Binder4€¦ · e OOlllWHIOATIONI AND TRANIPOB'l'A'l'IOH 461 "Blind Lllfrature "-Packet.a...

e 1953

Transcript of Binder4€¦ · e OOlllWHIOATIONI AND TRANIPOB'l'A'l'IOH 461 "Blind Lllfrature "-Packet.a...

Page 1: Binder4€¦ · e OOlllWHIOATIONI AND TRANIPOB'l'A'l'IOH 461 "Blind Lllfrature "-Packet.a cont.ainln1 papers lmpr81118d for the uae of the blind 18Dt lo any place abroad are accepted



Page 2: Binder4€¦ · e OOlllWHIOATIONI AND TRANIPOB'l'A'l'IOH 461 "Blind Lllfrature "-Packet.a cont.ainln1 papers lmpr81118d for the uae of the blind 18Dt lo any place abroad are accepted





Commonw.altla Foreign

POSTCARDS Brili11h •

Commomot!!Uh Fortign






Bao1sTRA.110N F••

-lllfP~~KllVNlOATJONB, conCd.

Not ex~g 2 oz. . . . . ld. FO revet)' additional 2 01. or fraction of 2 oz. Id. Not exceeding 4 oz. Not exceeding 0 oz. . . Not exceeding 8 oz. (maximum)

For let lb Each adclitionn1 lb

Per nrti<'lc (Inlnnc.1 and Overseas)


Not exceeding 1 oz. For every additional oz. Not exceeding l oz. For every additional 021.

Single Reply-paid Single Reply-paid

Per 2 oz. Per 2 oz. Minimum charge (For lst 10 oz.)

Per 2 oz. Minimum charge (For let 4 oz.)

Per 2 lb

Pei· 2 oz. Minimum charge (For let 10 oz.)

Per article

Limita of W tight


a.i· 4d. 3d.


2ld. lcl. 5d. 3d.

2d. 4d. 3<l. 6d.

ld. Id. 5d. Id. 2d.

id. 2d.



l.ettel'll, 4 lb. 6 oz. to an destinations. Small Packets, 2 lb. Other Articles, International, l lb. 2 oz. for samples; 4 lb. 6 oz. for printed and conunercial papers. Imperial 6 lb. 8 oz. for both cl888e8.

Exceptionally, a printed volume for any destination abroad may weigh as much u lllb.

Parcel-Pod Parul1: 11 lb. or 22 lb. 88 noted in columns 10 and 11 of Post Office Gulde. p.p. 60-70. Exceptionally, the limit for Canada and India is 20 lb.

Limil1 of Size Lettca, Printed Papera and Commercial Papers; To Foreign Countries in the

Unio.n-3 reet in length, breadth and depth combined, but greatest dimension may no& eaeed 2 feet.

To British Empire: 2 feet in length by 18 inches in width or depth. To all destinatiom It in roll form; 3 feet 3 inches in length and twice diameter, but greatest dimension 1D1J not exceed 2 ieet 8 lnchea.

Poet Cardai 51by41 lns. (15 by 10.5 centimetres). SmalJ Packets; Same as lettcl'I but DO uce~on 1or British Empire. Samples; To Foreign Countries-Same 88 letters. To Britiih Empire; 2 feet in length by 1 foot width or depth. Parcel Post Parcels: Parcell mar not exceed 31 feet for length, breadth or depth, and 6 feet for length and girtll eomblned.

Page 3: Binder4€¦ · e OOlllWHIOATIONI AND TRANIPOB'l'A'l'IOH 461 "Blind Lllfrature "-Packet.a cont.ainln1 papers lmpr81118d for the uae of the blind 18Dt lo any place abroad are accepted


OOlllWHIOATIONI AND TRANIPOB'l'A'l'IOH 461 "Blind Lllfrature "-Packet.a cont.ainln1 papers lmpr81118d for the uae of the blind 18Dt

lo any place abroad are accepted up to a maximum weight of 15 lb. The prepaid rate of postage on auoh packets la:-

Up to 2 lb.-td.; up to 5 lb.-ld.; up to 8 lb. ;-1 t~. ; up to 11 lb.-2d.; up to 14 lb.-2ld· ID all other respects the regulations aa regards pnnteC.I papers apply.

