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  • 8/9/2019 Dynamics of Interest Cash Flows From a Bank’s Loan Portfolio With Continuously Distributed Maturities



    Dynamics of Interest Cash Flows From a Bank’s Loan Portfolio with Continuously

    Distributed Maturities

    (A case of sudden stepwise change in yield curve)

    Ihor Voloshyn

    August 2014

    Version 2

    Working paper

    Ihor Voloshyn

    PhD., senior scientist at Academy of Financial Management

    of Ministry of Finance of Ukraine

    38-44, Degtyarivska str.,

    04119, Kyiv, Ukraine

    Tel. +38 044 486 5214

    [email protected] 

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/9/2019 Dynamics of Interest Cash Flows From a Bank’s Loan Portfolio With Continuously Distributed Maturities




    A continuous-time deterministic model for analytical simulation of impact of the

    change in yield curve on bank’s interest income from a fixed rate loans portfolio is

     presented. It is considered both differential and integral presentations of equations

    for dynamics of principal and interest cash flows. The model allows taking into

    account the arbitrary movements in interest rates. Examples of calculation of total

    (from portfolio) and partial (across maturities) interest cash flows and

    corresponding interest rates on those cash flows are given. The sensitivity of total

    interest cash flows is evaluated for some changes in yield curve on loans that obeys

    the Nelson-Siegel model.

    Key words: bullet loan, fixed rate loan, loan portfolio, principal cash flow, interest

    cash flow, interest accrual, sensitivity of interest cash flows, yield curve, Nelson-

    Siegel model, sudden stepwise change, interest rate risk, continuous-time model,

    differential advective equation, Volterra integral equation

    JEL Classifications: G17, G21, G32, C61, C63 

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    Interest rate risk is one of the main types of risk that significantly affects the

    change in bank’s earnings and capital. “Variation in earnings is an important focal

     point for interest rate risk analysis because reduced earnings or outright losses can

    threaten the financial stability of an institution by undermining its capital adequacy

    and by reducing market confidence.” (BIS, 2004).

    It is well-known that the sources of interest rate risk are repricing risk, yield

    curve risk, basis risk and optionality (BIS, 2004).

    In practice banks face two issues. The first of these is to define interest rate

    risk exposure. Banks operate under constant reproduction of their asset and

    liability contracts. New interest-bearing assets and liabilities continuously replace

    old matured assets and liabilities. Due to this fact the bank’s interest rate risk

    exposure is unceasingly changed.

    And the second of these is to forecast the potential course of future interest

    rates. Yield curves may in the future vary their slope, curvature and shape.

    To solve these two issues it is suitable a dynamic simulation approach which

    allows taking into account “more detailed assumptions about the future course of

    interest rates and expected changes in a bank's business activity” (BIS, 2004).

    The paper is focused on theoretical analysis of the impact of changes in

    interest rates on a bank’s accrual earnings. The continuous-time model is going to

    use for this research. Such a model allows integrating the balance sheet, income

    statement and ALM (asset liability management) forecasting processes into a

    single process giving a forward-looking and integrating view on the issue.

     Note that “transfer to a continuous-time model … allows using a rich store

    of methods of functional analysis”, “giving a qualitative picture of a  bank’s 

     business activity”, “discovering general regularities of  bank’s dynamics…” 

    (Linder, 1998).

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    2.  MODEL

    Let an interest-bearing portfolio of a bank consist of the fixed interest rate bullet

    loans in which only interest is paid continuously for the lifetime of loan; the

     principal is paid in one lump sum at the end of the term to maturity (Business

    Dictionary). The portfolio is changed due to repayment of the existing loans and

    issuance of the new ones from different borrowers. The loans of the existing

     borrowers are not rolled over. Each new loan is issued to a new borrower.

    Moreover, influence of default and prepayment on cash flows is neglected.

