Dynamic Benchmarking For Associations

Dynamic Benchmarking is the continuous and productive study of business performance relative to peers An Introduction to Stack-up™ by Dynamic Benchmarking


Stack-up™ is an online benchmarking service that provides real-time peer comparisons of financial and operational metrics. Offered in partnership with professional associations, it helps member businesses gain insight into their operations to identify areas for incremental revenue, cost savings, service improvements and more.We partner with associations to create and offer a solution specifically designed to meet the needs of your member businesses

Transcript of Dynamic Benchmarking For Associations

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Dynamic Benchmarking is the continuous and productive study of business performance relative to peers

An Introduction to Stack-up™


Dynamic Benchmarking™

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What is Stack-up™?

▫ Fully customized metrics, filtering and reporting▫ Members-only website branded for your association▫ Annual subscription model that delivers association revenue

Stack-up™ is an online benchmarking service that provides real-time peer comparisons of financial and operational metrics. Offered in partnership with professional associations, it helps member businesses gain insight into their operations to identify areas for incremental revenue, cost savings, service improvements and more.

We partner with associations to create and offer a solution specifically designed to meet the needs of your member businesses, including

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How Does it Work?

Online Database

Instant Peer Comparisons

Year over Year Analysis

Pre-configured PowerPoint Reports

Aggregated Data

• Operational and financial metrics

• Key performance indicators

• Annual, quarterly or monthly data

Business 2

Business 3

Business 4

Business 5+

Business 1

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The Development Process

• We consult with our clients to develop the metrics, filters, reports and KPIs that are specific to your targeted users

• We brand the platform for each client industry

• We provide data integration services for automatically populating metrics

• We work together to determine user pricing and market the Dynamic Benchmarking platform to your members

• We provide product launch training and marketing support as needed

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The User Experience

• Users input their data into the association branded web-based service

• After data is entered and/or confirmed, users can instantly compare themselves to their peers already in the community

• A filter capability allows a dynamic selection of peers based on specific and customizable criteria (e.g. revenue, type of business, geographic location, etc.)

• Pre-configured PowerPoint reports display the user’s information and aggregate data for online viewing, downloading, emailing and printing

• Password protected security and firewalls use the same technology as online banking, to ensure anonymity and protect the business data

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Stack-up™ is branded for you

You supply the product name, logo, graphics and color scheme for complete branding.

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Main Gateway Page

Questions are grouped into major categories. Click on the gray sub-groups to see questions.

Three Main Tabs for simple Navigation

My Company -Enter data or review pre-populated data

Compare Companies -Compare your company to other s

Reports and Charts-Download PowerPoint charts

The Progress Bar and Question Tallies help to monitor completion

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My Company Page-Input data

Metrics – Enter answers for each question by choosing from a drop down list or typing in responses. The blue help text explains the intent of the metric.

Main Menu - Use this menu to navigate anywhere in the site

Sub-group Tabs –Move from one question group to another by clicking on these tabs.

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Compare Companies-Line Charts

For each question, the line charts show: • Your company’s results (in blue) on the top of the line

• 25th and 75th

Percentile• Median (in black) below the line

• Pop-up charts provide more details about the data that makes up the results.

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Compare Companies- Filtering

Use filtering to create peer groups on the fly and compare yourself to a subset of your peers.

A message will indicate the number of companies that match your selected criteria. If a user “drills down” too far, there will be a message indicating that there are not enough companies to display results. This protects the anonymity of the other businesses.

Filter settings can be saved for future use by designating them a “Favorite”.

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Reports and Charts

Download pre-configured reports that each contains multiple charts and graphs . Use for presentations, capture historical snapshots and communicate with others.

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Sample Reports

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Stack-up™ is scalable and versatile

Small scale solution:

~ 20 metrics

Large scale solution:

~ 200 metrics

Small Association:

~5,000 members

Large Association:

~ 50,000+ members

Stack-up is a versatile solution that varies according to the needs of the association and the association’s members and can be easily deployed .

Variables include:• Number of metrics & filters• Complexity of reports• Integration with existing software• Revenue generation goals

Large Association

Small Association

Small Solution Large Solution

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Dynamic Benchmarking Clients

•ASAE• International Franchise Association•Club Managers of America Association•American Association of Museums•Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation•Association Forum of Chicagoland•CFA Institute•Association of University Programs in Healthcare


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Contact Us

Dynamic Benchmarking


[email protected]
