E, E. Bausch & Sonlib.catholiccourier.com/1903-february-1905-september...Wednesday mnrniogby the the...

nmmmm \») *<*A*^ f*. , «J«*C''SJ^TW^«N^V«n™ JW|-,. - T— ^i* . w 7 . Itif " I 4 LffltV - l>i Diy lor v v v u ill »r/%JlMJ$JUL "IlJslIfO„ j^+rtrtfctw. lw^gtt ^ ttaapsaism t?eta- I arw4 fcyOarOtor Easortrar*. / j •MIII.I.U oosros «auvn. To marrow at all the maaset the jearly eual collection will be taken up On Monday morning of this week at 8 o'clock a high maat was offered . « pforMm. Wm. Dunn. A. meeting of St. A.nthony'i Aid society WM called on Friday after no m at 4 o'clock. The ladies of the f)ari«a was invited to attend this meeting On Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock a high mass was offend up for Alice Frd. Harry B Crowley spent several <Ur8 the past weefc at Canandaigua, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L P. Mc- Dade. The rearly nomination of officers of Branch 139.C. M.B. A., waafceld on Tuesday evening. The election of •officers will be held on Taesday even ing, Deo. 8th. OQ Wednesday morning a mass -was offered up for the departed sonls. tfa T. J. SolHvan entertained the members of the A. micas Pedro clob on Thursday evening at her home on Union St. Prises at pedro were won by Miss Dagan 1st, sod Mrs. J. H. Lonahan 2 ad, after which a dainty lunch was served. Council 40, C B B. A. will bold their regular meeting on Wednesday evening, Dec. 2nd. Brunch 139, 0. M. B. A. was well represented at the ball given" by the Central Council at Coloniaf Hall on Ihanksgiring night. jt ST. KABTl v* <>(<} Jtfi*, ,r>% ? , K w «<t« &r T V?- T|PP*P!?S«Jg8|«H.>- ' -W*«v*n. v-.wftsf.m.,,*- THE OLD R l^"^*^^^P Absolutely Pure ' THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE It zp*r tmAj t&t us* in aboat two weeka. John Q*m t m for %•* Yolk *»< Wednesday aorfciaf to be absent for a week. * , Tha school children w gtw *n ^atertainmant Wednesday evening p > » 2ad, in the parish fc»$, b honor ' o f the feast of the pstroa saint of our gastor. AJlfr»i|d||pd«ojmJiar»ef • H j f i J ? *"* lnvitwl toJrttewl* *Tha Never Idle Sewing Circle met last Monday evening at the resident of Mra Joseph 8ub*l on Sax toe St. «nd spent a very sociable evening. Next Monday evening the circle will meet at the home of Miss Gertrude KeUeraon on Tonawanda 6fc The Surprise pedro club completely surprised Mr. and Mra. Joseph Oaks to this city Monday at » a. m. and ? n Otohard St.,last Monday evening, funeral took plaoe from the Cathedral rt **** «» 3 °*tli anaWraary of their at 10.15. TheMrTOjesconsUtedofa^™"**- Tfc. *ujb took possesion solemn high mass of requiem of which ? thft ,•"«»•« and had a good lime. (Are Rocheiter'a - O M ^ ' Bat»T>rii^«^ * 3Pnrri«snV l*x&& Stocls^reati^-^Swii^. Lowest 3Pri(ee%. ; "«-. Oa 3unday a meeting was held and a B<>y« So iality formed. The fourth Sunday: will in the future be the meeting time. Hymnal containing the hymns soog after the mass on Sunday were ? distributed ilast Sunday and can still' be procured. There was a high mass on Monday At 7:15 for ihe soula remembered; on Society last Thursday evening Rev. Tuesday an anniversary oiasa for ^^{}* m %**» delivered a lecture on Mra Cora Wheeler and on Wednea- we Ira day for Cornelius Lyons Oa Friday there was a high mass for the deceased members of theL.C B. A at the request of Branch 248. Miss Amelia Lynch, daughter of Mr. and Mn J. Lynch of South Ave., was married on Wednesday