DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use

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Transcript of DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table T-1: How recently, if ever, have you used...

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Any tobacco product All 31.4% 40.2% 62.1% 37.9%

    Grades 7-8 14.2% 18.8% 44.7% 55.3%Grades 9-12 40.6% 51.5% 71.4% 28.6%

    Cigarettes All 30.2% 39.5% 61.1% 38.9%

    Grades 7-8 14.2% 18.8% 44.7% 55.3%Grades 9-12 38.8% 50.6% 69.8% 30.2%

    Smokeless tobacco All 3.3% 5.3% 10.1% 89.9%

    Grades 7-8 * % 0.9% 2.4% 97.6%Grades 9-12 5.1% 7.7% 14.2% 85.8%

    Table T-2: How often do you normally use...

    Any tobacco product?

    Several Several About About Less ThanNever Every Times Times Once a Once a Once aUsed Day a Week a Month Month Year Year

    All 34.8% 9.3% 7.5% 11.1% 11.7% 10.1% 15.5%Grades 7-8 40.9% 4.5% 3.8% 6.6% 9.6% 12.8% 21.8%Grades 9-12 32.4% 11.3% 9.0% 12.9% 12.5% 9.0% 12.9%


    Several Several About About Less ThanNever Every Times Times Once a Once a Once aUsed Day a Week a Month Month Year Year

    All 34.6% 9.5% 7.6% 10.9% 12.3% 10.0% 15.0%

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    Grades 7-8 39.4% 4.7% 3.9% 5.5% 11.1% 13.2% 22.4%Grades 9-12 32.7% 11.4% 9.1% 13.1% 12.7% 8.8% 12.0%

    Smokeless tobacco?

    Several Several About About Less ThanNever Every Times Times Once a Once a Once aUsed Day a Week a Month Month Year Year

    All 87.9% 0.3% 0.7% 2.0% 3.8% 2.8% 2.6%Grades 7-8 92.0% * % * % 1.7% 2.8% 3.4% * %Grades 9-12 86.3% 0.4% 0.9% 2.1% 4.2% 2.5% 3.5%

    Table T-3: In the past 30 days, how many cigarettes have you smoked?

    >1 But >10 But >1 Pack

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    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table T-4: Average age of first use of:

    Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12

    Tobacco 11.8 13.3

    Table T-5: If you wanted some, how difficult would it be to get...


    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 13.1% 13.0% 5.1% 6.7% 18.3% 43.8%Grades 7-8 23.4% 23.4% 9.6% 8.9% 11.7% 22.9%Grades 9-12 7.9% 7.8% 2.8% 5.6% 21.6% 54.3%

    Smokeless Tobacco?

    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 33.4% 18.3% 4.7% 9.4% 12.8% 21.4%Grades 7-8 44.2% 31.2% 7.1% 7.7% 3.2% 6.5%Grades 9-12 27.7% 11.4% 3.5% 10.2% 18.0% 29.3%

    Table T-6: About how many of your close friends...

    Use any tobacco product?

    Never heardNone A Few Some Most All

    All 19.1% 31.9% 21.2% 22.2% 5.6%

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    Grades 7-8 33.3% 39.1% 18.3% 7.6% 1.8%Grades 9-12 11.7% 28.1% 22.7% 29.8% 7.7%

    Smoke cigarettes?

    Never heardNone A Few Some Most All

    All 18.6% 32.5% 21.2% 22.4% 5.3%Grades 7-8 31.7% 40.0% 18.7% 7.8% 1.8%Grades 9-12 11.8% 28.6% 22.5% 30.0% 7.1%

    Use a smokeless tobacco product?

    Never heardNone A Few Some Most All

    All 74.5% 17.6% 5.6% 1.1% 1.3%Grades 7-8 81.6% 15.0% 3.4% * % * %Grades 9-12 70.8% 18.9% 6.8% 1.6% 1.9%

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    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table T-7: How do your parents feel about kids your age smoking cigarettes?

    Strongly Mildly Mildly Strongly Don'tDisapprove Disapprove Neither Approve Approve Know

    All 62.0% 14.1% 8.5% 2.1% 1.5% 11.9%Grades 7-8 68.2% 4.9% 6.3% * % 2.7% 17.9%Grades 9-12 59.7% 17.5% 9.3% 2.9% 1.0% 9.6%

    Table T-8: How dangerous do you think it is for kids your age to use tobacco?

    Very Somewhat Not Very Not at All Do NotDangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Know

    All 42.8% 29.0% 15.5% 3.6% 9.1%Grades 7-8 59.6% 21.3% 6.9% 3.6% 8.6%Grades 9-12 33.9% 33.1% 20.0% 3.6% 9.3%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table A-1: How recently, if ever, have you used...

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Any alcohol product All 38.5% 52.2% 71.9% 28.1%

    Grades 7-8 18.1% 23.0% 46.2% 53.8%Grades 9-12 49.6% 68.1% 85.9% 14.1%

    Beer All 29.5% 41.7% 60.3% 39.7%

    Grades 7-8 12.9% 20.3% 37.9% 62.1%Grades 9-12 38.3% 53.0% 72.1% 27.9%

    Wine coolers All 26.6% 39.7% 59.9% 40.1%Grades 7-8 11.9% 15.4% 37.2% 62.8%Grades 9-12 33.9% 51.7% 71.1% 28.9%

    Wine All 12.3% 21.7% 38.0% 62.0%

    Grades 7-8 7.0% 8.9% 18.8% 81.2%Grades 9-12 15.0% 28.1% 47.6% 52.4%

    Liquor All 26.1% 37.5% 50.3% 49.7%

    Grades 7-8 11.1% 16.3% 26.4% 73.6%Grades 9-12 33.4% 48.0% 62.1% 37.9%

    Table A-2: How often do you normally use...

    Any alcohol product?

    Several Several About About Less ThanNever Every Times Times Once a Once a Once aUsed Day a Week a Month Month Year Year

    All 26.5% 1.0% 9.8% 21.1% 16.1% 14.1% 11.4%

    Grades 7-8 49.3% 1.9% 4.5% 8.7% 8.2% 15.0% 12.4%Grades 9-12 16.3% 0.7% 12.2% 26.6% 19.6% 13.6% 10.9%

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    Several Several About About Less ThanNever Every Times Times Once a Once a Once aUsed Day a Week a Month Month Year Year

    All 28.5% 0.5% 8.9% 21.0% 14.8% 14.1% 12.1%

    Grades 7-8 44.6% * % 3.0% 10.1% 11.0% 18.7% 12.6%Grades 9-12 22.5% 0.7% 11.1% 25.1% 16.2% 12.4% 11.9%

    Wine coolers?

    Several Several About About Less ThanNever Every Times Times Once a Once a Once aUsed Day a Week a Month Month Year Year

    All 31.8% * % 7.4% 12.5% 19.3% 17.9% 11.1%Grades 7-8 45.4% * % 5.0% 7.7% 11.0% 16.0% 14.8%Grades 9-12 26.6% * % 8.3% 14.4% 22.4% 18.6% 9.7%


    Several Several About About Less ThanNever Every Times Times Once a Once a Once aUsed Day a Week a Month Month Year Year

    All 53.4% * % 2.4% 7.0% 11.3% 16.6% 9.3%Grades 7-8 68.1% * % * % 3.6% 7.1% 14.1% 7.1%Grades 9-12 48.4% * % 3.3% 8.1% 12.7% 17.4% 10.1%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998


    Several Several About About Less ThanNever Every Times Times Once a Once a Once aUsed Day a Week a Month Month Year Year

    All 39.5% 0.8% 4.9% 15.2% 14.8% 16.8% 7.9%Grades 7-8 64.7% 3.1% 1.9% 8.8% 1.9% 13.8% 5.7%Grades 9-12 30.4% * % 6.0% 17.5% 19.4% 17.9% 8.7%

    Table A-3: When you drink the following alcoholic beverages, how many drinks do you usually

    have at one time, on average?


    Never Ever 5 or More 1 to 4 Less Than 1

    All 34.2% 65.8% 29.4% 26.2% 10.2%Grades 7-8 57.3% 42.7% 15.6% 22.7% 4.4%Grades 9-12 22.9% 77.1% 36.1% 27.9% 13.1%

    Wine Coolers

    Never Ever 5 or More 1 to 4 Less Than 1

    All 34.8% 65.2% 28.8% 28.4% 8.1%Grades 7-8 52.9% 47.1% 15.9% 21.1% 10.2%Grades 9-12 27.3% 72.7% 34.2% 31.4% 7.2%


    Never Ever 5 or More 1 to 4 Less Than 1

    All 59.8% 40.2% 4.6% 25.7% 9.9%

    Grades 7-8 73.3% 26.7% 2.0% 18.5% 6.2%Grades 9-12 53.9% 46.1% 5.8% 28.9% 11.5%

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  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Wine Coolers

    Several Several Less ThanNever Ever Times/Week Times/Month Once/Month

    All 56.2% 43.8% 5.7% 20.0% 18.2%Grades 7-8 71.0% 29.0% 1.3% 12.4% 15.3%Grades 9-12 49.8% 50.2% 7.6% 23.2% 19.4%

    WineSeveral Several Less Than

    Never Ever Times/Week Times/Month Once/Month

    All 68.9% 31.1% 1.6% 10.4% 19.1%

    Grades 7-8 77.6% 22.4% * % 8.1% 14.3%Grades 9-12 65.2% 34.8% 2.2% 11.4% 21.1%

    LiquorSeveral Several Less Than

    Never Ever Times/Week Times/Month Once/Month

    All 57.9% 42.1% 5.1% 20.6% 16.4%Grades 7-8 75.5% 24.5% 2.4% 7.2% 14.9%Grades 9-12 50.4% 49.6% 6.3% 26.3% 17.0%

    Table A-5: Average age of first use of:

    Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12

    Alcohol 11.8 13.5Beer 11.9 13.7Wine Coolers 12.0 13.8Wine 12.1 14.0Liquor 12.4 14.2

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    Table A-6: If you wanted some, how difficult would it be to get...


    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 11.2% 12.6% 5.0% 13.0% 23.0% 35.3%

    Grades 7-8 20.6% 25.3% 8.1% 15.7% 17.6% 12.7%Grades 9-12 6.3% 6.0% 3.4% 11.6% 25.7% 47.0%

    Wine coolers?

    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 14.0% 11.7% 7.5% 9.4% 21.9% 35.5%Grades 7-8 26.7% 24.1% 12.3% 8.1% 12.6% 16.2%Grades 9-12 7.6% 5.5% 5.1% 10.1% 26.6% 45.2%


    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 21.1% 18.0% 6.1% 13.0% 14.7% 27.1%Grades 7-8 35.1% 31.9% 8.5% 9.8% 5.6% 9.1%Grades 9-12 14.2% 11.2% 4.9% 14.5% 19.2% 35.9%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998


    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 17.0% 14.9% 7.1% 10.1% 18.3% 32.5%Grades 7-8 31.7% 33.6% 8.9% 8.5% 5.4% 11.8%Grades 9-12 10.3% 6.4% 6.3% 10.8% 24.2% 42.0%

    Table A-7: Since school began in the fall, on how many days (if any) have you...