llegUtration (Inland.)•

Any letter or other mail matter may be registered on pre-payment of the registra­Uon feo ~nd postage. Packets containing money or jewellery, muat be regi8tered and must be prepaid at the letter rem of poatage. Any packet found to contain money or jewelleryt but not registered, wm be liable to a surcharge equal to double the registration ree.

l - Fua

r:rhe lees payable over and above the postage, and the respective limits of compen­•t1on, are as follows:-

Fee 4d., 5d., Od., 7d., 8cl., 9d., lOd., lld., 1/-, 1/·, 1/2. Limit of com1>enaation £2, £10, £20, £30, £40, £50, £60, £70, £80, £90, £100·

TheAO fees include the ordinary registration fee 4d. The highest amount of compen­•tlon obtainable for any one packet is £400.

0 ffieial Corrupon4'nu

A. List of officials and other persona who are authorized to recriot correspondence through

the inland post free of charge: Accountant General Asst. Director of Medical Services (Health) Bacteriologist Government Savings Bank Manager Chier Commissioner under the Contagious (Poatage free including r~ration /u)

Diseases of Animals (Inland) Law F,ducation andAsaistantEducation Officers Chief Inspector under the Agricultural Medical Officers

Produce Law Medical Officers (Health) Collector General Meteorologist Collector of Customs Senior Medical Officers, Kingston Collectors of Taxes and Aaaiatanta Public Hospital, Mental Hospital

(poatage fru including regialration f u) Jubilee Maternity Hospital Commissioner or Income Tax and T. B. Sanatorium

Stamp Duties Tuberculoeia Officer Deputy St.amp Commissioner Senior Veterinary Officer and Veterinar7 Director of Agriculture Officer Director of Education Valuation Commiaaion Director of Medical Servicee · •

A atandard franking stamp collliating of the words "Official Pree" wit.h the Imperial Crown in the has been authoriz8d for uae by all persona authorized to aend mail lbrougb the inland poet (ree or charge.

Berlatered letters, posted by the general publlo and not franked with the 1tandard franldng stamp, addre11ed to the ofllolala named aboTe muat be prepaid with the rarlltratlon fee of ,d. ezoept In tba oue of rertatend lettera addre11ed to the Manager of the Ooyernment 8a'fhlp Bank and to Oolleoton and Al1l1tant Colleotora of Tani whloh are wholly poatare free.

•eondiUona governing registration of inland correepondence diler from thaee aonmin& Mr•eat coJTeapondence. ' 1

tFor definition of monq and J""'1lnv eee P.O. Gulde.

Page 4: Binder4€¦ · e OOlllWHIOATIONI AND TRANIPOB'l'A'l'IOH 461 "Blind Lllfrature "-Packet.a cont.ainln1 papers lmpr81118d for the uae of the blind 18Dt lo any place abroad are accepted



LeUtra addruaed lo plau• abroad cant1ot be I ranktd but ahould be prepaid. Rulu regarding Franking of Official Corrupondtnce.

1. The envelope or cover of the official letter or other packet mn.y be "frankPd" under authority of Hie Exce1Jency the Ck>vemor by the irnpl'C88fon of an approved official frank 11tamp. The envelope or cover must be superscribed with the words "On Iler Majeaty'1 Service".

2 . The en velopc or cover must be nddressed to the II encl of the Deportment or to a public officer or functionary who is entitled by the authority of Hia Excellency the Ck>vernor to receive officia l correRpondrnce fr<'e of chnrge for postngc.

3. No puhlic officer will he permitted to mnko use of nny stamp for franking letters· or t-0 frank let.tcrs without the authority of the Governor.

4 . Heads of Drpnrtment~ and nll pustrnnstcrs mnRt exercise vigilance to prevent any· Rbuec of the frnnking privilege, nnd nny evnRion or at.tempt to nbuse t,hp privilege and any departure from the mlea, must be reported, with full, lo the Colonial Secre­tary or to the Postmaster General.

