Dubai sos 1

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Transcript of Dubai sos 1

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strategies of survival

SOS Save our students or Strategies of survival

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Some water facts

• 60% of the body…is water• 70% of the brain• 83% of blood• 90% of the lungs• Women have less water than men ( %) …..discuss another day

Source: Water Science for SchoolsSOS UAE Noreen Caplen-Spence

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• Classroom language and management• Communication across the curriculum• Learning and cognitive strategies• Resources: Scaffolding and chunking• Review and consolidate

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“Learning is experience….

….everything else is just information.”Albert Einstein

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Say the Colour not the Word. A & B

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The colour activity

I know I think I know I want to know

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Colour activity

• Right side tries to say the colour

• Left tries to reads the word

• Left / right conflict

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A view

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LogicalSequentialRationalAnalyticalObjective Looks at parts

RandomIntuitiveHolisticSynthesizingSubjectiveLooks at the whole

Left brain Right brain

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Lessons from the geese

• What did you like about that activity?

• What help did you need?

• Who helped you?

• How did you/we do?

• Why did we do that activity?

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On a scale of 1 to 10

• Is now a good time for you to learn?

• Place yourself on the line

• 1 = not a good time 10 = the best time

• 1<-------------------------------------------------10

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Possible effects of mind-set

Learn Challenged

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Thinking actively in a social context

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• Distractions> What? Why?

• How to avoid them?

• Helps you to concentrate> What? Why?

• How to encourage them?

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Thinking actively in a social context

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An idea for this session

• Listening & taking notes > sit up >

• Lean forward > key information to self (quietly)

• > listen and look, come back here sometimes

> verbal and non verbal languageSOS UAE Noreen Caplen-Spence

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Remember this number

• 20125011984

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Seven keys to memory

• Outstanding• Funny• Personal• Emotional• Linked to our senses• Connected with pleasure & survival • The first and the last…start and end well!

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•A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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1 to 50

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3031 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4041 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

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51 - 100

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6061 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7071 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 8081 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9091 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

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What’s in it for me

Success Failure

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3 things I remember2 ideas to share

1 question I have

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What was the number?

• 20125011984

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You choose

• Scaffolding• Emotional• Cognitive• Numeracy• Literacy• Chunking

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In pairs/groups

• Compare with a partner

• What do these words have to do with this workshop?

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Words, words, wordsLook at them

How are they used?

Is there any ambiguity?

Does everyone use the word in the same way?

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3 things I remember2 ideas to share

1 question I have

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What is a habit? (word clouds, wordle)

A habit is…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

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A habit is….

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A habit is…

An acquired pattern of behaviour that has become almost involuntary as a result of frequent repetition.

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Pairs and threes ….1A, 2Bs

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A & B……

• Aocordrning to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisey, it deosn’t mttaer what oreder the ltteers in a word are, the olny improtent tihng is tahat the frist and lsat ltteers be in the ceorect palce.

• The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitill raed it widuot problem.

• Cusae the hmuan mnid deos not raed ervery leeter, but the word as a wlohe.

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Look Say



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100 most frequently used words

• Theorwillnumberofoneupnoandhadotherwayaby aboutcouldtowordoutpeopleinbutmanymyisnotthenthanyouwhatthemfirstthatallthesewateritweresobeenhewesomecallwaswhenherwhoforyourwouldoiloncanmakeitsaresaidlikenowastherehimfindwithuseintolonghisantimedowntheyeachhasdayIwhichlookdidatshetwogetbedomorecomethishowwritemadehavetheirgomayfromifseepart

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100 most frequently used words

• The or will number of one up no and had other way a by about could to word out people (20) inbutmanymyisnotthenthanyouwhatthemfirstthatallthesewateritweresobeenhewesomecallwaswhenherwhoforyourwouldoiloncanmakeitsaresaidlikenowastherehimfindwithuseintolonghisantimedowntheyeachhasdayIwhichlookdidatshetwogetbedomorecomethishowwritemadehavetheirgomayfromifseepart

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more about words…….Principles & explanations

• Connecting and sequencing ideas

• Also, eventually, besides, instead, finally.

• Substitute one set of connectives for another, eventually we will see what a difference it makes to the meaning as well as the flow of the sentence.

