E o n ly PR]i^iMwspAM]^iilN TWIN FALLS COVW im m l s

■■ VOL. 11. ^NO. 261 - - 3Bm iE • CLE iiDECKFO fi W IliESTSTIIllffii OnForrwp-EdopatidtvCommit-j . tee’s Bills Providing for U.ni-; versify Library May En- counter B itterest C o n te s t (By Tlte AKtKlnW Prcaa) , 1 BOISE, Feb. 4—The decks of _ the lower houso of th'b Idaho! lejrialotfirc were beinir cleuredj : jfor nction today for yhat are j ^ ' ^pw ted to bc some of tne w arm -; . est battles of the aeason over • two educfttion committee bills., . Marked opposition to-house bill 29-has been displaytwi. by j southern Idnho mcmbera whoi objcctcd to Its provisions RWlng the • ------------boaitl- of-education-outliorUy-to-JcvjJ on StudenU to pay fees tor biUldlnsi protframs ot the different Btate cduca-'' lional Inatltutlons. Thla oppoaldon has been 80 hotly expressed In commltt«ca | •that sponsor# or tlic bill drew U out of j ________the^totUc toda r by age on three dlfrerent doji that It will be held up unlll after the; other measure has been voted on.waa 1 seen by some of Its opponenta. . . BatUe Over Bond lune | Tlio other measure is that providing , for a.«a50,o00 bond Issue for the Uni- I verslty of Idalio library. This bond tastie | would use ui> virtually all that, rctl mains of the utatc'o conr.Ututlohal bond-,i Ing allowance and banlcer membets of I the house have oppoocd ll a s. poor | credit. The measure has rccclved amplej nupport, however, from other memtxrs of the.house, from. boUi South and. Norlh Idaho who'have expressed real-, IzaUon of the need of the school far; such a bulldlnB. - - ^ Recommlltment of the oludenl levy i - bill robbed the legislature of any chance, of 'excitement at Its sessions today and ; >- - both houses.a^umcd.£arly.Jo attend^ L a majority party caucus. ^ fl m The oleomarglne bill was InUoduc^ I fS> . In the house by tHs agriculture" coai- | U-_____ :jnlttco.-th»-bm-oalllntfrrorHH«W-U»«nM^ on «taU dealers ••nAw*.4M0--«£ins® ; on wholesale tlealers In the produce. { [' . Miikes Crm^R Mlwtemtanor ' i The bill provided for a license on; ■^dealers In any .substitute <or dairy pro-. a misdemeanor Jlnes. collect<d from — ■— - pr<aecutlonB-~wDuld-'bc" Blvcn—tp-:thc- counUcs while the license f~«s would -------- ^ b e givi^trraggKatittergenCTai- futifl: chain stores handling the produci ------------ yiam imvu lu-yei u scumme.iiieme ' for each one of the stores. In the senate a bill was introduced by Senator Nc«*comb. Pocatello, aimed, ol protecUdg worlcnien from t>elng dU> I charged by their employers-' on m for-' maUon furnished by "spotters" or de- ■ lecUves hired by employers lo check on ' ________ tbe iiooos>iy-or-falthtulneM-of-«nploy>s-4 No workman could be discharged on In-' formaUon furnished lh' thU manner without having a heartn?. ~ (Continued on Page 3.. Column i) ' flicT]iforfipiiiii I —CB llSHESlilflL llIlIi .1 i General Primo de Rivera De-I _______ ciares Trouble Not Settled-; ■ Nation’s Censorship RI g I d j SSENDAYE. Pranco-epanisb PTOn-;, Uer. Peb. 4 WV-Oencral Prlmo de Bl- , ' vera appeared tonight to have crushed ' the armed revolt agalnsl his dlcutor- ! ------------ «iip~wnien~iMt mm.eo~its-hoBd->n-t Valencia but travelers reaching _herej! said Uiallib~[n)UbTeB were not jxt over. ' Discussions, protest* and manifestos i are said to have taken the place of flghUng. while the gorenunent Hs clamping down an ever more rigid | ' all mfonnJuoa unfaWtfiible'WTtr''----- j" Tbe newspapers are.-fortildden to - publish even news already "known to the public and coiicspciudents ha^-e -been fined heavily. Not a word appears In the Madrid dallies about the hap- ............... peaiflji ln cnKi«rBMl-«Kt-Wencflfc- - where the srrny garrisons took part In —^ rio Afinmra. Tnr.4 ________mer mlnisUr of war. wh« on .two tyeyl- plotting M f <«»« goTcnunent, to- day was added to the list of promloent persotu under arrest. BELORADE. Jugo>Stavla. Peb. 4 UPi —iQat Alexander today signed a do-,' cree naming Profeoor l«OQld Plta->; mets of the tJnltgrslty' of Mubljana.! as me Iww Jugo-ej*Tt«ir^m»abter-to I jffashlngtoa. t WHEAT SDPPUr OSCBXA8SS I __________WAfiHmoTOK. gat. * (jv-p»jis- , «bte tnwi^r irf *TTwrrhiTi grstn .shnw*. ; ___-Ihe loUffwtng eha&t«a 'tA t wheat decTTBsed 3.4UM0r c a n tn< t -- .«eesed lAMO;-4*l»-lo6«Med. «<« < ' 000: m d£crc«sed 0 .000; buley de- t ------------e ^ w e d -W W O ---------------------------------- * 5 TWJ .. „ LKA8ED W ttB HEMnSB 6 r '’^~' " ----------- A88001ATEP .rw ta a — Utah Ck)'-Ed Debater^ I MISS GRACE Ahderaqn " of - the University o rU t’ah ” ha.s been voted by tho stu- *p denta.as i>ne of,tho.l|ff m oat.' :l. I b^utjf^H!j'p.unglwpra(ini6ri ^ ■L* the cainpus^ She iaiivaraity j debater. nl-;;, ; ' ' < o H V ' •ed|- K P M | " i r e ! - -- ----------- by.j ..:! hoi' I ------------ '— ;I jn_-1— ...................................... .. , ilL lBEIlG llGUESTQF i irriS llfflSL^MEIIIG llllS" H . . . ■; I Lone Eagle Greeted In British ! S-1 1 Honduras During Stop' With : ":L-First. Canal'Zone Air Mall ; olf ------- : 1 ” sj BELIZE. British Honduras, Feb. 4 pie ■ WV-Colonel Charlts”A.”LindbCk‘l{ll“KJ~ night was the wclcome guest of thlr. colony, to which Kc was the first to fa r: Introduce airplane travel lllUe more 'than ft year ago. At the close of hti evy 1twenty-seventh. birthday anniversarj' ^ tho had Jlowa successfully the ‘Irst !nd !750-mU* leg of the new air mall route t^wWoh^Js.to Oak U»o unltod sutea uith :^ |th o Oaoal Zone by way of Cuba ond oi- ICentral .America. <> gS lT AtnUmo»t-the--mctrmattcttTlbat- ^ ] h e was, expected, ha brought hi* SN , fkorsky amphibian plane down to a ismooth landing In thn harbour wat- > on;ers at S:W P. M. Butem sundard i ro- fUme. He had left Miami, Florida, at i AW-iJI-flft A V nnH UwHwl nt Hnvann nt ■ cm 8:31 P, M. After a slop there of- Ihc- wic’lwur'and'tciur-mlniiteB'forrrcfuel'^ Ing. he was on his way ngaln. jclT 7 Stops To Sleep ; 1 He sleeps herc -tonight and tomor- row will wing his way south«-ard to I \ ^ Managua. Nicaragua, the last stage; ‘ u . j Is through Costa Rlca to Panamn. and „ .l5 ic Canal Zone. ' le- ;, route .which he Inaugurated to- on^day la regarted as the direct out-; In-'young aviator a year ago. He wasj nearing the end of that nlr cruls®— : around-the Caribbean when he cele-, ;^-’brat«l-hls-twcnty-8l»ttr-blrtiKlftit-aa*-,- I Inlversary -by flying‘from San^uan. I - ;Pono-Rleo.-4e-Santo-Domln>fO-8lnce - (that day regular air routes have been. ..established from Havana eastward i through the blonds and no«- the man j I who first demcnstrated the feasibility; N jhas Inaugurattd the longer route toj Ithe west and south. i.Fire Razes Home Of j N oted G otham Banker . I ‘NEW YPRK. Feb;*,4 (4*)—Fire to-; Q; nlaht nueed the New York home of. Id'a^ylng Uie furnishings and manyl . Ivaluable palnUnga The loss '-as ea-j tlmated a t »:.000.000. ! i ■The fire was discovered in the t M. Inorth wlhg o? the 3S-room house' ^ slAiultaneously by an airplane pilot | and Krvants. The pilot, who was fly; Ip tiry up thF Hnrtaon, Hrcled low over ■ Ute_nejghborhood with tili enginc roar- cr. ^ w attracted the attention of I OS neighbors, who tu rn ^ In'Uie ulann. T 5 WOMEN PAY FINES FOR | to - BOSTON. Peb. 4 WV-A bus- i tQ band's complaint that hls wife had | been lotlng most of her week's : earnings In a Saturday night poker | p. game with other married women -r Jed to-the-appeanuue^of-rix woown- !• In In Ibo West Roxfiury court today ' - --rXor-sambUng oa-Uw-Lord's-day. —■—T^women.-irbe ranged fryn 48 I —eadxiRftsc^ nornlns in a raid ' > on a bouse In OomSiter. TWy nt convicted to(lay and floed ti J80U0H^NiEV«)A-W 0Ut0-r e-J REDUCE LIST OF JUDGES! . Ues but ooe disttia JudiB. Assembly- man Brattaoo said at Canoo city to- <ur au* * coteris ariawyss haw •: b « la ^ , - ^ .enmtlM-»neeted now i’ have three Juidf^ bot Bnnson chart-* .* ed Um «tth dtfocM'ouH^titr bwl not enomh baiin— to keep note thao hE only - assoc U tei ) . im m ricSSc^ -S deiitiisinw i I'; IK IillS -Sra-Tragedy-Takes-26-Lives;. | i'Four Workmen Freeze; Hun- ger'-Maddened Wolves Men- : ace; Bliaard in Turkey Bad i ' (By Tlie Aasoclntcd Pressi , LONDON.' Peb. 4-i^All Europe shiver- led tonight from a cold wove of unusual I severity from which no relief was In sight. The desUis-of 44 penons already -Jiav e J>«a.r«orded_w.uiip_eufrcring,ls,, .nanar?^ fmm food/flQnnBC33n~IdWns , blockaded by snow. : Denmark, appeared likely U) be en- lllrtly lee-locked .before the end of the | twcek. Ice-breakers were struggling tol, • maintain a narrow pathway fot shlp- ;plng Into-Oopenhagen. but communl.. cBtlon with several Daiil.ih Islands was i ' maintained only by sledges and outo-: -;.mobUcs-onret:the_BCO_lce.., R,fony shlp.i; =: are aground. MUllons of wllilowl have j" ’ been killed by the cold. : While Denmark to typical of North . European countries, the frigid breath of 1 winlcr has beeu'felt along Uie Medltcr- i runcan where the Inhablunts are less i . tnrpmti'fUng llmmmlveg-JJ a_t;oni low cTtremea oL temperature.------- ;J J' Wore than half of the death loll was |.' ' lolled up on Sunday when the crew of ( 20 of the Oennan freighter Delster | L drowned when their ship foundered off i ^ ' (he coosl of Portugal. A landslide at < Alma AftU. Russian Turkestan, swept ‘ h 11 lo their deaths. Pour worlunen were froien to death tn trying to release * il Iho tracks of the Simplon express-In Tliruccan Turkey and the work of 'biealclng Uic snow blockadc was called '* otr. Budopesl reported three deaths. , ^ Constanlln^le was burled under the J Ir. wor.it blteard In 6 ycar.s.' S e v e r a l j to houses hnd collapsed nnd flre.n«n ^ re (Continued On Page 2. Column 2) ] * tl ------------------------- sINSIHEIIflSBIlSTIlX i; 3 NETS.STilTES6Jf1^1i2S — BOI8lT¥eS;:t~(3^n tlie mx year* * of lls operaUdri', the gasoline tax has | t_-brought »6.7J1.«25 in revenue to the •d state for toad purposes, a report to the ,< >l (tenate hlghwaj-s committees by the bu- { lLfe»u- e,f mulw fuels Tet'ealtd tcday.-----\ tr.<— 1 l«fimd£d for gasoline used other 4fiiin < ^TroSeSShway^ Consumpuim oc^soic* ; Hne lias virtually doubled In the last OI autolsts u«d 27.207.373 gallons while In *:1028 a toUl of 50.147,711 gallons was ( JI used. The prcucnt Uix Is 4 eenU a gal- I lon. 3 Wz~~ J \\^ rj _____ ,-TK.tL ~ ________________ i[...... ; One Mome s i]__ “I r . _^-v^.T r I — r I II D PR]i^iMwspAM]^i \U l s lOTTIJESPAYr^ORNil^F death ^ m ^ weaitt S yNORTHWESTERN RANCHER LEWISTON. Idolio, Feb. 4 W — ' JoBpcr tJapl N. Uounce. 74, wealthy rancher of the Wahn dlstrl6t and wide- ly known ihroughout the Northwest as S o brteder* of -race horses, succumbed to heart troublo today after four days’ lllmiss. Mounce's raeln# alrinr onco was kiiown on every Important track In the Northwest. - BRtTISH-eENTENARfAN'DIE& YORK.' England. Feb. 4 i/IV-James - Melroec died today at ihe ago of JOO '* years. He often aulil he wa.s refused a '. iwllcy by an InAtiranei! company as a ICI • b.'id risk" early. In life. JEXilTTOSET jljST-roHECflllDi “ Captain Frank !M, Hawks at 5; Controls . n t PJane Hurtling 1 Toward AirportinNewJeijey Sj-Z— -■ ■ - - .- -.,-11 METSOPOLrrAN- AlnPOHT. Xo>* Ih Angeles. F%b. 4 i/PwClpuin Frank M. of Hawks. Houston, Texas, iivtntor. hop- r- ped off In his Lockhccd monoplane at SS S;37:30 P, X. today on an attempt to .« Ihr*nlf tho pr»)ti»nt Wwit.Rnat noneton I fligh t r e c o r d ^ f ^ B hourn.^jlS minutes^. ^ gasoline, u d with Oscar E. Orubb, sr mechanic, as Captain Hawks' compan- it lon. made an easy takeoff In a run of Itt about 3S00 feet. The iilane was headed 3t east Immediately. rc The Lockheed monoplane Is a sister u. ship to The Yankee D6od1e*tn which In Colonel Arthur Goebel estnblLihed Uv -f present West-East -rccord.-A new type ,u -of motor cowling, dc&li;n<^ by the national-advisory commlltcc of acro- nautlcs Is claimed to have Increased ^ tho ■ip>H!d-Qf_the plaiip 10 to 30 miles J an hour. Test lllghu were • replied to have developed a speed of ICO miles _ an hour flying against the wind. Cnp- 1UOn Hawks hoped to lund al Metro- ! polltan airport, near Newark. New ‘ Jersey, before noon tomorrow. Snowfall General In g - Region Of Lewiston LEWISTON, Feb. 4 (4*>—Snowfall was =r,*eniwJ-U»rougbouMftu-Lswislon-re«lnn. " today, u-lUi the-mercury^ ranging be- “ tueen 22 ond 34 above. > le Traffic on the Lewiston Jilll portion ie ,of tlio Norm and SouUi highway halt- cd temporarily-by snowdrifts, was re - sumed late today although negotlaUons of tne hUl oy lotije m ow r”it51{ca' ll'SB' sn. iaULhajardoiis.j. A in one stage took three houm, the drlv- g g g r g a g g tr--------J',.:.:' Hi -------- Vft.Tigc-r tvi HT in PRAOUE. Czecho Slovakia. I-'eb. 4 IS (;PH-Thls city experienced yestenlay 1- Uie most severe cotd recorded In 157 years. . lOtlrerHOTVBr^binElrM ysi ilN TWIN FALLS COV -PEBRU-A-R-Y-57-1-928 --------- MOMirsPEr i TWO d 1 ONTO ; OF F10|D IST1IIC1 ;. £ l a n s - f a E . C o m l n o - W £SiclacM , Attendance at Birthday Din I ner in Honor of Thomas A Edison al Fort Myei;s “Homi i iBv The Associated Press) _ MIAhn BEACH. Fla.. Feb. 4—presl i dent.clcct Hoover todoy decided i snrnd two dny.s late next week Inspect !lng the_flood-swepl-OkcechGbee-dla I trlct of fjOHthcm-FlDrtdornnd to atten< . ventor'n winlcr cs'ute at Fort Myer I next Monday. I Al the same time he began a serle t)f convcrRatlons with Senntor Smoot • Ulnh. chulnnan'of the senate flnanp' / ecinmlttee. who Is hto bouse Kuest fo . the-week and-»'hO-predlctcd a genera upward revUlon of the Uri/f ai «n : jBxUa:asaslanjif_ihe:neK--.conBrea5. _ The next president declined to elthe • confirm or deny widely published r« ports thal Henry L. Stlmson. governor • rcncrnl of Uie phlllpplnea, who Is sail ing for the Unllcd SUtes soon, had beei - -tendered-iind—liad-eecopted—appoint r •mont ai i,ucr<ilory of.stale la .tjir Hftft ' ver admlnlatratlon. ' Renewed reiwrls thal Dr. Ray Lymoi • Wilbur. prc.sldcnl of Stanford unlvcr ; sUy, would be secretarj- of the Interior were hcnrd here today from vtoltors t< • Hoover • hendciuartcrs. Dr. WUbur, I , -was sU^lrd...hn8.:.obtalned a two-yw: > leave of absence from the ’unlveislty o : wlilch Mr. Hoover-U a .trusU*.. Another rumor wus th o tu was not a nil eertnln Umt William M. Jordlm i would bc renamed as secretory of og L XlClUlUn' although o number of fom I tlon on the ground thal he knows th( • prcblemi of ihe farmer and hiw beerl i capable administrator. IMOTiBlfmiTyTE FOBSCiUSIilOpf —BOiaEf-Pyfcc^47<^ g .ven-lf-»-roo- ther docsnt like the school teacher shi cannot withdraw her children fron ‘ school, said a nillnc lodsy Riven U Mrs. Lucy M. NeLwn. Fairfield. Ly tht • aUomey nenerol. I Mrs. Nelson withdrew .her two-chlld- r ren from onc'dtslrld 6cliUn-ull& St-ni L thVmK) nnnthKr 'Ptnrilni? thl.i Inrnn- venlent. she asked to teacli them her- "tS^.“’^arlng_fhflt. ahe warfTTTBHflf! schocl teacher and-{iUftim«l-tDTcacr in'hls opinion. Atiorney aunorarw D. Gluts advised her that the Intent oi the state school low was lo .h.ive al children aUend school, stery, ---------- ase------ ! I J - xaan T ork TTfiRSM^ l a ^ Wnty >■ . ■ “• w m m ------ iirBnErt-AOBTT n u n g id cittciitjffroHa— r~| - Gets Medal R . .M A ity 11. 1.ANKF0IU); IG-yenr-ohl .Norfolk, V ir- ' Kinin, tfirl. vi'ccnlly received P l ' the'CninK^irii*. l»ero mcda]_ U I ■ forsavinjr i"ti jicT.spns from drowning. iude^'' Diti-j Dme; W fM d lo A W ' ^ WF . " >cct- J t =r^UMMF . dls-.;__ .LcncU__ ------------------------------------------------- lyera, cries jSM for - *j,c: iliWlllESBia man i _____ Jackson Barnett, Wealthy B Own Right to Oklahoma 0 W ell, Married^ A g a in F W i 3tal ' 'dine -------- \ ag- WASHINOTON.. Feb. 4 (,n-A-basi; ‘am -jfui, smiling Indian told a senate con- mittce today how lie ma>ncd ugulni • ^ his will. eri a Made wealthy In hto own right t a gushing Okbhoma oil well,' Jac) son Barnett,'a member of Uie Cref r tribe, admitted sheepishly before h r “pale face" wife thal she proposed 1 .|hlm on their seeood meeting, but U ‘fin wife, when called to the tU ad n MH :fme4 to-walw torounlty and-hcr-te ""illm ony -wu noi-'heard. The commii 'tec U-<nv>.«lW«y lhi. . ahe‘»“ Pi"«-"' ............ ’rorhl courts have declared the India 1 to ’ Incompetent, the I Once Senator Pine. Republican, Ok I Inhoma. asked him whether Jie kne illd-1the difference between a M and .a »2 sr-nri-cmf-------'— :---------------------------------- con,-.l.Jtn_Bia.sgr..j:{io.yo»?" drey ft ras her- lot laughter from the spectators wh commltt«? each I " s? -RcfuMs t*-A aiw er --------- rw . ■ bldahdmoTshwed'^hl'm photograp: ot of hlnuelf and asked him to IdenUf ‘ a ll i>. Borrielt. after'a pause. opparetiU . decided the quesUoi^ was a joke an I refused to answer. : Hie Indian's testimony began wll ___ a mmbllnp nppnunt. nf hL^ mnrrittitft-l . ICunsas and hto subsequenc rcmovi - from Oklahoma fo Loa Angeles, whei .. ....... he said-hc-had-a home "like the movl , aclcrs at licllywood to live In.” '■Vou didn't know you were golr „ 1lo get married, did you?" Senate , Wheeler. Democrat, Montana. aske< -------When thtr-lndtan-hcsltated—Senate , Wheeler asked him it he n a •'atral ot this w-omnn" to which he replle "no," Whreler did find out'that Bnmei • (Continued Ou Page 2. Column 2) Late Dinner Causes . ' Man To Shoot Spous* MIN?}SAPOLI3. Feb. 4 (fl'k—Josep! _____ thins cxcept lo come home after . h a r d w c r l t ' lA JlUd IIU WfC'tVft' not started dinner. Ei-en thnt was exeusoble eomettmei The first time ll occurred Joe was on! irked. The second time he was angeret ' But the Uitrd time he was so upse ittni he ;icv.- Into a rage ond shot Mn ____ _>Mrccaek-ln,.,thc .knee._______________ A clUtrlci court Judge hns seen to I Hint Joe will have his dinner, on tlm --------ncn;after;~he~sgntciiced~htm~t0day~t five years In the state iienltentlnry. ! a IR and bail PASSENGER TsERVICE'GETTUNDBrWfln ! LOS ANOELES. Feb. 4 i>PV-The : flrsl transconUnental atr and mil I passenger service was Inaugurated : herc today when a standard air . L-Hneic«i}in_p)aa#.iock.ofi.fnKii-El. i Pa-w. Texas, where It wlll connect ____I wlth__a J^*a|_ and Pacific train p bound for St.'LouCTThe* service \ • wUl save IB hours tietween tem ln- Stops WlU be inadc by the plan«Vi" ; Phoenix. Tucsoo and Douglas. Ari- i lona. _^0ABD_0E lCENS0BSJ«1HS_ j IN PENNSYLVANIA COUR' ~j“~PHn3IDEn’HTC peo. >.4- iat—in ftate-wpreme eoort-tedkj?»lpheld UV ! right or the pcsn«ytv«BlR itotfl bout ! of ceoKirs to cenMr. “Muad -tans.'* . . 1 Tba ease-reached UM hifbee««bci ____'ihe.<ute,h(wn 1 grwfaM fnm-BM-ic Uon ct eopuaon p lm coart-wfaich m ''5owld*mo*^^«*asp^'tho'lS FUm compaoy. reftnM to soteU b ------tzwboarttbe tottfnerptepowd to b spoken. , .As "ft,, -18 PAfJi-:s — K nFSEiTE-lFOSESIO i i LE jllfET iECL illlSE ;^ •d ; . , 1 il^OFJlt B lth ~ ! Upper House Overrides Expres-. i ' sed W ish of President Coo* t j lldge by Vote of 54 to 28; ■ : I i Main Obstacle. Out of Way f ' - The-Day In.Washington^ ' : ------ (By-The>Mocintwi'J*raa):^^ --------- -SENATE-Tcfuses-lo-cllmlWUe'tlmo' ~ . i' cJaiute In crul«*r WJl. HOUSE, apprcves number of minor ” ^ bllto on Its calendar Including - several bridge measures, ; captain FRIED .left for New H i York after being congratulated / I by Presldeol Coolldge for.hto res- cue feat. - -------- •: i r t ' “ ■ 'H O ^E ‘ way5~and meiito~conimlt=" ^ II* tee sUrta hearings on Jute, hemp Jh, and fliuc urlff duties. _ 'p ‘ senate Indian, affairs committee' E t —Barrictl._wcaimv_Crcek Indian. ; senate and h o u s o commlUees consider similar bills to extend- p ^ ’j llfp of Uio radio commission for “ J I another year. I Oil I HOUSE, sends resolution to preat- ~i.:r —dent-expreaalng-appredatlon-of - W ll congress-to-Captaln Pried for res- cue of ship. Florida. bash- ; WASHINOTON, ^ b . 4-Ovcrhdln* com- , the .'expressed wtoh of President Coo- . rninsi7iiURe.' Uib ujiiute-brTi-nrtc-of-64-to-^a- . refused late today to eliminate from'. at by ’ the crutoer eonstrueUon bill the sUp- Jack--niiaUon that the ifl ships shall be laid Creek. down before July 1.1D31, a hlai Party lines went to smash on the ed to propcMtloa wlth a Democist, Senator l the iiarrison. Mlsslialppi, offering - tho 1 re. amendment to givt the.tMtttdent a free.. r-tei«- retn OTer~tbe.n*val-pracrua~«iid-a»^ nnut- v o ^ . jagalort;. t o ndiah; lo meet (emorrow whon p o t- ' . age of the. mea^ure.^autheriglar IS' QI.. ' cruisers and an airplane cariler at a cost of »274.0Q0.W)0 Is rtcarded, at - r»CT;“ s^red. _______ : - roar'__The senate stood iiy.lhe protrlslon re- - who [ qulrlng that work oo'flm of the', crttls^* »«-.!ixeys shall be startrd.duriug ' ------- :next-three-ftscalTrcar8; betimtlng with - xrat. *this year which ends July l. As a*re- t n i p t j : i u l l ^ t M lia' ruw: aitify measure may be approved without ma- etiUy ! lerial chongn os.lt wos passed a year I and. ago by the house qnd if ihto should . I be done It wlll (x possible to rush the wlt^ : bill to the White House without a con- g,; tp ference If the house of rrproi^ntaUvwi noval; accept a few minor amend-, vhere ments. Reed Offers SobsUtate The eenate reconsidered tho amend- going}went-o;., Senator Dorah. RepubUcm , nator 1 (ConUnued on Page a. Column 8) Lsked. i __ SpBKSlimF " F llil III m iF Mill .1. . , _____ u s e ' W orkmen Begin Construction of Stand From Which Inaugu- Tnmr—ral-Parade-Will-Be-Reviewad-^ Imes. i - ..... only WASHINOTON. Peb. 4 t«>) — Ono month from tonight President Coolldge.: after yeara tn publlc office, wlll have : Joined oncc more America's vast army -—- time In Whit* House, along •" ovenue, workmen are al- ,ry 'ready busy erecting the stands from ; which the parade In honor of the In- . auguratlon of his successor will be re- :K , viewed, furnishing for the chief ex- 'fAY mtrement from Office •tsTapWly-spi-;'' proachlng. 'he : And Inside the executive' mansion' :all preparatlons-are going forward for re-, ted moving the CooIldge household goods, air When Mr. and Mrs. CooUdge traveUed' .El__ _ to M»rfhi.mjMnn tA ect last October, thetr special train carried*. ' kin numerous articles for which they c x -- Ice ■, peeled to have no use Aurlng'lhe w ttlt~' In- !cr months, bnt nw ergrthing U y ts; . at (or shipment The pacUnt to being. : xt- done by .the household statt ot tte' White House, with Mn. CooUdge bef-- self acUvety superintending tte Job. IS - As vet-U m has.besn no offlrial t^ V ’aicaOca repaiog~wgirw ^ CWOag t^ JRT KioKU iV d ^ itW jtaii. paper reports bm .h^ Vm «oiicop-'l . JThe.'i*ugf amiJ jutr t iBW 1 ................. Ill Iiiiiii i nrTiiintlnri~m’YinM|i^ ^fpresUeoctaa. But wbdi.Hbm^MaclS«V . ite«ebceal«M(btil>biKUUnaoa.t%; »«ir j lob* ’g to-

Transcript of E o n ly PR]i^iMwspAM]^iilN TWIN FALLS COVW im m l s

■■ V O L . 1 1 . ^ N O . 2 6 1 - -

3 B m i E• CLEiiDECKFOfi

WIliESTSTIIllffiiO n F o r r w p - E d o p a t id tv C o m m i t - j

. t e e ’s B ills P ro v id in g f o r U.ni-;

v e r s i f y L i b r a r y M ay E n ­

c o u n te r B i t t e r e s t C o n t e s t

(By Tlte AKtKlnW Prcaa) , 1B O IS E , F e b . 4— T h e d e c k s o f _

t h e lo w e r h o u so o f th 'b Id a h o ! le jr ia lo tf irc w e re b e in ir c le u re d j

■ : j f o r n c t io n to d a y f o r y h a t a r e j ^ ' ^ p w t e d to bc so m e o f t n e w a r m - ; “ . e s t b a t t l e s o f th e a e a so n o v e r •

tw o e d u c ftt io n c o m m itte e b ills . ,. M a rk e d o p p o s itio n t o - h o u s e b il l 2 9 - h a s b e e n d isp lay tw i. b y j

‘ s o u th e r n Id n h o m c m b e ra w h o i objcctcd to Its provisions RWlng the •

------------boaitl- o f-education-outliorU y-to-JcvjJon StudenU to pay fees to r biUldlnsi protframs o t the different Btate cduca-'' lional Inatltutlons. Thla oppoaldon has been 80 hotly expressed In commltt«ca |

• that sponsor# or tlic bill drew U out of j ________the^to tUc toda r by

age on three dlfrerent d o j i th a t It will be held up unlll after t h e ; other measure has been voted on.waa 1 seen by some of Its opponenta. .