afternoon to Mr. George Zugalder by Rev. Father Gleason. Miag Helen Griffin and Mr. John Harmoa of Auburn, were married Wednesday mnrniogby the the bride's bother, R9V. William Griffin, assisted by Fither Gleaam, Father Connors and Father Boran of Auburn. The bride wore a traveling gown of blue broadcloth and carried a bouquet df bride r ises. The maids of honor, Miss Elizabeth Griffin, sister of the bride, and Mies Mary Slattery, wore gowns of brown broadoloth and carri- ed biuquets of pi ok chrysanthemums. The best man was Mr. Edward Bar- mm. brother of the groom, and the ushers Mr E B Griffin and Mr Em- met Cmrneea of Rochester, and Mr. Eugene Calliban aod Mr Charles Hitzerman of Auburn After a wed. ding teip in the south, Mr. aod Mrs. Harmon will be at home after Dec 15th,«t No 23 Seymour St, Auburn. OATHEDRAIi. Monday morning anniversary re- quiem high masses were oelebrated for John Carrol and John Shanahan. R jquiem high masses were celebrat- ed on Thursday for deceased members of the OR B. A.; and for the souls io purgatory.'iffered by St ThomasGuild, Friday for the deceased members of the L C. B.A. We will be honored Sunday at the opening of the Forty Honrs by the presence of the papal delegate, Mon- signor Falconio. The death of Marv A, wife of William Ball.oocured Saturday after noon, aged 25 years and 10 months. Bdsidea her husband, she leaves three daughters, her father, John J. Fogarty, three brothets, Edward P., John and Thomas Forgarty, all of this city. The funeral took plaoe Monday morning from Lady Chapel. Rev G V Byrnes celebrated a requiem high mass and also onducted the burial services Many sympathizing friendBfilledthe chapel daring the services. Mrs Bell's sister, Mrs John Keayes, died a week previous. Mrs. Helen Fox, wife of Edward Fox, formerly of Rochester, died Sat- urday in New York, aged 75 years. MrB Fox and her husband moved to New York aboutj»ne year ago. Be- sides her husband, Mrs. Fox leaves four daughters, Mra MylesT.O'Rielly Mra. James T. Whalen of Rochester, r 7 WVMJ „,„ mJPiro Mrs. James McCermick and Miss Julia he will be able to be out in a short Fox of New York, two sons, Edward Fox of St. Louis, and Daniel Fox of j - — - - vu Auwuav II Erie,Pa ,one brother Daniel McGrath mft88 WM g aidl hf a deoeMed mem and one sister, Mary McGrath both of bers 0 f the C B & B. A this city. She was the mother of TT •* ACII . ci iTrTBT C A' A ^ u *"«»y morning a requiem United State Consul JO Fox, who dwd mamwM celebrated for all debased in Antigua. Her rencuunrjrejre brought members of the L. C. B. A. high massoffeqi Rev.Thos. Hickey V.G.waioelebravnt Rev. John O'Hern deacon and Rev. Michael Krieg sab-deacon. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. MLrs. Fox was one of the oldest members- of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Rochester. Sunday is the Brat Sunday in Ad- vent. The Forty Hoars will open after the 10:30 o'clock mass. Mon- day masses will be at 6, 7, 8, and t-olemn high mats at 9 o'clock. Con- fessions will be heard afternoon and evening. The funeral of Mrs. Lucy Maloy Moran was held at 8:30 o'clock Thie day morning from the house at 115 Ambrose street and at 9 o'cl -ek from Lady. Chapel of the Cathedral. A solemn high requiem mass was cele- brated by the Very Bev. Thomas F. Hiokey, V. G.. usistedJby the Rev. Franok J. O'Hearn as deacon, the Rev. M. J. Krieg assub-deaeon and the Rev. George V. Burns as master of