    Attended class while drunk on alcohol?

    None 1-3 Days 4-9 Days 10+ Days

    All 90.2% 7.6% * % 2.2%Grades 7-8 91.8% 5.2% * % 3.0%Grades 9-12 89.5% 8.7% * % 1.8%

    Gotten into trouble with teachers because of your drinking?

    None 1-3 Days 4-9 Days 10+ Days

    All 99.2% 0.2% 0.5% * %Grades 7-8 99.0% * % 1.0% * %Grades 9-12 99.3% 0.4% 0.3% * %

    Table A-8: School year use of alcohol by absences and conduct problems:

    Average days absent due to illness or other reasons:

    Alcohol Users: 5.9 days per student

    Alcohol Non-users: 4.3 days per student

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    Average days conduct problems reported:

    Alcohol Users: 2.6 days per studentAlcohol Non-users: 0.6 days per student

    Table A-9: During the past twelve months, how many times have you...

    Driven a car when you've had a good bit to drink?

    None 1-3 Times 4-9 Times 10+ Times

    All 84.1% 11.7% 2.9% 1.3%Grades 9-12 84.1% 11.7% 2.9% 1.3%

    Gotten into trouble with the police because of drinking?

    None 1-3 Times 4-9 Times 10+ Times

    All 94.6% 4.0% 0.6% 0.9%Grades 7-8 92.5% 2.9% 1.8% 2.9%Grades 9-12 95.5% 4.5% * % * %

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    Never heardNone A Few Some Most All

    All 34.0% 18.7% 17.2% 18.1% 12.0%Grades 7-8 61.7% 17.1% 10.6% 8.5% 2.1%Grades 9-12 21.0% 19.5% 20.3% 22.6% 16.6%

    Table A-11: During the past twelve months, how many times have you...

    Had difficulties of any kind with your friends because of your drinking?

    None 1-3 Times 4-9 Times 10+ Times

    All 92.2% 6.6% 0.7% 0.5%Grades 7-8 95.0% 3.4% * % 1.5%Grades 9-12 90.8% 8.2% 1.0% * %

    Been criticized by someone you were dating because of drinking?

    None 1-3 Times 4-9 Times 10+ Times

    All 91.7% 6.7% 0.5% 1.1%Grades 7-8 88.1% 9.3% * % 2.6%Grades 9-12 93.5% 5.5% 0.7% 0.3%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table A-12: Thinking of parties you attended this school year, how often was alcohol used?

    Half Most Of Don't Didn'tNever Seldom the Time the Time Always Know Attend

    All 25.0% 6.5% 8.9% 15.1% 30.9% 3.9% 9.7%Grades 7-8 49.2% 11.8% 9.9% 9.1% 6.4% 3.1% 10.5%Grades 9-12 13.4% 4.0% 8.4% 17.9% 42.6% 4.3% 9.3%

    Table A-13: How often, if ever, do you get alcoholic beverages from...

    At home

    Do Not Most ofDrink Never Seldom the time Always

    All 30.3% 45.8% 17.7% 5.0% 1.3%Grades 7-8 41.0% 37.6% 15.1% 5.1% 1.3%Grades 9-12 25.9% 49.1% 18.7% 5.0% 1.3%

    From friends

    Do Not Most ofDrink Never Seldom the time Always

    All 19.7% 10.3% 18.8% 35.5% 15.7%Grades 7-8 36.4% 22.3% 17.1% 24.3% * %Grades 9-12 13.6% 6.0% 19.5% 39.5% 21.3%

    From a store

    Do Not Most ofDrink Never Seldom the time Always

    All 21.9% 49.6% 12.2% 8.3% 8.0%Grades 7-8 41.8% 56.6% 1.7% * % * %

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Grades 9-12 15.3% 47.3% 15.7% 11.1% 10.7%

    At parties

    Do Not Most ofDrink Never Seldom the time Always

    All 21.0% 10.1% 8.9% 24.6% 35.3%Grades 7-8 46.5% 18.8% 6.3% 18.8% 9.5%Grades 9-12 11.8% 6.9% 9.8% 26.7% 44.7%

    Other source

    Do Not Most ofDrink Never Seldom the time Always

    All 24.6% 23.6% 21.0% 13.2% 17.6%Grades 7-8 42.0% 31.2% 15.5% 6.5% 4.9%Grades 9-12 18.1% 20.7% 23.1% 15.7% 22.4%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table A-14: How do your parents feel about kids your age drinking beer?

    Strongly Mildly Mildly Strongly Don'tDisapprove Disapprove Neither Approve Approve Know

    All 61.5% 15.9% 7.8% 2.8% 0.3% 11.7%Grades 7-8 66.2% 6.7% 4.8% 1.8% * % 20.5%Grades 9-12 60.0% 18.7% 8.7% 3.1% 0.4% 9.0%

    Table A-15: How dangerous do you think it is for kids your age to use alcohol?

    Very Somewhat Not Very Not at All Do NotDangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Know

    All 50.2% 28.3% 13.2% 2.3% 6.1%Grades 7-8 58.1% 22.2% 9.3% 2.1% 8.3%Grades 9-12 46.4% 31.2% 15.0% 2.4% 5.1%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table D-1: How recently, if ever, have you used...

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Marijuana? All 9.9% 16.2% 28.0% 72.0%

    Grades 7-8 2.4% 4.3% 11.3% 88.7%Grades 9-12 13.6% 22.2% 36.4% 63.6%

    Cocaine? All 8.0% 11.3% 13.8% 86.2%

    Grades 7-8 1.0% 2.0% 3.6% 96.4%Grades 9-12 11.4% 15.9% 18.8% 81.2%

    Crack? All 0.4% 0.8% 1.3% 98.7%Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.6% 1.3% 1.9% 98.1%

    Hallucinogens? All 0.6% 0.8% 1.3% 98.7%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.9% 1.3% 2.0% 98.0%

    Uppers? All 1.3% 2.7% 5.0% 95.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.6% 1.6% 98.4%Grades 9-12 2.0% 3.3% 6.7% 93.3%

    Downers? All 0.4% 0.8% 2.2% 97.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.1% 1.1% 98.9%Grades 9-12 0.7% 0.7% 2.7% 97.3%

    Rohypnol? All 0.7% 1.2% 2.1% 97.9%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.0% 2.9% 97.1%Grades 9-12 1.0% 1.3% 1.7% 98.3%

    Steroids? All 0.2% 0.8% 0.8% 99.2%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.1% 1.9% 98.1%Grades 9-12 0.3% 0.7% 2.6% 97.4%

    Ecstasy? All 0.3% 0.5% 1.0% 99.0%

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    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.4% 0.8% 1.5% 98.5%

    Heroin? All 0.7% 0.7% 1.0% 99.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % 0.7% 1.8% 98.2%Grades 9-12 1.0% 1.6% 1.6% 98.4%

    Table D-2: How often do you normally use...


    Several Several About About Less ThanNever Every Times Times Once a Once a Once aUsed Day a Week a Month Month Year Year

    All 65.5% 1.4% 1.6% 6.8% 9.8% 5.6% 9.4%Grades 7-8 81.5% * % 2.4% 2.4% 2.4% 2.4% 8.8%Grades 9-12 60.7% 1.9% 1.4% 8.0% 11.9% 6.5% 9.6%


    Several Several About About Less ThanNever Every Times Times Once a Once a Once aUsed Day a Week a Month Month Year Year

    All 80.2% 1.0% 3.1% 5.8% 2.1% 3.7% 4.1%Grades 7-8 92.6% * % * % * % * % 3.3% 4.1%Grades 9-12 76.0% 1.4% 4.2% 7.8% 2.8% 3.8% 4.0%

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    Grades 9-12 97.3% * % 0.5% 0.5% 1.1% * % 0.5%


    Several Several About About Less ThanNever Every Times Times Once a Once a Once aUsed Day a Week a Month Month Year Year

    All 98.7% * % 0.5% * % * % 0.3% 0.5%Grades 7-8 96.6% * % 1.7% * % * % * % 1.7%Grades 9-12 99.6% * % * % * % * % 0.4% * %


    Several Several About About Less ThanNever Every Times Times Once a Once a Once aUsed Day a Week a Month Month Year Year

    All 99.4% * % * % * % 0.6% * % * %Grades 7-8 97.6% * % * % * % 2.4% * % * %

    Grades 9-12 100.0% * % * % * % * % * % * %


    Several Several About About Less ThanNever Every Times Times Once a Once a Once aUsed Day a Week a Month Month Year Year

    All 98.9% * % * % * % 0.3% 0.4% 0.4%Grades 7-8 100.0% * % * % * % * % * % * %Grades 9-12 98.5% * % * % * % 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%

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    Other family situation

    Never 9 or Under 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18 or Over

    All 51.4% 0.8% 2.2% 16.7% 20.8% 8.1% * %Grades 7-8 68.5% * % 5.6% 11.2% 14.7% * % * %Grades 9-12 45.9% 1.1% 1.1% 18.4% 22.8% 10.7% * %

    Table D-5: If you wanted some, how difficult would it be to get...


    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 25.3% 23.8% 4.2% 8.4% 14.6% 23.7%

    Grades 7-8 40.0% 36.8% 4.3% 3.4% 6.2% 9.3%Grades 9-12 17.7% 16.9% 4.1% 11.0% 19.0% 31.3%

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    San DiegoSpring 1998


    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 27.9% 26.3% 5.6% 12.1% 12.3% 15.9%Grades 7-8 41.6% 39.6% 6.5% 7.4% 2.0% 3.0%Grades 9-12 21.0% 19.6% 5.1% 14.5% 17.5% 22.4%


    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 35.4% 29.8% 10.2% 9.7% 7.8% 7.1%Grades 7-8 49.5% 39.2% 4.3% 2.8% 1.1% 3.2%Grades 9-12 28.8% 25.4% 13.0% 12.9% 11.0% 8.8%


    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 49.1% 28.4% 8.0% 5.6% 4.5% 4.5%Grades 7-8 58.7% 29.4% 5.3% 4.6% * % 2.0%

    Grades 9-12 44.3% 27.9% 9.3% 6.1% 6.7% 5.7%


    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 46.3% 24.7% 6.7% 6.2% 7.8% 8.2%Grades 7-8 59.3% 28.2% 2.1% 3.8% 1.0% 5.5%Grades 9-12 40.0% 23.0% 9.0% 7.4% 11.1% 9.5%


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    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 47.1% 25.0% 6.6% 5.7% 8.5% 7.1%Grades 7-8 61.5% 28.7% 2.1% 2.8% 2.1% 2.8%Grades 9-12 40.1% 23.2% 8.8% 7.2% 11.6% 9.1%


    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 55.0% 22.7% 6.0% 5.6% 5.3% 5.3%Grades 7-8 64.7% 21.6% 4.5% 2.6% 3.6% 2.9%Grades 9-12 50.2% 23.3% 6.7% 7.1% 6.2% 6.5%


    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 35.9% 33.1% 7.5% 9.8% 6.9% 6.8%Grades 7-8 45.0% 40.4% 4.9% 5.5% 2.1% 2.1%Grades 9-12 31.6% 29.6% 8.7% 11.8% 9.2% 9.1%

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    San DiegoSpring 1998


    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 53.9% 25.2% 4.3% 7.9% 4.1% 4.6%Grades 7-8 66.8% 24.4% 2.0% 4.7% * % 2.0%Grades 9-12 47.8% 25.6% 5.3% 9.5% 6.0% 5.8%


    Never Very Somewhat Somewhat VeryHeard Of Impossible Difficult Difficult Easy Easy

    All 39.9% 36.3% 8.5% 6.6% 3.5% 5.2%Grades 7-8 50.1% 38.9% 5.5% 3.5% * % 2.0%Grades 9-12 34.8% 35.0% 10.0% 8.1% 5.2% 6.8%

    Table D-6: Since school began in the fall, on how many days (if any) have you...

