D.T.E.A SR SEC SCHOOL RKPURAM HOLIDAY …dteaschool-rkp.org/assets/2015/HolidayWork/class...

D.T.E.A SR SEC SCHOOL RKPURAM HOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2018 ENGLISH Class XII Note Making & Abstract Writing 1 Flamingo: The Last Lesson Page no 3, from third paragraph to Page no 5 till the end of the first paragraph (“Usually ..... there’s no more”) Note Making & Abstract Writing 2 Flamingo: Lost Spring Part II, Page no 17 from the third paragraph’s 4 th line to Page no 19 till the end of the third paragraph (“Every other family in ...... the ability to dream”) Nate Making & Abstract Writing 3 Vistas: The Enemy Page no 25 from the first paragraph to Page no 26 till the end of the third paragraph (“Sadao has taken this.............. mists hid him again”) Note Making & Abstract Writing 4 Vistas: Memories of Childhood Part II, Page no 96 from second paragraph’s 4 th line to page no 97 till the end of the 4 th paragraph (“It would take from half an hour ........... iced lollies”) Read the above mentioned passages and answer as the following: 1. i) On the basis of your reading of the above mentioned passages make notes using recognisable abbreviations, with a suitable title. (4 separate notes) ii) Write the summary of the above mentioned passages (4 separate summaries) 2. Write a Notice on the following events to be held in your school, Kendriya Vidyalaya, R.K.Puram, New Delhi. You are Amit/ Avantika, the Cultural Secretary of the school. a) Blood Donation Camp b) Literary Week Celebration c) A Charity Dance Show (to raise funds for the street dwellers) d) Inter school Edu Fest 2017 3. You want to sell your second hand car. Draft a suitable advertisement to be published in a national daily. 4. You wish to rent your house as you are going abroad. Draft a suitable advertisement to be published under classifieds column. 5. Design posters on the following themes: a) Prevention of any epidemic fever. (Dengue, Chicken guinea etc) b) Organ Donation c) Say No to Drugs d) Green Delhi, Clean Delhi 6. You are Ramesh/ Rani of Vandana Enclave, New Delhi decided to write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper about the pathetic mental condition of the Children engaged in the television reality shows. 7. Shefali/ Siddhart of 15-A, C.P. Road, New Delhi desires to be a fashion designer. She/he writes to the Director of the National Institute of fashion Technology, Bangalore, seeking information about their courses, admission procedure, eligibility criteria, fee structure, placement opportunities etc. 8. You are Bipin/ Brinda. Write articles in the following topics:

Transcript of D.T.E.A SR SEC SCHOOL RKPURAM HOLIDAY …dteaschool-rkp.org/assets/2015/HolidayWork/class...

Page 1: D.T.E.A SR SEC SCHOOL RKPURAM HOLIDAY …dteaschool-rkp.org/assets/2015/HolidayWork/class XII.pdf · a) ill effects of rash driving b) building up good health 9. You are Nitin/ Nitya



Note Making & Abstract Writing 1 Flamingo: The Last Lesson Page no 3, from third paragraph to Page no 5 till the end of the first paragraph (“Usually ..... there’s no more”) Note Making & Abstract Writing 2 Flamingo: Lost Spring Part II, Page no 17 from the third paragraph’s 4th line to Page no 19 till the end of the third paragraph (“Every other family in ...... the ability to dream”) Nate Making & Abstract Writing 3 Vistas: The Enemy Page no 25 from the first paragraph to Page no 26 till the end of the third paragraph (“Sadao has taken this.............. mists hid him again”) Note Making & Abstract Writing 4 Vistas: Memories of Childhood Part II, Page no 96 from second paragraph’s 4th line to page no 97 till the end of the 4th paragraph (“It would take from half an hour ........... iced lollies”) Read the above mentioned passages and answer as the following: 1. i) On the basis of your reading of the above mentioned passages make notes using

recognisable abbreviations, with a suitable title. (4 separate notes) ii) Write the summary of the above mentioned passages (4 separate summaries)

2. Write a Notice on the following events to be held in your school, Kendriya Vidyalaya, R.K.Puram, New Delhi. You are Amit/ Avantika, the Cultural Secretary of the school.

a) Blood Donation Camp b) Literary Week Celebration c) A Charity Dance Show (to raise funds for the street dwellers) d) Inter school Edu Fest 2017

3. You want to sell your second hand car. Draft a suitable advertisement to be published in a national daily.

4. You wish to rent your house as you are going abroad. Draft a suitable advertisement to be published under classifieds column.

5. Design posters on the following themes: a) Prevention of any epidemic fever. (Dengue, Chicken guinea etc) b) Organ Donation c) Say No to Drugs d) Green Delhi, Clean Delhi

6. You are Ramesh/ Rani of Vandana Enclave, New Delhi decided to write a letter to the Editor of a Newspaper about the pathetic mental condition of the Children engaged in the television reality shows.

7. Shefali/ Siddhart of 15-A, C.P. Road, New Delhi desires to be a fashion designer. She/he writes to the Director of the National Institute of fashion Technology, Bangalore, seeking information about their courses, admission procedure, eligibility criteria, fee structure, placement opportunities etc.

8. You are Bipin/ Brinda. Write articles in the following topics:

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a) ill effects of rash driving b) building up good health

9. You are Nitin/ Nitya of class XII and you are asked to prepare a speech on the following topics:

a) Cyber Bullying ( for Zonal Competition) b) Role of students in maintaining Communal Harmony (for morning Assembly)

10. You are Mahesh/ Mallika of class XII and are asked to prepare Debate for the following topics either For the motion or Against it,

a) Modern Gadgets – a boon or bane b) Tuition classes – need or a status symbol

11. Read the chapters 1- 14 of “The Invisible Man” by Oscar Wilde and write a short summary of those chapters. ( each 100 words)

12. Learn two NEW WORDS each day during the summer vacation (45 days hence 90 words) and make a POCKET DICTIONARY to be displayed in the interschool Edufest.