ceremonies. The final absolution was pronounced by the Right Rev. " J.McQuaid. ST. JOSEPH. Before the St. Joseph's Literary the life and work of Abraham Lin coin. Father Ryan paid a fine tribute to the great war president and in part he said: ' 'Lincoln would have given everything for the ohanoes we do not appreciate. His father was the most shiftless man in Illinos and they said Abe took after him because he would rather read than work. How was it possible that he eolfld do the things he did, and bow show the power he did. He waitea until the right time came and then he struck hi* blow. It is said Lincoln never told an untruth. I think his strongest attribute was hit common senee. He came back to Washington glorifying in the truth that bad prevailed and there in the city where he bad suffer- ed, he was shot down by a half-crazed aotor. If ever there was a nuler in this world who was not a tryant that man was Abe Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was a man I fear that * shall never again Icok upon his like. Mr Harmon Beiter and Miss Ber- tha Wiegand were united in marriage by Rev. Father Sohnorr at 4 o'olock Thursday afternoon. ST. BRIDGET'S. Bishop McQ'iaid celebrated the nine o'clock mass Isst Sunday and confirmed a large class of children and several adults. A very instruc- tive and earnest sermon was delivered by the bishop, on the duties of parents and children. Father Kavsnaugh and Father MoCabe assisted the bishop. The sponsors were Mrs. fit J.Dowling, M iss L. D. Djni van, P. J 'Meagher and R. J. Lennon. A requiem high mass was celebrat- ed Monday at 8 o'clock for the de- ceased members of the congregation. The annual requiem mass f-rail the deceased members of the L C. 3. A was offered Friday morning at eigftit o'clock at the request of Branch 27 Nine hundred masses for this intention were offered up on that day throughout the United States. Branch 27. L.O.B. A. will meet next Friday evening. Nominations and election of officers will take plaoe. All the members are requested to attend The Cardinal Newman Reading Circle will meet next Monday even- ing .The program "Travels Through Italy" has been arranged for 1903 1904. Miss Nellie Clancy will pre- pare a paper on "Italy, its geography and its architecture." Miss Louise MoKearnev will read a paper on "Current topics.'' The roll call will be by selections from Julius Ceasar. SS. PETER AKD PAUL. Our pastor Rev. Dr. Sinclair is con fined to his bed with the grippe. We wish him a speedy recovery and hope t . _ •!« • . . . " Several games of pedro were played and a good lunch was served. The winners of the prises were Mrs.Catber. ine Kiler and Mr. D Diehl,fiattand Mrs. Mary Youog-aod Mr. J. Frank received the second. ., ST. FBIXCIS XAVM8; The St. Cecelia Society of81. Francis Xavier chuvch choir has elected the following officers for the year 19#4: President, Mr Lawrence 8chsfer;vice president, Miw Margaret Coleman; secretary, EFebert J. hmi treasurer, Miss May Walwrjfinance committee, Hits Lizzie Dreohsler.Miss M.KsMbes and. Mr. Oharles Hasensuer. ST. MICHAEL'S. The requiem masses for this week were on Monday foi Ferdinand I. Schied, Tuesday for Elisabeth Millar-, Saturday for August Limbeger, Fri- day for all the deceased members of Branch 140, L C B. A. Bishop MoQiiaid administered the sacrament of confirmation lest Sunday to about 200 girls and boya. Through the kindness of Bev. M. J. Hargither a Thanksgiving