Duties to Legal Profession

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  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession


    Teodoro R. Rivera vs. Atty. Sergio Angeles

    A.C. No. 2519. August 29, 2000

    Facts: Atty. Sergio Angeles as t!e legal counsel o" Teodoro Rivera and 2ot!ers in a civil case. Rivera and !is 2 co#$lainti%s received a "avora&ledecision. Atty. Angeles received al'ost (!( 50,000 "ro' one o" t!ede"endants in t!e case as $artial "ul)ll'ent o" t!e *udge'ent against t!elatter. Atty. Angeles, !oever, never told !is clients o" t!e a'ount !e !adreceived and never re'itted t!e sa'e to !i', leaving t!e' to discover suc!"act on t!eir on. Rivera and !is co#$lainti%s )led an ad'inistrativeco'$laint "or dis&ar'ent against Atty. Angeles.

    +eld: -/T. Atty. Angeles as not dis&arred &ut t!e Court ruled t!at !is acta'ounted to serious 'isconduct. T!e Court !as re$eatedly stressed t!ei'$ortance o" integrity and good 'oral c!aracter as $art o" a layerseui$'ent in t!e $ractice o" !is $ro"ession. For it cannot &e denied t!at t!eres$ect o" litigants "or t!e $ro"ession is ine3ora&ly di'inis!ed !enever a'e'&er o" t!e 4ar &etrays t!eir trust and con)dence. T!e Court is noto&livious o" t!e rig!t o" a layer to &e $aid "or t!e legal services !e !ase3tended to !is client &ut suc! rig!t s!ould not &e e3ercised !i'sically &ya$$ro$riating to !i'sel" t!e 'oney intended "or !is clients. T!ere s!ouldnever &e an instance !ere t!e victor in litigation loses everyt!ing !e on to

    t!e "ees o" !is on layer. For deceit in dealing it! !is client, Atty. Angelesas sus$ended "ro' t!e $ractice o" la "or 1 year.

    6S7 S. 8-CAT, R., co'$lainant,


    ATTS. ARS7N6 C. //A/6N, R. and CRS(-/6 8-C-SN, res$ondents.

    R 7 S 6 / - T 6 N

    87 /76N, R., .:

    6n August 1, 2000, a 8ecision as rendered &y t!is Court in t!e a&ove#

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    entitled case, )nding res$ondent Atty. Arsenio C. illalon, r. guilty o" gross'isconduct. T!e dis$ositive $ortion o" t!e Court;s 8ecision reads:

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    de"ense =t!at !e considered !i'sel" t!e oner o" t!e su&*ect $ro$erty !ic!as allegedly given to !i' &y ose 8ucat, Sr.> rings !ollo in t!e "ace o" aelter o" contravening and incontroverti&le "acts.

    FRST, t!e registered oner o" t!e su&*ect $ro$erty is co'$lainant ose8ucat, r. Accordingly, res$ondent =&eing a layer> Dne or oug!t to Dnot!at ose 8ucat, Sr. could not $ossi&ly give to !i' t!e said $ro$erty unlesst!e "or'er is duly aut!oriEed &y t!e co'$lainant t!roug! a S$ecial (oer o"Attorney. No suc! aut!oriEation !as &een given. ?oreover, ose 8ucat, Sr. !asvigorously denied !aving given t!e su&*ect $ro$erty to t!e res$ondent. T!isdenial is not too dicult to &elieve considering t!e "act t!at !e =ose 8ucat,Sr.> is not t!e oner o" said $ro$erty.

    S7C6N8, &eing a layer, res$ondent Dne or oug!t to Dno t!at conveyanceo" a real $ro$erty, !et!er gratuitously or "or a consideration, 'ust &e inriting. Accordingly, it is un&elieva&le t!at !e ould consider !i'sel" t!eoner o" t!e su&*ect $ro$erty on t!e &asis o" t!e ver&al or oral giving o" t!e$ro$erty &y ose 8ucat, Sr. no 'atter !o 'any ti'es t!e latter 'ay !avesaid t!at.

    T+R8, t!e 8eed o" Sale o" (arcel o" /and =73!. 1 "or t!e res$ondent and73!. A#2 "or t!e co'$lainant> allegedly e3ecuted &y ose 8ucat, Sr. in "avoro" res$ondent Atty. Arsenio illalon andGor Andres Canares, r. covering t!e

    su&*ect $arcel o" land !ic! res$ondent $re$ared allegedly u$on instructiono" ose 8ucat, Sr. is o" du&ious c!aracter. As earlier adverted to, ose 8ucat,Sr. is not t!e oner o" said $ro$erty. ?oreover, said 8eed o" Sale o" (arcel o"/and is a "alsi)ed docu'ent as ad'itted &y t!e res$ondent !i'sel" !en !esaid t!at t!e signature over t!e ty$eritten na'e ?aria Ca&rido =i"e o" ose8ucat, Sr.> as a3ed &y ose 8ucat, Sr. 4eing a layer, res$ondent Dne oroug!t to Dno t!at t!e act o" ose 8ucat, Sr. in a3ing !is i"e;s signature istanta'ount to a "orgery. Accordingly, !e s!ould !ave treated t!e said 8eed o"Sale o" (arcel o" /and !as =sic> a 'ere scra$ o" ort!less $a$er instead o"relying on t!e sa'e to su&stantiate !is clai' t!at t!e su&*ect $ro$erty asgiven to !i' &y ose 8ucat, Sr. Again, o" note is t!e "act t!at ose 8ucat, Sr.

    !as vigorously denied !aving e3ecuted said docu'ent !ic! denial is not toodicult to &elieve in t!e lig!t o" t!e circu'stances already 'entioned.

    F6-RT+, t!e 8eed o" A&solute Sale o" Real (ro$erty =73!. 2 "or t!eres$ondent and 73!. A#@ "or t!e co'$lainant> allegedly e3ecuted &y ose8ucat, r. in "avor o" Andres Canares, r. over t!e su&*ect $ro$erty =!ic!res$ondent clai's !e $re$ared u$on instruction o" ose 8ucat, Sr.> is liDeise

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    o" uestiona&le c!aracter. Co'$lainant ose 8ucat, r. !as vigorously denied!aving e3ecuted said docu'ent. +e clai's t!at !e !as never sold said$ro$erty to Andres Canares, r. !o' !e does not DnoB t!at !e !as nevera$$eared &e"ore Atty. Cris$ulo 8ucusin to su&scri&e to t!e docu'entB andt!at !e !as never received t!e a'ount o" (50,000.00 re$resenting t!e

    consideration o" said transaction. ?ore i'$ortantly, t!e in)r'ity o" t!e said8eed o" A&solute Sale o" Real (ro$erty as su$$lied &y t!e res$ondent noless !en !e ad'itted t!at t!ere as no $ay'ent o" (50,000.00 and t!att!e sa'e as $laced in t!e docu'ent only to 'aDe it a$$ear t!at t!econveyance as "or a consideration. Accordingly, and &eing a layer,res$ondent Dne or oug!t to Dno t!e irregularity o" !is act and t!at !es!ould !ave treated t!e docu'ent as anot!er scra$ o" ort!less $a$erinstead o" utiliEing t!e sa'e to su&stantiate !is de"ense.1

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    as an attorney and as a 'e'&er o" t!e ntegrated 4ar, and "urnis!ed t!e 4arCon)dant, t!e ntegrated 4ar o" t!e (!ili$$ines and t!e Court Ad'inistrator"or circulation to all courts in t!e country.

    S6 6R87R78.

    Tan vs. Sa&andal, 20 SCRA I@ =1992>86CTRN7S:T!e $ractice o" la is nota 'atter o" rig!t.No 'oral uali)cation "or &ar 'e'&ers!i$ is 'ore i'$ortantt!antrut!"ulness or candor.FACTS:Res$ondent Sa&andal $assed t!e 19IH 4ar73a'inations &ut as denied to taDe!is oat! in vie o" t!e )nding o" t!eCourt t!at !e as guilty o"unaut!oriEed $ractice o" la. Since t!en, !e !ad)led nu'erous $etitions"or !i' to &e alloed to taDe !is layer;s oat!.Actingto !is 19H9 $etition, t!e Court directed t!e e3ecutive *udge o" t!e$rovince!ere Sa&andal is do'iciled to su&'it a co''ent on res$ondent;s'oral)tness to &e a 'e'&er o" t!e 4ar. n co'$liance t!ereit!, t!ee3ecutive

    *udge stated in !is co''ent t!at !e is not aare o" any actsco''itted &yt!e res$ondent as ould disuali"y !i' to "ro' ad'ission tot!e 4ar.+oever, !e added t!at res$ondent !as a $ending civil case &e"ore!is court"or cancellationGreversion $roceedings, in !ic! res$ondent, t!enorDing as/and nvestigator o" t!e 4ureau o" /ands, is alleged to !avesecured a "ree$atent and later a certi)cate o" title to a $arcel o" land!ic!, u$oninvestigation, turned out to &e a sa'$land and not susce$ti&leo" acuisitionunder a "ree $atent, and !ic! !e later 'ortgaged to t!e&anD. T!e 'ortgageas later "oreclosed and t!e land su&seuently sold at$u&lic auction andres$ondent !as not redee'ed t!e land since t!en.T!e case as !oever&een settled t!roug! a'ica&le settle'ent. T!e saida'ica&le settle'entcanceled t!e 6CT under Free (atent in t!e na'e o" Sa&andal and !is'ortgage in t!e &anDB $rovided "or t!e surrender o" t!ecerti)cate o" title tot!e R8 "or $ro$er annotationB reverted to t!e 'asso" $u&lic do'ain t!e landcovered &y t!e a"oresaid certi)cate o" titleit! res$ondent re"raining "ro'e3ercising acts o" $ossession or oners!i$over t!e said land. Res$ondentalso $aid t!e &anD a certain su' "or t!eloan and interest.SS-7:

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    innocence as 'ade &ecause t!e suit !as&een co'$ro'ised. T!is is a sadreKection o" !is sense o" !onor and "airdealings.?oreover, !is "ailure to revealto t!e Court t!e $endency o" t!e civil case"or Reversion )led against !i'during t!e $eriod t!at !e as su&'ittingseveral $etitions and 'otions "orreconsiderations reveal !is lacD o"candor and trut!"ulness.Alt!oug!, t!e ter'

    good 'oral c!aracter ad'its o" &road di'ensions, it!as &een de)ned asincluding at least co''on dis!onesty. t !as also&een !eld t!at no 'oraluali)cation "or 'e'&ers!i$ is 'ore i'$ortant t!antrut!"ulness or candor.

    n re nvestigation o" AN7/ . (ARAL6 "or alleged leaDage o" uestions inso'e su&*ects in t!e 19H 4ar 73a'inations.

    Feli3&erto ?. Serrano "or res$ondent. 7nriue ?. Fernando and Francisco A.Rodrigo, A&elardo Su&ido, and Arturo A. Ala"riE ="or t!e (!ili$$ine /ayers;Association> as a'ici curiae.

    ?6NT7?A6R, .:

    T!e $resent case !ad its origin in a story or nes ite' $re$ared and ritten&y t!e de"endant, Angel . (araEo, a duly accredited re$orter o" t!e StarRe$orter, a local daily o" general circulation, t!at a$$eared on t!e "ront $ageo" t!e issue o" Se$te'&er 1, 19H. T!e story as $receded &y t!e !eadline

    in large letters # C/A? ;/7AM; N /AST 4AR T7STS, "olloed &y anot!er inslig!tly s'aller letters # A$$licants n -$roar,

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    uestions on said su&*ect "ully one eeD &e"ore t!e tests.

    T!e students !o 'ade t!e denunciation to t!e Star Re$orter clai' t!at t!etests actually given ere si'ilar in every res$ect to t!ose t!ey !ad seen

    students o" t!is $rivate university !olding $roudly around t!e city.

