Dutch Water Management

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Transcript of Dutch Water Management

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Dutch ExpertiseWater Management & Flood Control

    Delft, The Netherlands, January 2006

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    1 Introduction

    2 Aim of this document

    To provide information on the Dutch flood management system and other related systems. We would like to share our lessons learned and provide an

    overview of Dutch expertise and policies. We invite you to contact The Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP, www.nwp.nl). The NWP is an independentbody set up jointly by the Dutch private and public sector to act as a national coordination and information point in relation to water activities overseas.

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    3 Dutch History in Water Management and Flood Control

    The Netherlands has centuries of experience in water management and flood control.Situated in thelargest delta of Europe, one third (1/3) of the country is below sea level. Since 8 million people livebelow sea level, the Dutch have had to learn to live with the water. Without the protection of ourlevees and dunes, more than half of the country would be flooded. The first levees were built 1,000years ago, lakes were drained, polders (tracks of land reclaimed from the sea or lakes) werecreated, and water levels were placed under control. Water management needed to be organized,thus our first democratic institutes, the public water boards, were founded in 1200 AD.

    Water boards are decentralized public authorities with legal tasks and a self-supporting financialsystem. Water boards are responsible for local and regional flood control and water management.The amount received by each water board depends on the level of taxpayer interest within eachwater board's jurisdiction. As of 1 January 2005 there were 27 water boards with approximately10,000 employees.

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    To protect The Netherlands from flooding, the best expertise available on innovative flood control and watermanagement was and is still needed today. This was brought to light by the floods of 1953 and in the 1990s.During that period, the worlds largest flood protection works were built: the Deltaworks. Not only has hydraulicengineering expertise been developed by both public and private organizations in the Netherlands, but also

    expertise on flood control,

    flood planning,

    risk-based flood protection standards,

    institutional and legal embedding of policies,

    crisis management,

    integration of urban issues with environmental protection,

    reconstruction activities and

    dredging technologies

    Facts about the Netherlands

    1/3 of the country, where 8 million people live, is situated below sea-level

    Without dikes and dunes, 66% of the country would be flooded

    1000 years of water management experience

    Our first democratic institutes were water boards first established in 1200 AD

    Deltaworks: the worlds largest flood protection project

    To find more: www.nwp.nl ; www.uvw.nl ; www.minvenw.nl; www.waterinthenetherlands.org

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    4 Floods

    67 embankment breaches

    Approximately 500,000 acres of land flooded

    1836 people died

    Approximately 200,000 livestock drowned

    3,000 houses and 300 farmhouses completely destroyed

    Over 40,000 houses and 3,000 farmhouses damaged

    After 3 months still 24,000 could not return home

    1993 & 1995 Rhine and Meuse river floods Approximately 100,000 acres of land flooded

    240,000 people evacuated

    A major highway was blocked for several weeks

    Casualties were limited

    1953 Zeeland sea flood

    In recent history, three major floods had a deep impact on how the Dutch manage flood andwater issues. These disasters made it clear that we needed to improve our flood controltechniques and water management policies and standards.

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    Improvement of our water management and flood control

    after the floods

    Deltaworks: closes and controls the Delta of Zeeland in case of a storm:


    Provides storm surge barriers

    Legislation: Law on Flood Defense was introduced:

    Enacted a powerful tool to safeguard the quality of our flood protection

    Established clear design standards for a safe level of protection against flooding

    Investment in Research and Development on flood and coastal protection:

    Developed models and decision support systems

    Implemented probabilistic design (impact and frequency) 500 miles of levees (flood protection) raised and strengthened

    The condition of flood protection in relation to the most up-to-date legal standards

    are reported directly to the State Secretary every 5 years

    Contained and Compartmentalized risks

    Established protection levels based on economic damage potential

    Restored floodplains to provide more space for river floods

    Coastal management: focused on providing safety and environmental protection

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    5 General Dutch Flood Protection Expertise

    Companies and institutes: some examplesCompanies and institutes: some examples

    Public sector

    Ministry of Transport, Public Works & Water Management

    Ministry of Spacial Planning, Housing & the Environment


    Water boards,



    Research / Education

    Delft University

    Wageningen University



    WL|Delft Hydraulics







    (Represented by a.o. VBKO andby 'Bouwend Nederland')

    Ballast Nedam,

    Dura Vermeer

    Interbeton (BAM group)


    Boskalis, Van Oord

    Consulting engineers

    (Represented by a.o. ONRI)


    Royal Haskoning, DHV,






    Oranjewoud RPS Group


    Pumps and Equipment

    (Represented by a.o. VLM)

    Bosman Watermanagement


    Van Essen Instruments

    Nijhuis Water Technology


    X Flow


    Spaans Babcock


    KeyKey expertise andexpertise and resultsresults we arewe are proudproud ofof

    Water management

    Flood control

    Flood protection planning

    Environmental aspects of water control

    Risk based flood protection approach

    Crisis management



    Preparation for climate change

    Policy development

    Risk management

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    6 Lessons Learned: Water requires Space

    For centuries, spatial planning in the low-lying Netherlands has been a matter of maintaining the separation between land and water. The

    Dutch have benefited from this separation, considering that two-thirds of the gross national product is generated domestically. However,

    changes are brewing. Climate changes are increasing the likelihood of flooding and water-related problems. In addition, population density

    continues to increase, as does the potential for economic growth, and consequently, the vulnerability to economic and social disaster. Two

    undesirable developments that, in terms of safety, exacerbate one another a growing risk with even larger consequences. As such, the

    safety risk is growing at an accelerated pace (safety risk = chance multiplied by consequence).

    How do we deal wi th th is ever increasing r isk?