supper was served to the choir, ushers and collectors of the parish. The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Feas el took place Wednesday morning from the church. We ara-pleated to hear that onr beloved: pastor, Rev. M. J.Hargatber was presented with a beautiful gold badge as he is Chaplain of the first regiment of Knights of S t John. HIT- R0B4BY. Edith, only child of Mr.and Mrs. L,. H. LaFontaineof Glen wood Ave. .died Friday morning, Nov. aoth.aged io yeais. The funeral took place Monday morning and largely attended by sympathizing friends and relatives. time On Tuesday morning a requiem On Friday morning a requiem A very quite but pretty wedding took pUce Tuesday, Nuv.l?tb at nine o'clock when William J. Beikiroh and Gertrude M Kelly were united in marriage by Rev. Father Kavanagh. The bride was attired in a going away gown of national blue broad cloth with velvet hat to matoh and carried a prayer book. She waa un- attended. The ushers were Mr. A. Beikiroh, brother of the groom, and Mr. Frank Wied. Mrs. C. Rampe rendered the solos. Owing to the ilium of the bride's mother, break fast was served at the home of the groom, where covers were laid for 20, only the immediate families being present .The dining room was prettily decorated with yellow and white chrysanthenramr.Congratnlatior swere received from Washington, D. C-, Chicago ill., Buffalo, N.Y.. Kaliapel, Mont, and Minneapolis, Min The happy couple departed on the after- noon train for an Eastern trip amid a shower of rice and good wishes. * ' The Jolly 13 Pedro Club met st the home of Mrs. Max Welsch, 74 Second St., Thursday, Nov. 19th Prizfls were won by Mrs. Welsh and Mr James Garin. Lunch was served. Next meeting at home of Miss Arens meyer. W UUK HntlSF Week of November 30th Howard Thurston & Co. John Kernell] Jules Kellar Smith and Fuller Carleton and Terre Misses Hoffman and Pierce Haidabura Family Prelle's Talking Dogs And the Fine Cook Opera House Orchestra Prices always the same. Matinees Daily. PEICES Matinees:—IO, 15, 20, 25c Evenings.—10, 20, 85, 50o If You have any Eye Iroublee cell on E, E. Bausch & Son Opticians, 6 M ain St. East, near State- '4*^ •*^» •*! v? t^ wo, ^ ^ ^ Some of the handsomest garmentav ever manufactured" awMt your select )tionu Yoa «a* tateit^Kmr pick ttomt Sthe linndreda of s^rlefwe display andi Sfeel confident that you are absolutely) (correct The quality and atyle w« (fully guarantee CCro-wn Rosiian Sable Scarf and Mt. k , |t5oto|5oo Hudson Bay Sable Scarf and Mat I -tiootolaoo tMum Marten Scarf and Muff ) . t7Sto$i5» )Chmchilla Scarf and Muff ) I4oto$i97 kErmine Scarf and Muff ( - ..U6stot4«» (White and Blue Fox Sets ...,,>.,,,. ; #75*oiiso , /Blue, Natural and Black Lynx Scta< ' fastofias )ark Eastern Mink Sets SiSto 117$ (Squirrel Sets fi3to$tw (Moleskin Seta ...tiS to $90 fIsabella and Sable Fox Sets ; ...,..$15 to#78 Mlaslca Sable Sets $13 to»7$ >B!ack Marten S e t s ...... $9 to $ao )I«abella Pox Sets, round orflatmntt.i scarf 7a in long, large brush on< r eaohend $15.00 ^Isabella or Sable Fox Stoles, $15 up [Muffs to match $7ooup . I Isabella or Sable Fox Stoles, satin on squirrel lined, 6 large tails across; bottom enda, with tail ornaments' one cord f 18.00 up ( Fall line of Alaska Seal, Perslanc Lamb, Aleutian Seal, Near Seal anaV Electric Seal Jackets, sizes from 3a to/ S44- t Stoles or muffs may be had separ- ately if you desire. Our book of fun 'styles oheerfully furnished on appli*> 'cation, or mailed to any address, Meng&Shaferj Leading Hannfac*rurin«c Furriers, and Hatters Also Sole Agents for Dunlap Hats.,< HSIltlSt.l86MlliStE, UrYMlliStl 'Eowen Blk-. 