. had he not beenthere, many writers and poets would not have left theirimpressions on Urdu literature’, says Prof Muhammedhasan Askari (1919-1978), a premier literary critic.

Aside from writing poems, Meera Ji was a transla-tor of outstanding merits, a critic at his best, a literarycolumnist of his own style, an editor of a literary mag-azine trying his best to delve deeper into the new tasteof literature and a broadcaster of his own. Faiz AhmedFaiz in his essay, titled, ‘Meera Ji ka fun’ (The Art ofMeera Ji) rightly pointed out that ‘ the way Meera Jihas brought the pieces of world literature to us is notmere a translation but an invention.’

Meera Ji was one of a few poets of Urdu who usedmany pen names in his writings: Sahiri, Bashir Chan,Meera Ji Almaroof Banday hasan. Noon Meem rashidgave him a title ‘Adabi Gandhi’ (Literary Gandhi). heco-edited a literary magazine, ‘Adabi Dunya’ from1938-41. he worked for all India radio, Dehli during1942-45. he also edited a literary magazine, Khayal,from 1948-49. he also wrote literary columns, titled,‘Batain’ (Talks) in the monthly Saqi, Dehli in 1944. hismany poetry collections have seen the light of the day:Meera Ji ke Geet (1933), Meera Ji ki Nazmain (1944),Geet hi Geet (1944), Paband Nazmain (1968) and Teen

rang (1968). he also wrote criticism: Mashriq waMaghrib ke Naghmain (1958) and Is Nazm Main(1944). he also did translation of the work of a Sanskritpoet as Nigar Khana (1950).

According to a research of Dr Jameel Jalibi, he diedon 03 November, 1949, at King Edward hospital, Bom-bay, and laid to rest at Merry Line graveyard at Bom-bay. Dr Jalibi ably edited his entire collection of poetryas Kulliyat-e-Meera Ji.


disaster in the uS

one can see the ongoing discussion on social medianetwork and on some TV channels exploring the reasonsbehind the superstorm Sandy which caused widespreadchaos and devastation in North America. on the surfaceit may look a general exchange of views on what the USexperienced in last few days. But that’ not end of thestory; there are people who are terming the destructionthis super-storm has brought as revenge of eternal forcesfor the Americans’ deeds. Natural calamities could hitanyone anywhere on this globe whether it’s devastatingearthquake in Pakistan (2005) wherein plus 75,000 peo-ple died or Tsunami in 2004 which brought widespreaddestruction on Ache, Indonesia killing around 170,000people while above 500,000 were left homeless.

We need to learn lessons from Sandy: how theAmericans are able to precisely predict the direction,intensity and timing of this super storm which helpedto evacuate millions of people to safety, how come theyare so quick and efficient in the repair and cleanup op-erations, how the Sandy doesn’t turn into a politicalping pong blame game among federal and state govern-ments and presidential candidates, how thousands ofvolunteers come out helping everyone in need (assomeone wrote these volunteers are unpaid, not be-cause they are worthless but they are priceless).

It’s time to sympathise with those who died in thisnatural calamity, and time to boost who braved thestorm to bring the NY stock exchange and other publicfacilities to life within two-day time.

MASOOD KHANJubail, Saudi Arabia

responsible politics

night of the generalsSitting thousands of miles away, my heart

goes out to three retired generals – the trio ledby supercilious Lt Gen (retd) Javed AshrafQazi. The other two in his team are Lt Gen(retd) Saeed-uz-Zafar and Maj Gen (retd)hamid hasan Butt. Someone has forwardedme an email in which Qazi has bewailed howthe NAB had launched a media campaign todefame him and his three associates whoserved in the railways in top positions. Qazihas erred here. he and friends didn’t serve therailways; instead, the railways served them.Yet Qazi touches my heart because of my ownreason. I am humble, modest, yet I appreciatearrogant and puffed up baloneys. They’re apleasure to watch. When Qazi gave a shut-upcall to a journalist, his stature in my yardstickof judging swollen-headed men went up manynotches. Well done, sir, I am proud of you.

While Qazi is abrasive, his comradeSaeed-uz-Zafar is soft spoken. Speaking softly,he suggested the nation to vote for someonewho is neither he nor she. Well done again,general. Will the trio only face hard questionsor will they be made to pay for the loss theycaused to the railways? remember when thechips in the stock market fall, the institutionsstep in to buoy it up. If the retired generals gounder, will their institution bail them out?

DR A P SANGDILOslo, Norway

let go, Mr raisaniAccording to media reports, Speaker

Balochistan Assembly has refused to conveneassembly session on the advice of chief min-ister secretariat. Party membership of ChiefMinister Balochistan has been suspended forthree months by Kalat district PPP presidentfor going against PPP policies. This meansthere is revolt against Mr raisani in theparty. The Supreme Court of Pakistan has al-ready given a clear verdict about the failureof the provincial government in the matter ofgovernance. This is a grave situation for theprovince. People want to know what justifi-cation there is for Mr Aslam raisani to con-tinue as the executive head of the provincialgovernment under these circumstances.Balochistan is facing serious political andconstitutional challenges. It is time for thefederal government to intervene in the inter-est of people of the province.


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IT is not often that Bollywoodopenly criticises politicians orbrands them as corrupt. But thistime around, veteran actorParesh rawal has done just that,

and in no uncertain words.“Sometimes, I want to become a Nax-

alite, take a gun and shoot these politi-cians. They are third-rate, shamelesspeople without any morality,” the 62-year-old actor reportedly said at a publicevent in Pune recently. rawal was refer-ring to the high levels of corruption in thepolitical system and added, “What aboutthe plight of the common man? how willthey even manage to survive?”

rawal’s comment has found the sup-port of a section of the film fraternity.“More than what he has said, it is time tothink that even someone as non-contro-versial and responsible as Paresh bhai isso frustrated that he has spoken outopenly,” says filmmaker Anees Bazmee,who has known rawal for more than 20years and worked with him in severalfilms. “Paresh bhai wouldn’t have done it

to be in the limelight, he doesn’t need to,”feels Bazmee.

Agrees trade expert Joginder Tuteja,

who says that rawal never uses hiscelebrity status to garner publicity forhimself. “he has been an apolitical per-

son and his life has revolved around hiswork. This statement has been madefrom the common man’s point of view.”Trade expert Atul Mohan is happy thatrawal brought this matter up. “he is justusing his celebrity status to voice the con-cerns of the common man because other-wise these go unheard,” says Mohan.

however, trade expert Taran Adarshfeels that someone as experienced as rawalshould not have lost his cool. “he has defi-nitely gone too far,” says Adarsh. LeonardoDiCaprio’s supermodel ex Erin heathertontalks about split Supermodel Erin heather-ton has said that she’s having the best timesince splitting up from Leonardo DiCaprio.“I couldn’t feel more beautiful with all myfriends. It’s wonderful,” Us magazinequoted her as saying. When news ofheatherton’s split with the Great Gatsbystar broke, a source said that there is no badblood between the exes. “They still careabout each other a lot.” According to thesource, the reason the couple split was be-cause “they’re both just really busy. Theyhad crazy schedules.” nEws DEsk

I want to shoot these politicians,says an irate Paresh Rawal

secret lover: Mick Jagger's 60s lettersto American singer go up for auction

A series of passionate love letterswritten by Mick ¬Jagger in 1969 areto be auctioned next month.

The rolling Stone sent the notes,said by Sotheby’s to reveal himas a “poetic and self-aware” 25-year-old, to his then secretlover, American singer Marshahunt. Marsha, now 66, went onto have 69-year-old Jagger’sfirst child, Karis, and inspiredthe Stones’ 1971 hit Brown

Sugar. She is selling the lovenotes to raise funds for ¬repairs to

her French home.“The letters speak for Mick at anincredible juncture of our lives,” said

Marsha. “our delicate loveaffair remains as much

part of his secrethistory as his

concerns over thedeath of BrianJones.” The 10letters, alongwith songlyrics, are

expected to fetch up to £100,000. - ASETLIST scribbled on an envelope byElvis Presley for one of his final shows inLas Vegas is tipped to sell for £4,000 at anauction in LA. Elton john to become fatherfor a second timeElton John and David Furnish will havetheir hands full this Christmas, as thecouple are said to be expecting theirsecond child. The pair have one sonalready, Zachary, and tabloid reportstoday suggest that the millionaire couplewill expand their family before the end ofthe year with the help of a surrogate mum.It is believed that the same woman hasacted as surrogate for both children. "Theyare over the moon," says a surrogacysource to The Sun newspaper, beforediscussing the unknown woman withwhom the pair have an arrangement."Elton and David love this lady like asister and they feel indebted to her for life."Naturally she has been well rewarded.But her identity will never be revealed."Elton has spoken previously of his fearsover the homophobia Zachary will facegrowing up. nEws DEsk

Javier Bardemreceives hollywoodWalk of Fame starSpanish actor Javier Bardem, who plays the vil-lain in latest Bond film Skyfall, has re-ceived a star on the hollywoodWalk of Fame. The 43-year-old, who is married to fellowSpanish star PenelopeCruz, received the honourThursday where he ad-mitted he was so em-barrassed to behonoured with theprestigious acco-lade, reports con-tactmusic.com.According toeonl ine .com,Javier's accept-ance speech wasfull of humourand he even pokedfun at his broken nose,which he reportedly re-ceived in a bar fight severalyears ago. he said: "Javier Bar-dem Day. That's so cool. Andwhat's that like? Does everyonehave to walk with a brokennose around hollywoodBoulevard?" Javier follows inthe footsteps of his wife, whoreceived her hollywood starin April 2011. She was, how-ever, not present at her hus-band's ceremony. nEws DEsk