    The Netherlands is changing its approach to water. This change involves the idea that the Netherlands will have to make more frequent

    concessions. We will have to relinquish open space to water, and not take back existing open spaces, in order to curb the growing risk of

    disaster due to flooding, We will also need to limit water-related problems and be able to store water for expected periods of drought. By this,

    we do not mean space in terms of the height of ever taller levees or depth through continued channel dredging, but space in the sense of flood

    plains. This approach will require more area, but in return we will increase our safety and limit water related problems. Safety is an aspect thatmust play a different role in spatial planning. Only by relinquishing our space can we set things right; if this is not done in a timely manner,

    water will sooner or later reclaim the space on its own, perhaps dramatic manner.

    More space in relation to technological measures

    Technical expertise and capability, in addition to continuing innovation, are essential to our success. However, we have learned that hard

    technical measures are not sustainable and are not flexible. Technical measures need to be combined with other strategies to be truly

    successful. The Dutch have developed several strategies or building blocks with proven reliability to provide flexible long term solutions that fit

    local circumstances. We would like to introduce these strategies in the following pages.

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    7 Water Management

    Due to our constant battle with the sea and rivers, the Dutch have had to study and intensively manage our rivers and


    Our river management expertise includes:

    Policy development from a national to a local level; the complete range of river engineering and river maintenance

    works; river hydraulics and sediment transport modeling. Large scale flood event modeling in 3D GIS environment.

    Our coastal management expertise includes:A high level of expertise in the area of waves, currents, sediment transport, coastal morphology, seabed - structure

    interaction, ship dynamics, navigation and statistics. We apply state of the art and proven numerical models and have

    access to a wide range of physical model facilities. We have specialized expertise in coastal protection, coastal

    development and coastal management, which are related to gravel, sand and mud coasts.

    We offer expertise in the field of: coastal morphodynamics and design conditions for coastal areas; shoreline

    management, including analysis of coastal erosion problems and the design of coastal protection schemes;

    stabilization of tidal inlets, lagoons and estuaries; and shallow water wave modeling.

    Climate change and increased urbanization demand changes in our approach to water management. The startingpoint for flood protection is sustainable water management. It is essential to understand a water system in order to

    decide on the most appropriate measures for flood protection. In this context, we describe the range of river and

    coastal management sciences and expertise The Netherlands has to offer.


    Water management and monitoring program with a solid institutional base

    High-tech monitoring tools and methods Specialized software and tools

    Current issues

    1. The sea level is rising

    2. The risk of floods increases

    3. The sea level rises, river dischargesincrease and the soil is subsiding

    4. Precipitation in winter increases

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    8 Flood Control

    The Dutch have been constructing levees and flood control structures for many centuries and may be viewed as some of

    the best experts in planning, design, construction and maintenance of levees and flood control structures. In addition,

    through extensive studies and experience, we are specialists in failure-mechanics. By using specialized software andassessment techniques, we can predict potential levee failures. Levee reinforcement can be achieved with regular use of

    sediment, but the Dutch have also developed innovative techniques to strengthen levees which are located in urban

    areas were little space exists: sheet piles, mixed in place, expanding columns, nails in levees, automated

    counterbalance, flood relief drain.

    The Dutch have built one of the worlds most impressive flood protection structures under very challenging

    environmental conditions. We offer expertise and highly specialized equipment in the design and construction of such

    structures.The Dutch coast is unique in the world in using soft measures to prevent the coast line from declining. We offer

    expertise in this kind of no-regret measures.

    Dutch companies can also design and provide high capacity pumps.

    Providing protection against sea and river water by means of dunes, levees and canals. Protection may require

    embankment and reinforcement of levees, building water control structures or installing high capacity pump stations.

    Sometimes protection requires additional space for water in places where this is possible.

    The Deltaworks :

    The Deltaworks, established after the 1953 floods to protect Zeeland, the worlds largest flood protection works, include

    the following: the Eastern Scheldt Barrier, a movable storm surge barrier, was constructed to protect against the sea

    without damaging the unique ecology of this estuary. The construction of 10250 miles of levees (1500 miles of primary

    levees and 8750 miles of secondary levees) along with 300 structures in main dikes. In addition, 13 estuaries were

    closed along with 1 inland estuary having several dams. Approximately 1650 sq km of land were reclaimed from the sea.


    Design and project management of the St Petersburg Storm Surge Barrier in Russia. Dutch engineers and contractorshave also been recently involved with the construction of the famous Palm Island in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

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    9 Flood Planning

    The Dutch have developed several innovative data systems to gather information continuously on the

    strength of their levees by using remote sensing, fiber glass optics and GIS modeling.

    Responsibilities for flood management from different government levels are legally embedded in our

    policies. Provinces are responsible for authorizing procedures and for safety and spatial planning

    aspects of flood management. Consequently, they have a lot of experience in flood planning.

    The Dutch have a long tradition in urban and environmental planning, from national to local levels,

    which is scientifically praised world wide.Flood management plans are formulated with a scope duration of 50-100 and even up to 200 years.

    Dike relocation to widen the bottleneck from the Waal river at the city of Nijmegen

    Room for River Act: a national program to give our major rivers more space Thermal infrared spectroscopy in order to track groundwater flows that may undermine flood barriers

    Legal framework of urban and environmental planning

    FLI-MAP: levee strength data base and data collection system

    Digital Levee: using glass fiber optics for continuous monitoring of any changes in levees

    Dutch Atlas on the of river basin management organization

    GIS supported mapping of integrated flood protection levels in the Netherlands

    Flood planning is the framework to transform the flood defense philosophy into a sustainable flood

    management system. The framework reveals the information and measures that need to be taken; as

    well as where and how it must be implemented.