0pp. Stone St Powers Biock( OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOtf Cash or Credit! Ladies or Grants and Children's Clothing Furs, Hats, Jewelry, Silverware, Bed BlaDktets, Comforts and household specialties. Pictures framed to order and Photographs enlarged. Afinsas- sortment of Ladies Suits, Coats, Skirts Wrists, Furs, Hats, etc. Hen's and Boys overcoats and anils. Your credit is good. I want yon for a customer,J Please call and inspect goods before] purchasing elsewhere. Open Monday and Saturday evenings. 6. W. BEELER. 46-48 Reynolds Arcidt v^ U\A'. ' H.BGRAI #*f#^* ^J3 V ——- JSJWJ,-,-,-,-, ephone <i^rj| $mrt m Wy., !t#ili4t^pi^»*|**Ni life nnd oifeftin^ 4««^j»l|n«if ^^Ifcotigfct^lAj the outom«frt>f qorrflntilto th& public. *\ v ? ,- r , s i/i *i i $p ^^ T S T £V$¥* l-tftoWlBd WMfUte <ha« the order ma.. ^ Is^ForWetJltfsSifcte. Finest Elgin BjaltarS4c» 0»M$Dipt H.0 Jtakm Flour tajfc. Beit Jh^nwVI* tloridm Orangea m ana ?8o « doae»^ I High QoaHty in the goods yqu buy at ButWfiatdlj, Iock«tifw*4| you«elf m\\k. onr sucoa*, Yon *«nt %l|.n|di roods, ~$m iaimtim nan dtvoan^ them. Buy whet* yq«r 4o11priiU purchaaaioiat r M articles suited to y*xut patHta—Th«U»lerw, v Buy Here \ : Buy f£< Thrs^ Stores. Tndm *t tb* N«»rt»t. THE DUALITY GROCER^, 110 l i k e Avenue 152 Ea»t Avenue 201 Caledonia AveM*, Phones *. DININC-ROOM FURNITURE- For Selection, Style and F«imes» of Prices Our stock t>f '':i.-^. WEIS ft FISHER GO, 118 Stato Street mVlli mi niiiiim II Mill in ll||l]l||IIMIIIUII~~.ll™ llM^ni I 4 I Ml 11 1111 mmm m *^ ARlhraciti tH! O A* VF-YV *%Itiiinitis 40 Portlwd AT0hu«» new «t T* O. B ; v ^ v? t / M m ^ *M^ 4i mimmtmmmim Aug. Schreifter 6f Co v . Reliably - iF'OOTWEl'CIl ." \"'-" 056 Sotllli *wnttt, cor Breflory St. * ) %"^£$^\* Trading Stauofsi with 8hoos t Kubberif and 'ftflyj$b% t * * £.*k ^4 Mrs - Mary Vogt of 90 Savannah St. has Invented a patent chart whichfor Piano and Organ note reading Is some- thing fine as it teaches yon music with out lessons; also the playing of chords in all keys. It will benefit those who are studying music. If agents call on you, treat them kindly, and let them show the chart as it will interest yon. Price, $2. Agents wanted who under-: stand piano music. Call or address as above. ' ' ' ' iiiiijiiiiyiiii fin James Malley, General Insurance 307 Ellwanger & Barry Building, Entrance, 89 State St. Excise Bonds a specialty. Phone 4170 Doyle & Gallery Coal Co., Dealers in 37 Warehouse St Tel. Bell or Rochester 158. The best oa earth -in Livery fine, Is Higgins' famous "49." John H. McAnarney (SnccsMor to CGiady It licAMumr ) > Fire, Plate Glass. Boiler and Elevator Insuranc* ? F i d e l i t y B o n d s for Administrators, Contractors, Executors, TEwhn Pltimbens and all kinds of Court and Security Bonds J- * Offices-101 awl 10S Ellwsnger A Barry Bldg.Entrance 89Stat* 8fc^ JOWM M, REDDINGTON, h^hWti Valley COA TJ* 99 West Main Street, Bnghost, Cleanest, Beat When you want a stylish turnout call at the It^wr Livery Stable, We Can Plene You {02 Aftfrett* Bell Fhono SQ84 K. D, C. McQREOORl TaltBhaM «#*' * ' i«.rt^t-^*jjij^iTiuli^».i.t»v.W«.4pi»(--* V "*~ ! )-' i -T-tifim'?— J '"*rtttiau4-rw : :'*'§ l^^fo.it'T&aa^:^.. •< \ ( ' 1%\ *$Z