Scarlett Johanssontalks sex appealwhile naked inshower for Hitchcock

Scarlett Johansson is taking the sexappeal thing to a whole new level with hernew movie hitchcock, particularly withthe shower scene. hitchcock isn’t quitethe glamorous movie an actress wouldhave an easy time with. Johansson,however, said that it wasn’t exactly abother, even though she had to spendsome time all wet and all naked in theshower while waiting for Anthonyhopkins to step in with a 12-inch kitchenknife. “We only had the luxury to shootthe scene for a day, and everybody wasfeeling very nervous because it involvedwater and nobody wants the actor to getwet,” the Mirror quoted ScarlettJohansson as telling V Magazine. “Theywere concerned with modesty and allthese things – but I don’t care about anyof that stuff and Janet Leigh never dideither,” she said. Johansson talked abouther body and sexuality, explaining that alllittle girls are aware of their sex appeal. “Ithink probably more so when they’repubescent. I mean I remember being anextremely flirtatious little girl. I likedboys,” she said. She believes she wasinspired by certain movies she saw whenshe was a girl. “I loved Judy Garland andI loved these rodgers and hammersteinmusicals and I had this idea of romance –the dream girl getting the dream guy –and all that stuff,” she added. nEws DEsk

Academy award nominee Mark Wahlberg has been roped into play the main lead in Michael Bay's highly anticipateddirectorial venture Tranformers 4. He replaces ShiaLaBeouf who played the main lead in the last three films.The duo is reuniting after their upcoming Pain And Gain,and Bay is looking forward to working with Wahlberg."Mark is awesome. We had a blast working on Pain AndGain and I'm so fired up to be back working with him.An actor of his calibre is the perfect guy to re-invigoratethe franchise and carry on the legacy of Transformers,"Bay said in a statement. Transformers 4, the latest inthe popular sci-fi action series, will hit theaters onJune 27, 2014. The shooting will begin in spring 2013.To be produced by Paramount Pictures, a division ofViacom, Inc., the movie will be distributed in India byViacom18 Motion Pictures. Bay's first Transformersfilm was a box office sensation in 2007, as it earnedover $700 million worldwide. Second instalmenttitled Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen (2009),grossed more than $830 million worldwide. And in2011 came third movie in the franchise. TitledTransformers: Dark Of The Moon, it grossed over abillion dollars. News Desk

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Madhuri–Prabhudheva toreunite on-screen?

MADHURI Dixit and Prabhudheva are considered

the gods of dance in the Indian film industry

and their last dance number Que sera sera from

Pukar (2000) could be seen as a testament to that title.

The song was shot more than twelve years ago but is

popular even today and used as a yardstick for good

choreographing. which is perhaps why the makers of the

upcoming film ABCD — AnyBody Can Dance, UTV Motion

Pictures and choreographer-turned-director Remo

D’souza wants Madhuri and Prabhudheva to do a dance

number in the film. An insider says, “No one can dance

as well as Madhuri and Prabhudheva and it would be a

great honour to have them in the film. The movie is

about dance and to have these two stalwarts showing off

their moves in the film would add great value. while

Prabhudheva is already doing a cameo in the film,

Madhuri has been approached for the dance number with

him. she was interested and has conveyed the same to

the makers. But her dates need to be worked out. The

shoot is scheduled for the end of the month.” newS DeSK

FIR lodged against Oh MyGod director, producers

MosT An fIR has been lodged in Ajmer city

against the director and producers of Bollywood

film oh My God for allegedly hurting religious

sentiments. film director Umesh shukla, producers

Akshay kumar, Paresh Rawal, Ashvini Yardi and manager

of a local cinema hall have been named in the fIR

registered at Civil Lines police station in Ajmer, police said

today. They have been booked under section 295 A

(deliberate and malicious acts, intended to outrage

religious feelings) and section 298 (uttering words etc

with deliberate intent to wound religious feelings) of the

IPC. The case was filed last week by one Munna Lal, police

said, adding that they are probing the matter. newS DeSK

Is Veena Malik B-town’snew serial kisser?

If actor Veena Malik has her way, she might take

away the title of Bollywood’s ‘serial kisser’ from

actor emraan Hashmi. No, there is not going to be

a competition between the actors to determine the new

kissing star, but Veena is going to try to bag the raunchy

title through her latest film. Apparently, the actor is

planning to set a Guinness Book of world Record through

maximum kisses in a film in her upcoming movie — The

City That Never sleeps, which has been produced by

satish Reddy and directed by Haroon Rashid. As for the

unique world record attempt, Veena says, “I think kisses

are very important and ridiculously beautiful expressions.

It is such a beautiful expression of how kisses of all kinds

can cure the world with love. It’s great to be a part of

Guinness Book of world Record. I just want to warn all

the heroes to be careful, as here comes the B-town super

serial kisser.” The Pakistani actor tops the list for the

most number of on-screen liplocks, pushing actor

Priyanka Chopra to the second spot and actor kareena

kapoor to the third position. newS DeSK

Justin bieber andSelena Gomezhave broken up Pop star Justin Bieber and hisgirlfriend, Selena Gomez, aDisney actress and singer, havebroken up, ending a relationshipthat made them one ofhollywood's most high-profileyoung couples, media reportssaid. Bieber, 18, and Gomez, 20,disclosed their relationship inFebruary 2011 when theyappeared together at an oscarnight party after months ofrumours of their dating. E!online late on Friday was thefirst to report the split, withother media outlets including USWeekly and People also sayingthe relationship was over. Thereports cited unnamed sourcesclose to the couple.representatives for Bieber andGomez did not returns calls oremails on Saturday. Bieber hasreleased two No. 1 albums in justover a year - the holiday-themed"Under the Mistletoe" and hislatest, "Believe." In September,he topped Billboard's "21 Under21" list of top young musicalacts. It was his second year in arow with the title. Gomez rose tofame as a teenager in the WaltDisney Co television series"Wizards of Waverly Place" andhas enjoyed success as a popsinger. nEws DEsk

GIrLS desperate to meettheir idols were sentpacking when they arrivedat the shopping centre inShepherd's Bush this

morning after meet and greet wristbandswere dished out ahead of schedule.The sisters had agreed to signautographs for the first 500 fans in linebut the Kardashian website discouragedfans from camping out overnight,claiming that the queue would open at7am and wristbands would be given outfrom 9am. however, with more than 500 hardcorefans already queuing outside the DorothyPerkins store in Westfield last night,security staff were forced to abolish theoriginal plan.Just before 9pm yesterday eveningWestfield tweeted that 500 people werealready queuing for wristbands andstated that those who arrived afterwardswould not get a chance to meet theKardashian trio after all. Shopping centre staff were then forced tocome up with a contingency plan tosafely house the overnight campers.Justifying their decision to waver fromthe original plan of action, the mall'sofficial Twitter account added: 'Westfieldhas a duty of care to look after our guestsand the decision was made to de-mark

the first 500 people for safety reasons.'Upon hearing the news, the reality TVstars then did all they could to appeasethe masses of disgruntled fans.Khloe tweeted: 'Kourt Kim and I will seeas many dolls as we can! We love ourdolls!!!'The X Factor USA presenter later postedan apology on her website under the title'To our London Fans'.It read: 'We’ve already had such anamazing response to our signing atWestfield London today and are soexcited to see everyone! 'We can’t believe how many incrediblefans are waiting outside (severalthousand!) 'In order to keep everyone safe, Westfieldhad to action a contingency plan forthose who stood in line overnight andallowed those people to stay in thecarpark.' She continued: 'Anyone not already thereis of course still welcome to come outtoday, but I wanted to send a personalmessage to make sure everyone stayssafe!'And after the gruelling day of autographsigning and endless pleasantries, shetweeted: 'Wow what an incredible day!!!Thank you for everyone who came out tosee us!!! I will always remember my 1sttrip to London :)' nEws DEsk


KarDasHIan KollecTIon launcH

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Monday, 12 november, 2012

The upright sleeper may be thedumbest invention of the year

JUDGING by the market in napping-assistance products, Americans are gettingreally weird. First there was the ostrich

Pillow, a strap-on piece of upholstery meant toenable you to sleep at your desk or while traveling.Did you think that was the weirdest sleep-assistance contraption of the year? Nope. Enter theUpright Sleeper by New Mexico’s WorldwideComfort Solutions. The contraption, whichresembles something out of a lost S&M dungeon,just won an “Innovation Award” from Sky Mall.We’re pretty sure the biggest innovation isconvincing people to spend $46 for a device to helpthem fall asleep on a plane. Essentially anadjustable neck brace, the Upright Sleeper helpsyou sleep without lying down (like your high-school math class!). The device allows you to avoidthat awkward moment when you’re passed outdrooling on the poor person next to you. of course,the humiliation of wearing a brace to nap will last alifetime, since we imagine anyone with an iPhonewill be snapping pics. newS DeSK

airline seeks better smelling pilots, sniffs jobseekers’ armpits

ChINA’S fourth largest airline recentlytraveled to the Shanxi province to sniff outpotential pilots. Literally. hainan Airlines

stipulated that they would not hire pilots with badbody odor, and the recruiters put their noses up tothe jobseekers’ pits to make sure no odor wentundetected, SZNews reported on Monday. It mightseem weird to raise a stink about a pilot’s body odor,but one recruiter justifed the sniff test by explainingthat airline staff works closely with the public. “Nopassenger wants to smell a pilot’s armpits,” therecruiter said, according to oddity Central. “And ifthey can keep their cool in this test, they aren’t goingto sweat in the cockpit.” The requirement was reallythe pits for one applicant, who passed every othertest with flying colors, only to fail the odor exam. “Iwas doomed by my armpits, which are always a bitwhiffy,” the unidentified recruit said, according toorangeNews.newS DeSK

IT’S not easy to predict exactlyhow increased greenhousegases in our atmosphere willaffect global weather patterns,which is one of the main rea-

sons climate change deniers have beenable to sow doubt, but scientists are get-ting closer all the time; recent researchfunded by NASA reveals that we shouldexpect the worst case scenario indecades to come.