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3 things I remember 2 ideas to think about

1 question I have

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• Chunking • One or two step instructions

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Vocab: choose 1, 2 or 3 words

abundance medical dental

fast becoming combining minor medical

Far-sightedness cataracts treatment

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Dyslexia quiz

• Are there SpLD in other areas?

• What other areas?

• numeracy, language, attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD) autistic spectrum disorders

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Dyslexia: True or false?

Does it includes memory, organisation, mathematics, spatial perception, as well as language?

• Is dyslexia linked to low intelligence?

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Dyslexia quiz

• Which of these difficulties are involved: memory, sequencing, coordination, organisation and following instructions?

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Could it be?

affected by environment and the learning setting?

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3 things we remember2 ideas to use

1 question I have

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Quiz• What? Where? When? Which? Who?

Write 1 question for a quiz.

Why? How?

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What is dyslexia?

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Teaching and learning

Dyslexia-friendly approaches:• Avoid dictation and board copying• Do not expect lots of writing• Consider recording sections of the lesson • Use mind maps or bulleted lists• Use graphic organisers

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Teaching and learning

• Ask the students to tell you what they have to do

• Only 3 or 4 spelling should be correct

• Tell the students the criteria for marking Content or spelling or handwriting

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Teaching and learning

Improve text-based resources:

• Give hand-outs in advance, on tinted paper • 50% of people with dyslexic people experience


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Teaching and learning

• Good quality resources, (check photocopies)

• 12/14 point font e.g. Arial, (avoid fancy fonts) or 1.5 spacing

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Teaching and learning: Remember

• Value those times when something is hard for you

• Dyslexia (etc) = not a homogenous experience

• Notice what works for your learners

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Teaching and learning

• Contextualise: place in a wide curriculum

• Structure: framework/ signals of breaks/ headings

• Pace:

• Give guidance on how students can re-enforce and practise material presented

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Writing: true for you

• My students find writing difficult

• I usually set writing for homework

• Writing takes a long time in class

• My students are not very good at writing

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Fluency: write 10 things in 20 seconds

• About inclusion

• You can do during the lesson to promote inclusion

• Pair work / speaking: famous dyslexics

• Write the names of famous dyslexics

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Talking about writing

• What do I like to write with?

• What do I like to write on?

• Do I write long hand or straight onto the computer?

• Do I write rough and fast or neat and slow?

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Talking about writing

• Is my writing small, large, tight, l o o s e….

• Is it a pleasure or a pain?

• Do I plan then write?

• Do I just write and sort it out later?

• Which writers do I like?SOS UAE Noreen Caplen-Spence

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Writing: Process and Product

Process Product

a resource

ideas > organisation

several drafts



emphasis on creative process

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First, next, then, in the end

People Places Things Events When? How? Why?

Young girl The mall Ring Party

Brother Forest Dinner Picnic

Mother Desert Gold Holiday

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Group review & evaluation

Organise ideas

Select ideas


Becoming more Becoming an independent writer


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Bloom’s Taxonomy

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Demonstrating competence

• Posters and journals• Quiz and crosswords• ICT• Self-assessment• Comic strips and cartoons• Mind-maps• Annotate and highlight texts

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This works for me, what about you?


Vision & attitude

Teaching strategies

Learning strategies

Support systems


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Empathy…who cares?

• Put yourself in their shoes

• Help learners to feel ‘at home’ in their classroom.

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2-Footed Questions

Learner’s own experience

Target learning

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Target language

experience & reality

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Sage and guide1 Consider classroom layout, movement, light, noise2 Build positive group dynamics – buddy system3 Use of visuals and posters4 Cater for learning styles – multi sensory, multi

intelligences5 Show the ‘big picture’6 Link learning to students’ own experience7 Check understanding in different ways8 Reflect & consolidate i.e. what was the point of the

task and what did we learn from it?9 Consider individual as well as group needs10 Celebrate success

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Overview or review

• Some ideas about dyslexia • Classroom language and management• Communication across the curriculum• Learning and cognitive strategies• Resources: Scaffolding and chunking• Review and consolidate

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Reflect & consolidate

• 3 things we have done • 2 ideas I can share with my colleagues• 1 idea I can use with my students

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The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.

Carl Rogers

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SOS UAE Noreen Caplen-Spence

strategies of survival

SOS Save our students or Strategies of survival

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Multi-sensory = Inclusive

Come rain or come shine

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