    T!e students !o clai' to !ave seen t!e tests !ic! leaDed are de'andingt!at t!e Su$re'e Court institute an i''ediate $ro&e into t!e 'atter, to )ndout t!e source o" t!e leaDage, and annul t!e test $a$ers o" t!e students o"t!e $articular university $ossessed o" t!ose tests &e"ore t!e e3a'inations.

    T!e discovery o" t!e alleged leaDage in t!e tests o" t!e &ar e3a'inations

    ca'e close on t!e !eels o" t!e revelations in t!e (!ili$$ine Collegian, ocialorgan o" t!e student &ody o" t!e -niversity o" t!e (!ili$$ines, on recentgovern'ent tests !erein t!e uestions !ad co'e into t!e $ossession o"nearly all t!e graduates o" so'e $rivate tec!nical sc!ools.

    To t!e $u&lication, evidently, t!e attention o" t!e Su$re'e Court 'ust !ave&een called, and ?r. ustice (adilla, !o !ad $reviously &een designatedC!air'an o" t!e Co''ittee o" 4ar 73a'iners "or t!is year, &y aut!ority o" t!eCourt, instructed ?r. ose de la CruE as Co''issioner it! t!e assistance o"?r. 7. Soriano, ClerD o" Court to cite ?r. (araEo "or uestioning and

    investigation. n t!is connection, and "or $ur$oses o" s!oing t!e interest o"t!e Su$re'e Court in t!e nes ite' and its i'$lications, it 'ay !ere &estated t!at t!is Court is and "or 'any years !as &een, in c!arge o" t!e 4ar73a'inations !eld every year, including t!at o" t!is year, !eld in August,19H. Section 1@, Article o" t!e Constitution o" t!e (!ili$$ines aut!oriEest!is Court to $ro'ulgate rules concerning ad'ission to t!e $ractice o" la,and $ursuant to t!at aut!ority, Rule 12I o" t!e Rules o" Court as$ro'ulgated, under !ic! rule, t!is Court conducts t!e 4ar 73a'inationsyearly, a$$oints a Co''ittee o" 4ar 73a'iners to &e $resided &y one o" t!e

    ustices, to serve "or one year, acts on t!e re$ort o" t!e co''ittee and)nally, ad'its to t!e 4ar and to t!e $ractice o" la, t!e candidates and

    e3a'inees !o !ave $assed t!e e3a'inations.

    T!e investigation o" ?r. (araEo as conducted on Se$te'&er 1H, 19H, on!ic! occasion !e testi)ed under oat! and, ansering uestions directed to!i' &y ?essrs. CruE and Soriano ad'itted t!at !e as t!e aut!or o" t!e nesite'B t!at !e rote u$ t!e story and !ad it $u&lis!ed, in good "ait! and in a

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    s$irit o" $u&lic serviceB and t!at !e Dne t!e $ersons !o gave !i' t!ein"or'ation !ic! "or'ed t!e &asis o" !is $u&lication &ut t!at !e declined toreveal t!eir na'es &ecause t!e in"or'ation as given to !i' in con)denceand !is in"or'ants did not is! to !ave t!eir identities revealed. T!einvestigators in"or'ed (araEo t!at t!is as a serious 'atter involving t!e

    con)dence o" t!e $u&lic in t!e regularity and cleanliness o" t!e 4ar73a'inations and also in t!e Su$re'e Court !ic! conducted saide3a'inations, and re$eatedly a$$ealed to !is civic s$irit and sense o" $u&licservice, $leading it! and urging !i' to reveal t!e na'es o" !is in"or'antsso t!at t!e Su$re'e Court 'ay &e in a $osition to start and conduct t!enecessary investigation in order to veri"y t!eir c!arge and co'$laint and taDeaction against t!e $arty or $arties res$onsi&le "or t!e alleged irregularity andano'aly, i" "ound true, &ut (araEo consistently re"used to 'aDe t!erevelation.

    n t!e 'eanti'e, t!e riter o" t!is o$inion !o as a$$ointed to t!eSu$re'e Court as associate ustice in t!e latter $art o" August, 19H, asdesignated to succeed ?r. ustice (adilla as C!air'an o" t!e Co''ittee o"4ar 73a'iners !en t!e said ustice as a$$ointed Secretary o" ustice. T!eriter o" t!is o$inion as "urnis!ed a co$y o" t!e transcri$t o" t!einvestigation conducted on Se$te'&er 1H, 19H, and !e 'ade a re$ortt!ereo" to t!e Court in &anc, resulting in t!e issuance o" t!e resolution o" t!isCourt dated 6cto&er I, 19H, !ic! reads as "ollos:

    n relation it! t!e nes ite' t!at a$$eared in t!e "ront $age o" t!e StarRe$orter, issue o" Se$te'&er 1, 19H, regarding alleged leaDage in so'e&ar e3a'ination uestions, !ic! e3a'inations ere !eld in August 19H, ?r.

    ose de la CruE, as Co''issioner, and ?r. 7. Soriano, as ClerD o" Court, ereaut!oriEed &y ?r. ustice Sa&ino (adilla t!en c!air'an o" t!e co''ittee o"&ar e3a'iners to conduct an investigation t!ereo", $articularly to receive t!etesti'ony o" ?r. Angel . (araEo, t!e re$orter res$onsi&le "or and aut!or o"said nes ite'. An investigation as conducted on Se$te'&er 1H, 19HBstenogra$!ic notes ere taDen o" t!e testi'ony o" ?r. (araEo, and ?r. ustice?arcelino R. ?onte'ayor, t!e ne c!air'an o" t!e co''ittee o" &are3a'iners, !as su&'itted t!e transcri$t o" said notes "or t!e consideration o"t!is Court.

    Fro' t!e record o" said investigation, it is clear t!at ?r. (araEo !asdeli&erately and consistently declined and re"used to reveal t!e identity o"t!e $ersons su$$osed to !ave given !i' t!e data and in"or'ation on !ic!!is nes ite' as &ased, des$ite t!e re$eated a$$eals 'ade to !is civics$irit, and "or !is coo$eration, in order to ena&le t!is Court to conduct a

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    t!oroug! investigation o" t!e alleged &ar e3a'ination ano'aly, Resolved, toaut!oriEe ?r. ustice ?onte'ayor to cite ?r. (araEo &e"ore !i', e3$lain to !i't!at t!e interests o" t!e State de'and and so t!is Court reuires t!at !ereveal t!e source or sources o" !is in"or'ation and o" !is nes ite', and toarn !i' t!at !is re"usal to 'aDe t!e revelation de'anded ill &e regarded

    as conte'$t o" court and $enaliEed accordingly. ?r. ustice ?onte'ayor illadvise t!e Court o" t!e result.

    Acting u$on t!is resolution, t!e riter o" t!is o$inion cited ?r. (araEo toa$$ear &e"ore !i' on 6cto&er 1@, 19H. +e a$$eared on t!e date set and itas clearly e3$lained to !i' t!at t!e interest o" t!e State de'ands and t!iscourt reuires t!at !e reveal t!e source o" sources o" !is in"or'ation and o"!is nes ite'B t!at t!is as a very serious 'atter involving t!e con)dence o"t!e $eo$le in general and t!e la $ractitioners and &ar e3a'inees in$articular, in t!e regularity and cleanliness o" t!e &ar e3a'inationsB t!at it

    also involves t!e good na'e and re$utation o" t!e &ar e3a'iners !o area$$ointed &y t!is Court to $re$are t!e &ar e3a'inations uestions and later$ass u$on and correct t!e e3a'inations uestions and last &ut not least, italso involves and is &ound to a%ect t!e con)dence o" t!e !ole country int!e very Su$re'e Court !ic! is conducting t!e &ar e3a'inations. t as"urt!er e3$lained to !i' t!at t!e Su$re'e Court is Deenly interested ininvestigating t!e alleged ano'aly and leaDage o" t!e e3a'ination uestionsand is deter'ined to $unis! t!e $arty or $arties res$onsi&le t!ere"or &ut t!atit!out !is !el$, s$ecially t!e identities o" t!e $ersons !o "urnis!ed !i' t!ein"or'ation and !o could give t!e court t!e necessary data and evidence,t!e Court could not even &egin t!e investigation &ecause t!ere ould &e no

    &asis "ro' !ic! to start, not even a clue "ro' !ic! to "or'ulate a t!eory./astly, (araEo as told t!at under t!e la !e could &e $unis!ed i" !e re"usedto 'aDe t!e revelation, $unis!'ent !ic! 'ay even involve i'$rison'ent.

    4ecause o" t!e seriousness o" t!e 'atter, (araEo as advised to t!inD it overand consider t!e conseuences, and i" !e need ti'e it!in !ic! to do t!isand so t!at !e 'ig!t even consult t!e editor and $u&lis!er o" !is $a$er, t!eStar Re$orter, !e could &e given an e3tension o" ti'e, and at !is reuest, t!einvestigation as $ost$oned to 6cto&er 15, 19H. 6n t!at date !e a$$eared,acco'$anied &y !is counsel, Atty. Feli3&erto ?. Serrano. T!e riter o" t!iso$inion in t!e $resence o" !is counsel, several nes$a$er'en, ClerD o" CourtSoriano, 8e$uty ClerD o" Court CruE, and ?r. C!anliongco 'ade a "or'alde'and on ?r. (araEo to reveal t!e identities o" !is in"or'ants, under oat!,&ut !e declined and re"used to 'aDe t!e revelation. At t!e reuest o" !iscounsel, t!at &e"ore t!is Court taDe action u$on !is re"usal to reveal, !e &eaccorded a !earing, it! t!e consent o" t!e Court )rst o&tained, a $u&lic!earing as !eld on t!e sa'e day, 6cto&er 15, 19H in t!e course o" !ic!,Attorney Serrano e3tensively and a&ly argued t!e case o" !is client, invoDing

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    t!e &ene)ts o" Re$u&lic Act No. 5@ , t!e )rst section o" !ic! reads as"ollos:

    S7CT6N 1. T!e $u&lis!er, editor or duly accredited re$orter o" any

    nes$a$er, 'agaEine or $eriodical o" general circulation cannot &eco'$elled to reveal t!e source o" any nes#re$ort or in"or'ation a$$earingin said $u&lication !ic! as related in con)dence to suc! $u&lis!er, editoror re$orter, unless t!e court or a +ouse or co''ittee o" Congress )nds t!atsuc! revelation is de'anded &y t!e interest o" t!e state.

    T!is Court !as given t!is case $rolonged, care"ul and 'ature consideration,involving as it does interesting and i'$ortant $oints o" la as ell asuestions o" national i'$ortance. Counsel contends t!at t!e $!rase interesto" t!e state "ound at t!e end o" section 1 o" Re$u&lic Act No. 5@ 'eans andre"ers only to t!e security o" t!e state, t!at is to say # t!at only !en NationalSecurity or $u&lic sa"ety is involved, 'ay t!is Court co'$el t!e de"endant toreveal t!e source or sources o" !is nes re$ort or in"or'ation.