Transcript of E, E. Bausch & Sonlib.catholiccourier.com/1903-february-1905-september...Wednesday mnrniogby the the...

Page 1: E, E. Bausch & Sonlib.catholiccourier.com/1903-february-1905-september...Wednesday mnrniogby the the bride's bother, R9V. William Griffin, assisted by Fither Gleaam, Father Connors

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*<*A*^ • f*. ,«J«*C''SJ^TW^«N^V«n™ JW|-,. - — T — ^ i * .

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I 4 LffltV - l>i Diy lor v v v u i l l »r/%JlMJ$JUL "IlJslIfO„

j^+rtrtfctw. lw^gtt ttaapsaism t?eta-I arw4 fcyOarOtor Easortrar*.

/ j •MI I I . I .U

oosros « a u v n . To marrow at all the maaset the

jearly eual collection will be taken up

On Monday morning of this week at 8 o'clock a high maat was offered

. «p for Mm. Wm. Dunn. A. meeting of St. A.nthony'i Aid

society WM called on Friday after no m at 4 o'clock. The ladies of the f)ari«a was invited to attend this meeting

On Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock a high mass was offend up for Alice F r d .

Harry B Crowley spent several <Ur8 the past weefc at Canandaigua, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L P. Mc-Dade.

The rearly nomination of officers of Branch 139.C. M.B. A., waafceld on Tuesday evening. The election of •officers will be held on Taesday even ing, Deo. 8th.

OQ Wednesday morning a mass -was offered up for the departed sonls.

tfa T. J. SolHvan entertained the members of the A. micas Pedro clob on Thursday evening at her home on Union St. Prises at pedro were won by Miss Dagan 1st, sod Mrs. J. H. Lonahan 2 ad, after which a dainty lunch was served.

Council 40, C B B. A. will bold their regular meeting on Wednesday evening, Dec. 2nd.

Brunch 139, 0 . M. B . A. was well represented at the ball given" by the Central Council at Coloniaf Hall on Ihanksgiring night. j t

ST. K A B T l

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T|PP*P!?S«Jg8|«H.>- ' -W*«v*n. v-.wftsf.m.,,*-


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It zp*r

tmAj t&t us* in aboat two weeka.

John Q*mtm for %•* Yolk *»< Wednesday aorfciaf to be absent for a week. * , Tha school children w | » g tw *n

^atertainmant Wednesday evening p > » 2ad, in the parish fc»$, b honor ' o f the feast of the pstroa saint of our gastor. AJlfr»i|d||pd«ojmJiar»ef • H j f i J ? *"* l n v i t w l toJrttewl*

*Tha Never Idle Sewing Circle met last Monday evening at the resident of Mra Joseph 8ub*l on Sax toe St. «nd spent a very sociable evening. Next Monday evening the circle will meet a t the home of Miss Gertrude KeUeraon on Tonawanda 6fc

The Surprise pedro club completely surprised Mr. and Mra. Joseph Oaks

to this city Monday at » a. m. and ? n Otohard St.,last Monday evening, funeral took plaoe from the Cathedral rt **** «» 3°*tli anaWraary of their at 10.15. TheMrTOjesconsUtedofa^™"**- Tfc. *ujb took possesion solemn high mass of requiem of which ? thft ,•"«»•« and had a good lime.

(Are Rocheiter'a -OM^' Bat»T>rii « * 3Pnrri«snV

l*x&& Stocls^reati^-^Swii^. Lowest 3Pri(ee%. ;"«-.

Oa 3unday a meeting was held and a B<>y« So iality formed. The fourth Sunday: will in the future be the meeting time.

Hymnal containing the hymns soog after the mass on Sunday were ? distributed ilast Sunday and can still' be procured.

There was a high mass on Monday — — At 7:15 for ihe soula remembered; on Society last Thursday evening Rev. Tuesday an anniversary oiasa for ^ ^ { } * m %**» delivered a lecture on Mra Cora Wheeler and on Wednea-


Ira day for Cornelius Lyons

Oa Friday there was a high mass for the deceased members of theL.C B. A at the request of Branch 248.

Miss Amelia Lynch, daughter of Mr. and Mn J. Lynch of South Ave., was married on Wednesday afternoon to Mr. George Zugalder by Rev. Father Gleason.

Miag Helen Griffin and Mr. John Harmoa of Auburn, were married Wednesday mnrniogby the the bride's bother, R9V. William Griffin, assisted by Fither Gleaam, Father Connors and Father Boran of Auburn. The bride wore a traveling gown of blue broadcloth and carried a bouquet df bride r ises. The maids of honor, Miss Elizabeth Griffin, sister of the bride, and Mies Mary Slattery, wore gowns of brown broadoloth and carri­ed biuquets of pi ok chrysanthemums. The best man was Mr. Edward Bar-mm. brother of the groom, and the ushers Mr E B Griffin and Mr Em­met Cmrneea of Rochester, and Mr. Eugene Calliban aod Mr Charles Hitzerman of Auburn After a wed. ding teip in the south, Mr. aod Mrs. Harmon will be at home after Dec 15th,«t No 23 Seymour St, Auburn.