    Attended class while high from marijuana use?

    None 1-3 Days 4-9 Days 10+ Days

    All 90.1% 5.6% 1.1% 3.2%Grades 7-8 89.3% 3.3% 2.0% 5.3%Grades 9-12 90.4% 6.3% 0.8% 2.5%

    Attended class while high from use of some other drug?

    None 1-3 Days 4-9 Days 10+ Days

    All 93.1% 2.5% 1.4% 3.1%Grades 7-8 92.6% 2.8% * % 4.6%Grades 9-12 93.2% 2.3% 1.9% 2.6%

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  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table D-8: During the past twelve months, how many times have you...

    Driven a car when you've felt high from drugs?

    None 1-3 Times 4-9 Times 10+ Times

    All 89.1% 7.0% 1.8% 2.1%Grades 9-12 89.1% 7.0% 1.8% 2.1%

    Gotten into trouble with the police because of drug use?

    None 1-3 Times 4-9 Times 10+ Times

    All 97.2% 1.8% * % 0.9%Grades 7-8 94.1% 3.0% * % 3.0%Grades 9-12 98.7% 1.3% * % * %

    Table D-9: About how many of your close friends use marijuana?

    Never heardNone A Few Some Most All

    All 45.2% 25.0% 14.0% 11.3% 4.6%

    Grades 7-8 66.6% 21.6% 6.6% 4.2% 1.0%Grades 9-12 35.0% 26.6% 17.5% 14.7% 6.3%

    Table D-10: During the past twelve months, how many times have you...

    Had difficulties of any kind with your friends because of your drug use?

    None 1-3 Times 4-9 Times 10+ Times

    All 96.1% 2.6% 0.8% 0.5%Grades 7-8 94.9% 2.6% 1.0% 1.6%

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    Grades 9-12 96.7% 2.6% 0.7% * %

    Been criticized by someone you were dating because of drug use?

    None 1-3 Times 4-9 Times 10+ Times

    All 95.5% 2.2% 1.5% 0.8%Grades 7-8 98.2% * % * % 1.8%Grades 9-12 94.3% 3.3% 2.1% 0.3%

    Table D-11: Thinking of parties you attended this school year, how often was marijuana used?

    Half Most Of Don't Didn'tNever Seldom the Time the Time Always Know Attend

    All 43.7% 11.2% 9.1% 7.5% 13.9% 5.0% 9.7%Grades 7-8 68.2% 7.4% 3.7% 2.0% 4.7% 1.0% 13.1%Grades 9-12 31.8% 13.1% 11.7% 10.1% 18.3% 6.9% 8.1%

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    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table D-12: How often, if ever, do you smoke marijuana in...


    Half the Most of Don'tNever Seldom Time the Time Always Know

    All 74.4% 6.2% 5.0% 6.2% 6.8% 1.4%Grades 7-8 86.4% 2.7% 2.7% 3.5% 4.8% * %Grades 9-12 68.8% 7.9% 6.1% 7.4% 7.8% 2.0%


    Half the Most of Don'tNever Seldom Time the Time Always Know

    All 83.5% 7.4% 4.2% 1.4% 1.8% 1.8%Grades 7-8 89.2% 3.0% 3.9% * % 3.9% * %Grades 9-12 81.0% 9.3% 4.3% 2.0% 0.8% 2.5%

    Bongs or water pipes?

    Half the Most of Don'tNever Seldom Time the Time Always Know

    All 83.9% 6.0% 4.3% 3.2% 1.3% 1.4%Grades 7-8 91.4% 2.8% 3.6% * % 2.2% * %Grades 9-12 80.5% 7.5% 4.6% 4.6% 0.8% 2.0%


    Half the Most of Don'tNever Seldom Time the Time Always Know

    All 83.6% 7.0% 3.5% 2.1% 2.0% 1.9%Grades 7-8 87.9% 2.9% 2.9% * % 3.8% 2.4%Grades 9-12 81.7% 8.7% 3.8% 3.0% 1.2% 1.6%

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  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table D-14: How dangerous do you think it is for kids your age to use...


    Very Somewhat Not Very Not at All Do NotDangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Know

    All 64.0% 18.6% 9.4% 3.4% 4.6%Grades 7-8 78.8% 8.0% 4.4% 2.4% 6.4%Grades 9-12 57.7% 23.1% 11.5% 3.8% 3.8%


    Very Somewhat Not Very Not at All Do NotDangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Know

    All 82.9% 9.1% 2.0% 0.9% 5.1%Grades 7-8 89.3% 2.2% 1.1% * % 7.4%Grades 9-12 79.9% 12.4% 2.4% 1.3% 4.1%


    Very Somewhat Not Very Not at All Do NotDangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Know

    All 87.5% 5.9% 0.2% * % 6.4%Grades 7-8 89.1% 2.5% * % * % 8.5%Grades 9-12 86.8% 7.3% 0.3% * % 5.5%


    Very Somewhat Not Very Not at All Do NotDangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Know

    All 79.6% 5.8% 1.4% 0.6% 12.6%Grades 7-8 83.2% 1.1% * % 1.1% 14.6%Grades 9-12 78.0% 8.0% 2.0% 0.3% 11.7%

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    Very Somewhat Not Very Not at All Do NotDangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Know

    All 76.3% 12.3% 2.4% 0.2% 8.7%Grades 7-8 73.3% 11.4% 3.7% * % 11.7%Grades 9-12 77.6% 12.7% 1.8% 0.3% 7.5%


    Very Somewhat Not Very Not at All Do NotDangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Know

    All 86.8% 4.5% * % * % 8.7%Grades 7-8 86.8% 2.1% * % * % 11.1%Grades 9-12 86.8% 5.6% * % * % 7.6%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table I-1: How recently, if ever, have you used...

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Any inhalant? All 5.5% 7.3% 15.8% 84.2%

    Grades 7-8 5.4% 9.2% 12.4% 87.6%Grades 9-12 5.5% 6.4% 17.6% 82.4%

    Liquid or spray paint? All 2.4% 3.9% 8.8% 91.2%

    Grades 7-8 2.1% 4.8% 8.6% 91.4%Grades 9-12 2.6% 3.5% 8.9% 91.1%

    Whiteout, correction fluid? All 2.1% 3.5% 6.5% 93.5%Grades 7-8 3.5% 4.7% 5.8% 94.2%Grades 9-12 1.5% 3.0% 6.9% 93.1%

    Gasoline? All 2.1% 3.7% 7.5% 92.5%

    Grades 7-8 3.6% 5.6% 8.0% 92.0%Grades 9-12 1.4% 2.9% 7.2% 92.8%

    Freon? All 0.2% 0.5% 0.7% 99.3%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.3% 0.7% 1.0% 99.0%

    Poppers, Locker Room, etc.? All * % * % 0.7% 99.3%Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % 1.0% 99.0%

    Glue? All 0.9% 1.9% 4.5% 95.5%

    Grades 7-8 1.3% 2.6% 7.3% 92.7%Grades 9-12 0.8% 1.5% 3.4% 96.6%

    Paint, lacquer thinner, etc.? All 1.3% 2.4% 4.5% 95.5%

    Grades 7-8 1.2% 2.4% 4.7% 95.3%Grades 9-12 1.4% 2.4% 4.4% 95.6%

    Nitrous oxide, laughing gas? All 1.0% 2.7% 3.2% 96.8%

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    Grades 7-8 1.5% 3.1% 4.6% 95.4%Grades 9-12 0.8% 2.6% 2.6% 97.4%

    Octane booster? All * % * % 0.8% 99.2%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % 1.1% 98.9%

    Other sprays? All 1.4% 1.7% 3.3% 96.7%

    Grades 7-8 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 98.7%Grades 9-12 1.5% 1.9% 4.2% 95.8%

    Other inhalants? All 2.4% 3.9% 7.8% 92.2%

    Grades 7-8 2.3% 4.2% 7.2% 92.8%Grades 9-12 2.4% 3.7% 8.1% 91.9%

    Table I-2: How often do you normally use inhalants?

    Several Several About About Less Than

    Never Every Times Times Once a Once a Once aUsed Day a Week a Month Month Year Year

    All 92.5% * % * % 1.9% 1.5% 1.3% 2.8%Grades 7-8 85.4% * % * % 3.2% 4.1% 2.6% 4.7%Grades 9-12 95.3% * % * % 1.4% 0.5% 0.9% 2.0%

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    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table I-3: Number of different kinds of inhalants used:

    0 1 2-3 4+

    All 86.6% 6.1% 4.2% 3.1%Grades 7-8 88.0% 5.4% 4.0% 2.6%Grades 9-12 85.9% 6.5% 4.2% 3.4%

    Table I-4: Average age of first use of:

    Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12

    Inhalants * 13.7

    Table I-5: Since school began in the fall, on how many days (if any) have you attendedclass while high from inhalant use?

    None 1-3 Days 4-9 Days 10+ Days

    All 97.2% 1.0% 0.3% 1.4%Grades 7-8 94.6% 1.5% * % 3.9%

    Grades 9-12 98.3% 0.8% 0.5% 0.5%

    Table I-6: School year use of inhalants by absences and conduct problems:

    Average days absent due to illness or other reasons:

    Inhalants Users: 6.7 days per studentInhalants Non-users: 5.0 days per student

    Average days conduct problems reported:

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    Inhalants Users: 4.7 days per studentInhalants Non-users: 1.4 days per student

    Table I-7: About how many of your close friends use inhalants?

    Never heardNone A Few Some Most All

    All 83.7% 10.6% 3.0% 2.2% 0.5%Grades 7-8 79.0% 9.9% 5.1% 5.1% 1.0%Grades 9-12 86.1% 11.0% 1.9% 0.7% 0.3%

    Table I-8: How dangerous do you think it is for kids your age to use inhalants?

    Very Somewhat Not Very Not at All Do NotDangerous Dangerous Dangerous Dangerous Know

    All 80.1% 11.1% 2.1% 0.7% 6.1%Grades 7-8 78.1% 11.5% 1.1% 2.1% 7.3%Grades 9-12 81.0% 10.9% 2.6% * % 5.6%

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    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table X-1: Since school began in the fall, have you gotten any information on drugs oralcohol from the following sources?