13. Read newspaper daily. Follow any two events (either political, social or sports). Cut and paste the relevant clippings, paper cuttings and pictures and make a NEWS MAGAZINE covering a week’s news items. ( if necessary you can decorate the magazine with write ups, captions and caricatures)

14. Write a poem OR a story OR a description of an event OR your visit to a place OR jokes OR any pencil sketches (drawings) OR any creative writing, mentioning your Name, Class and Section with a stamp size photo to be published in Newsletter 10. (Writings to be ORIGINAL)

NOTE: Q. 1 to 11 to be written in the English Note book. Q. 12 is a pocket dictionary Q. 13 is a Magazine ( a chart paper can be 4 folded to make a magazine) Q. 14 is to be written in an A4 size sheet

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பின்வரும்தலைப்புகளில் கட்டுலை வலைக

1. இைஞ்ச ஒழிப்பும்,விழிப்புணர்வும் 2. நான் விரும்பும் புைவர் 3. நவனீ கணிப்பபாறியும் அவற்றின் நுட்பங்களும் 4. சுற்று சுழல் பாதுகாப்பு 5. ஒவ்வவார் உருக்கும் நூைகம் 6. நகை வாழ்க்லகயும்கிைாம வாழ்க்லகயும் 7. மாணவரும் சமுதாயத் பதாண்டும் 8. அறிவியலும் ஆக்கமும் 9. நாட்டுக்கு உலழத்த நல்ைவர் 10. கல்வியின் பபருலம

கடிதம் வலைக

1. உனது பகுதியில் நூைகம் அலமத்துத் தை வவண்டி விண்ணப்பம் வலைக அல்ைது

2. சுற்றுைா பசல்ை அனுமதி வவண்டி தந்லதக்குக் கடிதம் வலைக. 3. நீ குடியிருக்கும் பகுதியில் நூைகம் அலமக்க வவண்டி மாவட்ட

ஆட்சியாளர் அவர்களுக்கு ஒரு கடிதம் வலைக. 4. புத்தக விற்பலனயாளருக்கு ,வதலவயான புத்தகம் அனுப்பக் வகாரி

விண்ணப்பம் வலைக.புத்தகக் கண்காட்சி ஒன்றில் நீ கண்டவற்லற விவரித்து ஒரு கடிதம் எழுத்துக.

வவலை வவண்டி விண்ணப்பித்து ஒரு கடிதம் எழுதுக

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ग्रीष्‍म‍वकाश ‍ा ‍िए ‍ृहकाश्य‍

1. कवि हरििंशिाय बच् चन क िक्‍ ही 5 कविताओं का संकलन किे अथिा ललखें। कवि का सलचत्र संक्षिप् त ररिचय ी ललख ।

2. िह्‍ दी ीा ा क रसिलसध ल लेक्षखका ाहादेि िाान ने अने क कहालन यल ंललख ह। । िक्‍ ही त न कहालन यों क संकललत किके लचरकाएं अथिा ललखें । कवियत्र का सलचत्र ज िन ररिचय ी द ।

3. िह्‍ दी सािह‍ य के विली्‍ न कालों ाें तललस , जायस , ालतिाा, ििजदेि, ाैलथललशिण

गलप् त ने शिद ततल रि कविताएं ललख । सी कवियोंक एक-एक िचन ा ललख ।

4. लन म् न ललक्षखत वि यों रि 0-100 शब् दों का र चि ललख ।

- बढ़त जन संख् या

- ीाित एक शक्ष‍ त

- साय का सदलरय ग

- व् यायाा का ाह‍ ि

- रयानििण ििा 5. लन म् न ललक्षखत वि यों रि लन बं ललखें ।

- ििक्षजटल इंििया

- आतंकिाद क सास् या

- यिद ाें लशिाांत्र ह ता

- रलस् तकालय का ाह‍ ि

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1. Two charges q and -3q are placed fixed on x axis separated by distance d. Where a third charge 2q should be placed such that it will not experience any force?

2. Do free electrons travel to region of higher potential or lower potential? 3. Can there be a potential difference between two adjacent conductors carrying same

charge? 4. Calculate potential energy of a point charge –q placed along the axis due to charge Q

uniformly distributed along a ring of radius R. Sketch P.E. as function of axial distance z from centre of ring.

5. Two metal spheres of radius R and 2R both have same surface charge density S. They are brought in contact and separated. What will be new surface charge densities on them?

6. Is the motion of a charge across junction momentum conserving? Why or why not? 7. The relaxation time τ is nearly independent of applied E field whereas it changes

significantly with temperature T. First fact is responsible for Ohm’s law whereas the second fact leads to variation of ρ with temperature. Elaborate why?

8. What are the advantages of a null point method in a Wheatstone bridge? What additional measurements would be required to calculate unknown resistance by any other method?

9. For wiring in the home, one uses Cu or Al wires. What considerations are involved in this?

10. Two conductors are made of same material and have the same length. Conductor A is a solid wire of diameter 1mm and conductor B is a hollow tube of outer diameter 2mm and inner 1mm. Find ratio of resistance RA and RB.

11. Suppose there is a circuit consisting of only resistances and batteries. Suppose one is double (or increase it to n times) all voltages and all resistances. Show that current is unaltered.

12. A room has AC run for 5 hours a day at a voltage of 200 V. The wiring of the room consists of Cu of 1mm radius and a length of 10m. Power consumption per day is 10 commercial units. What fraction of it goes in the joule heating in wires? What would happen if the wiring is made of Al of same dimensions?


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CHEMISTRY 1. Complete all the questions given in NCERT Book of Chapter 1,2,3,4

2. Start work on investigatory project which should be experiment based. Collect relevant literature

and make a rough draft.

3. Revise Organic Chemistry Class 11


(i) Write two difference between crystalline and amorphous solid

(ii) An element X with an atomic mass of 60g/mol has density of 6.23gcm-3.If the edge length of its

cubic unit cell is 400pm, identify the type of cubic unit cell. Calculate the radius of an atom of this


(iii) Explain the following:

(a) What type of stoichiometric defect is shown by KCl and why?

(b) Which one of the following is molecular solid CO2 or SiO2?

(c) ZnO turns yellow on heating. Why?

(d) Schottky defect lowers the density of related solids?

(e) Frenkel defects are not found in alkali metal halides

(iv) Non-stoichiometric cuprous oxide can be prepared in the laboratory. In this oxide, copper to

oxygen ratio is slightly less than 2:1.Can you account for the fact that the substance is a p-type


(v) State Henry’s law and write its applications

(vi) Why is liquid ammonia bottle first cooled in ice before opening it?

(vii) Which has the highest freezing point: (a) 1M Glucose (b) 1M NaCl

(c) 1M CaCl2

(viii) The molal freezing point depression constant for benzene is 4.9 KKg mol -1 Selenium exists as

polymer Sex. When 3.26g of Se is dissolved in 226 g of benzene, observed freezing point is

0.112⁰C lower than that of pure benzene. Decide the molecular formula of Se.

(ix) Which aqueous solution has higher concentration—1 molar or 1 molal solution of the same

solute? Give reason

(x) 0.5 g KCl was dissolved in 100 g water and the solution originally at 20⁰C, froze at -

0.24⁰C.Calculate the percentage ionization of salt. Kf per 1000g of water =1.86K

(xi) What does the negative value of ECell⁰ indicate?

(xii) State two advantages of H2 –O2 fuel cell over ordinary cell.

(xiii) Define molar conductivity of a solution and explain how molar conductivity changes with change

in concentration of a solution for a weak and strong electrolyte.

(xiv) Why on dilution Λm of CH3COOH increases drastically while that of CH3COONa increases


(xv) Draw the structures of the following:

(a) XeF4 (c) PCl3

(b) BrF3 (d)XeO3

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I. Read and write the answers for the following questions .