. BatUe Over Bond lu n e |Tlio other measure is tha t providing ,

for a.«a50,o00 bond Issue for the Uni- I verslty of Idalio library. T his bond tastie | would use ui> virtually all that, r c t l mains of the utatc'o conr.Ututlohal bond-,i Ing allowance and banlcer membets of I th e house have oppoocd ll a s . poor |

credit. The measure has rccclved amplej nupport, however, from other memtxrs of the .house, from. boUi South and . Norlh Idaho who'have expressed re a l- , IzaUon of the need of the school far; such a bulldlnB. - - ^

Recommlltment of the oludenl levy i - • bill robbed the legislature of any c hance,

of 'excitement a t Its sessions today and ; >- - both h o u ses .a^ u m cd .£ a r ly .Jo attend^ L a m ajority party caucus. ^ flm The oleomarglne bill was InU oduc^ I fS> . In the house by tHs agriculture" coai- | U-_____ :jnlttco.-th»-bm-oalllntfrrorHH«W-U»«nM^

on « ta U dealers ••nAw*.4M0--«£ins®; on wholesale tlealers In the produce. {[' ■ . Miikes C rm ^R Mlwtemtanor ' i

The bill provided for a license o n ; ■^dealers In any .substitute <or dairy p ro - .

a misdemeanor J ln e s . collect<d from — ■— - pr<aecutlonB-~wDuld-'bc" Blvcn —tp-:thc-

counUcs while the license f~«s would-------- ^ b e givi^trraggK atittergenC T ai- futifl:

c h a in stores handling the produci------------ y ia m imvu lu - yei u scumme .iiiem e '

for each one of the stores.In the senate a bill was introduced

by Senator Nc«*comb. Pocatello, aimed, o l protecUdg worlcnien from t>elng dU> I charged by their employers-' on m fo r- ' maUon furnished by "spotters" or de- ■ lecUves hired by employers lo check on '

________ tbe iiooos>iy-or-falthtulneM-of-«nploy>s-4No workman could be discharged on In - ' formaUon furnished lh' thU manner without having a heartn?. ~

(Continued on Page 3.. Column i) '

flicT]iforfipiiiii I— CBllSHESlilflLllIlIi

— .1 i G e n e ra l P r im o d e R iv e ra D e -I

_______ c i a r e s T ro u b le N o t S e ttle d - ; ■

N a t io n ’s C e n s o r s h ip R I g I d j

SSENDAYE. P ranco-epanisb PTOn-;, Uer. Peb. 4 W V-Oencral Prlmo de B l- ,

' vera appeared tonight to have crushed ' the armed revolt agalnsl his d lcu tor- !

------------ « i ip~wnien~ iM t m m .eo~ its -h oBd->n-tValencia but travelers reaching _herej! said Uiallib~[n)UbTeB were n o t jx t over. '

Discussions, protest* and manifestos i are said to have taken the place of flghUng. while the gorenunent Hs clamping down an ever more rigid |

' all m fonnJuoa unfaW tfiible'W Ttr''----- j"

Tbe newspapers are.-fortildden to - publish even news already "known to the public and coiicspciudents ha^-e

-been fined heavily. Not a word appears In the Madrid dallies about the hap-

............... peaiflji ln cnK i«rB M l-«K t-W encflfc- -where the srrny garrisons took part In

— ^ rio A finm ra. Tnr.4 ________mer m lnisUr of war. wh« on .two tyeyl-

plotting Mf <«»« goTcnunent, to­day was added to the list of promloent persotu under arrest.

BELORADE. Jugo>Stavla. Peb. 4 UPi —iQ at Alexander today signed a do-,' cree naming Profeoor l«OQld Plta->; m ets of the tJnltgrslty ' o f M ubljana.! a s m e Iww Jugo-ej*Tt«ir^m »abter-to I jffashlngtoa. t

WHEAT SDPPU r OSCBXA8SS I__________WAfiHmoTOK. g a t. * ( j v - p » j i s - ,

«bte tnwi^r irf *TTwrrhiTi grs tn .shnw*. ;___- Ih e loUffwtng eha&t«a 'tA t

w heat decTTBsed 3.4U M 0r c a n tn< t -- .« ee se d lA M O ;-4 * l» -lo 6 « M ed . « < « < ' 000: m d£crc«sed 0 .000; b u le y de- t

------------e^ w ed -W W O ---------------------------------- *

5 T W J.. „ LKA8ED W ttB HEMnSB 6 r ' ’^~' " ----------- A88001ATEP .rw taa—

Utah Ck)'-Ed Debater^

I M IS S G R A C E A h d e ra q n " o f - t h e U n iv e r s i ty o r U t ’a h ”

ha.s b e e n v o te d b y th o s tu - * p d e n ta .a s i>ne o f ,th o . l |f f m o a t .': l . I b ^ u tjf^ H ! j 'p .u n g lw p ra ( in i6 r i ■L* th e ca in p u s^ S h e i a i i v a r a i t y

j d e b a te r .

n l - ; ; ,

; '

' < o H V '

• e d |- K P M | "i r e ! - -------------

by .j . . : !h o i '

I ------------ • ' — ;Ijn_-1 — ...................................... .. ,

ilLlBEIlGllGUESTQF i irriSllfflSLMEIIIGllllS"H . . . ■;

I L o n e E a g le G r e e te d In B r i t is h !

S - 1 1 H o n d u r a s D u r in g S to p ' W ith :

" : L - F i r s t . C a n a l 'Z o n e A ir M all ;o l f ------- : 1

” s j BELIZE. British Honduras, Feb. 4 pie ■ WV-Colonel C harlts”A.”LindbCk‘l{ll“ KJ~

night was the wclcome guest of thlr. colony, to which Kc was the first to

f a r : Introduce airplane travel lllUe more 'th a n ft year ago. At the close of hti

evy 1 twenty-seventh. birthday anniversarj' ^ tho had Jlowa successfully the ‘Irst !nd !750-mU* leg of the new a ir mall route

t^wWoh^Js.to Oak U»o unltod s u te a uith : ^ | t h o Oaoal Zone by way of Cuba ond o i- I Central .America. <>gS l T Atn U m o » t- th e - -m c trm a ttc ttT lb a t- ^ ] h e was, expected, ha brought hi* SN ,

fkorsky am phibian p lane down to a ismooth landing In thn harbour wat- >

o n ;e rs a t S:W P. M. B u te m sundard i ro- fUme. He had le ft Miami, Florida, a t i AW-iJI-flft A V nnH UwHwl nt Hnvann nt ■ cm 8:31 P, M. After a slop there of- Ihc- wic’ lw ur'and 'tciur-m lniiteB 'forrrcfuel'^

Ing. he was on his way ngaln.

jc lT 7 Stops To Sleep ; 1He sleeps herc -tonight and tomor- ‘

row will wing his way south«-ard to I \ ^ Managua. Nicaragua, the last s tage ; ‘ u . j Is through Costa Rlca to Panamn. and „ . l 5 i c Canal Zone. 'le- ; , route .which he Inaugurated to- on^day la regarted as th e direct ou t-;

In-'young aviator a year ago. He wasj nearing the end of th a t nlr cruls®—

: a round-the Caribbean when he cele-, ;^ - ’brat«l-hls-twcnty-8l»ttr-blrtiK lftit-aa*-,- I Inlversary -by f ly ing ‘from S a n ^ u a n . I - ;Pono-Rleo.-4e-Santo-Domln>fO-8lnce -

( tha t day regular a ir routes have been. ..established from Havana eastward i through th e blonds and no«- the man j I who first demcnstrated the feasibility;

N jhas Inaugurattd the longer route toj Ithe west and south.

i . F i r e R a z e s H o m e O f j N o t e d G o t h a m B a n k e r

. I ‘NEW YPRK. F eb;*,4 (4*)—Fire to-; Q ; nlaht nueed the New York home o f .

I d 'a ^ y l n g Uie furnishings and manyl . I valuable palnUnga The loss '-as ea-j

tlmated a t »:.000.000. • !i ■ T h e fire was discovered in the t

M. I north wlhg o? the 3S-room house' ^ slAiultaneously by a n airplane pilot |

and K rvants. The pilot, who was f ly ; Ip tiry up thF Hnrtaon, Hrcled low over ■

Ute_nejghborhood with tili enginc roar- cr. ^ w attracted the attention of I OS neighbors, who tu r n ^ In'U ie ulann. T

5 W O M E N PA Y F IN E S FO R |

to - BOSTON. Peb. 4 WV-A bus- itQ band's complaint th a t h ls wife had |

been lotlng most of her week's :„ earnings In a Saturday night poker | p . game with o ther married women

-r Jed to-the-appeanuue^of-rix woown- !• In In Ibo West Roxfiury court today ' - --rXor-sambUng oa-Uw-Lord's-day.

—■—T ^w o m e n .- irb e ranged fry n 48 I

— e a d x i R f t s c ^ n o rn ln s in a raid ' > on a bouse In O om S iter. TWy “ nt convicted to(lay and floed t i ‘

J 8 0 U 0 H ^ N i E V « ) A - W 0 U t 0 - r e-J R E D U C E L IS T O F JU D G E S !

. Ues but ooe d is t t ia JudiB. Assembly­m an Brattaoo said a t C anoo c ity to- <ur a u * * coteris a r i a w y s s h aw

•: b « l a ^ , - ^ .enm tlM -»nee ted now i’ have three J u id f^ b o t B n n so n chart-*.* ed U m « t th d tf o c M 'o u H ^ t i t r bwl

not enom h baiin— to keep n o te thao

hE o n l y -a sso c U t e i) .

i m mr i c S S c ^-SdeiitiisinwiI';IK I illS

- S r a - T r a g e d y - T a k e s - 2 6 - L i v e s ; . |

i 'F o u r W o rk m e n F re e z e ; H u n -

g e r '-M a d d e n e d W o lv e s M e n - :

a c e ; B l i a a r d in T u r k e y B a d i

' (By Tlie Aasoclntcd Pressi , LONDON.' Peb. 4-i^All Europe shiver- led tonight from a cold wove of unusual I severity from which no relief was In sight. The desUis-of 44 penons already

- J i a v e J>«a.r«orded_w .uiip_eufrcring,ls,,.nanar?^ fmm food/flQnnBC33n~IdWns , blockaded by snow.: Denmark, appeared likely U) be en- lllr tly lee-locked .before the end of the | twcek. Ice-breakers were struggling tol,• maintain a narrow pathway fo t shlp- ;p lng Into-Oopenhagen. but com m unl.. cBtlon with several Daiil.ih Islands was i

' m aintained only by sledges and ou to -: -;.mobUcs-onret:the_BCO_lce.., R,fony shlp.i; = : are aground. MUllons of w llilow l have j"

’ been killed by the cold.: While Denmark to typical of North . European countries, the frigid breath of 1

■ winlcr has beeu'felt along Uie Medltcr- i runcan where th e Inhablunts are less i

. tnrpm ti'fU ng llmmmlveg-JJa_ t;oni low cTtremea oL temperature.------- ;JJ ' Wore than half o f the death loll was | .'

' lolled up on Sunday when the crew of ( 20 of the Oennan freighter Delster |

L drowned when their ship foundered off i ^ ' (he coosl of Portugal. A landslide a t <

Alma AftU. Russian Turkestan, swept ‘ h 11 lo their deaths. Pour worlunen were

froien to death tn trying to release * il Iho tracks of the Simplon express-In

Tliruccan Turkey and the work of 'biealclng Uic snow blockadc was called '* otr. Budopesl reported three deaths. ,

^ Constanlln^le was burled under the J

Ir. wor.it b lteard In 6 ycar.s.' S e v e r a l j to houses hnd collapsed nnd flre.n«n ^

re (Continued On Page 2. Column 2) ] * tl -------------------------


— B O I8 lT ¥ e S ;:t~ (3 ^ n tlie mx year** of lls operaUdri', the gasoline ta x has |

t_-brought »6.7J1.«25 in revenue to the •d state for toad purposes, a report to the ,< >l (tenate hlghwaj-s committees by the bu- { lL fe»u- e,f mulw fuels Tet'ealtd tcday.-----\tr.<— 1

l«fim d£d for gasoline used o ther 4fiiin < ^ T ro S e S S h w a y ^ Consumpuim o c ^ s o ic *

; Hne lias virtually doubled In th e last

OI autolsts u«d 27.207.373 gallons while In*:1028 a toUl of 50.147,711 gallons was (J I used. The prcucnt Uix Is 4 eenU a gal- I

lon. 3

Wz~~J \\^r j_____ ,-T K .tL ~ —________________i[...... ;

One Mome


i ] _ _ “ I

r . _ ^ - v ^ .T r

I — rI II

D PR]i^iMwspAM]^i

\ U l sl O T T I J E S P A Y r ^ O R N i l ^ F

“ d e a t h ^ m ^ w e a i t t S y —


LEWISTON. Idolio, Feb. 4 W —' JoBpcr tJap l N. Uounce. 74, wealthy

rancher of the Wahn dlstrl6t and wide­ly known ihroughout the Northwest as

S o brteder* of -race horses, succumbed to heart troublo today after four days’ lllmiss. Mounce's raeln# a lr in r onco was kiiown on every Important track In the Northwest. -

B R tT IS H -e E N T E N A R fA N 'D IE &

YORK.' England. Feb. 4 i/IV-James - Melroec died today at ihe ago of JOO '* years. He often aulil he wa.s refused a ' . iwllcy by an InAtiranei! company as a ICI • b.'id risk" early. In life.

JEXilTTOSETjljST-roHECflllDi“ C a p ta in F r a n k !M , H a w k s a t

5; C o n t r o ls . n t P Jan e H u r t l in g

“ 1 T o w a r d A i r p o r t i n N e w J e i j e y

S j - Z — - ■ ■ - - .- - . , - 1 1M E T S O P O L rrA N - A lnP O H T . Xo>*

Ih Angeles. F%b. 4 i/Pw C lpuin Frank M. of Hawks. Houston, Texas, iivtntor. hop- r - ped off In his Lockhccd monoplane at SS S;37:30 P, X . today on an attem pt to .« Ihr*nlf tho pr»)ti»nt Wwit.Rnat noneton

I fligh t re c o rd ^ f^ B hourn.^jlS minutes^.

^ gasoline, u d with Oscar E. Orubb, sr mechanic, as Captain Hawks' compan- it lon. made an easy takeoff In a run of Itt about 3S00 feet. The iilane was headed 3t east Immediately.rc The Lockheed monoplane Is a sister u. ship to The Yankee D6od1e*tn which In Colonel A rthur Goebel estnblLihed Uv -f present W est-East -rccord.-A new type ,u -of motor cowling, dc&li;n< by the

national-advisory commlltcc of acro- nautlcs Is claimed to have Increased

^ tho ■ip>H!d-Qf_the plaiip 10 to 30 miles J an hour. T est lllghu were • re p l ie d

to have developed a speed of ICO miles _ an hour flying against the wind. Cnp-

1 UOn Hawks hoped to lund a l Metro- ! polltan airport, near Newark. New ‘ Jersey, before noon tomorrow.

Snowfall General In g - Region Of Lewiston

LEWISTON, Feb. 4 (4*>—Snowfall was =r,*eniwJ-U»rougbouMftu-Lswislon-re«lnn. " today, u-lUi the-mercury^ ranging be- “ tueen 22 ond 34 above. >le Traffic on the Lewiston Jilll portion ie ,of tlio Norm and SouUi highway halt-

cd temporarily-by snowdrifts, was re­sumed late today although negotlaUons of tne hUl oy lotije m ow r”it51{ca' ll'SB'

sn. iaULhajardoiis.j. A in one stage took three h oum, the drlv- g g g r g a g g tr--------‘ J ' , . : . : 'H i-------- V f t .T ig c - r tvi HTin PRAOUE. Czecho Slovakia. I-'eb. 4 IS (;PH-Thls city experienced yestenlay 1- Uie most severe cotd recorded In 157

years. .

l O t l r e r H O T V B r ^ b i n E l r M y s i


-P E B R U -A -R -Y -5 7 -1 -9 2 8 ---------

MOMirsPEr i TWOd1 ONTO ; OF F10| DIST1IIC1;. £ l a n s - f a E .C o m ln o - W £ S ic l a c M

, A t te n d a n c e a t B i r th d a y D in

I n e r in H o n o r o f T h o m a s A

E d iso n a l F o r t M y e i;s “H om i

i iBv The Associated Press) _• M IAhn BEACH. Fla.. Feb. 4—presl i dent.clcct Hoover todoy decided i snrnd two dny.s late next week Inspect

!lng the_flood-swepl-OkcechGbee-dla I trlct of fjOHthcm-FlDrtdornnd to a tten<

. ventor'n winlcr cs'ute a t Fort Myer I next Monday.

I Al the same time he began a serle t)f convcrRatlons with Senntor Smoot

• Ulnh. chulnnan 'of the senate flnanp' / ecinmlttee. who Is hto bouse Kuest fo . the-week and-»'hO-predlctcd a genera

upward revUlon of the U ri/f a i «n : jBxUa:asaslanjif_ihe:neK--.conBrea5. _ ‘ The next president declined to elthe• confirm or deny widely published r«■ ports th a l Henry L. Stlmson. governor• rcncrnl of Uie phlllpplnea, who Is sail ‘ ing for the Unllcd SU tes soon, had beei - -tendered-iind—liad-eecopted—appoint r •mont a i i,ucr<ilory of.sta le la .tji r Hftft ' ver admlnlatratlon. '

Renewed reiwrls th a l Dr. Ray Lymoi• Wilbur. prc.sldcnl of Stanford unlvcr; sUy, would be secretarj- of the Interior

were hcnrd here today from vtoltors t<• Hoover • hendciuartcrs. Dr. WUbur, I , -was sU^lrd...hn8.:.obtalned a two-yw: > leave of absence from the ’unlveislty o : wlilch Mr. Hoover-U a .trusU*..

Another rumor wus t h o tu was not a nil eertnln Umt William M. Jordlm

i would bc renamed as secretory of og L XlClUlUn' although o number of fom

I tlon on the ground th a l he knows th(• prcblemi of ihe farmer and hiw beerl i■ capable administrator.


—BOiaEf-Pyfcc^47<^ g .ven-lf-»-roo-• ther docsn t like the school teacher shi

cannot withdraw her children fron‘ school, said a nillnc lodsy Riven U■ Mrs. Lucy M. NeLwn. Fairfield. Ly tht• aUomey nenerol.I Mrs. Nelson withdrew .her two-chlld- r ren from o nc ' d tslrld 6cliUn- ull& St-ni L thVmK) nnnthKr 'Ptnrilni? thl.i Inrnn-

venlent. she asked to teacli them her- " tS ^ .“ ’ arlng_fhflt. ahe warfTTTBHflf!

schocl teacher and-{iUftim«l-tDTcacr

■ in 'h ls opinion. Atiorney a u n o ra rw D. Gluts advised her tha t the Intent oi the state school low was lo .h.ive al children aUend school,

s t e r y , ----------


I J -

xaan Tork TTfiRSM l a ^

Wn ty >■ . ■ “•

w m m■ ■ ------ iirBnErt-AOBTT n u n g id


r ~ | - Gets Medal

R . .M A i ty 11. 1 .A N K F 0 IU );IG -yen r-oh l .Norfolk, V ir-

' K in in , t f ir l. v i'ccn lly rece iv ed P l ' the'CninK^irii*. l»ero m cda]_ U I ■ f o r s a v in j r i " t i jicT.spns f ro m

d ro w n in g .

i u d e ^ ''

D iti-j

D m e ; W f M

d lo A W ' WF . ">cct- J t =r^UMMF . dls-.;__.LcncU__ -------------------------------------------------


cries j S M


- *j,c:

iliWlllESBiam an i • _____

J a c k s o n B a r n e t t , W e a l th y B

O w n R ig h t to O k lah o m a 0

W e ll, M arried ^ A g a i n F W i3 ta l ''dine -------- \

ag - WASHINOTON.. Feb. 4 (,n-A -basi; ‘a m - jfu i, smiling Indian told a senate con-

mittce today how lie ma>ncd ugulni • ^ his will.eri a Made wealthy In hto own righ t t

a gushing Okbhoma oil well,' Jac) son B a rn e tt,'a member of Uie Cref

r tribe, admitted sheepishly before h r “pale face" wife tha l she proposed 1

. |h lm on their seeood meeting, but U ‘f i n wife, when called to the tU a d n MH :fme4 to -w alw torounlty an d -h c r- te " " i l lm o n y -wu noi-'heard. The commii

'te c U-<nv>.«lW «y lhi.

. a h e ‘»“ Pi"«-"' ............’rorh l courts have declared th e India 1 to ’ Incompetent,

the I Once Senator Pine. Republican, Ok I Inhoma. asked him whether Jie kne

i l ld -1 the difference between a M and .a »2sr-nri-cmf-------'— :----------------------------------con,-.l.Jtn_Bia.sgr..j:{io.yo»?" d rey ft ras her- lo t laughter from the spectators wh

commltt«?each I " s? -RcfuM s t* - A a i w e r ---------

r w . ■ bldahdmoTshwed'^hl'm photograp: ot of hlnuelf and asked him to IdenUf

‘ all i>. Borrielt. a f te r 'a pause. opparetiU . decided the quesUoi^ was a joke an I refused to answer.: H ie Indian's testimony began wll

___ a mmbllnp nppnunt. nf hL mnrrittitft-l. ICunsas and hto subsequenc rcmovi

- from Oklahoma fo Loa Angeles, whei.. .......he said-hc-had-a home "like the movl

, aclcrs a t licllywood to live In.”'■Vou didn 't know you were golr

„ 1 lo get married, did you?" Senate , Wheeler. Democrat, Montana. aske<

-------When th tr-lnd tan -hcslta ted—Senate, Wheeler asked him it he n a •'atral ot this w-omnn" to which he replle "no,"

Whreler did find o u t 'th a t Bnmei • (Continued Ou Page 2. Column 2)

Late Dinner Causes . ' Man To Shoot Spous*

MIN?}SAPOLI3. Feb. 4 (fl'k—Josep!

_____ thins cxcept lo come home after. h a r d w c r l t ' lA JlUd IIU WfC'tVft' not started dinner.

Ei-en thnt was exeusoble eomettmei The first time ll occurred Joe was on! irked. The second time he was angeret

' But the Uitrd time he was so upse ittni he ;icv.- Into a rage ond shot Mn

____ _>Mrccaek-ln,.,thc .knee._______________A clUtrlci court Judge hns seen to I

Hint Joe will have his dinner, on tlm--------ncn;after;~he~sgntciiced~htm~t0day~t

five years In the state iienltentlnry.

!a IR a n d b a i l P A S S E N G E R

“ T s E R V I C E 'G E T T U N D B r W f ln

! LOS ANOELES. Feb. 4 i>PV-The : flrsl transconUnental a tr and mil I passenger service was Inaugurated : herc today when a standard air

. L-Hneic«i}in_p)aa#.iock.ofi.fnKii-El. i Pa-w. Texas, where It wlll connect

____I wlth__a J ^ * a |_ and Pacific trainp bound for St.'LouCTThe* service \ • wUl save IB hours tietween te m ln -

Stops WlU be inadc by the p lan « V i" ; Phoenix. Tucsoo and Douglas. Ari- i lona.

_ ^ 0 A B D _ 0 E lC E N S 0 B S J « 1 H S _ j IN P E N N S Y L V A N IA C O U R '

“ ~ j“ ~ PH n3ID E n’HTC peo. >.4- ia t—i n ftate-w prem e eoort-tedkj?»lpheld UV

! right or th e pcsn«ytv«BlR itotfl bout ! of ceoKirs to cenMr. “M uad -tans.'* .

. 1 Tba ease-reached U M h ifb e e « « b c i ____ 'ihe.<u te ,h (w n 1 g rw faM fnm -B M -ic

Uon c t eopuaon p l m coart-w faich m

''5 o w ld * m o * ^ ^ « * a sp ^ 'th o 'lSFUm compaoy. reftnM t o so te U b

------tz w b o a r t tb e to t tfn e rp te p o w d to bspoken. • ,


" f t , , - 1 8 P A f J i - : s — K


•d ; . , •

1 il OFJlt Blth~ ! U p p e r H o u se O v e r r id e s E x p r e s - .

i ' s e d W is h o f P re s id e n t C oo*

t j l ld g e b y V o te o f 5 4 to 2 8 ; ■:

I i M a in O b s ta c le . O u t o f W a y

f ' - T h e - D a y I n .W a s h in g to n ^ '

: ------ (B y-T h e> M o c in tw i'J* raa ):^^--------- -SENATE-Tcfuses-lo-cllmlWUe'tlmo' ~

. i' cJaiute In crul«*r WJl.

HOUSE, apprcves number of minor ” ^ bllto on Its calendar Including -■ • several bridge measures,

■ ; c a p t a in FRIED .left for New H i York after being congratulated / I by Presldeol Coolldge for.hto res­

cue feat. - -------- •:

i r t ' “ ■ 'H O ^ E ‘ way5~and meiito~conimlt=" ^ II* tee sU rta hearings on Jute, hemp J h , and fliuc u r lf f duties.

_ ' p ‘ s e n a t e Indian, affairs committee'

E t —Barrictl._wcaimv_Crcek Indian.

; s e n a t e and h o u s o commlUees consider similar bills to extend-

p ^ ’j llfp of Uio radio commission fo r ’ “ J I another year.

I O il I HOUSE, sends resolution to preat- ~ i . : r — den t-expreaalng-appredatlon-of - W ll congress-to-Captaln Pried for res­

cue of ship. Florida.

bash- ; WASHINOTON, ^ b . 4-O vcrhdln* com- , the .'expressed wtoh of President Coo- . rninsi7iiURe.' Uib ujiiute-brTi-nrtc-of-64-to-^a-

. refused la te today to eliminate from'. at by ’ the crutoer eonstrueUon bill the sUp- Jack--niiaUon th a t the ifl ships shall be laid C reek. down before July 1 .1D31, a h la i Party lines went to smash on the ed to propcMtloa wlth a Democist, Senator l th e iiarrison . Mlsslialppi, offering - tho 1 r e . am endm ent to givt the.tMtttdent a free .. r-tei«- retn OTer~tbe.n*val-pracrua~«iid-a»^nnut- v o ^ . jagalort;. t o

ndiah ; lo meet (emorrow whon p o t - '. age of the. mea^ure.^autheriglar IS '

QI.. ' cruisers and an airplane cariler a t a cost of »274.0Q0.W)0 Is rtcarded, a t -

r » C T ;“ s^red. _______ : -

ro a r '_ _ T h e senate stood iiy.lhe protrlslon re - - who [ qulrlng th a t work oo 'flm o f the', crttls^*

»«-.!ixeys shall be startrd.duriug '------- :next-three-ftscalTrcar8; betim tlng w it h -x ra t. * this year which ends Ju ly l . As a*re-tn ip tj: i u l l ^ t M l i a ' ruw :aitify measure may be approved without m a- etiUy ! lerial chongn o s .lt wos passed a year I a n d . ago by the house qnd if ihto should .

I be done It wlll (x possible to rush the wlt^ : bill to the White House without a con-

g,; tp ference If the house of rrproi^ntaUvwi n oval; accept a few minor amend-,vhere ments.

Reed Offers SobsUtate The eenate reconsidered tho amend-

go ing} w ent-o;., Senator Dorah. RepubUcm ,nator 1 (ConUnued on Page a. Column 8) Lsked. i __

SpBKSlimF" Fllil III miF Mill

.1. . , _____

u s e ' W o rk m e n B e g in C o n s tru c t io n o f

S t a n d F ro m W h ich In a u g u -

T n m r— r a l-P a ra d e -W il l -B e -R e v ie w a d -^

Imes. i - . . . . .only WASHINOTON. Peb. 4 t«>) — Ono

month from tonight President Coolldge.: a fte r yeara tn publlc office, wlll have

: Joined oncc more America's vast army - — -

time In Whit* House, along •"ovenue, workmen are al-

,ry 're ad y busy erecting the stands from ; w hich the parade In honor of the In-

. auguratlon of his successor will be re- :K , viewed, furnishing for the chief ex-

'fAY m trem en t from Office •tsTapW ly-spi-;'' proachlng.

'he : And Inside the executive' mansion' :all preparatlons-are going forward for re-, ted moving the CooIldge household goods, a ir W hen Mr. and Mrs. CooUdge traveUed'. E l__ _ to M»rfhi.mjMnn tAect last October, thetr special train carried*. ' kin numerous articles for which they c x - -Ice ■ , peeled to have no use Aurlng'lhe w tt l t~ 'In- ! cr months, bnt n w e r g r thing U y ts; .

a t (or sh ipm ent The pacU nt to being. : x t- done by .th e household s ta tt ot t t e '

W hite House, with M n. CooUdge b e f - - self acUvety superintending t t e Job.

