e-Learning Planning Framework | An introduction



This was a presentation used in a session at ULearn11. For more information on the framework/consultation process, please go to: http://www.vln.school.nz/pg/groups/19837/elearning-planning-framework/

Transcript of e-Learning Planning Framework | An introduction

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e-Learning Planning Framework Ministry of Education

Integrating new technologies to empower learning and transform leadership

What is the e-learning planning framework? Why is it important? How was it developed? What’s in it for you?

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How do you / your school use ICTs?

Image: digitalart

Have you used frameworks or rubrics to review and plan?

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In this session we will share with you…

1. What the draft e-learning planning framework is, and who it is for

2. How it has been developed3. How it is organised4. How you can take part in consultation

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Have you seen it yet?

• You can download a copy from the e-Learning Planning Framework groups from the e-LPF group in the Virtual Learning Network :


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What – and who - is it for?

• Principals and e-learning leaders (organisational)• Teachers (individual)• Professional development facilitators

The primary purpose is

• To self or peer review how well they use ICTs to support learning for the purpose of finding out where they are, and what they need to do next.

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The framework will offer….

• a self-review tool for schools to gather evidence about practice that provides;

• a 'road map' for the building of e-learning capability; that acts as a

• a tool to evaluate the effectiveness of e-learning programmes; and

• resources and services to support schools as they build capability.

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One framework: 3 resources

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…a quick note….

The e-Learning Planning Framework is not intended to provide a means for externally evaluating schools’ performance for the purpose of audit or review.

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How is it being developed?

The team reviewed other frameworks:

• UNESCO - ICT Competency Standards for Teachers• BECTA Self-Review Framework (version 2)• e-Potential (Victoria, Australia)• eLearning Maturity Model (eMM), Victoria University, NZ• e-Capability matrix (Cognition Education)• ICT PD self assessment rubric• Other frameworks and rubrics within the wider education sector

e.g. Registered Teacher Criteria, Ministry self-review processes rubrics, Learning Communities Online rubric …

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Why a New Zealand framework?• To reflect Ministry of Education priorities, including:

– 21st Century learning– building pride in our national identity – supporting communities– improved education outcomes through a focus on the

elements of connectivity, content, capability and confidence. • New Zealand schooling system and structure• Geography• Students’ cultures and needs• Curriculum and pedagogy• The technology landscape (including UFBiS…)• Our teaching profession

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Review…are there any questions about its purpose and how it has been developed?

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The draft framework is currently made up of: 4 Phases:

5 Dimensions > strands > descriptors:

The project also includes the development of supporting resources, and examples of effective practice

4 Phases

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Development and change in schools, towards an effective, sustained assimilation of technology into the curriculum.

Phase 1 EmergingSchool/teacher’s e-learning processes and practices will focus on beginning to use the technology itself, rather than how it might be integrated into effective teaching and learning.

Phase 2EngagingSchool/ teacher will be trialing/using technology to supplement instructional practices, or for short-term application.

Phase 3EnablingSchool/teacher, working as a community, will begin to refine technology use in response to immediate needs. Technology easily allows students to engage in problem-solving and inquiry beyond the classroom.

Phase 4EmpoweringSchool/teacher community will sustain iterative inquiry into practice, driven by identified curriculum needs, and ubiquitous technology will enhance authentic, co-constructed learning.

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Dimensions:• Inter-related

• Teachers / schools can use them to identify areas to improve to achieve best practice.

• The aim is for organisations to achieve ‘maturity’ and sustainability across all dimensions.

In the current draft….

• Leadership

• Teaching and Learning

• Professional Learning

• Beyond the Classroom

• Technology

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• Leadership and strategic direction• Vision for e-learning• Leadership of e-learning• Strategic direction and policy for e-

learning• Professional learning

• Sustaining a professional e-learning community

• Professional inquiry into e-learning• Infrastructure and resourcing

• Tools and technologies• Technical support & procurement

The five draft dimensions have discrete strands…

• Teaching and Learning• e-Learning in the whole school

curriculum• Digital citizenship (Key Competencies

and Values in e-Learning)• Learning areas • Pedagogy • Assessment

• Beyond the classroom• Engagement with the community

about e-learning, and using technology

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Each of the strands (within the dimensions) include a set of descriptor statements that will summarise different stages of development in the way a school, or teacher can use ICT.

These statements will reflect the phases - from ‘emerging’ through to ‘empowering’.


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Descriptors (example of one strand)Digital citizenshipKey Competencies and Values in e-Learning

● A growing awareness that digital citizenship defines the Key Competencies and Values in a digital environment.

● Strategic documents identify the importance of digital citizenship in strategic documents.

● Some teachers can describe and model digital citizenship practices in their teaching. There are trial activities happening in the school.

● Some e-learning activities are designed to deliberately foster digital citizenship.

● A cohesive and connected approach to fostering digital citizenship across the whole school, actively involving students and staff, is evident in documentation and classroom practice, responding to evidence-based need.

● School-wide policy, curriculum design and classroom practices integrate digital citizenship, at all levels, with clear alignment to iterative school vision and strategy.

● Teachers and students can model desirable, safe, responsible behaviors and practices as successful digital citizens.

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Review…are there any questions about how it is organised? The phases, dimensions, strands or descriptors?

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A suggested process

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Review…how might you use this framework in your school?

Discuss the Framework and Examples & Resources sample…

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Consultation process

Expert group: high-level oversight of the process and development of the framework.

Focus groups: advice and feedback on the development and application of the framework across priority domains (sector-wide).

Wider e-learning sector: an opportunity for all interested parties across New Zealand to be involved in the development of the framework and feedback will be facilitated through http://www.vln.school.nz/pg/groups/19837/elearning-planning-framework/

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Timeframes• June 2011 – Expert group convened• July 2011 – Blended e-Learning team and Ministry consultation

and feedback on the first draft• August 2011 - Focus group consultation and feedback• October to 11 November – Public consultation• August to December 2012 – consultation around the

development of a Māori medium framework• January 2012 – framework available to all schools through the

Enabling e-Learning website on TKI • 2012 - Supporting resources developed and located

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What can you do now?

• Read / download the draft e-Learning Planning Framework from the Virtual learning Network (VLN)

• Discuss with colleagues.• Complete the online survey: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/elearningplanningframework

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For more information, go to:
