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A Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of 3 Vul Robert J. Dukes, Jr., William R. Kubinec, Angela Kubinec 1 Department of Physics & Astronomy, College of Charleston, 66 George Street, Charleston, SC 29424 and Saul J. Adelman 2 Department of Physics, The Citadel, 171 Moultrie Street, Charleston, SC 29409 Received ; accepted 1 Currently Teacher Specialist On-Site Program, South Carolina Department of Education 2 Guest Investigator, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Herzberg Institute of Astro- physics, National Research Council of Canada, 5071 W. Saanich Road, Victoria, BC V9E 2E7 Canada

Transcript of Dukes.tex Typeset

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A Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of 3 Vul

Robert J. Dukes, Jr., William R. Kubinec, Angela Kubinec1

Department of Physics & Astronomy, College of Charleston, 66 George Street, Charleston,

SC 29424


Saul J. Adelman2

Department of Physics, The Citadel, 171 Moultrie Street, Charleston, SC 29409

Received ; accepted

1Currently Teacher Specialist On-Site Program, South Carolina Department of Education

2Guest Investigator, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Herzberg Institute of Astro-

physics, National Research Council of Canada, 5071 W. Saanich Road, Victoria, BC V9E

2E7 Canada

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This paper describes photometry of 3 Vulpeculae obtained with the Four

College Automated Photoelectric Telescope and spectroscopy obtained with the

1.22-m telescope of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. We have analyzed

differential uvby photometric observations obtained over seven years. Three main

frequencies (f1=0.9719, f2=0.7923, and f3=0.8553 c d−1) were found as well as a

sum frequency (f1+f2 = 1.76420 c d−1). A study of the photographic region using

high dispersion spectrograms obtained with a Reticon detector at the coude spec-

trograph confirms the variable nature of 3 Vul as a 53 Persei star and indicates

that the star’s abundances are normal for main sequence band B stars.

Subject headings: stars: variables: others, stars: abundances, stars: early-type,

stars: individual – 3 Vul

1. Introduction

3 Vulpeculae = HR 7358 = HD 182255 = HIP 95260 (V = 5.2, B6 III) has been

the subject of several studies both as to its variability and its composition. Rountree

Lesh (1968) classified it as a B6 III while Palmer et al. (1968) classified it as a B7 V.

Suggestions, made by some, that 3 Vul might be a chemically peculiar star, have resulted

in SIMBAD’s listing it as a chemically peculiar star. Walker (1952) suspected that 3 Vul

was a photometric variable. Hube & Aikman (1991) analyzed spectroscopic observations

spanning 18 years (JD 2440693 - 2446926) and five nights of differential photometry. They

found 3 Vul to be a single-lined spectroscopic binary (P=367.26 days) whose primary was

probably a member of the 53 Persei class of non-radial pulsators (Smith, Fullerton, & Percy


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Hipparcos measured the parallax to be 8.31 milli-arc-seconds (Perryman 1997).

Combining this with the Hipparcos mean magnitude, converted to an absolute V magnitude

by the Hipparcos data analysis program Celestia 2000 (Turon, Priou, & Perryman 1997),

we find an absolute visual magnitude of –0.24.

Using R = 13000-16000 data of the He I λ5876 line, Catanzaro, Leone, & Catalano

(1999) find the equivalent width is variable with a mean value of 325 mAand an observed

amplitude of about 65 mA. By combining their observations with Hipparcos photometry,

they found a period of 1.26263 days. The variation in their equivalent width is shifted by

0.09 from being in anti-phase with the Hipparcos photometric data. This behavior is not

unexpected for a magnetic chemically peculiar star.

Mathias et al. (2001) included 3 Vul in a group of 10 slowly pulsating B stars which they

monitored spectroscopically for one season. They also analyzed the Hipparcos photometry

and found at least three and possibly five frequencies.

High precision, long time series photometry is required to discover all of the multiple

periods generally present in 53 Persei stars. The Four College Consortium’s Automated

Photoelectric Telescope (APT) located in southern Arizona was designed for just such

observational projects. In March, 1991 (JD 2448334) we initiated Stromgren four color

differential photometry of 3 Vul. In this paper we report on the analysis of seven seasons

of differential photometry and a set of 17 coude spectrograms obtained with the 1.22

m telescope of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. We also incorporate the radial

velocities reported by Hube & Aikman (1991), the HeI λ5876 equivalent width measures of

Catanzaro, Leone, & Catalano (1999), and the Hipparcos photometry (Perryman 1997). A

schematic representation of these data sets is shown in Figure 1.

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2. Observations

2.1. Photometry

Differential photometric observations were made with the following procedure (standard

for APT observations). The variable star being studied is compared with two reference

stars designated comparison (comp) and check. For the first five seasons these stars were,

respectively, HD 181164 (V=7.5, B5 V) and HD 182865 (V=7.3, B3 V). These were chosen

to be similar in brightness and color and nearby in the sky to the variable. For reasons

discussed below the check star was replaced before the start of season six by HD 181359

(V=7.4, A2).

The four color sequence is similar to that for UVB photometry as described by Boyd,

Genet, & Hall (1984). In this sequence a single differential magnitude determination in one

color requires 11 individual measurements: sky-comp-check-var-comp-var-comp-var-comp-

check-sky. Additionally, one dark count was made after the four-filter sequence. The data

set analyzed for this paper spans 2752 days and includes approximately 1000 four color

observations made on 469 nights. An additional 192 observations in the b filter only were

obtained on 60 nights in the second season.

Since an absentee APT observer has relatively little information on the quality of

a night, extra steps must be taken to eliminate measures affected by cirrus clouds, etc.

The analysis is begun by examining these magnitudes for quality after-the-fact (Dukes,

Adelman, & Seeds 1991). A common method, described in Hall, Kirkpatrick & Seufert

(1986) and Strassmeier & Hall (1988), is to discard observations whose comp minus check

values differ by more than three standard deviations from their mean over the entire data

set. One iterates this process until no more individual values qualify for rejection. The

resulting standard deviation is taken as a measure of the precision of the photometry.

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Based on extensive APT experience, we found the initial results of this quality

assurance check (the photometric precision) when applied to the 3 Vul data were less than

acceptable. The source of this problem had to be found, and appropriate corrections made.