IS ■ - As v e t-U m has.besn no offlrial t^ V ’aicaOca r e p a io g ~ w g ir w ^ CWOag t ^J R T KioKU i V d ^ i t W j t a i i .

paper reports b m .h ^ V m «oiicop-'l . J The.' i* u g f am iJ ju tr t iBW1 ................. Ill Iiiiiii i nrTiiintlnri~m’Y inM |i^^ f p r e s U e o c ta a . B u t w bdi.Hbm ^M aclS«V

. i t e « e b c e a l« M (b t i l> b iK U U n a o a .t% ;

» « i r j

lo b * ’g to-

Page Two..__________________


. . , ____

: - ||- : 'T e R ta t iv e ^ P r o Q r a m ^ On- R o d e n t --wfn

■ | • C b h t r o l , - S e e d S e le c t io n a n d

i j , ■ B o y s ' W o rk B e f o r e M e e tin g ;y «i t ■ - • - • '_____ ’ cJiir:

' I ' vlll11 A confcrcnce of county a«ricUltunil { i;; ftscnls o r the South Cenlrnl Iclolio I r district, called, by . H. Render, BoUf.I* leader of Idaho county nitents war.J i held Mondoy nftcm oon o t the no«cr-

son hotel, where Uie subjr^t of rodrnt ’ control. s « d ccrUncallon und boyR'

club work., was considered by-.-fl't* '*------- ttucHtJ auU-iinlvgraity-«-xten.slon-»otk^^PlJ

: c n . •As tho condition of the roftd.s dduj'-

•* cd thc oJ»enins of the niecimi: a n d ' kept «cvcml ngcnta from nttendlnit. the program wm not fully ccnipicied » but a general outline \va.i mapjwd out

' nnd WlU-be finished ond neccKSorj' “ ''-w ;• ■purchoscs-and-suppllw -for -nip- wcrk '

mode a t a Joint mectin:; of tliLs und the Bouthcnatem d lstrlcu wlilch will

1 be held In April on a dny und n t o COI• ;:.,j)lnec.nol_y<'l .determined. • ...........................

‘toHnUea'-’-'iicprcscntciJ **I County agricultural asrat.s In nt-

I : tcndnnce wcro O. C. McConnell. Oocd>'

' S p t^ y . Jerome: W.- E. Palmer. Ciw- , Bin: D. E. Kuhns, Minidoka, J. W ar- ” )'.;_rcn. Barber. Burley, district boys* club

leader woo also present. Mr. B arber, " ' I bas heretofore served both the South ‘=0'* ; r Central nnd the Wjutheostpm dls-

.1 ' trlcU ns leader, but owlna to 'the *“ .7^ j ’j Krowtli of m e work, hc.w lll move lo

I t t o ^ a t district. Don Wnrrcn. Smith*I • Hughes lender In Rupert, will move to ' , ■ Burley M arch 1 and lake up the work J fo r th b dlstrlcL

*4 • Extension-M en Here ' " "fJIn uudiuon—to—cntsse nnnrca w e ' . * *

i L. Fourt, dairy specialist of thc Uni- { Verslty of Idaho extension: E, F. nine- :

hart, extension field nnlmnl husband- *, rym an: T . C. M urray of the rodent " “1® control division of cxteaMon wgrk.

The «a;op'.conditicn3 were only in- cldentoly touchcd on. The genernl

■ ■ opinion, so fo r as Indicated, bclnjr thn t '- " x onditlons-look—well for th is tlm e-of—

"year but th a t ll b too cnrly to m n k e i ' .,'w» ^predictions. • . | „p|

ID A H O L O W E R , H O U S E '

C L E A R IN G D E C K F 0 R “ , I- ilj!

W A R IM E S t S T R U G G L E

(Continued Fro'hi Page Onc) m ^ e

bslh repealing socnlled dead woud s:c*I tions of th c present statutes. il/Y • A. Judiciary measure ;was passed ■ i} TChicIi would repeal nn ciillrr chapter < of the complied sta tu tes which ro-

operators to nw-t n lopg __

I in i i ^ g o p e ra tio n A ^ S M l tu B jn c a f l ^ t ^ > j is being projurvd, slm pllfyli^ the re- .J <)ulremcnts. strugj‘ • To nutkcrway for tho-now-Alr-4iav^ tlie_4 ; , nation codc. thc -regiflntory measures houra

nrfoptad,.ta. q033 ,»-cnitd.hn rfliarnlad M __IU-<I the olher blU43osscd by .tlic house.. v.;o1vk, - - . , ------------------- oddltl

‘ Dreric* ^^nkaWgWHi i i r — were L : - .S O tS E J c b -« - t4 W n !cM-ls-nc-occa.- and-v

Blon for sensatlonnllstn in the nutllt of lianco

sentatlve B. W. OpenhclmrAdo county, Tifc told tbe npprcprlntions-flnoncc cam- of th tmlttee of the ICBlsMture to d n y 'n t 'a nent.

• hearing on thc proposal made by the JJclse bonrd of education for such nn

J—podlfc------------ - ^ m to 1! Besides Representative Openhelm. C. clartd . P. Dlenst. Buperlntentlcnt of Boise In thi

c ity schools, and J. P. Pope of the .itote. { Boise baard of education, oppenred nt Dlci’ the hearing. Supjerlnlcndent Dlen.** 000 si1 "<ftfeIorcd 51,437,000 In foreclosed mort- pul li. .gages wos held by the departm ent of educo

public Iniestmentn which ha.s chargc of . Rep —lnve8tln8~<he-«ndowm<>nl—funds,—On .-imalit

th is InvcBtmcnt no., interest Is being jadvlstenrhed. C lenst declared. Questioned hy ting tSenotcr Callahan os to whether any of basis.'

;. 'th is rcpreaented an octual loss dr w'as corpot: Just temporarily frorcn asset-s. Dlense year‘ admitted only 130,000 could be w n* w hat:

j He reiterated claims th a t part of the I New I Interest on the funds liod t>ecn diverted j a>u w


FORECAST FOR TOD.^Y: Unaet- ji®, i M i colder„ln ,ff.,(h.portion.__________

— afdfiijgyp«TOpm U on nniounted '171— T Too inch w'fth U'»o raowfatl J inch. Tfie BCh wrnlher was-slightly colder thnn-on Q^n aundrfr. • Tlic rroaxtm U hrrSTYgStgraii r l P g" was 42 degrees obove. which was I dc- | pri'e-16wf r th an nn aundflv.:_The mln- r C imum was SO. which was 4 decrees low -: Geo e r than the Sunday record'.' -The thaw ‘Oak during the day offset ihe snowfiill4,iJysr( v' liich aerved only to contribute''alilsh i to the-streets. | " q

M Y E D A A D D S S T . R E G IS ; S i

P O O L H A L L TO C H A I N :" "■ • ' i It

II. K. Myeda. Qurloy, has purchased rcli Irom-Jiorncc.Stnndlee the S t. Regis pixil trip hull, Shoshone street soutli. nnd tooK~som I>n‘sesalon of the property yesterday. I t : u to bs onc br 'a 'd U lh o f six sim llnrj p (■.Mubllshment.<t owned fey Mr. MVeds ln*»Tt(_ us many IdSho tou-ns. Mr. Mycdn. who.' i.s secretory of tho SouUiern IdaJx) Jap- anesc as.ioclatk)n. has announced hLs 1 Iricntlon_lo. calablteh.hl8.rosidcncc.in : . . _ Twin Palis. • . - ®

I innfC O M iM IT T E E P R O B IN G , i S l

TT-. - = n f 0 I A N ’S M A R R IA G E

(Continued-Prom Page One) |1q - {

ivns "happy In' California," although h>>n> it «vos*“too h e r and -h e lik e d 'h ls : ™ neighbors In.Oklahoma." I

"Anybody lell you th a t lhe Amerl- I ‘ cnn Baptist home mission society r ^ „ wanted some of.your money?" Wheeler cLsked. u*hn

"preucher did." BameCC on.iwered.•He fa ld .h c .liod sto jted . buUdnl«_ft.r_.rf, liouctrnnd'comdji’i-T inuirifiiH U 'w anr^:'^ :,,, td some -money." i

"Did you give It to him?" I n,nv"yes, I told him hc could have (n- .

A-hat ho wanted." ; ‘_Tjjl«-:4(onaUon^mouj»m«-to-W !)0.-^—

wlildi—wn.t.npprQvcd-by the im-.shofa :i-uu of indlnn affairs, was loter w l cprin ijilde by the courts olong with a slm- 'th e i lur dcnnlloir' lo hLn w lfe .'w ho hud tlrcndy bern twice mnrrled before Mie:;ame to tho Indian's shnck in Ok-1 (]„ ohomu and took him nwny ^vith-HcQr 'another fellow” who Biirnelt laid he „r oi lid nol know. ' <,ay ,,"DcuU._yDU_know slic's..got soait-of figid'

■OUP m oney?"-W heeler-asked."No." iTn"Doc.s she give you nny?" I berly"J got, seme .money alt Uie tinie,- fiojipl

'•'Do you know why you came here?" trcol'•"No:----------------------------- ;------------- TTuSn•'Who told you to give the money to;cni.

lie prcacher?"'•'Nobody. Hc wrote It In n.book and Wl:

arried It down town nnd got the,'Steve loney." Engle

---------------:---------- ' ' tyn 1CY W IN T E R C A U S E S

4 4 D E A T H S IN’ N O RTH |

.,^E U R O P E A N C O U N T R IE S jp ,^ ,

I ' ( i^ t l n u i i a t'rom blM) - j !------

ruggled Uirough the drlfU to reach i ic_ ia .llrc3 . which .suricd_w lthln_24 u iura. ;Tn ro n tm l Riirnni> nnri .th>» BaJltnn^ I Dives, maddened by hungcr.-w crc-an ; Idltlonal daiiger.tq ru ra l rcaldents and : . , .

>d.vUla'gc3u-'.3riio.cit^iu.formc jlv lg C m co committees to drive off the m%* ,

Tlfe B rltW r isles have escai^d“M Bsr--------thc rigor prevalent on the conti-I

'n t. ■ j'

to llic Rcnerai state fund.^ and de- j ^ ared the audit rhould be undertaken! ;, the Interest of the children of ihej ate- • • , ;Dlcn.1t said on appropriation of t:o .> !O should bc made for thc audit n n d ! i l in the provl.v> lltnt the .board of lucotlcn aupe^^•l5c the audit.Representative Openhelm favored anailer.approprlaUon ta tvi^in u-»h tmt ._____Ivlsed the oudlt "as o means of p u t - : ng this m atter nn a sound business isls." He aald no .substantial business, ■rporallcn would continue over a 40- ^ar period without knowing exactly la t had t>ecomo of lls assets.' - |

New» W ant Ads R ach U u peopu { u wish to a t t r a c t i

f A N Y Q T H g K B M I t p


BREV rp^lli)lTB 'M ln5H T W i> ^o < rii^ 7 ^iio' t f ic a ^ manager. lS"T«“ S«>I{~Eiko‘ cloi 31ty.on .business. emi

- r c r - > - W t - 8 o n ^ M r - « » a - M r g r :g tH m BentleFftTrlvcd' yesterday rrom sh e rt- lan. Wycmlng. to visit'their son, L. R.

— — r - . ber_Calirorjlai)_Hf.rc:.C>n B to lrtm jeorge Balfour arrived Friday, from O a k l a n d . i ® spend- # week, 5?" ijsrc - ori bailneas. - '• • • ' • v Sur

'C om to California — Mra. Charles „.T Lrckcs lif t yesterday for-Sacm m ento,"alifamlo. tx> :pcnd some tim e visiting torfriends nnd relatives, j,qj,

■ - ■ • IntliItelurni From Trip—C. A. Robiaioh mer

returned yesterday from , a buslneai

iome time in Iiouc, 1 cciTl........... ......... Orci

Poiter SuperlntViiUcni Visit*—R. B.King, general .superintendent for the [daho Power company, arrived last eve- ling on a brief visit here. ' mid

I - • nomOn nu! Inrsw FT-A r pcrklns,-branch

nonogcr-'for llie Advance Rumely rhresher coinpuny. arrived yesterday q .j> rom Pccatello on business.

CcavVs AfterVi»if—M i^ A n tia 'P i i l - crson left la.st evening for her home „» , D' Stevenvilie. Mcntuna. a fte r a visit ■ lUl Uu ii i tiv. MI5. o . .E. 'V mi T l l - *gg^«rg- “tidi

Return* -Home—Mrs. M. Donaldson Qt eturntd- yestenlny to her .home In ogj,, logerson. nfter spending some time icre with her father. A. T. Oreen.^ho has bcen 111.

itfri.TrlpJtoiL'tah=;Ed-MlrtngrCCIDlfl: 5;;^. inffy Reed expecl to leave th is mor- !L„„ Ing on 0 trip by motor to Heber City. rtnh, where Mr. Reed has o contract ir.road construction.......................................

•iRnifn.-i -:^rccr—W rtif^ tfa= B efi ' a :

;ring office ot American Fulls, spent le week-end a t the home of hta par- Its, Mr. ond Mra. S. A. Shobert.

OM**ts Prom. California—M r^. Grace cnrtfleld and her daughter Nadine.: Santa Ana. Collfornia. arrived Sun- »y to visit o t the home of Mrs. Heart- eld’s brother, W. L. Doss.-and famlly.- -

I 'n ^ rr Treatment—Ernest Tftto, Kim- J"'®’rly. waa admitted to cotm ty~general»pltnl Isolation wards Sunday for.raim ent for meningitis. Hla condition5r~evghifiy~tfas~Tppprtgg~to "bt!ll. • 1 . Klven

— T __ * Ute\VI1I Toke ExaminaUon — Sonford; progr evens left for Boise Sunday, in Uie]Flier iglerock piano owned by Leon M ar- dny i n to take cxamlnntlon of the dc- ing. < rtm ent of commcrce oeronuulleal and : hool. -------- --------- . cd U

In Business Field-W illiam D. Murii- iwtr has retired.tropiJTwln^Fttlls'tfo- Ui

A t the

. . ..

— Ivrw prici

e v ery fa .................... •

V ‘ '

__Av4 c)ijoy^t£est exclusive advanta^

T h e m anj unique features offei N cw .Fxigidajrc have broog

mcndou* increase in sales. To<—---- Frigidaires are tn use -th « ^ » H >

trie reCrigtrJilors cbaibined.

A n d n o w « -ff7 fa m ilj c a o have . ._ rifl.o f,« h iliT v ly -au to m a iic re£ d g e r

th e savifligs m ad e p o ss ib le d n l f t-------aifV K ro tt-T oIm ooare bctoi^ p n

low fcfcd p r ic es r ....js? ih g i.A a .g tie OQ so m e m o d e ls .

-------- - 1 3 0

A I f................ '• • • -

U X & m A a Q . . T U E S B A Y .

.tUled ^ a « u m i «an acUve in te rm 'In the Brunswick cigar store. . 'i ' ; . . ' '

■ ^ E in p Jo y c d ~ O ^ C o S ^ n ro Id ^ B in ^ “ clali\ son’ or X ;;,^;'8 lnclair7 1 iM . b W , employed by th e Neon and Electric . WofdJ-aign-^^«aHi»Byr-6an^-Pniriat»w 11 -was- le o m e d -^ te n lB ^ b y - w ord^re< 'U ^ c e tv ^ -b y -h ls ^ i th e r . - t o t

--I<aires-uW lW -tD «lc^A doodfc.m m r -a?,ber of Twin' P ^ j»Uce forco who has been under tfeatm eht a t the Veleraos* ^ ITeSljltirrWBOlto lor. aome weeksrVIW TJI Mrs. Adcock , an d • children retunred Sunday to rMumd.hls poslUori here. •. “ J

Ttrlee Siu-fckcn—Harris Brown, 14.Mil of Mr. and Mrs. . L, II.. BroWDv Moroa. who nibmUted to an operation 'me for appendicitis a t-the county general ^ hospiinl last week was removed to iso- In Intlcn wards Sunday for treatm ent for cai meningitis. . by

" " » del Cent a M ile. R»to—There will be a wai

cciTR R m ie-rateT iver'W i-iines-ofnhB -n“ i Oregon S hort U n o .in Idaho to and from Ontario.' O r ^ n , - and Armslead, Montana, and , Inurm edlatc p dn ta waj next Friday *wlth Tclum on or before _ midnight, Pebnuuy 11. It was an - / nounced. yesterday by R. H. Wagner, Uckct.agcnt. , __________ ;________

Cloi.es Mission' — itxv. Putrlck ' J . O'Reilly. S . J.. who conducted' the mission In St. Edward's Catholic church- d u rlny iast-w eck .- clowd' the exercises w lth .tt s«inn(Jn and extension of Uie blessing oT Pope Plus X I. Sun- «cs tlnv nlitHl. _He Jlryw< p>‘r^T\<Tnnr.. In Rood works untU death In his flna ■ J address. H e went to Boise yesterday.

Quarantined- On Train—Mrs. L.- fe Saliadny a rrived cn a Pullman yes- tcrday cn which she was quaranUned ' u,hen stricken with a -m ild case of k imaJlpo* «-hUe « i route home in m I vlult In Cnllfnmln p n w n . ___rera-w ere-rem oved - tg - c n c th c r -P u i l - -----nun. Mrs. 1 SaUadny. x a s taken to ier home hdre..wt\p^e. rhe Is q u a j^ -

?mlth rettimed. S u n d a ^ ro n f ' a ^ ^ ___vlth friends In Los Aujeies. Mrs. imlih occompanied Mr. SnUUi to San ' • =Yanclsco wherej he attcnded'Olie meet- . j ng of thc American. Soclcty of.Bakery ^ mglneers -held there January 21-34. rhey both then went to Los..Angelos rom which city Mr. Smith returned ast week. • • • -

M onUn*‘Blshop-VI»lt*-Bl»hop Wal- ice B. Brown, bishop of the Hclenn :ren of the Metiiodlst—Episcopnl hurch, and Mrs. Brown arrived In ;*whi Falls Sunday, n.id'w ent Mondny

iven in Bishop Brou-n's honor Iiy hc tongregaUon , there. A similar rogram and dlnnfr will be given at 'lier tonight and In Twin Ftills Pri- TA ny nlghl. Dr. H. O, Humphrey. Qood- ig. district superintendent met Bishop ^ nd Mn. Brown hpre and nccompanl- ^ i them lo. Jen u se last night. ........... R

MARCELLING 5Ce ■t the Oitfort Apta. pn Mnln. Phon<

- - • < ■ - > ■

- M ecBauJsni oa t o f si

tr tr re ^ O n e o f th e im p o r ta n t ]o i ts p o w erfu l com presso

>(Tcrcd b y .th c (0 f reeze tc e c u b c s hetu o o g h t- a t r t . . p b w c r .to p re v e n t fo o t T p d a j , m p r c _ . t ] wtMtber fimctmationt.

r 6 a . 'A fld tt.m Ajr b e ]

. v c U .c b c » . - l » - » ^ o r d . » » b i n « . e , r . , n r . F n . . OMCtsUJ. .lly bjr F r ig id - S to p io t r o o r d isp ia j p » » e d o n l o w - p f i c M - ^ . tgtieatAS $ 9 0 - - C e o c m l M o tO rt t e n m

jroU .jost h o w F rfg id a ir

r.M ej{^G .FEB & H A Bf f i S W E ^ p F H S E S T O

: L E A V E 'T l lm e .C U U S E ■: = f 0 U T r 0 F " N A V A L ^ 8 T O S '

! ~(Contln'ued From Page OBaV. .

a te m * ^ ji^ -o o n fw e n c e - to -c M U l< ^ - be • ■writlne" irf-% lc r-to -p ro to c t^ -th r i Ight^of a aea.lB .m pe.flLW i ;i

iffere u Ji. splbsUw r^liest toiraall«a~-wtwiHtU-(h»-]&rlti^ptU-awl*. - Imc.natlona.reenlatlng.U jo conduct of «lllg«ivnU. and: neutrals a t sea tn BC-sKlance w tth U 'o ltr treaty n e g o tia te - y Benjamin: F^jiklln ..Thp roll call on the Harrison,am.end- nent wtfs piwe<W by, * »PMch by' itnator, Norris. RepubUcan._ftebr»s>»/ n which tho. RcpDbllc»n. .independent ailed upon the Bepobllcans to sU nd ; ly the ir president. Noted for hU in - , epondence in pariy affaln . the.pneeieh ras',taken UghU)ieart(^ty and-In good iBturei.thr chamher riMnundlngjylUL _KUghter as he dljparaged Republicans . (ho-would fdrsake-their-leader-as he fas about to reUre from office;

There Is money in your old meUU. lomiaum, copper, brass, rngs, etc., it rought to' tho Idaho Junk House, 152 K o n d -aw -so u th r-ad v ------------------------

>yiLL CONTINUE BUSINESS . t the late J . A. .Waters, (Twin Palls urscry). CaU and see us... B en .E . ; Ider.'.aav ---------------------------

kou'd take a . chance if you used ali your batter for '

_O neM \M n

M u p p ik s bake m ore evenly svhen k ^ t small: A nd. H ills Bros. Coffee has a rich and uni­form -flavor because it is roasted a f« v pounds at a lime by a patented, contimi.ous.pro.cm — C ontrolled Roasting-. N o other c o f f e e c a n ta s te l ik e H i l l s

■■•Bros.- b roiii5C nmiL-is- roastcJ - thc same way.


- *■ • ___ >

i i ~ ^ '

3 k - ~ . --------------------------------------- -

s t g i t . . . out oJ m in d

c F r ig id a irc features is » o r . . . i i h a s t h e ^ w e r ' "'veea m ealt. . . sa rp lu s od sp o ila g e regMrJleuIS. I f « so* Incredibly___hear it s ta rt.’stbp» o r ______'p la c e d c i th e r 'i f i 'th e "

t o r in th e b a s e m e n t^ m J oMt 9/ tb* mty.

a j r o o m o o w . G e t th e.tK«» Mfwi-intty . ___as. A n d le t o s iK ow ir e w ill pajr f o r lu e lf .

! •

i d R g > 5 . 1 9 2 9 . = - -

----------accu!ent...orI ofL , VV Ashmohsanlcbackinto

■■'■'tliecab.. At last hc had eluded - ,' t. his.wife: he and Marie

b id d ^ rendezvous.

, Ahca9 .of, him the d a re of hieadlightsfromMaric tfroad- .

. ster cu t Into thc blackness. Silently, his cab followed. !

— -- ScK>n t h ^ woilld be cojetbcr *______ aLthc deserted roadhouse.The -- j-----------ve ry th o ag h c 'o M c w anncd-h is—

• veins litc-w inc. J' __.Sudtjcnrv-.thc glare_of.thc,...x

road brigntencd as another $ car sho t around the bend bc^ ^

sircn to re thcn igh iapartw ith i its freniy.'* "Some-drunken ^ooJ," Ashcrton thought as « th e b ig se d a n , carccnCQ madly- . GONTE ahead of the cab. /o r Ma.

THen h is Blood frozcw ithhorrbr. AfrmidcoOThcbigs^dan.was__vrim.ElicCouUheadinff straighc ' 'Aehim a fo r ChC roadster,

------ r i n Anoeiicrinsiaiit-'------ tTi'c iictuHIuIcheyhadcrashcdl AfKrtheiori

Fine In ■ V one M i s r e h

T tu e S


.NOW—while' yon don’t sac tbe 'aIt over. We arc thoroaibly c hIr

' rcpalrlnt ond wa hare tbe.ezeli- —

' UOXOK bearioK*- a a ^ do genera - . Otir Work Eocom

.y - Phono a e iw p

S ch w artr tj, » . « s u p s u

Tci,.Baonfb-Ooftl i In j-T».

' n " ^ 0 5

' ragioendqfie ii Loveor a jealous wijts revenge?.

AshcrtoQ leaped from h is i > ■ c ib and fo u g h t despera te ly to • r - ,re lease Maric-’s -tin co h sc io n s’t — '; body from tb c .tan g lcd w rcck-

th e o th e rc a r , h c saw-, c o t^ n g P to w ard h im —i / / wift. '

His ouu wift. .T \\e vfom in ■Itc h ad to rtu red b y n eg lecc , d ishonored .W hac di'd ic mean?

! H ad sh e in som e w a y d iscov­ered th e tr iw rc t_ r e n d e z v q t i ..............

— H ad JsH td cU B era te ly sc t OUC-- - -- tb fo re sta ll th e ir c landestine m e e t in g ? - W as th is tra g ic

.— w reck an accidcnc — o r had .............she, in a’ ica lo u t fu rv . co ld ly •* de te rm i n e to ta k e revenge o i n h c w o ihao w h o s to le h”e r * .. husband’s love?

Only two pcrtoni know tlie actual (tory iaodoneof ihem telitiiwithtiart* > .

V' ling honctty in die NUrcb iuue ofTauB

Af^«-A Sroar Maoa«nb. ItMareb u ,d«in»fevelationtHo<uLot«r —Mil I mm H:4*b'» PromiM • ♦ ------7—

IW dSb.D .;?

." ‘" ■ g r -------------------------------------------------

’"’• " ’‘ ' i - r O u t N o w !

S t o wa y ~ d i i r - y k ^ l y j - 2 5 c ' i - ' ^

I'- -

L 1 > v ' ■ r ~ 7

- ■ ■

- ~

JRCARNOWMING s'eLi SON^ le ear, yda.ahoold tet aa check in lp p ^ to handle general auto Bzel&ye Balw^abd Mrvlce for

b m m o s d s I t s e l f’ P or a Trial . *

Luto RepaidISUONE EA.

cAreyoa _lqokirig ,

^ r a s i e r n t?- -

.Buy our G oaland^oullkppp ■■ ■

y g a i r m r

fM$^:AT~mNtn ■—al to d a iry Y oti Over? tim esV o m g w b le . and Iraclu ' wiQ

'<HV^ a a j k wni.-------- ;— — ------ ^ r— -t f ? * w i i ^ iapp lj cn hand? i t irtU .I cxpraae, aa wen u esm lves.

OifCBI----------— ~

Phtfne 8 -0-Y ~ '

=iSIlii!ni[0i_ S o u th e rn Idaho O rgan iza tion 's

• „ IVlembers F a v o r Law Closing

' ■ W a te rs in S paw ning Season

MembcrR of the Southern WnJio F tlj and . Oame association ;il n ■ mccllnK

______ held In tlicfavoring the cnnctmcnt of n lav/ cloe*-

• ln(T all the wnlcm of Idaho lo fisher­men diiring lhe spaWHinK Rcoron. On reprcsenloUon of n commKtce comT posed of'James M. GIbbj. nohert B. Slcc nnd .Mr. Srooks, rrprL-hcntlns Uic Buhl Rod and Oun club, n proviso was

. .inserted.In.fayor 0f_lpuyliiff it to' the . dlscrcllon of the sl&tc llnh commlulon-

er to open the Snake River durlna; the season or part oMt. If he believed this.After the Buhl cominlUee' liad ri"-

X lurnfd_honi^ the Twm Fulls directorsed the followlnR commlttccu to prepare

. for tho banquet February 20 Rex .ThQma.«i. ojieakcrs: W. R, Prlcbc. C. R. Shipman. Uanquct;' l : c. Peterson, dcc- orniloiis; E. Bchrlber. Bert Johnson, banquet tickclA; Alva Knliiht. music. Tho place for holdlne llw banquet lias «ot bctn aoJcelcd. ■ ■ - •

H o r s e s h o e C h a m p i o n S e e s C r o w n S l i p p i n g

— ^ i ^ i n p..h 4 Tm —The crown oI C. C. Davln. Columbuj.

----------- onior-w onaTnraiupion-nci'K nrotf^{jltcher, wa* ahaky here today In thc PpenlnK -round of the annual mid* winter tournament.. n»e champion cnfrai;etl In Ihrco fiamcu aiul cmerRccl winner In bul ont 'While Blair Nunamnker; Cleveland.

■ Ohio. Bert Dur>ec. Wichita, Kansa.i. nnd nnr\‘ey Elmerson of Kencsha.

- Wisconsin, camc Uirouch with clean /ccords.

Nunainakor.- In 'leadlni:' the pack. to.'seil 123 ringer.'i. and 30 double .rliin-

• crs; •in' pltchlni; luo shces nnd per- nilltccl 111.1 oppopentA to gain oniy 83


M E U IO R N W IN S T O U R N E Y ' H O T S P IU N O S . A rk.. Feb. '4 (>P}~

' . Wild William, Mehlhom: bcdaalcr of thc solf world the post fortnlRht. odd-, cd new luster to. hts record todoy by j

t •**' ' ^

^ __________________

___ _ B i » . ~___________________*

c U o t r - A u t E o r i t i « . - . t . Htribute the enor- ■

m o o s increase in C i^ x e t tc . KTnnlr tn y -m —tt<g—

m e n t in th e p ro c c a o f re tte n o n u & c ta r e b y th ea p >

t h a t d tirin g th e y ea r 1928* L u c k y S t r i k e . C ig a re tte *

------- - -ybowed-a-*c r ea te j ■ ic q e a a e B | |. thana llocherC isare tte scom *

bincd . T h ia «ntdrcon< T T n £ , ^ B^ p u b l ic ^ * « - n o f i< 1 m c a S S r ^ Bnp erto ritY ofU ;daS ttfla .pp

- ■ . - ■ T W I N 7 A I . L S D

“ ' l / i H o p e 'v o w t t ! # ', hkv« n t ■

E,?■ vlnnlnff the fictiUi Central ••open.” hi.i

‘ third succcailvo m ajor wlntor loum a- thc : ' ,

S K I ’S lOtEIISiPEIlT sIlilTlirM NTFTarc ---------tex MaRcl's bowlers carried the fight to R. the Idnho theatre quintet last night

cc- and.cam c out ahead by a scoro oi 3481 on. lo 2414. The theatre lu d a sood lend sic. In lhe first ffomc but fell down In the lias next two. . .------- Tlje /oUowlnfl’ n th f scorer".............- IDAHO THEATRE .1. 2 . .3 . .T o U ' -- ».-B ruc«em nnn ........ 176-16e-l«..483!-'

Anderson .................. • 1 « 130 1S8 430. _ C. BruRb'cmnnn ....... m lua 130 4DB:'l& McDonald ........... .... 101 14d 100 5Mj

' Asbury ............ ' 1C<J^165'100' « 1 1 'USl ---------- 1----------------------^ « = = = = i : .'U3. • ■■ g.‘'.2 707 765 2414'^ m a o e X s T n 3 Toi.i'•>‘C BnUcy ............................101' 1 « ICO 479 '>“ • VOROI ............................ 142 108 167 467'

Price ........................ m l IC8 167 5M '« « L o jan ..........................• 141 103 104 468;;

Sally ......................... — m,iea_l<M 6 « rnd. • -------------------------1IM. 810 864 811 2481I’a- ■“ M a x ' S c h m e l i n g S i g n s .