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    10 Environmental Aspects of Flood Control

    The Netherlands is a very densely populated country, with many stakeholders. With generations

    of experience in combining functions, the Dutch have developed expertise ensure integrated

    solutions. Specialized knowledge includes:

    Strategic Environmental Assessments for large coastal and floodplain projects

    Environmental Impact Assessments for levees, coasts and structures

    Structured combination of flood control improvements with improvement of environmental

    quality (quality of local life)

    A major advantage of these strategies is public support.

    The design, construction and maintenance of flood control systems is not just a technical matter.There are many stakeholders! Environmental aspects include ecology, culture, landscape,

    archeology, recreation & tourism, water quality and geomorphology.

    SEA for the improvement of the North Netherlands coast

    Nature compensation for all lost valuable nature due to levee construction/ strengthening

    EISs for levee and coastal reinforcements, both urban and rural

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    11 Risk Management Approach

    We are developing a new risk management approach that includes determining how far thegovernment can and should go in providing protection against high water levels and how much it

    can and should spend for that purpose. We will base the approach on factors including the "Safe

    Netherlands Roadmap". In that project, the Ministry has joined forces with provincial

    governments and water boards to gauge the likelihood and consequences of flooding in each

    levee ring (an area that is completely surrounded by levees).

    The consequences of flooding are also taken into account in the Dutch risk management

    approach. Human and economic values also determine risk standards. Which means that not

    just technical expertise on dealing with flood management is needed, but also socio-economic

    experience. We support the decision-making process by providing scenarios, alternatives and

    public relations advise.

    The Netherlands is divided into compartments with different risk levels of flooding. High density

    areas with greater human and economic interest, like Rotterdam and Amsterdam, are

    surrounded with stronger levees than rural areas and therefore have a lower risk level from

    flooding than others. One of the most difficult policy decisions for the Dutch in the next decade is

    to decide what level of protection is necessary, acceptable and cost-effective for each


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    12 Crisis Management & Reconstruction

    Crisis management is needed to decrease the chance of damage and casualties in the case of a

    flood. Unnecessary or unsuccessful evacuations can be prevented by applying flood calculations

    and evacuation scenarios during the planning phase.

    Development of contingency plans, evacuation plans and scenarios

    Public awareness of risks and evacuation routes

    Development of decision making models to improve the evacuation process before and during

    a flood

    Advanced 3D flood modeling

    Flood risk mapping

    24 hour monitoring and prediction of river levels Dutch companies can offer comprehensive expertise for reconstruction: pumping, cleaning,

    building, infrastructure

    ESCAPE: development program resulted in a model for contingency plans, a public awareness

    model, high water level information system model and a decision support system for evacuations

    Every Dutch municipality has an evacuation plan for its inhabitants

    Every water board has a contingency plan

    Automated Manual adresses high-water levels

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    13 Other relevant expertise


    We have some of the worlds leading companies in dredging. Dredging is an important

    corrective measure for our rivers. Dredging is also used to win sand for dune and beach

    maintenance and restoration. Dutch companies are working all around the world. Well known

    projects where Dutch engineers and contractors are working, are the palm tree and worldislands in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

    Science & Technology

    Water related science & technology is at a high level in The Netherlands. Public and private

    sectors cooperate in the development of new technologies. Universities like the University of

    Delft and the University of Wageningen have a rich tradition in high level water oriented

    education from hydraulic engineering to disaster studies and integrated water resource


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    14 Dutch company profi les

    List of content


    X-Flow B.V & NoritGEODELFT

    WL | Delft HydraulicsHKV Lijn in Water

    Vexcel NetherlandsFugro N.V.

    Van Oord Dredging and Marine ContractorsElectronic Levee - The IJkdijk consortium

    RPS GroupDura Vermeer

    Royal HaskoningDHV

    Royal Boskalis Westminster nvBosman


    Interbeton bv

    (Royal BAM Group nv)

    Ballast Nedam

    Ingenieursbureau Oranjewoud B.V.ARCADIS

    Infram International bvAlkyon Hydraulic Consul tancy & Research

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    Telephone +31.527.248.100


    Postal address P.O. Box 248

    8300 AE Emmeloord

    The Netherlands

    Visiting address

    Geomatics Business Park

    Voorsterweg 28

    8316 PT Marknesse

    The Netherlands

    Contact: [email protected]

    Alkyon HydraulicConsultancy & Research

    Alkyon is an independent Dutch company founded in 1996 by a group of experts and consultants with an

    extensive record in harbour, coastal, river and offshore hydraulic engineering and research.

    We aim to bring fit for purpose advice and services of a high quality onto the market at competitive prices. Wehave the creativity, flexibility, energy and enthusiasm that you would expect of a small company of dedicated

    experts. We find effective two-way communication with our client of central importance. We are a private

    company and the majority of our personnel is partner with the firm.

    We provide services to the following clients:

    engineering consultants and contractors,

    authorities responsible for coastal management and coastal erosion control;

    the offshore industry and related authorities;

    harbour authorities and harbour operators;

    insurance companies and loss adjusters.

    Our services range from expert missions and desk studies to in-depth studies applying numerical and physical

    models, software engineering and project management.

    These services are based on a high level of expertise in the area of waves, currents, sediment transport, coastal

    morphology, seabed - structure interaction, ship dynamics, navigation and statistics, all available within our

    company. Alkyon applies state of the art and proven numerical models and has access to a wide range of

    physical model facilities.

    Alkyon maintains commercial and scientific contacts throughout the world, including advisors at renowned


    In order to remain a specialist engineering consultant we constantly work on the improvement of our tools by in-

    house development and research projects as well as actively participating in joint research projects.

