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Manchester, UK

MARCH 2003


Dear Non-Muslim,

Islamic organisations constantly

receive enquiries from non-

Muslims stating that they [the

latter] are considering whether to

convert* to Islam, or confirming

that they have already decided to

convert, and asking what their

next step should be. This paper

is intended as a guide to such

prospective Muslims; it is not

intended as a propagative

exhortation to pressurise non-

Muslims to convert to Islam

against their will.

Millions, of non-Muslims the

world over have already

converted to Islam, out of their

own free will, without duress of

any kind, over the 1,424 years of

Islam's history. So, if you

do convert, you will be joining a

multitude of fortunate people!

Most non-Muslims convert to

Islam after being profoundly

convinced of the truth by the

Holy Quran. So please read the

English meaning of the Holy

Quran, or the translation

of whichever language you use:

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Spanish, Swaheli,

German, Mandarin Chinese etc.

If you are thinking of converting

to Islam but are feeling

apprehensive, it's a good idea

to get advice from those Muslims

who were themselves formerly

non-Muslims. Once you

have decided to convert to Islam,

all you need to do is to go to a

Mosque or Islamic Centre and

you will be welcomed with open

arms. When you convert, you

first need to take a bath and then

declare the following [it is in





There is no

god except Allah and Mohammed

[PBUM] is the Messenger of Allah

And you will have become a

Muslim! After that, all you do is

to follow the rules of Islam with

all your heart, that's it - it's so

simple! There is no compulsion

or obligation for non-Muslims to

convert to Islam: the Holy Quran

makes this absolutely clear. But

believers are urged to preach

Islam to non-Muslims with 'a

beautiful preaching'. If, as a non-

Muslim, you become convinced

that upon converting you will,

Insha'Allah [by the Will of God] be

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saved from the Eternal Fire of

Hell, then no other decision you

make in your life can be as


Here are some points a Muslim in

the Mosque or Islamic Centre

would make to a non-Muslim to

help him/her in his/her decision to

become a Muslim:

Whoever you are, you are my

ultimately my brother or sister

because all mankind is

descended from Adam and Eve

[May Allah Bless them]. So your

race, nationality, status etc. are

of no particular concern to me or

any other Muslim.

Because you are my

brother/sister, I care for you. So I

don't want Hell to be your

destination after death. I want

God to be kind to you. I want you

to go to Paradise. Do become a

Muslim. Islam will give you


We live in a temporary

world. It is temporary because

there is no guarantee of life.

Death can come at any time.

Be a Muslim at the time of

your death. When you convert,

you will be forgiven all the sins

you accumulated while you were

a non-Muslim. Then when death

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does come, you will be in a much

stronger position to be forgiven

the sins you accumulated after

becoming a Muslim and will,

Insha'Allah, be Blessed on the

Day of Judgement.

Do not allow anti-Islamic

propaganda to beguile you. Islam

is a religion of peace and love.

Do not let your family and friends,

if they disapprove of you

converting to Islam, become a

barrier to your destiny. Your

loyalty to your Creator ought to

be greater than to those you love

[indeed God is the Maker of such

relationships]. No soul can bear

your burden on the Day of

Judgement, so it is your decision

alone. Moreover, you will be

alone in your grave, so your

family and friends won't be able

to help you if you die in disbelief.

The most I can do for you is

to tell you what is true: that if

you decide to believe, you will

gain Salvation and Eternal Bliss.

The most I can do is to tell you

so. The final decision as to

whether you should convert or

not is in your hands. I pray that

God be your Guide and Mercy.

Dr Umar Azam

* A more fashionable word nowadays is to 'revert':

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