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    Senator Cuenco, Co''ittee c!air'an, in advocating t!e disa$$roval o" t!eSotto a'end'ent, and in de"ending t!e e3ce$tion e'&odied in t!ea'end'ent introduced &y t!e Co''ittee, consisting in t!e clause: unlesst!e court )nds t!at suc! revelation is de'anded &y t!e $u&lic interest, saidt!at t!e Co''ittee could not acce$t t!e Sotto a'end'ent &ecause t!ere

    'ay &e cases, $er!a$s "e, in !ic! t!e interest o" t!e $u&lic or t!e interesto" t!e state reuired t!at t!e na'es o" t!e in"or'ants &e $u&lis!ed or Dnon.+e gave as one e3a'$le a case o" a nes$a$er'an $u&lis!ing in"or'ationre"erring to a t!e"t o" t!e $lans o" "orts or "orti)cations. +e argued t!at i" t!ei''unity accorded a nes$a$er'an s!ould &e a&solute, as soug!t &y t!eSotto a'end'ent, t!e aut!or o" t!e t!e"t 'ig!t go scott#"ree.

    as a$$roved, and t!is $!rase is no "ound in t!e Act as )nally a$$roved.

    n vie o" t!e contention no advanced, t!at t!e $!rase interest o" t!estate is con)ned to cases involving t!e security o" t!e state or $u&licsa"ety, one 'ig!t onder or s$eculate on !y t!e last a'end'ent $ro$osed&y Senator Sotto, c!anging t!e $!rase $u&lic interest to interest o" t!estate, as a$$roved it!out 'uc! discussion. 4ut e notice "ro' t!erecords o" t!e deli&erations on and discussion o" t!e &ill in t!e Senate t!att!e $!rase $u&lic interest as used interc!angea&ly &y so'e Senators it!t!e $!rase interest o" t!e state. For instance, alt!oug! t!e &ill, as a'ended

    &y t!e Co''ittee $resided &y Senator Cuenco, used t!e ords $u&licinterest, !en Senator Cuenco s$onsored t!e &ill &e"ore t!e Senate !e usedin !is s$eec! or re'arDs t!e $!rase interest o" t!e State =interes del7stado>. Again, alt!oug! t!e &ill, as s$onsored &y t!e Cuenco Co''ittee anddiscussed &y t!e Senate, used t!e ords $u&lic interest, Senator Se&astianre"erred to t!e e3ce$tion &y using t!e $!rase interest o" t!e state. T!isunderstanding o" at least to o" t!e Senators, !o tooD $art in t!ediscussion, a&out t!e si'ilarity or interc!angea&ility o" t!e to $!rases$u&lic interest and interest o" t!e estate, 'ay account "or t!e readinessor lacD o" o&*ection on t!e $art o" t!e Senate, a"ter it !ad re*ected t!e )rstSotto a'end'ent, to acce$t t!e second Sotto a'end'ent, c!anging t!e

    $!rase $u&lic interest to interest o" t!e state.

    n re"erring to a case !erein t!e security o" t!e state or $u&lic sa"ety asinvolved, suc! as t!e t!e"t o" t!e $lans o" "orti)cations, Senator Cuenco aso&viously giving it only as an e3a'$le o" !at !e 'eant &y interest o" t!estateB it as not 'eant to &e t!e only case or e3a'$le.

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    can say t!at t!e $!rase interest o" t!e state can not &e con)ned andli'ited to t!e security o" t!e state or to $u&lic sa"ety alone. T!esesynony'ous $!rases, security o" t!e state and $u&lic sa"ety, are notunco''on ter's and e can ell $resu'e t!at t!e legislators ere "a'iliarit! t!e'. T!e $!rase $u&lic sa"ety, is used in Article , section 1=5> o" t!e

    Constitution o" t!e (!ili$$ines, !ere it says t!at t!e $rivacy o"co''unications and corres$ondence s!all &e inviola&le e3ce$t u$on la"ulorder o" t!e court or !en $u&lic sa"ety and order reuire ot!eriseB andArticle , section 10=2> o" t!e sa'e Constitution $rovided t!at t!e (resident'ay sus$end t!e $rivileges o" t!e rit o" !a&eas cor$us, in case o" invasion,insurrection, etc., !en t!e $u&lic sa"ety reuires it.

    T!e $!rase National Security is used at t!e &eginning o" 4ooD o" t!eRevised (enal Code, t!us: Title , Cri'es against National Security and t!ela o" Nations, C!a$ter , Cri'es against National Security. T!en, 'ore

    recently, t!e $!rase National Security as used in section 2, and t!e $!rase$u&lic security as eually used in section 19, o" Co''onealt! Act No.H2 creating t!e (eo$le;s Court, $ro'ulgated on Se$te'&er 25, 195. ", ascontended, t!e (!ili$$ine Congress, $articularly t!e (!ili$$ine Senate, !ad'eant to li'it t!e e3ce$tion to t!e i''unity o" nes$a$er'en only to cases!ere t!e security o" t!e state, i.e., National Security is involved, it couldeasily and readily !ave used suc! $!rase or any one o" si'ilar $!rases liDe$u&lic sa"ety, National Security, or $u&lic security o" !ic! it 'ust !ave&een "a'iliar. Since it did not do so, t!ere is valid reason to &elieve t!at t!atas not in t!e 'ind and intent o" t!e legislators, and t!at, in using t!e $!raseinterest o" t!e state, it e3tended t!e sco$e and t!e li'its o" t!e e3ce$tion

    !en a nes$a$er'an or re$orter 'ay &e co'$elled to reveal t!e sources o"!is in"or'ation.

    T!e $!rase interest o" t!e state is uite &road and e3tensive. t is o" course'ore general and &roader t!an security o" t!e state. Alt!oug! not as &roadand co'$re!ensive as $u&lic interest !ic! 'ay include 'ost anyt!ingt!oug! o" 'inor i'$ortance, &ut a%ecting t!e $u&lic, suc! as "or instance,t!e esta&lis!'ent and 'aintenance o" &arrio roads, electric lig!t and ice$lants, $arDs, 'arDets, etc., t!e $!rase interest o" t!e estate even under aconservative inter$retation, 'ay and does include cases and 'atters o"national i'$ortance in !ic! t!e !ole state and nations, not only a &ranc!or instru'entality t!ereo" suc! as a $rovince, city or ton, or a $art o" t!e$u&lic, is interested or ould &e a%ected, suc! as t!e $rinci$al "unctions o"overn'ent liDe ad'inistration o" *ustice, $u&lic sc!ool syste', and suc!'atters liDe social *ustice, scienti)c researc!, $ractice o" la or o" 'edicine,i'$eac!'ent o" !ig! overn'ent ocials, treaties it! ot!er nations,integrity o" t!e t!ree coordinate &ranc!es o" t!e overn'ent, t!eir relationsto eac! ot!er, and t!e disc!arge o" t!eir "unctions, etc.

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    t!e legal $ro"ession ill !ave "allen into disre$ute. T!e $u&lic ould naturallylose con)dence in t!e layers, s$ecially in t!e ne ones, &ecause a $ersonconte'$lating to go to court to seeD redress or to de"end !i'sel" &e"ore itould not Dno !et!er a $articular layer to !o' !e is entrusting !is case!as legally $assed t!e 4ar 73a'inations &ecause o" sucient and adeuate

    $re$aration and training, and t!at !e is !onest, or !et!er !e as one o"t!ose !o !ad succeeded in getting !old o" 4ar 73a'ination uestions inadvance, $assed t!e 4ar 73a'inations illegally, and t!en started !is legalcareer it! t!is act o" dis!onesty. (articularly, t!e 4ar e3a'inees !o, &yintense study and conscientious $re$arations, !ave !onestly $assed t!e 4ar73a'inations and are ad'itted to $ractice la, ould &e a%ected &y t!isano'aly, &ecause t!ey ould ever &e under a cloud o" sus$icion, since "ro't!e $oint o" vie o" t!e $u&lic, t!ey 'ig!t &e a'ong t!ose !o !ad 'adeuse o" 4ar 73a'ination uestions o&tained &e"ore !and. And, incidentally, t!e'orale o" t!e !undreds o" students and graduates o" t!e di%erent lasc!ools, studying la and later $re$aring "or t!e 4ar 73a'inations, ould &e

    a%ected, even disastrously, "or in t!e' 'ay &e &orn t!e idea t!at t!ere is noneed o" 'uc! la study and $re$aration inas'uc! as it is $ossi&le and notdicult to o&tain co$ies o" uestions &e"ore t!e e3a'inations and $ass t!e'and &e ad'itted to t!e 4ar.

    T!e cloud o" sus$icion ould, eually, !ang over t!e 4ar e3a'inerst!e'selves, eig!t e'inent layers !o in a s$irit o" $u&lic service and civics$irit, !ave consented to serve on t!e Co''ittee o" 73a'iners at t!e reuestand designation o" t!is Court. T!ey ould &e sus$ected, one or to or 'oreo" t!e' t!at t!roug! negligence, or connivance, or donrig!t corru$tion,

    t!ey !ave 'ade $ossi&le t!e release i" t!ey !ave not t!e'selves actuallyreleased, &e"ore e3a'ination day, t!e uestions t!ey !ad $re$ared. T!ee'$loyees o" t!e Su$re'e Court in c!arge o" t!e 4ar 73a'inations, s$eciallyt!ose !o co$y or 'i'eogra$! t!e original co$ies "urnis!ed &y t!e 4are3a'iners, ould all &e under sus$icion. And, lastly, and 'ore i'$ortant still,t!e Su$re'e Court itsel" !ic! !as to overall su$ervision and control over t!ee3a'inations, ould s!are t!e sus$icion, as a result o" !ic! t!e con)denceo" t!e $eo$le in t!is +ig! Tri&unal, !ic! $u&lic con)dence, t!e 'e'&ers o"t!is Court liDe to t!inD and &elieve, it still en*oys, 'ig!t &e a%ected ands!aDen. All t!ese considerations o" vital i'$ortance, in our o$inion, can andill suciently cause t!e $resent case to "all and &e included it!in t!e

    'eaning o" t!e $!rase interest o" t!e state, involving as it does, not onlyt!e interests o" students and graduates o" t!e la sc!ools and colleges, ando" t!e entire legal $ro"ession o" t!is country as ell as t!e good na'e andre$utation o" t!e 'e'&ers o" t!e Co''ittee o" 4ar 73a'iners, including t!ee'$loyees o" t!e Su$re'e Court !aving c!arge o" and connections it! saide3a'inations, &ut also t!e !ig!est Tri&unal o" t!e land itsel" !ic! re$resentsone o" t!e t!ree coordinate and inde$endent &ranc!es or de$art'ents o" t!e(!ili$$ine overn'ent.

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    n su$$ort o" i" not in addition to t!e $oer granted &y section 1 o" Re$u&licAct. No. 5@ to t!is Court, e !ave t!e in!erent $oer o" courts in general,s$ecially o" t!e Su$re'e Court as re$resentative o" t!e udicial 8e$art'ent,to ado$t $ro$er and adeuate 'easures to $reserve t!eir integrity, andrender $ossi&le and "acilitate t!e e3ercise o" t!eir "unctions, including, as int!e $resent case, t!e investigation o" c!arges o" error, a&use or 'isconducto" t!eir ocials and su&ordinates, including layers, !o are ocers o" t!eCourt. =(rovince o" Tarlac vs. ale, 2 (!il. @50B 21 C..S. 1, 1@H.> As e !ave$reviously stated, t!e revelation de'anded o" t!e res$ondent, o" t!e identityo" !is in"or'ants, is essential and necessary to t!e investigation o" t!ec!arge contained in t!e $u&lication already 'entioned.

    t ill &e noticed "ro' (araEo;s nes ite' as uoted in t!e )rst $art o" t!is

    decision, t!at, in"or'ants, la graduates and &ar e3a'inees, eredenouncing t!e su$$osed ano'aly consisting o" t!e alleged leaDage o" t!e4ar 73a'ination uestions to t!e Su$re'e Court "or due investigation. "t!ose $ersons really 'eant and intended to 'aDe a &ona )de and e%ectivedenunciation, it! e3$ectation o" results, t!e rig!t $lace to air t!eir grievanceas t!e Su$re'e Court itsel", not a nes$a$erB and i" t!ey truly anted aninvestigation, t!ey s!ould !ave co'e "orard and "urnis!ed or stood ready to"urnis! t!e "acts on !ic! to &ase and "ro' !ic! to start an investigation,instead o" concealing t!e'selves &e!ind t!e curtain o" $ress i''unity.