5. Thcfra.nkingof envelopes, etc., eit.hrr by men,na of the frnnking atnmp or by aignat~ is strictly forbidden, ualc!!B the envelopra contnin nt the time of frnnking the official corre!lpondcnce or matter to be tmnsrniLtcd through tho poi:;t., subject to the following exception, nnmcly:-

That any written or printed matter properly issued in o. frnnked envelope or covering or circulation among membe.ra of a. Bonrd or nny bod)' of individunla, and for ultimate rrtum to the office of iMue, may be paSl'ed f rorn onr mernbrr of such Bonrd or body to an envelope or covering provided for the purpose nnd duly franked in advance by n duly authori!!cd officer.

Po~lage Stamp3, Poat Carda, Em1clopea, JVrappera, Etc.

Poalagt1 Stampa of t·he following denominations are eolcl :-!d., ld., 1 !<}., 2d., 3d., 4d., 6d., 9d., la., 2s., 5s., 10s., 20s. Books containing eighteen Id. stamps and twelve id. at.amps nre issued, price 21; / 11la11d poat card3 are sold nt Id. each, Reply-paid at 2d.; I nfernational Poat Carda at

2d. Reply-paid 4d. Regiatered letter envtlopea (linen-lined) bearing a 4id. stamp embossed on the flap for

the payment of registration fee 3d. and postage I !d., of two sizes and are s01d at 5d. and 5~d. encl1.

Judicial Stampa of the values 3d., 6d. , le., 2s., 5a., 8s. 6d.1 lOe. and £1 are sold at all Poet Offices where there iR a demand for them.

/mprt1aed Stampll, title deeds and black Rlips are on BR.le at a.JI Post Offices . • 1:he fol!owing is a description oogether with the dates of iBSue, of all postage m circu1a tion. Denomination Description Colour Date of issue

id. Head of l{ing George VI yellow Oct. 25, 1951 Id. Ditto green Do. lid. Ditto chocolate Oct. 10, 1938 2d. Columbus Cove and head grey and green Dec. 10, 1938

of Sovereign 3d. Banana Plantation blue and recn Aug. 15, 1949 4d. Citnis Grove brown n.n grron . Dec. 10, 1938 6d. Priestman's River and grey, purple and bin ck Do.

head of Sovereign Qd. Kingston Harbour (aerial lake Do.

view) b . Sugar Industry ~reen and brown Do. 2s. Bamboo Walk Jue ancl brown Do. 5s. Symbolic design ("Wood blue and orange Do.

and Water") and head

JOA. of Sovereign

Head of King George VI. green Do. 20s. Tobacco Growing and

Cigar MELking mauve and brown Aug. 15, 1949 All stamps are printed on paper wa.ter-ma.rk~d C. A. in 11oript. Cost of a fuJI set ·

£2 Os. 3d .

Page 5: Binder4€¦ · e OOlllWHIOATIONI AND TRANIPOB'l'A'l'IOH 461 "Blind Lllfrature "-Packet.a cont.ainln1 papers lmpr81118d for the uae of the blind 18Dt lo any place abroad are accepted


COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSPORTATION 463 All postage stamps of the colony are printed on the Multiple Crown Script (C.A.)

•ter-mark paper. M OMV Ortkr1

Money Orders are i88Ucd at the Head Office, Kingston, and at the Post Offices of the capi~l of each parish. Applications for money orders addreasecl to the Postmaster General, or to a ~'ostmaster are free of postage. (The registration fee oC 4d. must however, be prepnid). ' , The commission on money orders drawn on •Great l3ritain and Northern Ireland United St.ates, Canal Zone, Canada, and any other country except those named i~ the foll?wing sentence is sixpe~c~ for the first £ and threepence for each additional £ or fract1onnl part. The comrn1ss1on on Money OrderH drawn on •TrinMad •Barbados •Antigua, •st. J{itt~, •st. Lucia, •Tobago, •Tortola •British Guiana, •wi~dward and 1£ewn.rd Is!nn~s, •Turke Island, •cayman Islands, •Bermuda, •Dahamas, and •British Honduras, 111 sixpence for first £2 and twopence for each addi tional £or fractional part.

Teugraph M omy Order•

· Tho eye!-'Cm of Tclcgr~ph Money Orders is in operatfon between the United Kingdom and The rem1ttcr of a Telegraph Money Order is required to pay, in addition lo the M.O. commission, the cost of the Telegram of Advice at the ordinary or letter Telegram rate. Every word in the t.elegram bas to be paid for; in the CR.Se of a ~'deferred " telegram, the instruction "L.C.O." is charged as one word, and the word "Postmaster" has aleo to be sent in every case and muat be paid for. Further details may be had from the Chief M.O. Office, Kingston.