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address






    [email protected]

    The Netherlands

    [email protected]

    +31 43.352.3392


    ARCADIS is a global network of business professionals that provides project management, consultancy and

    engineering services to enhance mobility, sustainability and quality of life. ARCADIS develops, designs,

    implements, maintains and operates projects for companies and governments. With 10,000 employees and $1

    billion in gross revenue the company is multi-nationally present with a close-knit local network. Expertise and

    experience are of international significance. We are focused on providing added value to clients.

    We have over 60 offices all around the USA.

    We provide our clients with state-of-the art solutions for flood protection, coastal zone management, dike

    improvement, river basin management and hydraulic engineering. Both in the Netherlands and in the USA we

    are involved in a lot of water projects. We have a global network that enables us to easily transfer knowledge andskills.

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    Ir. W.J. Van Niekerk

    Ballast Nedam

    P. O. Box 1289


    The Netherlands

    Telephone +31 30 285 3727

    Fax +31 30 285 4841


    [email protected]

    Ballast Nedam

    Ballast Nedam: Building on experience around the world

    Ballast Nedam acts as an expert partner in a range of civil engineering works around the world. As one of the

    leading Dutch infrastructure and building construction groups, we are literally building on many years ofexperience. Joining only carefully selected projects to which our people can offer genuine added value, Ballast

    Nedam bridges the divide between consultancy and contracting.

    In many cases, Ballast Nedam's particular contribution to a project draws directly on the challenges we have

    faced as a business with its roots in the Netherlands. Our homeland's unique topography has forced us to find

    innovative solutions in creating its infrastructure. So you will find the resulting skills nowhere else. Many of these

    are in the realm where land and water meet. We specialise in adapting and applying those solutions to relevantsituations elsewhere in the world.

    The Netherlands, Eastern Scheldt Barrier

    In reaction to the flood in 1953 the Deltaplan for the Eastern Scheldt Barrier was constructed. The detailed

    engineering and construction of movable storm surge barrier in the Eastern Scheldt Estuary was done by Ballast

    Nedam. Ballast Nedam is the perfect partner to supervise comparable projects in the U.S.A.

    U.S.A. Florida, West Palm Beach,

    Ballast Nedam's specialist knowledge stems directly from years of experience at the land-water engineering

    interface. The Construction of the Royal Park Bridge is a replacement of the original bridge structure build in

    1925, which is similar to the old structure and a beautiful example. Ballast Nedam's ability to supervise the entire

    construction process is built on our unrivalled experience as a contractor, backed up with thorough time, budget

    and quality monitoring.

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    Bosman WatermanagementP.O. Box 3701

    2265 ZG Piershil

    The Netherlands

    Tel: +31 186 69 10 22

    Fax: +31 186 69 13 67

    [email protected]


    BWM designs, manufactures and installs a wide variety of systems for the control of surface water and the treatment of

    waste water. Every BWM design is characterised by a combination of high qual-ity and innovative thinking, whether it

    concerns the turnkey operationalisation of a complete pumping plant or a state-of-the-art WWTP.

    BWM is renowned for their extensive know-how and experience in the field of water management, varying from wind

    watermills, small pumping units, right up to the large-capacity pumping stations on the Dutch coast. This know-how and

    experience have been gained over the past 70 years in realis-ing a large variety of projects and in developing hi-tec

    pumping units. In addition to the civil engi-neering work, BWM designs, manufactures and installs components such as

    pumps, electromotors, pipe works, screens, electrical and automated systems. BMWs pumping units and plants are

    unique combinations of advanced technology and high quality standards, resulting in low operational

    BWM is also a welcomed partner in the world of WWTPs. Our company designs, manufactures and maintains complete

    biological WWTPs. These installations are built in full compliance with the cus-tomers design specifications for effluent

    quality and energy consumption. BWM is capable of de-signing a custom-made WWTP for almost every waste water


  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address




    Department of Ports, Waterways and

    Coastal Development (PWCD)

    Ir. Dick Kevelam

    tel: +31 (0)33 468 3353

    e-mail: [email protected] /

    [email protected]


    DHV is an international consultancy and engineering group with 3,800 employees providing services for

    Transportation and Infrastructure, Water, Aviation, Spatial Planning and Environment and Building and


    Water Management and Flood Control

    DHV advises in the complete field of water management and flood control; from institutional and legislative policy

    formulation to the integral approach and implementation of large-scale flood control works, barriers, dikes,

    inundation polders and maintenance works.

    DHVs broad experience ranges from risk analyses of dike failures to calculation of economical and social

    consequences of flooding on surrounding settlements and industrial areas. The analyses take into accountmeteorological and hydrological conditions using the latest hydraulic and morphological modeling techniques.

    Based on our findings we propose attuned designs and improvements of flood management systems.

    Recent projects:

    - 25km long St. Petersburg Flood Protection Barrier (2003-2008)

    - Poland Emergency Flood Recovery Project (2002-2004)

    - Space for the River projects in The Netherlands (2000-date)

    - Life extension of Thames Barrier (2002-2006)

    - Design of Maeslantkering protecting city and Port of Rotterdam (1988-1990)

    - 50km Meuse river dike improvement, the Netherlands (2003-2004)

    Contact New Orleans:

    DHV has formed an associated with CH2Mhill for the Post-Katerina Rehabilitation Works.

    New Orleans office

    Steven Mathies

    e-mail: [email protected]

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    Dura Vermeer

    P.O. Box 3098

    2130 KB Hoofddorp

    The Netherlands

    Tel: +31 23 569 23 82

    Fax: +31 23 569 23 10

    [email protected]

    Dura Vermeer

    Dura Vermeer is an entrepreneur rather than a contractor The complete handling of a project, sustainable construction

    methods, public private joint ventures, bearing risks...In effect, all of these terms basically imply that Dura Vermeer is

    an entrepreneur than a contractor.