1. Draw a labeled diagram of the sectional view of a mature pollen grain in angiosperms.

Explain the function of its different parts.

2. A flower of brinjal plant following the process of sexual reproduction produces 360 viable


Answer the following questions giving reasons:

(a) How many ovules are minimally involved?

(b) How many megaspore mother cells are involved?

( c) What is the minimum number of pollen grains that must land on stigma for pollination?

(d) How many male gametes are involved in the above case?

(e) How many microspore mother cells must have undergone reduction divisions prior to

dehiscence of another in the above case.

3. Draw a diagram of a mature embryo sac of angiosperms and explain the 7-celled , 8-nucleate

nature of the female gametophyte.

4.Describe the events of spermatogenesis with the help of schematic representation. Write two

differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

5.In our society the women are often blamed for giving birth to daughters. Can you explain why

this is not correct?

6.Write the function of each one of the following a) Oviduct b) oxytocin c) acrosome d)FSH

7.Name the stage of human embryo at which it gets implanted. Explain the process of


8.Expand and explain the following i) ART ii) GIFT iii) ZIFT iv) IUI

9.A women’s husband is infertile. So the lady has decided to have baby by taking sperms from

sperm bank. Which technique will you suggest for her pregnancy? Explain.

10. A cross was carried out between tall pea plant with green seeds is crossed with dwarf pea

plant with Yellow seeds.

i) What would be the phenotype and genotype of F1.?

ii) Work out the phenotypic ratio of F2 generation with the help of a Punnett square

11. Draw and label all the diagrams from the chapter 1 to 12 in separate plain sheet.

II. Complete the project (rough) and submit the same on school reopens.

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1. Construct a 3 * 4 matrix whose elements are given by

i. aij = 1


ii. aij= 1


2. Give two examples for the property:

(A+B)’ = A’+ B’, where A and B are matrices of same order.

3. Give two examples each for the following:

a. (AB)’= B’A’

b. AB≠ BA

c. A(BC)=(AB)C

d. A(B+C)=AB+AC

4. Find x and y if 3x+y=4 3 −12 4 0

−1 5 −2 2x+3y =

6 −1 20 5 39 2 −4

5. Write a 3 x3 matrix and express it as a sum of symmetric and show symmetric matrix

6. Give two examples of two matrices A and B of same order in such that AB=BA=I

7. Write one example each for 2x2 and 3x3 matrices to verify the property AA-1 = I= A-1A.

8. Verify (AB)-1=B-1A-1

9. Suggest two matrices each for 2x2 and 3x3 order and find their inverses by row

transformation/column transformation.

10. if A= [1 −12 −1

] B= [𝑎 1𝑏 −1

] and (A+B)2 = A2+B2 then find the value of a and b.

11. If A=[0 02 0

] then find

i. A20

ii. A35

12. If A = [𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝜃 𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝜃𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝜃 𝑐𝑜𝑠2𝜃

] then find A2.

13. If A=𝑎2 𝑎𝑏 𝑎𝑐𝑎𝑏 𝑏2 𝑏𝑐𝑎𝑐 𝑏𝑐 𝑐2

and B= 0 𝑐 −𝑏

−𝑐 0 𝑎𝑏 −𝑎 0

then show that BA= 03x3.

14. If [ 2x 3] [1 2

−3 0]


=0, find x

15. Find x,y,z if A= 0 2𝑦 𝑧𝑥 𝑦 −𝑧𝑥 −𝑦 𝑧

satisfies AT = A-1

16. If A is an invertible matrix of order 3x3 and |𝑎𝑑𝑗 𝐴| = 64 then find |𝐴|

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17. Find A if

i. 413

A= −4 8 4−1 2 1−3 6 3

ii. [3 27 5

] A= [−1 1−2 1

] = 2 −10 4

18. Find the adjoint of the matrix A = −1 −2 −22 1 −22 −2 1

and hence show that A(adjA)= |𝐴| I3.

19. If x 1 2 34 5 6

= −7 −8 −92 4 6

find x.

20. Find A-1 where A = 4 1 32 1 13 1 −2

Hence solve the following system of equations




21. Use the product 1 −1 20 2 −33 −2 4

−2 0 19 2 −36 1 1

to solve the following system of

equations x-y+2z=1



22. Let A= 1 −1 02 3 40 1 2

B= 2 2 −4

−4 2 −42 −1 5

verify that AB=BA=6I and hence solve

x- y=3



23. Find A-1 using elementary transformations if A= 2 0 −15 1 00 1 3

24. Using properties of determinants prove the following

i. If a+b+c≠0 and 𝑎 𝑏 𝑐𝑏 𝑐 𝑎𝑐 𝑎 𝑏

= 0 then using property prove that a=b=c

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ii. If f(x) = 𝑎 −1 0

𝑎𝑥 𝑎 −1𝑎𝑥2 𝑎𝑥 𝑎

using properties of determinant, find the value of f(2x)-



(𝑏 + 𝑐)2 𝑎2 𝑎2

𝑏2 (𝑐 + 𝑎)2 𝑏2

𝑐2 𝑐2 (𝑎 + 𝑏)2

= 2abc(a+b+c)3

25. Find the equation of the line which passes through the points (2, -4), (-1, 6).

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1. Make a project file on any one of the following topics:

The Indus Valley Civilisation

Economic History of India from 600 BCE to 600 CE

Buddhism and Jainism

Sources of Studying History with special reference to ‘Traveler’s Accounts’.

The VIjayanagara Empire

Agrarian Society of Mughal India

Mughal Administration

The Revolt of 1857

Gandhian Nationalism

Partition of India

Framing of Indian Constitution

2. Do the maps given in CH 1, 2, 3 & 4 and paste them in your history register.

3. Learn all the question answers of ch1, 2, 3 & 4.

4. Visit any one historical place in Delhi/ India and do a write up of one page on it. Use

it as a primary source and write at least 5 of your observations.




b) Give important information like – A) location B) Source of raw materials

c) Products they manufacture d) trade with other countries

Label and locate the following in an outline map of the world

1. Area of Iron & steel industry in U.S.A. and China

2. High Technology Industrial Centres of Japan

3. High Technology Industrial Centres of U.K.

4. High Technology Industrial centres of Developing countries

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CHAPTER 1: ACCOUNTING FOR PARTNERSHIP FIRMS- FUNDAMENTALS Q1) Calculate interest on drawings to be charged from partners in the following cases:

a) P&Q are partners in a firm. P draws Rs 5,000 pm and Q draws Rs 50,000 for personal use. Interest on drawings is to be charged @5%pa

b) X and Y are partners in a firm. X withdraws Rs 10,000 at the end of every month and Y draws Rs40,000 at the beginning of every Qtr. Interest is charged on drawings@ 10%

c) X,Y and Z are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1. Y draws Rs1500 at the middle of every month for 4 months ending on 30th April 2009. Interest on drawings is to be charged @ 8%pa

d) A and B are partners in a firm. A withdraws the following amounts during the year: Jan 31st 8000 Apr 1st 7000 Jun 15th 10,000 Sep 30th 6,000 Dec 31st 6,000 Interest on drawings is to be charged @ 10%pa