A through Money Order Exchange exists between Jamaica and certain British colonies and foreign countries via Great Britain. Such through money orders are subject on i>ayment to a deduction or two pence for each £1 with a minimum charge of four pence. l'Ae full name and addrua of the payee of a through money order must be given to enable &he Chief Money Order Office, London, to forward to the payee a money order for the net amount payable, t,he money order iBSUed to the remitter being onJy of value as a receipt for the amount pa id and shouJd be retained by the remitter.

The following is a partial list of countries to which money orders may be een t through wndon:-

•Ascension, Australia (Commonwealth of), •Ceylon Costa Rica, •Cyprus, Cuba, 'Egypt, •Fiji, •Gibmltar, G<Jld Coast, Honduras (Republic of), *Irish Free State, •India ancr Aden, •Jrnq, Japan, •K'enya, •Malta/ •New Zealand, *Nigeria, •Nyasaland Pro­tectorate, •Palestine, Portugal, •Rhodesia (Northern and Southern), •sierra Leone, 'South Africa, (Union of), Spain, •Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, •Tanganyika Territory, 'Togoland (British), •Uganda, Zanzibar.

Poatal Ordn-1

Amounta of poundage-Postal Orders are eold and cubed at all Post Officel! i~ Jamaica, and in the countriea marked with an asterisk above. The11e orders are pnnted on a paper bearing an "all-over" watermark consisting of the Royal Cypher-a crown and the letters 0. VI R., and they measure slightly 1888 than 7 inohea in length

Tho poundages charged on postal orders 8.r':9 as Collows:-6d. Hd. 1/- . . 2d. 1/6, 2/-, 2/6, 3/-, 3/6, 4/-, 4/6, 5/- 2ld. 7 /6, 8/-, 10/- 4dd. 20/- 6 .

Poatage Btampa Ajfiztd to Poatal Order,_...The sender of a postal order, whe~er made payable in the United J{ingdom or elsewhere (exceptin~ Canad~ and Austra.ha), may increase its value by affixing postage stamps not exceedmg two m number to ~e face of the orrder, by an amount not exceeding (a) 5d. in total value on an order of ~enommations ~ to and including 4/6 (b) lld. in total value on a.n order of d~noIIllilahon above 4/6. No credit will be given forstampe which a.rein excess of tllreoorwh1ch are &ffixed eleewh~re than in the spaces provided. Odd half-pence will not be paid. Stamps perforated with Initials or marks, or embossed or impressed stamps out out of envelopes, poet cards, &c. cannot be accepted for this purpose.

•British Orders alao issued and in these countries, eee P.O. Guide.

Page 6: Binder4€¦ · e OOlllWHIOATIONI AND TRANIPOB'l'A'l'IOH 461 "Blind Lllfrature "-Packet.a cont.ainln1 papers lmpr81118d for the uae of the blind 18Dt lo any place abroad are accepted



IUplJI Coupona International Reply Coupons are eold at the Money Order Office, Kingston, at 8d.

each and Imperial Reply Coupons at 3d. each. The former reprcscn t the postage on a single-rate letter mailed in any country of the Postal Union, o.nd tbe latter the postap on a 1ignal rate letter mailed in any country of the Dritieh Empire. Coupons are cashed ai the rate of 5d. for a 50 centime, and 2td. for an Imperial coupon.


List of Poet Offices and Agencies, latest time of posting nt. the General Poet Office J{ingeton for UNREGISTP:RP:D letters, nnd routing of inland nrails: Th~ lo.test time of posting for REOJBTEllED letters for officcR for which the ordinll)'

mail clollCS at8.00 s.m., is 4 p.m. and for PARCELS iR 3 p.m., ON TJ1fl PREVIOUS DAT. The In rest time of posting for REatST.F;nr.o J ... ETTf:ns AND PARCELS for offices for

which the ordinary mnil closes nt 12.30 p.m., 1.00 p.m. and 3 p.m. is 12.15 p.m ;• 12.15 p.m. and 2.45 p.m., respectively. EXPLANATION OF MARltB OF RF!FERENOP:

T.- Tclcgraph Offices. Ttl.- Telephonc Offices. Ry. T.-Railwny Telegraph Officca. P.A.-Postal Agencies. All tranllnct parcel poRt bueineas, but parcels nddrC88t'd ro thofle offices marked "L ' ' which arc served by foot-couriers, arc occnaionnlly subject to delay.