    Let the new principal cash flows CF  p(t,w) from the new loans with the

     primary term to maturity w at the time t  be originated with interest rate r(t,w). The

    existing principal cash flow with the remaining term w to maturity at the time t  has

    other yield of rr(t,w). Assume that interests are accrued according to the simple

    interest approach.

     Note that to take the term structure of interest rate into account it is followed

    to use a dynamic model for bank’s cash flows. Voloshyn (2004), Freedman (2004),

    Selyutin and Rudenko (2013) are developed the continuous-time models which are

     based on the partial differential equations of advective type. Voloshyn (2007)

     proposed to distinguish the cash flows of principals and interests. He showed that

    dynamics of principal and interest cash flows is described by the similar equations:


    wt S w

    wt CF 

    wt CF  p

     p p

    , (1a)


    wt S w

    wt CF 

    wt CF 


    , (2a)

    where CF  p(t,w)  and CF i(t,w)  are the cash flows of principals and interests,

    respectively, with the remaining term w to maturity at time t ;

    S  p(t,w)  and S i(t,w) are the intensities of appearance of the new cash flows of

     principals and interests, respectively, with the primary maturity w at the time t . In

    other words, there are demands for principal and interest;

    t  is the time;

    w is the (primary or remaining) term to maturity;


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      are the partial derivatives respect to time t   and term w  to maturity,


    It should be noted that the cash flows CF  p(t,w)  and CF i(t,w)  are partial 

    (across terms to maturity) cash flows.

    A loan demand function may depend on interest rate on loans, rollover ratio,

    macroeconomic parameters, etc. But for simplification such dependences will be

    abandoned. Besides, the loan demand is supposed to be a deterministic function.

     Note that the above mentioned assumptions may be released.

    The equations (1a and 2a) have the following integral representations

    (Voloshyn, 2004; Selyutin and Rudenko, 2013):

    ds swt  sS wt wt CF 

     p p p   0

    ),()(),(      (1b)

    ds swt  sS wt wt CF 



    ),()(),(      (2b)

    where  s  is the time parameter, φ p(t+w)  and φi(t+w)  are the initial conditions for

    CF  p(t,w)  and CF 

    i(t,w), respectively. If it is needed to find an unknown demand

    function that the equations (1b and 2b) will become linear Volterra equations of the

    second kind.

     Note that the principal S  p(t,w)  and interest S i(t,w)  intensities are linked

    through interest rate r(t,w):

    S i(t,w)=S  p(t,w)∙r(t,w), (3)

    and the cash flows of principals CF  p(t,w) and interests CF i(t,w) are linked through

    interest rate rr(t,w):

    CF i(t,w)= CF  p(t,w)∙rr(t,w), (4) 

    where r(t,w) and rr(t,w) are the interest rates on the new and existing principal cash

    flows, respectively, or the yield curves for the primary and remaining terms to

    maturity. Note that r(t,w) and rr(t,w) are the interest rates on cash flows.

    Consider the portfolio parameters. So, the dynamics of the portfolio volume

     B(t) is described by the following equation (Volosyn, 2005):

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    dwwt S t CF dt 

    t dB


     p p  


    , (5a)

    where B(t) is the portfolio volume.

    The first term in right side of the equation (5a) is debit turnover and the

    second term is the credit turnover of the portfolio.

    Instead the equation (5a) knowing CF  p(t,w) it is easy to find the volume of

    the loan portfolio at the time t  or the total (from the portfolio) principal cash flow:

    dwwt CF t  Bo


    ),()( . (5b)

    This expression (5b) shows that the total principal cash flows generated by

    the loan portfolio consist of all existing non-matured principal cash flows.

    Further consider the interest cash flow from the portfolio or the velocity of

     portfolio interest accrual (Volosyn, 2007):


    t dII t  Rt  Bt CF 

      )()()()(   , (6)

    where CF(t)  is the interest cash flow from the portfolio at the time t ,  R(t)  is the

    interest rate on the portfolio,  II(t)  is the interest income from the portfolio. Note

    that R(t) is an interest rate on the loan balance.