Ans1) a) Interest on drawing P-Rs1500, R Rs1250 b) Interest on drawings X Rs12,000 Y Rs16,000 c) Interest on Y;s drawings Rs80 d) Interest on A;s Drawings Rs1950

Q2) Josh and Krish are partners sharing Profits and losses in the ratio of 3:1.There capitals at the end of the financial year 05-06 were Rs1,50,000 and Rs1,75,000. During the year 05-06 Josh’s drawing were Rs20,000 and Krish’s drawing were Rs5,000 which had been duly debited to partners’ capital account. Profit before charging Interest on capital for the year was Rs16,000. The same had also been distributed in there profit sharing ratio. Krish had brought additional capital of Rs16,000 on Oct 1st 2005. Calculate interest on Capital @ 12% pa for the year 05-06 Ans2) Interest on Capital Kosh Rs18,960, Krish Rs8160. Q3) A and B are partners in a firm. On 1st April 2009 a Invested Rs1,00,000 initially but withdraws Rs20,00 at the end of 4 months and further withdraws Rs10,000 at the end of 9 months. B invested Rs80,000 initially and introduced Rs40,000 at the end of 6 months and further withdraws Rs 30,000 at the end of 10 months. Calculate interest of Capital @6%pa Ans3) Interest on capital A 5050, B 5700 Q4) X Y and Z are partners sharing Profits and losses in the ration of 2:2:1. X and Y are entitled to a salary of Rs30,000 and Rs20,000 and Z is entitled to a commission of 10% on the net profit. Net profit before charging salary and commission is rs1,20,000. Distribute profit among the partners. Ans4) Divisible profit Rs58,000

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Q5) P, Q and R are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5:3:2. They earned profit of Rs 4,00,000 during year ended 31st Mar2010. P is entitled to a salary of Rs10,000. Q is entitled to a salary of Rs20,000 and commission @ 10% on profit after deduction of expenses from it. R is entitled to a commission of 10% on the profit after charging such commission from it. Distribute profits among the partners. Ans5) Divisible profit Rs3,02,727 Q6) A and B are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2. On Jan 1st 2010 their capitals stood at Rs70,000 and Rs60,000. On April 1st 2010 A and B granted loan of Rs30,000 and Rs 40,000 to the firm. Show distribution of profits among the partners if:

a) Profits of the firm for the year ending 31st Dec2010 are Rs5,000 b) Profits of the firm for the year ending 31st Dec2010 are Rs 3,000

Ans6) a) Divisible profit Rs1850 b) Loss 150

Q7) A and B are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:3. On 1st Jan 2005 their capitals stood at Rs1,80,000 and Rs1,50,000. They agreed out of profits:

a) A and B should receive salary of Rs 1,000 pm and Rs 8,000 pa b) Interest on capital. should be allowed @ 5%pa on partners’ capital c) Interest will be charged on drawings @6%pa d) B should be given commission @3% on turnover

A’s and B’s drawings during the year were Rs15,000 and Rs12,000. Turnover for the year 2006 was Rs1,50,000. Profits for the year ended 31st Dec2006 were Rs90,000 . prepare profit and loss appropriation account and partners’ capital account Ans7) Divisible profit Rs49,810, Balance of capital A Rs2,05,474: R- Rs 1,87,526 Q8) Partnership agreement between X and Y provide that:

a) Profits will be shared equally b) X will be allowed a salary of Rs400 pm c) Y will be allowed a commission equal to 10% of the net profits, after allowing salary to X d) 7% interest will be allowed on Partner’s fixed capital e) 5% interest will be charged on Partner’s annual drawings f) The fixed capital of X and Y are Rs1,00,000 and Rs80,000. Their annual drawings were

Rs16,000 and Rs14,000. The net profit for the year ending 31st Mar 2006 was Rs40,000. Prepare Profit and Loss appropriation account. Ans8) Divisible profit Rs20,580 Q9)A ,B C are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:2:1. On Jan1st 2008 their capitals stood at Rs2,50,000, Rs1,50,000 and Rs1,00,000. For the year 2008 interest on Capital was credited to them @5%pa instead of 6%pa. Give the adjusting journal entry Ans9) Credit A account R500, Debit B ac/s byRs500

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Q10) X,Y and Z are partners in a firm. Interest on capital @ 5% pa was wrongly credited to the accounts of partners for 2 years ended 31st Dec 2008 and 31st dec2009 as there was no provision in the partnership deed for interest on Capital. Fixed capital of the partners were A Rs 1,00,000 B Rs80,000, C rs80,000. During the year 2008 partners shared Profits and Losses in the ratio of 5:4:1 and during the year 2009 Profit sharing ratio was 6:3:1. Pass necessary adjustment entry. Ans10) Debit Z by Rs5400, Credit Z Current a/c by Rs4300 and Y Current a/c by Rs1100 Q11)Nusrat, Sonu and Himesh are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5:3:2 . The partnership deed provides for charging interest on drawings @10% pa. The drawings of Nusrat, Sonu and Himesh during the year ending Dec2009 amounted to Rs20,000, Rs15,000 and Rs10,000. After the final accounts have been prepared, it was discovered that interest on drawings has not been taken into consideration. Give necessary Journal entry. Ans11) Debit Sonu capital a/s Rs75, and Himesh Capital a/s by Rs50, Credit Nusrat capital a/s by 125. Q12) Amar, Karan and Amit are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2:1. Amit is guaranteed by the firm that his share of profit in any year will not be less than Rs30,000. Profits for the year ending 31st Dec2010 were Rs66,000. Prepare Profit and Loss appropriation account. Ans12) Deficiency borne by Amar Rs11,400, By Karan Rs7,600. Q13) P, Q and R are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 2:2:1. R’s share of Profit is guaranteed to be not less than Rs40,000. Q gives guarantee to the effect that the fee earned by him will not be less than Rs65,000. Profits for the firm were Rs95,000. Actual fees earned by Q for the firm was Rs40,000. Prepare Profit and Loss appropriation account. Ans13) Deficiency borne by P Rs8,000, By Q Rs8,000. Q14) X and Y are partners with capitals of Rs 1,00,000 and Rs 80,000 respectively on 1st April,2013 and their profit sharing ratio is 2:1. Interest on capital is agreed @ 12%pa. Y is to be allowed an annual salary of Rs6,000. The profit for the year ended31st March, 2014 amounted to Rs50,000 . Manager is entitled to a commission of 10% of the profits. Prepare Profit and loss appropriation account and Capital account. Ans14) Divisible profit Rs17,400, Commission to manager is 10% of Rs50,000 i.eRs 5,000. Balance of Capital accounts X Rs1,23,600 and Y Rs 1,01,400 Q15) P& Q are partners sharing profit and losses in the ratio of 60:40. On 1st Apr,2014 their Capitals were P Rs5,00,000 and Q Rs3,00,000. During the year ended 31st Mar 2015, they earned a net profit of Rs 7,60,000. The terms of partnership are:

i) Interest on Capital is to be charged @ 8%pa, ii) P will get commission @3% on turnover, iii) Q will get a salary of Rs5,000pm iv) Q will get a commission of 5% on profit after deduction of interest, salary and

commission( including his own commission) v) P is entitled to a rent of Rs20,000pm for the use of his premises by the firm. It is paid

to him by cheque at the end of every month.