    We have an increasingly broad responsibility in our main disciplines, i.e. infrastructure and construction. The era of

    merely executing strictly defined tasks is definitely over. These days, you can expect more from us, a lot more. Where

    capability is self-evident, know-how is increasingly important The world around us is changing very rapidly, and do is

    the part that we can and want to play in this world.

    Major concerns and developments in technology and environment, spatial development, mobility and infrastructure

    increasingly appeal to our know-how and creativity. Where capability has become slef-evident due to standardization,

    know how is increasingly an important added value. A complete project, management and development organization

    Dura Vermeer has therefore transformed itself into a mulit-disciplinary integrator within a relatively short time. The

    service package now covers the total spectrum of disciplines required in infrastructure and construction, organized in

    an efficient and flexible manner.

    We aspire to become a leader in our markets and to consistently demonstrate our innovative strengths, with a new

    look on current topics, new forms of service, new products, and new technologies. Knowing that co-operation often

    leads to the best possible solutions, we continuously look for new forms and set-ups and ideal partners for this

    purpose. And as the compexity of problems increases, so does the need for simplicity in organization and the need to

    concentrate responsibilities.

    Dura Vermeer increasingly assumes the responsibility for the complete development, implementation and operation in

    one-on-one situations.

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address

    www.tno.nl, www.geodelft.nl,

    www.stowa.nl, www.hunzeenaas.nl,




    Prof dr R.J. Meijer


    [email protected]

    Electronic Levee -

    The IJkdijk consortium

    The IJkdijk consortium develops an early warning system for levee failure. A sensor network in the levee will

    report in advance that the levee will fail. This allows for timely contra measures and lengthens the period

    available for evacuations. The IJkdijk consortium builds a major test facility to stress (1-1 scaled) levees beyond

    the point that they are stable. This allows the consortium to understand the sensor data. The experiments and

    sensor network technologies allows building safer and less costly levees in terms of both technology and


    The electronic levee is a major hope of governments to constrain the cost of water management and to address

    the concerns of the public on their water safety especially under bad weather conditions.

    Expertise/knowledge/servicesThe consortium consists of the Dutch organization for applied science TNO, the leading research organization in

    water management technologies GeoDelft, the research agency of the combined Dutch water boards STOWA,

    the Hunze en Aas District Water Board, the government investor agency NOM, a foundation to promote the use

    of sensor technologies IDL and a project development company Awenyddion.

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    Fugro N.V.

    Fugro collects and interprets data related to the earths surface and the soils and rocks beneath. On the basis of this

    the Company provides advice, generally for purposes related to the oil and gas industry, the mining industry and the

    construction industry.

    Fugro operates around the world at sea, on land and from the air, using professional, highly specialised staff

    supported by advanced technologies and systems, many of which have been developed in-house. Fugro has 28

    vessels and owns 75 CPT trucks and 40 aircraft.

    Fugros objective is to occupy a leading market position by providing high- quality services supported by

    technological developments. This requires a strong international or regional market position. Fugro was founded in

    1962, has been listed on Euronext N.V. in Amsterdam since 1992 and has been included in the Amsterdam MidkapIndex since March 2002. Fugro has over 7,600 staff permanently stationed in over 50 countries.

    Fugro has 44 offices in the USA. Fugro offices near New Orleans are located at Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Westlake,

    Beaumont and Houston.


    Dutch expertise on flood risk analyses Geotechnical Drilling Boring Rigs

    Cone Penetrometer Rigs

    Soils and Materials Laboratory Testing

    Geotechnical Engineering Services

    . Geophysical Services (Lidar, EM)

    Head Office Leidschendam,The Netherlands

    Mr. M.Th.J.H. SmitsPhone: +31 70 3111125E-mail: [email protected]

    Head Offi ceP.O. Box 41

    2260 AA LeidschendamVeurse Achterweg 102264 SG LeidschendamThe NetherlandsT : +31 (0)70 311 1422F : +31 (0)70 320 2703E : [email protected]

    Office Houston Fugro Consultants LP

    Mr. J.M. CiborPhone: +1 713 369 5400E-mail:[email protected]: www.fugrosouth.com

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    Dr.ir. Peter van den Berg

    [email protected]

    Prof dr.ir. Frans Barends

    [email protected]


    Soil structures for water management

    Subsidence of Delta areas

    Tunelling in soft soil

    Sustainable infrastructure on soft soil

    Geo-enigineering solutions for environmental challenges.

    Smartsoils: soils on demand

    As the Dutch knowledge institute for geo-engineering, GeoDelfts role is to obtain, generate and disseminate

    geotechnical expertise. The institute is an international leader in research and consultancy into the behaviour of

    soft soil and into soil-structure interaction in soft soil constructions.

    Research and Development at GeoDelft are based on the principle of the Innovation Cycle, with field testing,

    numerical calculations and validation by model testing taking place in a permanent feedback loop.

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    Hubert Ami Augustin Habib Msc.

    B De Holle Bilt 22, 3732 HM De Bilt

    P Postbus 203, 3730 AE De Bilt

    T +31 30 220 76 34

    F +31 30 220 50 84E mailto:[email protected]


    Grontmij, founded in 1915, is a stock market listed service provider with approximately 3.500 employees.

    We are specialised in consultancy, management, engineering and contracting for buildings, infrastruc ture

    and environment.

    Grontmij work to improve the environment where people live, work and relax. The company can draw upon a wide

    range of expertise and has the capacity to steer complex multidisciplinary plans and projects to completion, within

    any desired form of contract, often as project partner. Our integrated services start with the initial design and

    continue right through to management and maintenance.