Telescope operating logs and data analyses by other Four College Consortium astronomers

indicated no instrumental abnormalities. The next most likely source was the variability of

the comp or the check star (or both stars). Periodogram analysis of the comp minus check

measures revealed a period of around 6.43 days. Similar analyses of the variable minus

comp and variable minus check values verified that the check star (HD 182865) was varying!

Obviously the standard quality assurance check could not be used.

We turned then to the fallback quality check known as the 20 millimagnitude criteria

as described in Hall, Kirkpatrick & Seufert (1986) and Strassmeier & Hall (1988). Each

observation (variable, comp, and check in each filter) consists of two to four individual

measures. If the standard deviation of a measure was greater than two percent (20

millimagnitudes) of the average of the counts incorporated in the measure, the measure was

eliminated. In addition, for a given observation (variable, comp and check), if measures

in two or more colors failed the test, the entire observation was discarded. Although this

method can fail to catch some bad points (Dukes, Adelman, & Seeds 1991) it is a standard


Fortunately one of the authors (RJD) was conducting observations of V473 Lyrae

concurrently with this 3 Vul study. Since these two stars are separated by just over two

degrees in the sky, it was assumed that poor observing conditions (as determined by the

standard comp minus check versus standard deviation of the mean procedure) could exist

in both regions simultaneously or within some time frame. A “20 minute V473 Lyrae”

criterion was developed according to which 3 Vul observations occurring within 20 minutes

of a discarded V473 Lyrae observation were eliminated. Taken together these quality checks

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resulted in discarding 910 differential magnitude determinations leaving 991 u measures,

996 v measures, 1172 b measures, and 995 y measures for the entire time span. Table 1

gives the retained differential magnitudes.

A change in the observing protocol was made near the beginning of season two. In an

attempt to improve the time resolution we decided to observe in only one filter and selected

b. Since the variable was relatively bright there was some fear that repeated observations of

it would saturate the photomultiplier tube. Thus a neutral density filter of approximately

2.5 magnitudes was used for observations of the variable only. We later decided that this

concern was unfounded and dropped the use of the neutral density filter at the start of

season three. Unfortunately, during the time we were using the neutral density filter we

neglected to make sky observations both with and without this filter. Hence we had to

approximate the sky counts with the neutral density filter by applying a correction based

on our calibration of the neutral density filter. These b observations, although included in

the analysis, should be treated with some suspicion.

Once the new check star was introduced (for seasons six and seven), the reduction

consisted of simply eliminating suspect observations using the three sigma comp - check

criterion described above. Next, seasonal means were removed from the data sets. The

variability of the check star forced us to adopt a different technique to determine the

precision of the photometry for seasons one through five. For these seasons we first

removed the variability of the check star. The check minus comp observations were

fitted with a Fourier series in the period of variation of the check and its first harmonic.

Standard deviations of residuals from this fit measure the precision of the photometry:

u=±0.007, b=v=±0.005, and y=±0.006. For comparison, the V473 Lyrae data (covering

the first four seasons of this study) has errors of u=±0.013, v=b=±0.009, and y=± 0.007

mags. For seasons six and seven the standard deviation of the comp minus check are:

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u=±0.0068, v=±0.0059, b=±0.0065, y =±0.0082. Thus, even though the original check

star was variable, we feel that the fact that all these standard deviations are in the same

size range suggests the adopted procedure yields very acceptable results.

2.2. Spectroscopy

Seventeen 2.4 A mm−1 spectrograms with a spectral coverage of 67 A per exposure

and a signal-to-noise ratio of about 200 were obtained with an 1872 element 15µ pixel bare

Reticon detector using the long camera of the coude spectrograph of the 1.22-m telescope

of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. The spectra cover approximately λλ3830-4770.

Table 2 lists the central wavelengths and the measured radial velocities. The resolution

was approximately 0.072 A. A 20 A mm−1 spectrogram which included the Hγ line was

also obtained with the Reticon. We flat fielded the spectra using the exposure of a lamp in

the mirror train and then measured them using the interactive computer graphics program

REDUCE (Hill & Fisher 1986). The spectrum is weak-lined with only a few lines measured

per Reticon observation as is usual for middle B stars in the visible region. Lines of H I, He

I, C II, N II, O I, Al II, Al III, Mg II, Si II, S II, Ca II, Ti II, Cr II, Fe II, Fe III, and Ni II

were identified using Moore (1945).

On some spectra the metal lines have rotational profiles corresponding to 19 km s−1

which is half of the value listed by Hoffleit (1982). On others, the lines have distorted

profiles which indicates that this star exhibits non-radial variability. Campos & Smith

(1980) describe stars exhibiting similar behavior. Figures 2 and 3 show some examples of

lines in 3 Vul. These line profile variations are not those of a typical mCP star. As each

spectrum had only a few high quality lines, the deduced radial velocities have one sigma

rms values of order one km s−1. They range from -21 to -34 km s−1 compared with values

between - 10 and 17 km s−1 listed by Abt & Biggs (1972).

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3. Period Analysis

Our goals in analyzing the photometric observations were to confirm the periods

reported by Hube & Aikman (1991) and to detect any other periodic variations. The efforts

of all those who labor at period analysis must be in light of two caveats: (a) Even a random

data set will yield some periods. (b) With a sufficient number of sine/cosine terms any type

of variation can be modeled. With these cautions in mind, we analyzed our data using three

different period determination techniques. The first was the Lomb-Scargle periodogram

(Lomb 1976; Scargle 1982) as implemented by Pelt (1992) as part of his Irregularly Spaced

Data Analysis (ISDA) package. Secondly a version of the CLEAN algorithm (Roberts,

Lehar, & Dreher 1987) programmed by Alex Fullerton in IDL and modified by Myron

Smith was applied to help eliminate aliases. Finally, Period 98 (Sperl 1998) was used

to validate the periods found by other methods. In order to identify any variations over

time in the frequencies found, these techniques were applied to various data groupings in

each color. These included the entire 2752 day span, each season individually, and both

adjacent and non-adjacent pairs of seasons. The results discussed below were consistently

found in each of these groupings. The periodogram for the v data shown in Figure 4 is

typical. Two frequencies emerge: f1=0.9719 cycles d−1 (P=1.0289d) and f2=0.7923 cycles

d−1 (P=1.2622d).

Lower amplitude periods were sought by the following method (known as prewhitening).