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Partners drawings for the year were P Rs40,000 and Q Rs30,000. Turnover for the year was Rs20,00,000. After considering the above factors, you are required to prepare Profit and Loss appropriation and the capitals accounts of the partners. Ans15) Share of Profit P Rs1,92,000 and Q Rs 1,28,000. Balance of Capital; accounts P Rs9,92,000 and Q Rs 4,98,000. Q16) A,B and C are partners in a firm,For six months ending 31st March,2007: A drew regularly Rs15,000 in the beginning of every month. B drew regularly Rs 20,000 at the end of every month and C drew regularly Rs25,000 min the middle of every month. Calculate Interest on drawings @ 10%pa for six months ending 31st March, 2007. Ans16) Interest on drawings: A Rs2,625; B Rs2,500; and C rs 3,750 Q17) A,B and C started business on 1st July 2006 . Calculate interest on drawing of Mr.B @9%pa for nine months ending 31st March 2007, if he withdraws Rs10,000om at the end of every month. Ans17) Rs2,700 Q18) A and B are partners sharing profits and losses equally with capital of Rs30,000 and Rs20,000 respectively. Their drawings during the year ending on 31st March 2013 are as follows: A’s Drawings on Rs 30/06/2012 2,000 31/07/2012 1,000 01/10/2012 1,000 01/03/2012 1,600 B drew Rs600 at the end of each month. The deed provided interest on Capitals and drawings at 10% pa. Calculate interest on capitals and drawings. Ans18) Interest on Capital Rs3,000; B Rs 2,000; , Interest on Drawings A Rs280; B Rs330 Q19) A and B were partners sharing profits in 2:1 ratio. During the year ended 31st March, 2009 A drawings were Rs5,000 pm drawn in the beginning of every month and B drawings were Rs2,500 pm drawn at the end of every month. After the preparation of final accounts, it was discovered that interest on A’s drawings @12% pa was not taken into consideration. Give the necessary adjusting entry on 1st April, 2009 Ans19) A’s Capital a/c Dr 1,300 To B’s Capital A/c 1,300 Q20) Kumar and Raja were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 7:3. Their fixed Capitals were Kumar Rs9,00,000 and Raja Rs4,00,000. The partnership deed provided for the following but the profit for the year was distributed without providing for :

i) Interest on Capital @ 9% pm, ii) Kumar salary Rs50,000 per year and Raja’s salary Rs3,000 pm

The profit for the year ended 31/3/2007 was Rs 2,78,000 Ans20) Kumar’s Current A/c Dr 11,100 To Raja’s Current A/c 11,100

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Q21) X and Y were sharing profits in the ratio of 2:1. On1st April 2014, they admitted Z for 1/4th share in the profits. Z is guaranteed a minimum profits of Rs 1,00,000 for the year. Any deficiency in Z’s share is to be borne by X and Y in the ratio of 3:2. Losses for the year ended 31st March 2015 amounted to Rs 1,20,000. Record necessary entries. Ans21)

i) First of all, loss of Rs 1,20,000 will be debited to X,Y and Z in the new ratio of 2:1:1 ii) Thereafter, Z’s deficiency of Rs 1,30,000 will be borne by X and Y in 3:2

Q22) A,B and C are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 4:3:2. It was provided that B’s share of profits will not be less than Rs1,50,000 pa. the losses for the year ended 31st Mar 2015 were rs85,000, before allowing interest on Loan of Rs1,00,000 taken from Sandhya on 1st June 2014. You are required to show necessary account for division of loss and pass necessary journal entries. Ans22)

i) First of all, loss of Rs90,000( 85,000+ Interest 5,000) will be debited to A B and C in 4:3:2.

ii) Thereafter, B deficiency of Rs 1,80,000 will be borne bu A and C in 4:2 Q23) A and B are partners in a firm. A is to get a commission of 10% of net profit before charging any commission. B is to get a commission of 10% on net profit after charging all commission. Net profit before charging any commission was Rs55,000. Find out the commission of A and B. Ans23) A’s commission Rs5,500; B’s commission Rs4,500 CHAPTER 2 : GOODWILL: NATURE AND VALUATION Q1. On April 1st,2008 an existing firm has assets Rs 75,000 including cash of Rs5,000. The partners’ capital account showed a balance of Rs 60,000 and reserves constituted the rest. If the normal rate of return is 20% and the goodwill of the firm is valued at Rs 24,000 at 4years purchase of super normal profits, find the average profits of the firm. Ans1) Avg Profits Rs24000, Super profit Rs9,000,Goodwill Rs18,000 Q2. The following were the profits of the firm for the last three years. Year of Ending 31st March Profits (Rs) 2009 4,00,000 (including abnormal gain of Rs 50,000) 2010 5,00,000 (after charging abnormal loss of Rs 1,00,000) 2011 4,50,000 (excluding Rs 50,000 payable on the insurance of plant and machinery) Calculate the value of firm’s goodwill on the basis of 2 years purchase of the average profit for the last three years. Q3. The capital of the firm of A and B is Rs 1,00,000 and the market rate of interest is 15%. Annual salary to partners is Rs6,000 each. The profits for the last three years were Rs 30,000; Rs 36,000; and Rs42,000 . Goodwill is to be valued at 2 years purchase of the last 3 years average profits. Calculate the goodwill of the firm. Ans3) Normal Profit Rs15,000,Suprer Profit 6,000, Avg Profit Rs21,000

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Q4) From the information given below, calculate the value of goodwill by super profit method: a) Avg capital employed in the business is Rs 18,00,000 b) Net trading profits of the firm of the past three years were Rs 3,22,800; Rs 2,72,100; Rs