T w p - Y e a r C o n t r a c tfir- ■ — - • ‘83 NEW YOItK, Feb. 4 (/V) — 'Max — Schmcltng^blttck«brdtt’cd...youDg—Qer:d-

m an who Jumped Into thc top rank of i th e heavywelehta by knocklns out Johnny Rlsko last- Friday night. Rlgn-1

of cd. a two-year contract today to! Id -,fl8 h t exclusively for the Madlsonj' b y lsquare Oorden corporation. I

*■ .. . / """"OMniiiii



.. ' . . :,-.l.'.'. ■________ ' ; |

• ducedP ro m 'S ix ^o -F o u rrF co n . t o BufldrPisli:-EoarinB-ponds j

BOISE.'Pcb. 4 (.TV-Two Bnme bills, j— l in n n e i’easlnirthc'liunttnp-nn<m shlnr*i

license fee and thc other .shortening i liii; season and dccnroMnR the bag llm-, IL on urouse nnd s w heiu will be I n - :' troduced In the house. po.uibly this week. It-was deddJd a t a meeting of,; the sam e commltlecj o t the house and i'

^ tenatc 'todiiy;....... ........... — ----- ------ ’— ^At tho request of C1carv.-ater leglsla*,

tors, It* was tentatively decided to place! thc open season on big game later I n . the season in th a t county, brini^lng I t ' to a close December 1. .-ThcJjoB limit

_ -rt hIrrM u’nulfJ_b/» r».. jduced frbm plx to four, to conform 4o the limit on pheosants and to glvo srealer protection lo the native birds

_ which are decreasing rapidly In some., M'Ctlons. ”

An Increosc Ui thc Ucen.w fee was] 1* fairly well dccided upon a« th e only

means of raising revenue to build r e a r - . Ing popd* in which to bring thc young

T fish to greater eUe . before planting them.

^ ..IN l i m T I WId --------- ■

With Uic advantage of handicaps, nnurig -defeated BlUlngton and Olsh

,* Uifcutcd Martin. In ihc riirx rauncti n ’ o!' plav In Uie'second week of the onm^ ■ in' iiialion 6llirard‘'fburnam cni nl“ llib 'T r ' IR ■ UUd fcL cigar store last evening.M i Under handicap' of 100 lo (Ti. Bllllgg*11 ‘ ion lost to DueVig In C3 innijigs. Jiuer- ,

; li: reaching his gooi of 02 while Bil- iii imiiton "was a iim n n tro n , B m in g tn ir" ^ w r e d.-hlg>v-nin-for-tho-t.vwiing-Aam^ jalfliihi billiards In onc frame, • '„ ! GLsh. Riven a handicap of 100 lo 73.-1; M i»iiido his string of 73 w'liile Marlin was , 58.cmmtlnff 77 In o game Ihnt-w tnt 73 in* , i-j 1 nlng.s, • I_ i In thLn evening's play Seaton nnd Pol- , n, Kon.nrc matched even, and Hardin Is ,

lo rlvl- Ilcney a handicap of 100 to 80. ,

B a s l c e t b a l l R e s u l t s i

. Al Cor\-atlli: Oregon SUtc 28. Mon* I 1* Uita 2K. • .• • I

A(-(;bjnnpa}rw-BuOcr 33. IlUnnlii 2!t. J 0‘ ! At Columbia: SonUi C a r o l^ 34, I

North Carolina s u t e 32. I1- Al Omaha: C relthtou 32. loira Stale ' to!2C. • . 1)nj‘ At OJlaw-a: Ottawa 47. Haskell In* <

ldl3ns4C. 1

Ip -

wMlL iMiWr

C h ie f tvai I aio>*9

i’ A T . T S r T D A H O , T U l l i S D ^ ~ ^

; I N T E R C L A S I b a s k e t b a l l ” j


f . ;__SEEN FchJliSDC<lnl-io *fhe Ncw*2_[BBikcltall RftCies the in.u week for;

•; the.Edca, w h ^ ^ t ^ / r ?nt ‘iT v.*rd>fc^! -• i d n ^ ^ l n r i V o m erS n iiK games w erti !0 'pjayea~nTtcrrBch«il.-In there- conttsta } is- the Ede»vtt«wla-scht}PUtJr^.lcaUO-lhC-L

physical cdtlcoUon cla'c team of the l— ^htr.h-schoo}.—19-to-flt-wJ»i.i-Uio-Sd(«UIs. grade iilrls walked off wUh' the IqhR ig~*T!Hg~or itn~iy-to ^ ' seore o itm n n trc th - iB men clrU'/teani. ' n i w ith rend conditions bcoomlng. bet* n -;t'c r cach 'd ay . .'the l-x-al hiKh school lls teuniH will meet the IChn'jirly boys’ and ofj girls' teams here on tin- home T.oor ndiTucsclay evening. ■ |

“ • I D R U N K E N N E S S . FIGUR*ES"

m : B IG IN P O L IC E R E P O R TIt ' ■ _____

Arrcsts’on accoun t^U runkcnnou led

. Januarj-. ttccordlpB lo rciwn of Ralph ^ C. Leighton, police cJilcf, .•iubmitted to ~ the city councU laal cvenlnK. Ten per- "®[yons wcro dockcled on iliai score, tho „ h eporu showed^ Violation of various '^ 'o rd in an ces caused four arrc:.t8: vlola-

lion of traffic ordinances. 0: mlsdo- • meanore under stftte lows, 9, Fines atKl costs assessed'In pollcc coun totaled SU0.50.

Dtiring thc monUi. the report show- . - td . Ibo pollcc invosUgatwl-vnrlouH jiom*-

plttlnU lo Utn numtocr onoGThnil'cx'^ c<".utcd four scorch' warranl.’i. Tlilrty

■If ■'nd beds in jail were fum ish-• Y cd to 15 persons other tlinn prisoners. .1 Two_ automobiles and tuo bicycles

■\verc 'rcpbrlcd oV>lcn alid one- automo­bile and onct^lcycle were rccovcrcd.


FILER. Feb. 4 (Special to Thc Newsi —Dispute over a labor bill of «120 which Clyde Hildreth Ls tald to allcRc

»• Je>in_Q_DeKlot». o^wl him Icd. to a neli tVwhlch WM l>.-icre^^n^jury

„ ArthurTlic Jurj- fotmd DeKlofi guilty of bat-

' (ery and JusUce Schollcn fined him S50 and sentenced him to whrc 10 dnys in the county Jail. • nnnDuriclnc

' * th a t.In lhe event the fine should be ” paid the Jail sentence wculd be sus-

psnded. DeKlotx indicated tha t hc would appeal.-'

According to Hildreth. DcKlotz owed him for labar and he wanted u setUe* m ent ond went to the DcKlou home to

n.'^ get I t It wns sla ted thul DcKlou de­manded th a t Hlldrclh produce his

•SL time to-.subctantlntc his claim. I t Is al- 14, Icged by Hildreth th a t afu;r someTdc-

bate DeKlol?: struck him In the eye | t« with out provocaUon. DcKloU' ls a l­

leged to hnve satd he struck In ' self- n. defense as HlldreUi placed himself In a

position where If pcKlot* did not j

^ e e ir M i

W thertrieit otf th Lucky—“By George, nerves retspKd, my ai seemed a par£ of the able night. I’ll alway went around to visit

& too. We r^ ljr ra ii ld ^ in returning to the ‘i ; lighting a Lucky witl

of a sweet.’ It hplps always be prepared f

rhemanmentionedby^te f O ff ic e r M a n n in 8 . | g ^ j B | j H• Boatswain** M ate ,ys A. WiUon.

'■■■ •." . . *'o>' ~

T s if lk e rh o '«; f iiild iu rre f la ttc ry r Count; •I'Allornt'y E. V: Liirr.on,-cloised h b orgu

i j m ent for tho staib about 4:atL.E-M_

---------: • —

i L B A R K -M r^ a i i d . i ^ . I - C ^ 'a^! I John B. ui.'Tchis. Howard -A. CcrTTK>-fK#nnncr»i«aiir-A:-DrThoru|>r-A.-P»-M«U1- sirup. W, R Elliot. J . P . Kcate. L, E• M c C u rd y . 'i ! rv rc ra r« n ro rW r-R u d

dock. L. M, DcrKh. s a l t Lake City; Mi• and Mr.?. Guy Holman. Mr. and Mrs. C I Hcntcn. D. P. RIbks. W. R .‘pebcn. E. J• Oreen. .1, W. Corcoran. Bols?; Erne; I" Fgan. KlmU-rly: A. B. Hbpkhi. Mr. am

IMrs. O eorst:' I'hllllp. Ogden; P. I! I Kriesnilnt. Pocsicllo; H. H. Owen. Anh ton. George Hcnnlan. C. D. .Cockrar

. Denver: M. s . Barton. Burley: A. I I Cook. Spokane; Marks Ramsey, Cliarle

H. Manloy. Portland: O. A. Roblnsot 1 Twin Falls: W. H, DctweUer, Hbm Iwii f->Hobert-L«ti»Wrf»g-Bw h .----- ----------

. PERRIN E-L. J. Mcbcniond. cjgder . R. H. PnlKrcan, ScatUe; W. R, Car0 penter. Sail Lake City; R. Cros.i Spe1 kane 0 . L. Hrndorson. Spokane: Wll- llum McddouKlj. Sail Lake: Wllllai- Forgy. Orcely. Colorado: 8 . T . Lyle, Sa! 1 Lake CMy: R. B. King. Boise; L. C 1 Bugbe. Contact. Nevado; Oeorge S tar

ley. Burley: Aiutln Ansen. Boise; Vic . tor Moore. Spokane: O. H. Pelllgre»- JU>aUa Tcxas;.iItaJ«r({el Wclch.-Buh,? RDy-HrDrag.-D?clo:-R.-lC.'Bonls,-Kcatf ney. Nebraska; T. R. MUrrov. Boise; .

I ROGERSON — Roy H. Dray, Twl , ra ils ; Alice SmlUi. Twin Falls; Ha» . Brown. Jerome; Mrs. J . H. Turiie

Salt Uikc City; 0 . 0 . Com. S alt Lak City; P, J . Burgess, San Prancisco: ( E. Moeller. Si. Louis; V. S, Ferrli Offden; J.'H . Reardon/M oscow: J . V

‘ Jiarbcr.-B urlcy :-L .-D vJlaedcr, Boise• D. -L .-F ourt,-B o l« i;—W.—W._Palmci

Burley: Betty Badirct*.'Twin Ptolls; MiI and Mrs. R; M. Jesncse, Mountali) Home: E. M. Gibson. Salt Lake Clly! M ary. Kollmeycr.. Buhl; B. M. Met ClCnn-. Twin r»IH; Mr. an J Mr«. Pat

Dawtan. TAln Springs. Nevaaa; « . /f" RUKSUni. BoL'sepWaltace-Br-Brown-an'. wife, Helena. M ontana: V. D. Gambli• Boise; O. H. Price, PorUand: O. E I HolmberK, Pocatellw F. J . .KutUci ) Spokane: Grace Bell. Burley; W. I: r Snodgras.n. Midland, Texas; Hcrmai s Dcil-t. Boise: A. O. Avery. PocaleUo• C. e . Lilly. Pocatello; F. H. Scoti : Boise; Mr. and Mrs. ,W. MorgueUt

B utte; John Byrnes. T*orUand; M. * I 'Kimball. Salt Ijiko City: John 1 ■ Mcntgomcry. Boise: Oeo. M. Hurd ) Spokane: M. Nielson. Logan; J. Wooti . Twhi Falls; S. A, OaUey, Boise; V. E i Ferrin, Ogden; Mr, and Mrs. Kennedj •_ Declo.________________ _____________

■; TEX A N S't o ATTEND INAUGURAI . BROWNSVILLE. Texas. Feb. 4 l/lV• ' a party of Texas and Mexican busl I ness men headed by R. B. Breage

of-this city. Republican nnUo'nal com

ed abogrJhe freighter-* Morida,’ th

it tasted wonderful! j aching throat was soothe e day’s work.. As time f ys remember the wonde t the men we’d rescued,! dn’t \<wt to .get I^ack to i ‘America’ 1 noticed one < th the other. There’s n< -Strikes ■ There^s^visdem- s a man to keep physica for any emergency.”

l y B • H a r r y M a n rC h ie f O flic c r , n o w A ct

;--------- Americ

O Tb« Amtricaa Tobuco

. . • ■ - •• r.' •

n n r r 5 7 T : 9 2 9 r ^ " " ^ - - 7 ^

unty m lttecm an In the stnte. left h e re - t rgu* a ir- today ._ lor. Victoria. TamauUpa il_ M e x ic o .to attend the inaugurailo - - tomorrow of govcrnor-clect P tondst


J w i rR y jf R E jA L A R M ^ ^= H = = 5E F F O O R = rE m F R E G O R Ivfry. Volunteer firemen m Twin Palis r7 rjTOretnalledTxit I t- tlm c sd n rtn n tre 'Hnll. ,Tnniinry, i:fHln[f_n_n«uf-[. E. rccord for the last four years, nc*a u ti- —conllng to belief. cxprca.-.cd-Iast-cvc«.

Mr. 1 nlntl by J. B. Wlilie. conunbsloncrrs, C. ' 0^ .public rJifety, ,Tlic volunlccr/!,E . J . who supplemnni thc forrc.n of Ihcm cst regular salaried fire department,, and were called oul 10 times during the». H. . month to flghl fires, nnd once forA.«ih- Tliere arc sU of these voi*kran, ' unlecr firemen, and cach Is cnUiled

E. to payment of SI from the city. ^ ] c s treasury for each call to which he nion. responds, luun

jden:- ' ■" • . " • . • ........... •Cnr-spo- - . fy . 'Wll- • \~Llllnm V'Dk , Salt

VIC- ( i T ^ C ^grew. , LQuhlO._______

se; J. C * ^ r -

Hotel Try d lin of Schilling Teairiier. - Lake *

o: C. the most freshly frogronl errln. •J. W. ........ .......—. ----- ---toc*r' ~ ----------«.youf-groccf-.will-fc; Mr.cS y; ■ Y o u r s ta te m e n t is en iMe-

-----------------Fresh tcal -N o-othgi-hHtfci

r. H. t ^ ^ S S a irmantello;;cott. ^ S « r Iv alette.>!■ J- m o K S S S t1 L. B f lG u Q Mlurd. D IM B B B ]/ood,

S Q P B Bncdy,

q I ^ h h(/IV-busl- 4 .mger + 'Coffee + BdJln'g P o w d ereom- *- I

I . — Z L _ -

a f t e g ! & 0 9 » « 0 l d , s t r e n u o

thefe-w ^ nothilig-I-want( ! A Lucky is always refret hed and the whole t h ^ i n : goes by, and I look back iderful taste of thait welcoi j, 1 found many of them ei o our sMp and 'Luckies.’ / e of our m en* rowing wit no flavor to equal toasted m in the saying; “Reach for ically fit and we who foUo

inn ing jhA c t in c C a p ta in , l

--------- -------- _

sWiipnEniHDENVER, Feb. 4 (ffV-Dlrectors of ih * ii

Nft»onftl-woor:EKehaag»ringr-nft--<ffri- [JR ff tanlealiotfW hiclvl)orKlle^-Uierwoi-.ef^

- of thoutuindftof .9n}wefR.fram 26-ata(cs.-.; alls m et here today for thelronnual meat'-,' itre-.r ingrtg7 gciiny.tinrmfsmegnif l u a

nc- M ai Staff, Boston, president, said, he VC-— oonBldorcd.tho.rttportsJo r-103ft-vcry en - ' -ncr couraglng and predicted a larger >-oU 'er/!, ume of buslne-ss for 1020. Hc pointedthe out there, was not enoiich wool grown-mt, in th is country to supply the demandthe with the result th a t much was Im port- ’for ed from New Zealand and South Amcr-/ol* lea. . . . .Lied o r the l l directors on tbe board, thrce-eliy. aro from M ontana and Wyoming andhe one each from Cotomdo,.Utah, Idaho,

and South Dakota.

Tea • + + If you cJon.^dccI<jre it

iront tea you have ever served


enoug4i. You Icecp thc te* .

^ t^ ; fo r itT -a SchiHfng'jecr^t .-— 7 ' —

d e r •¥ 3 2 E xtracts 4- 47 Spices 4-

Y 9«W

iioiig hom»=get^g .ated so much-as-a^-...| r a 9 -reshing. My teBse----ling adventure Jc to that memor>:ome Lucky. As I I enjoying Luckies.’ As an actual vith one hand and ed tobaccos, and I

Uow the sea must 9 B '

“ R E A C H F fT H


® f c ^ I N S T E A D O F

j / p y A S W E E I V ’ - .

' ....'*1 ~ m . ^ M d e u a m^O su tU r. U-1*V - '!» *» > i»p«r~*t t K ^ c Wtfrw^ Twr - g

V j : e-r I • yiiih>wa il~ iiw ) ■ a

I 4MM*^W ili< tlil t* tk or nnt atbrrwU* A { • M B aM to !>« »«PW ftB4 bWo Uw tout

•M* W«tK. AM ri<l>u vl r«pub*. ■■MiC Mrf- , » i r l i l p v ^ b m UI

hm r n ^ *— m«id rrm^ fcn > ■•■■ k ' • '■ m Mt frf lb« As<li <11

I', a ^ ' g - y a s i ^ . ; ' ^ - . - ! : ; p.- M»lliiiHiiii— OiMM-4»f»nM> CT

-?? _*?*“**■ *°ry ” "****• n-M» fp^uMttflJty b •nuB«) for tbt »r* ._

. . t f w iiB illil ■ — frtptt. t.lH»«nph. or ^MiHr M trOiaM aau«r. Anleha tubau- gt

tirf b».p«Ulotlaa vill tx UMd or nut m .,tta rtlTirlm ef lU wfluir.' •Dd ao m*nu> tl.W )V « '« < U * U ^ ta i^ aslM* •ecoa»*nlM) jy

I . ^<CAnoKAt. ucpscunn-ATTvu " f**I * r s c s o s H . s u m and pruddbn. n »w P< I Ou> rMMlMo. Lm AanlM.

" ONT WAT t b ' 130 i t^ j | One eirect of.adoption of any of the “

I e o tin t^ -oh quite confidently. If Ida- ] ho** legislature .should see fit to Dp- j p ro te any such mcaiurcs, It may be I very sure of a 's re a tly Incrtmsed public

ilj -In terest In tAX mattere. U•f I . become' lnu rrf” to p ijn ien l i l :u :T Ilo f_^?5 ».OT property,.ro_thatr_ittjTn_em —

• |—. o f tax rs h a » I« a n e to be - regarded &a | . a n essential factor in possM^lon. But

■J_ -V n ta« en tobacco, or. H»n. <>r, ctindj^I o r golf ciubs. o r shot guna. Is sopier Ilc

71 th ing else a^aln. One who pays such ^ j I a tax Is p retty certain to manifest a ^ 11 lirely in te r a t In any explanation of of ; I • s u t c of a f fa ln th a t calls for sucli T t W a payment and lo hold tax speridem ®,j j l to s tric t accountaSuity. VViI j . . Perhaps for th is reason, lf .n o other, He 11 ' I t m ight oot be a* bad thing to adopt 11 A “nuisance U x . or ta'o for Id i^o . glj I I . Seriously, there Is one line of ac- gri I# Ucn which could bc foUdfcd. with rc- I f u lu v h ich m ight reasonably bc ex*

J pected to help. waIj AUiululx^ tliAt .Idolio's'TCveiiUL' tiiHs "eh* ^ need renovation, and keeping In mind1 th e fac t th a t n o t tho 8 Uto U x but - q ; [ , IM. l o ^ tax expense provides the nl< •1 po in t where relief U moot fieeded, ^2 5 ^ “ a SoH on th » ground floor and arrange for Jai ;{ B study of thD/whole ta n t io n sub.•i Ject? ________ .. . • - ■ - ap•j i t is n o t to be expected th a t a i^ ’ oc

b u te rd ie f will rtsult ?r«n a ^tinkerlag aod patching |inignu4 W ^ particu lar good will coine fron^ th e f r addition of a tax or two here aod a 8 p

• ~ aTmllflr sutitxactton u u ic lao*lI '- .T lc of Idaho 's.toxsU oo law* is wrong I f . th e th ing lo do is to, yebuUd t t . ' ' p * 4 ~ Th 'e 'T T cw s'w ould-iuggeft the ap- V‘r

- - - t h e OoYemer o r by ^he Legislature, m p b w ^ ' t b m a J u T a 'l h o r m ^ 'i i u a ^ 'OE

------t h e » l iiili;iij61W !t.n J t 'lu jL e j ta t . m ! . ^flcleot appropriation to enable th e mem- b m to give the matter tb e attention

> which It deserres. ^uch a c<punlss!on t eotild take th« next eighteen m onths to ^

; . gathCT l u .daU and prepare its report. li W ith such a report go upon the ahj j' next Idaho 1/eglslatumahould be, able •tu . to foiTQulate a realty constructive set

i' _ . pf..tA x_.la«. If amendmenu to the Idaho Constitution are • recorsraended by Uie commission the report shotild

^ so s u te and steps could be taken lo> provide for th e tr stibmlMlon to the.

.jroUis a f the ne*»^el|petton. 1 ■ ■ - - a j ji ' ' In th is way many possible pitfalla a l j - -would be avoided. TaxaUon is a big ‘I sub jec t To merely pass laws provid-

irig for fresh soitrces of revenue with- irri c u t due regard 'to th e cffect upon the

I m atter c i revenue as a whole Is toL___ BCtUc-nothlng. and m lght_brl.ng_a^ut qu

merely- a larger Ux bill—which has nothing whatever In common w llh ^

I the point a im ed '.a t *niI I Pl ------- II ^1 OOilAU ON PEACE

Those wbo arc following th e coun ;------ tI~ tv * n trT n Conerei.i with respcct to i

*he cruiser bUl trJU find a n interest- I log sidelight upon the subject of war and arm am ent In Uie remarks of Sen . ^ a to r Borah in support of llie Pact ^

inobo^Ucd as deUnllely and cerUinly a s the forccs for war b perhaps the H

'm a in point a im td a t ’ "Jil' -Those who believe th a t a a “ade- K quate police force" Is cue of the beai p — ctf-att-H iM nft^-tnsuhng-agaiiut-'W A C 1 . ■ ■ ■ ■ •»m .n rt ag rw with the ScQatcrs _

Tlew* b a t there wlU be many never- v b o i^ill chee^uUy adm it th a t

. . «U t f f a t i r t in th* last analysis rest -V^'spoo' th e pledged vo n l of naticos.

^ T s w iitn r W K t f t a g» laJH eJaiitt Tj

o l address re- ^

"IT Tsaid a r ' ~

' . TWIN FAILS Dii5 v p o : w ^ .W ,w iii;.V o roust depend at-

M some bidding 'cU igitlpn, and the eame

^ th a t there .jg’ty h lnd an agreement <0 k go to war under certa in cireumstanaa.

*'lt has been In tlou ted thict it- is easier to mobilixe th e passions for war. ,n

~ and easier to d ir c a the passions for ge ' ccnfUct, th an U ' 1* to mbbOto the at p paMlcns for peace o r the passions for ^ « adjustment. T challenge the propo- ^ sitlon. I say th a t th e most searching. Vi a unlvertal and p'rotound passion in the , human breaat today is the passion ^

fo r peace, an d ff i t Is organized and I directed as we organise and d lre« the Ti ! passion for w ar, It v lii dominate and “ control ln -ln tem atlooal-ftffa lr» r-and *j( . the groat objoct a n d purposo«of this f r I treaty (tbo P a c t o f Paris) Is to or- • ganlrc the peace forces, US' organise m ! th e moral Influences, In behalf of at)- as ’ justm ent of. dlflictxlties witiiout cop- . f l lc t I ts ‘greo t purpose is to let the " , pcoco m achinery of alt peace, plans

^^ork—to .utUlxe tho everlasting r n l . aspiration © «-tho-hum aa-fam lly. . . . . L

■ ••I do n o t hed tate’ to say th a t a , sciieme w hich undertakes to build sci

[ mad delusion. Any such scheme car- ^ rlcs w ithin ItMlf th e seeds of l u own

, dcsEnictlooV' ' ................. '

jjP SCHOOL STWTS - 1 ^^^fiibPilESENWs

BUHL, Feb. 4 (Spcclal to Tlie jj. -News)—'iPlxlng-It-Xot-FalhcT.wa.roJ-.licking comedy in .th re e a c u was pre- ^(i. siiiitcd to fl large auaieneu m uib iiigii school auditorium Prlday evening by . . . a n all hl-sChoor c a f t under direction ^ of Miss Lois Rudy an d Miss IVa Oman.The cast included: Ival Ooislln, Lulu „ * Shank. Anna Wolker, Harry ,Wnde. VI- ^ Ola Wilson. F rank Machecke. Gerald' Wommack. Dean Ahlqulst. John Daley. *" Ilene Lo DaiUey, M argaret Orlfflth, Special numbers were given between aclA Romeo a nd J u l ie t by a number of / girls of the Girl Reserves' inlerest groups under direction of Mrs: J. H. Muzphy was a clever num ber and the uke band under direction of Miss Vir- glnia PMk gave several selections. Music w as-furolsbed .by the hlgli-school or- ‘ ehe>tr»-uodw -d lrectlon -o f .. Harry-3 tt. hIS B ony. . ’ ^

The. cast fo r Ihe musical comedj oft “O l p ^ playing tonight and tomonoi^' the n lgh l a t tho R am ona theatre, under In directtoavo^ R obert D elss-and. Ralph Alt Herron. (Twin Palls, co-authors, In- ogs cindea David •Kendrick, Kohier Cox, pre Jam es Robertson. Rosooe Brooks, Wal­lace Davis. Brwln Tomlinson. Geno Sul­livan. B ertha Brown. Ilene LcBallley. i

Goodwin. Vebna Ooodwin.RomaS~hark.' ^

« ? S S 1 = . ^ S S S - , S i »V1 UtUe. O rs Koch. CowglrU are:M *"V Tyler. Vivian • Swlger uHian "®

% Jh?”rrujr« ^ i7ty° ~Runyon. Thelm a Proist R iU LeBailley, wnitjbow girls. RUa LeBalUey. Tbelma S ' PVcst. R uth Riihyon. LoreUs Miller.V‘rglne Rusiell. H elen-B anbury 'a n d - ,

Q lw ti "lit

and Velma OoodwUi the PaodanBo; •%- ■Bflte-'BahbOpyrathtetic'dniieerjanSo.- ~ r Leah Pond. and 'R arp ld Hubbert. Oer-

U ttle and Melvin Wilson: Ora Koch ^ and HamUton Davis.

Professor GusUv Flechtner's oithes- t. t r a wlll furnish the music with Miss Ryan a t the piano. The Business wo- = m en have sponsored Uie presenUtlon ,«a| ahd re » lp U will be turned Into the studeni loan scholarship fund.


This rrcscrlptloD Relieves AlmoU InstanUy .

Coughhig ia usually due to causn w hich paten t medicinea—and - eough gyrupw le n ot reach? lIowcTci'.'^rhoaHWr a famous doctor's prescrlpUon relieves coughing w ith the very firs t swallov.I t works on a n cntirrly different the­ory, has a double action, rcllo 'cs the ir r lu tlo n and goes direct to th e lntei> n a l cause.

tne conUlns no chlorolorm. dope, or o th P r.h am fu l drugs. Sale for Uie whale family. Also excellent for sore Uiroai. Quick relief guaranteed o r your mo­ney back. U c.. COe., and IIXX). SoM by Thortson's and ali other good drun stores.—Adv.


