Duck Duck Goose Brithish Culture

Nombre del juego: Duck, Duck Goose Autor: Agustín García Collado Materiales:------ Espacio: We can do this activity in anyplace. Nº de participantes: 10 + Duración:10/15min Descripción del juego: The players are sitting in the floor with the form of a circle facing inwards. One player is chosen to be the ‘tapper’ and walks around the outside of the circle. As he walks around, he touches each child gently on the head whilst saying, ‘Duck, duck, duck.’ At some stage he will tap a child and say, ‘Goose,’ instead. The goose then jumps up and chases the tapper around the circle. The tapper in turn tries to get all the way back to the gooses spot, ‘home’, without getting caught. If the tapper gets home safely, the goose becomes the new tapper and the game starts again. If the goose catches the tapper, the game starts again with the tapper being on again. Normas/reglas: We don´t have rules for this game Variantes: When the goose gets caught by the tapper, he then reverts to being a duckling and has to squat down in the centre of the inner circle and make duck-like noises and gestures with his arms. This player then remains in the centre of the circle until another goose is caught. Other variation is that the person who is touch by de person who name “Goose”, the could go to a agility circuit, in this case we can introduce some sports. For Example another caso coul be go to the basket an throw one ball, and they have to introduce this in the basket. In this link I introduce a video about this game. Dibujo explicativo:


A traditional British Game

Transcript of Duck Duck Goose Brithish Culture

Nombre del juego: Duck, Duck GooseAutor: Agustn Garca Collado

Materiales:------Espacio: We can do this activity in anyplace.

N de participantes: 10 +Duracin:10/15min

Descripcin del juego:The players are sitting in the floor with the form of a circle facing inwards.

One player is chosen to be the tapper and walks around the outside of the circle. As he walks around, he touches each child gently on the head whilst saying, Duck, duck, duck.

At some stage he will tap a child and say, Goose, instead.

The goose then jumps up and chases the tapper around the circle.

The tapper in turn tries to get all the way back to the gooses spot, home, without getting caught.

If the tapper gets home safely, the goose becomes the new tapper and the game starts again.

If the goose catches the tapper, the game starts again with the tapper being on again.

Normas/reglas:We dont have rules for this gameVariantes:When the goose gets caught by the tapper, he then reverts to being a duckling and has to squat down in the centre of the inner circle and make duck-like noises and gestures with his arms. This player then remains in the centre of the circle until another goose is caught.

Other variation is that the person who is touch by de person who name Goose, the could go to a agility circuit, in this case we can introduce some sports. For Example another caso coul be go to the basket an throw one ball, and they have to introduce this in the basket.

In this link I introduce a video about this game.

Dibujo explicativo:

History:In summer of '09 we still play this game called duck duck goose. People may stand and wonder, what was the origin. In the 1700 they never had computer and things to play like we do know. In this little school called, Prarie Unkwig Highschool, there was tag going on and than three kids got bored and sat down. They appeared to be in a circle. One of the three childs seen a mother goose picking the little ducks heads. Than the kid had an idea after he had seen one of the chicks run around and the mother was chasing it. The kid had to tell them. He also thought of tag on how there were no boundries you could go anywhere. Well he than thought only one person shall run and sit in the chaser's spot to be safe. Fareway highschool in Georiga even had this game after it was invented. Even so it spreaded everywhere on earth. The kid told the other two kids the rules and they thought it was cool. Than more and more children and teachers played it. Than as it grew faster, it got older and the older it got the less it was played. It was invented by the inventor Gregg Truman Humptan the Third. He grew up to be really popular and that was one of the most popular games in the system of america and asia for about 12 years. And than he played it every day. Than one day while playing on a hill top during a wedding of his and his wife's he played it with the children and than he was chasing the child and than as she ran he tripped on a child on accident and fell off the hill and rolled threw dozens and dozens of rocks and got to the far edge of it almost near the bottom and flew off. He was dead. But the game was the only part of his life that grew on forever. He was Gregg Truman Hamptan 1695-1722. Goodbye Gregg. People barely knew he had made this. But people who do usually just learn about it and forget it. And he was still alive for 10 seconds after the fall and people on the ground below land went to help him and his final last words for him were, "Games are played, but not played on high surfaces" Than he died soon after that.