Transcript of DRUG FACTS



OXYCODONEWhen someone is using an opiate drug like this one, they will have constricted pupils, they will be very sluggish, have delayed speech, and delayed mannerisms. Their mental functions and attention span will be limited. If the abuser uses needles, there will be obvious needle marks, and signs of infections around the needle site

METHADONEThe user feels more energetic, does not sleep for long periods, usually several days, and loses his or her appetite. It is common for meth addicts to lose large amounts of weight and look gaunt, thin and undernourished.

He or she will probably appear unusually active but may also act nervous and anxious.

BARBITURATESWhen barbiturates are taken they user of the drug may experience slurred speech, sluggishness, shallow breathing, fatigue, disorientation, and dilated pupils. Some have reported feeling as if they were drunk, or experience certain levels of euphoria. Long term use can be characterized as trouble with breathing, tired all the time, coordination issues, and an irregular period.

PHENCYCLIDINE (PCP)When a person is on this drug, their speech is generally garbled, sparse, or broken up. Eyes move up and down, and people on the drug can hardly move around, and walk like a normal person would. Their hand-eye coordination is terrible, they may drool on themselves, sweat a lot, and their face may appear flushed.


When taken as prescribed, amphetamines provide a person with more energy and increased alertness as well as appetite suppression. These can lead to an increase in the ability to concentrate and to feel more socially confident.


. MDMA acts on the serotonin levels in the brain that correspondingly increase sensitivity to the bodies pleasure receptors. This can translate as an increase in self-confidence, sexual arousal, mood enhancement, increased energy and a marked increase in tolerance to pain. Observers often notice facial tension in the user that often evidences as jaw clenching or teeth grinding.

Users experience a brief period of intense cramping or nausea followed by a rush of physical and psychological well-being


Methamphetamine is a stimulant that acts on the central nervous system causing increased heart rate, raised blood pressure and agitation. This metabolic increase can also diminish appetite, cause insomnia and inappropriate sweating.


Users may experience a brief wave of nausea or dizziness during the beginnings of the rush of effects of the drugs. This is quickly replaced by a euphoric feeling and intense drowsiness accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and dry mouth.


Cocaine causes a euphoric feeling within the user that is often described as a “rush.” Due to its effect on the central nervous systems, this high can be very short lived and can make the user feel highly energized

MARIJUANAA person who has ingested marijuana may exhibit one or all of the following symptoms: Dilated pupils, difficulty focusing, slurredor confused speech, inappropriate behaviour, delayed reactions, lack of coordination/loss of balance.Marijuana has a

distinctive smell, often described as similar to patchouli. It is common for people to attempt to mask the smell with air fresheners, incense or perfumes. Many people smoke it in combination with regular or hookah tobacco to disguise the odour.