A simple linear combination of the periods found was fitted to the observations via least

squares. The resulting function was subtracted from the observations. These residuals

were then subjected to periodogram analysis. The prewhitened periodogram of the v

observations illustrates the results (Figure 5). Another frequency (f3=0.8553 cycles d−1,

P=1.1692d) is observed. This process was repeated several times. At each step, a model

with all frequencies found to that point was fitted to the original data and the residuals

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examined. A CLEAN analysis (Figure 6) clearly reveals these main frequencies. Note the

reversal of the powers of f1 and f2. ISDA and Period 98 do not show this reversal when

examining the entire data set. There is also a frequency of 1.76 cycles d−1 (P = 0.59d)

which is the sum of f1 and f2. The peak close to 0.0 cycles d−1 is due to residual seasonal

instrumental effects

Determining when to stop this process of adding one frequency at a time needs some

comment. The criteria used to justify the addition of a term included the signal-to-noise

ratio for the term amplitude (greater than 0.5), the size of the amplitude (greater than

or near to the photometric precision), and the amount of reduction in the scatter of the

residuals (greater than 5 %). For the latter item, Waelkens (1991) considers a minimum

of 10% as a conservative and safe limit. However due to the large number of observations

available in this study, we feel that a less conservative (5%) limit is justified. Finally, terms

which consisted of linear combinations of stronger terms were searched for and kept if there

was some confirming indication of their presence. Such coupling is common in multimode

pulsators in Cepheid strip variables. Even though the inclusion of the sum term, f1+f2, does

not satisfy all of the criteria mentioned above for retention, this term consistently shows up

and has been retained.

Table 3 gives the adopted fit by color and by season. In this table σo denotes the

scatter in the observations while σf is the residual scatter after the simple harmonic fit (the

four terms fitted by simple linear least squares). As noted by Waelkens (1991), this residual

scatter is always expected to be somewhat greater than the photometric precision (comp -

check). The percent reduction is the fractional improvement between σo and σf .

Phase diagrams giving the variation in each frequency for v are shown in Figure 7. The

strong variations in f1 and f2 are essentially in phase. The third term, f3, is clearly out of

phase with f1 and f2. The variation in the sum term is weak and appears to show a shift in

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phase with respect to its components, f1 and f2.

Individual “seasons” were defined as contiguous groups of observations. This definition

resulted in some observations not belonging to any season. Approximately 1/3 of the 3

Vul observing season is lost to the summer monsoons in Arizona. The few observations

obtained after the end of the monsoons each year were not included in any of the seasonal

data discussed in Section 5.

Two other data sets were analyzed. The first data set consists of the radial velocities

tabulated in Hube & Aikman (1991) combined with the 17 velocities obtained from the

spectra discussed in Section 2.2. The Hube & Aikman data has 270 data points spanning

6233 days. Our data set of 17 data points spans 1516 days. The total time span for this

combined velocity data set is 9199 days. The resulting orbital period is 366.84 days. A

CLEAN periodogram of this data, Figure 8, clearly shows the orbital variation, f1 and f2.

In this data set f2 is stronger than f1.

The second data set consists of Hipparcos satellite observations (Perryman 1997) of 3

Vul starting on JD 2447901, spanning 1040 days (overlapping the beginning of our APT

data by 587 days and 102 observations), and containing 203 points. Analysis clearly shows

f1 and f2 but again with their amplitudes reversed from those found in the APT data. After

prewhitening, the Hipparcos data verifies that f3 exists although it is not the next strongest

frequency. The reversal in the amplitudes of f1 and f2 in these data sets also occurs in season

four of the APT data. Both the differences in amplitude of the various APT seasons and

the differences among the data sets indicate that the pulsational energy may have shifted

among modes.

Our f3 is not the same as that found by Mathias et al. (2001). They report 0.47233

c d−1 while we find 0.8553 c d−1. In a periodogram of the Hipparcos data these two values

are approximately equal in strength while least squares fitting gives a larger reduction in

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the standard deviation using their f3. On the other hand the APT data (see Figure 5)

shows essentially no signal around 0.47 c d−1 even after prewhitening for f1 and f2. An

examination of the observing window transform for the Hipparcos data shows a peak at

0.3775 c d−1. We note that our f3 - 0.3775 c/d is their f3. We thus suggest that they have

found an alias of the true f3. A careful examination of the Period 98 transform for our data

set does not revel any significant power at either the fourth or fifth frequency of Mathias et

al. (2001). Hence we conclude that these frequencies are not real.

4. Spectroscopic Analysis

To derive the photospheric parameters, we assumed that the atmospheric variability

does not have a major effect on them and that we could study the abundances as if the

atmosphere were non-variable. Using the homogenous mean uvbyβ values of Hauck &

Mermilliod (1980) and the calibration of Napiwotzki, Schonberner, & Wenske (1993), which

was a revision of that by Moon & Dworetsky (1985), we estimate Teff = 14343 K and log g

= 4.24. 3 Vul is slightly reddened with E(b-y) = 0.014. The uncertainties are about ±200 K

and ±0.2 dex (Lemke 1989). To improve the value of the surface gravity we used SYNTHE

(Kurucz & Avrett 1981) to synthesize the Hγ region using ATLAS9 LTE plane parallel solar

composition model atmospheres (Kurucz 1993) whose effective temperatures and surface

gravities are close to those found from photometry. We assumed no microturbulence.

Comparison with the Hγ profile as corrected for scattered light (Gulliver, Hill, & Adelman

1996) with the model predictions showed that log g had to be increased to 4.30.

It is somewhat difficult to reconcile the adopted value of the surface gravity with the

spectroscopic luminosity class of III. There appears to be a problem with classification. As

no atomic species had sufficient lines in both number and range of equivalent widths to

deduce a microturbulence, we assumed ξ = 0.0 km s−1 in accord with studies of normal

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stars with similar effective temperatures (Adelman 1994).

The helium abundances were derived by comparison of the observed profiles with those

calculated in LTE using SYNSPEC (Hubeny, Lanz, & Jeffrey 1994) and the adopted model

atmosphere. The results (Table 4) indicate that the derived He/H ratio is close to solar. To

convert log N/NT values of the metal lines as found using the program WIDTH9 (Kurucz

1993) to log N/H for comparison with other stars, especially the Sun, we added 0.04 dex.