    Health class

    No Yes

    All 46.8% 53.2%Grades 7-8 57.8% 42.2%Grades 9-12 41.2% 58.8%

    An assembly program

    No Yes

    All 23.1% 76.9%Grades 7-8 29.8% 70.2%Grades 9-12 19.9% 80.1%

    Guidance counselor

    No Yes

    All 62.6% 37.4%Grades 7-8 65.4% 34.6%

    Grades 9-12 61.3% 38.7%

    Science class

    No Yes

    All 70.0% 30.0%Grades 7-8 64.8% 35.2%Grades 9-12 72.1% 27.9%

    Social studies class

    No Yes

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    All 79.8% 20.2%Grades 7-8 80.3% 19.7%Grades 9-12 79.7% 20.3%

    Student group session

    No Yes

    All 80.1% 19.9%Grades 7-8 74.4% 25.6%Grades 9-12 82.3% 17.7%

    An invited school guest

    No Yes

    All 41.0% 59.0%Grades 7-8 50.0% 50.0%Grades 9-12 37.4% 62.6%

    Some other school source

    No Yes

    All 60.9% 39.1%Grades 7-8 67.6% 32.4%Grades 9-12 58.4% 41.6%

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    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Any school source

    No Yes

    All 27.7% 72.3%Grades 7-8 34.9% 65.1%Grades 9-12 23.8% 76.2%

    Table X-2: If you had a drug or alcohol problem and needed help, who would you go to?

    A counselor or program in school

    No Yes

    All 55.3% 44.7%Grades 7-8 41.9% 58.1%Grades 9-12 61.6% 38.4%

    Another adult in school (such as a nurse or teacher)

    No Yes

    All 56.8% 43.2%

    Grades 7-8 48.5% 51.5%Grades 9-12 60.3% 39.7%

    A counselor or program outside of school

    No Yes

    All 41.8% 58.2%Grades 7-8 32.7% 67.3%Grades 9-12 45.4% 54.6%

    Your parents

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    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Another adult (a relative, clergyman, or other family friend)

    No Yes

    All 28.8% 71.2%Grades 7-8 26.5% 73.5%Grades 9-12 29.7% 70.3%

    Table X-3: Since school began in the fall, have you sought help, other than from family orfriends, for problems in any way connected with your use of alcohol, marijuana,or other drugs?

    No Yes

    All 93.1% 6.9%Grades 7-8 92.3% 7.7%Grades 9-12 93.5% 6.5%

    Table X-4: About how many of your friends:

    Feel close to their parents?

    None A Few Some Most All

    All 4.1% 27.2% 21.5% 33.9% 13.3%Grades 7-8 4.1% 29.0% 18.1% 32.0% 16.8%Grades 9-12 4.1% 26.2% 23.4% 34.9% 11.4%

    Sometimes carry weapons?

    None A Few Some Most All

    All 67.0% 21.2% 6.9% 2.9% 2.0%Grades 7-8 76.4% 16.0% 6.5% 1.2% * %

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  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table B1: Prevalence and recency of use of selected substances by grade--> All students

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Tobacco All 31.4% 40.2% 62.1% 37.9%

    Grades 7-8 14.2% 18.8% 44.7% 55.3%Grades 9-12 40.6% 51.5% 71.4% 28.6%

    Alcohol All 38.5% 52.2% 71.9% 28.1%

    Grades 7-8 18.1% 23.0% 46.2% 53.8%Grades 9-12 49.6% 68.1% 85.9% 14.1%

    Inhalants All 5.5% 7.3% 15.8% 84.2%

    Grades 7-8 5.4% 9.2% 12.4% 87.6%Grades 9-12 5.5% 6.4% 17.6% 82.4%

    Any Illicit Drug All 13.0% 20.0% 29.1% 70.9%

    Grades 7-8 3.2% 7.3% 11.8% 88.2%Grades 9-12 18.1% 26.7% 38.3% 61.7%

    Marijuana All 9.9% 16.2% 28.0% 72.0%

    Grades 7-8 2.4% 4.3% 11.3% 88.7%Grades 9-12 13.6% 22.2% 36.4% 63.6%

    Marijuana Only All 3.3% 6.3% 13.0% 87.0%

    Grades 7-8 0.9% 1.7% 4.3% 95.7%Grades 9-12 4.5% 8.8% 17.6% 82.4%

    Cocaine or Crack All 7.9% 10.9% 13.5% 86.5%Grades 7-8 0.9% 1.9% 3.4% 96.6%Grades 9-12 11.5% 15.5% 18.7% 81.3%

    Cocaine All 8.0% 11.3% 13.8% 86.2%

    Grades 7-8 1.0% 2.0% 3.6% 96.4%Grades 9-12 11.4% 15.9% 18.8% 81.2%

    Crack All 0.4% 0.8% 1.3% 98.7%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.6% 1.3% 1.9% 98.1%

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    Hallucinogens All 0.6% 0.8% 1.3% 98.7%Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.9% 1.3% 2.0% 98.0%

    Uppers All 1.3% 2.7% 5.0% 95.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.6% 1.6% 98.4%Grades 9-12 2.0% 3.3% 6.7% 93.3%

    Downers All 0.4% 0.8% 2.2% 97.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.1% 1.1% 98.9%Grades 9-12 0.7% 0.7% 2.7% 97.3%

    Rohypnol All 0.7% 1.2% 2.1% 97.9%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.0% 2.9% 97.1%Grades 9-12 1.0% 1.3% 1.7% 98.3%

    Steroids All 0.2% 0.8% 0.8% 99.2%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.1% 1.1% 98.9%Grades 9-12 0.3% 0.7% 0.7% 99.3%

    Ecstasy All 0.3% 0.5% 1.0% 99.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.4% 0.8% 1.5% 98.5%

    Heroin All 0.7% 0.7% 1.0% 99.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 1.1% 98.9%Grades 9-12 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 99.0%

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    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table B2: Prevalence and recency of use of selected substances by grade--> Male students

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Tobacco All 36.1% 43.9% 61.3% 38.7%Grades 7-8 14.8% 19.1% 36.6% 63.4%Grades 9-12 46.0% 55.5% 72.9% 27.1%

    Alcohol All 41.1% 54.4% 70.0% 30.0%

    Grades 7-8 16.6% 22.8% 44.1% 55.9%Grades 9-12 52.9% 69.6% 82.4% 17.6%

    Inhalants All 6.5% 7.6% 18.4% 81.6%

    Grades 7-8 6.6% 8.8% 11.0% 89.0%Grades 9-12 6.4% 7.0% 21.7% 78.3%

    Any Illicit Drug All 16.2% 23.8% 33.6% 66.4%

    Grades 7-8 4.4% 8.8% 13.2% 86.8%Grades 9-12 21.5% 30.6% 42.9% 57.1%

    Marijuana All 11.9% 20.6% 33.6% 66.4%

    Grades 7-8 2.3% 7.0% 11.6% 88.4%Grades 9-12 16.0% 26.4% 42.9% 57.1%

    Marijuana Only All 2.9% 7.9% 15.6% 84.4%

    Grades 7-8 2.1% 4.1% 6.2% 93.8%Grades 9-12 3.3% 9.7% 19.9% 80.1%

    Cocaine or Crack All 11.4% 14.2% 16.0% 84.0%Grades 7-8 2.4% 2.4% 2.4% 97.6%Grades 9-12 15.2% 19.2% 21.9% 78.1%

    Cocaine All 11.8% 14.7% 16.1% 83.9%

    Grades 7-8 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 97.5%Grades 9-12 15.7% 19.9% 21.9% 78.1%

    Crack All * % * % 1.0% 99.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % 1.3% 98.7%

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    Hallucinogens All * % * % 1.1% 98.9%Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % 1.5% 98.5%

    Uppers All 1.5% 3.1% 5.6% 94.4%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 2.2% 4.5% 8.2% 91.8%

    Downers All 0.5% 0.5% 2.2% 97.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.7% 0.7% 3.0% 97.0%

    Rohypnol All 0.6% 1.7% 3.0% 97.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % 2.4% 4.9% 95.1%Grades 9-12 0.8% 1.4% 2.1% 97.9%

    Steroids All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Ecstasy All * % 0.6% 1.2% 98.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % 0.9% 1.6% 98.4%

    Heroin All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table B3: Prevalence and recency of use of selected substances by grade--> Female students

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Tobacco All 27.7% 37.3% 62.8% 37.2%Grades 7-8 14.2% 19.2% 50.5% 49.5%Grades 9-12 35.4% 47.7% 69.9% 30.1%

    Alcohol All 36.6% 50.9% 74.2% 25.8%

    Grades 7-8 19.8% 23.8% 49.1% 50.9%Grades 9-12 46.5% 66.6% 88.9% 11.1%

    Inhalants All 4.7% 7.3% 13.9% 86.1%

    Grades 7-8 4.7% 9.7% 13.8% 86.2%Grades 9-12 4.8% 5.9% 14.0% 86.0%

    Any Illicit Drug All 10.2% 16.8% 25.5% 74.5%

    Grades 7-8 2.5% 6.5% 11.1% 88.9%Grades 9-12 14.6% 22.7% 33.9% 66.1%

    Marijuana All 8.0% 12.5% 23.5% 76.5%

    Grades 7-8 2.6% 2.6% 11.4% 88.6%Grades 9-12 11.0% 18.0% 30.2% 69.8%

    Marijuana Only All 3.3% 4.7% 10.6% 89.4%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 3.1% 96.9%Grades 9-12 5.2% 7.5% 15.0% 85.0%

    Cocaine or Crack All 5.3% 8.4% 11.7% 88.3%Grades 7-8 * % 1.6% 4.1% 95.9%Grades 9-12 8.3% 12.3% 16.0% 84.0%

    Cocaine All 5.1% 8.7% 12.0% 88.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.6% 4.3% 95.7%Grades 9-12 7.8% 12.5% 16.3% 83.7%

    Crack All 0.8% 1.5% 1.5% 98.5%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 1.2% 2.4% 2.4% 97.6%

    H ll i All 1 1% 1 5% 1 5% 98 5%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Hallucinogens All 1.1% 1.5% 1.5% 98.5%Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 1.7% 2.3% 2.3% 97.7%

    Uppers All 1.2% 2.5% 4.5% 95.5%

    Grades 7-8 * % 2.8% 2.8% 97.2%Grades 9-12 1.8% 2.4% 5.4% 94.6%

    Downers All 0.4% 1.0% 2.2% 97.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.7% 1.7% 98.3%Grades 9-12 0.6% 0.6% 2.4% 97.6%

    Rohypnol All 0.8% 0.8% 1.4% 98.6%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 1.7% 98.3%Grades 9-12 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 98.8%

    Steroids All 0.4% 1.4% 1.4% 98.6%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.8% 1.8% 98.2%Grades 9-12 0.6% 1.2% 1.2% 98.8%

    Ecstasy All 0.5% 0.5% 0.9% 99.1%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.7% 0.7% 1.4% 98.6%

    Heroin All 1.2% 1.2% 1.8% 98.2%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 1.8% 98.2%Grades 9-12 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 98.2%

