Dues 2012 Date

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Transcript of Dues 2012 Date

  • 8/2/2019 Dues 2012 Date


    December 1, 2011

    Dear Members,

    At the National Executive Board meeting held on October 29, 2011, the NEB agreed to a

    change regarding the due date for Annual Dues.

    Please be advised that your Annual Dues Invoice for 2012 will be payable by March 31st



    Please be advised that your Annual Dues Invoice for 2013 will be payable by January 31,


    Why the change?In past leaner years the date was moved to July 31, then back to June 30, to

    accommodate those Members who were experiencing financial difficulty due to a lack

    of work in the first quarter of the year. Prior to this, the due date was March 31, and in

    some years, sooner.

    However, Members who had waited until the previous due date of June 30 were

    receiving the same service (work opportunities, in particular) from the DGC as those

    Members who had paid their invoice immediately upon receipt. Modifying the date

    lessens this disparity.

    How can I pay?

    There are many ways to pay your invoice:

    1) Cheque or money order payable to the Directors Guild of Canada (post-datedcheques are accepted)

    2) Credit card payment3) On-line through your banking institution (On-line banking is an easy way to set

    up partial payments over the three months, dispersed in whatever way is best

    for you.)

    What if I am experiencing financial strain?We anticipate that this change may have an impact on some of the councils. We have

    therefore made every effort to communicate this change to the Membership in advance

    and made sure that all options are clear to all Members.

    If you still feel you cannot make your payments on time (or at all), you have a few


  • 8/2/2019 Dues 2012 Date


    Dues Plea

    Members may not be aware that they can submit a Dues Plea by putting in writing (an

    email is acceptable) their request to have an extension by which to pay their invoice.

    You must know the following:

    1) A Dues Plea MUST be submitted before the due date on the invoice;2) You may request an extension of up to but no greater than 90 days from the

    original due date;

    3) Though you remain in good standing during this time, you will not have access toyour health plan during the duration of the extension. Once you have remitted

    your payment, you can submit any and all receipts acquired during that time;

    4) You can submit your request via email or in writing to Laurie Januska, NationalDirector of Member Services, at [email protected] or by fax at (416) 925-8400.

    Honourable Withdrawal

    If you require a temporary absence from the Guild (due to a change in lifestyle, going

    back to school, maternity leave, extended vacation, working out of the country, a

    temporary career change, etc), but would like to maintain a good standing

    relationship with the DGC, you can request Honourable Withdrawal (HW) status. You

    must be aware of the following conditions:

    1) Being on HW will cost you only of your yearly dues (requesting HW at thebeginning of the year makes the most financial sense);

    2) This fee is payable within 30 days of your request for HW;3) While on HW, you will not have access to the health plan (though if youve

    moved money into your Health Savings Account, you may access those fundsduring this time);

    4) While on HW, you are not eligible for work in a Guild category on a Guild-signedproduction; and finally,

    5) When you wish to come back, simply make the request (by phone, email, or inperson). You will be reactivated immediately and sent an invoice for your pro-

    rated dues.

    You will be receiving your invoice at the beginning of January 2012. If you have any

    questions about your Membership, your payments or your status, please do not hesitate

    to contact Laurie Januska, National Director of Member Services at (416) 462-6640 or 1-800-972-0098 or by email at [email protected].


    Laurie Januska

    National Director of Member Services

    Directors Guild of Canada