    73a'ining t!e nes ite' in uestion, it is t!erein clai'ed and assured t!at4ar 73a'ination uestions in at least one su&*ect !ad &een o&tained andused &y &ar e3a'inees co'ing "ro' a certain university, one eeD &e"oret!e e3a'inations ere actually !eld. (araEo in !is state'ents and ansersduring t!e investigation said t!at e3a'ination uestions in several su&*ectsere involved in t!e ano'aly. 4ut no co$y or co$ies o" said e3a'inationuestions ere "urnis!ed us. No one is illing to testi"y t!at !e actually sasaid alleged co$ies o" e3a'ination uestionsB t!at t!ey ere actually andcare"ully co'$ared it! t!e legiti'ate e3a'ination uestions given out ont!e day o" t!e e3a'ination and "ound to &e identicalB no one is ready andilling to reveal t!e identity o" t!e $ersons or &ar e3a'inees said to !ave

    &een seen it! t!e said 4ar 73a'ination uestions, alt!oug! t!ey as ell ast!e university !ere t!ey ca'e "ro', as DnonB and even t!e la su&*ectsto !ic! t!e uestions $ertained are not disclosedB and, lastly, e are notalloed to Dno even t!e identity o" res$ondent (araEo;s in"or'ants !oclai' to !ave seen all t!ese t!ings.

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    n t!is connection it 'ay &e stated t!at in t!e las 4ar 73a'inations !eld inAugust, 19H, a$$ro3i'ately nine !undred candidates tooD t!e', eac!candidate riting !is ansers in a &ooD "or eac! su&*ect. T!ere ere eig!tsu&*ects, eac! &elonging to and corres$onding to eac! one o" t!e eig!t &are3a'iners. T!ere ere t!ere"ore eig!t sets o" &ar e3a'ination uestions, and

    'ulti$lying t!ese eig!t sets o" uestions &y nine !undred candidates, gives atotal o" seven t!ousand to !undred =I,200> e3a'ination $a$ers involved, int!e !and o" eig!t di%erent e3a'iners. T!e e3a'ination &ooDs or $a$ers &earno na'es or identi)cations o" t!eir riters or oners and said oners!i$ andidenti)cation ill not &e Dnon until t!e &ooDs or $a$ers are all corrected andgraded.

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    res$ondent t!at !e reveal t!e sources o" !is in"or'ation, t!is Court did notintend to $unis! t!ose in"or'ants or !old t!e' lia&le. t 'erely anted t!eir!el$ and coo$eration. n t!is Court;s endeavor to $ro&e t!oroug!ly t!eano'aly, or irregularity allegedly co''itted, it as its intention not only toado$t t!e necessary 'easures to $unis! t!e guilty $arties, i" t!e c!arges are

    "ound to &e true, &ut also even to annul t!e e3a'inations t!e'selves, in*ustice to t!e innocent $arties !o !ad taDen &ut did not $ass t!ee3a'inations.

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    'e'&ers o" t!is Court !ave decided to order, as it !ere&y orders, !isi''ediate arrest and con)ne'ent in *ail "or a $eriod o" one =1> 'ont!,unless, &e"ore t!e e3$iration o" t!at $eriod !e 'aDes to t!is Court t!erevelation de'anded o" !i'. So ordered.

    ?oran, C.., 6Eaeta, Feria, (a&lo, 4engEon, and Tuason, ., concur.

    Se$arate 6$inions

    (er"ecto, ., concurring and dissenting:

    T!e "acts in t!is case, as narrated in t!e decision $enned &y ?r. ustice?onte'ayor, *usti"y conclusively t!e )nding o" t!e 'a*ority t!at res$ondentis guilty o" conte'$t "or !is stu&&orn re"usal to o&ey an order o" t!is Court.

    Section 1 o" Re$u&lic Act No. 5@, invoDed &y res$ondent in !is de"ense, doesnot $rotect !i'. t ould $rotect !i' only i" e could agree it! !is t!eoryt!at t!e ords interest o" t!e state used in t!e la s!ould &e read to 'eansecurity o" t!e state or $u&lic sa"ety. 4ut t!ere is not!ing in t!e !ole te3t o"Re$u&lic Act No. 5@ andGor in t!e intention o" t!ose !o dra"ted and enacted

    it, as can &e gleaned in t!e Senate *ournal, or in t!e gra''atical, r!etorical,or $!iloso$!ical 'eaning o" t!e ords in uestion, t!at can *usti"y t!e li'itingor narroing o" t!e sco$e o" t!e ideas t!at t!ey e'&race it!in t!e s'allcircle o" $u&lic security or sa"ety o" t!e state.

    T!e ord interest in t!e $!rase interest o" t!e state re$resents a orld o"ideas and conce$ts it!in t!e ideas o" security or sa"ety occu$y a $lace,!oever $rivileged, insigni)cant in 'agnitude. T!ere is no legal &asis "or usto reduce t!e $ur$ose o" t!e la, as conveyed &y its very ords, to a'ini'u' t!at, i" given e%ect, ould virtually a'end t!e la it!out t!e

    &ene)t o" congressional enact'ent. Suc! ould &e violative o" t!eConstitution.

    n t!e tug o" ar &eteen t!e t!eory o" a&solute $rivilege o" t!e aut!or o" t!eoriginal &ill and t!e Senate co''ittee t!at ould li'it t!e $rivilege u$ to t!e$oint !ere it runs in conKict it! t!e ide area o" $u&lic interest, t!e

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    case e are constrained to disagree it! t!e $enalty i'$osed u$onres$ondent.

    Res$ondent is $unis!ed under section I o" Rule , t!e sa'e section e !ave

    already declared invalid in our o$inion in t!e +arden case, H1 (!il. I1. T!e$rovision o" la a$$lica&le to res$ondent is contained in section o" Rule ,under !ic! a $erson guilty o" conte'$t 'ay &e )ned in a su' note3ceeding (1,000 or i'$risoned "or not 'ore t!an si3 'ont!s, or &ot!.Considering t!at t!ere are 'itigating circu'stances t!at attenuateres$ondent;s res$onsi&ility, yout!"ulness, !onest &ut rong &elie" in t!ee3istence o" a $rivilege, a&sence o" su&stantial !ar', e s!ould not i'$oseu$on res$ondent a sti%er $enalty t!an t!at !ic! e i'$osed in t!e case o"4enito ?. SaDdalan, /#2IH1, t!e very one !ic!, as can &e gleaned "ro' t!eSenate *ournal, $ro'$ted t!e enact'ent o" Re$u&lic Act No. 5@.

    uoted in "ull in t!e

    decision o" t!e 'a*ority, in good "ait! and in a s$irit o" $u&lic service, !evoluntarily s!ould !ave revealed t!e identities o" !is in"or'ants, t!ere&yena&ling t!is Court, con"or'a&ly to t!e alleged de'ands o" denouncing &are3a'inees, to institute an i''ediate $ro&e into t!e 'atter, to )nd out t!esource o" t!e leaDage, and annual t!e test $a$ers o" t!e students o" t!e$articular university $ossessed o" t!ose tests &e"ore t!e e3a'inations. " !eas in "act 'otivated &y a s$irit o" $u&lic service, !e s!ould at least !avetried to secure t!eir consent to t!e revelation. T!e $oint ant to underscore

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    is t!at nes$a$er re$orters s!ould &e "earless as ell in $u&lis!ing stories asin su&stantiating t!eir trut!. And i" a' constrained to dissent "ro' t!e rulingo" t!e 'a*ority, it is only &ecause t!e res$ondent, in 'y o$inion, cannotlegally &e co'$elled to 'aDe t!e revelation, in vie o" Re$u&lic Act No. 5@ !ic! t!is Court is &ound to en"orce $roviding t!at t!e $u&lis!er, editor or

    duly accredited re$orter o" any nes$a$er, 'agaEine or $eriodical o" generalcirculation cannot &e co'$elled to reveal t!e source o" any nes#re$ort orin"or'ation a$$earing in said $u&lication !ic! as related in con)dence tosuc! $u&lis!er, editor or re$orter, unless t!e court or a +ouse or co''itteeo" Congress )nds t!at suc! revelation is de'anded &y t!e interest o" t!estate. !ave no !esitancy in &elieving t!at t!e $!rase interest o" t!e state,as used in t!e Act, re"ers e3clusively to 'atters a%ecting t!e security orsa"ety o" t!e state.

    n t!is connection, it is necessary to re'e'&er t!at t!e original &ill s$onsored

    &y Senator Sotto $rovided "or a&solute i''unity. T!e co''ittee on revisiono" las, !oever, inserted an a'end'ent &y adding t!e clause unless t!ecourt )nds t!at suc! revelation is de'anded &y t!e $u&lic interest. SenatorSotto;s atte'$t to su$$ress t!is clause "ailed, a"ter !ic!, in vie o" t!ere'arDs o" t!e C!air'an o" t!e co''ittee $resently to &e 'entioned,Senator Sotto $ro$osed to c!ange t!e ords $u&lic interest into interest o"t!e state, a $ro$osal t!at as readily acce$ted. +ence, t!e use o" t!e latter$!rase in Re$u&lic Act No. 5@.

    6ur tasD no is to discover t!e 'eaning and sco$e o" t!e $!rase interest o"t!e state, as intended &y t!e la'aDers. n t!is tasD, it is i'$ortant to recallt!at t!e original intention o" t!e aut!or o" t!e &ill as to $rovide "or a&solutei''unity, and t!is $ur$ose s!ould not o" course &e unduly de"eated &y anysu&seuent e3ce$tion, es$ecially !en t!e li'ited s$!ere o" t!e c!ange isa$$arent "ro' t!e deli&erations o" t!e la'aDers. For instance, in e3$lainingt!e reason o" t!e co''ittee "or o$$osing Senator Sotto;s advocacy o"a&solute i''unity and o" t!e su$$ression o" t!e clause unless t!e court)nds t!at suc! revelation is de'anded &y t!e $u&lic interest, added to t!eoriginal &ill, Senator Cuenco gave t!e e3a'$le o" a nes$a$er'an !o$u&lis!es an in"or'ation regarding t!e"t o" $lans o" "orts and "orti)cations, in!ic! case Senator Cuenco &elieved t!at el interes $u&lico y el interes'is'o del 7stado reuieran ue se $u&liue el no'&re del in"or'ante.Again, a"ter $ro$osing t!e c!ange o" $u&lic interest to interest o" t!estate, Senator Sotto, !en asDed &y Senator arcia as to t!e essentialdi%erence &eteen t!e to $!rases, e3$lained t!at /a di"erencia esta enue $uede !a&er un caso de es$iona*e, co'o el citado $or el SenadorCuenco, delito en ue esta interesado el 7stado y no se $uede discutir alautor, y la "rase O$u&lic interest; es 'uy elastica. 7n ca'&io, se se $oneOinterest o" t!e state,; clara'ente se entenderia ue 'ediando el interes del

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    7stado, el $eriodista estara o&ligado a revelar la "uente de su in"or'acion./ast &ut not least, it s!ould &e noted t!at t!e Act in uestion as $ro'$ted&y t!e desire o" its s$onsor to $revent t!e re$etition o" t!e case o" 4enitoSaDdalan, a re$orter !o as i'$risoned "or re"using to reveal t!e source o"t!e in"or'ation contained in a nes ite' ad'ittedly not a%ecting, liDe t!e

    story $u&lis!ed &y t!e res$ondent, t!e security or sa"ety o" t!e State. tlogically "ollos t!at t!e $!rase interest o" t!e state as intended to &eli'ited to cases $ortrayed &y t!e e3a'$les =t!e"t o" $lans o" "orts and"orti)cations and es$ionage>, given during t!e deli&erations !ic! solelya%ect t!e security or sa"ety o" t!e state.

    t is i''aterial !et!er t!e la did not e'$loy $!rases liDe $u&lic sa"ety,national Security, or $u&lic security, or !et!er $u&lic interest andinterest o" t!e state ere interc!angea&ly used in t!e discussions, as longas in using t!e $!rase interest o" t!e state in Act No. 5@, t!e la'aDers

    de)nitely Dne and accordingly recorded, &y s$eci)c e3a'$les, !at t!eyintended to convey. Con*ectures cannot $revail over t!e clear legislativeintent.