One Night Only

Thorsday, Ecb. 7" T h e B e s t in S iM k cji

1 . , - • ■ _ D r a m a ? — ;

l*ix .scn tin K a P la y o f - M a r r i a f r e r - ^ I o r a i . 'M in ^ ^ w y - i


— ---C totofa . I l : H— — ^ . - S o e m d 8M t>'D.w » 8^ a i

. '.v


W J i L . w

....J |

Memben of the J. D; B,* S H d je 'c iu b ur

a t her home on P o p ^ A.Teao^- 8 at> urday aflemoon. A .pWls . '^ _ w t i l t e w) mc*Jl wai featured in a5 o f th e decor- ca aUve dpulls. and the talliea wen) tn Valentine destfTJ- M n. Reeae U. WU- l(am% was t anner ol the f a v v for high g j

A meeting o t the Shanuodc Parent- Teachers' AssocUtion w aa 'he ld Friday evening a t the school houae. T baeotm ty ,,, unit system woa Uie subject fox' dlscua- V\l »lonrTAt~tbe-eloae-of-4he^-«renliig re - — freshmcDts vere served M ea' Jam es Adkins and Mrs. Ray Bush. T b s .next m eeting will be held M atch f}r>t with Mra. E. J, O'xxlrich. M ra .'J .-H o lm an , and Pred HUl hostcswa. . -

--------" " Tt

hieh« ol:«ews II_cei

Friday noon a t 1 o'iOoclt the high ’P“ school band wlll give a h assembly.


are to meet In Uie audM«rium during the advisory period Tuesday morning. ' ' Spedal-study hall-is-hel(i-from-4 to-§ Ylf, P. M. for those studenta w ho*teve low jrrades. The teachers recommeod the ••doubtful" students, who ore tiien re- ^ qested to >end the ex tis-iio u rln study ., halL ha-iTbe-FbHUn-cJub-wUl-meet^TueadBy. ,j,

Students having second-hand, books In th e book exchange are requested to .q, «alM s-U)e-tibrai7 to see if Uielr books »nhave-been sold.' __________ :_________ 2

Tbe J. O. Y. cabinet had a "pot luck" va d inner a t th e home of Miss Harriet Throckmorton Monday evening. ha<

Both artc ra ft groups will m eet with thi Mrs. Alice Abt Uiis week. T he J. O. V. me •rroup usually meets w ith • Mr»; Paul Taber, but due to lUneas In the Taber ] home, the groups will be under Uie dl- jui recUon o t Mrs. Abt UiU w e^ .- ers

Miss Hazel Grimes wiU have charge in ' of th e dramatic groups th is semester. 701 Miss O hm et expecU to s ta r t practising on a one-act play soon. ^

The Bruto will be on sole Thursday. Bring your dime.

Tha D o-nut league p ra c t l^ M o n d a j ' n i£ iu j:m ^ p ta in L JE e rn _ re Q u a u :d - ta be present tp work out A new schedule after pracUce. Mr. T e rry sUtes tha t there j r l l l probably be A and B classes lh th e new league, aa i t is advisable to fOipv ocnlon and , Jtinlors to ploy against f t e s h m e o .^ «oohomore«.,,iAt p re s ra t a r e i e te aaa; fa'theieAgw.

ANNOUNCEMEf^S.Meeting cC.kthe Wayside club- Ita^

M. In the B>alp«as and Professional Womep's c li^ rooms.

T lig^^end-a-H ahh ' cluV win_ m^ t

~ C onuhunlly Chiiroh lid le s ' Aid will meet W e d n ^ s j ofterooon. February a «t th« hnma_«f Mwi TVnn Sccond avenue e a s t

International RelaUons group of the

Nm FIHigh In Qi

•'■■O'-- ' I

Agenuine Ford wffl give y o j i ijei



fiA Visw '

sAixs. i m ^ o . TU E SPj^i U m S n T S n i b l w ' o l 'H i f t i n l t t t ' l l

M..______________ 1

w rh e -J u n in ^ iO M n ’S'Christian-Tcm-- — llWTX ^i-U| ,n»ff itMMwiaru ■ar W

nloe 'D ilnL toen& a B tu « 'L B k « r b e ^ f» i t

I urgent b u s i n g a large attetStf- ': an te U desir r t . - _________ ia

The Hlgblani~Vlew club will meet to ! wiUi M n. PtOTdatndy.Pebruary 6. sp

cou respoora .to be Valentine versea. fatI " ' •**" ■ • ' '

T h ; Home Guards of tho McUi9d.lst j i Episcopal c h u r ^ wUl meet a t the home O. of the M i m Naisca a t 610 Second ave- ta nue c a s t ^ t 4 p . u . February 6. «

• " ” ’“ 7 ' ' — - ' ■ «

W E N D E U , B O Y SU C C U M B S ^ “ ~ T « n ^ R n T W A r - l l X I S I . E S S ^

--------- - UjW ENDED- Feb. 4-Uoaroe Weln-

belg. l< -n v > c ld son of Mr. aad Urs. Glen Wetobelf,' died a t the family home « Thunday afternoon, following a 10- days' Illness nAth meningitis. Puaeral ^ services were cotiducted by Rev. J . D. 3 Olllliah. pastor of 'the Methodist church a t WendeU. wlUi burial in the WendeUcemetcry.-M onroe-i8"8urvlved-by-hls -- ■parents, three brothers and his grand- parenu. aU residing a t WendeU.

Mr. and U n . Dave Rutherford a n

entlriea hospital. February 1.Mrs. Fred Bassett, who has been con- y}

v a l c s ^ a t th e home of her porenu “ fo U o v ^ ' ab .’operation for appendl- ^ citls a t the Twln'FU ls county hospital. has returned to ' h e r home hi Glenn's ™

.F c rry ._ ..._ _ ...:_ ^ .- .i. . ..... . ............... “'Mrs.'-Owen 61mpson and son Jack. '

havc.mlumcd-Ironi_a.aix_wcek8L.Tislt “p w im 'T elattrem n-O klahom aj-K ansas.- -IJ and Coloradd.'^” •

Mr.' and Mrs," J. C. Stewart, Bol«c. spent the week end a t the home c( Mr.andTicrs: Cofe-Price. ------------------- j — .ae

M r. g n riW m T.MvniP_dl«Lat_at_ r<L Valentines hospital 'Tuesday, follow- on Ing a stroke of apoplexy. Mrs. Griffith an had been a patWnt a t the hbsp iu l for tio the last three weeks. The body was re- to moved to Jerom e,for burial. .gii

■ .•'!■------:------- . shIf you th ink Is Is dull arouhd town, T t

Just take a <tro^ around to Uie Farm­ers Store,' where they sell fresh m eat 1 in- Chunks.-. :£(rhaps It win- change tdi 7 0 ur Impression Phone 889W. adv ad


- _ - . n £ v T Ar.KT1Srr, fli

------ ----------- O N T H E S<w A p p m p N TO E]

- ------ --IU obard_B ^hclias5». anc

' r ^ H B i l f l ^ e U o U y - ■

'QBtfia'Quality, Low

rd 13-plate, SOrampereh iepj^dablelji^ce y

A GUARAirrEE THAI’A J J . A T i n V ^ f R R F : r e S T

irpvsI - ' A M . T O t f f t f e l g W ' T * l l

■n< Ih rn iif t ihe p . o ' iTnjrt* flrlrt '- .a- 'X ^tY ve js JO a t his home wl;tt> Influenta.-.

' J . S . OaUoftly and family' arrived th.e firat of l a i t week frcm Denver. Mr. OaBogtr, M I asshme th e .p o d tlo a of m aaager. fo r tl>e Gem S tate Lumber company. W l vacant by D. F. Dewey.

Lloyd J a la la d J- W. Roberts aad son. each shipped a carload of. No.1 poUtoes a t 80c. 9 A. Boden of Twin FaiU .w as th e purchaser.- —O to u i 'B i l m re iurned -F rlday-from- Los Angeles, where bo spent some.tiJM yislUw- .

I h e 'TWiili have been opened “for automobile travel betwem MurUugh aod Burley. ‘

Beglanlng February 23. M urtaugh wlU have daUy mail service. Instead of 3 times per week delivery: '

— ^ D E A T H S - ^

PAY—Mrs. Henrietto Pay, .10 years old, died a t t P . M. Monday aflemoon a t the realdeace of her daugmer, MreT Carrie Chapin, Kimberly. wiUi whonf she had m ade her home for five year» past.-T he-body woa brought to the Grossman «ftmeral parlora. Arrange- menU for funeral servWes Jiad not been completed last evening.

D e b a ; F . a 3 g » : : I t : : ^ --------------r 4T d A l l Others

rhe>- would not be wltlioul new won- lerful MELLO-GLO Facc Powder- be-

}n longer . . . spreads more smooUily ind Is famous for Its purity. No Irrita- ion.- Never gives a pasty or flaky look ‘A the skin. IU new French process {Ives a youUiful bloom and keeps ugly ihjne away. Try MELLO-GLO todayl rhoreson's Drug Store,—Adv.

Bring jrotir bides and pelts to the daho Junk Bouse. 152 2pd ave souUl idv. . '. '.

( T E D N E S D A Y

rs - - ^ 6 . m(LSIIlGIN£L____

KEOULAB ^ P W id B ctty _ _ p p m p 8 o n _ iii_ .____

O rp h o o m O r d h c s t n : ' E venings, 2 0 c a n d 40o

— — M— — — r

ittervIn Price

hour battery year around.



R - ^ C Q . - - !y |« F A ;.t .s iN-

^ 3UU'■ee'

^ - I ™ ........................ier 'K* m f

■'o- * \ - i - j t W A / ^ g 'of

^ ^ 5 ^ 1 >. /tor . M

' / A S / , / X a - 1 ." CHARLES (BUUOY) ROGERH in Uie

Param onnt pietore “Semcone to — -.-L ere ."-open ing a a -d»y-nm -M -tbe

Idaho theatre l o ^ . ■irs -----— •- ■- I ’ ' -— —

" “Girl From Home’-’ |c- -------- ‘ot ' HUlraan's Ideal Stock company, on

the tr next visit to th e Orpheum theatre, j

B ' T 'COMINGI SOON!1- ' . ............... -B- ........... ^

ly 1 V *"N i” 5 E* 1 'M I ■mm « ■ ■

yi ^ B ^ i S S S S S L ^ - S S a —.S S t t - f l

:I ' ‘ . — — c

K if e p / MAJIYTO y wiLUHAu



_ A L S O ___ w o o . '

— ^ 'B K m N g e l i m a t i

AND N o w !. . PARAMOUNT_____ a n e w

w i n s o n


| s ^ a a s = s = = = ^ a s s i = ^ = s

Contract Gaw i i

several good variei

C . Q ^; " la iT h trd -A v s rS c illth .— ■ -

i' -

^Singletrees,—Sto.el- jPIow Shares, bought d

=jfia;gi,ving.yOHtthfctjesl —— raeFchandise4l»€

For smoking stoves a i

— ....th e Soot-J

| « E gO x — J f i t • *

r ~ •trUFpreseotTSTpSiy^inM Tliiw 'iBonai L : «hd ^donoy, e q ^ ^ 'm ie .a i r l '

H r fioiabr—A s -o a tttn O -a s -J^ y e t- so -u a — ^

'd r th r r M ia w h u :a i i s y « D v r B u ^ r ^<ate a t> « r7 tea»dgyTiigft^

rn o i ib e d t t e • toteriDOTtttate - TU|e apd O e iin a ty p fttv a a y

_____ re»Tttiury t ........;......W arranty D.—Sadie Comellus to

Joe E. KonopUc. I700Q, SE SW 8-10-lS. ‘ W arranty D;—M«nUuUl C. Conover

e t iix to Oeo. J. W ard.-$3500. NW NE, 1D-11-I0H '*'

Pay Cox. t3900.«pm lot 16, Burringtons - subdivisions. KlmbfrJy. -

W arranty D.—ElUng J . Spike e t ux . to Mary A. Adams e t v ir . gte.000, SB NE 28- SW NW 37-10-1*.

^ F E C IA L -ra iv ^ T e s i U f O F 1 0 ^Uie 30 business and resldeoce lots, close to In a t assessed valuattoo. T hdunnds

t t e -of-doUar»-have already-beea-pald out__on some of t h w tots, you get t h i ' '

a l)tiieflt No guessing th is time like 28 yeara ag!0. I ^ y e r the only'UUe

. I on earin 10 uUs property: l^hns,, , I spot cash. No deeds executed until

3 - j money Is paid C. O .'F o rgo a t Form­ers Store. P h o n e . 888W _»adv.-.

on News W aat Ads z w a UU people Lrc.l jTou wiaa 10 a tc r a ^


T O D A ¥ -r Q \ OSnAL


I I A R L E ^ S W ^ )


CC(3'amnicm7a~QiUure ■ ' ^

h Soth V J r f ^ l i T i Tujuorooo

E’S A FRIENDLY YOUNGFELLOW. Arid how he can __. ' Glean, ^vholesomc, youth-“ rom zm d^d B N rt^ i^earten-- heaps o^ Iove!* X^nvulsmg» . iati<^confIicts-and^ifty-luB------^

/! The s ta r of “Wings” in •iW comedv-melodrama. WiUi____ ,some Mary B m n and the

tin, T“ ~ .

= s = — = - = » s = ^ s = s s

arden Beansi v i t h .

T 7 * * O

i e t i e s f r o m 6 */2 C u p . ,

— ......... ............T w i n 'F a l l a r M a h o — —

X ^ I e v i s e s , - D o u b l e t r e e s , - .

; d i r e c t f r o m t h e f a c t o r -

e s t i n i c e ^ n , t h e j d n d j ) t .

h e 4 a m e r w a n t s .-:---------------- —

a n ^ f u r n a c e s u s e I M P

t P c R t m y e r • _ _

IGEL’Si r s V : A l i l l i

?i!r«*Wii|ir =j i ' l :

^ ________ ' t j i

— —' I

S a f e

;___________ __________ e c o n o m y , s p e e d ,

. ■ t h e s e a r e t h e f e a t

F o r d s u c h a ' g o p <

n p ^ e m o r e i m p o i

T h e s a f e l y o f t

o n l y f r o m i t s e f i

• m a n y o t h e r . ; f j c t

e a s e t i f s t e e r i n g ;

_____ ______ , _ _ _ ^ s k S t t r - £ « > o t g l ^

s t u r d y , b a l a n c e d

T h i s i n c l u d e s t l

m e c h a n i c a l p a r t s

s t r e n g t h o f A e b e

- ' A p a r t i c u b t l y i

— ^ F o r d ^ c a r i » “t H ^ n

> rv r w d d i ^ h s U j b e e q

'________________ M c f u l n e s s t h r o u g l

---- --------------- - ....... t i p m m t n f h n n i in


T h i s v e r y i m j p o r t a

a b l e t o o l o f m o d e

---------- i t - p o j s i j > l e - t o - u s «

o f s e v e r a l p a r t s

g c ^ e r . w i t h r e s i

- ' a n d s i m p f i c i t y .

E l o a r i c w c l d m

s t e e l f o r g i n g s i n s t

i n g s , w i t h o u t i n c r

•— — .............. .. l u c T c a s c d 'C o s t . —

S i ^ f o r g i n g s i

s t e e r

-------------------------r l n f r h ^ V Trivg s h a f

___________________ o f t h e n e w F o r d , b

p a r t s , t h c e m e r g e n

t u b e f l a n g e ^ a n d

_____. f e a i


" ly j f l e x ib


'-= ---------f jO ,

' E

J E T V , c o m f o r t , r c l i a b U i ^ ,

t d , a c c e l c i ^ o n , b e a m y —

e a t t i r e s m a k e - t h e n e w

p o d 'v ^ t i c ; O f al}» t h e r e i s

» r t » n t t h a n S A H E T Y . . .

f t h e n e w F o r d c o m e s n o t

e f f i c i e n t b r s ^ s , b u t f r o m

f e t o r s . A m o n g t h e s e a c e

g a n d c o n t r o l , t h e T r i p l e x :

g l a s s _ w j n d s ^ d , a n d t h p

t d c o n s t r u c t i o i i o f - t h e c o r : -

t h e e n d u r i n g _ q u a l i t y o f

r t s a s w e l l a s t h c s t r u c t u r a l

body.l y i n t e r e s t i n g f e a t u r e o f t h c *

j - m a n n e r - i f i ^ w h i c h - c l c a r i c ^ —

x n c a r r i e d f o r w a r d t o n e w

u g h t h e c r i » t i o n a n d d e v c l -

M n g l g i p e u i m p l i c i t y

-------------- - ' -*

i r t a n t a n d i n c r e a s i n g l y v a lu >

> d e m m a n u f i i f t u r z n ^ m a ic c s '

r t s r i v e t e d o r b o l t e d c q -

r e s u l t i n g - g a i n i n . : s t r c n g t l t _____ _

l i n g a l s o p c r m i t s t h e u s c o f

n s t e a d o f c a s t i n g s o r - s t a m p *

a c r e a s c i n w e i g h t o r g r e a t l y - g------------ !*----------------------- o

^ m u s e d n o t o n l y i n t h c

e e r m g g e ^ » ' t r a n ^ i s s i o n , ^ ^ t l

haft and rear a ; ^ faQuaing___ ti1, b u t i n ^ e s h o c k a b y >rt>cf lc

; c n c y b r a k e l e v e r , t h e u > r q u c b

i d e v j c t y i y h c r c e l s e w h e r e , a

V T U R E S o r T K

M tcbffitfC aJ, i n t t T S a t ^ p a n d i

with brniia^arfiitts tf-aU-t.S iU n t o p fr a lio n is m

* — t x i t ^ t h t - S t a t a .

F o u r H o u d a i I h .b jd r a i i l i c d o u U

i m t u r f r a i f i ^ a u w i m a i i d — V

U m it t c b tm is .i> A fk « tio n

B u m t ^ l o w H ^ ' i , -------- ---

■■ . I' A ' .■ u .-: a a r V ' g - — ''

'i — i . . u i , - . i . « i » ' . y i ; r


S f j


& T ~ “" • j m f u



. g r e a t s t r e n g t h i s r c q u i r t ^ . T

- ^ ^ o r g i n g s - m a k c s -f o g - o m t s u a i

A n o t h e r s a f e t y ^ u x o f w o r t

' t h e - m a n n e r i n w i i i c h t ^ n e w

t h e r o a d a t a l l s p e e d s * T h i s i i

l o w c c n t e r o f g n i v i t y , ' ^ e c a r e f i

b a l a n c c p r d i s t r i b u t i o n o f ^

m c c h a n i c a l w e i g h t , a n d t h c 1


iJiag six^bfai l sjium — -----------'-svr^aterfiflfy-ejfciojed. -------another fiatrtre. -

mSer~of~r^6^-irrTt^^ hfjly ly lioa-Wa ^ a J j_____

•i^e-acting th x k a b s o r t^

’ t l u k h a a e lm ^ n

• «S M 6 5

____ S w w / i ^ f t / r f i

1 1 . .W i


H E N l

^B '"l3 J jjj Ia HBMH -BF 83 -

The strength Bcauiji mih. - tb e new Ford. SI

lal SJt'ty,------------ faUUrsi”'!-^brth noting is utafcitcw Ford holds ‘ = i l s due to thc unsprung wi refully planned - :iCo>ordinatc structural and springs anil c low ratio of _ '^so rbcrs co

-------f — I ’ • A lls

^ n c o f th e o i R D Ford, o f cou

' expanding^S— '— n a ully~rellai

w r & ^ o f a l There m no

= ^ n l l . in ffffm t any COTditic

- • The-sileni ■- th ing you w

'• sc lf«O M tin j

j j f ^ o f t h c— ----- c a a t a p t J ^

- • _ - p r e s s y c

H » III ’

!VY Mo r n in g ; PEBRUj!

r ' ,

E W j F

|» e [ .^ -l-taHiiii:-

■ . | 8 1 -

ility mre eombmed in tmusual degree Sbown'bere is'tbeSard.Coupr.—

u'*mMn-d t i v t r ita nd relisiU s n d easy to eontrpL

v c i g h t t o s p r u n g w e i g h t . T l

: c d - a c t i o n o f t h c t r a n s y c r

a - H o n d a l l l c - h y d r a u l i c - s h o i

o n t r o l s e x a g g e r a t e d b o u n c i n

six brakes are fully ; enclosed - ----------

D u t s t a n d i o g f e a t u r e s o f t h c n c

L irsc, i s i t s m c c h a n i c a l , i n t e r n :

^ i s ? b r a J a ^ T p t c m r T h i s i s - n

l U Sbc b t j k ^ a r c f u l l y c n c l q s c

o p o s s i b i l j ^ o f w a t e r , d i r t <

i n g » i t h 4 > t ^ k p - r a c t i Q n ^ u n d

i o n s , ,

B c c - < ) £ - tb c s f t - b r a k c s i s . . a u 2t h

v i l l a p b r e a ^ . S c c c c c h i n g a i

} g a c t i o o < ^ ^ a n j n c l u s i v c F o r d d

e n t i r e . ■ ^

1C ^ i n E c j i j o c i n u n i f o r m ' • A

fa iW j h c J i m a m t h e p ^ a l ;

JARY6,1929.g s a p g g g s s g q a a s a s g g ^ ' . i - n -

"o r ,

Teein T h e . v a l u e o f t h e

b y t h e T r i p l e x s h a t t c

• . . . s h i e l d o f t h e n e w ]

--------- a r e c e n t s u r v e y i n d i e

T h c . i n j u r i e s i n . a u t o m o b i l <

i p r s c t o . f l y i n g g l a s s . T h c w i

[ lo c k -------- F o r d - i s - s o - m a d c ' t h a t

c i n g . u n d e r t h e h a r d e s t i i

w h e r e t h e r e a r c w o m

i s a n i m p o r t a n t s a f o t j

------------------— E a s c - o f ' s t e e r i n g a n

n e w • t i o n a l A c t o r s , i n t h e

m a i - ' ‘ F o r d . T h c - s t c c r i n g g c

{ -u n = ------- ^ e c h n i c a U y ^ - a s - d i r c c - ^

a s c d ; ------- o f - t h c - r o a d a r c f u l

r t o r w h e e l s a n d s t e e r i n g m

j i d e r a n d a r c n o t t r a n s m i o

t h e d r i v e r . A ^ ^ i t u

^ t h c r g u i d e t h e c a r . Y e t y c

; a n d n e c c s s a r y £ e e l .o f - t f a c . c

►ec i i i .............

d d e - c r a t i o n , - a b u n d a n t p o

’= - p i i w b t o r c i M

i x ^

e p r o t c c r i o n a f f o r d e d

t t c r - p r o o f g l a s s w i n d - ---------------------

r F o r d i s s b o w n b y .

d i c a t i n g t h a t 6 5 % o f

b i l e a c c i d e n t s a r c d u e .....................

w i n d s b i c l d m t h e n e w ^

[ l a t - i t w i l l - n o t - s h a t t c r — 7— — :

; i m p a c t . P a r t i c u l a r l y

o m e n a n d c h i l d r e n , i t

c t y f a c t o r . •

a n d c o n t r o l ' ^ r c - a d d i - -------

fa c s a f e t y o f t h c n e w

g e a r - i s - w h a c i s - k n o w n ------------- — i -

: c - q u a x t c r - i r F c v e r ^ I c . --------- -----------

f u l l y - a b s o r b e d b y t h c

; m e c h ^ i s m o f t h e c a r

a i t t e d t o t h e h a n d s o f

r t o u c h i s s u f iB a c n c t b f ~ ^

y o u a l w a y s h a v e t h a t - ■ -

C ' t o a d . - ; ' -

j n g - g c a r s r q t t K J fr^M^pc l f ............... ^

powu and spM for *• v i r i o a . - .


liiaiiiEaisL'g w g r a i i -

c lo s in g Q u o ta t io n s u n i i o i f t f ~ “

■ ^ e r e a r F 1 m r t 4 - t t r H a i H 3 c n t - —

H ig l io r ; C o rn a n d O a ts O if ,

CmCAOO, Feb. 4 (,V>—Wllh worltl shipments of wheat tiboui the InrK est on

. rccord. nnd y t t supplleji afloat Sur Eur- t!-..-ope., sm aller th a h .n i ’Oar aijo. wIrmI

vntuc$ lodny ndvaneed. A luri;rr «k- crcosc Umn hnd becrt lookctl (or In ilic

I'l Vnltcd States wheat. vWblc Mii>ply. <o-_flothcr-wlUi-ilcct-Jn_N*Jliraik«umtUibc.-----

iiormnl cold over India, u.s well ns ovei -eastern and southern Europe, <cnmd

• also to lift U)c w hral miirki-t.Closing f]iiotollon.i on wlieul wen-

firm, '.ic to !vc net hiRhor. Corn fin- . Wied a shnde to •■'ic down, oats int-

chatti^ to *liC oft, nnd provWons vary- i Jng from 10c decline lo a rise of He,

Word of Export Ac<Mfy Word of export activity ni Wlnnlpnt _

and of ndverr.e crop conditions nffoe'liu: ___• I nd^a Ajid^niueh

" m a rk e t. Trade nuthorltlH■coiitcndicj < . th a l from nil the dntn avnll.iblo Horld

Import needs th b Kca.«in arc above any t previous experience. Late advices lold, : t ■ too. of slcel In Nebraska aiul of 2,f!l.- St

000 bushel.? falllns-off In ihi- UnlU't Slates whenl vl.ilblc supply, lui

--------- dp cn -H lg h — Close. _c:v.M ar. .........124;- 1M|. V iV . 125'. 1

Ju ly ........ J2II?4 WOh; 129>. t30V T'91C®m“ *

,1 Mar. ......... OO'i 0' j \ OU'. Ii . May ......... 00\i ’ Soii 08% (

July .........101 101'-i»100\ lOl'N 'C«l

} M ar............. 5 2 'i ‘ 6 2 \ E>2% 5 2 \ (V -Ivtoy ........ 52='. 53 '. 5 2 \ 53';

July ........ 40-<. 50 . 40’-. 60

CASH GIIAIN ‘ CRICAGO. Feb. 4 '(iD -W llcat: No. 2

hard •1.3tvi: No. 4 hnrd tl.SO; ‘Corp: No,' 3 mixed 04‘ic to 0 4 \c : —

I No. 3 yellow’04HC to DCc,___.OaU;.No,.3.whlt<‘6«llc.to.64':c;,snm . vloii

pie Kradc 40c to 50c. Ini;.Rye; No tsales. cd i-Barley 03c to. 72c. cr c

j .T im othy seed: $6iO to 5C,10,. , rea_cClover seed $23 to »3I. houii

1 " j’ric*OIVIAIIA GRAIN fts.ll

I-* ' OACAHA. Feb. 4 lAV-Wicnl: No. 1i ha rd |1.17 to » l.l7 's : No. 2 hnrd $1.10 SeptI to »1.17: No. 2 yellow Wnrd $1.15 ' j to uary

$l.l7>,i: No. 1 northem nprlng 11.14; mNo. 1 mixed Durum $1.00; No. 1 mixed ‘ 1°'’'»1.10!i. to 11.32. . repo

c o rn : No. 3 whlto 8Cc; No. 4 white W ic 8 4 to SA'.^c: No. 4 yellow 84c to eS 'ic;No. 3 mixed 85c to 87c.

--- ^OQl8WNOr-3^^tt»-40«-lO-{M}OM«mplQ __{,{]■ grade 47c. • ed o

•PORTI-IND GRAIN PORTLAND. Peb. 4 (/T) — ^Vheat: lO’.i

— HBB hard white 41J3rsoft-whltc.-west- —Ar — rm ghttff ii,inii.-,.h(tr(1 ,wintrr, nnrtlig 15c:.

■em spring tl.lOVj; western red S1.17’a. 17’,sc Today's car receipts: Wheat 120: bar- Pe

' lc y 4 ; flour 10: com 13: onta 3. eholi, - - i _____________________________ ;___ to .ll


- C om : No. 2 yellow *1.01’i lo «1.02'i; •No. 3 yellow 09 'jc to $l,00'a.

Oala: No. 2 white 55'jc to C7'ic. KtRye: No, 2 $1,17. ar<B arley; TJo. 3 70c Jo 71c, « r

--------Glorer - scedr-Cnali-i loinea tlc. old-and- —a ti n ew '$17.65; Februarj' domestic $17.05; mi i March domestic $17.80; casli Importedi old $13.75; Februarj'im ported new $13; qg- March Imported new $13.10. n ,

Alslke: Cash new and Februar>' $10,25. • gg■ Timothy: Cash old S2.90; cash new n l i U,Oi; Pcl>runry $3.05; 'Murch *3,15. „


Icrfal 54c. ^I . Onion: Green $1 to $1,25 per ids;1 ._few $1.50; cold storage Jobblna <trj' yel- hoe. I |o*'«'$4 lo $4-25; Aurtmllnn browns $4.25 t ipt, I tv~i4,50; common stonRo Austnihnn h ^ ' j... broa-Ds Si to Sija. cowiI PoUtoes: Jobblne Stockton $1 to ypif, j $1.23; poorer lower; WnslilnRton Nel- atp-. I ted Gems $1,20 to $135; Oreron $U 5

1 ' V ' j ? : , H..11 i c r i - 3D.I roosters none: hens 25c to 31c: lurlii'yR

j CHICAGO PRODUCEI CHICAGO. Feb. 4 oT>-3uttcr: Un- changed: recelpti 10.155 tubs; creamery „,#CTlra3 40c; sUndardx « ‘.c; estra flriU

46c to 48'vc; first^ 'HCe to 47c; seconds e . - 44C to -iSc.

E te s : Unchnneed; recclpUs 5898

36 'ic to 37c; ordln*r>' fJrsU 33c to 35c.Poultry; AUve. firm; rrcelplA two

tt r a ; fowls 29c;-!«prlni:» 32c; rooster:

Pou toea: Receipts 124 cars; on tmcit iTiiftT rinitjv fhfprnrn tT

-S tlu rd ay 084 cars; Sunday 07 cars; trad ing ra th er alow, market u-eafc Wls-

— cnrm i i a a a ed r ound ■hlteggocto $t.os~ Minnesota and North Dakota .sacked

- roitofl'w hltw 85c JO osc: M aho s a c k e d ------I • Russeta $ 1 ^ to $l.*rD.