Table 5 contains the analyses of the metal lines using the program WIDTH9 (Kurucz

1993) and ξ = 0.0 km s−1. Each entry lists the multiplet number (Moore 1945), the

wavelength in A, the gf-value and its reference, the observed equivalent width in mA, and

the log N/NT value. Also included are the average log N/NT values, where N is the number

of atoms of a given species per unit volume and NT is the total number of atoms of all kinds

per unit volume. In deriving the abundances we used a correction of 3.5% to allow for the

scattered light in the direction of the dispersion (Gulliver, Hill, & Adelman 1996).

Table 6 presents our results for 3 Vul alongside those of other normal stars with

consistently performed analyses (see Adelman (1994), Adelman et al. (2001) and references

therein) as well as the corresponding results for the Sun from Grevesse, Noels, & Sauval

(1996). For the 13 values derived from neutral and singly-ionized species, 3 Vul, on the

average, has abundances 0.17±0.10 dex less than solar. These results and the He/H ratio

are consistent with the trends of abundances seen for other normal main sequence band B

stars. The result for Fe III derived from only one line is not consistent with the values from

the Fe II lines. This fact may indicate problems in the equivalent width, gf value, nonLTE

effects, or that the photosphere was disturbed. The derived abundances being those of

normal B stars suggests that it is 3 Vul’s position in the HR diagram rather than chemical

peculiarity which is related to its variability.

An LTE calculation using our derived value of He/H predicts an equivalent width for

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the He I λ5876 line of 245 mA. As non-LTE effects increase this line’s equivalent width, the

mean value found by Catanzaro, Leone, & Catalano (1999) is not particularly discordant

with that expected from the derived He/H values. Other strong He I lines, particularly

λ4026 and λ4472, which are even stronger, should also be expected to change their line

profiles and equivalent widths and hence be an important probe of the changing conditions

in the high atmospheres of 3 Vul and similar stars. We cannot confirm this expectation due

to having obtained only one spectrum for this region.

5. Discussion

Figure 9, which shows the variation in the seasonal amplitudes for all colors, suggests

that the distribution of pulsational energy of 3 Vul has shifted in time among the frequencies.

Particularly noticeable is the increase of f2 relative to f1 in season 4 and the drastic decrease

in season 7. These changes in amplitudes are in contrast to what we have found for the

prototype star, 53 Persei, where the amplitudes of the strongest terms have been essentially

constant over ten years (Dukes & Mills 2001).

Color variations were examined (see Table 7). The strongest color variation is in

u-b. There is essentially no variation in b-y. According to (Buta & Smith 1979) the ratio

of the v-y amplitude to v amplitude measures the relative strengths of temperature and

geometrical effects of the variability. Thus the values obtained for f1 and f2 are indicative of

nonradial pulsation.

Figure 10 shows the change in amplitudes of variation of four color indices (u-b, c1, v-y,

and v-b). Both u-b and c1 have significant amplitude and show significant variation. Since

these are temperature sensitive indices in the B stars, we see that the variation due to f1

and f2 is primarily a temperature rather than a geometric effect.

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With the increase in accuracy provided by the Hipparcos Satellite, astronomers can

now properly place many nearby stars in the HR diagram. We used the the Hipparcos

data analysis program Celestia 2000 (Turon, Priou, & Perryman 1997) to convert observed

visual magnitudes to absolute visual magnitudes. For that purpose we used the Hipparcos

parallaxes for 29 SPB stars in the literature with errors in the parallaxes of less than 20%.

After the effective temperatures and surface gravities were obtained from the average uvbyβ

photometry given in the SIMBAD database using the program of Napiwotzki, Schonberner,

& Wenske (1993) and subsequently applying the corrections from Adelman et al. (2002), we

obtained the absolute Bolometric magnitudes using Bolometric Corrections from Bessell,

Castelli, & Plez (1998) corresponding to these temperatures and absolute V magnitudes.

These values (Table 8) are now compared with the evolutionary tracks from Townsend

(2002) graphically in Figure 11 with the location of 3 Vul emphasized. The Townsend

tracks are for that portion of the evolutionary track for which g-mode pulsation is excited.

Having the Townsend models available allows us to attempt modal identification of the

four terms we have found in our data. First we use the position of 3 Vul on the HR diagram

to narrow our choices to models in the 3.5 - 4.5 M� range. Plotting amplitude ratios versus

phase differences for our observed modes together with those of Townsend’s models, as

shown in Figure 12, suggests that our observed modes are all l = 1 modes.

A comparison of frequencies found by Townsend gives no simultaneous close match

with all three of our strong terms (we exclude the combination term from this discussion).

However comparing the behavior of the same mode between models of different masses

suggests that a model of intermediate mass might have a matching frequency set. Rather

than to attempt our own model calculations we chose to interpolate in the grid of the

Townsend models. Again we used the approximate position of 3 Vul in the HR diagram to

limit our consideration to those models lying within the one sigma limits indicated by the

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error bars in Figure 11. For these models (numbers 60-110) we plotted frequency versus

mass for the 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5 M� models. We next considered the frequency range covered

by our observations (about 0.75 to 1.00 c/d). As shown in Figure 13 we then interpolated

to give the bands traversed by the modes existing within this frequency range (g012-g017).

Finally, we identified regions where each of these bands intersected each of our observed

frequencies in order to look for areas where all three frequencies were matched by modes

corresponding to a unique stellar mass. We found three possible mass ranges; one near 3.6

M�, one near 3.9 M�, and one near 4.2 M�. The overlap was poor for 3.6 M� and only

marginal at 3.9 M�. However there is a region from 4.16 to 4.18 M� where our observed

frequencies match respectively the g012, g014, and g015 modes. Thus we conclude that

these modes are present in 3 Vul and that its ”pulsational” mass is approximately 4.16 M�.

We now turn to the question of the age of 3 Vul. Again we use the Townsend models.

We plot the age versus frequency for the 4 and 4.5 M� models. We then look for the

intersection point of the line connecting the same modes in this plot with our observed

frequencies. Next we identify the point on this line corresponding to a 4.16 M� star. We

do this for all lines intersecting our frequencies. We next measure the distance between the

4.16 M� point on the line and the intersection point as shown in Figure 14. Results are

given in Table 9. We pick as the most probable age the one where the sum of the squares of

these distances is the minimum. We find that the most probable age corresponds to model

70 whose log age is 7.4.