In their study A Less Cloudy Future:The role of Subtropical Subsidence inClimate Sensitivity published in the mostrecent issue of Science, John Fasullo andKevin Trenberth warn that sophisticatedclimate models that accurately capturethe complicated process associated withrelative humidity and weather patternsreveal that global temperatures could riseby as much as 7 degrees F by the end ofthe 21st century.


There are roughly two dozen climate pro-jection models around the planet thateach use a different data set to predicthow increased carbon dioxide and othergreenhouse gases will change the planet’sweather patterns. These models pre-dictably have different results that havemade it difficult to know exactly howmuch temperatures are expected to rise.

But Fasullo and Trenberth, who workfor the National Center for Atmosphericresearch (NCAr), wrote that projectionsshowing a greater rise in global tempera-ture are probably more accurate.

“There is a striking relationship be-tween how well climate models simulaterelative humidity in key areas and howmuch warming they show in response toincreasing carbon dioxide,” Fasullo says.

“Given howfundamental theseprocesses are to clouds and the over-all global climate, our findings indicatethat warming is likely to be on the highside of current projections.”


“The most common benchmark for com-paring model projections is equilibrium cli-mate sensitivity (ECS), or the amount ofwarming that eventually occurs in a modelwhen carbon dioxide is doubled over prein-dustrial values. At current rates of globalemission, that doubling will occur well be-fore 2100,” according to the University Cor-poration for Atmospheric research.

For the last three decades, ECS valuesfrom various models have ranged from 3

degrees F and 8 degrees F, which hasmade accurate predictions impossible.Most scientists have urged governmentsto cut emissions in order to avoid temper-atures rising above 2 degrees, beyondwhich the planet is expected to be largelyuninhabitable.

relying on observations from twoNASA satellite instruments — the Atmos-pheric Infrared Sounder (AIrS) andClouds and Earth’s radiant Energy Sys-tem (CErES) – and used a NASA dataanalysis, the Modern-Era retrospectiveAnalysis for research and Applications(MErrA), Fasullo and Trenberth foundthat models that incorporate relative hu-midity into their projections are more re-liable than those that don’t.


“Estimates based on observations showthat the relative humidity in the dry zonesaverages between about 15 and 25 per-cent, whereas many of the models de-picted humidities of 30 percent or higherfor the same period, according to UCAr.

“The models that better capture theactual dryness were among those with thehighest ECS, projecting a global temper-ature rise for doubled carbon dioxide ofmore than 7 degrees F.”

A rise of 7 degrees F will have a cata-strophic effect on life. Extreme weatherevents will become more fierce, drycountries such as most of those in theMiddle East and North Africa will bake,and sea levels will swallow swaths ofland. newS DeSK

Researchers warn about worse climatechange

News keeps getting worse for Denise helms, the 22-year-old California woman whose racist,threatening Facebook status about President Barack obama went viral this week. helms has

since been fired from her job at a Turlock, Calif., Cold Stone Creamery, and the Secret Service isnow looking into her comments. “Another 4 years of this (N-word),” helms wrote on her Facebook

Tuesday night. “Maybe he will get assassinated this term.” Sacramento’s Fox 40 news crew caughtup with an unapologetic helms on Wednesday. “I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal,” she

said. “The assassination part is kind of harsh. I’m not saying like I would go do that or anything likethat, by any means, but if it was to happen, I don’t think I’d care one bit.” She then took to Facebook

to defend herself, according to The Modesto Bee. So apparently my post last night aboutobama got onto Twitter and Fox 40 came and interviewed me cause apparently a lot of

people in Sacramento think I’m crazy and racist. WoW is all I got to say!! I’m notracist and I’m not crazy. just simply stating my opinion.!!!” her Facebookaccount has since been deactivated. helm’s supervisor, Turlock Cold StoneCreamery store director Chris Kegle, told The Bee that he was shocked to read

about his employee’s comments, which he said do not line up with hiscompany’s values. “We found her comments to be very disgusting,” Keglesaid. “We made the decision [to fire her] because of her comments, but also

the community feedback. We are very into working with the community anddoing community service. So when your community does not like you

because of an employee, that’s bad. We have a business to run.” ColdStone’s Twitter feed was besieged by angry tweets, and the company hasworked hard to disassociate itself with helms. newS DeSK

Farm Town, a facebook game hashelped a woman to find a new kidney,the yahoo news reported on Saturday.

Lisa Miller has a powerful retortto anyone who says the Facebookgame “Farm Town” is a waste oftime; it literally helped her save awoman’s life.

A screenshot from the gameFarm Town (Facebook)”We juststarted chatting away and shestarted telling me about her daugh-ter,” Miller told CBS Atlanta. As itturned out, the Idaho woman’sdaughter was in desperate need of akidney transplant.

Miller then befriended “Tiffany,”who is in her late 20’s and asked towithhold her full-name. “I reallyneeded to help her out,” Miller said.

“She struck me to move forwardand help her. I don’t know what itwas about her.” In some ways, it

makes sense that Miller was willingto reach out to someone she met ona Facebook game. After all, FarmTown is a farming simulation gamethat leans heavily on cooperation be-

tween human players, to plant andharvest their respective crops.

Miller says she used her Face-book account to reach out to friendand potential donors for three years,

but had come up empty-handed inher search. In fact, it was two olderforms of communication that finallyprovided a match: the telephone andface-to-face conversation. Miller’shusband Chris overheard his wifetalking to Tiffany about the kidneysearch. “She asked me, ‘Do you wantto get tested?’ I said, ‘Sure.’ I didn’tthink anything of it,” Chris said.

As it turned out, Chris Miller wasa perfect match. “She needs a betterlife. She’s on dialysis twice a weekand it’s the right thing to do,” hesaid. And now the surgery is sched-uled for January. A fund-raiser willbe held on Saturday at the WildWing Cafe in Gainesville, Florida tohelp the Millers and Tiffany pay forcosts related to the surgery.

“It’s really awesome because Ican share it with him and her,” LisaMiller said. newS DeSK

Facebook Farm Town game helps woman find a new kidney

Woman fired over making racist

Facebook comments about Obama

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Monday, 12 november, 2012

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Sania was a great singlestalent, says Sharapova


Aday that meanderedthrough its first two ses-sions after the fashion ofSouth Africa's batsmen be-came positively lively as

Australia's batsmen first stumbled thencounter-attacked against Dale Steyn andMorne Morkel, reported ESPNcricinfo.

The vulnerability of the Australiantop three had been widely noted, and theywere guaranteed a torrid introduction tothis series from the moment Ben hilfen-haus deigned to pitch repeatedly shortwhen bowling to his opposite numbers.

replying to 450, a tally reached withless aggressive intent than might havebeen expected after the second day waslost completely to rain, Australia were inall kinds of bother at 3 for 40 as Steynand Morkel took advantage of flawedjudgement from David Warner, the debu-tant rob Quiney and ricky Ponting. Butthe opener Ed Cowan and the captainMichael Clarke then responded to theiradverse circumstances with plenty ofverve, ensuring an unhappy entry to Testbowling for rory Kleinveldt and leavingthe hosts in better shape at 3 for 111 whenstumps arrived.

They had one major reprieve in theday's penultimate over when Cowan'sglove tickled a Morkel delivery angleddown the leg side from around the wicket.The umpire Asad rauf was not convincedby South Africa's appeal, and their refer-ral of the decision failed to pass the firsthurdle when the third umpire richardKettleborough deduced a no-ball. It wasa desperately close call, and may yetprove a critical one for Cowan and Aus-tralia.

South Africa had earlier had a chanceto shut out Australia from the match, butfrom an imposing 3 for 374, the visitorshad lost 6 for 76 in the face of improvedbowling. Jacques Kallis' innings was as-tute and efficient until its final ball, buthis departure stripped South Africa of thebatsman who struck the best balance be-

tween attack and defence. AB de Villiers,Jacques rudolph and Vernon Philanderall soaked up a lot of balls for few runs,allowing Australia to feel more confidentof their bowling even as the tally crept to-wards 450.

Facing up to a second new ball thathad been due since Friday, hashim Amlaand Kallis began carefully, as hilfenhausand James Pattinson found a far betterlength than they had on the first morn-ing. Amla was particularly reserved, buton 99 lashed out at Pattinson and theboundary sliced through gully had himsaluting a third hundred against Australiain as many Tests.

Amla's celebration was muted, his in-tent to go well beyond the century mark,but on 104 Siddle pinned him on thecrease with a delivery seaming back. Aus-tralia's appeal was beseeching, rauf's fin-ger was raised, and Amla exited withoutcalling for a review. had he done so, thedecision would have been reversed, asball tracking showed a path going overthe stumps after Amla was struck on theknee roll.

Kallis reached his century by pushinghilfenhaus through midwicket, and con-tinued to bat with unhurried insouciance.At one point he shaped to avoid a Pattin-son bouncer before waving his bat at it ashe crouched, but it was a rare lapse.Nathan Lyon delivered a teasing spell inthe 45 minutes up to lunch, finding turnas well as bounce, and encouraged Clarketo keep him on for an extended residencythrough the afternoon.