H exchanee receipts: B u t ' i e r I07,400 R pounds; cheese 38J00 pounds. fT ai1} B o ile r in bulk 48cI E ggs: E x ln u 30e: flr»t fresh 30c; Slod

L— g g w a r 3gc.' mfihmiu jee n n a n r r rH c e n t i Dick

-Poultfyi-Urx>haog*d. - ^ 3ggd.«

. SCOAB l£ tnNSW TORK. Feb. 4 t/«v-Raw su far Oral

- w w e u nfhangtd today, 'n ie re sp- - p o re d to -b e n»ofe •ugare araUaWe a t

t . - CLTT f a r spots dnty Sales r<s Letur - Jkau te u le d about TSJMO bags of Cu- Celr

ban to local and ootport n n a e r t fo r _.Petetttaiy tfU p o ep t ^ t t

■ ® t r

jMiiot Ugber. -Trading waa . . ? . v o d e n M y MOve. t a t eoonxed-cbtef- S'toe ■? • cn*»M<<ng i n n near (e n o re S tan

S W d lit Mi t porfttgnfc T b t (Bartee « p a » d Nnt H ^ B B d M B V d to T p d a ta ^ td c b o ^ A t ao« F m ^ ^ » t t j n i* t» » p d te t* s b o y e th e p r e . S b d

. ' : T W IN FA L L S

/ O U T 0 > RUBRf^C o U 'S f W Mr:M t c

■' ■' ■ - " B G e M ^iK\>:ihiC.-

\ 15 'AMD I T.Ol'D______________ _ i : r _ co M iM c,. , r~

- M A H I C E r S J U - . ,A , B L f lN C E - | } ^

N E W Y O R K . F e b . 4 i/V, — Slocks: I r r c B U l n r ; Ucllilclirm I

Steel rlsca 0 points. • ^ \Curb:’ Slendy: Hercille.s I’owdcr “

luni|w over SO polnt.s.-Bonds: Dull; Porto Ricun Aiiierl-

■J:tilJoj>aej;ojiHup_3_polr>ts.________i^QfrForolKit exchftjiffcs: M ired; apan-

l.sli iie.'.ela nlumps 40 point;; to new- »;TSM lmv:-----------------^

Cotton: Lower: Jlquldatlon, I .Siiirnr: Steady; trade, support. LCoffee: Higher; flrrti nrazillnn

■ - - ■■ ■ I N. c m c A d o ; • 1“ ™ Whoat: 'S lendy: decrea.>icd visible caus

Hupply. tJ'c Corn: En.sy; inrger recclpla, n'lm Cultlc: Irregular. . Opei IIog!i: Stendy to higher, rlc-d

< •_______ •Ulal

vlous'clase, on covering and trade buy.Inc. More, liberal spot offerings seem- pj lo check aggreMlve buying nnd nfl- tr early demand wan supplied prlccs . . . : ' reacted under llQuldnUon and selUng by "~ . iiouscK with Cuban’ connecllona. Final l-'ricea wVre a t nboiit the lowest ot the , ■cs.ilon. Approximate sales 70.500 tom. March clo.-.cd 63; May $2.00; July $2.10; ‘ September $2.10: December 52.22: Jan-*' uary S2.10. "r.

In refined withdrawals were a little more liberal. No new busln.-fs wns reported and prlccs were uiichsnKwl a t ‘ S5,10 for fine granulated.


Kl apples: Steady: cholcc 13c to l3'-jc; hem(fcncy 14'iic to 15 'ic ,' Shat

Prunes: S tendy :' Callfomln 4’;C to to »i10'ic : Oregon 10'•ic to 15c. were -A prlcoO i:-B te«dy;-slandH rd-13i,o-lo.inr-al.tc: choice l4*-jC >0 10c; eytrn choice iiatl<!7’,sC to 22c • Kc*

Peachcs: Steady; sUiidard Oc lo O^.c; nl’ 0■holce O 'ic to lO ^c; extm choice 10c M(o_U c.__________ :........................-

. nnd

____ * ~ 'h h a rT h o e price* a re ohUloed daily ;

ftt A o'clock In tbe afiernooB and aro Intended to cover only th a { a re rage el price*. Wberc certain ‘ 1

- a a u t w - t or i ltort pei twls - Btfw-----more th an the quoted p r ic a bo effort U m ade to Include rach j qootatlons. Q ootalloBsare ottered l / i . J nercJy as a guldo to prodncera 1 j

' and shoald Bot b« aceeplcd aa refleetlnr exlremM of cither high « r low prlcea. j q .

The Twm Falls mnrkeU yesterdaj ^ i ' ' | rere a s follows: ,

U tcaiock 1 NlHo r s -------------------------------------^._$0.00-tone:.lghl hravy-hflca--------------»7 00 tn.lB nn. .n -Heavy hogs $5.00 to $7.00 rirsiS jw s -------------- -------------M.00 to »7J0i e U e n ________________ $7J» to $8.50 Trcn) l e e n ________________ $8.00 to $10.00/ea l C a lv e s ___________$3i» to $8.00k'carlings'Iam bs ...;— .-$10.00 -ni----------------------T Bottt r ------------------:— m nfieavy hens. 416 lbs. and-up. lb___ I7c 17'. .bight ber» .-tm der-4 '4 »g.- lb,..-,-;,7 l3c ~ ttiLeghoms. hens. lb. ............ ............,,,0c PeniSocks, lb. ...............................................Sc JJ7JSprlngcn. colorcd. 3 lb s . '--------------17c TlSpringers, leghorns. 2 lb s_ ;--------- 14c tn $•Broilers, up to 2 lbs., lb ............,.,17c LcStags, lb............................. .....................n o Enst

Live Tnrkcys Zli*ouns toms __ ____________ nndMo. h p m -- /:— — -------T JI—- AIDid loms ............................ ..................10c ' Q>}o. 2 ...... .. .......................... .... ............10c'

Decse _____ :...........................................13c —3 u a s — : z z = r r : . r r r - - z = z r z n 3 '5 --------

Dairy......■....4 5c-L i=

Biilterfal. sour ....................... 43c «Pjct feu,H) • - -- • -Wr-Eggs tlocal store) .......... ....................JOc- .......... Sticat—Wbolesftto nC a n e ---------------------- ------------------*«.<« duv-D e c t ---------------------------------------- >0.44

Dcass ftpujg rea t Northe m ------------- ----$8J0 i dnh

"n v iv e a ra n a aiiu r e e d ca3ran. cv t. — ..... .... I1.&3 U irsSraa. 500 Ib. :oU -,.,11.50 pcurStock rood. 100 Ib. totJ ----------- $1.70 low

---------------aicklow. No. 2 or b e t te r________ $1.05 (r- 0^ ^ U o n ^ * a _ 2 - f l r_ b c l t£ E ---------------------------- B eiaB -PrM i------------------- i—sf,L<emons. d o sen -----------------40c and 50c luncgranges. dO K n____________ 40c to 70c jic.5Potatoes. IS p o tsd jC abbage____ ______ ______ ; .........^ettnee. 3 beads __ - - o i> lery , bunch __________________ i.l5c it,.oo

Pradaoa " 'te re sSutter fcreamery buldButtffr rnTyh> 4nr

— ....' V w t ' » — pouna^eUvered) {to $s

;;tnd i h n n p . ' t o o --------------------tlXSO; CaU m - -in .iW steerta t -----------------------SILOO Ught•m — _________ S tx o iw d g lBMk -- -------------------- — -------- t UQ Sng I



IER kev<.1D/.1: V i - ~ fO U V DID . ‘•'■v i ' J . . iM ST'f

r.'“ C V C P .Vr- • I 6 0 R .T .1. - \ q o tM

,'D .AT 17. I o / .v l J -


s / ' V . B

■■ H^ ® r j U L - W .

i SIOMCHiGf> tr in g e n t - M o n c y - a n C £ x p e p ta ! i i _

- t i o r i - o f - L a r f l i i - l n c r c a s e — in L u _IAJU

L o a n s D e p re s s e s F a v o r i t e s ' j m .

. i Am,NEVA YORK. .Feb. 4 a irln g cn i i Am.

loney nnd expecmiion or^nttSi{6 lUij.^in, rrase In slock exchange member louiw I Am, aused consldcmble prollt-taklng on : Ano tie stoci: ninrkvl todny. depressing a lA rn limber of rccent favorites 3 lo 0 pointa. | Alcl iperntlons for the ndvancc were cnr-;Bnli Ic-d un In a.'t&ortnii'nl'of rails, Indtis-'Bnli ilals nnd speclnltlcs, howcycr. nnd | Bar boul two dozen* were lifted to record i Bell -■vebi, . , BurThe stock exchange total loans o i o f , Cnli

luuinry 31 wns $0,735,104,342. an,-in-» Cnn H-.1SP of about $2.300jXH>,000 to the lo s t, Casi

montlis, . ' iCcnThc;o was little lu tho day’s news!Che

iiUl a fte r Uio m arket closed,.when dl-IChli tclors of S tandard Oil of Indinnn nn-1 Chl< minced a SO per ccnt stock dividend, Chll Hd iO cents ex tra cn«h dividend, Chr

T rad lnr FalU Off CocT rading fell off to th e smnllest vol- Coh

me In over two weeks, but 4.051.400 Cur tnires changing hands. DulFederal Mining bounded up 20 points j Eas

i.a new top. and Jersey C entral sold up El. : 0 points to n record level. Advance Eric 0 points to n now level. Advance Rum - Fed ^■.-AmrrlrJin B tfrl Fiiundrlrs.. nmhle-, H id em Steel, Xombert. CurlUs Acro. and Ger hattuck m ounted about 0.ta,10 po(nt4' Ger ■1 new peaks. Among the soft spota Oer ere Allied Chcmlcal, Amcrlcnn Pow- Coo I'-and-URhtt-JohnB-M nnvlller-InM rr:" Orn ntlonnl. Talrphone, Oeneral Electric] Grc TO-TPrK--ct!^ u u r f l i i a -m 'i ic rn -Dm on.4 f ut I’ of which sold off 3 to c points. Illlr Motors were firm er. Mack Trucks nnd Int.

ncknrd gaining about 2 point* eoch. Int. Ild Ocilcml Mjolors'movltig up aboul a ln t)

cawy," UfimdiiQ a lm Blticl Joiit m o r ^ l w iian n polnl.'anW lhe oIU were gcneral- Kra ,' Inclined to' hcavlne.u. Lan

--------- UgjDAR SILVER .Mai

NEW YORK, Feb. 4 t^^v-Dar sll-i Mia------------------------------------------------Slid

—:---- MliMONEY Mln

NEW YORK. Feb. 4 t/IV-Call money: Moi irm; high 8; low 7; ruling ra te 7; clos- _ _ iR bid 8; time loans firm: mixed col- “ r~ uem i 00 to 00 days 7 '3 ; (our nnd .six and io n lh s7 'i ; prime mercantile p ap c ra';,; pnce Bankers’ ncceplanrcs: 30 days.5_ to Jeaj

's : 00 nnd 00 days SU to 5; four months stee '> (o 5; five nnd six m onths 5-'';i to 5 '; . bull

-------- cullLIBERTY’ DONDS $8.2

NEW YORK. Feb. 4 </!>) _ Liberty stoc vucls-closed: - -- — _ __ yeai

irs t 4>.s ............................... $100.40 wen‘ourth 4 ', s ...................................$100.50/‘«ootex 'iiry 4 ’. s .................................$U0.40hale

------ I Sic:METALS , 85 1

-NEW YOBK.-Peb.-4 t /P j- - Copper:M o $Tm;“ i-iis:iToii’iic— Bpst— r.n j~ mi‘uVM ’ n a .:7 '.c . ■___________ fx____Tron—Slpn(ty:"NO. 3 f T ^ b . eastern

'ennsyhanu »30i0 to ja i; Buffalo Cl I7 i0 lo $ l8 i0 : Alabama $1CJ0 to $17. celp T in; Slvady: cpot and futures $4£>iO b it

■I S40 G2. tor :Lead: P'lnn: spot New York $0.25: to <

iist St. Louis $flJ0. - $10:Zinc: .Steady; Bast St. Uiui^ spot, jco

nd future t 8 i 3 5 .___ ________u>4(Antimony $0.62. j;.?:Qiilrfciltvcr SIM. yo ti

---------. . Cs■ ■ - Isteel

' L IV E S T O C K M A R K E T S ' L— ♦ x ia s

SAN FRA.'CCISCb LlVERTOCK-----CAS-H h <tNei9gO.- P r b. I M'l - P ^

ii-cflpa BCD: direct 300: slow. 3(Jc h igh- r than P rtd a r ot- steady with S a t u f * : ^ uy; load 103 pound Nfbra.>kai $11. i*'®- llh 155 pound sorta a t JIO; 240 pQund 11*° ' elfihUs $10.50: short load 125 pound Jnho« S1040- m cklng [$7-3iCatlleT Receipts 580; slow; few ta rly " f

>Ira around 35c lower; load cood 1135 cund Nevada fed steers $liiO^ load >w medium l < ^ o s t io- fA.nmnT>. I »nd_ 1.50: ho she slock sold; ifTidertone low- ® r; odd head bull* M.15; calves recelpU

•im f r p r l^ V u jtji none; gw d - t t r c h w r y l^ ^ andy a-elght lamba quoted 316^5 lo ICJO. aad


OMAHA. Feb. 4 oPV-Hogs: R eetipu >.000; steady to lOe higher to all tn- rresU; lop $9.70 on 235 to 250 poun! jlchers: bulk IM .to 900 pound arer-

ta jo . to - 4 a ja ;_ buik - i7 a - to - ig o _ ec snna—nghg ~ »».<0-tp^ J o r cg n ttf f

)$ » . - ‘ JScC attle: Recttpta OOO: c a lm soo; fed least eers and yearUnea slow, yearlings and marc ;h t tteeia epcnlnc itcady. tnedlura s t e i dghta a ad .« « lcb ty weak, tcad* good IS kn rtr: ib e stock iloir. weak; bulls helTc

ALLS. I D A f i o , T U E SD A Y

E A L L E Y ^ T H E T I D E

--U V ff O O T • TO H A V e AM ' ,.V. 3T/MCT f ^ o a IT. I MAO A )>RT C>f= ;M t l )i t i o n r r 'iV A S /

- ^ 1 /

N R W .•'V

C lo s in g ;

AI r*liotn A’ r iy f I NnAJUs Chal. Mfg. n> ....................... Ifl5!;-.N«Am, Cnn ........- ........................... ....... llO'-i j NnAm. Loco. 18) ................................. 119 NuAm. Smelt. Bs Ref. <8) ..................118’i.|N eAm. Sugnr pf. (7).......... ................. 110 ,N..MTl, T CI- <V'T UL (Or ... T—.-..— 21B*H-NgAin. TOb. (8> ................................. 182'iT^oAnacondn Cop.‘(4) ..........................120‘-j PniArmour'D cL-pf. (7> ........................03’i PmAlchlson T . Ss 6 . (10) .....»,..............200 PniHnldwin Loco. pf. I7» ..................117 J’ciBaltimore ae Ohio pf. (C» . ....... 70’*. I*o!Barn-sdall ”A“ (2) %.......................... 4 4 \ PulBethlehem Steel ............................. 01 RmBurroughs Add. Mach. i4i B ........243'- Re;CnluivM>r4{-..Hcda.,L3> ................SO'. SellCnnndlan Pne. (10)' ................... 201 SbCase Thresh. Mach. . iG> ......... 4C5 SJnCerro dc Pasco,-(S) .................... 107', suiChesapeake & OWo tl0> - .......223!j SotChic. MU. S t. P .' fe-P-ac------------- 38K. SolChic. Rk. Is. ie Pac, tO) ................ 135>i SlaChile Cop. (3 '4) .......... 01 SitnChrysler Corp. i3> ::. .. ......... . ..111\ StaCoca-Cola <0) ...................................134‘:- SinColumbian Qa* & '£ le c .. ..............152 SicCurlLvs Aero (1) ..............................ICO' :: Sii:DuPont de Nem (13*<b)............... 675 Tc;Eastman Kodak (8b) ....................100 Te;El. Pow. St Ltg. 17)'.............. .... 50‘i Tli:Erie R. R ............................................ 72 UnFed. MUi. A: Sm..........................., ,,..270 UnFlL.|«ehmann (4) • .............• 77'; UnGeneral A-sphalt ....., ................ 73 U.Oencml Elec.’ (5b>"-;.......................231 V.OenemJ'M ot;''(7li) j.....i:.-,.:............. 03''. Vn,Goodrich (BP) Co.'t(4) ’ ............. OC'. Vieom ham -paiRe'M oi;'n:.‘.:..'..i;.'..'.:.'Xr“« "WeG reat North. Ry.. pf. (5) ............... 112 Weirupp.MoUii c j i ts u ) .................... ?o' . W lIllinois Ccnt. (7) . ........................H5 WoInt. Cem ent (4) . ' ................ ....... 07',. WrIn t. Harvest. Co. (6a) .................... loo"*.inty Tel & Tel.-t(J)"!:.v.r.'.'-::.n.:.:::-:-v:C20.......KfpnecQtt Conner t \S ) .............. _150‘.

K ra ft P h cn .-c h e e sc - tl^ a ) . itPijLam bert Co............ ................... 13S‘- CoiUgg. Se Myers Tob. D (8b) ............ 07'i Elc.Marland Oil ......... .................... 3 0 FJcMiami Copper il'.'> ................ 37'.- OuM ld-Con_Ret--------- ---------- --------- M i- JtoMissouri Pacific ............... 73's. NaMissouri Pacific, p f.................... 131'. SalMontgomery Ward (5b) ................ 130 Sts

and vealers -stvady; stockcr and feeder Inn JrtceraTTcaay to weak: led sleers nnd *3; jeorU nss_m osU y-.*l0J0-to.-$l2;_llRht He steers $12.00: few heifers $9.50 to $10i0; I bulk beef cows $7ji5 to $8.50; bulk all cln cutters $5i0 10 $050; medium bulls ch< $8.35 to $9: practical top veals $14: $11 stockers and feeders tlO.25 to $1125; weyearllnss $11.75____ me

m iln c rl«iL^r.i Xu weak lo 25c lower; feeders .'iieady; bulk i t.ooled lamW JJ5.75 to 110.’ long string ea> ;;ales $10; some five cars lo slilppcrs a t lan S1C.25: stale fetl clipped lambs average yet 85 pounds $14 35; (a t ewes mostly. $8 <iu< lo $P;-ahlptxr-iup-S9.4Q:^teedlngJgmta

c i n c A C o l 4 \ x i f o c K ^CHICAGO. Feb. 4 (yp) — Hogs: Be- mo

celpts 55.000: mo.itly loc to 15c higher: lybU' packem inactive; top $10.15 paid outtor 170 to 320 pounds: butchers medium $0;to choice 250 to 300 pounds $0.(» to C$10: 200 to 250 po-.inda $flJ» to $10.15; lorICO to 300 pound.s $0.65 to $10.15; 130 olliU>lC0 pounds $»to-*l0 .16rpaefcirnrsowy pot$'•.75 to $825: plR^ medium to choice $10X to 130 pounds 17.75 to $9.23. he:

C attle: Rccelpt.s 18.000: calvc* 3000: tosteer and Tearhng trade unevenly low- cortr; 8l3pper'"acman3~niFtoV;~t8yty~tOP Cchoice weighty steers $14.50: slaughter for ClaXSU BlWt l liUOd'TUlfl LliUlCtrtSOO^tO i m pound* $13 ta $15; 1100 to 1300 pcucda-llZ 2 ila -U iiia ftJaJL 100_E ound* ljM2.50 to $15.25; fed yearlings good anff kctchoice-750 to . $850-pouxull $13,50 to me$15.50; hcUers good and choice 850 finpounds do«'n $1125 to ttS.50: cows good errand choice $8iO to 1030: cutters $« to lyn 2 5 ; buUs good and c b o l« b « f $6.75 am10 $ ii2 3 ; -veMB3 m iir- f e d - rw d -a a d td - choice $13.^ to $16.50: ioedlum'$13 to113.50: Stocker and Xeeder s le e n good ing»nd choice n t* tlOM ta-llLTa. pct

Sheep: RccelpU 17,000: early sales «.y lad bids steady to 35c tower; m odeiate-y sorted lambs $16 JQ to H 7 : ctoolce to _

lown: feedinglam hsstM dy:U m b*good <40 lad choice 93 p o u x ^ down $16.15 lo IcUH7J0; medium U 4 J0 to «*«• 25cnedlum to choice UO pound* down ' 17.75 to $10; feeder la m tt-g o o d -a n drholce'$14.50 to $1SJS.. . P


T»f>t>TTjtwr>. Feb. 4 (/f»—CatOe: R»- ^ « D ti-^ 0 3 T -op«n t : y i K g ~ ^ ^

E5e blgber; steers fnrtrffaely slow; a teast 35e lower: MddlBC BMStlr Mo «Bdnore tower. ’ ««alett • <al»eat e a d y to SOc I x l g b t r : od* toad

m d .« 2 2 - s e B n d a $ a e t . t lL » : . s o o diclfW « m a f up t o n to I—


'fU U; j ^ 7 a t TMAT! IP S

• ^ ■ *■( 18 A O A lM . 1 V\............ ■ - \ ^ M A . T 5 E / ^ r IT

1 ' / T -

Y O R K ‘ : I

MMa-' IB id •

Jnt. Cash Reg -A'- i3b)................ 134^, .vjwh Motors (Cb) ...... ..................lia!-*.Rt. Pow. & Ltg. I l l • ................63—utlonul Surety (lOi ............. ........ 152cw York C entral i8) ..................200'4

Y.. New Hav. & Hifd, (2) ......... 05^

lorthcm Pacific (5) .....................*nckard Motor <4b» .. • .........I36’i’an. Am........................ ........... 43’nram. Fam. Lnsky < 3i.................. 60’S.•cniT. R. R. (3>,i) ............... . 80S |‘oslum <3) ......... ...... .... 75=s !'iillman Inc. new <4' .............. 85.'.j!Indlo Corp. of Am. ...................302Reynolds Tobacco ’'B ’ .................. 158 - ,iears-Roebuck (2 '- i - .105ihell Union ................ ’ 20’.'JncJair Con. Oil . . ..........38*1- ‘:Uelly OH <3) ..... 35'i-|:outh. Cal. Edison >2> ...‘............- 03'> |«uthcm Pacific (C>- ____________1251. jilandard Gas (/p) Elec..................... 03‘; 1land. Oil Cil.'I2'i:> ...... 60 i;t.iud. Oil N. J. ( l ' , b ) ■.................. 4Q 'i|iinnd. Oil N. Y. <I.G0> ........... 41ilcwart W arn. 8uced< iO> ...........140'? 1 •iiudebaker Corp. (5» ................... 05 ;irexns Corp. (3) ..... ............. 60% \'exas Gulf Sulhpur i4> .............. 76‘i: ,'linken RoU. Benrlng <5b> ........... 70>.a iJnion Cnrbldc (0)' ..... ....... *___ 330 i;nlon OH of Cal. <2) ................... 50 <Jnlofi Pacific (10) .........................330 !;. s: U i ib ^ r , . . ....... .............'...., 50 • 1

S, Sleel..<7> ....-^I839;,i^nnadliim ..........-...lOO'.i i'letor Talk. Mach, (4i ........ '.-....I65'.i '^>"stingliouieTaeciric .............._""lo4"V'estcrn Union Tel. «8i .................203 'yillys o verland (1- iWi . . iVoolworth Co. ( 5 ) ............................ 207'4 ;Vrlght Aero (2) .............................. 373 \

CURB M A R K E t' ” ■ l

kinllncntnl O i l .................. ....< 33‘i ]lec. Bond A: Share ......... .............. 330^i 'acc. Invesion ............. ..................116-ilulf Oil of Pa......................- .............151 I{^la. \T lnW .........................Jal. Pow, A: Ltj?. p f. ......................... lUU Ilall Creek Cons................................. 5’? 'itand. o il of Ind. ............................. 00 '

nft<l5..Kelltni; ircoiy.-at tP: small lOti-: 025 to J3.50; calves $12 do^^'n, Calves^:Icccipu 80__ I

Hogs: Reeclpu-, 3205: active: killing :lasw .->tronc lo 10c higher: good nnd, holce Itetii butchers mostly $11.10 ; to p ; ;il.25 (or U o loads over and under, weights S10.7S down; slaughter plgS' no.slly SIO to $1025; few smnll loW;

ntr*: 40r ti. ftiy- higher. .Slieep: Receipts ITO; noUilng “ Id

arJy; asking h igher price* for.imbs: coiisitjtrmg quality offered, earllngs nml pues practically ab.scnt; .uoted ful!y ;,tc4<lj. *

-OGDEN.-t=rt,:-4-</fV-Ho(is!-Reoaipt*; 90, inciudlr.u 320 for local m arket; no.'.tly steady to lOc higher: load close- f .sorted $0.8.'), with lights and heavies ut a i $8.8^; f«w 150 pound Ughl lights 0; packlns o t $7.C attle: Reeeipia 835. Including i644

or local m afkrt; alow; steers lower; Iher clo.ue.s about steady: load 1053 ionncr5t«Ts-jia:i5r>4m 65a"drJV 'M hJ 1025: part load medium grade light e.nvlea $8; medium and rood cows $730 n $830: '.indL'r grades $430 to $430; ommon to KOod bulls a t $630 to $8. ~5htgpr~RfCgtpu 717. ’'tn cludtng- gl6 ■* or local market; none sold early.

DO.STON WOOL BOSTON. Ftb, 4 < JV -The wool m a r- .

et la slow and spotty. Q uotauoa oa] ledlum grades of domesUc wool are irm WhUe on the fine fleeces and west- m grown wools quotaltons are bare- t steady; recelpU of domestic wools mopntcd to J291J00 pounds compar-

i-eek. RecelpU of domestic w t»l dur- j ng January' amounted to 4300.000'

.year ago. ' ,

DE.W’EB SHEEP I■nr«CT>» -» tr-« -ry »«-aheeu. fleeelPt»4

400. including 1100 through to feed :U: BO early sales: Indlcatinns arwmd 5c lower on fed wooled lambs. »

MARCSLLXNG »«e Phone 300 Xor appointm ent. U n .

leoTve S aun . Btmcalow Apartmeoto, 4 m v __ ^

T o ^ n t r a c t 'WrU* or Ttm m I m l a n

J . X. B O W SH

A K Y 5 . 1 9 2 9 . - :

iING~AGAIN- - 7 -


| i | ID A H O P O T A T O M A R K C T

IDAIlb~FAUJ3, Fcb7T7Federal ■*! I . Market Newa Service Special to j I The News) — Total United Stole*' potato, ahipmenl* In carloads S a t­

urday 084. Sunday 07: Idaho Satur- I day C6. Sunday 48; Twin FalU dis­

trict. Saturday 41. Sunday 3.^ p-----M arltet-at-ldabo shlpplnr-pointa—„ Saturday:t?--------tflaho—m tla ■— -n a ti l ln f f - ta lf ly - -

heavy; demand slow; market ■" ilIiHtly wcak*s“ ctolbad.'ca.%h on

track Hacked Bassets U. S. No. 1 m warehouse regraded 70 to 75 cenU:

1/ a h U. S. No. I M ry'few sale* 40 • cents: U. S. No. 2 RnsseU mostly

I... iS (n 40 cents; wagonloads cash to growera bulk RasKts U. S. No. 1

.n- I outwelchl* 45 to 35 cents, mostly ^ . around 50 cents.■ i i • T^vln Falls—Unreported.

Passings or Idaho potatoes:

. CORETHROAT' . I ' Oorgle with warm tall wattr

i , —than apriy orer th ro at-

W V A P O R U B= I O t r tr u u lii^ Jan

' . i ' -------


JJ, ■ ■ ■- - O n e o f th e e r rc a to a t

13" n e e d s o n a l a r m ~ I s ~ d ; f o r a t r a c t o r t h a t w ill t; * h a n d le e v e r y jo b f r o m j | [ ^

p lo w ln ff to h a r v e s t -

“ H a r le y ^Ji _ J _______________. . T W I N , :

“ 1 2 6 2 n d A v e n u e W e s t500; L — —

H E rP ttb lwH a v i n j r e n t e d b y p l a c e I w l

• a t m y p la c e 1 HL _____________ _^

W E D N E S D A Y ,^ Sale SUrt* Iraasediatdy

j ' 4 HEAD O l»-HEAD_QJ

2 3* HEAD o r n o cUISCSLLANEOUft-Car e«rv; Idah

Dkklew seed w heat; Hay. dry baosehoU gooda. taota u d ta*n


^ _________ Bfae Lake* M rd. q « b w n

' O.W.DOUGHS A s b M k A SBlDnn. Am Um c c x

s = 5 g a . ■ - .................. 5gg— a s a a .

f > V r - t e - lT 'f 7 = ,Q O lM r r X —V/HER6 <T lA/AS, I'LL \ - -O R R V I SOLO. I! .MOWM T(MAT ANJO' l'D ' ^ '

/ --

Tlirough Ch'eyenne and- Denwr f ' * Saturday 20. Sunday 27; throufh — f —sn lt- Lako City ’and- o ia e n ■ U) ■. . southern" Califorrila .Satmday i c r - —

- Sunday 12; to northeni California Saturday 0, Sunday 2; Ihrough Omaha to Chicago Saturday 5;

:* Sunday 11. . . - - '


j Fjirnitiirftj m m e

K n i tz n \a n u p r i s h t p in n o ;^ n iK S J i y i n f f . ro o m f u r n l -

ttr re . b c tiro o m f u r n i tu r e , iM H o t P o in t n in « e , ice box .

j ------ - - Phi>n'el330 '3 '

lE R E -


__________ T h e A d y a n c o • R u m - ___le y D oA U T r a c t o r i s '

y q u ic k ly a n d e a s i ly'd c o n v e r te d i n t o a c u l-

— tiv a t in p - n n i t r T o a W n g — —f l y y \ t h o o a a ic B t. q n ic k e s t _______

find c h e a p e s t d ev ic o J f o r c n l t i v a t in g k n o w n

W ill ia m sN_FALLSj_:____ ________e s t P h o n e 4 7 0

te^Sate—■vrili t e l l m y p e r s o n a l p r o p e r ty n o r t h o f T w in F.alls o n B in e t B lT d . o n :______________ ___________ ___

r . F E B R U A R Y 6 .__________itd y After L saeh a( NoonI o r noRSB.s

30G S 8HOATS daho Golden Debt seed e m : Barley: dry apple wood. 4 (k Uncths; aome tsaay o tber article*.F A S H H A 0E IK E B 7

FCLLETS, good ones, TsAcred strain w m Serre L saeh oa GevBd*

» =^30AflH r — =

[HERTYy O w ner -----!c n - Mrs. BaOcabaek. O n fc

= ^ m w i r c - —

« f * h r .-K --

i i y i i ^ i a t t O . | _II I, .'. 'W . X , . •. ~ ~

. Cw Trl^4|*«'trBH ;nU n<>>..lD «.-.:Copyright 19!J, Th* ridXAwnjr Co.