Offictt prinud in SMALL CArITAI...S are branchca of the Gouernment Satiinga Bank

Latest Routing Office Parish time of

posting (via)

Aberdeen, Tel. L. St. Eliz. 8 00 a.m. Silonh ABOVE Roc1ts, Tel. L. St. Cath. 10 00 a.m. Stony Hill ADELPHI, Tel. L. St. JamcA 12.30 p.m. Mon tego Bay and

Ewarton Abouki~ P.A. St. Ann Cave Valley Aenon own Clarendon 8 00 a.m.'e Hill

12 30 p.m. Brown's ToW'll and Ewarton

Airy Castle . . St. Thomns l.00 p.m . ALBA.NT I Ry. T. St. Mnry 12.30 p.m. ALBERT TowN, Tel. Trelawny 8 .00 a.m. Balaclava Alderlon, L. St. Ann 12 .30 p.m. Claremont ALZXANDRJA, T. Do. 8 00 a.m. Shooter's Hill

12.30 p.m. Brown 'e Town and EwartQn

ALLEY, L.T. Clarendon 8 00 a.m. May Pen Alligalor Pond, Tel. L. Mnncheetcr 8 00 n.m. CroSB Keye Allman Town, Ttl. Kingston 11 15 a.m.

AtaTON, Tel. . . CJa.renclon 4 .00 p.m. 8.00 n.m . Shooters Hill 12 .30 p.m. Brol\<'ll '8 Town and

ANCROVT, Tel. Ewarlon

St. James 8 .00 a.m. Mon tego Bay and

ANNOTTO BAT, T. (o.) 12 .30 p.m. Ewarton

St. Mary . . 12 .30 p.m . Ashley, P.A. . . Clarendon Four Path11 AsEENISR, Tel. L. . . Hanover 8 .00 a.m. Lucea A UCBTEMBEDDIE, Tel. Manchester . . 8 .00 a.m. Balaclava BALACLAVA, T. . . St. Elizabeth 8 00 a.m. Mon tego Bay and

Baileys Vnle, P.A . 12 .30 p.m. Ewarton

St. Mary Pt. Maria Balcarrcs, Tel. L. . . Portland 12.30 p.m. Buff Bay BA11eoo, Tel. L. . . St. Ann 12.30 p.m. Rrown 's Town and

Banana Ground, L. Manchester 8 .00 a.m. Ewarlon


•0n Friday1 (only) at 11.30 a.m.

Page 7: Binder4€¦ · e OOlllWHIOATIONI AND TRANIPOB'l'A'l'IOH 461 "Blind Lllfrature "-Packet.a cont.ainln1 papers lmpr81118d for the uae of the blind 18Dt lo any place abroad are accepted


printed in SMAt.11. CAPITAUJ are branchu of the Government 8cwing1 Bank, contd.

Latest time Routing Office Parish of posting (via)

gor Ridge, L. .. Portland . . 12.30 p.m. Buff Ba.y Bertone, L. .. St. Cath. 8 00 a.m. Old Harbour Amit Tel. . . St. Thomae . . l .OOp.m .

k ord Kraal, Tel. L. Clarendon .. 3 .00 p.m. Chapel ton ton Spring, L . .. .. W'moreland .. 8 .00 a.m. NewmaTket lu.nmLD, Tel. L. . . '. St. Mary . . 12.30 p.m. Hi~hgate

hLLA8 GATE, L. . . St. Cath. . . 8 .00 a .m . OJ Harbour Benbow, P.A., L . . . St. Cath. .. 12.30 p.m. Guy's Hill Beosonton, Tel. L. . . St. Ann .. 12.30 p.m. Claremont BIBllADDT, P.A., L. .. St. Mary 12.30 p.m. Linstead Berry Rill, P.A . . . St Catherine .. 12.30 p.m. Riveradale BITHEL ToWN, Tel. L. W'moreland .. 8.00 a.m. Montpelier Big Woods, .. W'moreland . . 8.00 a.m. Dari is ton ltids Hill, P.A ., L. . . Clarendon 8 .00 a..m . May Pen ILACK. Rrv1m, T. . . . . St. Elizabeth 8 .00 a.m . Maggotty