    T!e e3ce$tion $rovided in t!e Act in uestion s!ould &e strictly construed soas not to "rustrate t!e 'ain $ur$ose o" t!e la. T!is ould "urt!er 'aDe t!ela 'ore consonant it! t!e s$irit o" t!e constitutional $rovisions t!at t!e$rivacy o" co''unication and corres$ondence s!all &e inviola&le e3ce$tu$on la"ul order o" t!e Court or !en $u&lic sa"ety and order reuireot!erise=Article , section 1, $aragra$! 5>, and t!at no la s!all &e $asseda&ridging t!e "reedo' o" t!e $ress =Article , section 1, $aragra$! H>.

    t 'ay not &e a'iss to add t!at t!e re"usal o" t!e res$ondent to disclose t!esource o" !is in"or'ation does not a&solutely $revent t!is Court "ro'veri"ying, &y any reasona&le and "easi&le 'eans, t!e trut! o" t!e allegedano'alyB and it is certainly not reuired, &y t!e 'ere $u&lication o" t!e storyin uestion, to ad'it t!e accuracy o" said story i" its investigation s!ould "ail&ecause o" lacD o" evidence or o" t!e re"usal o" t!ose !o Dno to co'e outand testi"y.

    n 'y o$inion, t!e res$ondent !as not co''itted any conte'$t o" t!is Court.

    (ANAN S RA?6S

  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession


    n 19I9, a $ending ad'inistrative case )led &y Santa (angan against Atty.8ionisio Ra'os as delayed &ecause Atty. Ra'os allegedly a$$eared &e"orea court in ?anila.

    *ustice, an attorney !as irre"raga&le o&ligations o" trut!"ulness, candor and"ranDness. n re$resenting !i'sel" to t!e court as P(edro 8.8. Ra'osQ insteado" P8ionisio 8. Ra'osQ, res$ondent !as violated !is sole'n oat! and !asresorted to dece$tion. T!e Su$re'e Court !ence severely re$ri'anded Atty.Ra'os and arned t!at a si'ilar in"raction ill arrant sus$ension ordis&ar'ent.

    N R7 -T7RR7L

    Attorney 8iosdado utierreE as convicted "or t!e 'urder o" one File'onSa'aco in 195. +e as sentenced to t!e $enalty o" reclusion $er$etua. n195H, a"ter serving a $ortion o" t!e $enalty, !e as granted a conditional$ardon &y t!e (resident. +e as released on t!e condition t!at !e s!all notco''it any cri'e. Su&seuently, t!e ido o" Sa'aco )led a dis&ar'entcase against utierreE &y reason o" t!e latters conviction o" a cri'e involving'oral tur$itude. ?urder, is it!out a dou&t, suc! a cri'e.


  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession


    'ust &e *udged u$on t!e "act o" !is conviction "or 'urder it!out regard tot!e $ardon =!ic! !e invoDed in de"ense>. T!e cri'e as actually uali)ed &ytreac!ery and aggravated &y its !aving &een co''itted in !and, &y taDingadvantage o" !is ocial $osition =utierreE &eing 'unici$al 'ayor at t!eti'e> and it! t!e use o" 'otor ve!icle. T!e degree o" 'oral tur$itude

    involved is suc! as to *usti"y !is &eing $urged "ro' t!e $ro"ession.


    T!is case arose "ro' a la&or dis$ute !ere Atty. Ru)no Ris'a re$resentedFlora Narido, an indigent client against !er e'$loyer ergel 8e 8ios, t!eclient o" Atty. ai'e /insangan. 8uring t!e $roceedings in t!e trial court, Atty.Ris'a ve!e'ently o$$osed t!e su&'ission o" a certain adavit e3ecuted &y8e 8ios &ecause, in t!e &elie" o" Ris'a, said adavit is $er*ured. +et!reatened Atty. /insangan t!at i" said adavit is su&'itted in court, t!ey

    s!all )le a dis&ar'ent case against !i'. T!e adavit as )led and so Ris'aand Narido )led an ad'inistrative case against /insangan.

    /insangan on t!e ot!er !and )led a se$arate ad'inistrative case againstRis'a !ere !e accused Ris'a o" instigating !is client to )le anad'inistrative case against !i'B t!at said ad'inistrative case is groundlessBt!at it as only )led to s$ite !i' and is *ust a 'ere sc!e'e to t!reaten !i'and to ensure t!at Ris'a and Narido !as an edge over t!e la&or case.


  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession


    no &ad "ait! on t!e $art o" Ris'a. +e even advanced t!e e3$enses &ecauseNarido is indigent.


    /a$ut is no c!arging t!e to layers o" unet!ical and i'$ro$era$$earances "or 4arreraB t!at t!ey inKuenced !er to re$lace /a$ut as !ercounselB t!at t!ey caused !er to disaut!oriEe !i' as counsel "or !erB t!at t!e$ur$ose o" said layers is to e'&arrass /a$ut to t!e ocials and e'$loyeeso" t!e cor$orations oned &y t!e estate su&*ect o" t!e testate $roceedings.


  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession


    only a"ter /a$ut as disc!arged as counsel "or 4arrera.

    Ca'ac!o vs. (angulayan


    (AN-/AAN N8CT78 F6R 6/AT6N 6F CAN6N 9: /ayer s!ould notco''unicate u$on su&*ect o" controversy it! a $arty re$resented &ycounsel, 'uc! less s!ould !e undertaDe to negotiate or co'$ro'ise t!e'atter it! !i', &ut s!ould only deal it! !is counsel. /ayer 'ust avoideveryt!ing t!at 'ay tend to 'islead $arty not re$resented &y counsel ands!ould not advise !i' as to la.

    +R78 /A and to ter'inate all civil, cri'inal andad'inistrative $roceedings )led against it.

    i. 8enied t!at t!ey !ad negotiations,discussion, "or'ulation or e3ecution.

    ii. No longer connected it! (agulayan andAssociates /a 6ces.

    iii. Re#Ad'ission Agree'ents not!ing to do it!8S?SSA/ 6F C/ CAS7 involving 9 students o" A?ACC.

    1. Civil case involved $u&lis!ing o" "eatures or articles in 7ditorial 4oard o"8ATA/N7.

    2. Found guilty &y Student 8isci$linary Tri&unal o" using indecent languageand unaut!oriEed use o" student $u&lication "unds.

    @. 73$ulsion

    a. Students a$$eal and as denied &y t!e A?ACC (resident !ic! gave rise

    to civil case.&. 8uring civil case, a$ology letters and Re#Ad'ission Agree'ents erese$arately e3ecuted &y so'e e3$elled students.


  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession


    8oes t!e Re#Ad'ission Agree'ents !ave not!ing to do it! 8S?SSA/ 6FC/ CAS7 involving 9 students o" A?ACC


    @ ?6NT+S S-S(7NS6N AN8 8S?SSA/ 6F CAS7 AANST 6T+7RR7S(6N87NTS T+AT 88 N6T TAM7 (ART N T+7 N76TAT6N.

    ndividual letters and Re#Ad'ission Agree'ents ere "or'aliEed in !ic!(AN-/AAN as already counsel o" A?ACC.

    +ad "ull DnoledgeB did not discuss it it! t!e students $arents or t!eircounsel.

    i. Re#Ad'ission Agree'ents a%ected t!edis'issal o" t!e civil case &ecause signatories agreed to ter'inate all civil,

    cri'inal and ad'inistrative $roceedings against A?ACC.

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  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession


    ., $. I5, &acD. A rural estate, No. 0, consisting o" coconut land containingH00 coconut trees, in t!e sa'e &arrio and $ue&lo, it! an area o" @ ares and5 centares.

    +., $. I5, &acD. A rural estate, No. 1, consisting o" coconut land containing@00 coconut trees, in t!e sa'e &arrio and $ue&lo, 'easuring 50 ares and I@centares.

    ., $. I@. A rural estate, No. 91, consisting o" i'$roved land, $lanted it!1,000 coconut trees situated in t!e &arrio o" 8u'acaa, /ucena, o" I !ectares,12 ares, and 0 centares in area.

    ., $. I5. A rural estate, No. 915, consisting o" i'$roved land, $lanted it!100 coconut trees and situated in t!e &arrio Cotta, /ucena, o" 9@ ares and 22centares in area.

    M., $. I9. A rural estate, No. 91, consisting o" i'$roved land, $lanted it!200 coconut trees and situated in t!e sa'e &arrio and $ue&lo, o" 1@ ares and centares in area.

    T!e res$ective &ounderies o" eac! one o" t!e estates a&ove enu'eratedere set "ourt! in t!e said instru'ent o" 'ortgage, !ic! as duly inscri&edin t!e $ro$erty registry o" Taya&as. T!is deed does not a$$ear to !ave &eencanceled, and constitutes an encu'&rance on t!e $ro$erties descri&ed in"avor o" t!e $lainti%. t as stated in t!e instru'ent re"erred to, t!at t!elia&ility o" t!e $ro$erty 'ortgaged as distri&uted in t!e "olloing 'anner:

    T!e estate descri&ed under letter A res$onded "or (H00 o" t!e

    de&t and "or t!e su' o" (I5 as costs .......................................................... (HI5.00

    7state letter 4, lia&ility (200, costs(0 ............................................................... 20.00

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    7state letter C, lia&ility (10, costs(0 ............................................................... 200.00

    7state letter 8, lia&ility (1@0, costs(0 ............................................................... 1I0.00

    7state letter 7, lia&ility (92.50, costs(@0 ............................................................. 122.50

    7state letter F, lia&ility (150, costs

    (0 ................................................................ 190.00

    7state letter , lia&ility (2H0, costs(0 ............................................................... @20.00

    7state letter +, lia&ility (250, costs(0 ............................................................... 290.00

    7state letter , lia&ility (1,00, costs(I5 .............................................................. 1,I5.00

    7state letter , lia&ility (20, costs(0 ................................................................. @00.00

    7state letter M, lia&ility (1@0, costs

    (0 ............................................................... 1I0.00Total ..........................................................................................................,@52.50

    t as stated "urt!er, as an e3$ress condition, t!at de"ault o" $ay'ent o" anyo" t!e install'ents s$eci)ed in t!e "ourt! $receding $aragra$! ould causet!e entire o&ligation to 'ature and ould entitle t!e $lainti% =it says

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  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession


    coconut land containing 1,000 coconut trees, 2 !ectares, ares, and IHcentares in area, situated in t!e &arrio o" Canlorang ?ayao, /ucena.

    No. 5, $. I@, &acD. 7state No. @5, )rst inscri$tion o" t!e sa'e volu'eB

    coconut land containing 1,200 coconut trees, I !ectares, H1 ares, and centares in area, situated in t!e sa'e &arrio and $ue&lo.

    No. , $. I. 7state No. @, )rst inscri$tion o" t!e sa'e volu'eB coconutland containing I,000 coconut trees, 1 !ectare, HH ares, and 5 centares inarea, situated in t!e &arrio o" Silangan ?ayao, /ucena.

    No. I $. I, &acD. 7state No. @H, )rst inscri$tion o" t!e volu'e a"oresaidB

    coconut land, 52 ares and centares in area, containing @00 coconut treesand situated in t!e &arrio o" Cotta, /ucena.

    No. H, $. I5. 7state No. @9, )rst inscri$tion o" t!e sa'e volu'eB coconutland, 9H ares and centares in area, containing 500 coconut trees andsituated in t!e sa'e &arrio and $ue&lo.

    No. 9, $. I5, &acD. 7state No. 0, )rst inscri$tion o" t!e volu'e 'entionedB

    coconut land, @ ares and 5 centares are, containing 500 coconut trees andalso located in t!e sa'e &arrio and $ue&lo.

    No. 10, $. I5, &acD. 7state No. 1, )rst inscri$tion o" t!e said volu'eBcoconut land, 50 ares and I@ centares in are, containing @00 coconut treesand located in t!e sa'e &arrio and $ue&lo.

    No. 11, $. I@. 7state No. 91, consisting o" i'$roved land $lanted it! 1,000

    coconut trees, located in t!e &arrio o" 8u'acaa, /ucena, it! an area o" I!ectares, 12 ares, and 0 centares.