    We can provide expertise for the full range of water treatment processes for drinking, process and wastewater and

    are strong in integral watermanagement. Human safety, ecological and economical values demands effectivefloodcontrol management-systems and engineering structures. We have gained large experience in design,

    engineering and construction of dykes and water-structures on various types of soils.

    Our services are certificated according to international ISO standards 9001 and 14001 for quality assurance and

    environmental quality and safety. Our consultants ensure sustainability and consider it to be a crucial part of their

    approach to solutions.

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    P.O. Box 2120

    8203 AC Lelystad

    The Netherlands

    Visiting address

    Botter 11 nr. 29


    The Netherlands

    Phone: +31-320-294242

    Fax: +31-320-253901

    dr. ir. M. Kok director

    [email protected]


    HKV Consultants is an independent company that provides consultancy services and carries out research in water

    and water management. Established in 1995, we have quickly grown to a dynamic firm with a staff of almost 50.

    Our experts are highly qualified and internationally recognized, most with long-term experience in their specific

    fields and with extensive, up-to-date knowledge of the complex world of water management and risk management.

    In recent years HKV Consultants has earned a leading reputation in consultancy and research in flood risk

    analyses and management. We have taken the initiative in the development and practical implementation of many

    important technically innovating and methodological concepts that have subsequently found their way into the

    current Dutch flood risk management practice. Such development are supported by our own extensive R&D

    program and collaboration with Dutch universities and European research institutes.

    Our scope of work covers most aspects of water management, like:

    investigations of rivers and estuarine systems,

    high-water analyses for regional water systems,

    flood forecasting, management and control,

    safety and flood risk analyses for regional and urban water systems,

    disaster relief and evacuation plans.

    For more information, please send an e-mail to: [email protected].

    News facts and detailed, up-to-date company and project information can be found on our web site: www.hkv.nl

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    Dr J.W. van der Meer;

    [email protected]

    Infram International bv

    Infram International is an engineering and consulting company specialised in policy making and the management

    of civil infrastructure. Infram stands for an integrated approach to projects and sustainable development

    worldwide. Infram gives specialists advice and general support in the field of policy development, appraisal and

    management of infrastructure, design and appraisal of coastal structures and breakwaters, design of

    management organisations and implementation of financing structures.


    Our experiences are founded in the Dutch Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Water management. From

    this base we have developed several methodologies that are suitable in other (European) countries. Hereby we

    do not simply copy the Dutch experience to other countries, but we translate methodologies into tailor made and

    locally suitable solutions for our foreign clients.

    World wide specialists on coastal engineering gained their experience in Dutch flood protection projects, many

    projects abroad and an extensive experience in research projects in the European Union.

    In 2000 Infram designed a hurricane protection around a refinery along the coast of Mississippi. Katrina tested

    this protection in 2005 and it survived! The refinery was not flooded.

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    P.O. Box 8590

    3009 AN Rotterdam

    The Netherlands

    Phone: + 31 (0)10 235 18 34

    Fax: +31 (0)10 235 18 85

    Mr. C.J. Windhouwer

    [email protected]

    IngenieursbureauOranjewoud B.V.

    Oranjewoud has been a well-known name in the Netherlands for over fifty years as a supplier of high quality

    services in the broad areas of infrastructure, urban development, construction, nature and landscaping,

    environment, safety and preservation, real estate issues and sports and leisure facility development. In this

    process, we handle the entire project from study, advice, design, plan preparation and direction to realization,

    management and operation - or part of this, as desired. From local to national governments, from trade to

    industry, from small and medium sized businesses to multinationals, from the not-for-profit sector to private

    individuals: all clients are important. With offices in the entire country we are always within reach!

    One of our expertises is crisis and emergency management. After the floodings in Europe and the hurricanes

    Katrina and Rita in the United States the authorities in the Netherlands were again aware of the fact that we live

    beneath sea level. This is why they asked Oranjewoud to improve their emergency management and more

    specific to set up evacuation scenarios.

    In the United States we work together with Janssen and Spaans Engineering Inc. in Indianapolis. In the field of

    emergency management we work together with George Washington University, Institute for Crisis, Disaster and

    Risk Management

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    P.O. Box 414

    2800 AK Gouda

    The Netherlands

    Phone: + 31 (0)182 59 06 30

    Fax: +31 (0)182 59 08 70

    Email: [email protected]

    Interbeton bv(Royal BAM Group nv)

    Interbeton is the international operating company of Royal BAM Group. Royal BAM Group (www.bam.nl) is

    market leader in the Netherlands and one of the largest European construction firms with leading market

    positions in the United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland, Belgium, and the United States.

    Interbeton has a history of bringing European expertise to the USA. Examples are immersed tube tunnel

    technology (Ted Williams Tunnel in Boston & the Hampton Roads Tunnel in Virginia) and jacked box tunnel

    technology for Bostons Central Artery.

    Interbetons sister company in the USA is Flatiron Construction Corp. (www.flatironcorp.com): builders of some

    of Americas most complex and sophisticated bridge and infrastructure projects.

    Delta Marine Consultants (www.dmc.nl) are specialist marine consultants & engineers of BAM Civiel, the heavy

    civil operating company of Royal BAM Group in the Netherlands.

    Representative / office location(s) in USA:

    Both Flatiron Construction Corp. (Head Quarters)

    and Interbeton Inc. are located at:

    10090 I-25 Frontage Road

    Longmond, Colorado 80504USA

    Tel: 303 485 4050

    Fax: 303 485 39 22

    e-mail: [email protected]



    BAM Civiel DMC Interbeton Flatiron

    Storm surge barriers,(Design &/or Constr).

    X X

    Bringing European

    expertise to the USA.

    X X

    Heavy civil enginee-

    ring in the USA.