Following the methodology described in Straizhis (1992) we can use uvby data from

SIMBAD together with our measured differential amplitudes to determine something about

the temperature change associated with the stronger modes. We calculate the reddening

free [u - b] as 0.672. For B stars (Napiwotzki, Schonberner, & Wenske 1993) the unreddened

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[u - b] is a good temperature indicator giving θ where

θ =5040K



θ = 0.1692 + 0.2828[u − b] − 0.0195[u − b]2.

Differentiation gives:

∆θ = 0.2828∆[u − b] − 2(0.0195)[u − b]∆[u − b].

Thus for Season one, a range in u - b of 0.0256 gives a ∆ T of 270K. By Season six, the

range has risen to 0.0340 giving a ∆ T of 360K.

Finally, since we now have a value for the mass of the primary we can say something

about the mass of the secondary. Hube & Aikman (1991) give the mass function as 0.0144,

from which we have that the minimum mass of the secondary is 0.7 M�. Only for i � 45

deg can the mass of the secondary exceed 1 M�. Since the primary is young the secondary

must be unevolved if it was formed at the same time. Thus the secondary is most likely a

G-K star which may still be contracting to the main sequence.

6. Conclusions

• 3 Vulpeculae is a member of the 53 Persei class of variables showing both line profile

and light variations similar to the prototype star, 53 Persei.

• Abundances are normal for a mid-B star. As our spectra were taken at different times

they should average out the effect of any variability on compositioon. Hence 3 Vul

should be removed from lists of chemically peculiar stars.

• Like 53 Persei, 3 Vul is multiperiodic.

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• Unlike for 53 Persei, for 3 Vul, it is probable that energy is being transferred between

modes as evidenced by the variable amplitudes.

• The three modes excited are tentatively the l = 1 modes g012, g013, and g015.

• The temperature change associated with g012 mode increased by approximately 90 K

over six seasons.

• The primary mass most nearly matching the pulsational frequencies if 4.14 M�.

• The age is approximately 25 million (107.5) years.

• The mass of the secondary is greater than 0.7 M� and probably less than 1 M�.

Certainly, further observation is warranted. Photometry with the APT continues.

We would like to thank Dr. Gianni Catanzaro for supplying velocities based on the

He λ5876 line, Dr. Myron Smith for supplying the IDL code for the CLEAN algorithm,

and Dr. Richard Townsend for rapidly supplying corrected uvby data for his models. We

also thank Lou Boyd of Fairborn Observatory for maintaining the APT. SJA thanks Dr.

James E. Hesser, Director of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory for the observing

time needed for his contribution to this paper. His work was supported in part by grants

from The Citadel Development Foundation. RJD thanks Dr. Walter S. Fitch, Professor

Emeritus, University of Arizona for many helpful conversations and Dr. Laney Mills for

extensive help in editing the manuscript. AJK submitted a preliminary version of this work

in partial fulfillment for the Bachelor of Science degree. Finally we would like to thank

the numerous College of Charleston undergraduate students who have participated in the

reduction of the APT data during this project. These have included Georgia Richardson,

Rose Forsythe, Francine Halter, Thomas Freismuth, Shadrian Holmes, Kwayera Davis, and

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Yvette Mixon. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS,

Strasbourg, France and has been funded by NSF Grants #AST86-16362, #AST91-15114,

#AST95-28906, and #AST-0071260 all to the College of Charleston.

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This manuscript was prepared with the AAS LATEX macros v5.0.

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Julian Date

He I 5876 Å Equivalent Widths

Hipparcos Photometry

Radial Velocities

APT Photometry

Earlier Velocities

Stromgren b

Stromgren uvy

Season 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig. 1.— The time coverage of the data sets considered.

447.8 448.0 448.2 448.4 448.6 448.8 449.0 449.2Wavelength (nm)









l Int



Fig. 2.— The 447.8-449.3 nm region of 3 Vul showing normal line profiles.

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450.5 451.0 451.5 452.0 452.5Wavelength (nm)









l Int



Fig. 3.— This 450.5-452.5 nm region of 3 Vul showing line profiles distorted by pulsations.








Frequency (cyles/day)






Fig. 4.— Periodogram by Period 98 of the differential v magnitudes. The main frequencies

f1 and f2 are indicated along with several aliases.

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Frequency (cycles/day)




Fig. 5.— Periodogram of the prewhitened v differential magnitudes (f1 and f2 were removed).

Note that f3 and the sum term (and their aliases) are clearly revealed.













Fig. 6.— CLEAN periodogram of v differential magnitudes. The peak close to zero c/d is

due to residual seasonal instrumental effects. It is not the orbital frequency.

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ta v of f1+f2



ta v of f3



ta v of f2



ta v of f1

Fig. 7.— Phase diagrams for the v magnitudes. Each panel is prewhitened for all frequencies

except for the indicated phasing frequency.

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Frequency (cycles/day)




Fig. 8.— Periodogram by CLEAN of the radial velocities in Hube & Aikman (1991) and

those reported here. Note that both f1 and f2 are present although the relative amplitudes

are significantly different from those found in the photometric data. We also see a peak

corresponding to the orbital frequency.

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u am



1 2 3 4 5 6 7







v am








y am








b am



f1 f2 f3 f1+f2

Fig. 9.— Temporal variation in the amplitudes of the frequencies reported. The dates

used were the midpoints of the seasons. One sigma error bars have not been included since

generally the symbol sizes are larger than the errors.

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u-b 0.018





















v-y 0.018











f1 f2 f3 f4

Fig. 10.— Seasonal amplitudes of color index variations for the frequencies reported. The

dates used were the midpoints for the seasons. One sigma error bars are shown.

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4.30 4.25 4.20 4.15 4.10 4.05 4.00Log Effective Temperature

3 Mo

3.5 Mo

4.0 Mo

4.5 Mo

5.0 Mo

5.5 Mo

6.0 Mo

6.5 Mo

3 Vulpeculae

Fig. 11.— HR Diagram showing evolutionary tracks for Townsend models where g mode

pulsation occurs. The positions and one sigma error bars for 25 SPB stars as well as for 3

Vul are shown

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4.5 Mo


f3 f1+f2

l = 1 l = 2 l = 3 Observed Values








4.0 Mo


f2f3 f1+f2

l = 1 l = 2 l = 3 Observed Values

Fig. 12.— Amplitude ratios versus phase differences for the Stromgren v and u bands. Filled

circles are observed values. Other symbols are models.