Kallis' progress to 150 seemedstraightforward when the day resumed,until Pattinson extracted some extrabounce to force an airborne forcingstroke that skewed to an alert rob Quineyat gully. In his next over Pattinson struckagain, de Villiers playing another over-eager forcing stroke that was pouched atpoint by David Warner.

rudolph and Philander then engagedin a diffident partnership that reapedonly 26 runs in a little more than 12overs, leaving many to wonder whatSouth Africa's innings goal had become.

Philander ultimately fenced at Peter Sid-dle and snicked the first slips catch of thematch, before rudolph was done in theair by Lyon and collected at cover.

Steyn might have joined them infalling lbw, but unlike Amla his decisionto refer rauf's verdict from hilfenhaus'bowling found the ball passing well overthe top of the stumps. his and Morkel'sexits after tea followed a lively 15 minutesin which Kleinveldt struck a pair of sixesand hilfenhaus did his best to discomfortSouth Africa's spearheads.

he peppered Steyn with short balls,including one that struck him a painfulblow on his bowling shoulder. Morkel re-ceived similar treatment, and it was soonapparent that this passage had largelyserved to add fire - if any more wasneeded - to the South African bowlers.

Presented with a little less than a ses-sion to bat, Australia's initial responsewas poor. Warner never convinced, as hecould make very little of his first few de-liveries from Philander before pushing ata swift Steyn offering angled across himand edging into the slips cordon.Quiney's first ball brought an unflusteredpull shot, but his second brought an edgeat catchable height through a vacantfourth slip, and his reluctance to let theball go was clear.

Morkel was brought on for Philander,and in his first over Quiney hooked un-wisely, arrowing a catch to Steyn on thefine leg rope. Steyn tossed the ball in theair while he ensured he would not stepover the boundary, and completed thecatch before pumping his fist as thoughthe wicket was his own.

Ponting's stay was briefest of all.Pushing out firmly at a Morkel deliverythat could have been left alone, he offereda chance happily accepted by Kallis todrop Australia to 3 for 40. It was the sortof scoreline that had threatened to cometo pass given the fragility of the hosts'batting, and had Clarke in to face a still-new ball despite his reluctance to exposehimself to it at No. 3.

Through this period Australia's majorsource of sustenance came from Cowan.

A target of much speculation before thematch, he showed a simple but effectivemethod, leaving the ball well, eschewingfront-foot drives and leaning heavily onthe pull and cut strokes. he showed a bet-ter balance between attack and defence

than he managed at times in his firstseven Tests, taking a particular liking toKleinveldt's shortish length, and showedhimself capable of matching wits with thebowlers who had so inconvenienced therest of the top four.

Advantage S Africa after hosts' top order stumbles


Australia debutant rob Quiney would nothave had an inkling that some of his thoughtsduring Australia A's match against the touringSouth Africans in Sydney would apply toJacques Kallis. But they do.

After being dismissed for 85, Quiney sug-gested that scoring a hundred was just a start-ing point for batsmen these days and thatpeople who mattered looked for "big scoresand for people to bat for long periods of time".he meant it in terms of his own quest for se-lection and probably with the knowledge thatprevious players have accumulated first-classrun tallies into the thousands before they werepicked for the national side.

on the other side of the divide is Kallis, astalwart of the South African game who hasachieved so much that some would argue hehas nothing left to prove. Yet, that statementapplies aptly to him because recently, a hun-dred has not been enough.

Since his first double-century - remark-ably it came after 142 Tests - Kallis has beenclose to unstoppable. he has scored six hun-dreds in 13 matches, including another dou-ble-ton and three knocks of over 140. It couldbe a sign of the times, as Quiney hinted, or amaturing of Kallis the batsman, but his wantfor better scores is insatiable.

Kallis could not quite put his finger onwhat has brought about this run."I've justbeen batting really well for the last couple ofyears," he said. "I've been really comfortable,my strike-rate has been higher and I have hada bit of luck as well."

While there may not be an exact scienceto identify what brought about Kallis' recentform, two things stand out as clear motivatingfactors which weren't there in the past. he iseither spurred on by team situations whichcall for his leadership, or by the confidence of

the man at the other end of the wicket. Mostoften that person is hashim Amla, and he hasplayed a telling role in Kallis' form.

The first instance was demonstratedagainst India at Newlands in 2010. SouthAfrica faced a series defeat at home, going intothe contest at 1-1 against the then No.1 rankedside in the world. At 34 for 2 in the first in-nings, Kallis walked in and his knock of 161took them to safety. Although he suffered aside strain in that match, he returned to scoreanother hundred in the second innings andwas instrumental in the eventual draw.

his next big score was his second double-century, against Sri Lanka at Newlands.Again, South Africa had a series on the lineand were in trouble early at 56 for 2. Kallishad the poise of Alviro Petersen and the au-dacity of AB de Villiers to partner him throughto 224.

At the oval in July, Amla's role became

evident. As he was crafting his way to a recordtriple-century, Kallis carved out an unbeaten182. Later, Dale Steyn revealed Kallis' selfless-ness when he said Kallis had told the dressingroom that he didn't want the time to go on tocomplete a third double-hundred, and wouldprefer Graeme Smith to declare if it meant theteam would win. The Brisbane hundred is thefourth big score and again it was with Amlaalongside him. The pair has now becomeSouth Africa's leading partnership of all timewhich is an indicator that the two are comfort-able batting together.

For a lot of his career, Kallis has not hada stable No.3 above him. The revolving doorhas seen the likes of Gary Kirsten, Daryll Cul-linan, Smith, Jacques rudolph and BoetaDippenaar pass through it, and none besidesKirsten enjoyed a fruitful pairing with Kallis.Some, like Smith, were there only to bidetime. others, like Dippenaar, were going to betoo fragile to establish themselves in the rolepermanently. With that in mind, Kallis had tobecome the default repairer in case thingswent wrong in the rest of the line-up.

his approach had to often steer to theconservative. once Amla had planted rootsinto the No.3 spot, Kallis started to show moreflamboyance a bit more regularly.

Kallis' centuries are almost perfectly splitinto two halves: those which came beforeAmla arrived, and those that were scoredafter. Kallis played for 11 years before Amlafeatured in the team and scored 23 centuriesin that period. Since Amla cemented his placein the South African side, in 2006, Kallis hasscored 21 Test tons.

Amla's presence has contributed to theoverall stability of South Africa's line-up. WithSmith a long-time opener and De Villiers alsobuilding towards a decade as an internationalcricketer, South Africa's line-up has taken ona familiarly dependable shape.

Amla, the secret of kallis' prolific run? off-field trouble part of

cricketer's life: GayleneWsDesk

Chris Gayle's return to the West Indies ranks has been a happy one. he hastucked a Test century and a world title under his belt since June this yearwhen the 15-month impasse with the WICB ended. he's also worldlier, notjust from playing all the Twenty20 leagues, but for being equipped to dealwith every aspect of cricket administration, an aspect he thinks is a "part oflife" as an international cricketer."We are playing international cricket, so there's going to be issues to dealwith on and off the field," Gayle said. "As a player you have to know how todeal with things around your career. You have to be strong-minded to getthe job done. It is part of life."Following the 2011 World Cup, the Gayle-WICB saga came to a head afterGayle criticised the selectors. he was first dropped for the visits of Pakistanand India to the Caribbean and was also ignored for the tour to Bangladeshin october. he went on to miss series against India, Australia and Englandfrom November 2011 to June this year, West Indies having won just 14 out ofthe 47 international matches during this latest stint away from the team. Thestandoff was only broken when he and his agent met the selectors in St Vin-cent, following which the WICB picked him for the limited-overs leg of theEngland tour. Despite the return, Gayle has said that off-field issues are en-demic, and it has to be dealt with. "We will always have these things to dealwith off the field, every particular board is going to have problems. It issomething we have to live with."Gayle has made it count though. he made 150 and another half-century overtwo Tests against New Zealand earlier this year and he has averaged above50 in oDIs and Twenty20s since his return. And he's been having fun in thedressing-room too."If you don't have fun, you'll struggle in international cricket. I am enjoyingit, it's good to be back and contributing at the top of the order. hopefully inthe next couple of years, things can get better from a personal point of view.I will try and entertain as much as possible," said Gayle who turned 33 dur-ing the World Twenty20 in Sri Lanka, a tournament that saw West Indiesback on the winners' podium after 33 years.Gayle said he can look back to the tournament with fond memories, but isnow more inclined to focus on Test cricket. "It is great, to get that milestoneof winning the World T20," he said. "This is something that I can look backin the future and say I was a part of it. This is just another target we can set,and do better in the longer form of the game. That has been our major chal-lenge in the last couple of years."

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Page 16: e-paper pakistantoday 12th November, 2012

PUnJaB international sPorts Festival

Sports 16

Monday, 12 november, 2012


PAKISTAN with five goldmedals in different events isat the top of the leaderboardof the Punjab InternationalYouth Festival 2012 being

held here on Sunday.Although Pakistan was ahead in the

Indo-Pak Games with title win inwrestling, the teams of both the Punjabswere going neck and neck in the remain-ing events with India winning the hockeyseries and the home team taking the tugof war title.

The Pakistan having won three goldmedals in ju-jitsu and one each in fist-ball women and baseball men is holdingthe fort at the top and is followed byIran with two gold medals in ju-jitsu.