    X X

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    US affiliate:

    Bean Stuyvesant LLC

    1055 St. Charles Avenue

    Suite 520

    New Orleans, LA70130

    P.O. Box 51118

    New Orleans, LA70151-1118

    Phone (504) 587 8700

    Fax (504) 587 8717

    Mail [email protected]

    Contact: Mr. Willem Keij

    Royal BoskalisWestminster nv

    Royal Boskalis Westminster nv is an international service provider in the area of maritime infrastructure. Its core

    activities include the construction and maintenance of harbors and waterways, the creation of land in water,

    coastal defense, and riverbank protection. Alongside these main areas Boskalis is also involved in a wide range

    of related activities such as sand and gravel production, soil improvement, dry earth movement, environmental

    activities, marine offshore services, tunnel building, and hydraulic engineering projects.

    Boskalis has a wide spread of operations worldwide, operating in more than 50 countries on five continents. The

    company has a unique market position with wholly owned home market positions in five major European markets

    and in joint ventures with local partners in Nigeria, the United States, and Mexico. In the Middle East, Boskalis

    plays an important role in the developments in the Persian Gulf via its 50% subsidiary Lamnalco (port services

    for oil and gas exports), its 40% participating interest in Archirodon (wet and dry infrastructure), and its own

    market position in harbor and land reclamation projects.

    The company has grown significantly in the past decade. This growth was achieved both autonomously and

    through takeovers and participating interests in other companies. The company has a solid financial basis and a

    healthy cash flow.

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    Ren O.T. Zijlstra MSc.

    [email protected]

    Tel. +31 24 3284 674

    Cell +31 6 53738707

    Royal Haskoning

    Royal Haskoning is an independent, worldwide operating consultancy firm, active in over 80 countries. The firm

    was founded in 1881 in the Netherlands. At present, the firms 3,000 staff together combines a wide range of

    knowledge and experience. Rooted in a technical background, our consultancy services focus on the broad field

    of the interaction between people and their environment in the fields of spatial development, infrastructure &

    transport, architecture & building, mechanical & electrical services, environment, water, coastal & rivers and


    Representative / office location(s) in USA

    We have partnerships with US Companies HDR Inc. and HNTB Federal Services Corportation. We are

    committed to establish local offices to serve our Clients.


    With regard to flood protection and flood management we have great expertise in coastal zone management,

    ecological restoration, river basin management and (innovative) design of levees, storm surge barriers and other

    coastal (protection) works, including port design.

    Royal Haskoning can offer multidisciplinary and integrated services locally, based on extensive experience built

    globally. With our personal service in consultancy, we contribute effectively to the successful planning, design,

    implementation, commissioning and operation of your projects and programmes.

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address






    Contact in the Netherlands:

    Mr. dr.ir. I. van der Putte


    [email protected]

    RPS Group

    RPS employs around 3,250 staff based in offices located in the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, USA (Houston),

    Canada and Australia. RPS, through the experience of key staff members, offers comprehensive services in

    dealing with all aspects of flood control.

    The RPS Group has a broad expertise in the field of risk management, technical advise, environment and

    infrastructure. RPS implements projects for constituents in the private (industry and construction) and public

    sector and aims in all its activities at the improvement of quality and security of the environment.

    RPS has international experience on different aspects of flood control in its different stages (before-during-after),

    such as:


    evaluation of flood risks

    evaluation of environmental risks

    strategies to prevent flooding

    strategies for evacuation

    object emergency plans (e.g. hazardous industries)

    policy on fail-safe to safe-fail systems

    costs-benefits analysis


    modelling floods and flood forecasting

    temporary and permanent flood defences

    remediation of contaminated sites

    urban regeneration

    mobile GIS-GPS inspection (e.g. dikes)


    risk assessment & management

    environmental management

    coaching and process support

    geographical information systems

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    Van Oord Dredging and Marine


    PO box 8574

    3009 AN Rotterdam

    The Netherlands

    Bert Krekt +31 10 4478368

    [email protected]

    Van Oord Dredging andMarine Contractors

    The Dutch private company Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors specializes in dredging, marine

    construction and offshore services. Van Oord is one of the largest companies of its kind, employs some 2,600

    well-trained professionals and owns and operates the largest state-of-the-art dredging fleets in the world. Van

    Oord offers her clients solutions for complex marine engineering problems, managing the entire process, from

    design to successful completion. We respect the environment in which we work. Our constant focus on

    innovation has led to the successful development of innovative dredging and maritime construction techniques.

    Van Oord is operating worldwide, with offices in more than 20 countries. Van Oord is a major player in coastal

    protection (majority share in almost all projects of the Delta Plan in the Netherlands), dike construction and river

    training projects. Our experience in this field extends over more than 100 years. More than 70% of Van Oords

    turnover is realized outside Europe. The involvement of Van Oord in the design and construction of large

    dredging and maritime infrastructure projects in the Far East (in particular Singapore and Hong Kong) and more

    recently in the Middle East should be common knowledge. In Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, Van Oord has

    successfully completed the reclamation of the impressive Palm Jumeirah artificial island project and the design

    and construction of the Logo Islands to full satisfaction of the Client Nakheel. We are now putting the same

    effort in projects such as the construction of 300 artificial offshore islands of The World project, the

    refurbishment of the port of Mina Seyahi, the creation of Dubai Maritime City. Just recently Van Oord wasawarded the 3 billion US Dollar Palm Deira project, the largest land reclamation project ever awarded to a

    single contractor.

    In the USA our Water Injection Technique is utilized amongst others on the Mississippi river. Van Oord

    participated in Gulf Coast Trailing Company New Orleans.