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1.000.980.960.940.920.900.880.860.840.820.800.780.76Frequency (c/d)

g017 g016 g015 g014




Fig. 13.— Plot of frequency versus mass from Townsend’s models. The diagonal strips are

various pulsation modes and are interpolated from the 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5 values. As described

in the text the position of 3 Vul on the HR diagram with one sigma error bars was used

to limit the models plotted to Townsend’s numbers 60 - 110. The horizontal bars represent

the intersection of each diagonal strip with one of the observed frequencies. The only mass

range with all three frequencies simultaneously matching a theoretical mode is from 4.14 to

4.18 M�.

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) (c/d)




Model 080

Model 060

Model 070

g015 g014 g013 g012





4.0 Mo

4.5 Mo

Fig. 14.— Plot of log age versus mass. The diagonal lines running from upper right to lower

left are interpolated between the 4.0 M� and the 4.5 M� models. The short diagonal lines

intersecting them indicate the interpolated position of a 4.16 M� model. The vertical lines

correspond to our observed frequencies. The distance in arbitrary units each 4.16 M� model

is from the nearest observed frequency is given in Table 9. Three examples of these distances

are labeled as d-frequency,model number . The most probable age is assumed to be the one

with the smallest sum of the squares of these distances.

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Table 1. uvby Photometry of 3 Vul

Mean Julian Date Delta u Delta v Delta b Delta y

2448334.0115 -2.1248 -2.4500 -2.4225 -2.3294

2448348.9690 -2.1493 -2.4677 -2.4337 -2.3404

2448350.9635 -2.149 -2.4659 -2.4332 -2.3405

2448351.9610 -2.1866 -2.487 -2.4516 -2.3600

2448353.9555 -2.1321 -2.4559 -2.4239 -2.3315

2448354.9530 -2.1227 -2.4505 -2.4172 -2.3283

2448355.9505 -2.1474 -2.4596 -2.4297 -2.3332

2448356.9476 -2.1713 -2.4792 -2.4458 -2.3557

2448357.9449 -2.1972 -2.4907 -2.4567 -2.3594

2448359.9398 -2.1113 -2.4413 -2.413 -2.3225

2448360.9371 -2.1172 -2.4526 -2.4202 -2.3288

2448361.9342 -2.1234 -2.4486 -2.4215 -2.3271

2448363.9764 -2.0709 -2.422 -2.3914 -2.3028

aTabular values are differential magnitudes between the vari-

able and the comparison, HD 181164.bThe complete version of this table is in the electronic edition

of the Journal. The printed edition contains only a sample. Ju-

lian Dates for each observation are given in the electronic version

rather than the mean of the values for the four filters given in the


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Table 2. Journal of Spectrographic Observations

Central Wavelength(A) Mid-Exposure Julian Date Exposure Time (min.) Radial Velocity (km s−1)

3860 2449201.712 40 -25.2

3915 2449280.617 45 -20.8

3970 2449203.790 60 -27.2

4025 2448848.738 38 -21.4

4080 2449894.905 57 -28.4

4135 2449276.675 63 -24.0

4190 2449200.768 22 -28.8

4245 2448379.936 31 -22.2

4300 2449893.882 59 -32.9

4355 2449621.667 23 -24.0

4410 2449892.816 49 -32.3

4465 2448474.803 26 -27.6

4520 2449531.844 52 -34.0

4575 2449895.928 66 -31.2

4630 2448479.812 37 -25.0

4685 2448845.710 37 -24.8

4740 2449891.884 59 -24.0

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Table 3. Frequency Determination

color/season Start JD End JD N Amplitude Amplitude Amplitude Amplitude σo σf Reduction

f1=0.9719 f2=0.7923 f3=0.8553 f1+f2

u all 2448334 2451086 991 0.030 0.026 0.008 0.004 0.033 0.017 48%

u1 2448334 2448440 125 0.029 0.026 0.014 0.005 0.034 0.013 62%

u3 2449055 2449168 170 0.032 0.025 0.009 0.005 0.031 0.011 65%

u4 2449418 2448548 114 0.032 0.034 0.013 0.001 0.036 0.014 61%

u5 2449786 2449910 171 0.034 0.031 0.004 0.011 0.035 0.013 63%

u6 2450506 2450620 87 0.036 0.031 0.011 0.005 0.035 0.018 49%

u7 2450875 2450993 175 0.035 0.019 0.009 0.001 0.032 0.014 56%

v all 2448334 2451086 996 0.020 0.016 0.005 0.003 0.021 0.011 48%

v1 2448334 2448440 124 0.018 0.015 0.008 0.004 0.021 0.008 62%

v3 2449055 2449168 170 0.019 0.015 0.006 0.003 0.019 0.007 63%

v4 2449418 2448548 112 0.020 0.020 0.008 0.001 0.021 0.008 62%

v5 2449786 2449910 172 0.021 0.019 0.003 0.006 0.022 0.008 64%

v6 2450506 2450620 87 0.021 0.019 0.007 0.002 0.022 0.012 45%

v7 2450875 2450993 174 0.021 0.011 0.005 0.000 0.020 0.009 55%

b all 2448334 2451086 1172 0.016 0.015 0.004 0.003 0.019 0.011 42%

b1 2448334 2448440 125 0.017 0.015 0.007 0.003 0.020 0.009 55%

b2 2448702 2448809 181 0.014 0.017 0.002 0.005 0.020 0.011 45%

b3 2449055 2449168 170 0.018 0.014 0.006 0.003 0.017 0.007 59%

b4 2449418 2339548 112 0.018 0.019 0.008 0.001 0.020 0.007 65%

b5 2449786 2449910 173 0.019 0.017 0.002 0.006 0.020 0.008 60%

b6 2450506 2450620 86 0.019 0.017 0.006 0.002 0.019 0.010 47%

b7 2450875 2450993 171 0.019 0.011 0.005 0.001 0.018 0.009 50%

y all 2448334 2451086 995 0.016 0.014 0.004 0.003 0.018 0.010 44%

y1 2448334 2448440 124 0.016 0.014 0.007 0.002 0.018 0.008 56%

y3 2449055 2449168 170 0.017 0.013 0.005 0.003 0.017 0.007 59%

y4 2449418 2339548 114 0.017 0.018 0.007 0.001 0.019 0.007 63%

y5 2449786 2449910 173 0.018 0.016 0.003 0.005 0.019 0.008 58%

y6 2450506 2450620 84 0.019 0.018 0.005 0.002 0.019 0.010 47%

y7 2450875 2450993 172 0.017 0.010 0.004 0.001 0.016 0.008 50%

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Table 4. He/H Values

Wavelength(A) He/Ha

4009 0.10

4026 0.10

4120 0.10:

4143 0.10:

4169 0.08

4388 0.10

4438 0.08

4472 0.11

4713 0.08

Mean 0.09±0.01

aNote: The two lines with

uncertain (:) values were given

one-half weight.