    S Di

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table B4: Prevalence and recency of use of selected substances by grade--> White students

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Tobacco All * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Alcohol All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Inhalants All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Any Illicit Drug All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Marijuana All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Marijuana Only All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Cocaine or Crack All * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Cocaine All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Crack All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San Diego

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    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table B5: Prevalence and recency of use of selected substances by grade--> Black students

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Tobacco All * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Alcohol All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%Inhalants All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%Any Illicit Drug All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%Marijuana All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%Marijuana Only All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%Cocaine or Crack All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%Cocaine All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Crack All * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Hallucinogens All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%Uppers All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%Downers All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Rohypnol All * % * % * % 100 0%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Rohypnol All % % % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Steroids All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%Ecstasy All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Heroin All * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    San Diego

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table B6: Prevalence and recency of use of selected substances by grade--> Mexican/American students

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Tobacco All 31.8% 40.1% 60.2% 39.8%Grades 7-8 15.0% 19.9% 43.4% 56.6%Grades 9-12 41.3% 51.5% 69.8% 30.2%

    Alcohol All 38.6% 51.9% 71.0% 29.0%

    Grades 7-8 19.1% 24.3% 44.9% 55.1%Grades 9-12 49.8% 67.8% 86.1% 13.9%

    Inhalants All 5.6% 7.6% 15.5% 84.5%

    Grades 7-8 5.7% 9.7% 12.2% 87.8%Grades 9-12 5.5% 6.5% 17.3% 82.7%

    Any Illicit Drug All 13.2% 19.6% 28.5% 71.5%

    Grades 7-8 3.4% 7.8% 11.5% 88.5%Grades 9-12 18.7% 26.3% 38.0% 62.0%

    Marijuana All 10.0% 15.9% 27.2% 72.8%

    Grades 7-8 2.6% 4.5% 11.0% 89.0%Grades 9-12 14.0% 22.0% 35.9% 64.1%

    Marijuana Only All 3.4% 6.1% 12.2% 87.8%

    Grades 7-8 0.9% 1.8% 3.7% 96.3%Grades 9-12 4.8% 8.5% 17.1% 82.9%

    Cocaine or Crack All 7.8% 10.9% 13.6% 86.4%Grades 7-8 1.0% 2.0% 3.6% 96.4%Grades 9-12 11.6% 15.7% 19.0% 81.0%

    Cocaine All 8.1% 11.3% 13.8% 86.2%

    Grades 7-8 1.0% 2.1% 3.8% 96.2%Grades 9-12 11.8% 16.1% 19.1% 80.9%

    Crack All 0.2% 0.7% 1.2% 98.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.3% 1.1% 1.8% 98.2%

    Hallucinogens All 0 7% 0 7% 1 2% 98 8%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Hallucinogens All 0.7% 0.7% 1.2% 98.8%Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 1.1% 1.1% 1.8% 98.2%

    Uppers All 1.2% 2.5% 4.7% 95.3%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.7% 1.7% 98.3%Grades 9-12 1.8% 3.0% 6.4% 93.6%

    Downers All 0.5% 0.9% 2.1% 97.9%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.1% 1.1% 98.9%Grades 9-12 0.7% 0.7% 2.7% 97.3%

    Rohypnol All 0.5% 1.1% 2.0% 98.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.0% 3.1% 96.9%Grades 9-12 0.8% 1.1% 1.5% 98.5%

    Steroids All 0.3% 0.6% 0.6% 99.4%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.2% 1.2% 98.8%Grades 9-12 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 99.6%

    Ecstasy All 0.3% 0.6% 0.8% 99.2%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.4% 0.9% 1.3% 98.7%

    Heroin All 0.5% 0.5% 0.9% 99.1%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 1.2% 98.8%Grades 9-12 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 99.3%

    San Diego

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998

    Table B7: Prevalence and recency of use of selected substances by grade--> Students reporting A and B grades

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Tobacco All 28.4% 37.8% 57.8% 42.2%Grades 7-8 10.8% 15.6% 38.9% 61.1%Grades 9-12 37.6% 49.4% 67.8% 32.2%

    Alcohol All 36.4% 49.8% 69.5% 30.5%

    Grades 7-8 12.5% 17.7% 41.1% 58.9%Grades 9-12 49.1% 66.9% 84.6% 15.4%

    Inhalants All 3.3% 4.5% 11.5% 88.5%

    Grades 7-8 2.3% 4.2% 6.5% 93.5%Grades 9-12 3.9% 4.6% 14.0% 86.0%

    Any Illicit Drug All 10.0% 16.6% 25.8% 74.2%

    Grades 7-8 * % 3.0% 7.6% 92.4%Grades 9-12 15.1% 23.6% 35.2% 64.8%

    Marijuana All 7.7% 13.3% 24.6% 75.4%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.2% 8.0% 92.0%Grades 9-12 11.4% 19.2% 32.8% 67.2%

    Marijuana Only All 1.8% 4.3% 11.5% 88.5%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 3.3% 96.7%Grades 9-12 2.7% 6.6% 15.7% 84.3%

    Cocaine or Crack All 6.8% 9.6% 11.3% 88.7%Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 10.1% 14.4% 16.8% 83.2%

    Cocaine All 7.0% 9.9% 11.6% 88.4%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 10.3% 14.6% 17.1% 82.9%

    Crack All * % 0.3% 0.5% 99.5%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % 0.4% 0.8% 99.2%

    Hallucinogens All * % * % 0.3% 99.7%

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    gGrades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % 0.5% 99.5%

    Uppers All 1.7% 3.2% 5.2% 94.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % 2.1% 2.1% 97.9%Grades 9-12 2.5% 3.8% 6.7% 93.3%

    Downers All 0.6% 0.6% 2.0% 98.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.8% 0.8% 3.0% 97.0%

    Rohypnol All 0.6% 1.0% 1.4% 98.6%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.3% 2.5% 97.5%Grades 9-12 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 99.1%

    Steroids All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Ecstasy All 0.3% 0.7% 1.0% 99.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.5% 1.0% 1.4% 98.6%

    Heroin All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    San Diego

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    gSpring 1998

    Table B8: Prevalence and recency of use of selected substances by grade--> Students reporting C, D, and F grades

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Tobacco All 42.2% 48.9% 79.9% 20.1%Grades 7-8 24.0% 28.3% 66.3% 33.7%Grades 9-12 52.3% 60.4% 87.5% 12.5%

    Alcohol All 45.3% 60.2% 79.6% 20.4%

    Grades 7-8 36.9% 41.1% 60.9% 39.1%Grades 9-12 50.1% 71.0% 90.2% 9.8%

    Inhalants All 14.1% 19.1% 32.7% 67.3%

    Grades 7-8 17.1% 28.3% 35.3% 64.7%Grades 9-12 12.5% 13.9% 31.3% 68.7%

    Any Illicit Drug All 24.7% 33.7% 42.4% 57.6%

    Grades 7-8 15.5% 24.0% 28.3% 71.7%Grades 9-12 29.8% 39.0% 50.2% 49.8%

    Marijuana All 18.1% 27.5% 40.8% 59.2%

    Grades 7-8 11.2% 15.5% 24.0% 76.0%Grades 9-12 21.9% 34.2% 50.2% 49.8%

    Marijuana Only All 9.4% 14.9% 19.0% 81.0%

    Grades 7-8 4.3% 8.5% 8.5% 91.5%Grades 9-12 12.3% 18.5% 24.9% 75.1%

    Cocaine or Crack All 12.0% 15.5% 22.2% 77.8%

    Grades 7-8 4.3% 8.5% 15.5% 84.5%Grades 9-12 16.4% 19.5% 26.1% 73.9%

    Cocaine All 11.5% 16.2% 22.2% 77.8%

    Grades 7-8 4.6% 9.2% 16.7% 83.3%Grades 9-12 15.3% 20.2% 25.2% 74.8%

    Crack All 2.1% 3.2% 4.3% 95.7%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 3.4% 5.1% 6.9% 93.1%

    Hallucinogens All 3.1% 4.1% 5.2% 94.8%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 4.8% 6.5% 8.1% 91.9%

    Uppers All * % 1.1% 3.3% 96.7%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % 1.7% 5.1% 94.9%

    Downers All * % 1.7% 1.7% 98.3%

    Grades 7-8 * % 5.2% 5.2% 94.8%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Rohypnol All 1.1% 2.0% 4.7% 95.3%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 4.5% 95.5%Grades 9-12 1.7% 3.2% 4.9% 95.1%

    Steroids All 1.2% 4.1% 4.1% 95.9%

    Grades 7-8 * % 5.2% 5.2% 94.8%Grades 9-12 1.8% 3.6% 3.6% 96.4%

    Ecstasy All * % * % 1.2% 98.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % 1.8% 98.2%

    Heroin All 3.4% 3.4% 5.1% 94.9%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 5.2% 94.8%Grades 9-12 5.1% 5.1% 5.1% 94.9%

    San Diego

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Spring 1998

    Table B9: Prevalence and recency of use of selected substances by grade--> Students living with two parents

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Tobacco All 26.9% 36.9% 57.6% 42.4%Grades 7-8 11.5% 16.1% 35.4% 64.6%Grades 9-12 36.0% 49.1% 70.7% 29.3%

    Alcohol All 37.0% 50.3% 69.1% 30.9%

    Grades 7-8 17.4% 19.9% 39.7% 60.3%Grades 9-12 48.5% 68.3% 86.4% 13.6%

    Inhalants All 5.6% 7.4% 14.8% 85.2%

    Grades 7-8 5.2% 8.6% 10.7% 89.3%Grades 9-12 5.8% 6.7% 17.2% 82.8%

    Any Illicit Drug All 11.2% 17.2% 24.5% 75.5%

    Grades 7-8 2.6% 3.9% 7.8% 92.2%Grades 9-12 16.1% 24.8% 34.1% 65.9%

    Marijuana All 8.8% 13.8% 23.3% 76.7%

    Grades 7-8 1.3% 1.3% 6.7% 93.3%Grades 9-12 12.9% 20.7% 32.6% 67.4%

    Marijuana Only All 3.2% 5.7% 10.1% 89.9%

    Grades 7-8 1.3% 1.3% 2.5% 97.5%Grades 9-12 4.3% 8.2% 14.5% 85.5%

    Cocaine or Crack All 7.1% 10.1% 11.7% 88.3%

    Grades 7-8 1.4% 2.8% 2.8% 97.2%Grades 9-12 10.3% 14.2% 16.7% 83.3%

    Cocaine All 7.4% 10.5% 11.8% 88.2%

    Grades 7-8 1.5% 2.9% 2.9% 97.1%Grades 9-12 10.5% 14.4% 16.5% 83.5%

    Crack All 0.3% 1.0% 1.3% 98.7%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.5% 1.5% 2.0% 98.0%

    Hallucinogens All 1.0% 1.0% 1.3% 98.7%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 1.5% 1.5% 2.0% 98.0%

    Uppers All 1.0% 1.7% 3.7% 96.3%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 1.6% 2.7% 5.9% 94.1%