    No. 12, $. I. 7state No. 915, volu'e 10 general registerB an i'$roved $ieceo" land, 9@ ares and 22 centares in area, containing H00 coconut trees andsituated in t!e &arrio o" Cotta, /ucena.

  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession


    No. 1@, $. I9. 7state No. 91, volu'e 10 general registerB an i'$roved $ieceo" land, 1@ ares and centares in area, containing 200 coconut trees andsituated in t!e sa'e &arrio and $ue&lo.

    No. 1, $. 12I. 7state No. 9@2, volu'e 10 general registerB an i'$roved$iece o" coconut land, 2 !ectares, I9 ares, and 9 centares in area,containing 2,000 coconut trees and located in t!e &arrio o" 8u'acaa, /ucena.

    T!e res$ective &oundaries o" eac! o" t!e estates a&ove enu'erate ere set"ort! in t!e said instru'ent o" 'ortgage, !ic! as duly inscri&ed in t!e$ro$erty registry o" Taya&as, and does not a$$ear to !ave &een cancelled,and constitutes an encu'&rance on t!e $ro$erties descri&ed, in "avor o" t!e

    $lainti%. t as stated, in t!e instru'ent re"erred to, t!at t!e lia&ility o" t!e$ro$erty 'ortgaged as distri&uted in t!e "olloing 'anner:

    T!e estate descri&ed under No. 1 res$onded "or (H00 o" t!e de&t and "or t!esu' o" (90 as costs ...............................................


    7state No. 2, lia&ility (20, costs (0 ..........................................W.


    7state No. @, lia&ility (20, costs (0 ..........................................W.


    7state No. , lia&ility (120, costs (0 ..........................................W.

  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession



    7state No. 5, lia&ility (100, costs (@0 ..........................................W.

    [email protected]

    7state No. , lia&ility (100, costs (@0 ..........................................W.

    [email protected]

    7state No. I, lia&ility (120, costs (0 ..........................................W.


    7state No. H, lia&ility (110, costs (0 ..........................................W.


    7state No. 9, lia&ility (110, costs (0 ..........................................W.


    7state No. 10, lia&ility (110, cost (0 ..........................................W.


    7state No. 11, lia&ility (H0, costs (25 ..........................................W.

  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession



    7state No. 12, lia&ility (H0, costs (25 ..........................................W.


    7state No. 1@, lia&ility (90, costs (@0 ..........................................W.


    7state No. 1, lia&ility (900, costs (90 ........................................W.


    Total ..........................................W...........................................WW


    T!at t!e a"ore'entioned 'ortgage as e3ecuted as security "or t!e $ay'entto t!e $lainti% o" t!e su' or su's !ic! t!e de"endant 'ig!t oe !i' &yreason o" t!e said credit, !ic! as granted under t!e "olloing ter's andconditions:

    1. T!at t!e said credit s!ould not e3ceed t!e su' o" (@,50 and as granted"or t!e $eriod o" si3 'ont!s "ro' t!e 20t! o" Nove'&er, 190, and de"endantas to 'aDe use o" it in taDing Kour "ro' t!e $lainti%;s are!ouse, at current$rices, &y 'eans o" ritten due&ills or orders signed &y t!e de"endant or &y!is attorney in "act.

  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession


    2. T!at t!e said ritten due&ills or orders s!ould &e $aid it!in t!irty days"ro' t!eir date, and it as sti$ulated t!at t!e a'ount or value o" eac! one o"t!e' s!ould &ear an annual interest o" H $er cent "ro' t!e date o" t!eir'aturity, i" not $aid &e"ore.

    @. T!at total a'ount o" !at t!e de"endant 'ig!t &e oing, &y reason o" t!esaid credit, s!ould &e settled and entirely $aid, toget!er it! t!e interestt!ereon, &y t!e 20t! o" ?ay, 190I, on !ic! date all t!e orders or due&illsissued &y t!e de"endant against t!e said credit s!ould &e considered as'atured, even t!oug! t!e e3tension a&ove 'entioned s!ould not !avee3$ired.

    . T!at it s!ould &e o$tional &e o$tical on t!e $art o" t!e $lainti% to !onor t!edue&ills or orders !ic! t!e de"endant ?arcelino illa"uerte 'ig!t issueagainst t!e said credit, in t!e event t!at t!e latter s!ould "ail to $ay t!ea'ount o" !is $revious due&ills or orders at t!e ti'e t!ey s!ould res$ectively"all due, or s!ould "ail to co'$ly it! and o&serve any o" t!e conditions andsti$ulations contained in t!e said instru'ent o" 6cto&er 19, 190, rati)ed&e"ore notary

  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession


    t!erein 'entioned in order to collect any a'ount to t!e $ay'ent o" !ic!t!ey ere su&*ect, all t!e orders or due&ills issued on account o" t!e creditgranted in t!e said instru'ent s!ould &e considered as 'atured and $aya&le,and Ro&inson s!ould &e entitled "ort!it! to de'and t!e $ay'ent o" any&alance "ound to &e due !i' &y ?arcelino illa"uerte y Raola, it! t!e

    $rivilege o" levying u$on all or any o" t!e realities co'$rised it! t!e'ortgage 'entioned in t!e said instru'entB t!at t!e a'ount credited "or t!ee3$enses re"erred to in No. I o" t!e )"t! $aragra$! o" t!is cause o" actionreac!ed (1I.95B t!at t!e de"endant, availing !i'sel" o" t!e credit granted int!e a"ore'entioned instru'ent o" 8ece'&er 21, 190, tooD and it!dre"ro' t!e $lainti%;s are!ouses, on di%erent dates &eteen t!e 20t! o"Nove'&er and t!e 19t! o" 8ece'&er, 190, inclusive, various uantities o"Kour, t!e total value o" !ic! a'ounted to (5,5HH.15B t!at t!e de"endant !adnot $aid any $art o" t!is a'ount, e3ce$t t!e su' o" (@I5.00, and as oinga &alance o" (5,[email protected] t!at at t!e ti'e o" t!e co'$laint t!e said de"endantoed t!e $lainti% t!e su's o" (1I.95 and (5,[email protected], in addition to ([email protected]

    as interest due u$ to t!e date o" t!e co'$laintB t!at t!e $lainti% as t!en t!elegal oner o" t!e 'ortgage a&ove re"erred to, and t!at none o" t!e su's'entioned nor any $art t!ereo" !ad &een $aid to !i': !ere"ore t!e $lainti%asDed t!at *udge'ent &e rendered in !is "avor against t!e de"endant, "or t!e"olloing a'ounts: =1> For t!e su' o" (@,@02.50, t!e $rinci$al de'anded int!e )rst course o" action, and interest t!ereon at H $er cent $er annu' "ro'date until its $ay'entB =2> "or t!e su' o" (@H5.5I, as interest due on t!e$rinci$al 'entioned in t!e $receding $aragra$! and re'aining un$aid, and,in addition, t!e interest on t!is su' at t!e rate o" $er cent $er annu' "ro't!e date o" t!e co'$laint until $aidB =@> "or t!e su' o" (5,[email protected], t!e a'ounto" t!e de&t clai'ed in t!e second cause o" action, toget!er it! t!e interestt!ereon at t!e rate o" H $er cent $er annu' "ro' date until it;s $ay'entB =>"or t!e su' o" ([email protected], t!e interest due on t!e $rinci$al 'entioned in t!e$receding $aragra$!, it! interest t!ereon at $er cent $er annu' "ro'date until $ay'entB =5> "or t!e su' o" (1I.95, clai'ed in $aragra$! 9 o" t!esecond cause o" action, it! interest t!ereon at $er cent $er annu' "ro't!e date o" t!e co'$laint until $ay'entB and, => "or t!e su' o" 1,000 "orcosts and attorney;s "ees.

    T!e $lainti% "urt!er $rayed t!at an order &e issued directing t!e delivery tot!e $lainti% o" t!e $ro$erties descri&ed in t!e co'$laint, in order t!at !e

    'ig!t ad'inister t!e' during t!e course o" t!is suit and until t!ey s!ouldulti'ately &e sold, and aut!oriEing !i' to collect and receive t!e revenues,rentals, "ruits, and ot!er $roducts o" t!e said estates and to retain t!e' in !is$ossession in order to satis"y t!e *udg'ent t!at ould &e rendered in t!iscase, and t!at in case t!e said *udg'ent &e not satis)ed t!ere&y, t!e sale o"t!e said $ro$erties &e ordered and t!e $roceeds t!ereo" &e a$$lied to t!e$ur$ose.

  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession


    T!e de"endant, in !is anser, 'ade a general and s$eci)c denial o" eac! andall o" t!e allegations o" t!e $lainti% "or eac! and all o" t!e actions instituted&y !i' in eac! and all o" t!e $aragra$!s o" t!e co'$laint, and as a s$ecialde"ense, and in !is crossco'$laint, alleged: T!at t!e de"endant did note3ecute, consent to, nor aut!oriEe t!e e3ecution o" a $oer o" attorney o" anyDind !atsoever in "avor o" icente ?arcelo Conce$cion, e'$oering t!elatter to 'ortgage, $ledge, or ot!erise dis$ose o", to t!e $lainti% or to any$erson !atever, any o" t!e $ro$erties 'entioned in t!e co'$laint, nor toacce$t "ro' and o$en it! t!e $lainti% any credit nor esta&lis! it! !i' any&usiness in KourB nor e3ecute any $oer o" attorney nor grant any aut!ority!atever in "avor o" t!e said Conce$cion so t!at t!e latter 'ig!t re$resent!i' and acce$t in !is na'e credit, or 'oneys !atsoever "ro' any $ersonBnor dis$ose o", 'ortgage, or encu'&er any o" t!e $ro$erties descri&ed in t!eco'$laintB t!at t!e de"endant received no su' !atever "ro' t!e $lainti%nor as !e in t!e latter;s de&t "or t!e a'ount clai'ed in t!e co'$laint, nor

    "or any ot!er su' o" 'oneyB t!at !e did not give !is consent to all o" to anyone o" t!e 'ortgages alleged in t!e co'$laint, and t!at all t!e said'ortgages on t!e $ro$erties t!erein 'entioned ere "ounded on a su$$osed$oer o" attorney said to !ave &een e3ecuted &y t!e de"endant in "avor o"icente ?arcelo Conce$cion, !ic! $oer o" attorney as )ctitious, "alse,"raudulent, null and void, t!at it as not e3ecuted &y t!e de"endant, nor didt!e latter intervene t!erein and t!at t!e said $oer o" attorney !ad no truereason "or e3istenceB !ere"ore t!e de"endant asDed t!at *udg'ent &erendered a&solving !i' "ro' t!e co'$laint it! t!e costs against t!e$lainti%, &y annulling eac! and all o" t!e 'ortgages alleged in t!e co'$laintand t!e inscri$tion o" eac! o" t!e' in t!e oce o" t!e register o" $ro$erty o"

    Taya&as, and &y ordering t!e cancellation o" all t!e inscri$tions o" t!e said'ortgages and encu'&rances o" t!e a"ore'entioned $ro$erties.

    T!e $lainti%, in ansering to t!e counter co'$laint, set u$ a general ands$eci)c denial o" eac! and all o" t!e allegations o" t!e de"endant it! res$ectto eac! and all o" t!e actions &roug!t &y !i' in eac! and all o" t!e$aragra$!s o" t!e counter co'$laint, and $rayed t!at *udg'ent &e$ronounced in !is "avor, and against t!e de"endant, in con"or'ity it! t!e$etitions 'ade in !is co'$laint.

