Duo teamed up to form financial planning group at Merrill Lynch - Houston Business Journal

The Tyler Group


“Now they can put their toes in the water,” said Tyler, vice president and financial adviser at Houston-based Hulburd/Tyler Group, a wealth management practice under the private banking and investment group at Merrill Lynch.

Transcript of Duo teamed up to form financial planning group at Merrill Lynch - Houston Business Journal

  • 1. The Tyler Group
  • 2. http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/print-edition/2012/06/1
  • 3. For financial adviser John Tyler, thepast two to three years have brought a slow return to normalcy.
  • 4. As the recession unfolded, discussionsabout whether the financial systemwill collapse are largely behind Tylerwho says his clients can now afford tothink much more rationally, take riskand expect returns. But the investorswent through a long, trying mentalprocess to get there, he said.
  • 5. Now they can put their toes inthe water, said Tyler, vicepresident and financial adviser atHouston-based Hulburd/TylerGroup, a wealth managementpractice under the privatebanking and investment group atMerrill Lynch.
  • 6. That might come in the form ofsome high-quality fixed income,some high-quality municipal bonds.Were now to the point wheretheyre starting to think about highquality equities that are going topay them in dividend.
  • 7. Tyler, a 7-year veteran of thefinancial advisory business, joinedMerrill Lynch three years ago whenhe partnered withJim Hulburdtoform the Hulburd/Tyler Group inNovember 2009. The wealthmanagers average 23 clients eachand manage between $25 millionand $50 million per client.
  • 8. The Hulburd/Tyler Group typically has two categories of clients, energy or technology executives and business owners, Tyler said. For C- suite executives, the group can deal with concentrated stock issues, help them create liquidity and perform other wealth advisory functions. For closely held businesses, the duo helps them through a process to understandwhether they can sell their business or walks themthrough a process that teaches them what it means to run the business with longer-term investment goals in mind.
  • 9. Our experience in planningand executing things is as goodas anyone in the industry, hesaid.