OATHEDRAIi. Monday morning anniversary re­

quiem high masses were oelebrated for John Carrol and John Shanahan.

R jquiem high masses were celebrat­ed on Thursday for deceased members of the OR B. A.; and for the souls io purgatory.'iffered by St ThomasGuild, Friday for the deceased members of the L C. B . A .

We will be honored Sunday at the opening of the Forty Honrs by the presence of the papal delegate, Mon-signor Falconio.

The death of Marv A , wife of William Ball.oocured Saturday after noon, aged 25 years and 10 months. Bdsidea her husband, she leaves three daughters, her father, John J. Fogarty, three brothets, Edward P., John and Thomas Forgarty, all of this city. The funeral took plaoe Monday morning from Lady Chapel. Rev G V Byrnes celebrated a requiem high mass and also onducted the burial services Many sympathizing friendB filled the chapel daring the services. Mrs Bell's sister, Mrs John Keayes, died a week previous.

Mrs. Helen Fox, wife of Edward Fox, formerly of Rochester, died Sat­urday in New York, aged 75 years. MrB Fox and her husband moved to New York aboutj»ne year ago. B e ­sides her husband, Mrs. Fox leaves four daughters, Mra MylesT.O'Rielly Mra. James T. Whalen of Rochester, r — 7 WVMJ „ ,„ mJPiro

Mrs. James McCermick and Miss Julia he will be able to be out in a short Fox of New York, two sons, Edward Fox of St. Louis, and Daniel Fox of

j — - — - - v u A u w u a v II

Erie,Pa ,one brother Daniel McGrath mf t88 W M g a i d l hf a „ d e o e M e d m e m

and one sister, Mary McGrath both of bers 0f the C B & B. A this city. She was the mother of TT •* ACII . ci iTrTBT — C A' A ^u *"«»y morning a requiem United State Consul JO Fox, who dwd mamwM celebrated for all debased in Antigua. Her rencuunrjrejre brought members of the L. C. B . A.

high massoffeqi Rev.Thos. Hickey V.G.waioelebravnt Rev. John O'Hern deacon and Rev. Michael Krieg sab-deacon. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. MLrs. Fox was one of the oldest members- of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Rochester.

Sunday is the Brat Sunday in Ad­vent. The Forty Hoars will open after the 10:30 o'clock mass. Mon­day masses will be at 6, 7, 8, and t-olemn high mats at 9 o'clock. Con­fessions will be heard afternoon and evening.

The funeral of Mrs. Lucy Maloy Moran was held at 8:30 o'clock Thie • day morning from the house at 115 Ambrose street and at 9 o'cl -ek from Lady. Chapel of the Cathedral. A solemn high requiem mass was cele­brated by the Very Bev. Thomas F. Hiokey, V. G.. usistedJby the Rev. Franok J. O'Hearn as deacon, the Rev. M. J. Krieg assub-deaeon and the Rev. George V. Burns as master of ceremonies. The final absolution was pronounced by the Right Rev. " J.McQuaid.

ST. JOSEPH. Before the St. Joseph's Literary

the life and work of Abraham Lin coin. Father Ryan paid a fine tribute to the great war president and in part he said: ' 'Lincoln would have given everything for the ohanoes we do not appreciate. His father was the most shiftless man in Illinos and they said Abe took after him because he would rather read than work. How was it possible that he eolfld do the things he did, and bow show the power he did. He waitea until the right time came and then he struck hi* blow. It is said Lincoln never told an untruth. I think his strongest attribute was hit common senee. He came back to Washington glorifying in the truth that bad prevailed and there in the city where he bad suffer­ed, he was shot down by a half-crazed aotor. If ever there was a nuler in this world who was not a tryant that man was Abe Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was a man I fear that * shall never again Icok upon his like.

Mr Harmon Beiter and Miss Ber­tha Wiegand were united in marriage by Rev. Father Sohnorr at 4 o'olock Thursday afternoon.