LA.CttSTONEDm:, Tel. L. . . At .. Ann 12.30 p.m . Linstead llair8 Hill, P.A., L. Hanover . . 8 .00 a.m . Green I eland

LtJEP'U!lLDB, T"l. . . W 'morele.nd .. 8 .00 a..m. Sav .-la-Mar loo WALK, T. St. Cath. 12.30 p.m. lombay, P.A., L . .. . . Mnncheater .. 8 .00 a.m . Williamsfield BoHNT GATE, Tel. L. St. Mary 12.30 p.m. Port Maria lorder, L. St. Andrew . ' 10.00 a.m . Lawrence Tavern 'loaouonBRTDoE, T. St. Ann 8 .00 a..m. Shooter's Hill

12.30 p.m. Brown 'a Town and Ewarlon

Boecobel, T. St. Mary 12.30 p.m. Richmond Bowden, Tel. L. . . St. Thomae 1 .00 p.m . Port. Morant Braes River, Tel. St. E lizabeth 8 .00 p.m. Balaclava Braetond P.A., L. . . St. Cath. . . 8 .00 a.m . Gre~ory Park !rainer , Tel. L. . . St. Mary 12.30 p.m . TroJa Brandon Hill, P.A., L. . . St. Andrew . . 10.30 a .m . Castleton Brighton, L. Tel. . . St. Elizabeth 8 .00 a.m . Newmarket

. ton Hill, P.A . .. Clarendon 10.00 a.m . Four Paths leafif.A· .. . . Manchester .. Porus

laoWN's ALL, Tel. L. St. Cath. 8 .00 a.m. Old Harbour laoWN's TowN, T. St. Ann .. 8 .00 a.m. Shooter's Hill

12.30 p.m. Ewarlon Bun BAT, T. . ' Portland . . 12.30 p.m. lull Bay, Tel. St. Andrew . . 1.00 p.m. Banker's Hill, Tel. L. Trelawny 12.30 p.m. Falmouth lurnt Savannah, P.A., L. W'moreland . . 8 .00 a..m. Lacovia. laeby Park, Ry. T. . . St Cath. . . 8 .00 a.m.

3 .00 p.m. Alexandria r..Jderwood, Tel. L. . . St. Ann .. 12.30 p.m.

Dunberwell, L. '' St. Mary . . 12.30 p.m. Annotto Bay CAllBRIDOJll, Tel. St. Jamee 8 .00 a.m. Montego Bay and

12.30 p.m. Ewart.on . . W'morcland . . 8 .00 a.m . Newmarket .. St. Elizabeth Maggotty . . St. Mary .. 12.30 p.m. Guye Hill and

Linet.ead AD!l, Tel. L. Hanover . . 8 .00a.m. Lucea

TLETON, Tel. L. St. Mary 10.00 a.m. Stony Hill TAD11PA, Ry. T . . . St. James 8.00a.m. Monteg{) Bay &nd

12.30 p.m. Ewart.on Y&liere, P.A ., L. St. Andrew . ' 10.00 a..m. Stony Hill Ye, L. . . W'moreland 8 .00 a.m. Ba.v.-la-Mar

na VALLEY, Tel. . . St. Ann . . 8 .00 a.m. Shooter's Hill 12.30 p.m. Brown's Town and


Page 8: Binder4€¦ · e OOlllWHIOATIONI AND TRANIPOB'l'A'l'IOH 461 "Blind Lllfrature "-Packet.a cont.ainln1 papers lmpr81118d for the uae of the blind 18Dt lo any place abroad are accepted


Olien printed in SMALL CAPITAL.., are brnnchr~ of the Go11trnment Sa11ittg1 Bank, co l,,ntest. time Routing

Office Parish of postin~ (via)