Ai»t (llie w rcflU ^ NiktiQ n*nli.. hU ohvloiis Intetii lO <)riibe lliu U-viuV iliii'. and carrl^ .b in ) orr lu q corner, iiliins-wltn Vnnlllevlch, n stlinAviilit*H . olcI-yojiDS uon,. wlijj n imnl. ill»- ^ mIiiiiIi'iI fnrc. Rllmt. a(ti-r n 1»uk 'SS nround. JolflCd f ic Koi-llla-liuo Juilliin. n-liii «*ns (uraln^ llio paRcs of n ru> •>>■< view' nn tlic' table*, a'lih uccaijliiniii r<ii

' ^ “ ~:MitiiIcyrmUPr ‘'-as voluljty itMcrlbltlj- 'U h A llic pruRt>ccts of tlio rai-ltis an)M>ii ' ‘ “ , lo IlMKli. onil : wns Icrj bj p r« f«» i-*!'

. «if fllnilnoJlon t ’ chtcrtnli tlii* Cnnn(> ;riK IDS .SunUKrt VoMnicrnii. • —<

Shu wni •■'.(Jnrh Kin. with Ctcnt, _ J ulot-io'. iitiiiiinU-slia|>cd cjck i>»i1 » *I*i*

-------- Ui'il«.-Wlllo«v;jr-ilqur«.----------------------------111'“Voii'ni oq AmcrJcoB. ann't fauV\

J.III liiippcn '0 kno«7 Lord Clic*byr I pxplnlncU 10 Her. - -“Uc wcni to New York lo i-nrn liU

llvhiKt All. tlml l« on.bid Hlor.r, Sir.---------.\ »Hir; - f.oute-nt m; InulliCT- HiwM tW -

i;3.llc»l yorccd ij» turn our Cowlinlcvpr we cpn du. The Old world In , II Hiid idnt'o t i i iv dio'ii. Wliitt Mlitill you und your frivmis do n»»v? Hut 1 “ , Kiiiijiow- you will Iiclp..,1.ord. (’liii-li.v

Ibc life or uo Knclliili jou n lrj • '^.'liilciiiiin." , J”

"l or 11 wlllle. j-efc- 1 ii;;rc«d.-— “.\iiii i i io iir ----------------------

“I diitri know. AiHcrlca, I «uppo»c. ,jnOlio iiiUHt enrn u llvin;;.*' I

••So. yoL ■ wjtuld Ibiive liltn—J.ord ,jp,

I lH-pii> to litive n d1»n;:rc('nlilc ft.-cl' iimliiK llllll I wim bcln;: iium|n-il. j-ci

‘‘I viisi'i Blit.v hvre (urcvcr, you nii,' Uu'U'i’' I ri'toriciL un

“.Mi. itiit iii cuuritvl And l.iird Che**I..\T Will l ie .I.... ry nil livlr«‘i-*, n'n nu-Aiiivrli-iini iwrliitiMiT lUil no! Uo doi-a juinot iiivil iiintiey. ilivy tiay.” . - . pio

C -'Tlioy fiiiy* II jircul iiiuny Ibluss." • I

® : ------ ii l iJ iu j iJ j i iJ iL d J iU I I J iU n u ii j i jn _____I J«-n.” «Iii> lUiii^oUd. "Uflo ia mi « iff ^

iliL'Wv Jn K'lrt.ie wbo vim wiy Itie fulurv liolil^> Alt. Sir. Nnsli. wtri«‘

— J-iiTr-Aincrifno-l*»!timld-«t»rn»"hcini«’------*^n,III ‘•uunita • like a tbrciit.*' I

. ■ - f7 . ^ ••Uiid'forlildt*’ niie cjiu-iihn'i.'d jv lib

inm UuMlnii piety. “Il la iiriii' I envy ji.iir sm irliy .” •• jj

--------^A>o*TOU“ itiry tn B -l 'i-K n s ln n d r- |------

_______ “\nA3ll«rotK»iuTUj._ W<i *»«uHI'lirls sliorily."

i liu|ip«-ne(I 10 lo(ik up ni tlmi mo- nii'iii. nnd surtirlacu Uic liiilimi In miiu I.f Jili llslitnlns «ur\'c.rs nf llic nmin

_______ -your frfcDd. tbcro iceuii cxdm fvc,'1 reniurkwl, -------------------:-------------

-Uti, h e r the lotd haMlly. " lie iipcnki do Cucllah. and bo Is sensi­tive aboul It. Do (Olka lllllc In any .

nilml Dcy loft tbe Italian's side, uud ^___AouQtcrcd-oveiLlo.ns.______L._____ II

“A ticniillful old room," he ahlil. If “ Hns It nny hlntory?" ._!!

“fl's III? •ildcxt i>nrl of tho prr.ieni ( bnllilln;,*' I (old him. *'I niidcnit<ind tf rcprewitN n r«onatruci1on durlnj

..........Kllnilirlb'o Tflcn.** ~~ ' ~ J _ l i_ . . — "TJmt t«-o E^rscoui-flrcplucc.'' ■ a id .____ ,

tlic connlcs!!.••All, JM.- hn ncrwd. wilb bU nt.- T«>

j Kiir4lly brond |irnninul.itlon. **ltnibi*r nftc a nunlnt v m e tbcir. too, I see. (low dciii

^ d»r!i U n t n r ______________________ ^Itc iilrktVl ll oi:l ulowl.f. witb somo nuo

lii-lp frntn llic lIUKoiiih tir l. "iTiiiT

• S t r a i t f 14« ll» u rJ !» )i|i 'ld « ra

m b t U . " I ■

A l l i i n t

*-IVuN:d odd! U'but duva It oil n ifm nr •

------------ tl..iian-n*i-.ilia_tU gliH al_H Icfl.:iJ. ^snld. -.Vor bos unylwdy vticv*' - •

--------:rt»nr-tiin tcr«Bitwi la tl 'a itn ic tcd -lMm iciiiioii.uf Uio whiffs, an|I U n . (Hi-

ir» i wr-iL-m>iN>li);B lliP-mtmt- tn /nn» • uf Ibo cblmnc^pre«T.-~V«u-4jui.'» •uj>po*«-jl»cr«.ewdd-l*c

siiniA secrcl osnQlnj: tu Uivse word*. do y i iu r abo asked. .

-I wliih you’d tick II ool fhr roc." i

Tlml wur V qacry (.bad often put

k t f in lomcffifns else, you 0 {

— S'C'i AT IC A “2••rU tIr iw v « .- I ^ 3 lS 5 r t i l f S e t? 2 - • .*! lo « 4 n * e tfl " T M ^ lheet pehie, o«t ' «rU

v k i k R

i A : : | ,'T U i S a--

Bihartest:' ^ e d d i t u ^

c f

- e e a ^ 'B o n v 1 ^ 9

. e j f t l u n i ^ e s e t ■vho iplll P

i^e'iVe one % ,

klic went' V . '.im r nncejil.tia' were ^ fonu of (but aorl of tlilni& Tbcy loved m

- . f t iifi. «| -pgii'i a- mil! hi __ J |'Ihon* onys-BO ll ia Ili oura."-;--:--------t —' “ll's j«rrt>cily ilirllllnc.*’ crln l’ Ibtf i-..«iiie»». - r i l ls l8 Ju8 tho )cbid of Z Z l

' rouMi ii>. iiounu.siiiiil' .wiMidcrful sccn-i —or iwrlwipa ai trufcTdy." ;• i

I fi-lt Muiiielbtiic bvblud JUC. and 'uiVni-d iiiV iiviiit Tbe Itiilitiii liiiil IvTi

Ibc iiililc In UiC ccnicr.u t tbe tix'tu _ )»)il iiiiivi'd iiji li> tliQ fRiiuo o f uiir ^gn iiii> ^ la .itr .w i-m ‘t..llor]i»g-.yil)LmL ___unniiiny vital force, wore Iiiicnl upon till* rli.vni.-* on Ihc j.-erniniiicl. L _ ^

•■lliitiiiili." 1 tlioiiBlil lo myself, “.vnnmny not btf nbic tu siieok l';(it:llMb, but BU you iifMH-iir u l>e-nl»lc In rcnd.1t.**■ Ik cniwli'^l Siiinotblna In nn under. poR

time tn Jlrji. (Illyur nnd «lic noilUcd . c h"Kascitinllni; ns yuur room Is. I ntn Burli

ofnild wu must li'iivo ymi. Lord riii-M- by.’’ tibe i-uiled over lo IIiikIi. .“SIkiioiTcndonnrbl lmd Jnnt ri-nibulwl tnc wv --j;Imvc In ]iul lilin on ihc I.onOon irnln |,yv-Wf*in« we drive Immc." -I

" r i l bnve ymn nminr* eallcd mi." 'n l»rip.iMlvcl.r.-oir»e-nn»J- -jSTn;

Hilyi'r Joined tlic -^Kt i»f im. jnn.Hu r iu is a n d p iv c ilie nevcssary n r • - i,

dcr» |«» W ntkljis. > .,1,. - *‘|VtTtft~forgt»l—Ih n t- <ii»-on-Knis<*n»- -|u-|-ld<ir|i fo r Ibe SI. |j- sc r." . I lii-iird Hil Hi>-yiT liislHl to 1lii;:li '^ r m no| Hiiir .Si'iiliMiil illl* ili-rb.v. Yiiii iii i 'iri iiibln;: •-.«on iin.v liintitTw. lire ym i? I 'n — '• ,w i t

-Jl.v Ull-Wliy." I ImkIi liili-iniiili'd . “ Inu-ntil to ijrli you ; illil tniy n l youi “ ^jn-o|ile » w HlnillKITH liniMlIll IMTI- Ihl- I ''*’p m n iln B .o f my iiiK-le'x fiineriili'" _. I iWiiR iimnr.i’d nl lbr sinlili-n )>jlpiirc , ' Hull ';:rlpiH>.l ibi> rnoiii. Tliu lliilliiii.

I . r ib T ^ u^ds.. 61IW S - T o j— '— T hafO rippW -thr'ffoom .-----}}»y~iTcodorcfclil. alri-mly* In ibo iloornaynftcr a -cu rt nml of fnrinri-ll. stnpiicil - . jq.dead and stRrrd bnrd hI Uii;;li. gjoo.

“ I'oy sec,*' IJu;b c»niliint>d. r i tir.inl i0:00^6\ib 6 1 3v»ur gflH w g r i ; r 5~o a ' n . f I.O.I- --------j\li.'n ri>uJ ln ~lwclt~or llic pnrh. nnd *11.'00-I'm anxious lo know whcihrr nny 13:S0-w ransert wcr« aecn llial momin/. „ ‘especially atrontera on foot.- , ,

••.Not tba t we’ire licord of.“ rc-'|Hind- ^ cd Mrs. Illijcf. prompliy. “All i-f uhn-crc «t the funcrot, And If ibc fi rr- ■B ttlH -b(H }-nnilc^~asyibln3 ^ i» « f r > J . 'u i .__ __siirR tlicy would bore reported It tu 9:30- nif.“

“T banka.? sa id Ifu sli. "W ouhl H he'loo m uch (ronble fo r you to in<|Ulr« J'®®"I.f I b e i , Jn s t Jbe s a m c r ^ ■"••.•rui‘u l a ll . n 'j tjn -m lB tJT W itirj - n rffbaLliapM acdr:_____ _______________.l|oO^

T h e n-Iiole compan.* cmwdcd «-l''*cr. -■tfib..n«itlilnajiucli.t! nniwcn-d IltiaV

0 tnjipnsa Ibe'houM . had hr«-n • •ert*).*' ............................... ‘4-fSrcnt S w i i r irt.jwt*'^ lllt.rrr.

T lw rs It cu! Wc'va nevri imd iiny


- -V * r wigi i t i r mm a bitiu.

O N E . C E N T . P E R WORD

P E R IN S E R tlO N ,. — ----------- ---------- IRANA tt./aa<A dfaU T«CD 4«c(^reu4.>'; | T ^

PbMte I I ' d r b _________ ;_______________________ Wl

B U S IN E S S O P P O R T U N IT IE S, , , .- f . .......... ...........OR SALE — QUICK LUNCH AND ____Chiu parlor. 132 B u t Main S t , p a r :

i miiii.u in.f- ii'iii .... iKM*, III ii..r o.iiniy.^* j^q j. ••Iil«l “Oil loKP nnytblnKi-Lord Cbcs-

i.«r i.i»iilr)>«l Hllinl ney. V ]X Arthi ••I iblrik not,- 5 ^

_Tlie r<mnii*M'Sandrn i’ j ^ c v n n M'l-mlfiMi itii'nrrfttfr sftHtfftdjlff un(lci< rcM j nil-hi-i tiKiirc.

mt.l. JJiiUiIcr «lie-\Tli-d.",'*Di> f * ^ ■.ii l.rlna ns inlii yoiir nirrtl Knainml f -'tju i.-i-imi-tiiiiin - trnn rtnm :tn rsn -p ro ro i-ru iS -t li>- ItoUlievliclo.- . t*indI Si'viTiil i«'P|iti? InURbcd,

••.Ml i1ir> siiim*. 1 0 no Julip." as* ip»a.Ijil^cr. ...........ks for

vnrrtli»y,,;t .irit «*lici*|iy.. WVil let llie ' lia-- liM.'c iii'ouimI lliw boinc after tills " « .,«

Tn'iKin-s.liI. R|]H >l:inilliiK In «lie 2 : ^ |iM‘i«ii,\. I'lir'M'.i II hliiyie HtMii'iK-e. n n d ' i;i»*i >l Hill. Th,. oiht-i-K i1<H'!ii-il iifinr . a-oo

- r r —nan . |,N wblp. air*; ini)-*r hiid 6 |o(i In- iiiiinii-nH vnviMl n Insi tfoiM hy. nnd «:00 Vitrl;lii'. ,-i.iM-il tbe .l-Ni nr’ier Ibcni. 7:00 .Ml.Nii mul I iiKikeil III one^iinoiiicr.

n<MiiiPi.| ini> liiiiglilim. Hiicli. wllli M-I

— •___________• • •' 8^00(Continued in next. Issue) B:00l

“ R a d i o P r o g r a m s ^

(Twin Palls Timo) ij.Dq;— ii------------------------- -------------------- «-00

ST .I—KGIQ-Twin r»H s-IttO 9:00:t)fr=-»:00 ■ Pr -M n^tfatlonal-Iannwlrr

proerom;00-10:00 P. M .-H arley WUUaina »:00

Implement company. 10:00:00-lt;00 P. M .-^oc AbtMtt, Hoi- 11:00----- H*Kf-proflHua»___________ _ 26

DAILY NOON DKOADCA8T;00-10i30-.Proluda Parlod ....... a :0(V;3O-ll:30-M lM TlirUiy '8 Hour. ... 9;oo :30-12:0(^rarm crs' Topics ! 10:00:00-1:00—McrchantJi' Hour | 44:00-2:00—Afternoon Variety Program , TiOO'

DAILY EVENING HOUB I 8:00 :00><S:00—Amateur ond Chlldren'al 0;00'

; 11:00-lOumps 'K lup Ull wrotlaya . ' t r e ln e s ':— ^ y ah d Tridoy ' fUNDAY, TUESDAY. THURSDAY « 00.

AND SATURDAY g.QO.:30-B:00—Town Crlcr I in'oo.;00-10:00-Studlo . • . ViST:00-11:00—Claclcal a n d 8«nI-Claa-.- ^

sicai iT^>gnun ' & ig3

isO-a'oo-M Idnleht ^ o l lc (Saturday- 'f lonly) ■

Note: 6 unda}’< cxceptlonal-Off a ir , ■ Ijr for one hour 7:13 to 8:19 P. M.

(By Thc AasccJntcd Preas) -r g j l —WCCO MlnneapoU*. t>

-------- — a u jb m t-8 1 0 ___________ t .:50—Master Musicians ^OOr-Southem SunslUnc &OO^WMteman*s Bond 'OO—Volce of Columbia i0»~Musl£ I i-J00—O lv e ra U l« t-n o u r-- .v -< | ■ 00-e»k lioo 8 .............. : t . ; . • /


T h e r M a r W eaken 'Y ot — ;------- -— l_ L g » d to S crH in a '

; b n S

I M H S i i E i f c

u d ! S « B a ES l t O A T lO iS S W A N T E D

VA N TED -PO Sm O N AS ACCOUNTt an l and office m an. OU West Main. _»*

tANCH HAND . WANTS JOB ' FOtf 'tSF'iMiS^r-AiKlrCflS.-Bojr-JiT-Twlir ^m a ; Idaho. __ - . _ ____ L_ 252JIB S^liiA K IN O AND TAlLORliiO.WUI (fO out by day. • Mrs. Mulkey ^

99 Sidney 8 t . ......................................... ^................... CAL

-------- -----------L O A N S ________ :_____ ^

' S 5 T 3 A i s r M r ”' f l w s r T ' o o r ~lOWBY TO LOAN POTTSR R K U rC eaUte. . . . . '—

lO N si* FOR e r m S m ^ u n /u m <M " J modem b o u m ' Id' Twin Mta. ~ .HI! rUuir L. S«1m A Co. FORUIR T lu t YSAR FARM LOAN .OF. „ “ tera the b o t . o t ^aUtesl ratea u d f " :

B M ym at prlrlfaCM;; ~ No caab oon*: iiuiaa. LeUcb Ai WOUams. . »tr

A l f OFFBRIWO A VERY CmBAP ■ad desirable la rm loan, I think It

S rB « -fS m d « u rp fo p o ill l6a ^ ^ ^ v«d o s th e TiriA Falla tract. I t wlO VT yoa to aee m e before p lad n i yoar MUi. o . A. BbM aana■t ; ' t h---------HEI}>30^onlraltonca»;00—Radio VaudovUlo __

30Si)—KDKA n ttsbn rsh—SSO . ^^AI}:30~Tlrcmcn ’ gei7:00—Tlicatrc 557^f:30-Mlnstrcl<i r V TB;o<)—P a n ^ ;^ OrohM ^ ^ ^ ly ^ ^ 5 ^

iiOOxVoters* Service:' Fundamentals »:00—Sextet: Farm QuesUons WAIr:00^1vcTslflcd Hour «»I!00=E»*lmo5r-Orche*tra«llaiu---------- 1**««l:00-R A dlp Vaudeville , -

r w l o i ^ t f i r t - ^ o u ^ - - — 1 - T}^0(»<-Esklmos; Orchcatradl&ns...............>:00—■Pcaturc Procrama):OOUconocrt-Orchcstm------------------ r r =

SSU—KNX Ijcn ArccI«»-1050r uu -F o p u m r sgiLhgJ; m tfita rifl— - i- - '^tOCV-Oourtesy I ^ r a m ------):00-Peaturrr Hour , , . ,. : 379.M C C O OaUaad—7M

r:00-Dlvcralfled Hour , , l.'OO—Bsklmoa: Orchestradlaiu > :00-Jonaey A: Mabel; IDoa ^>»(Wrbe-^>tlcrtn»i--DSe-Fta»h«s-----4 ^ — :

25«.l—KK.X PorUand—IIM ' >:00—Royal Canadians ,):00—Mualc ------1:00-O rchestnu i3 hrs;) . STR_24CJ—K8 L Salt l.ake CUy—1130 i j ^ .riBW^Iveralflcd TTour---------------------"7=°*^•rW. - P bWI.T1A<‘ to E

);00T-Mu«iba. n ie r):00->Hour of Mu. lc ------

4403—KPO San Fnuiclsco—CSO FC 7:00—Diversified Hour- ):00—^ I m o s ; Orchestraidlans ): 00—C hain and Fcattirca . q1i1:00—Dance MuaIc <2 hra.) .m«gr

iroo^Whiteman's'BAWl.. ~1:00—Voice of C^>luinbl* r i1:00—Royal ConndLins ,1:00—Music . i;:00—OrchcBtias i2 hra.) •

Tik«M>J<AIVUr«lLOirBY— ___Tea^it**Y.(uaAa*‘'braonla«

—UBcv«et«>r. Ix ^ h a c s o ^ x-pMt- No tack.tew»UftCtJnC»I<uaBll/.UBMW«U »tock tmxHUiu n>rrar.ttl8Miait. tea. B*t-


■ -All 3 Twin PalU O n w is ta . E su t— . - -..--T- -.......... I- ccaNoi

i G O U G H S S L L O W H L U l g ifo D P S y « i e m a n d ; .« T r e m b l e . I I . aj

«" 's(emacii. U * ^ b j 4 • tale ^ 10? ^ lood. sltstka the i « i trMbl* ^ad eheda t l» ^ tw w th j> f t f i< j t^ .

ay ^ th* t r e s t m t M ^ C t t


j m

• g a i M g - <M IS C E L L A N E O U S jP l

R a T U b L L IE 8MIZEB. MATER-[f< Dlty nurslnR. Phona 407-RH. !bj fPINO DONE. ALlTWORIC‘aU A R - 59 M ^ ed.- 90c- pee—ta oiunn J -_ w o r^ 0“ lone 1030J.IK s a Lb - w o b k r i i r t a E S r a i E c i r r i:ows, sheep, kitchen cabinet, stove.looa flSTW.................................................BcliLSOMININO. PA IN TiN a ANT> PA< FC je r hanging. F. "A. B a ra n . 3S5' «th |p.- ta a l —Pfaooe-seW ;----------- ;--------- ^

: 7T- 7^.: - . --------^ ------ . ' I

:q r s a l e — r e a l E S T A T E

* 7 c K b" r aKCH PO R SALE FOR 1noney. -P h o o e 617H3.-.............•- - »)R " 6 aL B -A MODERN S-ROOU lOUsc. Call after tcn.^ 6 « 3rd avo S / n h . '>800W. ID A H O . F O R S A L E ” trlctjy modem residence with two ^ italra. npftrtmeaU^._onIj'.;_l,..bIpclt ^ tn . Unlvcrslly cnmpus, .good home r t ct-—Income. - sale wjd tA t biirgoln. a t »3500; Address P. «» Box 334. Moscow. Ida. cn

. co

E L P W A N TED .— M A L E A N D = F E M A L E - 'i-

\NTED-COM PETENT GIRL 1-OR 311 (encral housework. Call 1323.(VNTED—MAN W lT H S O J f f i l^ K . 1 ceeplnz experience. S late age. ex- ^ rii»np«»^niirt' rfllgimia afftllntlona. * X. j Z ..-o re 'N ewa<y

ANTED=5XKDY m a n TO KAL- Sr (omlbe rooms and care for fum M a: , ady -job -att-yw -to -flgh t m an, s ta te ^ i and experience. *90 month, and _w in l. W rlte-B ox-i. ca^e Mews. ^

O R R E N T — U N F U R N iS H E O


--------;--------------------- ,

F O R f t E m — F A R M S ^

R M FOR j u E 5 r r - s c s a t . c u t - ™ er, 330 M ain aortn . ^

L O S T 1


Buhl section. Phona L. D. Alien. , cr. Idaho. ^

•OR- R E N T — A P A R T M E N t T ^

IB S E nr-^T H R E E ROOM FOB- ,-J ilabfld apartm ent. Bungalow A part. W. lata. and >wi adat ____________^


N V n c E IfoUcc.U b c z ^ given . th a t L VTU* m - u a m : M oiencra tu"tiiB‘ Priii* - g itlafy freoi Tw te - i^ tu -CwiBty cn 1C 30' 1B25. for burjlsry. wtll apply

a pardoh a t the nieeUng o t the u d In A ^ I . 1029. ~


iollcc U hereby given tha t I. Heb- ^ W. Bradley,.scntcrrrd to the Idaho , ^ PcnltentU ry from Tuln PalU ‘ unly. on , ,o r '^boui" j.ijio.lry;' 21SU S for th e cflme ot polycomy, will PC ke application for i\ p.irdon a t the r tt regular'm eeting ol the Board of ed.rdona. ' - ' ............. *•.________ w . BRADLBYJ FO— A '0 n c K ”T 0 cR Ei>rro‘B i* ~ * 7 ^ "“ i a te of F ran ccs 'L . WTUUakcr. -do-' “Oeased. ' ' - • _________ -- 1^foUcc U hereby given by tho un - ^ slffncd adm inistratrix cf Uie esta te *— Prances L. Whltea);r7. deceased, to

c red lto jr of“ and all persons har* claims a n ln a t . th c said dfccaaed. ^

exhibit: th e m 'i |U h _ th 9 nocw aait cheriC w ithto tix months i f t w 't b e HEt In t t fI a d m ln b tn tr tx a t thc office oC S. W.

6UhO| tb U rtp tn c the place fixed ^ the tra iu ac tlo a of ibc buslnesa of ' X L ttsUt*. . - • • . ^

“ m ) n f s .A D A M a o ln la tra M .o f th e esu te of Francea

W tU tea te . d w aacd . . . •* « O T lc * T < r * K > C K n o i i i n t s r - “ e tte e ~ » -1 « re 6 y g in n - th a t th f pur ilar*iM«tli>c of the stockholdm Oftrf^CWMf Liifid & W ater COm» i — : 7TCIarTdirtEi~&amaciI6n oTautEa^ n f wpwrtfriy cotne befo re ' • -

h tU Tuiw Iay .U O l

^ i i— i^ T iJS tA V E N . S e c r t t i ? . . . M n■■ . : ' g ^ i i r y a g n ^ (a i a i i a ^ - ^ ’ ^

U f T T T r j U r i . f VJEIU- ,'TMESE PAN I U . I b u t A .P A R g m 'S

' - t \ - —Buiiiti— b W- PROVIbEVW EU

B R 0 U 6 )JT UPr ; : : i . i ^ ' ' , \ a n d w u b n -tw ey

m i m i li':!;' \ \ \ K ^

O ia f a Q r t ijP O R S A L E — M ISC E L L A N E O U S


- 590JI2.■ rt* w m T a ~ J u d ^ K T m ^ _

Warehmise Store. _______■ y iS lX ^ S K n s ^ x a r i tp j^ A Y ^

cuttings. 2 ' miles no rth ■ Maroa scliool. 8 . O. Cauglicy.FO R S A L ^ a:1>AL1PA HAY. CLOSE —

tn.^ Otis Hall. Phone 693Rn.^ • ^

bonate. t l ^ s a c t Klnoey Wate* ibouM atorc;___ _______________g jCOMPLETE BCT RULING (iXiSE

law. 38 volumes, o l oacruicc. part s - cash aod terms. Write N .-K . RIoka. ~ Box 1309. Boise. . . . •*<

' offering shares which 1 own on tbe. south end of th s project to r sale a t _

reasonable prices Caoh or~ len 'n s ' VFrank Craven.. Hollister _

aeparator .'No. . 7 ; - . portable metal amoks house, 8 h. p. Edwards gasoline ‘ - engine, two cylinder all in excellent condlUon. Phone 6IOJ2 . Marion H am -i„ mons. Roiite 3.____________ ________ "

• F O R R E i i i ^ ^ F U R M H E O ^ pJ a

ROOM W ITH BOARD.' (JLOSE IN. . 315 2nd ave north. PIFURNISHED A P A R T M E N T P0"R “

r ent. 329 5 th avo north.______ • -FOR R » i t —FURNISHED RO(>i;!.—hot..-WBter/, funiaftii— bitat___Ehont—w iw i - * '■ “FO R RENT — FIVE ROOM. M O B^,'^

em . fu m lsh ed ,house. See Guy T.jC^ 8wui)e. e33 S ec o ttd -A T ^ e -W e rt. o r - ' ' pttone 38C-W. wjW n PB-wT’—T.Tiurr HriTTnrTrinrp. _ j—In t-ap a rtm en t.— Phono-M ™ .-B alI,-iF077; or call C enthJ BIdg., 'Apt;~8.~...........jFOR RENT — BLEEPIN.O ,R ( 3 7 B 201 —w tth -b o a rd - if -desmd.--r Close In. — ghan* u w w _ «Q Bvw _pnfth I « ^ ^ M . . MODERNy. QPBB, J « : . 6.* «

room modem, house, „»30; 6-room bouse. ttOj 5-room., fum lshed house, o t $90: 6>room fumUhed houae, $40; 5- — room fumUhM houiu, S27.50: 2-room .. house. 110.. A. N ..L otw «it RoberU Al RaUty company. Phone 5 0 .___________

W A N I t p — M IS C E L U N E O liS =

W A S tD i. rabAD B O B S K ~ " r a ^ -

Rt/>fB. P honr_U8a2—' * ' j”W A N T E D -PO U L T R Y . H . C. H U N -Ls

ter. Phone 903-W. , W A N T E I> -W A 8H IN O . 30o P E R ^

down. C28 4lh ave north. _ ; W A im S — TO RENT A PIANO I« _ywte_B<«_137,_ Rogei»on. Idaha

—w o riF go inT O C «^445 ' Main "W esi:f§p iw M _ m 6 ._ ___ _ ’ _1 ' IMARQBLUNO"39c. RCTTtACE 2 * ,8 0

during February. 338 ■ Third avei = caat. Phone ?32 . __;_______________ F

F O R S A l Er = ^ 1 (B lYi ^Y JW D -|w <

FOR SALB-%VinTE ROCK ROOS- I trr* frcm accredited stock. Phone SC

j i a i J I . ____________ __________, 1

turkcj-*. brccdln? stock. Mra. W.Phnnn 13WJS_ ------------

FO E 8JU .B^^A N D A im 'BRED BA R- A"] red Rock cockerels. S ta t« accredit>; '

ed. blood tested. E. W. OoUlna. Route

-Oofdbaak- -.Mammoth—tironxe tu r - ;” tecya.-toriia SIO and »18; hens >9 to ^ - IC ~xnnof3*T3en5eTr3«w »e, »rt«h«. ' __

' F O R S A L E ^ L W E S T O C K

F R E m .COWS FOR SALE Or | 5^ t a S e J i » apBogtra. Phone 1330.