The day started with a 2-1 win forSerbia in its festival football matchagainst Punjab Greens. The first everEuropean football team to visit Pak-istan, won all of its pool matches toqualify for the final. Serbian team edgedaside Punjab Greens by two goals toone. Punjab Greens of Pakistan wasleading the match by one goal and the

lone goal of the side was manipulated byMohammad Arif while Serbia camefrom behind to first not only level thescore but also sneaked to 2-1 win. Arifprovided authority to the Punjab teamin the fifth minute of the match but thehome side wilted later to give Serbia anedge of two goals. Masik of Serbia lev-eled the score in the 61st minute of thematch and later in the 81st minute hau-rtan Janik scored the most importantgoal of the match.

In ju-jitsu, Pakistan players tookthree gold medals to lead the medals

table while Iran was placedsecond while Mauritius got one silverand a bronze. And Iraq, South Koreaand Kyrgyzstan shared one bronze each.

on the fourth day of the interna-tional festival, Sri Lanka defeatedAfghanistan 16-1. Nauveen of Sri Lankamanaged three while Arish, Chameer,Naurishan, Sameer and Krishan sharedtwo scores each. Mohammad Arslan wasthe lone scorer of the Afghanistan side.

In the touch ball event of the festi-val, Afghanistan hammered Nepal withtwo goals to one while Pakistan got walk

over against Somalia and Sri Lankathrashed Nepal eight goals to one.

Meanwhile, in the Pakistan andIndia Dosti hockey Cup, the team fromacross the border clinched the threematch series by winning the last matchhere at the Johar hockey Stadium.

The Indian Punjab team hit theboard three times and allowed PakistanPunjab forwards to penetrate throughtheir defence only for once. India Pun-jab was in control of the match at thefirst half with 2-1 lead and later it addedanother goal to consolidate its position

in the match.Chief organiser of the Youth Festi-

val and Deputy Speaker rana MashoodAhmed Khan was the chief guest of theday at the Johar Stadium while UsmanAnwar, Director General Sports andYouth Affairs Punjab was also presenton the occasion.

Meanwhile, Pakistan Punjab laid torest the Indian Punjab tug of war teamby winning the encounter with straight2-0 margin. They did not let their rivalsstable on their feet and pulled them offnot only once but twice.

Indian Punjab clinch

kabaddi final

LAHORE: In a most stimulating andbreath-taking final encounter of the PunjabInternational Sports Festival 2012 betweenPakistan and India, the visiting team tookaway the title 45-43 coming from behindhere at the Punjab Stadium on Sundaynight. Pakistan team was leading the major-ity of the first half of the match and wasfully enjoyed by former Prime Minister andPakistan Muslim League President MianMohammad Nawaz Sharif.After keenly-watching the first session ofthe match and introduction with the playersof both the teams Main Nawaz left to re-solve his personal engagements while ranaMashood Ahmed Khan, deputy speaker andchief organizer Sports and Youth Festivaland Usman Anwar, Director General Sportsand Youth Affairs Punjab distributed theprizes among the winners. Also present onthe occasion was MPA Malik Pervaiz.Pakistan team took early lead and main-tained it till the closing minutes of the firstsession but India fought back quite well andtook control of the proceeding 24-22.After a tit for tat first session, the secondsession was also of fluctuating fortunes.Pakistan again came in the match in thesecond session but on a number of time outappeals and replayed handed India lead andin the end the visiting team won the matchwith two points difference. PReSS ReleASe

grEg riTCHiE in TroUBLE ovEr rACisT rEMArksneWsDesk

Cricket Australia has conceded it is notappropriate for Greg ritchie to speak atits cricket venues, after he admitted tousing racially offensive and anti-Muslimlanguage during a speech at the Gabbaon Friday.

however it has emerged that ritchieis scheduled to also appear at Adelaideoval's Test match dinner on November20, and the South Australian Cricket As-sociation has no intention of taking himoff the bill.

ritchie was booked as a guestspeaker for a Gabba Members' Clublunch on the first day of the Test againstSouth Africa and the Sunday Times re-ported that he drew laughter from thecrowd while telling an anecdote in which

he used the racist term "kaffirs", as wellas while telling an offensive joke aboutMuslims.

A CA spokesman said that a seniorofficial from Cricket Australia had con-tacted ritchie who had confirmed thecontent of his speech. CA had made itclear to ritchie that his comments were"absolutely unacceptable."

"We're obviously very disappointedin the comments made at the luncheonat the Gabba Members' Club on Friday.We've spoken to Queensland Cricket.We've spoken to the Gabba Members'Club that booked Greg. We've remindedthe Members' Club of the obligationsunder the ICC anti-racism policy in in-ternational cricket. There's absolutely noplace for racism in sport. We're fullysupportive of the ICC's anti-racism pol-

icy on international cricket."As well as speaking to Queensland

Cricket and Gabba members we aregoing to take the opportunity to write toall our states and venues to remind themof the obligations under the ICC anti-racism policy in terms of speakers and …if they book speakers, the policy underthe code that speakers should be adher-ing to. Cricket Australia have admittedit's not appropriate for Greg to be speak-ing at our cricket venues at this time."

Despite this apparent directiveagainst ritchie appearing under the CAor state association banners this sum-mer, the SACA appears unwilling to findalternative entertainment at their din-ner. ritchie is scheduled to appearalongside the former South Africa bats-man Barry richards.

"SACA does not support or endorseracist or offensive commentary," a SACAspokesperson told News Limited. "Gregritchie and Barry richards were bookedas guest speakers at this year's TestMatch Dinner some months ago andhave been asked to speak specificallyabout fielding and share their viewsabout the game's greatest catches."

ritchie defended his remarks by say-ing the anecdote, which concerned com-ments he claims were made during amatch against West Indies in the 1980s,had been taken out of context. "I havetold the story 500 times during thecourse of my speaking career," ritchietold the Courier-Mail. "I do it verbatim,the remark is in no way at all derogatoryto anyone if you hear the word in thecontext of the story I tell."

ritchie, who played 30 Tests forAustralia during the 1980s, is a regularon the speaking circuit and has courtedcontroversy several times during his ca-reer. In 1997 he was suspended fromcommentary duties by Channel Nineafter an incident in which he allegedlyracially abused an Ansett Airlines em-ployee, and in 2003 a planned appear-ance at the Adelaide oval during a Testagainst India, in which he was going toperform his notorious "Mahatma Cote"caricature, was cancelled.

South Africa's team manager, Mo-hammed Moosajee, also condemnedritchie's comments. "It is both disap-pointing and despicable for someone tomake these racist comments," Moosajeesaid. "racism has no place in society andin sport."


rain made an appearance for the fifthgame in a row on this tour but that didn'tprevent Sri Lanka from taking an unassail-able 3-0 lead in the oDI series. In anothertruncated fixture, Sri Lanka's bowlers gaveNew Zealand a tough time in conditionshelpful for bowling and their batsmen ap-proached the task of chasing down 131 in32 overs positively. In what turned out tobe a comfortable victory, Jeevan Mendisstood out for his triple-strike in a space offive deliveries that hurt New Zealand'sprospects at a time when they were seekingto lend some stability to their innings.NewZealand suffered their tenth defeat in 11completed oDIs since February this year.

heavy rain delayed the start of play bytwo and a half hours after Sri Lanka hadchosen to bowl. It returned in the 30th overof the New Zealand innings, resulting inanother long interruption but, in the in-terim, Sri Lanka had inflicted enough dam-age to ensure a relatively easy chase.

Lasith Malinga and Nuwan Kulasekaragave rob Nicol a tough time once the gamegot underway. Malinga troubled him withthe away-going delivery and Kulasekaramoved it both ways. Nicol was tentativeagainst deliveries that were slightly short ofa length and was dismissed when hecharged out to clear mid-on but failed, ashe had done in previous attempts as well.

BJ Watling built a promising standwith Brendon McCullum. The scoring was-n't brisk but both cashed in on the odd oc-casion that the Sri Lankan bowlers erred inlength, dispatching short deliveriesthrough point and cover. McCullum evenlaunched rangana herath over long-off forsix but just as New Zealand were lookingsettled, they lost Watling to a run-out as hehesitated while responding to a second run.

There was good bounce for the seam-ers and the movement off the pitch was en-couraging throughout the day. ross Taylorwas visibly livid after he nicked a wide onefrom Thisara Perera to the keeper and ittriggered a phase of stagnation in the in-nings which was to prove costly. After Tay-lor's wicket, McCullum managed just tworuns off herath's next 12 deliveries. Thefrustration was evident when he tried toswing herath out of the ground off the13th, but found long-on.

Williamson played some attractivepunches off the back foot and got a partner-ship going with James Franklin, but itlasted just 32 runs. Both had scored runsoff Mendis, driving him down the groundfor singles but his variation pegged NewZealand further back. Williamson wasbeaten in flight and bowled off a googly ashe tried to drive, and Nathan McCullum fellnext ball in the 28th over, dismissed in analmost identical manner. Mendis' third vic-tim, Andrew Ellis, was trapped in frontagainst a straight ball as he tried to sweep.

It had been drizzling since the time Mendisfirst struck and the umpires called for thecovers when the rain grew a little heavier.It left Franklin arguing with Ian Gould, justahead of what was to be a delay of a furtherhour and a half. When New Zealand cameout to bat again, with the game reduced to32 overs, they had too little time to push fora desirable score.With the ball movingaround, Upul Tharanga and DineshChandimal had their insecure momentsagainst Trent Boult and Tim Southee. Ittook 23 deliveries for the first boundary toarrive, but once Tharanga smackedSouthee over midwicket, the chase ac-quired a momentum that was only brieflyinterrupted by his dismissal. he departedafter displaying some excellent timing, cut-ting and punching through point, beforeChandimal and Kumar Sangakkara tookover. opening the batting for the first timein an oDI, Chandimal initially struggled tomiddle the ball but there was an adequatedose of off-target deliveries that helped himget going. he picked off a boundary

through fine leg, scored a four off a misfieldat deep point and drilled Nathan McCul-lum twice down the ground. Sangakkarawas more fluent at the other end, scoringat greater ease, even unfurling his favouriteextra-cover drive on one knee and pullinga six over deep square leg, to guide his teamto victory in this rain-marred series.