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Table 5: Metal abundances of 3 Vul

Mult. λ(A) log gf Ref. Wλ(mA) log N/NT

C II log C/NT = -3.68±0.12

4 3918.98 -0.53 WF 27 -3.66

3920.68 -0.23 WF 36 -3.66

6 4267.02 +0.56 WF 43 -3.56

4267.26 +0.74 WF 39 -3.84

N II log N/NT = -4.34±0.26

5 4630.54 +0.09 WF 6 -4.15

12 3995.00 +0.21 WF 6 -4.52

OI log O/NT = -3.28±0.08

3 3947.29 -1.77 WF 12 -3.22

5 4368.30 -1.71 WF 7 -3.34

Mg II log Mg/NT = -4.67±0.09

4 4481.23 +0.97 FW 273 -4.59

5 3848.24 -1.60 WM 10 -4.76

3850.39 -1.88 WM 8 -4.58

9 4428.00 -1.20 WS 10 -4.67

4433.99 -0.90 WM 18 -4.69

10 4384.64 -0.78 WS 17 -4.81

4390.58 -0.53 WS 36 -4.59

Al II log Al/NT = -5.98

2 4663.10 -0.28 FW 20 -5.98

Al III log Al/NT = -5.47

3 4529.18 +0.67 WS 7 -5.47

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Table 5: -continued

Mult. λ(A) log gf Ref. Wλ(mA) log N/NT

Si II log Si/NT = -4.51±0.09

1 3853.66 -1.44 LA 61 -4.64

3856.02 -0.49 LA 108 -4.45

3862.59 -0.74 LA 91 -4.58

3 4128.07 +0.38 LA 103 -4.48

4130.89 +0.53 LA 119 -4.42

Si III log Si/NT = -4.37±0.13

2 4552.65 +0.29 WM 15 -4.26

4567.82 +0.07 WM 8 -4.52

4574.76 -0.41 WM 5 -4.34

S II log S/NT = -4.94±0.24

9 4716.23 -0.42 FW 7 -5.19

30 4524.95 +0.17 WM 11 -4.94

43 4463.58 -0.02 WS 6 -4.79

4483.58 -0.43 FW 5 -4.53

44 4153.10 +0.62 WS 16 -4.97

4162.70 +0.78 WS 21 -4.86

49 4278.50 -0.12 WS 6 -4.75

4294.40 +0.56 WS 8 -5.22

55 3923.46 +0.44 WS 8 -5.20

Ca II log Ca/NT = -5.41

1 3933.66 +0.13 WM 139 -5.41

Ti II log Ti/NT = -7.26

31 4501.27 -0.75 MF 3 -7.26

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Table 5: -continued

Mult. λ(A) log gf Ref. Wλ(mA) log N/NT

Cr II log Cr/NT = -6.44±0.09

44 4558.66 -0.66 MF 15 -6.40

4588.22 -0.63 MF 13 -6.54

4618.82 -1.11 MF 4 -6.58

4634.10 -1.24 MF 5 -6.41

Fe II log Fe/NT = -4.71±0.24

3 3945.21 -4.19 MF 7 -4.14

27 4173.45 -2.65 MF 21 -4.68

4233.17 -2.00 MF 35 -4.88

4303.17 -2.49 MF 22 -4.75

4351.76 -2.10 MF 26 -5.02

4385.38 -2.57 MF 18 -4.94

4416.82 -2.60 MF 22 -4.61

28 4178.86 -2.48 MF 19 -4.90

4296.57 -3.01 MF 11 -4.63

37 4489.18 -2.97 MF 9 -4.74

4491.40 -2.77 MF 17 -4.58

4515.34 -2.48 MF 16 -4.90

4520.22 -2.60 MF 16 -4.82

4534.17 -3.47 MF 9 -4.23

4555.89 -2.29 MF 24 -4.83

4629.34 -2.37 MF 22 -4.83

38 4508.28 -2.21 MF 20 -5.02

4522.63 -2.03 MF 27 -5.00

4541.52 -3.05 MF 7 -4.74

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Table 5: -continued

Mult. λ(A) log gf Ref. Wλ(mA) log N/NT

Fe II (continued)

38 4576.33 -3.04 MF 12 -4.52

4583.83 -2.02 MF 46 -4.40

4620.51 -3.28 MF 8 -4.52

172 4048.83 -2.09 KX 7 -4.59

173 3935.94 -1.86 MF 11 -4.57

186 4635.33 -1.65 MF 16 -4.40

190 3938.97 -1.85 MF 7 -4.72

- 4451.54 -1.82 KX 7 -4.58

4455.26 -1.99 KX 4 -4.68

4596.02 -1.82 KX 6 -4.64

Fe III log Fe/NT = -3.97

45 4022.35 -2.05 KX 4 -3.97

Ni II log Ni/NT = -6.06±0.19

11 3849.58 -1.88 KX 12 -6.00

4067.05 -1.83 KX 15 -5.91

12 4015.48 -2.42 KX 2 -6.27

Note. — References for gf values

FW = Fuhr & Wiese (1990)

KX = Kurucz & Bell (1995)

LA = Lanz & Artru (1985)

MF = Martin, Fuhr & Wiese (1988) and Fuhr, Martin & Wiese (1988)

WM = Wiese & Martin (1980)

WF = Wiese, Fuhr & Dieters (1996)

WS = Wiese, Smith & Glennon (1966) and Wiese, Smith & Miles (1969)

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Table 6: Comparison of Derived and Solar Abundances (log N/H)