    Downers All 0.7% 1.2% 2.3% 97.7%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.5% 1.5% 98.5%Grades 9-12 1.1% 1.1% 2.7% 97.3%

    Rohypnol All 0.7% 1.0% 2.4% 97.6%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 2.8% 97.2%Grades 9-12 1.1% 1.6% 2.1% 97.9%

    Steroids All 0.4% 0.9% 0.9% 99.1%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.7% 1.7% 98.3%Grades 9-12 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 99.5%

    Ecstasy All 0.4% 0.4% 0.8% 99.2%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.6% 0.6% 1.2% 98.8%

    Heroin All 0.7% 0.7% 1.2% 98.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 1.6% 98.4%Grades 9-12 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 99.0%

    San Diego

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Spring 1998

    Table B10: Prevalence and recency of use of selected substances by grade--> Students not living with two parents

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Tobacco All 39.8% 46.3% 70.6% 29.4%Grades 7-8 20.2% 24.7% 65.2% 34.8%Grades 9-12 48.6% 56.0% 73.1% 26.9%

    Alcohol All 41.4% 55.9% 77.6% 22.4%

    Grades 7-8 20.2% 30.3% 61.6% 38.4%Grades 9-12 51.1% 67.5% 84.8% 15.2%

    Inhalants All 5.3% 7.2% 17.6% 82.4%

    Grades 7-8 5.7% 10.4% 16.1% 83.9%Grades 9-12 5.1% 5.9% 18.3% 81.7%

    Any Illicit Drug All 16.3% 25.2% 37.7% 62.3%

    Grades 7-8 4.5% 14.6% 20.2% 79.8%Grades 9-12 21.6% 29.9% 45.5% 54.5%

    Marijuana All 11.8% 20.6% 36.5% 63.5%

    Grades 7-8 4.8% 10.6% 21.2% 78.8%Grades 9-12 14.8% 24.9% 43.0% 57.0%

    Marijuana Only All 3.4% 7.7% 18.5% 81.5%

    Grades 7-8 * % 2.8% 8.3% 91.7%Grades 9-12 4.9% 9.9% 23.0% 77.0%

    Cocaine or Crack All 9.4% 12.4% 16.8% 83.2%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 4.7% 95.3%Grades 9-12 13.5% 17.8% 22.2% 77.8%

    Cocaine All 9.1% 12.8% 17.4% 82.6%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 4.8% 95.2%Grades 9-12 13.1% 18.4% 22.9% 77.1%

    Crack All 0.6% 0.6% 1.2% 98.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.9% 0.9% 1.7% 98.3%

    Hallucinogens All * % 0.6% 1.3% 98.7%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % 0.9% 1.9% 98.1%

    Uppers All 1.8% 4.6% 7.1% 92.9%

    Grades 7-8 * % 5.1% 5.1% 94.9%Grades 9-12 2.5% 4.4% 7.9% 92.1%

    Downers All * % * % 2.0% 98.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % 2.7% 97.3%

    Rohypnol All 0.6% 1.5% 1.5% 98.5%

    Grades 7-8 * % 3.1% 3.1% 96.9%Grades 9-12 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 99.1%

    Steroids All * % 0.6% 0.6% 99.4%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % 0.9% 0.9% 99.1%

    Ecstasy All * % 0.7% 1.4% 98.6%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % 1.0% 1.9% 98.1%

    Heroin All 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 99.4%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 99.1%

    San DiegoS i 1998

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Spring 1998

    Table B11: Prevalence and recency of use of selected substances by grade--> Students who would seek help from adults for substance abuse problems

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Tobacco All 27.6% 36.0% 59.0% 41.0%Grades 7-8 8.5% 10.9% 38.0% 62.0%Grades 9-12 37.2% 48.6% 69.6% 30.4%

    Alcohol All 36.9% 50.7% 70.2% 29.8%

    Grades 7-8 13.3% 15.7% 40.1% 59.9%Grades 9-12 48.7% 68.4% 85.3% 14.7%

    Inhalants All 4.0% 4.9% 11.5% 88.5%

    Grades 7-8 3.7% 5.8% 9.1% 90.9%Grades 9-12 4.1% 4.5% 12.7% 87.3%

    Any Illicit Drug All 9.9% 17.0% 23.9% 76.1%

    Grades 7-8 1.2% 4.8% 7.2% 92.8%Grades 9-12 14.3% 23.1% 32.2% 67.8%

    Marijuana All 8.2% 14.2% 22.5% 77.5%

    Grades 7-8 * % 2.5% 6.2% 93.8%Grades 9-12 12.2% 19.9% 30.5% 69.5%

    Marijuana Only All 2.9% 5.9% 11.3% 88.7%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.2% 2.4% 97.6%Grades 9-12 4.4% 8.3% 15.7% 84.3%

    Cocaine or Crack All 5.7% 8.8% 10.8% 89.2%

    Grades 7-8 1.3% 2.5% 2.5% 97.5%Grades 9-12 7.8% 11.8% 14.7% 85.3%

    Cocaine All 5.9% 9.1% 10.9% 89.1%

    Grades 7-8 1.4% 2.7% 2.7% 97.3%Grades 9-12 8.0% 12.1% 14.6% 85.4%

    Crack All * % 0.3% 0.8% 99.2%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % 0.4% 1.2% 98.8%

    Hallucinogens All * % * % 0.3% 99.7%G d 7 8 * % * % * % 100 0%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % 0.5% 99.5%

    Uppers All 1.1% 2.3% 3.2% 96.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 1.7% 3.5% 4.8% 95.2%

    Downers All 0.6% 1.0% 1.9% 98.1%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.4% 1.4% 98.6%Grades 9-12 0.8% 0.8% 2.2% 97.8%Rohypnol All 0.3% 1.0% 1.4% 98.6%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.3% 2.6% 97.4%Grades 9-12 0.5% 0.9% 0.9% 99.1%

    Steroids All * % 0.4% 0.4% 99.6%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.5% 1.5% 98.5%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Ecstasy All 0.4% 0.7% 1.0% 99.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.5% 1.0% 1.4% 98.6%

    Heroin All * % * % 0.4% 99.6%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 1.6% 98.4%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    San DiegoS i g 1998

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Spring 1998

    Table B12: Prevalence and recency of use of selected substances by grade--> Students who wouldn't seek help from adults for substance abuse problems

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Tobacco All 44.4% 53.6% 77.8% 22.2%Grades 7-8 30.7% 38.7% 74.2% 25.8%Grades 9-12 51.1% 60.8% 79.6% 20.4%

    Alcohol All 43.3% 59.2% 83.2% 16.8%

    Grades 7-8 25.8% 43.6% 71.1% 28.9%Grades 9-12 51.8% 66.8% 89.1% 10.9%

    Inhalants All 9.2% 13.8% 27.8% 72.2%

    Grades 7-8 9.8% 17.8% 22.7% 77.3%Grades 9-12 9.0% 11.9% 30.3% 69.7%

    Any Illicit Drug All 25.0% 33.0% 51.3% 48.7%

    Grades 7-8 14.0% 22.7% 33.3% 66.7%Grades 9-12 29.9% 37.6% 59.3% 40.7%

    Marijuana All 16.3% 25.2% 50.6% 49.4%

    Grades 7-8 15.3% 15.3% 36.5% 63.5%Grades 9-12 16.8% 29.2% 56.3% 43.7%

    Marijuana Only All 5.6% 9.9% 22.5% 77.5%

    Grades 7-8 4.9% 4.9% 14.7% 85.3%Grades 9-12 6.0% 12.3% 26.2% 73.8%

    Cocaine or Crack All 16.2% 18.4% 24.6% 75.4%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 9.2% 90.8%Grades 9-12 23.4% 26.5% 31.4% 68.6%

    Cocaine All 16.6% 18.8% 25.2% 74.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 9.2% 90.8%Grades 9-12 24.1% 27.4% 32.4% 67.6%

    Crack All 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 98.9%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 98.4%

    Hallucinogens All 1.1% 1.1% 2.2% 97.8%Grades 7 8 * % * % * % 100 0%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 1.6% 1.6% 3.3% 96.7%

    Uppers All 1.2% 4.4% 10.7% 89.3%

    Grades 7-8 * % 10.8% 10.8% 89.2%Grades 9-12 1.7% 1.7% 10.7% 89.3%

    Downers All * % * % 2.7% 97.3%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % 3.7% 96.3%Rohypnol All 1.2% 1.2% 2.3% 97.7%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 1.7% 1.7% 3.4% 96.6%

    Steroids All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Ecstasy All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Heroin All 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 98.9%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% 98.3%

    San DiegoSpring 1998

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Spring 1998

    Table B13: Prevalence and recency of use of selected substances by grade--> Students living in town three years or less

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Tobacco All 31.8% 41.6% 65.4% 34.6%Grades 7-8 21.9% 21.9% 51.5% 48.5%Grades 9-12 41.6% 61.0% 79.1% 20.9%

    Alcohol All 34.7% 44.6% 70.1% 29.9%

    Grades 7-8 36.1% 36.1% 53.2% 46.8%Grades 9-12 33.2% 53.2% 87.1% 12.9%

    Inhalants All 6.1% 7.6% 20.2% 79.8%

    Grades 7-8 9.5% 9.5% 21.9% 78.1%Grades 9-12 2.8% 5.7% 18.5% 81.5%

    Any Illicit Drug All 8.8% 14.4% 27.9% 72.1%Grades 7-8 4.7% 9.5% 14.2% 85.8%Grades 9-12 12.7% 19.3% 41.5% 58.5%

    Marijuana All 5.3% 11.1% 28.6% 71.4%

    Grades 7-8 5.0% 9.9% 14.9% 85.1%Grades 9-12 5.7% 12.3% 41.5% 58.5%

    Marijuana Only All 5.2% 9.3% 21.3% 78.7%

    Grades 7-8 4.7% 9.5% 14.2% 85.8%Grades 9-12 5.7% 9.2% 28.3% 71.7%

    Cocaine or Crack All 3.7% 5.3% 6.9% 93.1%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 7.2% 10.4% 13.6% 86.4%

    Cocaine All 3.8% 5.5% 7.2% 92.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 7.2% 10.4% 13.6% 86.4%

    Crack All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Hallucinogens All * % * % 1.7% 98.3%Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100 0%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Grades 7-8 % % % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % 3.4% 96.6%

    Uppers All * % * % 1.9% 98.1%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % 3.9% 96.1%

    Downers All * % * % 2.0% 98.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % 3.9% 96.1%Rohypnol All * % * % 1.7% 98.3%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % 3.2% 96.8%

    Steroids All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Ecstasy All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    Heroin All * % * % * % 100.0%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 * % * % * % 100.0%

    San DiegoSpring 1998

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Spring 1998

    Table B14: Prevalence and recency of use of selected substances by grade--> Students living in town more than three years

    Past School Ever NeverMonth Year Used Used

    Tobacco All 31.5% 40.1% 61.1% 38.9%Grades 7-8 13.0% 18.8% 40.9% 59.1%Grades 9-12 40.3% 50.2% 70.6% 29.4%