Bowlers deliver series win for Lanka

new ZeAlAnDRJ nicol c tharanga b Kulasekara 11bJ watling† run out (Kulasekara/Mendis) 15bb McCullum c Chandimal b Herath 30lRPl taylor* c †Sangakkara b Perera 6KS williamson b Mendis 21JeC franklin lbw b Kulasekara 21nl McCullum b Mendis 0AM ellis lbw b Mendis 0tg Southee not out 7Af Milne not out 12eXtRAS 8tOtAl 131DID nOt bAt tA boultfAll Of wICKetS 1-16 (nicol, 5.6 ov), 2-45 (watling, 11.3 ov),3-62 (taylor, 15.6 ov), 4-73 (bb McCullum, 20.1 ov), 5-105(williamson, 27.4 ov), 6-105 (nl McCullum, 27.5 ov), 7-107(ellis, 29.2 ov), 8-116 (franklin, 30.6 ov)bOwlIngSl Malinga 6-1-38-0, KMDn Kulasekara 5-1-17-2, AD Mathews6-0-19-0, nltC Perera 5-0-16-1, HMRKb Herath 6-0-23-1, bMAJMendis 4-0-15-3, SRI lAnKAwu tharanga c nicol b Southee 27lD Chandimal b boult 43KC Sangakkara† not out 42HDRl thirimanne c †watling b ellis 0AD Mathews not out 2eXtRAS 17tOtAl 131DID nOt bAt DPMD Jayawardene*, bMAJ Mendis, nltCPerera, KMDn Kulasekara, HMRKb Herath, Sl Malingafall of wickets 1-36 (tharanga, 7.3 ov), 2-123 (Chandimal, 22.4ov), 3-128 (thirimanne, 25.2 ov)bOwlIngtA boult 7-0-32-1, tg Southee 7-0-32-1, Af Milne 4.2-0-21,AM ellis 6-0-23-1, nl McCullum 2-0-17-0, Match detailstoss Sri lanka, who chose to fieldSeries Sri lanka led the 5-match series 3-0ODI debut Af Milne (new Zealand)Player of the match bMAJ Mendis (Sri lanka)umpires IJ gould (england) and RSA PalliyagurugetV umpire tH wijewardeneMatch referee AJ Pycroft (Zimbabwe)Reserve umpire RR wimalasiri


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Monday, 12 november, 2012

ten-man valencia

squander lead to

draw at valladolidMADriDAgenCIeS

Valencia's poor away form continuedwhen Aly Cissokho scored and was latersent off after conceding a penalty in a 1-1 draw at real Valladolid in La Liga onSunday.Valencia had drawn one and lost four oftheir five away games this term and theyhad to hang on for the final half hourwith 10 men at Valladolid's Jose Zorrillastadium after Cissokho was shown astraight red in the 64th minute.The French fullback, who had noddedhis side ahead in the 14th minute, felledJulian omar in the area and VictorPerez stroked the spot kick past DiegoAlves to make it 1-1.With 11 matches played, Valencia have15 points in ninth, with Valladolid ineighth also on 15 but are one placeahead thanks to a superior goal differ-ence.Unbeaten leaders Barcelona can stretchtheir advantage over second-placedAtletico

Inspirational diego

leads wolfsburg to

3-1 win over bayerBerLin


A one-man show by Brazilian playmakerDiego, who scored two goals and set upthe other, was enough for strugglers VfLWolfsburg to beat Bayer Leverkusen 3-1on Sunday with their second win inthree games.Wolfsburg, who seem to have bouncedback since the sacking of coach FelixMagath late last month, also snappedtheir opponents' seven-game unbeatenrun.Diego, who won the Europa League onloan at Atletico Madrid last season butwas left on the bench by Magath, curledin a stunning 23-metre free kick afterfour minutes and notched his third goalin three games from close range after alayoff from Dutchman Bas Dost in the16th. Dost grabbed one for himself afterthe roles were reversed and Diegostarted the move with a delightful chipto charging Marcel Schaefer who cutback for the forward.Stefan Kiessling pulled one back in stop-page time for his seventh goal of the sea-son. Wolfsburg's win lifted them to therelegation playoff spot with Leverkusendropping to fifth on 18 points with theirfirst league defeat since mid-September.Leaders Bayern Munich, on 30, pro-tected a seven-point lead at the top witha 2-0 win over Eintracht Frankfurt onSaturday. Second-placed Schalke 04 beatWerder Bremen 2-1 to move up to 23.

tennis star James

blake wedsDeL MArAgenCIeS

Tennis player James Blake married hisgirlfriend of four years, publicist EmilySnider in California, the couple an-nounced. The couple tied the knot Fri-day at the beach-front L'Auberge DelMar hotel in front of 150 guests, Peoplemagazine reported Sunday.The bride wore an Ines DiSanto gown atthe sunset ceremony, while Blake wore ahugo Boss suit. The couple's 5-month-old daughter, riley, was carried downthe aisle by Kathy Snider, Emily'smother. Blake's brother, Thomas, servedas best man and Snider's brother, Jason,stood beside the bride, People reported.Snider's nephew, Frank, 3, served as thering bearer.Tennis stars Andy roddick, Mardy Fish,robby Ginepri and John Isner were in at-tendance, in addition to New York YankeeNick Swisher and his wife, actressJoAnna Garcia Swisher; and singer Ty-rone Wells. ESPN analyst and formerNFL player Marcellus Wiley served as DJ.

london: Juan Martin del Potro of argentina

returns a shot during his men's singles semi

final match against novak djokovic of Serbia

during day seven of the atP world tour finals.


ThE greatest year in Britishtennis for three-quarters ofa century could be headingfor a fitting climax here thisweekend as Andy Murray

attempts to win the Barclays ATP WorldTour Finals for the first time.

Murray is just two wins away fromadding the season-ending title to hisolympic gold medal and his US opencrown, though the 25-year-old Scot washaving to wait until last night's conclud-ing round-robin match to find out hisopponent in today's semi-finals.

Juan Martin del Potro's 7-6 4-6 6-3defeat of roger Federer yesterday after-noon, the Argentinian's second win overthe Swiss in a fortnight, means both joinMurray and Novak Djokovic in the lastfour. Bizarrely, however, the format ofthe tournament meant that the result ofthe evening match between David Ferrerand Janko Tipsarevic – neither of whomcould qualify for the latter stages –would decide the Group B standings andthe semi-final line-up.

A win for Ferrer would have set up asemi-final between Murray and Federer,while a win for Tipsarevic would havesent Del Potro through to face the Scot.The final is tomorrow evening.

If the switch to knockout tennismeans the tournament will feel morelike a Grand Slam event from now on-wards, the best-of-three-sets formatmeans there is little margin for error.

"The matches are obviously quickerso you can't afford to start slowly," Mur-ray said. "It's tough to come back if youdo get off to a slow start, especiallyagainst the best players in the world, sothat's a little bit different. The matches

are also going to be back-to-back if youdo get to the final – normally you have aday's break – so that's a little bit differ-ent too, but in terms of the quality ofplayers, it's like [a Grand Slam]."

Federer's defeat by Del Potro pro-vided further evidence that the reign ofKing roger may be ending. Federer, wholost the world No 1 ranking to Djokoviclast week, had been unbeaten on an in-door hard court for nearly two years andhad got the better of Del Potro seventimes in a row until the 24-year-old Ar-gentinian beat him in the final of hishome tournament at Basle two weeksago. Del Potro, who also beat Federer inthe 2009 US open final, has workedhard to return to the top after spendingthe best part of a year out with a wrist in-jury. The world No 7, who is 6ft 6in talland weighs more than 15 stone, has thegame to unsettle the best. he repeatedlyknocked Federer out of his stride withhis ground strokes and even had the au-dacity to hit a better between-the-legs"hot dog" than the Swiss, which broughta smile to both men.

The first set was tight, but Federerplayed a poor tie-break, which he lost 7-3. order seemed to have been restoredwhen the Wimbledon champion madean early break and went on to take thesecond set, but Del Potro responded ad-mirably in the decider. having gone 3-0up, he closed out the win after two hourswith a big forehand down the line.

Whoever plays Murray today willhave to deal with both the Scot and hishome crowd. "Every time I've come tothe court it's been great," Murray said ofthe support he has had this week. "I'msure the weekend will be a little bit dif-ferent, a different crowd. And becausethe format now is a straight knockout,

that changes things a little bit as well."A triumph for Murray over the next

two days would cap a year in which theScot has won olympic gold and the USopen, Jonny Marray became the hostcountry's first Wimbledon men's dou-bles champion since 1936 and Laurarobson and heather Watson emerged asinternational talents. Marray, who part-ners Freddie Nielsen in today's semi-fi-

nals of the doubles here, could yet putfurther icing on the British cake.

Murray, nevertheless, does not wantto put too much pressure on himself."I'm happy with how the year has gone,"he said. "Whatever happens from nowon, I've had the best year of my life so I'lltry not to be too disappointed if I don'twin. But it would be a great way to finishthe year, that's for sure."