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    Dr. Jos G.M. Bakker,

    Managing Director

    PO Box 37, 6702 AA


    The Netherlands

    tel + 31 317 421221

    fax +31 317 416146

    mail: [email protected]

    Vexcel Netherlands

    Vexcel Netherlands (former Synoptics) is a Dutch company specialized in geo-information services with

    emphasis on the provision of satellite based information. Our 10 years of expertise brought us all over the world

    in assisting international projects with geo-information products, services and advise. Since May 2005 the Dutch

    group of experts is part of Vexcel Corporation. An American company that is internationally renowned for its

    remote sensing technologies which recently celebrated 20 years of providing innovative products and services to

    the markets.

    Vexcel Netherlands is a daughter of Vexcel US, Boulder, Colorado, USA. The total group of experts counts ca.

    130 people.

    In relation to water management we provide unique expertise that are based on satellite information;

    Pre-event products/services:

    Historic and actual subsidence maps at millimeter level accuracy for urban areas;

    Levee/dam deformation maps at millimeter level accuracy (in progress)

    3D city models

    Land use/land cover maps

    Event based products/services:

    Near-real time flood mapping and web based information provision

    Post-event products/services

    Damage assessment maps.

    Our products fits well in any GIS environment and can assist you in coastal zone management, flood risk

    scenarios and mapping & monitoring activities.

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address

    For more information visit:




    X-Flow B.V.

    P.O. Box 7397500 AS Enschede

    The Netherlands

    Tel: +31 53 4287 350

    Fax: +31 53 4287 351


    P.O. Box 7417500 AS Enschede

    The Netherlands

    Tel: + 31534287000

    Fax: + 31534287011


    Lute BroensBusiness Development Director Norit

    Norit , X-Flow B.V.

    X-Flow: If you think of membrane filtration

    X-Flow is one of worlds leading companies in the development and supply of innovative membrane technology to

    the global municipal and industrial markets. X-Flow produces and supplies a wide range of standard membranes

    and modules for filtration and purification processes for industry, including the water sector. X-Flow membranes are

    used in the field of RO, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and microfiltration in capillary and tubular form, which makes

    selective filtration possible.

    X-Flow has expertise and experience in all water areas, from potable water production to treatment of process and

    waste water, but also in the food & beverage and pharmaceutical industries.

    In the city of Minneapolis one of the worlds largest X-Flow Ultra-filtration membrane plants purifies surface water

    into potable water.

    NORIT, leading in purification

    X-Flow has the know how and proud history in the development and application of responsible purification

    technologies. This is strengthened by the fact that X-Flow is part of the NORIT, which has been present in the field

    of realizing purification solutions for more than 80 years. Proof can be found worldwide: operational solutions

    among the largest in capacity of their kind, realized by leading principals in many different areas in the industry.

    Representative / office location(s) in USA

    X-Flow North America

    1330 Anvil Drive

    Rockford, IL 61115


    T: +1 (0)815-986-0391F: +1 (0)815-639-1135

    E: [email protected]

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    mr ir. H.E. Nieboer,

    e-mail [email protected]

    tel +31 570 69 75 21


    Witteveen+Bos is an employee owned, fully independent Dutch firm of engineering consultants. Established in

    1946, the firm gradually expanded to a professional staff of over 700, working in interdisciplinary teams in

    countries world-wide. Our expertise is not confined to engineering and technological issues only, but also

    extends to economic, social and organisational aspects, which, in our view, is essential for undertaking complextechnical and engineering projects.

    Areas of expertise

    Our activities are supported by a wide range of general services, like: chemical, physical, (hydro)biological and

    odour analysis, social, economic and legal consultancy, project management, process engineering, automation,institutional strengthening, human resources development, training, computer services, field surveys, pilot plant

    investigations, information and documentation.

    The Witteveen+Bos Quality Assurance Management System has received an ISO-9001 certificate by Lloyds

    Register Quality Assurance. An international environmental management system is being implemented.

    Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), modelling and computer

    simulations are widely used in studies, design and planning.

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management


    Internet address



    Rob Klomp

    director specialist consultancy

    [email protected]

    WL | Delft Hydraulics

    WL | Delft Hydraulics is an independent research and specialist consultancy institute for hydraulic engineering and water

    management based in the Netherlands. For over 75 years we have been providing clients with expert advice and

    technical assistance on water-related issues. WL | Delft Hydraulics is internationally renowned for its expertise in fields

    like hydrodynamics, morphology, surface water hydrology, aquatic ecology and water quality. Over 350 qualified and

    committed professionals combine an in-depth knowledge of these areas with a comprehensive overview of water


    As water management is an ever-changing and complex issue, we are constantly expanding and improving our

    innovative research and technological expertise. Today there is a growing need for integrated solutions based on the

    latest technologies. As a result we are not only integrating various knowledge disciplines, but also intensifying

    partnerships with businesses and consultants in the private sector, along with technical institutes and universities.

    All our projects are carried out under a quality system in accordance with the ISO-9001 international standard.

    WL | Delft Hydraulics is also well-known for both its unique experimental facilities and powerful software, most of which

    has been developed and validated in-house.

  • 8/12/2019 Dutch Water Management



    Editorial Committee: I.M.A.A. Demmers (NWP) and P.T.M. Dircke (ARCADIS),

    Delft, The Netherlands, October 2005

    Interested? For further information visit www.nwp.nl orwww.waterinthenetherlands.org

    Please contact:

    NWP, the Netherlands Water Partnership

    Mr. Ivo M.A.A. Demmers

    PO Box 3015,

    2601 DA Delft, The Netherlands

    Tel: +31 (0) 15 215 17 28 or E-mail: [email protected]

    Or contact:

    Royal Netherlands Embassy

    4200 Linnean Avenue, NW

    Washington, DC 20008

    Transportation and Water DivisionTel 202 274 2736, or email at [email protected]

    Economic Division

    Tel 202 274 2615 or email at [email protected]