3,37,500 c) Rate of interest expected from capital having regard to the risk involved is 12% d) Fair remuneration to the partners for their services Rs 36,000 p.a. not charged to Profit

and Loss account so far. Ans4) Actual Profit Rs 13,50,000, Avg Profit Rs4,50,000, Goodwil Rs9,00,000 Q5) In a partnership firm assets are Rs5,00,000 and Liabilities are Rs2,00,000. The normal profit rate is 15%. State the amount of Normal Profits. Q6) State the amount of goodwill, if the goodwill is valued on the basis of 2yrs purchase of last year’s profit. Profit for the last year was Rs 20,000. Q7) A firm has earned an avg profit of Rs55,000 during last year and the normal rate of return in similar type of business is 10%. Find out the goodwill by capitalization method assuming that the firm owns the total assets worth Rs5,50,000 including a goodwill of Rs50,000 and the firm has to pay Rs1,00,000 towards outside liabilities. Ans7) Goodwill Rs1,50,000 CHAPTER 3: CHANGE IN PROFIT SHARING RATIO Q1) What is meant by change in profit sharing ratio among the existing partners? Q2) Who should compensate whom in case of change in profit sharing ratio of existing partners. Q3) When there is a change in profit sharing ratio among the existing partners, does it require revaluation of assets and reassessment of liabilities? Q4) Anand, Bhutani and Chadda are sharing profits in the ratio 3:2:1. On 15th Apr 2007 they decided to share profits equally. Name the partners who are gaining as a consequence of such change. Q5) A,B and C are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2:1. C is facing acute financial difficulties and it is now agreed that they will share the future profits equally. You are required to identify the virtues involved in the change in profit sharing ratio. Q6) P,Q and R are partners sharing profits equally. They decided that in future R will get 1/5th share in profits and remaining profits will be shared by P and Q equally. On the day of change, firm’s goodwill is valued at Rs30,000. Give journal entries arising on account of change in profit sharing Ratio. Ans6) P debit Rs2,000, Q debit Rs2,000, R credit Rs4,000 Q7) X Y and Z are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 4:3:2. Goodwill does not appear in the books but it is worth Rs 36,000. The partners decided to share future profits in equal proportions. Give a journal entry to record the above change. Also indicate the individual partners gain or loss due to change in the ratio. Show your workings clearly Ans7) Debit Z by Rs4,000 and Credit X by Rs4,000

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Q8) A and B are partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2. On March31st 2003, their balance sheet showed a General Reserve of Rs54,000. On that day they decided to admit C as new partner. The new profit sharing ration between A ,B and C will be 4:3:2. Record necessary Journal entries under following circumstances:

i) When they want to transfer the general reserve in their Capital accounts. ii) When they don’t want to transfer the general reserve in their Capital accounts and

prefer to record an adjustment entry for the same. Ans8) i) Dr General Reserve by Rs 54000 Cr A’s Capital A/c by Rs32,400 Cr B’s Capital A/c by Rs 21,600

ii) Dr C’s Capital A/c by Rs 12,000 Cr A’s Capital A/c by Rs8,400 Cr B’s Capital A/c by Rs3,600

Q9) P,Q and R are in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 5:4:3. On 31st March 2003, their balance sheet was as follows: It was

decided that with effect from 1st April 2003, the profit sharing ratio will be 4:3:2. For this purpose following revaluations were made:

i) Furniture be taken at 80% of its value, ii) Stock be appreciated by 20%, iii) P&M be valued at Rs4,00,000 iv) Create Provision for DD for Rs 10,000 on debtors v) Outstanding expenses be increased by Rs3,000

Partners agreed that altered values are not to be recorded in the books and they also do not want to distribute General Reserve. You are required to post a single journal entry to give effect to the above. Ans9) Profit on Revaluation Rs15,000. Adjustment for Revaluation and General Reserve: Debit P by Rs2,5000 and Credit R by Rs2,500. Balance sheet Total Rs10,30,000 Q10) Anshu, Anju and Anupma are partners in a firm sharing profit in the ratio od 2:2:1. Their Balance sheet as at 31st March 2002 was as follows: BALANCE SHEET as at March 31st ,2002

Liabilities Rs Assets Rs

Sundry Creditors 50,000 Cash at Bank 40,000

Outstanding Expense 5,000 Sundry Debtors 2,10,000 General reserve 75,000 Stock 3,00,000 Capital Accounts Furniture 60,000 P 4,00,000 Plant & Machinery 4,20,000 Q 3,00,000

R 2,00,000 9,00,000

10,30,000 10,30,000

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Liabilities Rs Assets Rs

Sundry Creditors 65,000 Land 2,00,000 Bills Payable 7,000 Building 80,000 General reserve 48,000 Plant 1,60,000 Capital Accounts Stock 2,10,000 Anshu 2,40,000 Debtors 50,000 Anju 2,00,000 Cash 20,000 Anupma 1,60,000 6,00,000

7,20,000 7,20,000

Anshu, Anju and Anupma decided to share the profit equally, w.e f April 1 2003. For this purpose it was agreed that:

i) The Goodwill of the firm should be valued at Rs60,000. ii) Land should be valued at Rs3,00,000 and building and plant should be depreciated

by 5%. Stock be valued at Rs2,25,000. iii) Creditors amounting to Rs2,000 were not likely to be claimed and hence should be

written off. You are required to: a) Record the necessary journal entries to give effect to the above agreement, without

opening revaluation account; b) Prepare the Capital accounts of the partners.

Ans 10) Capitals: Anshu Rs2,70,200; AnjuRs 2,30,200; AnupmaRs 1,47,600. Balance sheet Total Rs 7,20,000. Chapter 4: ADMISSION OF A PARTNER Q1. A and B were partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3:1. They admitted C as new partner for 10% share in the profits and losses. Calculate the new profit sharing ratio between A, B and C. Ans1) New Ratio : 27:9:4 Q2. L and M are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio 7:3. They admitted N for 3/7 share which he takes 2/7 from L and 1/7 from M. calculate the new profit sharing ratio. Ans2)New Ratio 29:11:30 Q3. Anu and Hema are partners in a firm sharing profits as 2:3. A new partner Kavita is admitted. Anu surrenders 1/5 of her share and Hema surrenders 2/5 of her share in favor of kavita. Calculate new Profit sharing Ratio. Ans3)New Ratio 8:9:8 Q4. A and B are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 4:3. C is admitted as partner hence, new profit sharing ratio is 3:2:1. Find out the sacrificing ratio. Ans4) Sacrificing Ratio between A&B 3:4

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Q5. A and B are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2.They admitted C for 1/4th share. A and B decided to share future profits equally. Calculate new ratio and sacrificing ratio. Ans5) New Ratio 3:3:2, Sacrificing Ratio 9:1 Q6. Piyush and Deepika are partners sharing profits in ratio 7:3.They admitted Seema as a new partner, paying Rs4,000 as premium for 1/5th share, the new ratio being 5:3:2. Pass journal entries. Q7. A and B are partners in a firm sharing profit and loss in the ratio of 3:2. They admitted C into partnership for 1/3rd share in profits. C brings capital of Rs 20,000.Goodwill is valued at Rs 1,50,000. Show entries in the following case:

i) Goodwill does not appear in the books. ii) Goodwill appears in the books at Rs 9,000.