    Alcohol All 39.7% 54.3% 72.5% 27.5%

    Grades 7-8 14.6% 20.8% 44.2% 55.8%Grades 9-12 51.8% 70.4% 86.1% 13.9%

    Inhalants All 5.5% 7.5% 15.6% 84.4%

    Grades 7-8 4.6% 9.5% 10.6% 89.4%Grades 9-12 5.9% 6.6% 17.9% 82.1%

    Any Illicit Drug All 13.7% 21.1% 29.9% 70.1%Grades 7-8 3.0% 7.1% 11.7% 88.3%Grades 9-12 18.7% 27.7% 38.4% 61.6%

    Marijuana All 10.8% 17.4% 28.4% 71.6%

    Grades 7-8 1.9% 3.1% 10.9% 89.1%Grades 9-12 14.8% 23.8% 36.2% 63.8%

    Marijuana Only All 3.0% 6.1% 12.1% 87.9%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 2.2% 97.8%Grades 9-12 4.5% 8.9% 16.7% 83.3%

    Cocaine or Crack All 8.5% 11.8% 14.6% 85.4%

    Grades 7-8 1.2% 2.4% 4.3% 95.7%Grades 9-12 11.8% 16.0% 19.3% 80.7%

    Cocaine All 8.6% 12.2% 14.9% 85.1%

    Grades 7-8 1.3% 2.5% 4.6% 95.4%Grades 9-12 11.8% 16.5% 19.4% 80.6%

    Crack All 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 98.5%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.7% 1.4% 2.2% 97.8%

    Hallucinogens All 0.7% 1.0% 1.3% 98.7%Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Grades 7 8 % % % 100.0%Grades 9-12 1.1% 1.4% 1.8% 98.2%

    Uppers All 1.5% 3.3% 5.6% 94.4%

    Grades 7-8 * % 2.1% 2.1% 97.9%Grades 9-12 2.2% 3.8% 7.1% 92.9%

    Downers All 0.5% 0.9% 2.3% 97.7%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.4% 1.4% 98.6%Grades 9-12 0.7% 0.7% 2.6% 97.4%Rohypnol All 0.8% 1.4% 2.2% 97.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.2% 3.7% 96.3%Grades 9-12 1.2% 1.5% 1.5% 98.5%

    Steroids All 0.3% 0.9% 0.9% 99.1%

    Grades 7-8 * % 1.4% 1.4% 98.6%Grades 9-12 0.4% 0.8% 0.8% 99.2%

    Ecstasy All 0.3% 0.6% 1.2% 98.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % * % 100.0%Grades 9-12 0.4% 0.9% 1.7% 98.3%

    Heroin All 0.8% 0.8% 1.2% 98.8%

    Grades 7-8 * % * % 1.4% 98.6%Grades 9-12 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 98.9%

    San DiegoSpring 1998

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    p g


    Q1 Frequency PercentFemale 225.2154 54.2Male 190.4855 45.8

    Frequency Missing = 3.29911709


    Q2 Frequency PercentGrade 7 70.04559 16.7Grade 8 75.7766 18.1

    Grade 9 89.78571 21.4Grade 10 64.95137 15.5Grade 11 61.1307 14.6Grade 12 57.31003 13.7


    Q3 Frequency PercentNo 147.1059 35.3Yes 269.8125 64.7

    Frequency Missing = 2.08165798


    Q4 Frequency Percent

    12 28.8423 6.913 55.22989 13.2

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    14 73.09014 17.515 79.39501 19.016 77.36089 18.517 54.08066 13.018 46.53029 11.119 or older 2.878879 0.7

    Frequency Missing = 1.59194529


    Q5 Frequency PercentAfrican/American 2.567517 0.6Asian/American 1.612349 0.4Mexican/American 380.6602 93.2

    Native/American 0.818715 0.2Other 18.40003 4.5White 4.492318 1.1

    Frequency Missing = 10.44883057

    The frequencies have been weighted so that the

    analysis reflects the distribution of students by gradelevel in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998

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    p g


    Q6 Frequency PercentMostly A's 84.10158 20.4

    Mostly B's 246.593 59.7Mostly C's 69.16128 16.7Mostly D's 10.51363 2.5Mostly F's 2.875293 0.7

    Frequency Missing = 5.75526125


    Q7 Frequency Percent4 years 355.6502 86.8

    Frequency Missing = 9.46858336


    Q8 Frequency PercentNo 376.6595 90.8Yes 38.17822 9.2

    Frequency Missing = 4.16222658


    Q9 Frequency Percent

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    No 226.2911 54.9Yes 185.6044 45.1

    Frequency Missing = 7.10449688


    Q10 Frequency PercentDon't Know 90.85234 21.9No 180.4768 43.5Yes 143.9109 34.7

    Frequency Missing = 3.75989564

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q11 Frequency PercentDon't Know 48.70126 11.8

    No 119.9437 29.0Yes 244.888 59.2

    Frequency Missing = 5.46706744


    Q12A Frequency Percent

    No 171.0291 44.8Yes 210.4035 55.2

    Frequency Missing = 37.56737918


    Q12B Frequency PercentNo 195.259 62.2Yes 118.5431 37.8

    Frequency Missing = 105.19792773


    Q12C Frequency Percent

    No 258.425 79.1Yes 68.27711 20.9

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Frequency Missing = 92.2978648


    Q12D Frequency PercentNo 230.7427 74.7Yes 78.31553 25.3

    Frequency Missing = 109.94172128



    Q12E Frequency PercentNo 266.585 82.4Yes 56.90288 17.6

    Frequency Missing = 95.51209731

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998

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    Q12F Frequency PercentNo 256.8591 89.8

    Yes 29.17619 10.2

    Frequency Missing = 132.9646642


    Q12G Frequency Percent

    No 284.5836 91.6Yes 25.99103 8.4

    Frequency Missing = 108.4253662


    Q12H Frequency PercentNo 235.4926 80.0Yes 58.7054 20.0

    Frequency Missing = 124.8020111


    Q12I Frequency Percent

    No 295.8972 94.2

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Yes 18.20263 5.8

    Frequency Missing = 104.90017866

    PARTICIPATE IN VOE/DE/WORK-STUDY Q12J Frequency PercentNo 263.7091 96.8Yes 8.745513 3.2

    Frequency Missing = 146.54540989


    Q12K Frequency PercentNo 203.6884 64.7Yes 111.2034 35.3

    Frequency Missing = 104.10822595

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q13A Frequency PercentVery Safe 343.6827 82.4Somewhat Safe 55.21073 13.2

    Not Very Safe 3.356475 0.8Not Safe At All 1.728398 0.4Don't Know 12.91961 3.1

    Frequency Missing = 2.10206209


    Q13B Frequency Percent

    Very Safe 188.6656 47.2Somewhat Safe 153.3209 38.4Not Very Safe 33.4345 8.4Not Safe At All 8.276204 2.1Don't Know 16.06655 4.0

    Frequency Missing = 19.23624104


    Q13C Frequency PercentVery Safe 189.8109 47.2Somewhat Safe 156.3287 38.9Not Very Safe 28.01045 7.0Not Safe At All 17.30759 4.3Don't Know 10.59122 2.6

    Frequency Missing = 16.95115297

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q14A Frequency Percent

    None 16.49866 4.1

    A Few 109.4734 27.2Some 86.47572 21.5Most 136.2741 33.9All 53.55481 13.3

    Frequency Missing = 16.72331798

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q14B Frequency Percent

    None 227.2274 67.0A Few 71.91723 21.2Some 23.4518 6.9Most 9.986548 2.9All 6.752058 2.0

    Frequency Missing = 79.66497979


    Q14C Frequency Percent

    None 6.837529 1.8A Few 45.29751 11.9Some 98.21357 25.9Most 138.6214 36.5All 90.4222 23.8

    Frequency Missing = 39.60782133


    Q14D Frequency Percent

    None 265.9363 76.8A Few 53.75192 15.5Some 18.06453 5.2Most 5.326761 1.5All 3.270183 0.9

    Frequency Missing = 72.65033678

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q14E Frequency Percent

    None 198.2871 58.0A Few 97.97692 28.7Some 21.92683 6.4Most 12.28751 3.6All 11.45433 3.3

    Frequency Missing = 77.06726796

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q15 Frequency PercentNo 133.221 37.4Yes 222.8858 62.6

    Frequency Missing = 62.89314539


    Q16A Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 345.9824 91.2

    In Your Lifetime 18.39453 4.8Since School Began 5.708688 1.5In the Past Month 9.252865 2.4

    Frequency Missing = 39.66156796


    Q16B Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 321.6801 93.5In Your Lifetime 10.33002 3.0Since School Began 4.901675 1.4In the Past Month 7.240949 2.1

    Frequency Missing = 74.84724632


    Q16C Frequency Percent

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Never Heard/Used 315.0734 92.5In Your Lifetime 12.81168 3.8Since School Began 5.446396 1.6In the Past Month 7.129577 2.1

    Frequency Missing = 78.5389032


    Q16D Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 327.7907 99.3In Your Lifetime 0.773231 0.2Since School Began 0.839119 0.3In the Past Month 0.773231 0.2

    Frequency Missing = 88.82370411

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Q16H Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 297.3769 96.8

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Never Heard/Used 297.3769 96.8In Your Lifetime 1.262943 0.4Since School Began 5.422405 1.8In the Past Month 2.991341 1.0

    Frequency Missing = 111.94641291


    Q16I Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 322.3621 99.2In Your Lifetime 2.567517 0.8

    Frequency Missing = 94.07040304

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q16J Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 307.1327 96.7In Your Lifetime 5.064469 1.6Since School Began 0.955167 0.3In the Past Month 4.60369 1.4

    Frequency Missing = 101.24396051


    Q16K Frequency Percent

    Never Heard/Used 327.536 92.2In Your Lifetime 14.10923 4.0Since School Began 5.264459 1.5In the Past Month 8.43415 2.4

    Frequency Missing = 63.6561772


    Q17A Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 161.6102 38.9In Your Lifetime 89.44766 21.5Since School Began 38.75037 9.3In the Past Month 125.4977 30.2

    Frequency Missing = 3.69400738


    Q17B Frequency Percent

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    q yNever Heard/Used 360.7264 89.9In Your Lifetime 19.21407 4.8Since School Began 8.00565 2.0In the Past Month 13.43355 3.3

    Frequency Missing = 17.62030509


    Q17C Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 160.7787 39.7In Your Lifetime 75.13103 18.6Since School Began 49.35715 12.2

    In the Past Month 119.3174 29.5

    Frequency Missing = 14.41574285

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q17D Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 158.1009 40.1In Your Lifetime 79.38872 20.2Since School Began 51.62006 13.1In the Past Month 104.7021 26.6

    Frequency Missing = 25.18822438


    Q17E Frequency Percent

    Never Heard/Used 242.8347 62.0In Your Lifetime 63.66981 16.3Since School Began 36.68151 9.4In the Past Month 48.2009 12.3

    Frequency Missing = 27.6130839


    Q17F Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 192.4469 49.7In Your Lifetime 49.27471 12.7Since School Began 44.4563 11.5In the Past Month 100.8827 26.1