    T!e case ca'e u$ "or !earing on Nove'&er @0, 190H, and a"ter t!e$resentation o" oral evidence &y &ot! $arties, t!e docu'entary evidence&eing attac!ed to t!e record, t!e court, on 8ece'&er 15 o" t!e sa'e year,rendered *udg'ent !ere&y it directed t!at t!e $lainti% s!ould recover "ro't!e de"endant t!e su' s$eci)ed in t!e )rst instru'ent o" 'ortgage,(@,@02.50, as $rinci$al, t!e additional su' o" (@H5.5I as interest u$ to A$ril

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    @0, 190H, &esides t!e interest on t!e said $rinci$al, at t!e rate o" H $ercent$er annu' "ro' t!e date *ust a&ove 'entioned until its co'$lete $ay'ent,also t!e (500 sti$ulated in t!e said instru'ent as $aya&le &y t!e de"endantas costs and e3$enses in case o" litigationB and t!e su' 'entioned in t!esecond instru'ent o" 'ortgage, (5,[email protected] as $rinci$al, &esides ([email protected], as

    interest u$ to t!e @0t! day o" A$ril, 190H, in addition to t!e interest on t!esaid $rinci$al at t!e rate o" H $er cent $er annu', "or' t!e date *ust o"(1I.95, as e3$enses "or t!e e3ecution o" t!e instru'ent, "or its inscri$tion,cancellation, and acuaintance, as $rovided "or in clause 1I o" t!e saidinstru'ent, and t!e additional su' o" (00, !ic! it as sti$ulated in t!esecond instru'ent t!e de"endant s!ould $ay "or costs and e3$enses in caseo" litigation. T!e *udg'ent "urt!er ordered t!at t!e de"endant s!ould $ay t!eseveral a'ounts a&ove 'entioned, it! t!e interest and costs, on or &e"oret!e )rst day o" t!e sitting o" t!e court in A$ril, 1909, and t!at, in case suc!order s!ould not &e co'$iled it!, t!e 'ortgages s!ould &e "oreclosed and a)nal rit s!ould &e issued directing t!at all t!e $ro$erties &e"ore descri&ed

    t!e sold, t!e $roceeds o" t!e sale to $ay t!e $rinci$al, interest, and costs. T!ede"endant, !en noti)ed o" t!is *udge'ent, tooD e3ce$tion t!ereto,announced t!at !e ould )le a &ill o" e3ce$tions, and 'oved "or a ne trialon t!e ground t!at t!e evidence as insucient to arrant t!e *udg'entrendered and t!at t!e latter as contrary to la. T!is 'otion as denied ande3ce$tion as taDen &y t!e a$$ellant, !o )led t!e $ro$er &ill o" e3ce$tions,!ic! as certi)ed to, a$$roved, and "orarded to t!e clerD o" t!is court. 4yan order o" ?arc! 1, 1909, it as $rovided t!at t!e e3ecution o" t!e a"oresaid

    *udg'ent s!ould not &e sus$ended $ending t!e a$$eal, unless t!ede"endant, "or t!e reasons stated in t!e said order, s!ould give a &ond "or(10,000.

    T!e $ur$ose o" t!e suit )led &y t!e $lainti%,

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    last 'ont!, yet since t!e de&tor, notit!standing t!e de'ands 'ade u$on!i', did not co'$ly it! !is o&ligation nor $ay !is de&t in con"or'ity it!t!e tenor o" t!e said instru'ent, letter A, "or !e only $aid t!e creditor t!esu' o" (550 delivered $artially on di%erent dates, t!e de"ault o" $ay'ent o"any o" t!e install'ents agreed u$on $roduces t!e e%ect t!at all o" t!ese

    'ust &e dee'ed to !ave 'atured and entitles t!e creditor to de'and t!e$ay'ent o" !is entire credit and to $roceed against t!e 'ortgaged $ro$erties"or t!e $ur$ose o" collecting !is credit, !ic! a'ounts to (@,@02.50, a"ter t!ededuction o" t!e said (550 "ro' t!e $rinci$al, it! t!e interest due "ro' t!et! o" 8ece'&er, 190, a'ounting to (@H5.5I.


    n t!e account, 73!i&it 7, t!ere a$$ears a state'ent o" t!e sacDs o" Kour

    !ic! ere taDen on account o" t!e said credit &y 'eans o" t!e nine due&ills,73!i&it F, attac!ed to t!e a"ore'entioned account, in !ic! it also a$$earst!at t!e value o" t!e said sacDs o" Kour as (,[email protected], a"ter t!e deduction o"(@I5.

    T!e co'$laint !ic! gave rise to t!e $resent suit is in accordance it! t!e$rovisions o" section 255 o" t!e Code o" Civil (rocedure, and t!e 'ortgages

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    constituted in t!e to instru'ents a"ore'entioned "ul)ll t!e conditions andreuire'ents $rescri&ed in articles 1H5I, 1HI, and 1HI5 o" t!e Civil CodeB!ere"ore *udg'ent s!ould &e rendered "avora&le to t!e 'ortgage creditor,in accordance it! section 25, and "olloing, o" t!e Code o" Civil (rocedure.

    T!e de"endant de&tor denied t!e e3istence o" t!e o&ligations contained in t!esaid instru'entsB !e asserted t!at t!e latter, and t!e $oers o" attorneye3ecuted in "avor o" icente ?arcelo Conce$cion ere "alse, and liDeisedenied t!at !e oed t!e $lainti% any o" t!e a'ounts clai'ed in t!eco'$laint, or t!at !e !ad aut!oriEed t!e said Conce$cion to 'ortgage t!erealties descri&ed in t!e said co'$laint, and in asDing "or !is release, !e$rayed t!at t!e a"ore'entioned 'ortgages and t!e inscri$tions o" t!e sa'ein t!e $ro$erty registry &e declared null and void.

    " it is true, as it a$$ears to &e, t!at t!e de"endant ?arcelino illa"uerte yRaola e3ecuted, on uly 11 and 6cto&er 29, 190, in t!is city, t!e $oers o"attorney, 73!i&its C and 8, in "avor o" icente ?arcelo Conce$cion, &e"ore t!enotaries 7ugenio de /ara and 8aniel R.

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    n order to esta&lis! t!e conclusion, as t!e logical result o" t!e evidence, t!att!e said to notaries, "alsely, and entirely irres$ective o" t!e trut!, issued t!ecerti)cates !ic! a$$ear under t!eir res$ective signatures and seals at t!e"oot o" t!e $oers o" attorney, letters C and 8, it is not sucient to $rove, &y'eans o" t!e testi'ony o" itnesses, ='ostly relatives> and &yunaut!enticated docu'ents, t!at on t!e dates o" t!e e3ecution o" t!e $oerso" attorney t!e $ersons e3ecuting t!e' as not !ere in ?anila, !ere t!einstru'ents ere certi)ed to, &ut in /ucena, Taya&asB clear, strong, andirre"uta&le $roo" 'ust &e adduced to $rove t!at t!e said notaries could not!ave averred t!at t!e said $erson as actually in t!eir $resence, t!at t!ey!eard !i' rati"y t!e contents o" t!e res$ective docu'ents, and could !avecerti)ed to t!e nu'&er o" !is cedula, t!e only one e3!i&ited to &ot! notaries,it!out !aving ostensi&ly $erverted t!e trut!. T!e de"endant !i'sel", !oaverred t!at !e as in /ucena on uly 11, 190, t!e date o" t!e )rst $oer o"attorney, said t!at !e as not sure !et!er on 6cto&er 29 o" t!e sa'e year,

    t!e date o" t!e second, !e as in t!e said $ue&lo or in t!is city o" ?anila.

    (u&lic instru'ents aut!enticated &y a notary or &y a co'$etent $u&licocial, it! t!e "or'alities reuired &y la, are evidence, even against at!ird $erson, o" t!e "act !ic! gives rise to t!eir e3ecution and o" t!e date o"t!e latter. T!ey s!all also &e evidence against t!e contracting $arties andt!eir legal re$resentatives it! regard to t!e declarations t!e "or'er 'ay!ave t!erein. =Arts. 121 and 121H, Civil Code.>

    T!e "orce o" $roo" o" de$ositions o" itnesses s!all &e eig!ed &y t!e courtsin accordance it! t!e $rovisions o" t!e la o" civil $rocedure, taDing care toavoid t!at, &y t!e si'$le coincidence o" so'e de$ositions, unless t!eirtrut!"ulness &e evident, t!e a%airs 'ay &e )nally decided in !ic!instru'ents, $rivate docu'ents, or any &asis o" ritten evidence are usually'ade use o". =Art. 12H, Civil Code.>

    T!e de"endant de&tor !aving &een reuested &y letter, in t!e &eginning o"t!e year 190I, to $ay !is de&t, ere it true t!at !e !ad not contracted t!eo&ligations contained in t!e instru'ents lettered A and 4, nor e3ecuted in"avor o" icente ?arcelo t!e $oers o" attorney lettered C and 8, ould !aveat t!at ti'e 'ade t!e $ro$er investigations and taDen t!e necessary ste$s"or t!e annul'ent or invalidation o" t!e said instru'ents. T!e de"endant didnot even atte'$t to do anyt!ing o" t!e Dind, and e do not )nd any *ustreason nor any legal ground !atever to arrant a discussion o" t!econclusion arrived at &y t!e evidence $resented in t!is suit.

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    reasona&le to $resu'e t!at t!e docu'ents o" $ages 159 and 1I0, and t!enote o" $age 12, o" t!e record, ere not aut!entic.

    t is also to &e o&served, in t!e docu'ent or letter "ound on $age 1@ o" t!e

    record, and !ic! also as unaut!enticated, t!at t!e a"ore'entioned dateso" t!e 11t! o" uly, 190, a$$ear t!erein it! a correction, 'ade in t!e $ro$er$lace, o" t!e )gures 11 and o" t!e )rst date, a re$etition and details !ic!induce t!e $resu'$tion t!at t!e said letter as ritten on a di%erent date.

    4y t!e "oregoing it !as &een duly s!on t!at t!e "ourt!, )"t!, si3t!, andsevent! errors attri&uted to t!e *udg'ent are devoid o" reason and legal"oundation.

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    +oever, even t!oug! t!e uestions addressed &y /acalle to t!e $lainti%;sitnesses and t!e $resentation o" docu'ents o" various Dinds e3!i&ited att!e trial &e stricDen out "or t!e reason t!at t!ey ere 'ade &y a $erson !oas neit!er a $arty to t!e suit nor counsel "or t!e $lainti%, yet e do not )ndany reason, &ased u$on any $ositive $ro!i&ition o" t!e la, to aut!oriEe t!estriDing out to t!e ansers given &y t!e itnesses interrogated &y /acalle,even t!oug! t!e said ansers 'ay !ave &een evoDed &y uestionsaddressed &y a $erson not aut!oriEed &y la, and t!ere is 'uc! less reason"or re*ecting t!e cross#uestions addressed to t!e sa'e itnesses &y t!ede"endant;s attorney, and t!e ansers t!ereto.

    Alt!oug! t!e $resentation o" t!e docu'ents !ic! su$$ort t!e clai's o" t!e$lainti% $arty &e dee'ed to &e i'$ro$er, on account o" t!eir !aving &een

    'ade &y a $erson !o !ad not t!e uali)cations o" a $racticing attorney it isnevert!eless true t!at t!eir $resentation as aut!oriEed &y t!e attorneyAlvareE and t!e docu'ents e3!i&ited continued to &e united to t!e recordand ere not stricDen out t!ere"ro' on 'otion &y t!e ot!er side, &ut, on t!econtrary, t!e attorney "or t!e de"endant or !is counsel discussed t!eaut!enticity and validity o" t!e said docu'ents, 'ade allegations against t!esa'e and concluded &y asDing t!at t!ese docu'ents, and also t!e inscri$tiono" t!ose designated under letters A and 4, &e declared null and void.

    Fro' t!e $receding state'ents it is concluded t!at t!e intervention o" ose

    ?oreno /acalle in t!e $resent suit !as in no 'anner $re*udiced t!e rig!ts andinterests o" t!e de"endant and t!at, i" *udg'ent as rendered against !i'and in "avor o" t!e $lainti%, it as in conseuence o" t!e 'erits o" t!eevidence adduced &y t!e $lainti% and o" t!e inecacy and ort!lessness o"t!e testi'ony given &y t!e de"endant.