    Then, dynamics of CF(t)  can be describe by the next equation (Volosyn,


    dwwt S t CF dt 

    t dCF 




    . (7a)

    The first term in right side of the equation (7a) is the total outflows of

    interest cash flows caused by the repayment of matured principal cash flows and

    the second term is the total inflows of interest cash flows caused origination of new


    Instead the equation (7a) knowing CF i(t,w) it is easy to find the interest cash

    flow from the portfolio at the time t :

    dwwt CF t CF o



    ),()( . (7b)

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    This expression (7b) shows that the total interest cash flows generated by the

    loan portfolio consist of all existing non-matured interest cash flows.

    3.  EXAMPLE

    Consider how a sudden stepwise change (at time t >0) in yield curve for loans

    affects a bank’s interest income.

    Let the yield curve follows the Nelson-Siegel model (James and Webber,











    1210   expexp1






    wr  , (8)

    where w  is the term to maturity, Λ{ β 0,  β 1,  β 2,  τ 1} is the vector of the model’s

     parameters, exp(x) is the exponential function. The long rate is equal to  β 0 and the

    short rate is equal to  β 0+ β 1.  β 2 and τ 1 control location and height of the hump.

     Note that the Nelson-Siegel model allows describing changes in slope,

    curvature and shape of the yield curve. In particular, it defines normal, inverted, ∩,U- and S-shaped yield curves.

    The stationary solution

    To get the stationary solution for interest cash flows it is conveniently to use the

    differential equations (2a and 7a) with the following conditions:


    wt CF i  and 0



    t dCF .

    Then, dropping time t  the equation (2a) is reduced to the form:


    wS dw

    wdCF i

    i  (9)

    with the initial condition (7a):

    dwwS CF 



    )()0( . (10)

    Then, integrating the equation (9) with the initial condition (10) leads to the

    following stationary distribution of interest cash flows:

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    dwwS wCF 



    )()( . (11)

    Arguing similarly, using the equations (1a and 5a) and dropping time t   the

    following stationary distribution of principal cash flows is obtained:

    dwwS wCF w

     p p  

    )()( . (12)

    The non- stationary soluti on

    For simplicity, but without loss of generality, assume that the intensity of the

    appearance of new principal cash flows from new loans is stationary and obeys the

    exponential law of distribution respect to maturity w:






    wS wS  p , (13)

    where τ 2  is the characteristic maturity of loan portfolio;   dwwS S   p  


     is the total

    intensity of appearance of new cash flows. Then, the distribution of principal cash

    flows has the following stationary form:





      wS wwCF   p p . (14)

    Let the initial condition φi(w)  for the equation (2b) be stationary and equal


    dmmr mS 






    ),(exp)( 122     


    Let the yield curve with the parameter s’ vector Λ1 be suddenly (at time t >0)

    step-wisely changed on the one with the parameter s’ vector Λ2.

    Then, the intensity (3) of appearance of interest cash flow is equal to:

    ),(exp),()()( 222




    wS wr wS wS   pi



    Herewith, the interest rates R(t) on the portfolio (from the equation (6)) and

    the one rr(t,w) on the principal cash flows with the remaining term w to maturity

    (from the equation (4)) are equal to, respectively:

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    t  B

    t CF t  R    and



    wt CF 

    wt CF wt rr 


    i .

    The sensitivity of the portfolio interest cash flows may be estimated by the

    following formula:


    )1()0()0( 21  


    CF t t S  , (15)

    where CF(1) and CF(0) are the portfolio interest cash flows at t =0 and t =1 year,

    respectively. This measure is a simple indicator of interest rate risk.

    The sensitivity (15) shows how will be relatively changed the interest cash

    flows from portfolio during 1 year caused by the sudden stepwise change in the

    yield curve at time t >0. Input data for calculation is given in Table 1.Table 1. Input data for calculation

    Parameters Designation Value at time t =0 Value at time t >0

    The total intensity of appearance of

    new cash flows

    S 1 1

    The portfolio volume  B 1 1

    The characteristic maturity of loan


    τ 2  1.5 year 1.5 year

    Results of calculation are presented on Fig. 1-5.