Andy Murray ready to crownBritain's greatest year

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Sports 18

Monday, 12 november, 2012

watch it LiveESPNSports Center07:30PM

teen Manassero

wins dramatic

Singapore play-offsingAPore


Italian teenager Matteo Manasseroholed a 12-foot eagle putt on the thirdplay-off hole to claim a dramatic victoryover South Africa's Louis oosthuizen atthe Barclays Singapore open on Sunday.In his first ever play-off, Manasseroshowed steel beyond his 19 years as hematched the 2010 British open winnerwith birdie and par on the first two extraholes and then nervelessly downed thewinner at a packed Sentosa Golf Club.In denying oosthuizen, Manassero alsoclinched this season's European moneytitle for world number one rory McIl-roy, making him only the second man towin the merit race on both sides of theAtlantic in the same year.It settled a marathon final day for the$6 million tournament after storm de-lays earlier in the week meant Man-assero had to play 36 holes inSingapore's tropical heat on Sunday."It's been an extremely long day," saidManassero after the $1 million win, thebiggest of his career following the 2010Castello Masters and last year'sMalaysian open."The adrenaline kept me going and thekey I think was starting really well thismorning... and the play-off was a greathonour. It's the first play-off of my ca-reer, it's been amazing."Manassero, who in 2010 became theyoungest man to make the cut at theMasters and was crowned the EuropeanTour's youngest ever winner, is now alsothe youngest champion in the Singaporeopen's 51-year history.oosthuizen has won twice this year buthe was forced to revisit the disappoint-ment of the US Masters play-off inApril, when he lost out to Bubba Wat-son's famous hook shot from the trees.Earlier, McIlroy eagled his last hole fora 65 and third place, three shots behindthe leaders. A win for oosthuizen wasthe only result which would have de-layed him from taking the Europeanmoney title."It has always been one of my goals tobecome number one in Europe eversince securing my tour card five yearsago, but then to also end the year asboth European and PGA Tour numberone is just amazing," McIlroy said.overnight leader Thomas Bjorn finishedfour adrift on nine-under for the tourna-ment, while three-time winner AdamScott and Italy's Francesco Molinarishared fifth, one stroke further back.After lightning storms disrupted thefirst two days, players were on thecourse early to complete the third roundand Manassero finished with a 64 totake a two-shot lead.


ToWErING ArgentineJuan Martin del Potrosnapped roger Federer'sthree-year unbeaten se-quence at the ATP World

Tour Finals on Saturday to earn a semi-final against world number one NovakDjokovic at the season-ending show-piece. Del Potro, fresh from beating theSwiss in the Basel final a fortnight ago,claimed a 7-6 4-6 6-3 victory at the o2Arena to guarantee himself runner-upspot in Group B with a 2-1 record, thesame as defending champion Federerwho will meet Andy Murray for thirdtime in London this year in the othersemifinal.

Federer won his seventh Wimble-don title this year when he beat Murrayin the final but a few weeks later theBriton gained revenge in the olympicgold medal match.

The Swiss 31-year-old, winner of 12consecutive matches at the tournamentsince a semifinal defeat by NikolayDavydenko in 2009, had already quali-fied for the semis before walking oncourt to face del Potro and produced apatchy display. David Ferrer beat JankoTipsarevic 4-6 6-3 6-1 in the last round-robin match in the evening to also endwith two wins and one defeat but theSpaniard missed out on sets countback.

The final day of group play beganwith seven scenarios still possible inGroup B.

Del Potro's three-set win ended Fer-rer's semi-final hopes but muddied thewaters as far Sunday's schedule was con-

cerned because the outcome of the Fer-rer versus Tipsarevic clash wouldbizarrely decide whether Federer or delPotro won the group.

Victory for Tipsarevic would haveseen Del Potro top the group because ofa better head-to-head record againstFederer but Ferrer's victory and a three-way tie meant Federer 5-2 sets tallyearned him the group winners' spot. DelPotro ended 5-3 with Ferrer 4-4.

Spain's Ferrer had been relying on aFederer victory to keep his hopes of asemifinal place alive.

"I was actually thinking more aboutDavid than I was thinking aboutwhether I play Andy [Murray] or Novak[Djokovic], to be honest," Federer, whowill contest a 10th semifinal in 11 ap-pearances at the tournament, told re-porters. "I really wanted to give him achance and give myself the best possiblepreparation for the semis. "I reallyhoped I could win. I'm more disap-pointed for him than about losing today,to be quite honest."BIG GUY

Del Potro's defeat of Federer wasreminiscent of 2009 when he also beatthe Swiss in the final round of groupplay before going on to reach the final.

"Now you have three big names inthe semifinals and one big guy," the1.98m Del Potro told reporters after hissecond indoor victory over Federer in asmany weeks.Federer looked untroubledon his serve in the opening set againstthe 24-year-old but paid the price forfailing to convert two break points thatwould have given him a 5-3 lead.

The 17-time grand slam championthen played an error-strewn tiebreak

which Del Potro took 7-3.Federer was immaculate in the sec-

ond set, breaking to love in the openinggame and dropping just five points onhis own delivery as he set up a decider.

Just when it seemed a 13th consec-utive victory was looming, however,Federer was broken out of the blue totrail 2-0 in the decider and Del Potrowas rock solid thereafter.

"It's indoor tennis, he has a big serveand all those things. But still the surfaceplays somewhat slow so I expect myselfto get more returns into play," Federersaid of a rather toothless showing in thedeciding set.

"But it's important to move on rightnow. Mentally, it's important to lookahead and rest because it's a quick turn-around till tomorrow."

Despite an impressive performanceDel Potro played down his chances oflanding his biggest title since winningthe U.S. open in 2009, also against Fed-erer.

"I don't know who is the favorite,"Del Potro, a finalist here three years ago,said. "Djokovic, Murray or Federer canwin the tournament. I can tell you I'mthe No. 4 for sure."

In doubles play, top seeds and three-time former champions Bob and MikeBryan lost to India's Leander Paes andradek Stepanek, meaning the Ameri-cans missed out on the semifinals.

Paes and Stepanek won a matchtiebreak 10-7 and will face Mahesh Bhu-pathi and rohan Bopanna in the semifi-nals. In the other semifinal Britain'sJonathan Marray and Dane FrederikNielson wil play Spaniards Marcel Gra-nollers and Marc Lopez.

Del Potro ousts Federer,faces Murray in semis

Soccer-Six arrested

over banner

shown at MillwallLonDonAgenCIeS

Six people have been arrested after abanner referring to Bolton Wanderersstriker Marvin Sordell was unfurled atMillwall's New Den Stadium duringSaturday's win over Derby County.Sordell was abused by some Millwallfans when the sides met at the southLondon stadium last month, leading toa 13-year-old boy being banned fromthe ground this week.A Metropolitan Police spokesman saidin a statement the arrests were madeover alleged public order offences."Six males were arrested during thegame at Millwall in relation to a bannerbeing unfurled at the game," he said."They remain in custody at this time."The banner was hastily removed byMillwall staff during the Championship(second tier) game against Derby whichMillwall won 2-1.The club have declined to comment onthe issue with assistant manager JoeGallen, speaking to the media after thegame because manager Kenny Jackettwas absent with the flue, also refused todiscuss the incident.Sordell, a member of Britain's squad atthe olympic Games this summer,tweeted after Bolton played there, thathis team-mates Lee Chung-young, Dar-ren Pratley and Benik Afobe were allsubjected to racist taunts at the NewDen.Last week Millwall confirmed the 13-year-old had admitted abusing Sordelland subsequently issued a written apol-ogy, which the player accepted.Millwall decided not to impose a lifeban on the teenager but offered him aplace on an educational programme in-stead.Sordell also faced racist abuse fromSerbia fans while playing for EnglandUnder-21s in Krusevac on oct. 16.


Women’s tennis icon Maria Sharapovaon Sunday said Sania Mirza was a greatsingles talent but it was right for theIndian to focus on doubles due to thedemanding nature of the game.

“It takes so much both mentallyand physically to play in two formats.It becomes difficult to give equal atten-tion to singles and doubles,” saidSharapova on her first visit to India.

The World No.2 recalled her on-court meetings with Sania, who hasstopped playing singles owing to recur-ring knee problems.

“It has been long since we playedbut she was a great talent. I am reallyhappy that she is doing well in doubles.It is hard to continue with both for-mats. Sometimes you got to chooseone,” said Sharapova, who playedagainst Sania twice including thefourth round at 2005 US open.

Sania is ranked 12th in doubles and280th in singles.

About Sania’s decision to competeonly in the doubles, Sharapova saidthat one has to understand that tennisis a very physical sport and it needs alot of hard work to sustain at both theformats.

“You have to understand that it isnot easy to play in both the formats ofthe game. It is very challenging andsometimes you have to make thechoice,” said Sharapova, who is on hermaiden trip to India.

Sharapova, meanwhile, said that itwas not an overnight process to reachthe top and it takes hard yards to makewhat you are.

“It is not an overnight process.Share talent, coaches or money can’tget you the success. The sport has be-come very physical, even the firstround of the competitions is gettingvery tough. You don’t see youngteenagers winning the big champi-onships,” she said.

on her first encounter with India,Sharapova said, “It feels amazing that I

am here. It has taken me so long to getto India. I have so much of fans in thiscountry and it feels great to get such awarm welcome. I wish at some point oftime they can watch me live,” she said.

Asked about her tryst with the In-dian cuisine and what memories shewould take home from here, the versa-tile athlete said: “I arrived here lastnight. In the morning I askedthe chef on what should I try ofthe Indian food. I had a Dosawhich tasted really nice. Iwanted to have this great In-dian experience. There is somuch energy in the city, I havebeen in some quite areas re-cently and I really liked the cul-ture and the people here.”