    Frequency Missing = 31.93946102


    Q18A Frequency Percent

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Never Heard/Used 293.8392 72.0In Your Lifetime 48.00944 11.8Since School Began 25.8312 6.3In the Past Month 40.1827 9.9

    Frequency Missing = 11.13744411


    Q18B Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 335.4959 86.2In Your Lifetime 9.737634 2.5Since School Began 12.78616 3.3

    In the Past Month 31.03636 8.0

    Frequency Missing = 29.94392369

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q18C Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 384.0922 98.7In Your Lifetime 1.657834 0.4Since School Began 1.657834 0.4In the Past Month 1.612349 0.4

    Frequency Missing = 29.97978843


    Q18E Frequency Percent

    Never Heard/Used 385.6713 98.7In Your Lifetime 1.794286 0.5Since School Began 0.839119 0.2In the Past Month 2.431064 0.6

    Frequency Missing = 28.26418241


    Q18F Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 361.1805 95.0In Your Lifetime 8.430296 2.2Since School Began 5.512284 1.5In the Past Month 4.928017 1.3

    Frequency Missing = 38.94886795


    Q18G Frequency Percent

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Never Heard/Used 361.9554 97.8In Your Lifetime 5.139709 1.4Since School Began 1.262943 0.3In the Past Month 1.657834 0.4

    Frequency Missing = 48.98407946


    Q18H Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 377.7658 97.9In Your Lifetime 3.365005 0.9Since School Began 2.036174 0.5

    In the Past Month 2.613001 0.7

    Frequency Missing = 33.22004367

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q18I Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 362.5797 99.2Since School Began 2.102062 0.6In the Past Month 0.839119 0.2

    Frequency Missing = 53.47916217


    Q18J Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 348.3796 99.0

    In Your Lifetime 1.657834 0.5Since School Began 0.955167 0.3In the Past Month 0.955167 0.3

    Frequency Missing = 67.05219964


    Q18K Frequency Percent

    Never Heard/Used 364.216 99.0In Your Lifetime 1.262943 0.3In the Past Month 2.451468 0.7

    Frequency Missing = 51.06959154


    Q19A Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 299.4628 74.71 2 i 44 23409 11 0

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    1-2 times 44.23409 11.03-10 times 21.88937 5.511+ times 35.12526 8.8

    Frequency Missing = 18.28851452


    Q19B Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 224.276 57.11-2 times 93.3776 23.83-10 times 46.47827 11.811+ times 28.88799 7.4

    Frequency Missing = 25.98018372

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998


  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q19C Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 388.1606 96.71-2 times 7.86091 2.03-10 times 3.057229 0.811+ times 2.21811 0.6

    Frequency Missing = 17.7031576


    Q19D Frequency Percent

    Never Heard/Used 317.4957 83.51-2 times 38.09663 10.03-10 times 14.26097 3.711+ times 10.44139 2.7

    Frequency Missing = 38.70531141


    Q19E Frequency PercentNever Heard/Used 331.9257 89.11-2 times 20.48277 5.53-10 times 8.571425 2.311+ times 11.58911 3.1

    Frequency Missing = 46.43102997

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998


  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q20B Frequency PercentNever heard/None 294.5475 74.5A few 69.55835 17.6Some 22.34697 5.6Most 4.154786 1.1All 4.993905 1.3

    Frequency Missing = 23.39846762


    Q20C Frequency Percent

    Never heard/None 71.60394 17.6A few 84.47002 20.7Some 81.59486 20.0Most 102.1551 25.0All 68.13593 16.7

    Frequency Missing = 11.04012454


    Q20D Frequency PercentNever heard/None 92.99449 23.6A few 100.4222 25.4Some 80.88749 20.5Most 74.93667 19.0All 45.42552 11.5

    Frequency Missing = 24.33364492


  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q20E Frequency PercentNever heard/None 193.6782 49.2A few 93.56248 23.8Some 59.29957 15.1Most 29.20061 7.4All 17.71929 4.5

    Frequency Missing = 25.53980928


    Q20F Frequency Percent

    Never heard/None 129.6801 34.0A few 71.26058 18.7Some 65.67579 17.2Most 68.86688 18.1All 45.65294 12.0

    Frequency Missing = 37.86369541

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998


  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q20G Frequency PercentNever heard/None 325.8556 83.7A few 41.40595 10.6Some 11.57423 3.0Most 8.420097 2.2All 2.102062 0.5

    Frequency Missing = 29.64208463


    Q20H Frequency Percent

    Never heard/None 177.8902 45.2A few 98.21483 25.0Some 55.01994 14.0Most 44.36191 11.3All 17.92119 4.6

    Frequency Missing = 25.59191225


    Q21A Frequency PercentNever heard of 52.89984 13.1Impossible 52.46072 13.0Very difficult 20.48154 5.1Somewhat diff 27.00483 6.7Somewhat easy 73.79531 18.3Very easy 176.5926 43.8

    Frequency Missing = 15.76512517

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    San DiegoSpring 1998


  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q21C Frequency PercentNever heard of 44.15791 11.2Impossible 49.67432 12.6Very difficult 19.85647 5.0Somewhat diff 51.55695 13.0Somewhat easy 90.81702 23.0Very easy 139.581 35.3

    Frequency Missing = 23.35630247


    Q21D Frequency PercentNever heard of 53.96294 14.0Impossible 45.24762 11.7Very difficult 28.9219 7.5Somewhat diff 36.16505 9.4Somewhat easy 84.34448 21.9Very easy 136.5682 35.5

    Frequency Missing = 33.78984415


    Q21E Frequency PercentNever heard of 81.87027 21.1Impossible 69.79957 18.0Very difficult 23.53133 6.1Somewhat diff 50.19392 13.0Somewhat easy 57.03823 14.7Very easy 104.9001 27.1

    Frequency Missing = 31.66655612

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q21F Frequency PercentNever heard of 63.34758 17.0Impossible 55.51973 14.9Very difficult 26.50668 7.1Somewhat diff 37.707 10.1Somewhat easy 68.24883 18.3Very easy 121.2487 32.5

    Frequency Missing = 46.42150637

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998


  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Q21G Frequency Percent

    Never heard of 126.0503 32.0Impossible 75.21536 19.1Very difficult 10.0046 2.5Somewhat diff 12.27137 3.1Somewhat easy 33.63216 8.5Very easy 137.3328 34.8

    Frequency Missing = 24.49340626


    Q21H Frequency PercentNever heard of 98.91375 25.3Impossible 92.82411 23.8Very difficult 16.28059 4.2Somewhat diff 32.72374 8.4Somewhat easy 57.04165 14.6Very easy 92.46612 23.7

    Frequency Missing = 28.750041


    Q21I Frequency PercentNever heard of 106.4392 27.9Impossible 100.3294 26.3Very difficult 21.20779 5.6Somewhat diff 46.05586 12.1Somewhat easy 46.72883 12.3Very easy 60.46548 15.9

    Frequency Missing = 37.77340225

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q21J Frequency PercentNever heard of 131.581 35.4Impossible 110.8144 29.8Very difficult 38.12683 10.2Somewhat diff 36.11421 9.7Somewhat easy 29.14643 7.8Very easy 26.2393 7.1

    Frequency Missing = 46.97792915

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998


  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Q21L Frequency Percent

    Never heard of 186.1467 49.1Impossible 107.6368 28.4Very difficult 30.14749 8.0Somewhat diff 21.30893 5.6Somewhat easy 16.881 4.5Very easy 17.0213 4.5

    Frequency Missing = 39.85772914


    Q21M Frequency PercentNever heard of 173.0824 46.3Impossible 92.39669 24.7Very difficult 25.24458 6.7Somewhat diff 23.21585 6.2Somewhat easy 29.35344 7.8Very easy 30.81573 8.2

    Frequency Missing = 44.89132769


    Q21N Frequency PercentNever heard of 173.3687 47.1Impossible 91.95496 25.0Very difficult 24.40546 6.6Somewhat diff 21.11379 5.7Somewhat easy 31.43043 8.5Very easy 25.97124 7.1

    Frequency Missing = 50.75546418

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q21O Frequency PercentNever heard of 212.227 55.0Impossible 87.60335 22.7Very difficult 23.11427 6.0Somewhat diff 21.59838 5.6Somewhat easy 20.57777 5.3Very easy 20.48789 5.3

    Frequency Missing = 33.39136731

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998


  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Q21P Frequency Percent

    Never heard of 133.692 35.9Impossible 123.2418 33.1Very difficult 27.78341 7.5Somewhat diff 36.36479 9.8Somewhat easy 25.79039 6.9Very easy 25.33555 6.8

    Frequency Missing = 46.79213845


    Q21Q Frequency PercentNever heard of 208.0263 53.9Impossible 97.41138 25.2Very difficult 16.43001 4.3Somewhat diff 30.64423 7.9Somewhat easy 15.6576 4.1Very easy 17.66276 4.6

    Frequency Missing = 33.16767978


    Q21R Frequency PercentNever heard of 154.7265 39.9Impossible 141.0694 36.3Very difficult 33.08509 8.5Somewhat diff 25.67667 6.6Somewhat easy 13.44928 3.5Very easy 20.24133 5.2

    Frequency Missing = 30.75175788

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q22A Frequency PercentNever used it 125.2155 33.99 or younger 18.29404 4.910 years old 13.97663 3.811 years old 21.02617 5.712 years old 45.68081 12.413 years old 48.86095 13.214 years old 31.79789 8.615 years old 32.94076 8.916 years old 20.87723 5.617 years old 9.369735 2.518 or older 1.773882 0.5

    Frequency Missing = 49.18642017

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998


  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use



    Q22B Frequency PercentNever used it 284.2 86.29 or younger 2.899283 0.911 years old 5.488293 1.712 years old 9.248189 2.813 years old 5.655763 1.714 years old 5.251081 1.615 years old 6.499558 2.016 years old 7.070448 2.117 years old 2.456144 0.718 or older 0.818715 0.2

    Frequency Missing = 89.41252672


    Q22C Frequency PercentNever used it 97.49259 28.89 or younger 12.06947 3.610 years old 12.83332 3.811 years old 18.21686 5.412 years old 30.80262 9.1

    13 years old 55.44031 16.414 years old 37.57266 11.115 years old 39.06153 11.516 years old 25.46645 7.517 years old 7.914242 2.318 or older 1.637429 0.5

    Frequency Missing = 80.4925179


    Q22D Frequency PercentN d i 104 6228 33 0

  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Never used it 104.6228 33.09 or younger 10.51831 3.310 years old 10.26071 3.211 years old 17.39538 5.512 years old 27.24936 8.613 years old 41.17989 13.014 years old 32.47441 10.215 years old 38.76631 12.216 years old 24.56144 7.717 years old 6.959075 2.218 or older 3.411311 1.1

    Frequency Missing = 101.60104978

    The frequencies have been weighted so that theanalysis reflects the distribution of students by grade

    level in the district

    San DiegoSpring 1998


  • 8/14/2019 DUVAL COUNTY - San Diego ISD - 1998 Texas School Survey of Drug and Alcohol Use


    Q22E Frequency Percent

    Never used it 182.2672 56.89 or y