    Fig. 1. Isolines of interest cash flows CF i(t,w) under  β 0 =5%,  β 1=-1%,  β 2=-6%, τ 1=1

    at the time t =0 and  β 2=6% at the time t >0

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    Fig. 2. Dynamics of interest rate R(t) on the loan portfolio under  β 0 =5%,  β 1=-1%,

     β 2=-6%, τ 1=1 at the time t =0 and  β 2=6% at the time t >0

    Fig. 3. Interest rate rr(t,w) on principal cash flows and the one r(w,β 2 ) on new cash

    flows under  β 0 =5%,  β 1=-1%,  β 2=-6%, τ 1=1 at the time t =0 and  β 2=6% at the time

    t >0

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    Fig. 4. The sensitivity of portfolio interest income CF(1)/  CF(0)-1 to change in  β 2

    under  β 0 =5%,  β 1=-1%, β 2=0%, τ 1=1 at the time t =0

    Fig. 5. The sensitivity of portfolio interest income CF(1)/  CF(0)-1 to change in τ 1 

    under  β 0 =5%,  β 1=-1%, β 2=0%, τ 1=1 at the time t =0

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    4.  SUMMARY

    Dynamics of a bank’s loan portfolio may be described by only the four equations

    for total and partial cash flows of principals and interests. This model is an

    internal (relatively market) model of bank’s activity.

    Besides, it needs to use a model for loan demand (intensity of appearance of

    new principal cash flows) and an interest rate model. Note that the loan demand

    function is an interim model of interaction between market and the bank. And the

    interest rate model is an external model that describes market behavior.

    Theoretical result is useful to give general regularities of bank’s dynamics 

    and, for example, to debug computer programs. To employ the developed model in

     practice it needs to pass to a discrete presentation of the obtained equations.

    The questions related to:

      the more realistic assumptions on a loan demand function, including the

    inherent uncertainty of demand and renewal effect,

      the uncertainty caused by default and prepayment,


    a non-stationary dynamics of interest rate, etc.

    are remained for further research.



    Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2004). Principles for the

    Management and Supervision of Interest Rate Risk.

    http://www.bis.org/publ/bcbs108.pdf . 

    2.  Business Dictionary. “Bullet loan”.



    James, J. and Webber, N. (2005). Interest Rate Modelling. J. Wiley & Sons,


    4.  Freedman, B. (2004) An Alternative Approach to Asset-Liability

    Management. 14-th Annual International AFIR Colloquium (Boston).

    http://www.actuaries.org/AFIR/Colloquia/Boston/Freedman.pdf . 


  • 8/9/2019 Dynamics of Interest Cash Flows From a Bank’s Loan Portfolio With Continuously Distributed Maturities




    Linder, N. (1998). A Continuous-Time Model for Bank’s Cash Management

    // Finansovye Riski (Ukraine). #3, p.107 – 111.

    6.  Selyutin, V. and Rudenko, M. (2013). Mathematical Model of Banking Firm

    as Tool for Analysis, Management and Learning. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-

    1000/ICTERI-2013-p-401-408-ITER.pdf . 

    7.  Voloshyn, I.V. (2004). Evaluation of bank risk: new approaches. –  Kyiv:

    Elga, Nika-Center, 216 p. http://www.slideshare.net/igorvoloshyn3/ss-


    8.  Voloshyn, I.V. (2005) A transitional dynamics of bank ’s liquidity gaps //

    Visnyk NBU (Ukraine). #9, p.26 – 28.



    Voloshyn, I.V. (2007). A Dynamic Model of the Cash Flows of an Ideal

    Interest Bank / Upravlenie riskom (Russia). #4(44), p.46 – 50.