Asked whether she will be vis-iting the Taj Mahal, the russiansaid it won’t be possible this timearound. however, she said that shewould like to explore the city mar-kets and take some souvenirs forher friends back home.


Tiger Woods' chances of surpassing JackNicklaus' record of 18 major titles were ru-ined by his extra-marital affairs, accordingto British golfing great Nick Faldo. Woods,37, appeared to be closing in on Nicklaus'mark after winning 14 majors but he is yetto prevail at a major championship since rev-elations about his private life emerged nearlythree years ago.

The American took a four-month break fromthe sport after admitting to the affairs, but he hasfailed to recapture his early-career form since mak-ing his return. Asked about Woods' chances ofcatching up with Nicklaus, Faldo said: "I think it'sslim. "I would lean towards no. "It has been fouryears since he last won at the US open." Faldo, whowon six major titles, believes the harm inflictedupon Woods' game in the aftermath of the scan-dal may prove irreparable. "(The revelations)have done more damage than people would givethem credit for," he told BBC radio 5 Live. "Peo-

ple thought he would deal with it and then get back on the golfcourse.

"It's wrecked that wonderful tranquility you get of goingto a golf course, tipping out a bag of balls, and hitting them

from nine to five and just thinking of golf."When you're a golfer that is great. But now, he has

shattered that peace. he won't get that back. "once youlose that concentration and that ability to become com-

pletely engrossed in your golf... then slowly things havechanged for him. "his swing... physically, technically,

mentally, karma... it's a harder climb right now. Sure,he could come back and do things, but he won't be

dominant like he was." In the last 18 months,rory McIlroy has emerged as the new shin-

ing light in world golf and Faldo believesthe 23-year-old Northern Irishman is

well placed to assume Woods' mantle."I have been very impressed with

rory. he is a special kid," Faldosaid. "There has only been Jack(Nicklaus), Seve (Ballesteros)and Tiger who have won two ma-jors before they were 25, andnow there's rory."

Tiger Woods won't dominate golf again: Nick Faldo


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Published by Arif Nizami at Plot No 79, Sector 24, Korangi Industrial Area Karachi. Editor: Arif Nizami


AFTEr losing popularity with thepeople as portrayed in the lastIrI survey, the PakistanTehreek-e-Insaaf is facing an-other challenge in the shape of

possible desertion by its “electables” inKhyber Pakhtunkhwa.

After losing Khwaja Mohammad Khanhoti and Iftikhar Gilani, Iftikhar Jhagra,Syed Iftikhar Ali Shah and his companyfrom Nowshera and former MNA ShujatAli Khan from Swat may also quit the partyand move to the PPP, Pakistan Today haslearnt. Former provincial minister Iftikhar

Jhagra, former law maker Qurban Ali andSyed Iftikhar Ali Shah had joined the PTIa year ago, but have now planned to rejointhe Pakistan People’s Party.

on Friday, Iftikhar Jhagra and SyedIftikhar Ali Shah held a meeting with PPP’snewly-elected provincial president AnwarSaifullah Khan in Nowshera and expressedthe desire to rejoin the PPP along withother colleagues, if the PTI chief did notaddress their grievances. After the historicPTI rally in Lahore on october 30 last year,the party began attracting notables in allparts of the country and dozens of well-known, notable politicians, bureaucratsand technocrats joined the PTI in hopes ofgetting good portfolios. But PTI Chairman

Imran Khan’s announcement of intra-party election and linking portfolios andtickets with intra-party election has dis-couraged opportunists’ expectations.

The development also exposed intra-party disputes, which kept major politicalfigures in the province from joining theparty. Commenting on Iftikhar Jhagra andhis company’s grievances, PTI provincialleader and former provincial presidentAsad Qisar said Jhagra was opposing intra-party elections and wanted confirmation ofthe ticket. “There is no other grievance ofJhagra, but a want for postponement ofintra-party polls and nominations of can-didates for provincial and national con-stituencies to start preparation for the next

election,” Asad Qisar said.“We are looking for honest politicians.

The people of the province are expectingchange from the PTI and this change isonly possible if we hold intra-party elec-tions, make the party democratic and handportfolios to those who are liked by thepeople,” he said. Qurban Ali Khan said hehad no intention to say adios to the PTI nordid he have any knowledge of the meetingwith PPP provincial president in this re-gard. “Let me make it clear that neitherJhagra nor the PPP directly approachedme to quit the PTI and rejoin the PPP,” hesaid, adding that he joined the PTI aloneand he was not the part of any group.“however, Jhagra has some grievances

over intra-party elections and ticket allo-cation,” he said.

however, a source in the PPP con-firmed the meeting of Anwar Saifullah,saying Iftikhar Jhagra and Iftikhar AliShah had assured to rejoin the PPP. “ThePPP is also in contact with former MNAand senior minister KPK Shujat Ali Khanof Swat and he may join the PPP in a cou-ple of weeks,” source added. Political ex-perts and analysts say the desertions willdamage the PTI popularity and create mis-understanding among the people. Thesource said Pervez Khattak, a candidate forthe provincial presidency of the party,would also leave the PTI if he was notelected the party’s provincial president.


In a major breakthrough, the UnitedStates and the Taliban are highly likely toresume peace negotiations which brokedown early this year due to obama ad-ministration’s reluctance to set free fivekey militant leaders currently imprisonedin Guantanamo Bay.

The talks, which were being held inDoha, Qatar between US officials andTaliban representatives, broke down inMarch this year after the two sides failedto agree over the fate of five Taliban lead-ers sentenced at the Guantanamo Bayprison. Under the negotiations, the Tal-iban were to set free US soldier BoweBergdahl, but refused after the US admin-istration allegedly backtracked from its

promise of releasing the five sentencedTaliban leaders.

The formal announcement about thecollapse of negotiations with the US wasannounced by the Taliban on March 15with their spokesman describing theAmerican authorities as “shaky, erraticand vague”.

however, diplomatic sources in Is-lamabad say that with President Barackobama’s re-election, the US authoritieswould be no more compelled to weigh thepolitical repercussions of releasing orhanding over the Taliban leaders to theQatari government.

According to a source, direct contactbetween the US authorities and the Tal-iban started in November 2010 in Mu-nich (Germany) with the help of Germanintelligence agencies. During the talks,

US officials met Tayyab Agha, a close aideof Afghan Taliban chief Mullah omar.The Qatari authorities also played a vitalrole in facilitating US-Taliban contacts.

Sources said that further talks were heldin Doha in February last year, and again inGermany three months later – the processthat led to the establishment of the first Tal-iban political office in Doha at the beginningof 2012. Before their collapse, the US-Talibannegotiations focused mainly on the release offive Guantanamo Bay detainees, includingthree senior Taliban commanders: Noorul-lah Noori, Mullah Fazel, and former interiorminister Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa.

According to diplomatic sources,Pakistan would also play a vital role in thesuccess of the revived peace talks betweenthe US and the Taliban. A Pakistanidiplomat, when contacted, refused to

comment on any possible role by Islam-abad as a facilitator or guarantor of US-Taliban talks. however, he said thatPakistan was always willing to take allpossible steps for lasting peace and sta-bility in Afghanistan.

The diplomatic source in Islamabadsaid that now there were solid chances ofrevival of stalled US-Taliban peace talksbecause the Afghan insurgents led byMullah omar also seemed to be inclinedtowards negotiations after the decade-long war with the US-led internationalforces in Afghanistan. “however, anysuccess of the US-Taliban talks mainlydepends on what US has to offer to theTaliban who are being asked to lay downtheir arms, shun al Qaeda, and partici-pate in the political process inAfghanistan,” he said.

PTI facing desertion by KP ‘electables’ g iftikhar Jhagra, syed iftikhar Ali shah, shujat Ali khan may quit party over nominations

pML-n, Ji slamgovt’s oblivion tokarachi violence


The Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz(PML-N) and Jamat–e-Islami (JI) haveslammed the federal and Sindhgovernments for failing to control theworsening law and order in Karachi. PML-N President Nawaz Sharif expressedhis serious concern over the incidents oftargeted killings in Karachi, saying thefederal and provincial governments hadcompletely failed to bring the situation inKarachi under control.In a statement, Nawaz demanded stringentmeasures against the elements playingwith the lives of innocent people inKarachi.he said the entire nation was shocked andperturbed over the increasing incidents ofbloodshed in Karachi.Nawaz said although all political partieselected from Karachi were a part of federaland provincial governments, they hadcompletely failed to maintain peace inKarachi.he demanded the federal governmentutilise its full force and resources to crushthose playing with the lives of innocentpeople in Karachi and restore a peacefuland safe environment in the city.The PML-N chief said it was theresponsibility of all to save the city of lightsfrom killings and lawlessness.he appealed to all political parties,religious organisations, clerics,intellectuals, media and civil society to playtheir due role for restoring peace inKarachi.Meanwhile, JI chief accused the rulers ofprotecting killers, extortionists and thedrug mafia in Karachi.In a statement, he said over a dozen ofpeople were being gunned down in Karachieveryday on average.“There is no government worth the namein the port city nor can the rangers andpolice be seen on roads. The target killersare doing their job freely and then dispersefrom the scene as if they ever exist,” hesaid.hassan said it was unfortunate that thegovernment had given a licence tomurderers, target killers and criminalsbecause of its vested interests. “If the rulers themselves give protection tolaw breakers, how can peace be restored?”he said.l

Us-taliban peace talks likey to resume with obama’s re-election

CleebROnn: Mother Orsa (l) and her three young

bears discover the open-air enclosure at the wildlife

park tripsdrill in the south german city.


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