Q8. A and B are partners sharing profits equally. They admitted C into partnership. C pays only Rs 1,000 for premium out of his share of Rs 1,800 for 1/4th share in profit. Goodwill account appears in the books at Rs6,000. All the partners have decided that goodwill should not appear in the new firms’s books. Give the necessary journal entries. Q9) A&B are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 5:4. They admit C into partnership for 1/4th share. C is unable to bring his share of goodwill in cash. The goodwill of the firm is valued at Rs21,000. Give Journal entry for the treatment of goodwill on C’s admission. Q10) Deepak and Ganesh were partners in a firm sharing profits in 4:3 Ratio. They admitted Gogoi into partnership who has won a gold medal in the world boxing meet for 20% share in the profits. Gogoi acquired his share of profits in the ratio of 1:2 from Deepak and Ganesh:

a) Identify the value in admitting MrGogoi into partnership b) Calculate the new profit sharing ratio of the partners.

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Q1) List any two organizational objectives of management. Q2) In order to be successful, an organization must change its goals according to the needs of the environment. Which characteristic of management is highlighted in the statement? Q3) Name the level of management involved in:

a) Overseeing the activities of workers b) Taking key decisions

Q4) Ankit Enterprise ltd manufactures tea. The production department produces more tea than required and sales department is not able to sell total production. What quality of management do you think the company is lacking? Q5) Name the level of management the following Posts belong to:

a) Purchase manager b) CEO

Q6) What is meant by efficiency? Name the values which an organization inculcated among its employees when it promotes efficiency. Q7) ABC Ltd is leading automobile companies in which various departments are setting up their own objectives without paying any interest to the organization objectives. Name the values which are ignored by the departmental heads and the impact of it on the organization. Q8) A petrol pump needs to be managed as much as a hospital. Which characteristic of management is highlighted? Q9) Which dimension of management deals with translation of work into action? Q10) Mc Donald’s the fast food chain made major change in its menu to be able to survive in the Indian Market. Which characteristic of management is highlighted in the given statement? Q10) Soumya believes that the five functions of management that is planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling are needed in sports club, hospitals, schools etc. as they are not run on commercial bases:

a) Do you agree with Soumya? b) Identify and explain the feature of management ignored in the given case

Q11) An international cloth manufacturing company requires less labor hours and inputs to manufacture its products as compared to its competitors. However the company always fails to achieve its target production:

a) Do you think company is effective and efficient in its working? b) Can the company be successful in the long run?

Chapter 2: PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Q1) Prince, the manager of a business undertaking, is very lax with his fellow employees and subordinates. He does not give them parameters or rules for reporting to work and completion of assignments. Which principle of management is overlooked? Q2) “Workers should be encouraged to develop and carry out their plans for development”. Identify the principles of management formulated by Fayol.

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Q3) “A Manager should replace “I” with “We” in all his conversation with workers to foster team spirit”. Identify the principle of management emphasized here. Q4) Why does the principle of Unity of command not hold good in case of Functional foremanship? Q5) Which principle of management aims at securing the loyalty and devotion of employees by giving them kind, fair and just treatment? Explain the principle with suitable example. Q6) What are the adverse effects if the following principles are violated:

a) Unity of direction b) Remuneration of employees c) Order

Q7) What are the benefits of following principles: a) Subordination of individual interest with general interest b) Discipline c) Division of work

Q8) Which principle of management is violated if: a) A single employees performs a variety of tasks b) There is imbalance between an employee’s power and duties c) Employers do not respect agreements and honor commitments d) Employees pursue different objects under different plans e) Large scale organizations retain all authority at top level

Q9) What did Taylor want to communicate through mental revolution? Q10) Nikita and Salman completed their MBA and started working in a Multinational company at the same level. Both are working hard and are happy with their employer. Salman had the habit of back biting and wrong reporting about his colleagues to impress his boss. All the employees in the organization knew about it. At the time of performance appraisal the performance of Nikita was judged better than Salman. Even then their boss, MD Sharif decided to promote Salman stating that being a female Nikita will not be able to handle the complications of a higher post:

a) Identify and explain the principle of management which was not followed by this MNC. b) Identify the values which are being ignored quoting the lines of above Para.

Chapter 3: BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Q1) Demand for Sarees may be high in India, where as it is almost nil in France. Which feature of management if highlighted in this point? Q2) Define environmental scanning. Q3) Distinguish between economic and social environment of business. Q4) Define Privatization as a process of economic reforms briefly. Q5) Why is it said that Business environment is a relative concept? Q6) Banking Sector reforms have led to easier credit terms and better services. This is an example of a Key component of business environment. Name the component. Q7) ABC Ltd , a book publishing house published books on various subjects based on CCE pattern before any publishing house could print it. What advantages will this publishing house get? Q8) Suresh, a manager of a firm always takes into account the changes taking place in business environment while determining plans. He accepts changes readily and gives useful suggestion

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to the superior. He enjoys cordial relations with his co workers and makes plans in consultation with his team to achieve his organization goals:

a) Why is it important to analyze business environment? b) Which values are exhibited by Suresh/

Q9) An organization manufacturing paints has been enjoying a prominent market position since many years. It has been dumping it’s untreated poisonous waste on the river bank which has created many health problems for the nearby villages:

a) Explain the related environmental dimension b) Which values have been overlooked by manufacturer?

Q10) An American shoe manufacturing company launched a new range of foot ware with imprints of Indian Lords. The Indian community was full of anger to see the imprints of their lords on foot ware. Which dimension of business environment is highlighted in the given case? Which values are being ignored by the company? ** COMPLETE BUSINESS STUDIES PROJECT ON CHAPTER 2.-“PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT”



1. (2) Excel Industries has set up its new centre at Lucknow for its office and web based

activities. The company compound has four building as shown in the diagram below :

(g1) Suggest the cable layout of connections between the buildings.

(g2) Suggest the most suitable place to house the server, with a suitable reason.

(g3) Suggest the placement of the following devices with reasons : i) Repeater ii) Hub Switch

(g4) The Institute is planning to link its International office situated in New Delhi. Suggest the

best wired communication link with a very high speed connectivity from the following :

i) Telephone Analog Line ii) Ethernet Cable iii) Optical Fiber

The distance between the building layouts are:



Sai to Krishna 205m

Krishna to KGN 200m

KGN to Sai 195m

Sri Ram to Krishna 325m

Number of computers are

KGN Building 158

Krishna Building 125

Sai Building 200

Sri Ram Building 78

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2. A company in Micro Excel has 4 wings of buildings as shown in the diagram:

Computers in each wing are networked but wings are not networked. The company has now

decided to connect the wings also.

i) Suggest a most suitable cable layout of the connection between the wings.

ii) Suggest the most suitable wing to house the server of this company with a suitable reason.

iii) Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification:

1) Router 2) Switch / Hub

iv) The company is planning to link its head office situated in India with the offices at Reliance.

