e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]

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  • 8/4/2019 e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]




    R A M A N P A L

    M . S C . W E B T E C H N O L O G Y S C H O O L O F E L E C T R O N I C S & C O M P U T E R S C I E N C E

    U N I V E R S I T Y O F S O U T H A M P T O N

    R P 5 G 0 9 @ E C S . S O T O N . A C . U K

    S T U D E N T I D : 2 3 7 5 8 3 6 8

  • 8/4/2019 e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]


    Executive Summary

    The present market conditions are highly competitive, saving or earning

    maximum profit increases your possibility of winning over your competitors.

    Sedulity being No. 1 in the field of IT Trainings and courses - it is a very

    important and challenging task to maintain its lead on his competitors.

    This e-business proposal will talk about implementation of E-School for


    E-School is based on the concept of Virtual Learning Environment, which has

    been used by lots of International Bodies and Universities for educational


    This project will be run under the direct supervision of Mr. Mukul Girdhar

    (Vice President Operations & Trainings).

    Estimated time of execution 3 Months.

  • 8/4/2019 e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]


    Sedulitys Training Wing

    This wing was started in the year 2001 for providing IT Trainings & Courses.

    Major hubs are located in New Delhi, Maharashtra, J&K, Punjab & Rajasthan.

    Three different type of programs are run by this wing:

    a) Classroom programme at Sedulity learning centres.

    b) On-site training programs for the corporate trainings.

    Presently, the course material for Classroom Programme & On-Site TrainingProgramme is as follows:

    a) CDs/ DVDs with Audio/Visual Tutorials & Presentations.

    b) Books

    c) Classroom Sessions In Distance Learning Program the Classroom sessions are not provided

    everything else remains the same.

  • 8/4/2019 e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]


    Problem Statement

    Content management is not possible for the things taught in classroomsessions.

    Lectures delivered and queries dealt once in a class cant be presentedagain.

    Restricted time for lectures and classroom programs are restricted to.

    The method of training by using audio/visual clips and presentation isquite old and has now been adopted by the other competitors.

    Present system is capable to handle only 30 Corporate TrainingProjects out of 45, thus making Annual loss of 33.3%.

    In Figures. Each Corporate Training Project = GBP 5,000

    15 Corporate Training Projects/year= 5,000 x 15

    Annual Loss= GBP 75,000

  • 8/4/2019 e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]


    E-Business Proposal: E-School

    E-School as the name suggests will be a 24x7 Online School, where thetrainers and students from all the courses will unite.

    All trainings/courses will then be controlled and conducted on the E-School. Students & Teachers can access all the resources with the their Login IDs.

    The trainers/teachers will upload their presentations, videos and studymaterial online and will make a virtual classroom environment.

    Students can attend tutorial sessions practically anytime & from anywhere theywant and can post their queries.

    Queries raised in a particular session will be answered by the teacher/trainerand will be listed alongside the topic.

    Students/Professionals enrolled under Distant Learning Programmesor On-Site trainings will be getting the maximum benefits.

    Implementation of this system will allow the work force to get engagedin more projects and will cut down lots of other expenditures.

  • 8/4/2019 e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]


    E-School v/s Present System

    Features E-School Present System

    24x7 Access to classroom Yes, E-school allows the students and teachers to access the classroom 24x7. No, allows access only during the

    office hours.

    Course Material Yes, available online 24x7. And can be accessed from anywhere in the world. And

    books will still be a part of course materials.

    CDs, DVDs and books.

    Assignments Yes, all the students can upload and download their assignments and feedbacks. Yes, students have to submit

    assignment in the learning centre

    either in person or by postal mails.

    Upload and share documents Yes, this system enables the users to upload the content and share with his peers. No

    Online quizzes /tests Yes, online tests and quizzes can be conducted. No

    Online Student Record Yes, student performance in all the sessions and quizzes will be monitored and



    Online Discussions Yes, users can form a group and can hold debates and discussion on any topic. No,

    Online Work Groups Yes, allows the users to collaborate and work together in a groups. No, only students of classroom

    programs can collaborate into

    working together.

    Online Feedback System Yes, users can give anonymous feedback about the course, tutor and other things. No

  • 8/4/2019 e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]


    E-School Prototype







    onlinesessions& posting


  • 8/4/2019 e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]


    E-School Architecture

  • 8/4/2019 e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]


    E-School Implementation Schedule

    Stages Tasks Day(s)

    Sedulitys E-school will be developed completely in-house by Sedulitys DevelopmentTeam, thus allowing us to keep the development cost to minimum. The project will be using the old scrap of a similar project which was left incomplete, thusallowing us to cut short the development time.This system will take some very best features from VLE systems like Moodle and WebCT.

    Development Requirement Analysis, system design, D/B Mgmt., etc. 20

    Uploads Uploading content into the D/B and website. 7

    Testing Stage1 In-house testing. 3

    Beta Launch Beta testing by the users. 40

    Evaluations &


    Based on the feedback from beta testing, implementations

    of shortcoming of the system.


    Stage2 Testing Final round of testing and evaluations. 10

  • 8/4/2019 e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]


    E-School Cost Estimation

    Cost Factor No. Expense

    Human Resource: Tester + Developer 3+5[50(D) x 20]x8= 8000

    , , . .

    Cost= 0

    Content for Website

    (Presentation, Videos, Quizzes,

    Assignments, etc)

    As per


    Content for the website can

    be taken from the CDs &

    DVDs of study material for

    present system.

    Cost = 0

  • 8/4/2019 e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]


    Estimated time to payback

    Proposal is targeted to cater

    600 Students/year for Classroom Training program.

    600 Students/year for Distance Learning program.1200 Students/Year

    Sedulity conducts 30 corporate training programs every year.


    30 Training x 30 participants

    900 Professionals/Year

    Each copy of Study Material consisting of Single User DVDs Pack = 42

    Thus cost of 1200+900 copies of study material = 42x2100

    Therefore, Net Savings = 88200/Year

    Thus the Implementation Cost of 8000 can be covered in aperiod less than 2 months.

  • 8/4/2019 e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]


    Potential Risk Involved

    People: The new learning environment for thestudents and professionals and might be a challenge

    for them to learn to use it.Countermeasure :Introductory sessions can be given

    for the first time users, so that they can understand the.

    Technology: Technical defects can affect the growthof system, and it is quite possible that some designrelated issues will also creep in.

    Countermeasure : A dedicated team of professionalscan be made and all the issues reported, will bemanaged by them.

  • 8/4/2019 e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]




    www.tmu.sedulity.com www.wiziq.com

    by Allan Afuah

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    e-Business 2.0: Roadmap for Success (2nd Edition) by

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  • 8/4/2019 e-Business Strategic Initiative: E-School [ Virtual Learning Environment]


    !! Thank You !!