CEDAR VALl.~T, Tel. L. St. Thomn.C\ l .00 p.m. Trinity Ville Cesnock IJ. Hanover 8 00 n.m. Green Tsla.nd Chalky l lill, I,. .. St. Ann 12.30 p.m. Rt. Ann's Day CnAl'ELTON, T. ClllrC'nclon 3 00 p.m. Chat.ham, P.A., L. St. fames 12 ;m p.m. Adel phi Chester CMtlc, Tel. L. Ilnno"er 8.00 n.m. l\lontpclicr CHRISTIAN A, Tel. l\fanchci:itcr 8 00 n.m. Shooter's Ifill

12 .30 p.m. Brown's Town and Ewnrton

C1.ARFIMONT, L. St. Ann 12.30 p.m. Nwnrton CLARK'S TowN, Tcf. Trehiwny 12 ~m p.m. Ewnrton CI.ONMF.L, L. 7'cl. . . St. ~fory 12 .:m p.m. Richmond Clo\•cr Hill, P.A. L. St. Ann 12 ao p.m. Monen~e Clydesdale, P.A ., L. St. Ann 12 .30 p.m. Alcxan ia Coldwell , P.A. Hanover 8 00 n.m. Green Tslnnd Cole Gate, P.A. St. Ann Ocho Rios COLETVJl.t,F., 7'tl. T~. Mnnchcslcr 8 00 n.m. Chriatinna Colonl'l 's Hid~c, 7'6l. D. Clnrcndon 3 00 p.m. Chnpclton Comfort Cll8t c, Tel. L. PorUnnd 12:mpm. Port Antonio Comfort Ha11

1 lJ. . . .l\Inncbr,ster 8 00 n.m . Dalnclava

Constant Spnng, T. St. AndrC'w JO 00 n.m. 12 115 p.m. 2.00 p.m. •J 00 p.m.

Content Gap, P.A. St. Andrew ·1.00 p.m . Gordon Town Copse, P. A., L. Hnno,·er 8.00 a.m. Hnmb1e Com"·all Mount.nin, L. W'morcland 8 00 n.m. Ramble Craighead, Trl. L. l\ fonchcst er R 00 a.m. Coleyville Crawle River, P.A. L . Clnren<lon 3 .00 p.m. Chnpelton Crofts Hill, Tel. L. Clarcnclon 12.30 p.m. Ewnrton Caooum R tvEn, Tel. Ditt.o 3 .00 p.m. Caose J{zrs, Tri. :ManchcRlcr 8 .00 n.m. Williamefield Caoss RoAos, T. . . St. Andrew 10 00 n.m .

12 45 p.m. 2 .00 p.m.

DalJM, L. 4 00 p.m.

Ditto 2 .00 p.m. Liguanea. Dalvey, L. . . . . f't. Thomas l 00 p.m . Golden Grove Dam•ers Pen, P.A., L. St.. Thomna 1.00 p.m. Senforth Darley, P.A., L. Portland 12 30 p.m. St. Margaret's Bay DARLIBTON, Ttl. L. W'morclnnd 8.00 n.m. Montpelier DEESIDE, Tel. L. Trclawny 12.30 p.m. Fnlmouth DENDAM ToWN, Ttl. Ringsl-0n l 1.45 n.m.

Delveland P.A. 4 00 p.m.

" reetmor<•land 10 n.m. Li ttlc London Devon, Tel. L . Manchester 8 .00 n.m. Mile Gully Due, Tel. L. . . Hanover 8 .00 n.m . Montpelier DRES!UKIE, P.A. . . St. Mary 12 .30 p.rn. Gayle DRY HARBOUR, T., TJ. St. Ann 12 .ao p.m. St. Ann 'R Day Duan Vale, Tel. L. Trelnwny 12.30 p.m. Clark 'a Town Dumphrfoe, P.A ., L. St. Jnmrs 12.30 p.m. Adrlphi DUNCANS, T. Ditto 8 .00 a.m. Mont.ego Bay (rail)

ELDIJR8L1E, Ttl. . . 12.30 p.m. Ewarton

St EJizabcth 8.00 a.rn. wswich Ellen Street, Td. L. Manchester 8 00 n.m. ewport Epsom, P.A. St. Mary 12.30 p.m. Windsor Caatle ~worth, L. St. Ann 12.30 p.m. Claremont EwABTON, T. (a) St. Cath. 12.30 p.m. ENnmLD, Ttl. L. St. Mary 12.30 p.m. A nnotto Bay Eucx llaJJ, P.A. St. Andrew Lawrence Tavern

Page 9: Binder4€¦ · e OOlllWHIOATIONI AND TRANIPOB'l'A'l'IOH 461 "Blind Lllfrature "-Packet.a cont.ainln1 papers lmpr81118d for the uae of the blind 18Dt lo any place abroad are accepted



Ojcu printed in SMALL CAPITAr,s are branchu of the Gouernmenl Sar1inga Ba11k, contd.