    " t!e de"endant ?arcelino illa"uerte !ad $resented su&stantial, strong andconvincing evidence o" t!e "alsity o" t!e to $oers o" attorney e3ecuted in"avor o" icente ?arcelo Conce$cion, t!e $lainti%;s docu'entary evidenceould !ave &een totally invalidated and annulled, and t!is suit ould !ave!ad a di%erent ending.

    For t!e "oregoing reasons, it is $ro$er, in our o$inion, to ar' t!e *udg'enta$$ealed "ro', as e !ere&y do, it! t!e costs against t!e a$$ellant, and inconseuence t!ereo" e acuit t!e $lainti% "ro' t!e cross co'$laint relativeto t!e declaration o" nullity o" t!e 'ortgages and inscri$tions, as reuested

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    &y t!e de"endant. T!e )rst day o" t!e ter' o" court i''ediately "olloing t!edate on !ic! t!e "ul)ll'ent o" t!is *udg'ent is ordered s!all &e set "or t!e$ay'ent o" t!e a'ounts due and t!e "oreclosure o" t!e said 'ortgages. Soordered.

    Tan TeD 4eng vs. 8avid

    12 SCRA @H9

    Case: Ad'inistrative case )led in t!e Su$re'e Court

    Tan TeD 4eng =non#layer> !as !ad an agree'ent it! Ti'oteo 8avid

    =layer> as docu'ented &y a letter 'ade &y 8avid it! ter's and conditiont!at reads:

    1. all co''issionGattorneys "ees "ro' t!e clients su$$lied &y Tan ill &edivided 50#50 &eteen t!e'

    2. 8avid ill not deal directly it! t!eir clients it!out Tans consent

    @. Tan ill &e collecting and Dee$ing t!e said "eesGadvances

    . 6t!er clients !o are related to Tan and are contacted t!roug! !i' ill &e

    !is clients

    T!is agree'ent as agreed &y t!e $arties &ut t!eir &usiness relations!i$ didnot last due to accusations and dou&le#cross. 4ecause o" t!e alleged &reac!o" agree'ent Tan accused 8avid to (res. Asst. La'ora, 6ce o" CivilRelations and to Su$re'e Court, T!is case as sent to Solicitor eneral "orinvestigation, re$ort and reco''endation.


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    8avid is re$ri'anded "or &eing guilty o" 'al$ractice.


    T!e agree'ent 'ade is void &ecause it is tanta'ount to 'al$ractice o"soliciting cases at la "or t!e $ur$ose o" gain, eit!er $ersonally or t!roug!agents or &roDers. (ractice o" la is a $ro"ession, not a &usiness.Co''ercialiEation o" la $ractice is conde'ned in certain canons o"$ro"essional et!ics ado$ted &y A'erican 4ar Association t!at $ro!i&itsdivision o" "ees, inter'ediaries, and co'$ensation, co''ission and re&ates.

    T!e discountenance o" 8avids conduct as not &ecause o" t!e co'$laint o"Tan TeD 4eng =!o does not Dno a&out legal et!ics> &ut &ecause 8avids!ould !ave Dnon &etter t!at un$ro"essional conduct in an attorney is t!at!ic! violates t!e rule or et!ical codes o" !is $ro"ession or !ic! isun&eco'ing a 'e'&er o" t!at $ro"ession.

    8R7CT6R 6F R7/6-S AFFARS S 4A6T

    n une 19@, 4ayot advertised in a nes$a$er t!at !e !el$s $eo$le in

    securing 'arriage licensesB t!at !e does so avoiding delays and $u&licityBt!at !e also 'aDes 'arriage arrange'entsB t!at legal consultations are "ree"or t!e $oorB and t!at everyt!ing is con)dential. T!e 8irector o" ReligiousA%airs tooD notice o" t!e ad and so !e sued 4ayot "or ?al$ractice.

    4ayot initially denied !aving $u&lis!ed t!e advertise'ent. 4ut later, !ead'itted t!e sa'e and asDed "or t!e courts 'ercy as !e $ro'ised to neverre$eat t!e act again.


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    ell#'erited re$utation "or $ro"essional ca$acity and )delity to trust. 4ut&ecause o" 4ayots $lea "or leniency and !is $ro'ise and t!e "act t!at !e didnot earn any case &y reason o" t!e ad, t!e Su$re'e Court 'erelyre$ri'anded !i'.

    -/7( . /7A/ C/NC, NC 22@ SCRA @9H FACTS:

    T!is is a $etition $raying "or an order to t!e res$ondent to cease and desist"ro' issuing certain advertise'ents $ertaining to t!e e3ercise o" t!e la$ro"ession ot!er t!an t!ose alloed &y la. T!e said advertise'ent o" t!e/egal Clinic invites $otential clients to inuire a&out secret 'arriage anddivorce in ua' and annul'ent, and t!e liDe. t also says t!at t!ey are giving"ree &ooDs on ua' 8ivorce. -le$ clai's t!at suc! advertise'ents areunet!ical and destructive o" t!e con)dence o" t!e co''unity in t!e integrityo" layers. +e, &eing a 'e'&er o" t!e &ar, is as!a'ed and o%ended &y t!e

    said advertise'ents. 6n t!e ot!er !and, t!e res$ondent, !ile ad'itting o"t!e "act o" t!e $u&lication o" t!e advertise'ents, clai's t!at it is notengaged in t!e $ractice o" la &ut is 'erely rendering legal su$$ort servicest!roug! $aralegals. t also contends t!at suc! advertise'ents s!ould &ealloed &ased on certain -S cases decided.


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    advertised, engaged in t!e P$ractice o" laQ.

    consistently &een under attacD. +ence, it s!ould &e en*oined.

    (7TT6N F6R A-T+6RT T6 C6NTN-7 -S7 6F T+7 FR? NA?7 SC(,SA/ALAR, F7/CAN6, +7RNAN87L UCAST//6 and N T+7 ?ATT7R 6F T+7(7TT6N F6R A-T+6RT T6 C6NTN-7 -S7 6F T+7 FR? NA?76LA7TA,R6?-/6, 87 /76N, ?A4ANTA U R77S.

    19I9 G ?elencio#+errera G 6&ligations o" $artners it! regard to t!ird $ersonsX (artners!i$ na'eTo )r's asD t!at t!ey &e alloed to continue using t!ena'es o" t!eir )r's des$ite t!e "act t!at Attys. Syci$ and 6Eaeta died.

    (7TT6N7RS AR-?7NTS


    -nder t!e la, a $artners!i$ is

    not $ro!i&ited

    "ro' continuing its &usiness under a )r' na'e t!at includes t!e na'e o"adeceased $artner.

    NCC 1H0

    e3$licitly sanctions t!e $ractice.T!e use &y t!e $erson or $artners!i$continuing t!e &usiness o" t!e $artners!i$ na'e, or

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    t!e na'e o" adeceased $artner as $art t!ereo",

    s!all not o" itsel" 'aDe t!e individual $ro$erty o" t!e deceased $artnerlia&le"or any de&ts contracted &y suc! $erson or $artners!i$.2.

    n regulating

    ot!er $ro"essions

    =accountancy and engineering>, t!e legislature !as aut!oriEed t!e

    ado$tion o" )r'na'es it!out any restriction as to t!e use

    o" t!e na'e o" a deceased $artner

    . T!ere is

    no "unda'ental $olicyt!at is o%ended &y t!e continued use

    &y a )r' o" $ro"essionals o" a )r' na'e, !ic! includes t!e na'e o" adeceased$artner, at least !ere suc! )r' na'e !as acuired t!ec!aracteristics o" a

    trade na'e



    Canons o" (ro"essional 7t!ics are not transgressed

    &y t!e continued use o" t!e na'e o" a deceased $artner&ecause Canon @@ o"t!e Canons o" (ro"essional 7t!ics ado$ted &y t!e A'erican 4ar Associationdeclares t!at:T!e continued use o" t!e na'e o" a deceased or "or'er $artner!en $er'issi&le &y local custo', is notunet!ical &ut care s!ould &e taDent!at no i'$osition or dece$tion is $racticed t!roug! t!is use..

    T!ere is no $ossi&ility o" i'$osition or dece$tion &ecause t!e deat!s o" t!eirres$ective deceased $artners ere

    ell#$u&liciEed in all nes$a$ers o" general circulation "or several days

    . T!e


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    T!e 8een caseY195@Z


    Court advised t!e )r' to desist "ro' including in t!eir )r' designation t!ena'e o" C. 8.o!nston, !o !as long &een dead

    Register o" 8eeds o" ?anila v. C!ina 4anDing Cor$oration



    n t!is case, t!e la )r' o" (erDins U (once7nrile 'oved to intervene as

    a'icus curiae

    . T!e Court in a Resolution stated t!at it ould liDe to &e in"or'ed !yt!ena'e o" (erDins is still &eing used alt!oug! Atty. 7. A. (erDins is already

    dead. T!e Court advised t!e )r' to dro$ t!ena'e o" 7. A. (erDins "ro' t!e)r' na'e, and ruled t!at no $ractice s!ould &e alloed !ic! even in are'ote degreecould give rise to t!e $ossi&ility o" dece$tion. 8een case citedin t!e ruling.

    udicial decisions a$$lying or inter$reting t!e las "or' $art o" t!e legalsyste'.

    T!e Su$re'e Court in t!e 8een and(erDins cases laid don a legal ruleagainst !ic! no custo' or $ractice to t!e contrary, even i" $roven, can$revail. T!is is not tos$eaD o" our civil la !ic! clearly ordains t!at a$artners!i$ is dissolved &y t!e deat! o" any $artner.

    Custo' !ic! are contrary tola, $u&lic order or $u&lic $olicy s!all not &ecountenanced.

    T!e use in t!eir $artners!i$ na'es o" t!e na'es o" deceased $artners illrun counter to NCC 1H15.Art. 1H15.

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  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession


  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession


    encroac!'ent on t!eir $ractice, or dealing directly it! t!eir clientsT!e rig!tto $ractice la does not only $resu$$ose in its $ossessor integrity, legalstanding and attain'ent, &ut also t!e e3ercise o"a s$ecial $rivilege,

    !ig!ly $ersonal

    and $artaDing o" t!e nature o" a $u&lic trust.

    6N AR-?7NT \@

    Canon @@

    does not consider as unet!ical

    t!e continued use o" t!e na'e o" a deceased or "or'er $artner !en suc! a$ractice is

    $er'issi&le &y local custo',

    &ut t!e Canon arns t!at care s!ould &e taDen t!at no i'$osition ordece$tion is $racticed.

    n t!e (!ili$$ines, no local custo'

    $er'its or allos

    t!e continued use o" a deceased or "or'er $artner;s na'e.Fir' na'es, underour custo',

    identi"y t!e 'ore active andGor 'ore senior 'e'&ers or $artners o" t!e la)r'.

    T!e $ossi&ility o" dece$tion u$on t!e $u&lic, real or conseuential, !ere t!ena'e o" a deceased $artner continues to &eused cannot &e ruled out. A$erson in searc! o" legal counsel 'ig!t &e guided &y t!e "a'iliar ring o" adistinguis!ed na'ea$$earing in a )r' title.

    6N AR-?7NT \-.S. Courts !ave alloed t!e continued use o" a deceased$artner;s na'e &ecause it is sanctioned &y custo'. Not so int!is *urisdiction!ere t!ere is no local custo' t!at sanctions t!e $ractice.

    Custo' !as &een de)ned as a rule o" conduct "or'ed &y re$etition o" acts,uni"or'ly o&served =$racticed> as a social rule,legally &inding and o&ligatory.

    Courts taDe no *udicial notice o" custo'. A custo' 'ust &e $roved as a "act,according to t!e rules o"evidence. A local custo' as a source o" rig!t cannot&e considered &y a court o" *ustice unless suc! custo' is $ro$erlyesta&lis!ed&y co'$etent evidence liDe any ot!er "act.

    ?erely &ecause so'et!ing is done as a 'atter o" $ractice does not 'ean

  • 8/10/2019 Duties to Legal Profession