Bishop McQ'iaid celebrated the nine o'clock mass Isst Sunday and confirmed a large class of children and several adults. A very instruc­tive and earnest sermon was delivered by the bishop, on the duties of parents and children. Father Kavsnaugh and Father MoCabe assisted the bishop. The sponsors were Mrs. fit J.Dowling, M iss L. D. Djni van, P. J 'Meagher and R. J. Lennon.

A requiem high mass was celebrat­ed Monday at 8 o'clock for the de­ceased members of the congregation.

The annual requiem mass f-rail the deceased members of the L C. 3. A was offered Friday morning at eigftit o'clock at the request of Branch 27 • Nine hundred masses for this intention were offered up on that day throughout the United States.

Branch 27. L.O.B. A. will meet next Friday evening. Nominations and election of officers will take plaoe. All the members are requested to attend

The Cardinal Newman Reading Circle will meet next Monday even­ing .The program "Travels Through Italy" has been arranged for 1903 1904. Miss Nellie Clancy will pre­pare a paper on "Italy, its geography and its architecture." Miss Louise MoKearnev will read a paper on "Current topics.'' The roll call will be by selections from Julius Ceasar.


Our pastor Rev. Dr. Sinclair is con fined to his bed with the grippe. We wish him a speedy recovery and hope t . _ •!« • . . . "

Several games of pedro were played and a good lunch was served. The winners of the prises were Mrs.Catber. ine Kiler and Mr. D Diehl, fiatt and Mrs. Mary Youog-aod Mr. J. Frank received the second. . ,


The St. Cecelia Society of 81. Francis Xavier chuvch choir has elected the following officers for the year 19#4: President, Mr Lawrence 8chsfer;vice president, Miw Margaret Coleman; secretary, EFebert J. hmi treasurer, Miss May Walwrjfinance committee, Hits Lizzie Dreohsler.Miss M.KsMbes and. Mr. Oharles Hasensuer.

ST. MICHAEL'S. The requiem masses for this week

were on Monday foi Ferdinand I. Schied, Tuesday for Elisabeth Millar-, Saturday for August Limbeger, Fri­day for all the deceased members of Branch 140, L C B. A.

Bishop MoQiiaid administered the sacrament of confirmation lest Sunday to about 200 girls and boya.

Through the kindness of Bev. M. J. Hargither a Thanksgiving supper was served to the choir, ushers and collectors of the parish.

The funeral of Mrs. Catherine Feas el took place Wednesday morning from the church.

We ara-pleated to hear that onr beloved: pastor, Rev. M. J.Hargatber was presented • with a beautiful gold badge as he is Chaplain of the first regiment of Knights of S t John.

H I T - R0B4BY.

Edith, only child of Mr.and Mrs. L,. H. LaFontaineof Glen wood Ave. .died Friday morning, Nov. aoth.aged io yeais. The funeral took place Monday morning and

largely attended by sympathizing friends and relatives.

time On Tuesday morning a requiem

On Friday morning a requiem

A very quite but pretty wedding took pUce Tuesday, Nuv.l?tb at nine o'clock when William J. Beikiroh and Gertrude M Kelly were united in marriage by Rev. Father Kavanagh. The bride was attired in a going away gown of national blue broad cloth with velvet hat to matoh and carried a prayer book. She waa un­attended. The ushers were Mr. A. Beikiroh, brother of the groom, and Mr. Frank Wied. Mrs. C. Rampe rendered the solos. Owing to the ilium of the bride's mother, break fast was served at the home of the groom, where covers were laid for 20, only the immediate families being present .The dining room was prettily decorated with yellow and white chrysanthenramr.Congratnlatior swere received from Washington, D. C-, Chicago ill., Buffalo, N.Y.. Kaliapel, Mont, and Minneapolis, Min The happy couple departed on the after­noon train for an Eastern trip amid a shower of rice and good wishes.

• * • ' •

The Jolly 13 Pedro Club met st the home of Mrs. Max Welsch, 74 Second St., Thursday, Nov. 19th Prizfls were won by Mrs. Welsh and Mr James Garin. Lunch was served. Next meeting at home of Miss Arens meyer.

W U U K HntlSF

Week of November 30th Howard Thurston & Co.

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