Suggest an economic way to connect it; the company is ready to compromise on the speed of

connectivity. Justify your answer.

3. Rewrite the following code segment using switch case instead of if else:

int sal ; if (sal <=10000)

System.out.print(“New year bonus is 2000”);

else if( (sal>=12000) && (sal <=15000))

System.out.print(“New year bonus is 5000”);

else if (sal=>20000)

System.out.print(“New year bonus is 7000”);


System.out.print(“Bonus not applicable”);

4. Convert the following into a FOR loop:

int i=99;


{ System.out.println(“”+ i+10) ;


} while (i<=33);

5. Rewrite following for loop into a while loop

int sum=0;

for(int i =1;i<=5;++i)

{ sum=sum+c; }

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6. Find the output for the following questions:

a. int x,y;


{ for(y=1; y<=4;y++)

{ System.out.print(" "+x); }

System.out.println(); }

b. x=5;



{ x=y/x; }

c. int m=10,n=7;


{ m=m+1;

n=n+2; }

d. int i, n;

n=0; i=1;

do {

n++; i++;

} while(i<=5);

e. int j=1, s=0;



System.out.println(j+ “+”);

s= s+j; j=j+j %3; } system.out.println(“=”+s);

f. a=5; b=2;


{ r= a%b;


b=r; }

jTextField1.setText(“ “ +a);

7. Write java code to assign the value 70 to variable Y. Then decrease the value of Y by 5 and

store it in variable Z.

8. Write Java code to assign the value 500 to variable x. Increase the value of x by 50 and store

it in variable y.

9. Write the values that will be assigned to x,y,z and t after executing the following code.

String s1, s2, s3, x, y, z;

int t;

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s3= “ aisse2016 ”;

x= s1.substring(5, 8);

y= s2.concat(s1);

z= s3.trim();

t= z.length();


1.a. Find and write the output of the following C++ program code:

Note : Assume all required header files are already being included in the program.

void main ( )

{ int *Point, Score [ ]={100,95,150,75,65,120};

Point = Score;

for (int L = 0; L=0; L--)

cout<<Score[L]<<"*"; }

b. #define Big(A,B) (A>B)?A+1:B+2

void main()

{ char W [ ] = "Exam";

int L=strlen (W);

for (int i=0; i<L-1;i++)

W [i] = Big (W[i],W[i+1]);

cout<<W<<end1; }

c. void Change (char text[] )

{ for(int i=0;text[i]!=’\0’;i+=2)



else if(islower(text[i]))


else text[i]=’@’; }

void main()

{ char text1[]=”SeARCH EArtH”;


cout<<text1<<endl; }

d. #include<iostream.h>


void main()

{ randomize();

char city[][10]={“DEL”,”CHN”,”KOL”,”BOM”,”BNG”};

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int fly;

for(int i=0;i<3;i++)

{ fly=random(2)+1;


} }

e. int a, b= 0;

int c[10]={10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19};



b+=c[a]; cout<<b;

f. #include< iostream.h>

void execute(int &b,int c=100)

{ int temp=b+c; b+=temp; if(C!=200)

cout<<temp<<b<<c<<endl; }

void main()

{ int m=90, n=10;




cout<<m<<n<<endl; }

g. #include<iostream.h>

int func(int &x, int y=10)

{ if(x%y==0)

return ++x;


return y--; }

void main()

{ int p=20,q=23;






cout<<p<<q<<endl; }

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2 .The following program is to find the reverse of a number. Some codes are missing in it.

Supply only the missing codes.

void main()


int n, rem, rev=0; cin>>n;


{ rem=______________; rev=_____________;

n= __________; } cout<<rev; }

3. Write the definition of a class RING in C++ with following description:

Private Members - RingNumber // data member of integer type

Radius // data member of float type

- Area // data member of float type

- Calc Area ( ) // Member function to calculate and assign // Area as 3.14


Public Members

- Get Area ( ) // A function to allow user to enter values of // RingNumber and

Radius. Also, this // function should call CalcArea() to calculate // Area

- ShowArea ( ) // A function to display RingNumber, Radius // and Area

4. Write a program to store the record of an employee with the following details:

Private members:-

Employee number as integer, name, address and pin code as string

Basic salary, hra rate, DA rate, PF rate, HRA,PF,DA,Gross and net salary as


calculate() – to calculate HRA,DA,PF,Gross and net salary

Public members:-

retempno()-function to return empno

retename()- function to return employee name

read_data()- to accept employee no, name, address, pin code, Basic

salary, HRA rate,DA rate,and PF rate, invoke function calculate to

calculate HRA,DA,Gross,PF and net salary.

display_data()- to display employee no, name, address, pin code, basic

salary, HRA, DA, PF, Gross and net salary of the employee.

Display the following menu for at least 5 employees:

Create – to accept data of 5 employees.

Salary statement:- to display payslip of all 5 employees.

Query on employee number- to accept empno and display

relevant data.

Query on employee name- to accept employee name and display

relevant data

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5. Write a program to implement Flats class draw process with the following specification:-

Private members:-

A data member to store 100 customers details where customer consist of

information as follows:-

registration no, customer name, address, contact no, city, flat

category, and bank details including bank name, draft no and draft


A data member to store actual number of customers.

Public members:-

A member function to store actual number of customers.

A member function to accept initial details of n numbers.

A member function to display all registered customer details.

A member function to display details of a customer for the given registration


A member function to display details of customers applied for a given flat


A member function to display regno, name, and contact details of n drawee

customers chosen randomly.


Read and write Answer for the following questions:

1. Distinguish between Positive Economics and Normative Economics.

2. Explain the Production Possibility Curve with the help of schedule and diagram.

3. Explain the Central problems of an economy.

4. Distinguish between Micro Economics and Micro Economics.

5. Explain the Consumer’s equilibrium in case of single commodity with the help of diagram.

6. Explain the properties of indifference curve.

7. Explain the Conditions of Consumer’s equilibrium using indifference curve analysis with the

help of diagram.

8. Explain the Law of demand with the help of demand schedule and diagram.

9. Distinguish between change in quantity demanded and change in demand.

10. Explain the Law of variable proportions with the help of schedule and diagram.

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11. Distinguish between Substitute and complementary goods with the help of diagram.

12. Explain the Law of diminishing marginal utility with the help of schedule and diagram.

13. Explain the Consumer’s equilibrium in case of two commodities with the help of utility


14. Explain the marginal rate of substitution with the help of schedule and diagram.

15. What are monotonic preferences? Explain why an indifference curve to the right shows

higher utility

II. Complete the project and submit the same on school reopens.