Duet Acting

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  • 8/7/2019 Duet Acting


    Duet Acting

    -Nicholas Ong Wen Yung

    -David Yee Xiao Zhe Air pollution

    Nicholas :Sorry Im late,David.By the way,did you realise that the weather

    outside is getting warmer than usual nowadays and the sky gets darker


    David :Well,I did.I think all of this can be related to air pollution that ispolluting our environment.

    Nicholas :Yes,I agree.One of the main cause of air pollution is the increase

    in urbanisation.The city is getting crowded by those who moved from rural

    areas to urban areas to look for better jobs or housing areas.The air is

    polluted from the machines that were set to work to build new offices and


    David :Even now,you can see the smokes pillaring up caused by the

    engines of cars and motorcycles.Nowadays,almost all city dwellers have

    their own vehicles and prefer not to take public transport because they

    think its below their standards.All the smokes and gases emitted from these

    vehicles darken the sky and endanger our health.

    Nicholas :Many health cases are caused by these hazardous gas such as

    asthma and lung diseases.Another reason why air pollution is so rampant

    nowadays is because of the use of fire in clearing out forest.

    David :You mean like the case when our neighbouring country Indonesia

    burns their crops and forest to build new ones and thereby sending the

    haze to our country?

  • 8/7/2019 Duet Acting


    Nicholas :Yes,exactly.In some country where the population are

    blooming,people tend to use fire to clear sites for new building such as

    schools and hospitals.As a result,the smoke from the flame creates haze

    and thus pollute the air even more severely.

    David :The haze that landed in our country had created a short panic as

    the whole city of Kuala Lumpur is enshrouded in it and visions are

    obstructed.Many schools and business had to be closed down and created

    much inconvinience to us.

    Nicholas :It is time for our government to put a stop to these.The

    government should impose stricter rules to prohibit public smoking.It

    endangers health of those around the smoker and also degrade our public

    image.The government should also add more plants and trees in the

    surrounding environment.

    David :People could also consider car pooling or taking public

    transportation.Products that comes in the form of aerosol can should also

    be avoided.You can try solid,gel and liquid forms instead.Barbeques fire can

    also be started using propane gas instead of the usual charcoal.

    Nicholas :We may not be able to enjoy our natural scenery any longer ifwe allow this pollution to continue.Together we must help preserve the

    environment around for us and the future generation.