Ion γ Peg ι Her τ Her 3 Vul ξ Oct π Cet 21 Aql 134 Tau ν Cap α Dra Sun

He I -1.02 -1.07 -0.96 -1.03 -1.07 -1.07 -1.05 -1.00 -1.19 -1.40 -1.01

CII -3.81 -3.49 -3.53 -3.64 -3.64 -3.77 -3.92 -3.45 -3.39 -3.78 -3.45

N II -4.03 -3.84 -4.09 -4.30 -4.33 -3.88 -4.15 ... ... ... -4.03

O I ... ... ... -3.24 -3.30 -3.30 -3.24 ... -3.33 -3.49 -3.13

Mg II -4.55 -4.78 -4.60 -4.63 -4.73 -4.52 -4.59 -4.53 -4.61 -4.82 -4.42

Al II -5.94 -6.03 ... -5.94 ... ... ... ... ... ... -5.53

Al III -5.90 -5.49 -5.59 -5.43 ... -5.32 -5.93 ... ... ... -5.53

Si II -5.31 -5.16 -4.490 -4.47 -4.77 -4.52 -4.40 -4.51 -4.69 -4.89 -4.45

Si III -4.67 -4.45 -4.42 -4.33 ... -4.99 -4.58 ... ... ... -4.45

S II -5.04 -4.91 -4.76 -4.90 -4.92 -4.82 -5.04 -4.53 -4.85 -5.03 -4.67

Ca II -6.20 -6.03 -5.74 -5.37 -6.24 -5.72 -5.66 -5.33 -5.55 -5.61 -5.64

Ti II ... ... -6.76 -7.22 -7.28 -7.17 -7.46 -7.06 -7.05 -7.10 -6.98

Cr II ... ... ... -6.40 -6.62 -6.54 -6.64 -6.41 -6.13 -6.61 -6.33

Fe II -4.44 -5.14 -4.72 -4.67 -4.81 -4.62 -4.80 -4.63 -4.47 -4.93 -4.50

Fe III -4.33 -4.35 -4.62 -3.93 ... -4.78 -4.77 ... ... ... -4.50

Ni II ... ... -6.72 -6.02 -5.96 -5.98 -6.04 -5.85 -5.67 -5.92 -5.75

Teff 21000 16500 15000 14343 13625 13150 12900 10825 10250 10075

log g 4.25 4.0 4.10 4.30 4.00 3.85 3.35 3.88 3.90 3.30

ξ(km s−1) 4.9 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4

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Table 7. Color Fits

Indices N Amplitude Amplitude Amplitude Amplitude σo σf

f1=0.9719 f2=0.7923 f3=0.8553 f1+f2

v 969 0.01805 0.01558 0.00463 0.00287 0.02048 0.01092

u-b 969 0.01324 0.011588 0.00321 0.00161 0.01527 0.00847

b-y 969 0.00095 0.00087 0.00016 0.00027 0.00391 0.00380

u-v 969 0.01174 0.01065 0.00266 0.00141 0.01390 0.00794

v-b 969 0.00155 0.00100 0.00053 0.00019 0.00423 0.00400

v-y 969 0.00244 0.00178 0.00067 0.00041 0.00505 0.00454

m1 969 0.00082 0.00059 0.00040 0.00022 0.00639 0.00634

c1 969 0.01020 0.00979 0.00212 0.00123 0.01375 0.00929

(v-y)/v 969 0.13519 0.11435 0.14493 0.14327

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Table 8. Slowly Pulsating B Stars

HIP HD Parallax Mbol log L log Teff

15988 21071 5.41±0.79 -1.41 2.46±0.13 4.172±0.006

18216 24587 8.46±0.75 -1.75 2.60±0.08 4.146±0.006

19398 26326 4.49±0.78 -2.59 2.93±0.15 4.194±0.006

20354 27396 7.03±0.79 -2.34 2.83±0.10 4.205±0.005

20493 27742 6.77±0.76 -0.65 2.16±0.10 4.104±0.007

20715 28114 5.46±1.02 -1.40 2.46±0.16 4.166±0.006

23833 33331 3.20±0.57 -1.37 2.44±0.15 4.107±0.007

29488 42927 3.47±0.70 -2.46 2.88±0.18 4.258±0.005

34000 53921 6.77±0.54 -1.34 2.43±0.07 4.139±0.006

34798 55522 4.54±0.61 -2.45 2.88±0.12 4.252±0.005

34817 55718 3.67±0.63 -2.74 2.99±0.15 4.222±0.005

38455 64503 5.09±0.52 -3.61 3.34±0.09 4.250±0.005

40285 69144 3.36±0.56 -3.58 3.33±0.14 4.202±0.005

43763 76640 3.75±0.48 -1.94 2.67±0.11 4.173±0.006

45189 79416 5.23±0.68 -1.90 2.66±0.11 4.151±0.006

47893 84809 3.75±0.70 -2.07 2.72±0.16 4.212±0.005

48182 86659 3.00±0.51 -2.88 3.05±0.15 4.220±0.005

52043 92287 2.55±0.51 -3.56 3.32±0.17 4.224±0.005

61199 109026 10.07±0.52 -2.55 2.92±0.04 4.212±0.005

66607 118285 3.51±0.56 -1.60 2.54±0.14 4.082±0.007

72800 131120 8.49±0.76 -2.11 2.74±0.08 4.271±0.005

76243 138764 9.30±0.86 -1.05 2.32±0.08 4.150±0.006

77227 140873 7.99±0.68 -1.25 2.40±0.07 4.149±0.006

79992 147394 10.37±0.53 -2.31 2.82±0.04 4.175±0.006

90797 169978 6.81±0.75 -2.00 2.70±0.10 4.102±0.007

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Table 8—Continued

HIP HD Parallax Mbol log L log Teff

107173 206540 4.68±0.81 -1.62 2.54±0.15 4.147±0.006

108022 208057 6.37±0.70 -2.41 2.86±0.10 4.294±0.004

112781 215573 7.35±0.47 -1.38 2.45±0.06 4.148±0.006

Table 9. Deviations of frequency from interpolation between 4 and 4.5 M� Models to 4.14


mode d1,mode d2,mode d3,mode σ2

g050 0.45 0.55 1.35 3.328

g060 0.25 0.90 0.27 0.945

g070 0.35 0.13 0.00 0.139

g080 1.0 0.45 0.25 1.265

g090 0.6 0.05 2.65 7.839

g100 1.15 0.35 2.89 9.797

g110 0.90 0.00 2.85 8.123