W. U Brown. Filer.,____________

TOR S A L E -O O 0 b '6 0 I,6 R A D 0 0 N .: S Ion seed. P h o o e -m . . a - C o o n -

tu t I, — i c 5S~ I *•

toes, one jrea r I rp o la o rtlie z n s ^ ' ^ t t per cwpS^PBcna M U li. ' : s t j

-L a C lT B lffilf i i u ' —

J O U U - - t> A i U K J i ^ T S _^xS| U ljV J -F tO *. credit cheelf t t a m 'BM ri Boa J g beck-fer »t3fc-paTW>ilaj|n .n il la t j i MO. Qwtier. c w ta n c R S H K k jK ^ ^

- - • .*.>% L-- . •. ‘U.C.i.\«-

- ...........'WEbwM&s C 0 J T - '\ |

rf-s t>bTv; >s.y o u c Ar4 — --------

i E L U '^ f i ‘ 'T M f e - w r - = ^ ; .J F VQUMfa-BROOO IS • /UP PROPE-RX.Y— \ • V V'

^EY'RB. P L Y - ■ •> - I, - v^ E Y - t i O T - r — — - y -------------------- -WAT CAN YOU tiO .

.cyt>v,yt.\vf . J-.:-..:J ___ c i^ « 1,0^ . .

^ n i H e s ?

■ P R b F E S S IO N A L ..............."

' , ATTOBNEYa "T W T L •J>D«TP=gA'ff~Oni«5-KOOmi.~»--------■ and 4. Smlth-Rlce Building. . ■ '

■ & T rust Bldg.* .pbpne g. . . . < ' O. C. UAH/—Over Oloa' Book 'a tO T ' ■■■ JOUN W ..aB A n A M -L aw re r.~ B l^

Truat m dg.. Phone 835-W. • , . ■ , 9T7EELE7 A~8W EEUY—Law~oE5«5 '

. M oorman Bolldl&g. >• K. J . B «nr-at

Bld»^ l»bao» 1224 ' ,

1 ■ B U S IN E S S . -

t ' . FLUAQUNa

'^DOM E PLUAIBINO « fXEATlNO:■ Jlcw ^locatlon. lU .S r d avtf ^ •

Phone 283. .-b a l l a n t y n e ' p l u i w i n q a b b a ? '

.IN Q C O . ' Por beating t n o M P bo i^ 2 3 ^ . _______ . .

i 7“ “ i n s u b a n c b ''A U T O INSURANCE, all eoraxat<Ba J Jv

[ \ c r o n a n ^ s n v w p a i ; :•■ ■ ■■ 24e. ■ Crating, atoraga-aad Liberty OoA--------

W S o E ^ T B A i f s J r B ^ ^ ;: igfLCn, Cottl M d wood. P h o n a i o . .

M * -G artig e - •T uu lea-da lly .- ' VbeM^ — ’ : 200.

VR.tTEENAL O lo A W tZ A tr e tg ^ - T T ^■ 1 w D P t N w o w M ^ ' a r M sa & o x ■r~m cct<rin*X .^K M ji^L. ' di U j^ S P t T ^ , end and' fourth Monday. . ' i . B iu s io T ^ c n K B ' ^1 U JIE E T E. FBANCIS. aceredttad vl»- . ,.. Iln tfaohw- Phnna - t w a ----- . . .—

F O R S A L E —

' ; F R U IT S , v e g e t a b l e s ; .

• ( N E ^ i T O ^ E i r " 8 PU D ii ' i o a '" ' «I »wii»« east on Kimberly .

^ P O R SALE-GOOD lSSnNO“ p 6 ¥ A i' ’ toes dcUvcred 50c. Call 1392RZ •

' f o r s a l e —DEUC i d u s a p p l ' e S. ■ •Joe Berks. IM mulg east on E tlia .

•; D '^ c i o u s APPt^ra^ f o r S A i i— • ’' SI bushel. Bring contalnera. Phone

:iB04JI. Mra. J . A. W atcn. '

_ I50P c p ° ^ r r p w MTV HTn f*y TT*~'Tr• : 34. care o£ News. , - -

TOR S A L E -IW OAKLAND TOACH.’, I good _conditlOT. Phone 1290. ~ •. S O irr il SIDE USED CAR MARKET : offers several Forda a t from 830 :.r

• to S300. Dodse coupe (bojioon tiftMi ■ *'»250. Chc\Tt)lct roodster. -28. *216. ...

See Uicm tti 123 2nd ave souUi. Tobey.. AT 1 3 SND A V E SU E "E cnm rroB B V --------' has several used c a n a t trinter

. prices. FonU of all models. 37 coupe. ..24 coupe. 26 Tudor. 24 Tudor. 30 to o r- ■

;ias, as tomlng. 28 plclOip and lom a - 'i' . :]more. _Al*o Cbery coupe TUJd- OodS«' “ icotip^ p f i c M 't3 o ^ ~ u g . - r ~ - -v -^ - - -T - '

IKBW STANDATO i t D l b ■aX>‘I change for used piano, Phoo* 3(B*-------IW. - -------- -- . - ------------i t o ■ T ^ 'E ' F 6 R ^ b R s S r " T S ? i l 3 ’ 'l -FalU properly ;-also yellow D aow lonlon seed. UOO Ib. Btft-

.mulea and cows, B auuriuu l :«■ ^ Duncan

.-trade for Twin FlaOs p m « t y . bave youf Coc*««Q'^ire aiid^6cnrloa.>;-.>-

jS tattoa. Phone 7 M i - . ; : . * ' j

P a ^ o E i ^ t - ' s

y g Q l l iS H l H l l i :d ' ■ —

— C ity -M iis t 'T ’a y r io ^ G c r S a t l s f a c '- - ; '

t o r y S e r v ic c , C o m m is s io n e rs

A g r e e ; C o n t r a c t P e r i o d ;

B O p e n in g in F a ll S u g g e s te d

Qarbagc removal In Twin KuU'; ro;ii-

j!exr> r^r Umn la s t^bu t'V alii TJt- i iu ir c ^ '; rrrccUvp. If suBBCStloni n«Ivnnci'd by ,

. ...... jncnibcrs of Uic city council cltirlnK an ^Informal dLscujLnlon nt ilirlr iiiwliiii: fvcnlni; arc carrlwl Into rfftcl.

The discHwlon t:rcw out of tin- rc- of /iisftl of L. A. Chnptn. commLiiloncr of coi /InaDciyr.nil ucUuk mayor, to approve Im

• < iviymcnt of Uie bill for $i:!3 tJiat Clnrk ,pet 1 Tljilon presonu-d. iindtr Ills contract. KCt

fcr hnullnir Kftrbnsc diirinr; January. InK I T.’rni.'. of tlip contract were Manned $30 1 by .tbc coinicllincn. tintl It wn:i n^rrrd s tr I tlint It lind been bt-okrn by tiic con- brn i UacUjr. fn several pluccs.

-?i::7-::Mei>HKm_PX.Jiic:.comiai.tU(L nm gt-.-:.I tempi ta evade responsibuiiy ior u if • ■

silii-ition th a t liati developed. 'J .••You can't Rct .loinctliliiB for noth-,<*“ >

inK,’* the tluanfg conlmL■’ lonl•r dcclnr- cd. -HVmminR up ont' phaM: of tlie dl. - cu-sloh w hich 'itidlq '.i'ifd 'n rrrcm tin t-on---'' Itie p r r l of Ull* councilmcn tlmt the city Miould not fxpect to have the Karbuse

: hauled for le.-w Umn co.u to the con- J” ®' I tfacton — — “ ‘f

“T-------- suffiTcstTen”5cen\W w iiiof-i wun r a - ,Tor Ibat the contract next year should . ^ not bo lel to any bidder propo.ilnK to “>»a

1 do the-work for leas than n rfHsonabJc- Ca.J ' estlmctc of UlC actual cost. ;'’P ^-------- X. J . PoUBlMir^JmnitKtiMwr ot pub. • . F l

lie jroundfl. suRBcsted qIm lhat Uie con- ond tract year sJiould be«ln In November *out ra ther tlion Jn June, and Uils propowil

■ fccmed to rind favor ail round. ' “Uf................Aiwwer Bosement.Owners .......

Another problem of lewcr magnitude 1 ,,- waa chccked up to the city attorney who

prombed n written opinion .M-tUng i•' , forth Ihe advice ho cave orally la.it cvc- : p l .; j . nlnji to tho eflccl thn t the city ts jio t 11- : y * '' ' able for datnase caused by Icakaiic liito? basements excnratcd under sldcwnllcs. i •■The owners of such propcrtlcs.'' t h c !

• attorney iiUile«J. '-have thcniaclve» rc - moved the protccUon thnl tlie earth un-

'J der thff sidewalk would hnvc provided , y 3 If ll had. been permitted to remalif. and !| . Uie city Is not liable cxccpt for su c h jo ,, , .

I eosonablc care ns would protect a e a ln s t ' floodlTB If the excavation had not been '

‘ madft." :: Tho question was submitted- by;I Hnrlcy Rayburn, streeta superintend- !

} A reccnt Bur\-ey s h o « thnt U ie 'I F lollron building n t tho Intersection ; of Mlnldokft. streat and Main avenue T— » w n j’ x lc h a a ” ie T K i~ f« t"1 n l£ r th e “ I - street, Hnrold W. Worrll. city engineer. f .odv'Ised the council, and the cleric i* ' tt'o.'i dircctfd to call thp~~owner'a at->'

. teiiUoo to tills state of iiffolra.-- j Approye.i New Store Front _ 1

[“ aWUcitlouIfOrTjuUdcr'sr'pcnnlt* to"ln%‘ stall ft pIntc Elori front in the build- in? oivned by charlco Diimas, th e

- #lr5t-fioor-of--w hich Li occupied by;• w ilpy n n w r r ^ m V i . _

' .'iw i.- TiVe a'pplTcaUon wns slsned by! the Ernest White company

The city treasury* closed the m onth with a balance of $42,301.81. w ith re - I

Uror-hest results use ; 'i f l ^ B A K I N G f V W P O W D E R _

-------S tm te P r tc e - ^For Over 3 8 Tears |

2 j ^ o i m c e s t o r ^ ^ ^ ;

. - r '■ ..........— — — - j

_ .— M A T R I M O N ¥ ------ r -H u s n d o u b le b lcB ^in?

_ I t blc5sc.<5 jK » th t h e . K iver_ !a n d th o re c e iv e r— th e frfv e r '

_ b e in ^ _ th e g i r l ’a f a t h e r w h o ig iv e s H is d n u f fh te r a w a y , ’ \

- - a n d - th o - T c c c iv c r - b c io g - tb c - :p r e a c h e r w h o . te c e iv e s f iv e

___ b u c k s f o r hi.^ s c r \ 'ic c s a n d

_ W R D D I N f f C A K K j .E v c ry b o d j* T h in k s I t s a

BIcA sinff i___ I

- Varney's i ^FRED. FORREST


;C6r:3rd & SKosh6rie~ j f c 1 t e = = = = =


Fil . WiUle.Willisy j ’ - " B y E O B E E T Q U nX E N


< , . " r y " ' ,•‘Hlt tln’ yoa on th e h ead with a pen- ad

cf] don’t help ;foQ undenCmd^'a'rCT:darned old 'rithm ello problem." sti

■ Idi

cclpts of $31,330.77'and dL-iiJurscment. of of $10,718.27 durlrig the monlh. ac- to cordins to report submitted by Char- « ie« M. McElwaln, city treasurer. Ex- pendltures Included on account of the Rcneral fund $7483X0; street sprlnkU (k, InK $75.13; Interest and sinking fund $300: u n rm n t rcdempUcn. $10,003.25^ Blnct llRtitlnB, «907J0; public 11- wei brary, $700. bci

.......... .. Flfftire* on .Water mils ' : [tio^^-WMor^iorVr' ft«pflrrniniiT - rnpfirtrd , 'I $3834.28 collection of water rentals In during the post m onth wltii $3800.70 "ni water rentals receivable for the cur- In re n t morfth.- • - -nie—Collcctlon-of-lOas-local-lmprovement-----3district and . street sprinkling (nx as- ncssmenls. totaled .M160J1 during Uie as jnonUj. while. durJnfi- the same period th^ thpro-wo* collectod $740£3-of.a027- lo -_bc t«ul—Im provem ent-dbtrlat-ioxeB.-^--------

liwuanco- of « v t a plumbing permits V and one •sower oppllcatlon was report­ed, by Alex __W. M urray, plumbing I n - ___spoctor. ......................., . 0

r r c d F. William . » lll onfm l- a .rc - ond hand store a t 309 Shoshone street south, heretofore known ns “Dan’s Ploce,*' under llcensc approved by the vbli council la s t evening.

T he council opprovcd $500_bond_ic«:. furnished' by H. j . Coyle appointed o u r police patrolm an la s t January l.

C h a n g r e I n H o u r F o r .

. F i l e r D a i r y S c l i o o l mCT)--------- tatfl?''!

FILER. Peb._4 tSpcclal to The NewsTTct :^TJic hour tor holding th e dairy schob llcvh II the Filer rurol high school haa been Hi :hangod from 7:30 P. M. to 8 P. M., it revo A-as nnnounced la s t night by H. R. b u n Jtucky, agricultural Instructor, and will mlgl xintlnuc to meet, a t th a t hour for the nece ■csCof the week. I t was found thn t the cher lour 7:30 was Inconveniently early for load nany farmers, so th e time was set back In la lf a n hour. K . fiaum, SmmetC, ipror xmllnues to conduct the school. the" " “ ' ' ............

\p 3 p m


House aio f W a s h C o i

. . . V •-O n e n e v e r h a s t o o 'm a n

- - t h e y a r e s m a r t e n o u g h i t h e m a p p r o p r i a t e f o r r a o h o m e .

C h a r m i n g D a '


l^reslk A ssorts — — . ^— -R angel—Select

________Really a rcmarkahle >electl<and priced so rtisonably that_j

---------VQur. houae frqck^upply. ,

Many, many ityles—with Ion, of a contrasting color, belts, far

^ ------- le r e n rw l-v j lo rW .- - ^ -ajTrirli

-------- B O X I N G T J n ^ r a u s p i i

-------- f u ^ - 7 t h , 8 ; 0 0 - P . M . I ^ t ’s h e l p 1


CilBEUii::- - .1 ---- —T .. b

US OPPOSEPTGIS____ _ _ . . ;w

D i r G c to r s " D e c la r e - 4 - G e n t 'L e v y

E n o u g h a n d C a ll._ F o r R e tu r n S

o f P a r t to C o u n t lc s P a y in g S

B ill; O p p o se B u d g e t U w p

Sentim ent reflected In a resolution . adopted lB.st evening' b y Twin Falls

stlnctly opposed to any Increarse Ini Idaho's four-cent KUOllne tax, and, [ • a t the r.Aine time, tt dem ands return j of n iwrtlon of the gaa lax tpvenue'D i to Uic coimtlc:! In which I t originates, tal

This r«a5lutlon Ln to bc forwarded ' In' to meinbcrt of Twin Falls county’s delegation In Uiv Twentieth Session o f .' ni< the ftUtr Icslslnturc. along with other clc reccmmendiitlon.1 ogreed upon a t last *l» evcnlns'n niectlni; In which the cham- hi' ber’s directors wrre Joined by a num­ber of county officials for conaldera- ‘fi tlon of legLiLitiVf affair^-' . ua. The (llroctorti went oii reco'rd~~agftln In reaffirmation oT ^^Siiosltion CB' ‘■nuisance taxes" previously expressed |J*' In reply to a Mote cham ber of com- m erce referendum.- - They—rcgUtcred -.flppm val_0 l—auch. ‘ alterotlona In the counly budget law " f as were brouglit to Ihelr attenUon a’, •** th is m eeting by M. C. Ware; mem- ' bcr_of_the J ^ r ^ ^ f county oommla- i?> ilonera, and H«rry-Cn?annm a, .coun;- ly auditor. _ • _ ““

Coats County Money gn-O n e provLnlon o^ th e budget law,Mr. W are told the meeUng. ts costing ‘ IV ln F u lb county HUOO. t year.ITIU , le explained, L«i the budget law pro- /b lon fixing the beginning of the :iflcal year In April. Uueo m onths of- ;cr the opening of the calendar year. iiiring ’ th ls Uiree months period, he itated. th e county Is required to issue leflclency warrants which bear 7 per "J’ lent Interest. ' 5 “

Mr. W ore Joined the county auditor n .u rg ln g recommendation of omend- , , ncnts to tho budRCt law th a t would L l flvanco tho Ume for making th e bud- .d from April to September when tax svles W b 'm ad c 'u p ,

He a sk e d ' also fo r provisloji. for a 1 evolving fund for the county weed Tw ureau, o u t of whleh tho b u reau , boi night m ake Immediate payment when of lecessaiy for purchase of sa lt or In hemlcols th a t a re purchased in ear- yes 3ttd lots lo r use in the w crt w ar. ed I n conclusion Mr. W ore called for

ronouneem ent In favor cf applying p he budget law to oil taxing units. ) rati

C o o t tOur lost Yalttcd

ind Porch 1D t t o n P r i n t s ____

any of these fresh frocks

iTirTtheir styling to make j noming or afternoon at

a y t i m e S t y l e s 1

j o n o t o i ^ I l y a S ‘

tm e n f t i 'C o m p l e t e S iz e

^ c tio n o f - C o l o r - P a t t e m s I ------ —

ctlQn__p£__fint_dayttme frocka—derer.'.b tjy m ore t l a n one to Ires

long s le e re s a o d w ith short—w ith trim m fancy co llar* a n d c u f f i ^ h e p rin ts are, r ln - to " » e e ;T b a irfc r7 o a r5 e lf . ----------------

^ c e s A m e r i c a n L e g i o n I B

---------------------------------- --------- --------- P Ui t t e J V c t e r a n s M e m o r i a l I

'ALLS, IDAHO, TUESD,A-!in order." he’aald. to prevent one nn it iro m - ttbsorb ia g - s t tv tn g s - th a t -m lg h t bc m ade by another unit under the

■ biidgcf law,- :.SeQ»:<K^{uallon C ola - .........

DlstrlbuUon of power p lan t tax as- cssment on a ;b a s is of tnuwrnlsslon

- lln(» m ile a g e - 'w mld ^increase - T w in riPftlLs counlv*g & ««.^5^viiltm tlm by .a , quarter miUlon dollars, iind. i r the dis­

tribution were made on a basis of’ dtstribuUon - line mlleago. the county -■would receive a half million dollars iff

!<u.'«sscd valuation, S. Claud Stewart,. 'rniinty fL«uu»w»f fAlij ni»/»t1ng A J''b i l l drafted b y 'M r, Stewart to pro- 1

Ilvlde for tho proposed change In tho method of distributing power plan t I tax o.ucssm enta’ Ir, to bc Introduced I

I o l Uie presen t le^ loU ve session. J

' fB O S P H i m T S i

yniiisjiiiaiiBiioi:!!■ . -■—II An osseinW ge th a t overflowed the ’ 'Drake funeral parlors.diapel a t funor- . ta l .wrvlces yesterday aftcm o6n for the •11 Inte Miss C tlla Qat2 , resident of Twin ,, : PalLi since 1911 and nn ouUtondlng *•niembet: o f th e Rebekah lodge, boro {

• eloquent tribu te to e.itcem in Which ]she was held thiw ighout this commu- ,nlly. ®

Mcmbera of tho Rcbckah lodge n t-tended in a body nnd conducted r l t- _uallstlc service# of the order In the ' chapel.— Rev.--Arthiir- O .- Pcanwn -of

funeml se rm on ; taking • as Its theme ^the tex t,. “D eath Is swallowed up In ,victory." . ; • . ,

Mrs. H. W. Wallace and Mrs. P . P.- Braekch“ 8anK-‘ y “ T n llh " Ii» k iru p ~ lo ?

Thee” and "Jesus Lover of My Soul." ,, Ritualistic services of the Rebekah .

lodge were conducted by Mrs. Effle W aU clns,-past-prvsident.of-the-Idaho. - B tntrT iew icttn-'ttiSciiib iyr/ra ta irnrom r^ ffrand;--MnL. Annettn M ahnken.- vice | grand. and- M rs. MyrUo Price, chap- 5 lain. I

Members .of th e Rcbckah' lodge and J of th e B uslneaa-a n d -P re{c93ienal- We»-H men’s club, serving us honorary <)all ^ bearers, were Miss EllzabeUi Drbkell. I Miss I u DriskeU. Miss Blanche W alk- k cr. Miss MyrUe Anderson. Mrs. Ella 1SU ffler..Jars,-E lla-C 0B8well.......... - - S

AcUve pallbearers were Charles O. | Brockstedt. S . O. McAuley, M. H. ^ Ruble. W. B. Hoag, Mr. Raymond and- | T. J. Lloyd. . • ^

L I B E R T Y 'm S R K E T G O E S ” k


Tho L iberty l ^ r k e t and. 'Grocery. ^Twin Falla, was* sold In coursc of ., bankruptcy proceedings to C. B. Janks i

of the S ta r Packlng.plant, Twin Falls, tIn the federal district court in Boise 'yesierday. according to .word ,recclv- &ed here lost evening:^ -, ^

News W ant Aits reach' tbe people | ^ I rau wish to a ttrac t | ^

I S - 11 kmtl Frocks j

vC - j

tT.'nevr : / 7 _____________im ben _ r t / .

tre, d if - I J M

r i n i R S D A T . F e t e -

1 B u i l d i n g - . 'F i i n d ^ ______ j


SNESS WOMENS lOB ;WiifEPDiiirDfli “ ^ i n “s w i i Business and Profession a r w ’omen'«~ciab~fflrtrdlnner meetlni in tba club room lost cvcnlng voted u p u rc ^ iw ^ h e w piano

nionth. i t waa th e annual “dollnr" da: o f the ormnlzatlon. tho members tell- Ing ho« they earned the donation.

A musical program wm given by th« Blue Triangle and tho J. O. Y.-clubs ol the Twin Palls high school. In addi- Udn to this talks were m ade by Dorothy E\-ans a n d Helen White. Tho Youni Women’s C hristian assoclaUon work was presented to the members by Mlsa Elsie Suit. ', O uests o f the club w en Mrs. L. O. nice, Denver, and Mrs. W. R Weedcn. Twin Polls.


■ Cleo (Slim) Bush, sentenced by udge W. A. Babcock in db trlc t court here yestenlay, to serve six montlia to two years term In the sta to . prison for aasauH with a deadly weapon u p ­on George Jasper lasl May 10. was admitted by th e court to bond in the sum of $2000 pending the outcome of proceedings on appeal to the state supremo 'Court. 'B ond was fum bhed by C ..M N eim eyer and A, Lea John- TOir ^ g ich gluo Was gnrnted-ext^iv- slon of tlmo to next February 16' to fllo motion nnd appllcaUon for new U-ial.—NoUcc„of_appeal_wa3-JUcd_by_W . L. Dunn, attoniey for Bush. Immed­iately after JudKc Babcock pronounc­ed Judgment.


ther,' wi — o#-doul

green,i number

l - la ---------------------------------------------------- -

— I Saneir

' ‘~ M O D ^ * 7 2

C o m p le t<i - —'- w i t h - t u b e s - = T r n r r ^ ^ V A v i

B y A l l-----------------------


JARY 5,1929.. ------i n C O U R T D E C L S r E S C LA IM

, u FO B ^ S S oI T L E G T /A L I

' f i r LeviM heretofore p a t le to colI< 17600 dnnugcs and $350 costs aw ar

__ cd__to L. J- B w c r _ p o m _ ^ e H anj j a j r Mnntrft o u ring— company;— StodttO

CaUfomia^we£e:£f}eclalmLJU'U(L_si •d to company's appllcaUon for a nc -oom trial tlenled-toy Judge 0^.0 , Ca' r th tr aoab-ln-fodarat-dtetrlot-oourt-a t-B o i day yesterday, according to word recelvi

t«ll. last e\'cning a l ‘th e oMlc&i of J . :------ B oO iw cil-anet-w r-tjrt^chapnu in r-tt’ the tomeys for Bower.» of Bower van awarded , damages a t tr l d d l- lh ' the federal court last Soptembi othy on h b claim fo r loss of his leg whl >ung »«slstlng .on agent of th e company' i vork repair a bean harvesting and thresl Miss Ing device in Twin Falls county, were Judge Bothwell appeared in U , w . federal court yeatcrday In oppooitlo

to the company's moUon fo r new Irli

tIT IQ A T -tO N -B E T W E E N -T W O


Judeo vr. A. Babcock In dl lrli by court here yesterday heard a n add

ourt Uonal Installment of evidence in t l tiUis sult'O f 'E. E. Converse. W alnut Grov Ison Minnesota, a ^ ln s t h b brother.-Norto nip-. Converse, involving rig h t to possesslo was br farm land which Norton Conven the hns held for aome years past.

: or InlroducUon or evidence on U: ta te part of tbe planlUff E. E. Conven Ihed war. completed during tho day. aq h n - Norton Converse, "defendan t.' was' o

I to was taken. Hearing will be resume new t^ls monUng.

Order Xor tbe Jury to be In attend _W. ance_Dn_the_court*ycstcrday_momln icd- was countermanded, and It wns otatet me- the Jury probably will n o t be callc

back before Pdiruary 18.


fine coat for the early spr will shedjrain or snow. Th: mble-faeed ;matei^iaJMn-< 1, redj blue and black. The lers have umbrellas to mat

. Now priced from

3 .9 5 4 o 4 a_________ REAPY-TO-WEAK P E PTT.

x tim t R ight bring i t

I It's a WmI I 1 I flI S ' “ 1II T

0 ------T c -

r _________ K ^H- - N- -—-II _________ 0 ^ _______

^ ^


inElectricii t . '

^ L i r i m W P W M E l ^ -

s - O r t C i l T W I f i H l Mward- . . , ................

Tft-o ^ c m . rotary plows win meet rn o w ^ th T s£ il« T llk llto a y T « W Cav- Falls aod Burley about noon today un>

■Bolso'. ifCT-something-4u\forace(i-ahouId-awifle - delay, It was learned here la s t eveiilng. JTheJoi5(LatagcJ»ajc«um£53j>J»r^tion.

■’ to. nnd from th e capital, t trial • The westbotmd ro tary • from Poca- anber tello was reported this slde-tir Maesa- whlle ere Rock and the easttwund one had ny' to gone cast of Burley. A ro ta ry truck treah- was a t work between Burley and Oak- '• ' ley, plowing through tho softening

Uie drifts along the road to Umt town.AnoUicr crew returned yesterdoy to

I endeavor to open the north and south - Iroad tb b side of Murtaugh to<trafflo

W O ~ rB o n r« ay r-T i-T rirev r6 iJo n -to -tra rfic - I I n r one way. but cars cannot pass; The u n I crew now a t Murtaugh wlll be here in

about two days It is stated and will b trlc t then get to work on th e highway south addi- and through to the Salmon.1 the I Irove. orton

Protect Your HealthDrink lots of Vesta W ater,

iverse sparkling, u pcr- aqd l _ drinking w ater for

humanH. ------ -------------

umed. pi„n(. 5 0 c e n ts .

S m ' ‘ LINCOLN PEODUOE & ated ,: B E P R iaE R A T IN a. 00'.

P i i o r ^ OM

s s trhis coat is ^ i-coloi' s-of— ^'he; kiddles’ l | f l S,latch. ^

itBack" / ' i

a c / e s / i t t * “

E l E ^inder —

C om plete------^ i j g ------- “OTth-tubes ..... X.-i

U lIT!fOUR HOME----------------;