Office Parish Latest time of posting

Routing (vin)

Jairy Hill, Tel. Portland 1.00 p.m. Jaith's Pen, P.A. . . . . St. Ann 12.30 p.m . JU.MOUTH, L. .. Trelawny 8 .00 a.m. Montcgo Bay (rail}

12.30 p.m. Ewarton hLLOWBAIP, Tel. L . Portlnnd 12 .30 p.m. Trinity Ville '1.IN!J' RIVEll, P.A .. . St. Mary 12. :iO p.m. P t. Maria J1owcr Hill, P.A. .. Hanover CMcade Four Paths, T. Clarendon 8 .00 a.m.

i'aANU'IJllLD, T. Ditto 3 .00 p.m. 3 .00 p.m.

Free Hill, L. Tel. . . .. St. Mary 12 .30 p.m. Port Maria freeman's HnJI, P.A., L. T rclawny 8 .00 a.m. Albert Town Friendship, L. W'moreland 8 .00 a.m. Sav.-la-Mar hoe, T. Ditto 8 .00 a.m. MontpeUer htTITFUL VALFl1 Tel. L. .. Portland 12.00 Hope Bay fyft'es Penz Tel. L. . . St. Elizabeth 8 .00 a..m. Blnck River OnLz, Tc. . . St . Mary 12.30 p.m . Linstca.d Georges Plain, 1'cl. . . W'morelancl 8 .00 a.m. Sa v .-la-Mar GmRALTAR, Tel. £. .. St. Ann 12.30 p.m. Stewart Town Giddy Htill, Tel. L . . . St. Elizabeth 8 .00 a..m. MiddJe Quarters Ginger Hill, L. Ditto 8 .00 a.m. Ipswich Ginger Ridge, L. St. Cath. 3 .00 p.m. ChRpelton Glengoffc, T el. P . . . DitLo 10 00 R.m . SLony Hill GuNIBLAY, Tel. L. W'moreland 8 .00 a.m. Petersfield GoLDEN GnovE, T . . . St. Thomas 1 .00 p.m. OoaooN TowN, Tel. St . Andrew 10.00 a .m.

St. Jamee

2 .00 p.m. 4 .00 p.m. 8 .00 n.m. John's Hall

W'morela.nd 8 .00 a.m. Montpelier Clarendon 3 .00 p.m. Frankfield Hanover 8 .00 a.m. Anchovy

. . Portland 12.30 p.m . Spring Hill Hanover 8 .00 a.m. Anchovy

. . St. Cath . 8 .00 a.m. 3 .00 p.m.

Crosa Keye . . Manchester 8 .00 a.m . St. Cath. 8 .00 a.m. SJ?anish Town St. Mary 12.30 p.m. Lmstead Hanover 8 .00 a.m. Hnpcwell W'moreland 8 .00 n..m. Ramble St. Thoma8 8.00 a.m. Gordon Town Portland 10.00 a.m. Hectors River St. Andrew

} 10.00 a.m. 12.45 p.m. 2 .00 p.m. 4 .00 p.m.

FaJmouth ro1m, Trl. L . Trelawny 12.30 a.m. . . Richmond PBTP>AD, Tel. L. St. l\fary 12.30 p.m.

wood, L. . . St. Cath. 12.30 p.m. Riversdale um'e HALJ,, Tel. L. Ditto 12.30 p.m. Bog Walk one, L. Manchester 8 .00 a.m. Po rue Watch, L . Ditto 8 .00 a.m. Mile Gully nde, Ry. T. St. Cath. 8 .00a.m.

3 .00p.m. d Manchester 8 .00a.m. Mandeville

I Ttl. . . . . Clarendon 8 .00 a.m. May Pen a'a Rrvmn, Tel. . . Portland 1.00 p.m.